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Pulsed Electric Fields in Food Processing: Fundamental Aspects and Applications (Food Preservation Technology)
by Q. Howard Zhang Gustavo V. Barbosa-CanovasPulsed Electric Fields (PEF) is one of the nonthermal processing approaches that is receiving considerable attention by scientists, government and the food industry as a potential technique to be fully adopted to process foods at the industrial level. PEF presents a number of advantages including minimal changes to fresh foods, inactivation of a wi
Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields for Clinical Applications
by Marko S. Markov James T. Ryaby Erik I. WaldorffPulsed Electromagnetic Fields for Clinical Applications presents the historical development, the state of art, and the future of the application of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) for the treatment of various medical problems, including initiating various healing processes from delayed fractures and pain relief to multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease. The emphasis is on the development of scientific methods to be implemented in clinical application. In perspective, this modality provides a practical, exogenous method for inducing cell and tissue modification attempted to the injured tissues to their normal physiological status. The book reviews the current state of equipment for PEMFs and highlights worldwide therapeutic achievements. It explores the past, present, and future of PEMF therapies. It presents the development of theory and laboratory research during the last 70 years. It reviews the available equipment for PEMF. It reviews the state of the art of worldwide therapeutic achievements. It includes recent achievements and applications of electroporation modalities.
Pulsed Electron–Electron Double Resonance: Nanoscale Distance Measurement in the Biological, Materials and Chemical Sciences
by Yuri D. Tsvetkov Michael K. Bowman Yuri A. GrishinThis book covers the basic theory and techniques, as well as various applications of pulsed electron–electron double resonance (PELDOR or DEER). This electron paramagnetic resonance technique is able to measure the distances and the distribution of distances between electron spins in the 1.5–15 nanometer scale; to determine the geometry of spin-labeled molecules; to estimate the number of interacting spins in spin clusters; and to characterize the spatial distribution of paramagnetic centers. As a result, PELDOR is now a popular method in EPR spectroscopy, particularly in the context of biologically important systems and soft matter and is also applied to problems in physical chemistry, biochemistry, polymers, soft matter and materials. Enabling readers to gain an understanding of the fundamentals of the PELDOR methods and an appreciation of the opportunities PELDOR provides, the book helps readers solve their own physical and biochemical problems.
Pulsed EM Field Computation in Planar Circuits: The Contour Integral Method
by Martin StumpfThe pulsed EM characterization of planar circuits is of high practical importance in many areas of science and engineering such as electromagnetic compatibility and antenna design. This book is hence devoted to the mathematical formulation and numerical analysis of arbitrarily-shaped parallel-plane structures concerning their pulsed EM propagation, radiation and scattering behavior. The key emphasis is on the time-domain reciprocity-based integral-equation formulations and their efficient numerical solution.
Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis
by Levy Ulanovsky Margit BurmeisterBurmeister and Ulanovsky's new volume on Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis presents step-by-step protocols for all users of this powerful methodology, whether novice or expert. The book features a wide range of PFGE techniques, auxiliary methods, and a diverse array of powerful applications. Each protocol is given thorough treatment by authors who have had extensive hands-on-experience with it. Indeed, many of the contributors have long provided assistance and troubleshooting advice to new users of PFGE during the early stages of its growth. Here they incorporate the benefits of their experience in the extensive Notes sections, which describe common problems and pitfalls and offer sensible solutions for dealing with them. Topics and techniques treated include: * FIGE, CHEF, OFAGE, TAFE, FORE, ODPFGE * preparation of DNA suitable for PFGE from: bacteria, protozoa, plants, mammals, and yeasts. * preparation and analysis of yeast artificial chromosomes (YACS) * mapping strategies * biological applications * theories and observations. In keeping with the well-known practicality of Humana's Methods in Molecular Biology series, Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis brims with protocols designed to work even the first time they are used.
Pulsed Laser Ablation of Solids
by Mihai Stafe Aurelian Marcu Niculae N. PuscasThe book introduces 'the state of the art' of pulsed laser ablation and its applications. It is based on recent theoretical and experimental studies. The book reaches from the basics to advanced topics of pulsed laser ablation. Theoretical and experimental fundamental phenomena involved in pulsed laser ablation are discussed with respect to material properties, laser wavelength, fluence and intensity regime of the light absorbed linearly or non-linearly in the target material. The energy absorbed by the electrons leads to atom/molecule excitation, ionization and/or direct chemical bond breaking and is also transferred to the lattice leading to material heating and phase transitions. Experimental non-invasive optical methods for analyzing these phenomena in real time are described. Theoretical models for pulsed laser ablation and phase transitions induced by laser beams and laser-vapour/plasma interaction during the plume expansion above the target are also presented. Calculations of the ablation speed and dimensions of the ablated micro- and nano-structures are performed. The validity and required refinement of different models in different experimental conditions is provided. The pulsed laser deposition process which bases on collecting the ablated particles on a surface is analyzed in terms of efficiency and quality of the deposited films as a function of ambient conditions, target material, laser parameters and substrate characteristics. The interaction between the incident laser and the ablation plasma is analyzed with respect to its influence on the structures of the deposited films and its capacity to generate high harmonics and single attosecond pulses which are highly desirable in pump-probe experiments.
Pulver und Schüttgüter: Fließeigenschaften und Handhabung (VDI-Buch)
by Dietmar SchulzeErfahren Sie in diesem Buch alles über die Eigenschaften von Pulvern und Schüttgütern sowie deren Anwendung in der PraxisDas theoretische Wissen um das Verhalten von Pulvern und Schüttgütern ist im Ingenieurwesen mittlerweile weit verbreitet. Beim Blick in die Praxis – speziell bei der Schüttgutlagerung in Silos – fehlt es jedoch nach wie vor an Vertrauen in diese Methode. Das möchte Dietmar Schulze mit diesem Buch über Pulver und Schüttgüter ein für alle Mal ändern. In seinem Buch erläutert er daher die Fließeigenschaften und -fähigkeiten dieser Komponenten und zeigt, wie dieses Wissen in die Gestaltung von Anlagenteilen wie Trichtern oder Silos praktisch angewendet werden kann. Anhand von Berechnungsaufgaben mit Lösungen können Sie Ihren aktuellen Wissensstand prüfen und erweitern.Von der Theorie zur Gestaltung von SchüttgutbehälternSchulze hat sein Buch über Pulver und Schüttgüter in zwei Bereiche aufgeteilt. In drei Kapiteln erörtert er die theoretischen Grundlagen zum Umgang mit Schüttgütern im Ingenieurwesen. Hier lernen Sie alles über: • Wechselwirkungen zwischen Partikeln• Fließeigenschaften und deren Messung• Einflüsse auf das Fließverhalten (z.B. Feuchtigkeit, Zeit, Fließhilfsmittelgehalt)Nach diesem theoretischen Grundlagen-Exkurs wendet sich der Autor der Schüttguttechnik in der Praxis zu. Schulze erläutert, wie Sie die gemessenen Fließeigenschaften zur funktionsgerechten Gestaltung von Schüttgutbehältern wie Silos und Trichtern anwenden können. Zudem bekommen Sie einen Einblick in apparative Aspekte sowie das praktische Messen von Fließeigenschaften – insbesondere mit Hilfe von Schergeräten.Die vierte, ergänzte Auflage – ideal für NeueinsteigerAbschließend befasst sich dieses Buch mit der verfahrenstechnischen Siloauslegung. Hier widmet sich der Autor Aspekten wie der Silogestaltung, dem Schüttgutaustrag, der Entmischung sowie dem Phänomen von Erschütterungen und Schwingungen in Silos. Für die vierte Auflage wurden in mehreren Kapiteln Ergänzungen vorgenommen, u.a. bei der Entmischung zur Probenahme und zur Bewertung der Mischungsqualität mittels statistischer Methoden, und bei der Siloauslegung mit weiteren Berechnungsdiagrammen.
Pulvermetallurgische Fertigungstechnik
by Paul BeissUnter den Oberbegriff Pulvermetallurgie fällt eine große Vielfalt an Verfahren und Produkten, von denen die Strukturwerkstoffe in der Technik die größte Wertschöpfung und Anwendungsbreite haben. Dazu sind sehr unterschiedliche Aufbereitungs- und Formgebungsverfahren entwickelt worden, die auf den Verarbeitungseigenschaften der jeweiligen Pulver beruhen. Eine Auswahl dieser Verfahren mit größerer technischer Bedeutung wird geschildert. Für Pulver, die unter Druck Grünfestigkeit entwickeln, hat das Matrizenpressen bei Raumtemperatur oder wenig erhöhten Temperaturen für die Formgebung von Bauteilen bis etwa fünf Kilogramm Masse mit weitem Abstand die wirtschaftlich größte Bedeutung. Hierzu gibt es zahlreiche Varianten für spezielle geometrische Anforderungen, z. B. Hinterschneidungen, die ausführlicher beschrieben werden. Im gepressten Zustand ist die Grünfestigkeit der Festigkeit von Kreide vergleichbar. Für die technische Anwendung bedarf es einer metallurgischen Konsolidierung durch Sintern, die aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen in schutzgasgefüllten kontinuierlichen Öfen unter Atmosphärendruck abläuft. Die Sinterbedingungen und bei kohlenstoffhaltigen Legierungsstählen die Abkühlbedingungen bestimmen das Gefüge und zusammen mit der Dichte die Festigkeitseigenschaften. Auf diese Prozesse wird detailliert eingegangen. Den Abschluss der Darstellung bildet eine umfangreiche Übersicht über mechanische und thermophysikalische Eigenschaften von Sinterstählen, besonders auch über deren Schwingfestigkeit.
Pump: A Natural History of the Heart
by Bill Schutt"Fascinating . . . Surprising entertainment, combining deep learning with dad jokes . . . [Schutt] is a natural teacher with an easy way with metaphor.&” —The Wall Street Journal A journey into the heartbeat of life on Earth. Millennia ago, when we first began puzzling over the mysteries of the human body, one organ stood out as vital. The heart was warm, it was central, and it moved as it pumped blood. The ancient Egyptians treated it with reverence, mummifying it separately from the body so that the soul inside it could be weighed. Aristotle believed that it was the seat of consciousness. Over the centuries, science has dispelled the myths, but our fascination with the heart has endured. From the origins of circulation, still evident in some microorganisms today, to the enormous hearts of blue whales, we journey with Bill to beaches where horseshoe crabs are being harvested for their life-saving blood, and under the sea to learn about the world&’s most natural antifreeze, flowing through the veins of icefish. And we follow him through human history, too, as scientists hypothesize wrongly and rightly about what is arguably our most important organ, ultimately developing the technologies that have helped us study the heart—and now, in the most cutting-edge labs, the tools that will help us regenerate it. Deeply researched and engagingly told, Pump is a fascinating natural history sure to be loved by readers of Mary Roach and Bill Bryson.
Pump It Up: Respiration and Circulation
by Steve ParkerTake a new look at the human body. Find out how your heart, lungs, and blood work together to keep you alive. Using interesting photos and facts, this book will really make you think about your body and the amazing things that go on inside you every second. You'll never feel the same way about yourself!
Pump Wisdom: Essential Centrifugal Pump Knowledge for Operators and Specialists
by Robert X. Perez Heinz P. BlochExplore key facets of centrifugal pump ownership, installation, operation, and troubleshooting The Second Edition of Pump Wisdom: Essential Centrifugal Pump Knowledge for Operators and Specialists delivers a concise explanation of how pumps function, the design specifications that must be considered before purchasing a pump, and current best practices in lubrication and mechanical seals. Readers will encounter new startup and surveillance tips for pump operators, as well as additional repair and replace considerations for maintenance decision makers, new condition monitoring guidance for centrifugal pumps, and expanded coverage of operator best practices. This latest edition of Pump Wisdom includes expanded coverage of areas critical to achieving best-in-class pump reliability, including commonly encountered issues and easy-to-follow instructions for getting centrifugal pumps to operate safely and reliably. This book also provides: Comprehensible and accessible explanations of pump hydraulics Simple explorations of the mechanical aspects of pumps with coverage of bearings, seals, impeller trimming, lubricant application, and more Safety tips and instructions for centrifugal pumps Perfect for chemical, petroleum, and mechanical engineers, Pump Wisdom: Essential Centrifugal Pump Knowledge for Operators and Specialists is also an ideal resource for operators, managers, purchasing agents, machinists, reliability technicians, and maintenance workers in water and wastewater plants.
Pumps and Pipes
by Alan B. Lumsden Ioannis Kakadiaris Mark G. Davies William E. KlineThe Pumps and Pipes collaboration and conference brings together energy, medicine, and higher education in a unique shared effort, exploring ideas and research common to these important fields and stimulating discussion and sharing technologies that can further the reach and goals of each individual area. The Proceedings explores the common attributes of oil and gas technology, computational sciences and cardiovascular medicine and probe the areas where there is room to cross-fertilize and develop research and commercial programs.
Pumps, Channels and Transporters
by Ronald J. Clarke Mohammed A. KhalidDescribes experimental methods for investigating the function of pumps, channels and transporters Covers new emerging analytical methods used to study ion transport membrane proteins such as single-molecule spectroscopy Details a wide range of electrophysiological techniques and spectroscopic methods used to analyze the function of ion channels, ion pumps and transporters Covers state-of-the art analytical methods to study ion pumps, channels, and transporters, and where analytical chemistry can make further contributions
Pumps for Chemical Processing
by J.T. McGuireA reference for the chemical engineer on the application, selection, construction, procurement, installation, operation, and maintenance of the three basic types of pumps used in chemical processing: centrifugal, rotary, and reciprocating. Emphasizes aspects that cause practical operating problems,
Punctuated Equilibrium
by Stephen Jay Gould"Punctuated Equilibrium" holds that the great majority of species originate in geological moments (punctuations) and persist in stasis. The idea was hotly debated because it forced biologists to rethink entrenched ideas about evolutionary patterns and processes. But as Gould shows here in his typically exhaustive coverage, the idea has become the foundation of a new view of hierarchical selection and macro-evolution.
The Punisher's Brain
by Morris B. HoffmanWhy do we punish, and why do we forgive? Are these learned behaviors, or is there something deeper going on? This book argues that there is indeed something deeper going on, and that our essential response to the killers, rapists, and other wrongdoers among us has been programmed into our brains by evolution. Using evidence and arguments from neuroscience and evolutionary psychology, Morris B. Hoffman traces the development of our innate drives to punish - and to forgive - throughout human history. He describes how, over time, these innate drives became codified into our present legal systems and how the responsibility and authority to punish and forgive was delegated to one person - the judge - or a subset of the group - the jury. Hoffman shows how these urges inform our most deeply held legal principles and how they might animate some legal reforms.
Punkten in 100 Millisekunden: Ihr Wegweiser für einen starken Auftritt
by Imme Vogelsang Eva Barth-Gillhaus Laura FölmerDieser Leitfaden für eine gelungene Selbstdarstellung bietet neben praktischen Ratschlägen unterhaltsame Ausflüge in wissenschaftliche Forschungsfelder. Studien belegen schon lange, dass Outfit und Auftreten maßgeblicher über Erfolg oder Misserfolg entscheiden als die reine Leistungsfähigkeit oder Fachkompetenz. Vor allem der erste Eindruck bestimmt, was ein Gegenüber vom anderen hält. Es lohnt sich, die Mechanismen zu kennen und anzuwenden: Persönliche Ausstrahlung und souveränes Auftreten sind für den Erfolg gerade im digitalen Zeitalter wichtiger denn je.Die Autorinnen verbinden praktische Ratschläge und Beispiele der Bereiche Kommunikation, Körpersprache und Kleidung mit soliden Ergebnissen z. B. der Hirnforschung. Sie erfahren, wie Sie vom ersten Moment an besser wahrgenommen werden und in unterschiedlichen Alltags und Business-Situationen mehr Wirkung ausstrahlen – übrigens auch bei Videokonferenzen auf dem Bildschirm. Die 2. Auflage wurde überarbeitet und um ein Kapitel zur neuen Lockerheit ergänzt.
Puppy Kindergarten: The New Science of Raising a Great Dog
by Brian Hare Vanessa WoodsThe New York Times bestselling authors of The Genius of Dogs take us into their &“Puppy Kindergarten&” at Duke University, a center to study how puppies develop, to show us what goes in to raising a great dog.Don&’t miss Brian Hare and Vanessa Woods in Netflix&’s film Inside the Mind of a Dog! &“A firehose of knowledge suffused with levity and charm.&”—Alexandra Horowitz, author of Inside of a DogWhat does it take to raise a great dog? This was the question that husband-and-wife team Brian Hare and Vanessa Woods hoped to answer when they enrolled one hundred and one puppies in the Duke Puppy Kindergarten. With the help of a retired service dog named Congo, Brian, Vanessa, and their team set out to understand the secrets of the puppy mind: What factors might predict whether a puppy will grow up to change someone&’s life?Never has cuteness been so cutting edge. Applying the same games that psychologists use when exploring the development of young children, Hare and Woods uncover what happens in a puppy&’s mind during their final stage of rapid brain development. Follow the adventures of Arthur, who makes friends with toy dinosaurs; Wisdom, the puppy genius; and Ying, who fails at cognitive games that even pigeons usually pass with flying colors. Along the way, learn about when puppies finally start to retain memories for longer than just a few seconds, or when they finally develop some self-control.Raising dozens of puppies on a college campus means you get pretty good at answering big questions, such as: When do puppies sleep through the night? How do you stop them from eating poop? How can we help our puppies grow up to be the best dogs they can possibly be? Whether you are a new puppy parent or a perennial puppy lover, Puppy Kindergarten will answer every question you&’ve ever had about puppies—and some you never thought to ask.
Pura Química
by Adela Muñoz PáezUn ingenioso recorrido por las partículas que nos han cambiado la vida. Antes de que el bótox revolucionara la estética fue utilizado como arma de guerra. Las pinturas rupestres se hicieron con el mismo compuesto básico que las actuales cremas solares. Las luces de Navidad emiten un mensaje similar al de los machos de las luciérnagas. El arsénico fue usado primero en las paredes de las casas acaudaladas que como artefacto mortal. Y ya en documentos sumerios aparecían referencias al té de sauce, en el que Bayer se fijaría para patentar la aspirina. Adela Muñoz Páez traza el camino entre pasado y presente a través de las partículas, átomos y moléculas que han configurado nuestro día a día. Con un estilo ameno, pero riguroso, acerca en esta serie de artículos la ciencia pura a lectores ávidos del más elemental de los conocimientos. «Los seres humanos somos capaces de pensar, sentir, vivir, gracias a una infinidad de reacciones químicas que tienen lugar en nuestros cuerpos. Por eso no tiene ningún sentido hablar de lo natural frente a lo químico, porque nosotros, como todos los seres vivos, somos química, pura química».
Pure and Functionalized Carbon Based Nanomaterials: Analytical, Biomedical, Civil and Environmental Engineering Applications
by Paweł K. ZarzyckiThis book describes in a comprehensive manner latest studies conducted by various research groups worldwide focusing on carbon and related nanomaterials. Fourteen chapters of this book deal with a number of key research topics and applications of pure and functionalized carbon nanomaterials and their hybrid nanocomposites. Specifically, the authors have presented interdisciplinary investigations including: (i) carbon nanoparticles and layers synthesis, (ii) analytical aspects of carbon nanomaterials and their characterisation under different conditions as well as (iii) various applications of carbon nanoparticles. They have reported and summarised key applications of carbon particles or nanoobjects in pharmacy, biomedicine, agriculture and food industry, water treatment, physicochemical analysis, optoelectronics, electronic and magnetic materials for supercapacitors or radar adsorbing materials, tribology, chromatography, electrophoresis, bioanalysis, nanobiocatalysis, biofuels production as well as environmental remediation.
Purification of Biotechnological Products: A Focus on Industrial Applications (ISSN)
by Pessoa Jr. Adalberto Beatriz Vahan Kilikian Paul LongThis outstanding text focuses on providing professionals and students working in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology field with the background necessary for developing of a product or process and with the necessary rigor required by federal regulatory agencies in the pharmaceutical industry. The material will enable teachers, lecturers and professors in biotechnology to prepare courses on basic concepts and applications for the purification of biotechnological products of industrial interest. These can be applied in practice, for example, with projects on purification development on an industrial scale or useful unit operations for the development of bioproducts of commercial interest.Features: Purification and development of new bioproducts and improvement of those being produced. Provides a background and concepts on the purification of biomolecules and with an industrial perspective. It allows professionals to understand the entire process of developing a biopharmaceutical or bio-food, from bench to industry in biotechnology; one of the fastest-growing sectors of the economy. It promotes the dissemination of information in a didactic way which is of paramount importance for interdisciplinary fields It enables the reader to follow step-by-step stages of the development of a new biopharmaceutical, and allows the optimization of existing processes.
Purification of Peptides in High-Complexity Arrays: A New Method for the Specific Surface Exchange and Purification of Entire Peptide Libraries
by Christopher SchirwitzChristopher Schirwitz's thesis focuses on improving the quality of in situ synthesized high-complexity peptide micro arrays. Micro arrays containing proteins or small protein fragments in the form of peptides have become of great interest in proteomic research. With the help of these microarrays a large number of potential target molecules can be screened for interaction with a probe in a short timeframe. However, protein and peptide micro arrays are still lagging behind oligonucleotide arrays in terms of density, quality and manufacturing costs. A new approach developed at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) has improved the synthesis of high-density peptide arrays. The current technology is capable of producing arrays with up to 40,000 different peptides per square cm by means of micro particle-based solid phase peptide synthesis. However, in situ synthesis approaches bear a conceptual disadvantage: The quality of the peptides is dependent on the efficiency of the synthesis so that peptide fragments are present in the resulting array among the desired full-length peptides. In peptide-protein interaction studies such peptide fragments. The central achievement of this thesis is the development of a new method allowing for the fast one-step purification of entire arrays without loss of resolution or spatial information. Christopher Schirwitz's work has resulted in a number of publications in high ranking journals.
Purifying and Indexing Technology for Nucleic Acids-Based Next Generation Storage Medium (Springer Theses)
by Hansol ChoiThis book introduces novel purification technology for the complex oligonucleotide libraries. Since the concept of synthesizing oligonucleotides (oligos) has been proposed, research fields such as nucleic acid-based therapies (CRISPR-Cas9, DNA/RNA vaccines, RNAi), synthetic biology, protein engineering, and DNA-based data storage have bloomed. The COVID-19 pandemic underscores the potential of nucleic acid-based technologies, such as vaccines or diagnostics. As they emerge as the most promising weapons against the current pandemic, increasing need for highly accessible nucleic acid purification technologies is expected. To meet this demand, an oligo purification technology that can be applied to complex oligo libraries and can purify oligos with single-base resolution is developed. In addition, the purification technology can be applied to highly complex oligo libraries of different lengths, enabling the simultaneous purification of complex oligo libraries with different lengths. The proposed technology can be easily accessed by users and would help accelerate numerous research fields that utilize oligos as fundamental building blocks.
Purinergic Receptors and their Modulators (Topics in Medicinal Chemistry #41)
by Vittoria Colotta Claudiu T. SupuranThis book overviews purinergic receptors that are playing key roles in human and pathophysiological processes. The book elaborates on how selective P1 and P2 modulators have been developed as therapeutics for a variety of diseases. It also provides an overview of current perspectives in the design of purinergic receptor modulators and future challenges such as the availability of selective ligands for all receptor subtypes.Divided into 12 chapters, this comprehensive volume also offers a multidisciplinary perspective on the historical evolution, starting with a chapter devoted to the roots and early discoveries of adenosine and its receptors, followed by a twenty-year retrospective on the synthesis, properties, and functional potential of adenosine receptor ligands, probes, and functional conjugates. In the next chapters, experts in the field delve into topics such as the therapeutic potential of adenosine receptor ligands in wound healing and fibrosis, the therapeutic benefits of A2A receptor antagonists, the A2B adenosine receptor as a target for brain ischemia or demyelination, the development and latest advancements in clinical trials of A3 adenosine receptor ligands. Other chapters describe bifunctional tools to study adenosine receptors, allosteric modulators of adenosine receptors, and new computational approaches to inspect adenosine receptor-ligand recognition processes. Furthermore, the book discusses the role of P2X4 receptors in immunity and inflammation. The final chapters illustrate CD73 inhibitors as antitumor agents, and bacterial ectonucleotidases as underexplored antibacterial drug targets. This book is a valuable resource for scholars working in the field of medicinal chemistry, as well as researchers in the industry, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of adenosine receptor biology and its therapeutic potential.
Purinergic Signaling: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2041)
by Pablo PelegrínThis volume aims to cover all major methodological aspects of research into purinergic signaling and to provide a foundation for studying them at molecular, biochemical, pharmacological, and physiological levels. Chapters guide readers through current knock-out and knock-in mouse models, in silico modeling, knock down purinoceptor expression, bioluminiscence resonance energy transfer, enzyme-based biosensors, recording P2X receptor electrophysiology, controlling P2X receptors by optogenetics, inflammasome activation, leukocyte migration, and cell adhesion. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Purinergic Signaling: Methods and Protocols will provide a sound basis for molecular, cellular, and physiological research into purinergic signaling in health and disease and will spark interest in this fascinating signaling process among researchers in many different and unrelated disciplines.