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Primary Science: Knowledge and Understanding (Sixth Edition)
by Debbie Wright John Sharp Graham A. Peacock Rob JohnseyThe Sixth Edition of this popular core text is the essential subject knowledge book for primary science. Helping trainees to establish and consolidate a secure subject knowledge and understanding of primary science, it promotes the development of confident, creative and effective teachers. This Sixth Edition is linked to the 2012 Teachers' Standards. Providing full coverage of the required subject knowledge for primary science, this is a core text for primary trainees working towards QTS. Self assessment questions enable reader to understand their own level of knowledge and an M level extension feature in all chapters suggests avenues for further study at Masters level. Research summaries include the latest works in primary science and throughout interactive tasks engage the reader with the text, helping them to link theory and practice. Trainees will find it helpful to use this book alongside Primary Science Teaching Theory and Practice. About the Achieving QTS series All the books in this successful series support trainees through their initial teacher training and guide them in the acquisition of their subject knowledge, understanding and classroom practice. All new titles within the series link to the 2012 Teachers' Standards and take into account recent changes in Initial Teacher Training.
The Primary Science and Technology Encyclopedia
by Christopher Collier Dan Davies Alan Howe Kendra McMahonUnique in its field, The Primary Science Encyclopedia brings together in one indispensable reference volume over 250 entries covering a wide range of topics and ideas. The book provides clear descriptions, definitions and explanations of difficult scientific concepts, carefully chosen to reflect the needs of those involved in primary science education. In addition, this encyclopedia explains clearly how to teach scientific and technological ideas in a relevant and appropriate way. Extended entries are included on topics such as creativity, thinking skills and theories of learning and the book also provides insight into cross-curricular work, assessment and classroom organisation in the primary science classroom. Compiled by authors with a wealth of experience in primary science and technology teaching, this book contains: Over 250 entries; Scientific definitions and pedagogical explanations; Extensive commentaries of current issues in primary science; A who's who of current and historical figures in the field of science and science education; Annotated further reading lists. This encyclopedia will be of interest to all teachers of 5 to 11-year-olds and anyone concerned with primary science and design and technology education.
Primary Science Audit and Test: Audit And Test (Achieving QTS Series)
by John Sharp Jenny Byrne Andri ChristodoulouIf you are a primary trainee, you must demonstrate a knowledge of science to be recommended for QTS. This popular, widely recommended, text helps you audit your knowledge of science and understand what learning you need to pass your course. A rigorous test helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses and can be revisited at key stages in your course as a tool to monitor and evaluate progress. The fourth edition has been updated in line with the new National Curriculum, includes more information on expanding and developing your knowledge of science and is linked to the 2012 Teachers' Standards.
Primary Science Curriculum Guide
by John StringerThis guide provides trainee teachers with an insight into the nature and teaching of primary science. It aims to introduce you to the ways in which children learn science, and to the science itself. Each Unit can be studied independently or used to support/prepare for school experiences. You will be directed towards additional reading, which will develop or confirm the subject knowledge you will need to achieve QTS. the curriculum guide is up-to-date, revised to take account of Curriculum 2000 and accepted 'good practice' in primary science teaching and learning. It is also flexible - many of the Units are stand-alone. They can be undertaken in any order, at your own pace, to complement school experiences. The Units are practical and feasible: the activities suggested can be undertaken by the non-specialist; in many cases without specialized equipment or access to large numbers of pupils. The guide is comprehensive, covering all the primary science elements in Curriculum 2000 and giving background information into other aspects of primary science teaching. It is also supportive - the guide suggests further texts to support trainees' own understanding of the scientific and pedagogical concepts involved. Additional reading draws on the TTA's list of approved key texts. The original text was piloted by students following a distance-learning PGCE course. It has been revised and updated in line with their comments and to meet Curriculum 2000 and Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage. The text was initially developed as a core text for the part-time distance-learning course at Liverpool Hope and is designed for trainee teachers on distance learning and flexible routes, returning, converting or overseas teachers.
Primary Science for Trainee Teachers
by James Archer Ms Judith RodenWith chapter sequencing following the new Curriculum, this book supports trainee Primary school teachers to make use of the opportunities presented in the new National Curriculum for effective and engaging Science teaching. Covering all of the areas of the new National Curriculum for primary science and offering insight into effective teaching, it helps you connect what you need to teach to how it can be taught. This comprehensive guide to teaching Primary Science will help you secure your subject knowledge, understand how children learn about science and know how to plan and teach effective and inspiring science lessons. Exploring opportunities in the new curriculum for creative and imaginative teaching, it shows you how to capitalize on opportunities to teach Science in a way that sparks children's interest. Includes the full National Curriculum Programme of Study for Science, key stages 1 and 2 as a useful reference for trainee teachers.
Primary Science: Knowledge and Understanding (Achieving QTS Series)
by John Sharp Rob Johnsey Debbie Wright Graham A PeacockAll the subject knowledge you need to teach primary science. The essential subject knowledge text for primary science. Secure subject knowledge and understanding is the foundation of confident, creative and effective teaching. This comprehensive text, covering the whole primary curriculum, includes interactive tasks, self-assessment questions and links to other resources in all chapters. Primary science matters. This 10th edition includes links to the ITT Core Content Framework and new content on children’s common misconceptions in science.
Primary Science: Knowledge and Understanding (Achieving QTS Series)
by John Sharp Rob Johnsey Debbie Wright Graham A PeacockAll the subject knowledge you need to teach primary science. The essential subject knowledge text for primary science. Secure subject knowledge and understanding is the foundation of confident, creative and effective teaching. This comprehensive text, covering the whole primary curriculum, includes interactive tasks, self-assessment questions and links to other resources in all chapters. Primary science matters. This 10th edition includes links to the ITT Core Content Framework and new content on children’s common misconceptions in science.
Primary Science: Knowledge and Understanding (Achieving QTS Series)
by John Sharp Rob Johnsey Debbie Wright Keira Sewell Graham A PeacockAll the subject knowledge you need to teach primary science. If you are training to be a primary school teacher, you need to understand what you need to know about primary science before you can teach it. To help you build your subject knowledge, this comprehensive text includes subject knowledge from each part of the primary science curriculum and comes with a wide range of resources so you can test you knowledge as you progress through the course. an online science subject knowledge audit with the ability to share results end of chapter self-assessment questions Interactive tasks a science subject knowledge checklist useful weblinks for primary science teaching Recommended further reading This new edition comes with a new chapter on science in curriculum.
Primary Science: Knowledge and Understanding (Achieving QTS Series)
by John Sharp Rob Johnsey Debbie Wright Keira Sewell Graham A PeacockAll the subject knowledge you need to teach primary science. If you are training to be a primary school teacher, you need to understand what you need to know about primary science before you can teach it. To help you build your subject knowledge, this comprehensive text includes subject knowledge from each part of the primary science curriculum and comes with a wide range of resources so you can test you knowledge as you progress through the course. an online science subject knowledge audit with the ability to share results end of chapter self-assessment questions Interactive tasks a science subject knowledge checklist useful weblinks for primary science teaching Recommended further reading This new edition comes with a new chapter on science in curriculum.
Primary Science: Teaching Theory and Practice (Achieving QTS Series)
by John Sharp Rob Johnsey Shirley Simon Alan Cross Diane Harris Graham A Peacock Robin James SmithAll you need to know about the theory and practice of teaching primary science. If you are training to be a primary school teacher, a knowledge of the primary science curriculum is not enough, you need to know HOW to teach science in primary schools. This is the essential teaching theory and practice text for primary science. It takes a focused look at the practical aspects of teaching and covers the important skills of classroom management, planning, monitoring and assessment, and relates them specifically to primary science. This new edition now includes a new chapter on creative curriculum approaches.
Primary Science: Teaching Theory and Practice (Achieving QTS Series)
by John Sharp Rob Johnsey Shirley Simon Alan Cross Diane Harris Graham A Peacock Robin James SmithAll you need to know about the theory and practice of teaching primary science. If you are training to be a primary school teacher, a knowledge of the primary science curriculum is not enough, you need to know HOW to teach science in primary schools. This is the essential teaching theory and practice text for primary science. It takes a focused look at the practical aspects of teaching and covers the important skills of classroom management, planning, monitoring and assessment, and relates them specifically to primary science. This new edition now includes a new chapter on creative curriculum approaches.
Primary Science Teaching Theory and Practice
by John Sharp Graham Peacock Rob Johnsey Shirley Simon Robin Smith Alan Cross Diane HarrisThe 6th edition of this popular core text provides the essential teaching theory and practice for primary science. It promotes effective teaching through secure pedagogical knowledge, covering the key skills of planning, monitoring and assessment and class management, and relating these specifically to primary science. This 6th edition is linked to the 2012 Teachers' Standards. With full coverage of the theory and practice required for effective and creative science teaching, this text is an essential guide for all trainees working towards QTS. Throughout, practical guidance and features support trainees to translate this learning to the classroom, embed ICT in their lessons and to understand the wider context of their teaching. Trainees will find it helpful to use this book alongside Primary Science Knowledge and Understanding. About the Achieving QTS series All the books in this successful series support trainees through their initial teacher training and guide them in the acquistion of their subject knowledge, understanding and classroom practice. All new titles within the series link to the 2012 Teachers' Standards and take into account recent changes in Initial Teacher Training.
Primary Theory of Electromagnetics
by Hyo J. EomThis is a textbook on electromagnetics for undergraduate students in electrical engineering, information, and communications. The book contents are very compact and brief compared to other commonly known electromagnetic books for undergraduate students. The book emphasizes mathematical aspects of basic electromagnetic theory. The book presents basic electromagnetic theory starting from static fields to time-varying fields. Topics are divided into static electric fields, static magnetic fields, time-varying fields, and electromagnetic waves. The goal of this textbook is to lead students away from memorization, but towards a deeper understanding of formulas that are used in electromagnetic theory. Many formulas commonly used for electromagnetic analysis are mathematically derived from a few empirical laws. Physical interpretations of formulas are de-emphasized. Each important formula is framed to indicate its significance. This book shows a clear and rigorous account of formulas in a consistent manner, thus letting students understand how electromagnetic formulas are related to each other.
Primary Tooth Development in Infancy: A Text and Atlas
by P. Sema Aka Murat Yagan Nergis Canturk Rukiye DagalpThis color atlas and textbook describes the initial phase of human dentition. It includes more than 1,500 photographs of fetal and infant teeth up to the age of one year. Photographs with concise explanatory text depict steps of these developmental phases. The teeth are photographed from six different aspects: buccal, lingual, mesial, distal, incisal, and from the root direction. A supplementary software program for age estimation from dental measurements can also be used in conjunction with the material in this text.
Primate Audition: Ethology and Neurobiology (Frontiers in Neuroscience)
by Asif A. GhazanfarBringing together the knowledge of world experts on different aspects of primate auditory function, this book bridges the epistemological gap between primate ethologists and auditory neurobiologists. Leading ethologists, comparative psychologists, and neuroscientists who have developed new experimental approaches apply their methods to a variety of issues dealing with primate vocal behavior and the neurobiology of the primate auditory system. The synthesis of ethological and neurobiological approaches to primate vocal behavior presented in this book will yield a rich understanding of the acoustic and neural bases of primate audition and shed light on the evolutionary precursors to speech.
Primate Change: How the world we made is remaking us
by Vybarr Cregan-Reid'A work of remarkable scope' - GuardianFT Best science books of 2018Primate Change has been adapted into a radio series for the BBC WORLD SERVICE.*This is the road from climate change to primate change.PRIMATE CHANGE is a wide-ranging, polemical look at how and why the human body has changed since humankind first got up on two feet. Spanning the entirety of human history - from primate to transhuman - Vybarr Cregan-Reid's book investigates where we came from, who we are today and how modern technology will change us beyond recognition.In the last two hundred years, humans have made such a tremendous impact on the world that our geological epoch is about to be declared the 'Anthropocene', or the Age of Man. But while we have been busy changing the shape of the world we inhabit, the ways of living that we have been building have, as if under the cover of darkness, been transforming our bodies and altering the expression of our DNA, too.Primate Change beautifully unscrambles the complex architecture of our modern human bodies, built over millions of years and only starting to give up on us now.'Our bodies are in a shock. Modern living is as bracing to the human body as jumping through a hole in the ice. Our bodies do not know what century they were born into and they are defending and deforming themselves in response.'
Primate Change: How the world we made is remaking us
by Vybarr Cregan-ReidIF YOU THINK YOU ARE YOU, THINK AGAIN.PRIMATE CHANGE is a wide-ranging, polemical look at how and why the human body has changed since humankind first got up on two feet. Spanning the entirety of human history - from primate to transhuman - Vybarr Cregan-Reid's book investigates where we came from, who we are today and how modern technology will change us beyond recognition.In the last two hundred years, humans have made such a tremendous impact on the world that our geological epoch is about to be declared the 'Anthropocene', or the Age of Man. But while we have been busy changing the shape of the world we inhabit, the ways of living that we have been building have, as if under the cover of darkness, been transforming our bodies and altering the expression of our DNA, too.PRIMATE CHANGE beautifully unscrambles the complex architecture of our modern human bodies, built over millions of years and only starting to give up on us now.'Our bodies are in a shock. Modern living is as bracing to the human body as jumping through a hole in the ice. Our bodies do not know what century they were born into and they are defending and deforming themselves in response'
Primate Change: How the world we made is remaking us
by Vybarr Cregan-ReidIF YOU THINK YOU ARE YOU, THINK AGAIN.PRIMATE CHANGE is a wide-ranging, polemical look at how and why the human body has changed since humankind first got up on two feet. Spanning the entirety of human history - from primate to transhuman - Vybarr Cregan-Reid's book investigates where we came from, who we are today and how modern technology will change us beyond recognition.In the last two hundred years, humans have made such a tremendous impact on the world that our geological epoch is about to be declared the 'Anthropocene', or the Age of Man. But while we have been busy changing the shape of the world we inhabit, the ways of living that we have been building have, as if under the cover of darkness, been transforming our bodies and altering the expression of our DNA, too.PRIMATE CHANGE beautifully unscrambles the complex architecture of our modern human bodies, built over millions of years and only starting to give up on us now.'Our bodies are in a shock. Modern living is as bracing to the human body as jumping through a hole in the ice. Our bodies do not know what century they were born into and they are defending and deforming themselves in response'(p) 2018 Octopus Publishing Group
Primate Communication
by Katja Liebal Bridget M. Waller Anne M. Burrows Katie E. Slocombe Katja Liebal Bridget M. Waller Anne M. BurrowsPrimates communicate with each other using a wide range of signals: olfactory signals to mark territories, screams to recruit help while fighting, gestures to request food and facial expressions to initiate play. Primate Communication brings together research on all forms of interchange and discusses what we know about primate communication via vocal, gestural, facial, olfactory and integrated multimodal signals in relation to a number of central topics. It explores the morphological, neural and cognitive foundations of primate communication through discussion of cutting-edge research. By considering signals from multiple modalities and taking a unified multimodal approach, the authors offer a uniquely holistic overview of primate communication, discussing what we know, what we don't know and what we may currently misunderstand about communication across these different forms. It is essential reading for researchers interested in primate behaviour, communication and cognition, as well as students of primatology, psychology, anthropology and cognitive sciences.
Primate Comparative Anatomy
by Daniel L. GeboA comprehensive, illustrated textbook that reveals the structural and functional anatomy of primates.Winner of the CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title of the Choice ACRLWhy do orangutan arms closely resemble human arms? What is the advantage to primates of having long limbs? Why do primates have forward-facing eyes? Answers to questions such as these are usually revealed by comparative studies of primate anatomy.In this heavily illustrated, up-to-date textbook, primate anatomist Daniel L. Gebo provides straightforward explanations of primate anatomy that move logically through the body plan and across species. Including only what is essential in relation to soft tissues, the book relies primarily on bony structures to explain the functions and diversity of anatomy among living primates. Ideal for college and graduate courses, Gebo's book will also appeal to researchers in the fields of mammalogy, primatology, anthropology, and paleontology.Included in this book are discussions of:• Phylogeny• Adaptation• Body size• The wet- and dry-nosed primates• Bone biology• Musculoskeletal mechanics• Strepsirhine and haplorhine heads• Primate teeth and diets• Necks, backs, and tails• The pelvis and reproduction• Locomotion• Forelimbs and hindlimbs• Hands and feet• Grasping toes
Primate Conservation Biology
by Guy Cowlishaw Robin DunbarFrom the snub-nosed monkeys of China to the mountain gorillas of central Africa, our closest nonhuman relatives are in critical danger worldwide. A recent report, for example, warns that nearly 20 percent of the world's primates may go extinct within the next ten or twenty years. In this book Guy Cowlishaw and Robin Dunbar integrate cutting-edge theoretical advances with practical management priorities to give scientists and policymakers the tools they need to help keep these species from disappearing forever.Primate Conservation Biology begins with detailed overviews of the diversity, life history, ecology, and behavior of primates and the ways these factors influence primate abundance and distribution. Cowlishaw and Dunbar then discuss the factors that put primates at the greatest risk of extinction, especially habitat disturbance and hunting. The remaining chapters present a comprehensive review of conservation strategies and management practices, highlighting the key issues that must be addressed to protect primates for the future.
Primate Ethology
by Pendleton HerringThis is a groundbreaking workwhich brought together studiesof monkeys and apes from boththe laboratory and the field. Manybroad aspects of primate life,including facial expressions,sexual signals, grooming, play,social organization and parental care, are covered bythe contributors and provided a whole new approach toprimate behavior.
Primate Evolution and Human Origins
by Russell L. CiochonPrimate Evolution and Human Origins compiles, for the first time, the major ideas and publications that have shaped our current view of the evolutionary biology of the primates and the origin of the human line. Designed for freshmen-to-graduate students in anthropology, paleontology, and biology, the book is a unique collection of classic papers, culled from the past 20 years of research. It is also an important reference for academicians and researchers, as it covers the entire scope of primate and human evolution (with an emphasis on the fossil record). A comprehensive bibliography cites over 2000 significant articles not found in the main text.
The Primate Family Tree: The Amazing Diversity of Our Closest Relatives
by Ian RedmondThis book examines the nature of primates in each branch of the primate family tree, exploring their origins, evolutionary links and differences between primate groups, primate behavior, social structures, relationships with humans, primate habitats, their prospects for survival, and conservation issues.
Primate Life Histories, Sex Roles, and Adaptability: Essays in Honour of Linda M. Fedigan (Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects)
by Urs Kalbitzer Katharine M. JackProfessor Linda M. Fedigan, Member of the Order of Canada and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, has made major contributions to our understanding of the behavioural ecology of primates. Furthermore, Linda Fedigan pioneered and continues to advance scholarship on the role of women in science, as well as actively promoting the inclusion of women in the academy. A symposium in honour of her career was held in Banff (Alberta, Canada) in December 2016, during which former and current students and collaborators, as well as scientists with similar research interests, presented and discussed their work and their connections to Linda Fedigan. These presentations and discussions are here presented as chapters in this festschrift. The original works presented in this book are organized around four major research areas that have been greatly advanced and influenced by Linda Fedigan:Primate life historiesSex roles, gender, and sciencePrimate-environment interactionsPrimate adaptation to changing environments