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QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter (Princeton Science Library #33)
by A. Zee Richard P. FeynmanCelebrated for his brilliantly quirky insights into the physical world, Nobel laureate Richard Feynman also possessed an extraordinary talent for explaining difficult concepts to the general public. Here Feynman provides a classic and definitive introduction to QED (namely, quantum electrodynamics), that part of quantum field theory describing the interactions of light with charged particles. Using everyday language, spatial concepts, visualizations, and his renowned "Feynman diagrams" instead of advanced mathematics, Feynman clearly and humorously communicates both the substance and spirit of QED to the layperson. A. Zee's introduction places Feynman's book and his seminal contribution to QED in historical context and further highlights Feynman's uniquely appealing and illuminating style.
Q'eqchi' Maya Reproductive Ethnomedicine
by Jillian De GezelleThe Q'eqchi' Maya of Belize have an extensive pharmacopoeia of medicinal plants used traditionally for reproductive health and fertility, utilizing more than 60 plant species for these health treatments. Ten species were selected for investigation of their estrogenic activity using a reporter gene assay. Nine of the species were estrogenic, four of the species were also antiestrogenic, and two of the extracts were cytotoxic to the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line. Women's healing traditions are being lost in the Q'eqchi' communities of Belize at an accelerated rate, due to a combination of factors including: migration from Guatemala disrupting traditional lines of knowledge transmission; perceived disapproval by biomedical authorities; women's limited mobility due to domestic obligations; and lack of confidence stemming from the devaluation of women's knowledge. Q'eqchi' medicinal plant knowledge is highly gendered with women and men using different species in traditional health treatments. Revitalizing women's healing practices is vital for maintaining the traditional knowledge needed to provide comprehensive healthcare for Belize's indigenous communities.
QGIS and Applications in Agriculture and Forest
by Nicolas Baghdadi Clément Mallet Mehrez ZribiThese four volumes present innovative thematic applications implemented using the open source software QGIS. These are applications that use remote sensing over continental surfaces. The volumes detail applications of remote sensing over continental surfaces, with a first one discussing applications for agriculture. A second one presents applications for forest, a third presents applications for the continental hydrology, and finally the last volume details applications for environment and risk issues.
QGIS and Applications in Territorial Planning
by Nicolas Baghdadi Clément Mallet Mehrez ZribiThese four volumes present innovative thematic applications implemented using the open source software QGIS. These are applications that use remote sensing over continental surfaces. The volumes detail applications of remote sensing over continental surfaces, with a first one discussing applications for agriculture. A second one presents applications for forest, a third presents applications for the continental hydrology, and finally the last volume details applications for environment and risk issues.
QGIS and Generic Tools
by Nicolas Baghdadi Clément Mallet Mehrez ZribiThese four volumes present innovative thematic applications implemented using the open source software QGIS. These are applications that use remote sensing over continental surfaces. The volumes detail applications of remote sensing over continental surfaces, with a first one discussing applications for agriculture. A second one presents applications for forest, a third presents applications for the continental hydrology, and finally the last volume details applications for environment and risk issues.
QM/MM Studies of Light-responsive Biological Systems (Challenges and Advances in Computational Chemistry and Physics #31)
by Tadeusz Andruniów Massimo OlivucciThis book, a consecutive contribution to the series Challenges and Advances in Computational Chemistry and Physics, focuses on understanding the photoinduced processes in biological systems. Understanding and fine control of light fate in molecules is vital for the progress of society and environmental safety. Light induced changes of various physico-chemical and spectroscopic properties in nucleic acids and proteins is the basis of fundamental biological events such as vision, DNA photodamage or photosensing. The investigation of these processes is challenging to both theoretical and experimental studies. This volume encompasses the quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics theory in several subfields, including: advanced computational methods for nucleic acids and proteins systems; dynamics, spectroscopic and physico-chemical properties of biological photoreceptors; DNA photodamage. This book is of interest to readers in both fundamental and application-oriented research by overviewing recent achievements in computational modeling of excited states in nucleic acids and proteins.
QRB vol 95 num 3
by The University of Chicago PressThis is volume 95 issue 3 of The Quarterly Review of Biology. The Quarterly Review of Biology (QRB) has presented insightful historical, philosophical, and technical treatments of important biological topics since 1926. As the premier review journal in biology, the QRB publishes outstanding review articles of generous length that are guided by an expansive, inclusive, and often humanistic understanding of biology. Beyond the core biological sciences, the QRB is also an important review journal for scholars in related areas, including policy studies and the history and philosophy of science. A comprehensive section of reviews on new biological books provides educators and researchers with information on the latest publications in the life sciences.
QSPR/QSAR Analysis Using SMILES and Quasi-SMILES (Challenges and Advances in Computational Chemistry and Physics #33)
by Alla P. Toropova Andrey A. ToropovThis contributed volume overviews recently presented approaches for carrying out QSPR/QSAR analysis by using a simplifying molecular input-line entry system (SMILES) to represent the molecular structure. In contrast to traditional SMILES, quasi-SMILES is a sequence of special symbols-codes that reflect molecular features and codes of experimental conditions. SMILES and quasi-SMILES serve as a basis to develop QSPR/QSAR as well Nano-QSPR/QSAR via the Monte Carlo calculation that provides the so-called optimal descriptors for QSPR/QSAR models. The book presents a reliable technology for developing Nano-QSPR/QSAR while it also includes the description of the algorithms of the Monte Carlo optimization. It discusses the theory and practice of the technique of variational authodecoders (VAEs) based on SMILES and analyses in detail the index of ideality of correlation (IIC) and the correlation intensity index (CII) which are new criteria for the predictive potential of the model. The mathematical apparatus used is simple so that students of relevant specializations can easily follow. This volume is a valuable contribution to the field and will be of great interest to developers of models of physicochemical properties and biological activity, chemical technologists, and toxicologists involved in the area of drug design.
The Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization Problem: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
by Abraham P. PunnenThe quadratic binary optimization problem (QUBO) is a versatile combinatorial optimization model with a variety of applications and rich theoretical properties. Application areas of the model include finance, cluster analysis, traffic management, machine scheduling, VLSI physical design, physics, quantum computing, engineering, and medicine. In addition, various mathematical optimization models can be reformulated as a QUBO, including the resource constrained assignment problem, set partitioning problem, maximum cut problem, quadratic assignment problem, the bipartite unconstrained binary optimization problem, among others.This book presents a systematic development of theory, algorithms, and applications of QUBO. It offers a comprehensive treatment of QUBO from various viewpoints, including a historical introduction along with an in-depth discussion of applications modelling, complexity and polynomially solvable special cases, exact and heuristic algorithms, analysis of approximation algorithms, metaheuristics, polyhedral structure, probabilistic analysis, persistencies, and related topics. Available software for solving QUBO is also introduced, including public domain, commercial, as well as quantum computing based codes.
Quadruplex Nucleic Acids
by David Graves Jonathan B. ChairesGaining Insights into the Small Molecule Targeting of the G-Quadruplex in the c-MYC Promoter Using NMR and an Allele-Specific Transcriptional Assay, by Christine E. Kaiser, Vijay Gokhale, Danzhou Yang and Laurence H. Hurley.- Higher-Order Quadruplex Structures, by Luigi Petraccone.- Investigation of Quadruplex Structure Under Physiological Conditions Using In-Cell NMR, by Robert Hänsel, Silvie Foldynová-Trantírková, Volker Dötsch and Lukás Trantírek.- Circular Dichroism of Quadruplex Structures, by Antonio Randazzo, Gian Piero Spada and Mateus Webba da Silva.- Molecular Crowding and Hydration Regulating of G-Quadruplex Formation, by Daisuke Miyoshi, Takeshi Fujimoto and Naoki Sugimoto.- Visualizing the Quadruplex: From Fluorescent Ligands to Light-Up Probes, by Eric Largy, Anton Granzhan, Florian Hamon, Daniela Verga and Marie-Paule Teulade-Fichou.- Calculation of Hydrodynamic Properties for G-Quadruplex Nucleic Acid Structures from in silico Bead Models, by Huy T. Le, Robert Buscaglia, William L. Dean, Jonathan B. Chaires and John O. Trent.- Energetics of Ligand Binding to G-Quadruplexes, Concetta Giancola and Bruno Pagano.- Tetramolecular Quadruplex Stability and Assembly, by Phong Lan Thao Tran, Anne De Cian, Julien Gros, Rui Moriyama and Jean-Louis Mergny.
Quagga and Zebra Mussels: Biology, Impacts, and Control, Second Edition
by Thomas F. Nalepa Don W. SchloesserThe introduction and rapid spread of two Eurasian mussel species, Dreissena polymorpha (zebra mussel) and Dreissena rostriformis bugensis (quagga mussel), in waters of North America has caused great concern among industrial and recreational water users. These invasive species can create substantial problems for raw water users such as water treatme
Qualitative Mathematics for the Social Sciences: Mathematical Models for Research on Cultural Dynamics (Cultural Dynamics of Social Representation)
by Lee RudolphIn this book Lee Rudolph brings together international contributors who combine psychological and mathematical perspectives to analyse how qualitative mathematics can be used to create models of social and psychological processes. Bridging the gap between the fields with an imaginative and stimulating collection of contributed chapters, the volume updates the current research on the subject, which until now has been rather limited, focussing largely on the use of statistics. Qualitative Mathematics for the Social Sciences contains a variety of useful illustrative figures, introducing readers from the social sciences to the rich contribution that modern mathematics has made to our knowledge of logic, structures, and dynamic systems. A beguiling array of conceptual systems, topological models and fractals are discussed which transcend the application of statistics, and bring a fresh perspective to the study of social representations. The wide selection of qualitative mathematical methodologies discussed in this volume will be hugely valuable to higher-level undergraduate and postgraduate students of psychology, sociology and mathematics. It will also be useful for researchers, academics and professionals from the social sciences who want a firmer grasp on the use of qualitative mathematics.
Qualitative Methods in Economics (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy)
by Mirjana Radović-Marković Beatrice Avolio AlecchiDespite numerous books on research methodology, many have failed to present a complete, hands-on, practical book to lead college classes or individuals through the research process. We are seeing more and more scientific papers from all research fields that fail to meet the basic criteria in terms of research methods, as well as the structure, writing style and presentation of results. This book aims to address this gap in the market by providing an authoritative, easy to follow guide to research methods and how to apply them. Qualitative Methods in Economics is focused not only on the research methods/techniques but also the methodology. The main objective of this book is to discuss qualitative methods and their use in economics and social science research. Chapters identify several of the research approaches commonly used in social studies, from the importance of the role of science through to the techniques of data collection. Using an example research paper to examine the methods used to present the research, the second half of this book breaks down how to present and format your results successfully. This book will be of use to students and researchers who want to improve their research methods and read up on the new and cutting edge advances in research methods, as well as those who like to study ways to improve the research process.
Qualitative Methods In Quantum Theory
by MigdalThis unique book, written by a leading Soviet theorist, is not a textbook of quantum mechanics but rather a compendium of the "tricks of the trade"-the methods that all practicing theoretical physicists use but few have set down in writing.
Qualitative Research
by David SilvermanThis hugely successful textbook has been fully updated and revised to make it even more accessible and comprehensive than previous editions. New chapters have been added on a range of key topics, including grounded theory, research ethics and systematic review. This book draws on a stellar list of leading qualitative researchers, each of whom is writing on their own specialized area in qualitative research, but doing so in a way that is clear and accessible to students and those new to the field of qualitative methods. All chapters also have added features - such as internet links, questions for readers and recommended readings. Alongside its engaging and accessible style, these new features make Qualitative Research the ideal textbook for all students working within this field. This is a comprehensive and accessible first text on qualitative methods that boasts a who's who of leading qualitative methodologists and is a must-have book for any student involved in doing research.
Qualitative Research Design: An Interactive Approach (Third Edition)
by Joseph A. MaxwellQualitative Research Design: An Interactive Approach, Third Edition provides researchers and students with a user-friendly, step-by-step guide to planning qualitative research. Joseph A. Maxwell shows how the components of design interact with each other, and provides a strategy for creating coherent and workable relationships among these design components, highlighting key design issues. Written in an informal, jargon-free style, the book incorporates examples and hands-on exercises. "This book uses everyday language that will captivate students' attention and embed practical knowledge to supplement the technical. " --Gaetane Jean-Marie, University of Oklahoma "The key strengths of the text are the passion and the enthusiasm that Dr. Maxwell has for qualitative research after all these years. I feel I can also utilize these concepts on my own research team and take them out of the classroom and into research team meetings with colleagues. " --Deborah Gioia, University of Maryland, Baltimore "I really liked this book. I found myself taking notes and saying "yes" so many times because Maxwell captures the research process so well and provides many points worth quoting. As a faculty mentor, I particularly see the value of this book for my students who are conducting qualitative dissertations. " --Mary S. Enright, Capella University "The text is incredibly engaging and practical. . . So many of the issues raised in the book are central to qualitative research, yet often not explicitly discussed in 'public' venues. " - David Carlone, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro "I particularly like the interactive focus and believe that helps students to more realistically engage qualitative research design. It certainly lives up to its billing as a good guidebook, and I appreciate the fact that the author really concentrates on useful content, exercises, insights, and examples, and leaves extensive theory discussions to others. " - Sharon L. Caudle, Texas A & M University
Qualitative Research in Education: Focus and Methods
by Robert R. Sherman Rodman B. WebbQualitative research has had a thorough-going and controversial impact on the field of educational research, both generally and specifically. Qualitative approaches have colonised, or have been colonised by, almost all theoretical varieties of educational research. Such variation and varigation is evidenced and documented in this volume. But this kind of enthusiastic development and take up has its dangers and problems. The potential of qualitative methods can be blunted or distorted by the cavalier abandonment of first principles or disregard for techniques or rigour. In this collection of papers a careful and systematic review is provided of the current possibilities and necessities of good qualitative research.
Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences, Eighth Edition
by Bruce L. Berg Howard LuneThis text shows novice researchers how to design, collect, and analyze qualitative data and then present their results to the scientific community. The book stresses the importance of ethics in research and taking the time to properly design and think through any research endeavor.
Qualitative Theory in Structural Mechanics: Qualitative Properties and Existence of Solutions
by Dajun Wang Qishen Wang Beichang (Bert) HeThis book focuses on the qualitative theory in structural mechanics, an area that remains underdeveloped. The qualitative theory mainly deals with the static deformation and vibrational modes of linear elastic structures, and cover subjects such as qualitative properties and the existence of solutions.Qualitative properties belong to one type of structure, are at the system level and of clear regularity, and often result from analytical derivation and logical reasoning. As for the existence of solutions, it addresses a fundamental issue in structural mechanics, and has far-reaching implications for engineering applications.A better understanding of qualitative properties can assist in both numerical computation and experimental studies. It also promotes the development of better dynamic designs for structures. At the same time, a sound grasp of the existence of solutions and related subjects can aid in quantitative analysis, and help researchers establish the theoretical background essential to their work. This book is among the few that is dedicated exclusively to the qualitative theory in structural mechanics and systematically introduces the important and challenging area to a wide audience, including graduate students in engineering.
Qualitätskontrolle in der TCM: Chinesische Heilpflanzen auf dem Prüfstand
by Alexandra-Friederike von Trotha Oliver Johannes SchmitzDie Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin (TCM) und die Verwendung chinesischer Arzneidrogen und ihre Zubereitungen erfreuen sich hierzulande als Alternative zur Schulmedizin immer größerer Beliebtheit Um die Sicherheit, Wirksamkeit und konstant hochwertige Qualität der Arzneien für Patienten zu gewährleisten ist eine Qualitätskontrolle unerlässlich. Das Buch führt im Grundlagenteil in die Geschichte und Philosophie der TCM ein, zeigt die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung von Heilpflanzen, erklärt die Wirkung der Vorbehandlungsmethoden (Paozhi-Verfahren) und vor allem die Gefahren der unreflektierten Einnahme. Der größere Teil widmet sich den Gründen und Methoden einer vernünftigen Qualitätskontrolle von chinesischen Heilpflanzen. Unter anderem werden wichtige Themen wie Toxizität, mögliche Belastungen mit Pestiziden, Schwermetallen oder Mykotoxine diskutiert. Nur weil ein Produkt natürlichen Ursprungs ist, darf kein Rückschluss auf kein Gefährdungspotenzial geschlossen werden. Das Buch richtet sich an naturheilkundlich tätige Ärzte, Pharmazeuten, Apotheker und an Heilpflanzen interessierte Personen.
Qualitätskontrolle von Impfstoffen (essentials)
by Patric U. VogelIn diesem Buch wird die Qualitätskontrolle von Impfstoffen dargestellt. Hierzu zählen neben der Durchführung von analytischen Prüfungen verschiedenste qualitätsrelevante Aufgaben, z.B. die Festlegung von Qualitätsanforderungen, die Analyse von unerwarteten Ergebnissen oder Stabilitätsuntersuchungen, die die Qualitätskontroll-Einheit erfüllen muss. Die Abläufe sind hochreguliert und dienen der Patientensicherheit. Es gibt aber auch Beispiele, bei denen trotz erfolgreicher Qualitätskontrolle Qualitätsmängel möglich sind, die Schaden verursachen können.
Qualitätssicherung in der Analytischen Chemie: Anwendungen in der Umwelt-, Lebensmittel9;- und Werkstoffanalytik, Biotechnologie und Medizintechnik
by Werner Funk Vera Dammann Gerhild DonnevertEin Nachweis der Verlasslichkeit analytischer Daten ist nur mit entsprechenden Qualitatssicherungsma?nahmen moglich. Dies gilt fur die Umwelt- oder Lebensmitteluberwachung, die Werkstoffanalytik, aber auch die Bioanalytik in der biotechnologischen Industrie oder im medizinischen Bereich (In-vitro-Diagnostik, Point-of-Care-Testing). Die Autoren stellen dafur ein bewahrtes, durchgangiges Konzept vor, das auf statistischen Methoden beruht und von der Entwicklung einer analytischen Methode bis zu ihrer routinema?igen Anwendung reicht. Die zweite, komplett uberarbeitete Auflage enthalt neue Kapitel, unter anderem zu dem aktuellen Thema "Me?unsicherheit" und wird durch eine CD mit praktischen Rechenbeispielen abgerundet. Bezuglich der einschlagigen Normung reprasentiert das Buch den neuesten Stand. Rezensenten urteilen uber dieses Buch: Laborleiter oder Behordenvertreter finden eine verla?liche Anleitung und Nachschlagequelle. Daruber hinaus ist das Buch ein Lehr- und Ubungsbuch fur alle im Labor Tatigen. (Chemische Rundschau) Als Autoren konnten ausgewiesene Fachleute dieses Gebietes gewonnen werden. Das inzwischen fur jedes analytische Labor unverzichtbare Konzept der Qualitatssicherung wird anhand von 4 Phasen behandelt ... Didaktisch besonders geschickt sind die zahlreichen "durchgerechneten" Beispiele mit Zwischenergebnissen, Tabellen und Checklisten. Es handelt sich um eine unentbehrliche Informationsquelle, die gerade unter dem Gesichtspunkt der "guten Laborpraxis" (GLP) in jede analytische Bibliothek gehort. (Klinisches Labor) Das Buch ist ubersichtlich angelegt und stellt fur den Analytiker eine verla?liche Anleitung und Nachschlagequelle zur Qualitatssicherung dar. Daruber hinaus eignet es sich fur alle im analytischen Labor Tatigen als ein Lehr- und Ubungsbuch. (Die Nahrung -- Food) Jeder Analytiker mu? sich mit den Methoden der Qualitatssicherung beschaftigen. Das vorliegende Lehr- und Ubungsbuch kann ihm dabei eine wertvolle Hilfe sein. (Archiv fur Kriminologie)
Quality and GMP Auditing: Clear and Simple
by James L. VesperThis guidebook provides proven methods and techniques for performing effective audits that serve your department, your company, and you. Topics covered relate to the four key competencies essential for successful GMP audits. Includes the rationale for auditing as an important quality tool, along with the audit cycle, broken into five distinct phase
Quality and Preservation of Fruits
by N. A. EskinThis book discusses the agronomic factors affecting the quality of major fruits grown in North America, as well as the storage and processing of these crops. Quality factors discussed include appearance, texture, flavor, and nutritional quality. Fruits covered include oranges, grapefruit, lemons, grapes, apples, peaches, nectarines, plums, strawberries, pears, and cherries. Quality and Preservation of Fruits is a detailed reference resource for researchers and teachers in horticulture and food science.
Quality and Reliability in Analytical Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry)
by George E. Baiulescu Raluca-Ioana Stefan Hassan Y. Aboul-EneinQuality and reliability are central to success in every discipline, but perhaps nowhere are they more important or more interconnected than in the practice of analytical chemistry. Here, although reliable analytical information implies quality, not all "quality" information proves reliable.Quality and Reliability in Analytical Chemistry examine