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A Primer in Biological Data Analysis and Visualization Using R
by Gregg HartvigsenR is the most widely used open-source statistical and programming environment for the analysis and visualization of biological data. Drawing on Gregg Hartvigsen's extensive experience teaching biostatistics and modeling biological systems, this text is an engaging, practical, and lab-oriented introduction to R for students in the life sciences.Underscoring the importance of R and RStudio in organizing, computing, and visualizing biological statistics and data, Hartvigsen guides readers through the processes of entering data into R, working with data in R, and using R to visualize data using histograms, boxplots, barplots, scatterplots, and other common graph types. He covers testing data for normality, defining and identifying outliers, and working with non-normal data. Students are introduced to common one- and two-sample tests as well as one- and two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), correlation, and linear and nonlinear regression analyses. This volume also includes a section on advanced procedures and a chapter introducing algorithms and the art of programming using R.
A Primer in Biological Data Analysis and Visualization Using R
by Gregg HartvigsenR is the most widely used open-source statistical and programming environment for the analysis and visualization of biological data. Drawing on Gregg Hartvigsen’s extensive experience teaching biostatistics and modeling biological systems, this text is an engaging, practical, and lab-oriented introduction to R for students in the life sciences.Underscoring the importance of R and RStudio in organizing, computing, and visualizing biological statistics and data, Hartvigsen guides readers through the processes of correctly entering and analyzing data and using R to visualize data using histograms, boxplots, barplots, scatterplots, and other common graph types. He covers testing data for normality, defining and identifying outliers, and working with non-normally distributed data. Students are introduced to common one- and two-sample tests as well as one- and two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), correlation, and linear and nonlinear regression analyses. This volume also includes a section on advanced procedures and a chapter outlining algorithms and the art of programming using R.This second edition has been revised to be current with the versions of R software released since the book’s original publication. It features updated terminology, sources, and examples throughout.
Primer in Critical Personalism: A Framework for Reviving Psychological Inquiry and for Grounding a Socio-Cultural Ethos (ISSN)
by James T. LamiellThis insightful book offers contemporary psychologists and other social theorists an understanding of the comprehensive system of thought developed by the German scholar William Stern (1871–1938) known as critical personalism.Expanding the author’s ongoing efforts in this area, the book considers, firstly, how critical personalism could ground a needed revival of psychological science, a need created by the field's gradual transformation, through its widespread adoption of aggregate statistical methods of investigation, into a discipline better characterized as 'psycho-demography.' Consistent with Stern's own view of the potential of critical personalism vis-a-vis socio-ethical concerns, the book then explores how the framework could facilitate a transcendence of thinking about racial and other social relationships beyond currently prevailing narratives about personkinds into narratives that are actually about persons. This part of the book includes a chapter discussing Stern's own historical efforts in this direction, serving to highlight the non-individualistic nature of critically personalistic thinking. Throughout, Lamiell constructs a clear case for the merits and applicability of critical personalism in modern psychology and social thought.Primer in Critical Personalism will interest established psychological scientists and advanced students in the field, as well as those who are concerned about our contemporary socio-cultural ethos and the prospects for its improvement, including philosophers, sociologists, educators, journalists, clerics, and thoughtful laypersons alike.
A Primer in Fluid MechanicsDynamics of Flows in One Space Dimension
by Jr. BrowerThis distinctive text presents the basic principles of fluid mechanics by means of one-dimensional flow examples - differing significantly in style and content from other books. A Primer in Fluid Mechanics contains:an overview of fluid properties and the kinetic theory of gases information on the fundamental equations of fluid mechanics, including historical references and background information introductory discussions on fluid properties and fluid statics a comprehensive chapter on compressible flow a variety of applications on non-steady flow, including non-steady gas dynamics a brief introduction to acousticsNovel provisos in the text include an analysis of the static stability of a floating two-dimensional parabolic section viscous flow through an elastic duct several geometries in non-steady tank draining, including a singular perturbation problemChapters also discuss physical properties, atmospheric stability, thermodynamics, energy and momentum equations, dimensional analysis, and historical perspectives of flows in pipes and conduits.A Primer in Fluid Mechanics offers a rigorous text for the curious student and for the research engineer seeking a readily available guide to the more refined treatments in the literature - supporting classical and current discussions as well as theoretical and practical concepts.
A Primer In Phenomenological Psychology
by Ernest KeenOriginally published in 1975 by Holt, Rinehart and Winston, this volume introduces phenomenological psychology and is intended for the beginning student as well as for professionals in the field. It includes the historical status of the major concepts mentioned, a brief summary of the major philosophical contributions of phenomenology, and numerous references for further investigation.
A Primer in Tensor Analysis and Relativity (Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics)
by Ilya L. ShapiroThis undergraduate textbook provides a simple, concise introduction to tensor algebra and analysis, as well as special and general relativity. With a plethora of examples, explanations, and exercises, it forms a well-rounded didactic text that will be useful for any related course.The book is divided into three main parts, all based on lecture notes that have been refined for classroom teaching over the past two decades. Part I provides students with a comprehensive overview of tensors. Part II links the very introductory first part and the relatively advanced third part, demonstrating the important intermediate-level applications of tensor analysis. Part III contains an extended discussion of general relativity, and includes material useful for students interested primarily in quantum field theory and quantum gravity.Tailored to the undergraduate, this textbook offers explanations of technical material not easily found or detailed elsewhere, including an understandable description of Riemann normal coordinates and conformal transformations. Future theoretical and experimental physicists, as well as mathematicians, will thus find it a wonderful first read on the subject.
A Primer in Theory Construction
by Paul Davidson ReynoldsThis book is brief, but it treats a complex topic with many facets. Undergraduates who have reviewed earlier versions have commented that the book was easier to understand the second time that they read it. It is suggested, therefore, that the reader, particularly if this is his first contact with this topic, plan to cover the book twice.
A Primer of Biomechanics
by George L. Lucas Francis W. Cooke Elizabeth A. FriisThis is the first volume of its kind to present the principles of biomechanics with a highly clinical orientation. Dr. Lucas and his colleagues have assembled a practical guide using case presentations to make this very technical and complicated material attractive to the orthopaedic resident and practitioner. This "user-friendly" text is further enhanced by well integrated chapters covering all the basic materials and the latest information of this rapidly evolving field. Each case presentation is followed by a detailed, but easily understandable explanation of the biomechanical principles involved and includes protocols for treatment. A must-have for orthopaedic residents and practitioners.
A Primer of Botanical Latin with Vocabulary
by Alex George Am Emma ShortLatin is one of two acceptable languages for describing new plants, and taxonomists must be able to translate earlier texts in Latin. Providing a simple explanation of Latin grammar along with an in-depth vocabulary, this is an indispensable guide for systematic botanists worldwide. All relevant parts of speech are discussed, with accompanying examples as well as worked exercises for translating diagnoses and descriptions to and from Latin. Guidelines for forming specific epithets are also included. The authors cross-reference their grammar to Stearn's Botanical Latin and to articles in the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi and Plants. The comprehensive vocabulary is enhanced with terms from recent glossaries for non-flowering plants - lichens, mosses, algae, fungi and ferns - making this an ideal resource for anyone looking to hone their understanding of Latin grammar and to translate botanical texts from the past 300 years.
A Primer of Conservation Biology
by Richard B. PrimackA Primer of Conservation Biology, Fifth Edition, incorporates background, theory, and examples in a lively and readable text that will appeal to a wide audience and stimulate interest in conservation biology. <p><p> The book provides the most up-to-date perspective on many high-profile issues in the field, such as sustainable development, global warming, payments for ecosystem services, and strategies to save species on the verge of extinction. <p><p> The Primer is divided into nine chapters, focusing successively on biological diversity and its value, the threats to biological diversity, conservation at the population and species levels, protecting, managing and restoring ecosystems, and sustainable development. The book provides many examples of successful conservation approaches, such as one involving sea turtles in Brazil, and ends with suggestions for a future agenda. Throughout, the choice of examples is well balanced to show the full range of species, ecosystems, and geographic areas of the world. These examples are also selected to demonstrate the controversies in the field, and stimulate thought and discussion. The links between conservation biology and environmental law, environmental economics, philosophy, social sciences and anthropology, park management, and government policy are clearly presented. <p><p> The book is very well illustrated in color. The reader-friendly text is backed by an extensive bibliography (covering literature through 2012) and a glossary. There is an annotated list of suggested readings, a summary, and discussion questions at the end of each chapter. Key conservation organizations and their websites are presented in an Appendix. <p><p> A Primer of Conservation Biology is ideally suited for use in short undergraduate courses, either as a stand-alone text or supplemented by outside readings. It can also be used effectively as a supplemental resource in courses in introductory biology, general ecology, population biology, environmental science, and wildlife management. Its broad perspective, concise format, and appealing writing style make the Primer the perfect choice for students, professionals, government policymakers, and others who are eager to learn more about conservation biology. These same qualities give the book a strong appeal to students whose first language is not English.
A Primer of Conservation Genetics
by Richard Frankham Jonathan D. Ballou David A. Briscoe Karina H. Mcinnes Richard Frankham Jonathan D. Ballou David A. BriscoeIntended for those with a limited background in genetic studies, this concise, entry-level text in conservation genetics is presented in a user-friendly format, with main points clearly highlighted. Solved problems are provided throughout to help illustrate key equations, although a basic knowledge of Mendelian genetics and simple statistics is assumed. A glossary and suggestions for further reading provide additional support for the reader. Numerous pen-and-ink portraits of endangered species bring the material to life. Also available: Introduction to Conservation Genetics ". . . balance[s] student need for clarity and brevity with the requirements of conservation professionals for detailed applications. <P> Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. To explore further access options with us, please contact us through the Book Quality link on the right sidebar. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these.
Primer of Ecological Restoration
by Dr Karen HollThe pace, intensity, and scale at which humans have altered our planet in recent decades is unprecedented. We have dramatically transformed landscapes and waterways through agriculture, logging, mining, and fire suppression, with drastic impacts on public health and human well-being. What can we do to counteract and even reverse the worst of these effects? Restore damaged ecosystems. The Primer of Ecological Restoration is a succinct introduction to the theory and practice of ecological restoration as a strategy to conserve biodiversity and ecosystems. In twelve brief chapters, the book introduces readers to the basics of restoration project planning, monitoring, and adaptive management. It explains abiotic factors such as landforms, soil, and hydrology that are the building blocks to successfully recovering microorganism, plant, and animal communities. Additional chapters cover topics such as invasive species and legal and financial considerations. Each chapter concludes with recommended reading and reference lists, and the book can be paired with online resources for teaching. Perfect for introductory classes in ecological restoration or for practitioners seeking constructive guidance for real-world projects, Primer of Ecological Restoration offers accessible, practical information on recent trends in the field.
Primer of Genetic Analysis
by Gerald Braver Jenna J. Hellack David S. Durica James N. Thompson Jr.This third edition of a student-tested primer provides guided instruction in the analysis and interpretation of genetic principles and problem solving. All core areas of genetics are covered. Each section is introduced with a summary of key concepts and terms. A series of problems, graded from simple to more complex, then allows students to test their understanding of the material. Each question is accompanied by a detailed explanation. This new edition includes additional problems, extensively expanded coverage of molecular biology throughout, new overview chapters, and an expanded glossary.
A Primer of NMR Theory with Calculations in Mathematica
by Alan J. BenesiPresents the theory of NMR enhanced with Mathematica© notebooks Provides short, focused chapters with brief explanations of well-defined topics with an emphasis on a mathematical description Presents essential results from quantum mechanics concisely and for easy use in predicting and simulating the results of NMR experiments Includes Mathematica notebooks that implement the theory in the form of text, graphics, sound, and calculations Based on class tested methods developed by the author over his 25 year teaching career. These notebooks show exactly how the theory works and provide useful calculation templates for NMR researchers
A Primer of Permutation Statistical Methods
by Kenneth J. Berry Janis E. Johnston Paul W. Mielke, Jr.The primary purpose of this textbook is to introduce the reader to a wide variety of elementary permutation statistical methods. Permutation methods are optimal for small data sets and non-random samples, and are free of distributional assumptions. The book follows the conventional structure of most introductory books on statistical methods, and features chapters on central tendency and variability, one-sample tests, two-sample tests, matched-pairs tests, one-way fully-randomized analysis of variance, one-way randomized-blocks analysis of variance, simple regression and correlation, and the analysis of contingency tables. In addition, it introduces and describes a comparatively new permutation-based, chance-corrected measure of effect size. Because permutation tests and measures are distribution-free, do not assume normality, and do not rely on squared deviations among sample values, they are currently being applied in a wide variety of disciplines. This book presents permutation alternatives to existing classical statistics, and is intended as a textbook for undergraduate statistics courses or graduate courses in the natural, social, and physical sciences, while assuming only an elementary grasp of statistics.
Primer of Quantum Mechanics
by Marvin ChesterWhat does quantum mechanics tell us about the key model physical systems of nature? The author of this highly regarded text explores this question in a conceptual manner, fusing mathematical and philosophical elements to present physical imagery that closely parallels the mathematics.Beginning with an overview that discusses the premise and design for the study, the text proceeds with an examination of the classical quantum bead on a track: its states and representations; its measurement spectra as operator eigenvalues; the harmonic oscillator: bound bead in a symmetric force field; and the bead in a spherical shell. Other topics include spin, matrices, and the structure of quantum mechanics; the simplest atom; indistinguishable particles; and stationary-state perturbation theory.Geared toward upper-level undergraduate students in physics, this refreshing and instructive text requires the following background: a freshman-year survey course in physics, a first course in classical Newtonian mechanics, and a grasp of mathematics that encompasses integral calculus, vector analysis, differential equations, complex numbers, and Fourier analysis.
A Primer on Complex Systems: With Applications To Astrophysical And Laboratory Plasmas (Lecture Notes in Physics #943)
by Raúl Sánchez David NewmanThe purpose of this book is to illustrate the fundamental concepts of complexity and complex behavior and the best methods to characterize this behavior by means of their applications to some current research topics from within the fields of fusion, earth and solar plasmas. In this sense, it is a departure from the many books already available that discuss general features of complexity. The book is divided in two parts. In the first part the most important properties and features of complex systems are introduced, discussed and illustrated. The second part discusses several instances of possible complex phenomena in magnetized plasmas and some of the analysis tools that were introduced in the first part are used to characterize the dynamics in these systems. A list of problems is proposed at the end of each chapter.This book is intended for graduate and post-graduate students with a solid college background in mathematics and classical physics, who intend to work in the field of plasma physics and, in particular, plasma turbulence. It will also be of interest to senior scientists who have so far approached these systems and problems from a different perspective and want a new fresh angle.
A Primer on Electromagnetic Fields
by Fabrizio FrezzaThis book is a concise introduction to electromagnetics and electromagnetic fields that covers the aspects of most significance for engineering applications by means of a rigorous, analytical treatment. After an introduction to equations and basic theorems, topics of fundamental theoretical and applicative importance, including plane waves, transmission lines, waveguides and Green's functions, are discussed in a deliberately general way. Care has been taken to ensure that the text is readily accessible and self-consistent, with conservation of the intermediate steps in the analytical derivations. The book offers the reader a clear, succinct course in basic electromagnetic theory. It will also be a useful lookup tool for students and designers.
A Primer on Fluid Mechanics with Applications
by Sudhir Ranjan Jain Bhooshan S. Paradkar Shashikumar M. ChitreThis textbook is a pedagogic introduction to a number of phenomena employing fluid mechanics. Beginning with basic concepts and conservation laws for neutral and charged fluids, the authors apply and develop them to understand aerodynamics, locomotion of micro-organisms, waves in air and water, shock waves, hydrodynamic and hydromagnetic instabilities, stars and black holes, blood flow in humans, and superfluids. The approach is to consider various striking topics on fluid mechanics, without losing necessary mathematical rigor. The book balances the qualitative explanations with formal treatment, in a compact manner. A special focus is given to the important and difficult subject of turbulence and the book ends with a discussion on turbulence in quantum fluids. The textbook is dotted by a number of illustrative examples, mostly from real life, and exercises. The textbook is designed for a one semester course and addresses students at undergraduate and graduate level in physics or engineering, who want to research in the fields as diverse as aeronautics, meteorology, cosmology, biomechanics, and mathematical physics. It is requested knowledge of an undergraduate level course on mathematical methods to better understand the topics presented here.
A Primer on Human Impacts on the Environment: The Conceptual Approach
by Liam HeneghanA Primer on Human Impacts on the Environment An insightful and illuminating discussion of the impact humans have had on Earth In A Primer on Human Impacts on the Environment: The Conceptual Approach, distinguished environmental scientist Liam Heneghan explores the intricate relationships between humanity and Earth in an accessible and engaging style. Replete with real-world examples and drawing from classic and contemporary scholarship, the author adapts the fundamental conceptual models of the environmental disciplines to assess the risks human beings are taking with their home planet. The conceptual approach of this primer challenges readers to think across multiple disciplines to reveal the “big picture” that is all too often lost in the details of contemporary environmental studies. Readers will also find: A thorough introduction to conceptual modeling, showing how systems models can be adapted and applied in a rapidly changing world Comprehensive explorations of the human impact on the Earth, including an examination of possible ecological limits and planetary boundaries In-depth evaluations of environmental risks, especially, though not limited to, climate change and biodiversity loss A guide to contemplating catastrophic risk and the potential for societal collapse without inducing unnecessary anxiety An interdisciplinary focus, emphasizing the role of the natural and social sciences, as well as the arts and humanistic disciplines in safeguarding the future Perfect for students of environmental science and environmental studies, A Primer on Human Impacts on the Environment will also earn a place in the libraries of graduate students working on environmental themes and practicing professionals in the environmental management community.
A Primer on Population Dynamics Modeling: Basic Ideas for Mathematical Formulation (Theoretical Biology)
by Hiromi SenoThis textbook provides an introduction to the mathematical models of population dynamics in mathematical biology. The focus of this book is on the biological meaning/translation of mathematical structures in mathematical models, rather than simply explaining mathematical details and literacies to analyze a model. In some recent usages of the mathematical model simply with computer numerical calculations, the model includes some inappropriate mathematical structure concerning the reasonability of modeling for the biological problem under investigation. For students and researchers who study or use mathematical models, it is important and helpful to understand what mathematical setup could be regarded as reasonable for the model with respect to the relation between the biological factors involved in the assumptions and the mathematical structure of the model. Topics covered in this book are; modeling with geometric progression, density effect in population dynamics, deriving continuous time models from discrete time models, basic modeling for birth-death stochastic processes, continuous time models, modeling interspecific reaction for the continuous time population dynamics model, competition and prey-predator dynamics, modeling for population dynamics with a heterogeneous structure of population, qualitative analysis on the discrete time dynamical system, necessary knowledge about fundamental mathematical theories to understand the dynamical nature of continuous time models. The book includes popular topics in ecology and mathematical biology, as well as classic theoretical topics. By understanding the biological meaning of modeling for simple models, readers will be able to derive a specific mathematical model for a biological problem by reasonable modeling. The contents of this book is made accessible for readers without strong Mathematical background.
A Primer on QSAR/QSPR Modeling: Fundamental Concepts (SpringerBriefs in Molecular Science)
by Kunal Roy Supratik Kar Rudra Narayan DasThis brief goes back to basics and describes the Quantitative structure-activity/property relationships (QSARs/QSPRs) that represent predictive models derived from the application of statistical tools correlating biological activity (including therapeutic and toxic) and properties of chemicals (drugs/toxicants/environmental pollutants) with descriptors representative of molecular structure and/or properties. It explains how the sub-discipline of Cheminformatics is used for many applications such as risk assessment, toxicity prediction, property prediction and regulatory decisions apart from drug discovery and lead optimization. The authors also present, in basic terms, how QSARs and related chemometric tools are extensively involved in medicinal chemistry, environmental chemistry and agricultural chemistry for ranking of potential compounds and prioritizing experiments. At present, there is no standard or introductory publication available that introduces this important topic to students of chemistry and pharmacy. With this in mind, the authors have carefully compiled this brief in order to provide a thorough and painless introduction to the fundamental concepts of QSAR/QSPR modelling. The brief is aimed at novice readers.
A Primer on Quantum Chemistry
by S. M. BlinderA Primer on Quantum Chemistry A practical and accessible guide to the applications of quantum chemistry Quantum chemistry, the branch of physical chemistry which applies quantum mechanical principles to the study of chemical systems, has become an integral part of the study of matter. Concerned with understanding quantum effects at the atomic and molecular level, quantum chemistry underlies an immense range of modern technologies. A Primer on Quantum Chemistry provides a lucid introduction to the difficult mathematical and conceptual foundations of this essential field. It incorporates Mathematica for operations in algebra and calculus, enabling readers to focus on the physical and chemical principles. It thereby equips students with the tools used by professional scientists in applications of quantum chemistry. A Primer on Quantum Chemistry readers will also find: Detailed treatment of subjects including the Schrödinger equation and many more Supplemental online material including problems, solutions, and details of Mathematica computations A carefully developed pedagogical approach that streamlines student progress through the subject A Primer on Quantum Chemistry is a must-own for graduate and advanced undergraduate students in chemistry, physics, and related subjects.
A Primer on Quantum Computing (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)
by Renato Portugal Carlile Lavor Franklin de Lima MarquezinoThis book is about quantum computing and quantum algorithms. The book starts with a chapter introducing the basic rules of quantum mechanics and how they can be used to build quantum circuits and perform computations.Further, Grover's algorithm is presented for unstructured search discussing its consequences and applications. Next, important techniques are discussed such as Quantum Fourier Transform and quantum phase estimation. Finally, Shor's algorithm for integer factorization is explained.At last, quantum walks are explained in detail covering both the discrete and continuous time models,and applications of this techniques are described for the design and analyses of quantum algorithms.
A Primer on Quantum Fluids (SpringerBriefs in Physics)
by Carlo Barenghi Nick G. ParkerThe aim of this primer is to cover the essential theoretical information, quickly and concisely, in order to enable senior undergraduate and beginning graduate students to tackle projects in topical research areas of quantum fluids, for example, solitons, vortices and collective modes. The selection of the material, both regarding the content and level of presentation, draws on the authors analysis of the success of relevant research projects with newcomers to the field, as well as of the students feedback from many taught and self-study courses on the subject matter. Starting with a brief historical overview, this text covers particle statistics, weakly interacting condensates and their dynamics and finally superfluid helium and quantum turbulence. At the end of each chapter (apart from the first) there will be some exercises. Detailed solutions can be made available to instructors upon request to the authors.