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Showing 61,151 through 61,175 of 79,860 results

Quantum Fuzz: The Strange True Makeup of Everything Around Us

by Michael S. Walker

Quantum physics has turned our commonsense notion of reality on its head. This accessible book describes in layperson's terms the strange phenomena that exist at the quantum level--a world of tiny dimensions where nothing is absolutely predictable, where we rethink causality, and information seemingly travels faster than light. The author, a veteran physicist, uses illuminating analogies and jargon-free language to illustrate the basic principles of the subatomic world and show how they explain everything from the chemistry around us to the formation of galaxies. He also explains how scientists and engineers interact with this nebulous reality and, despite its mysteries, achieve results of great precision. Up front is a brief history of the early 20th-century "quantum revolution," focusing on some of the brilliant individuals whose contributions changed our view of the world--Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Paul Dirac, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schroedinger, and others. The work concludes with a discussion of the many amazing inventions that have resulted from quantum theory, including lasers, semiconductors, and the myriad of electronic devices that use them. Lucidly written, this book conveys the excitement of discovery while expanding the reader's appreciation for a science that explores the basis of everything we know.From the Hardcover edition.

Quantum Game Simulation (Emergence, Complexity and Computation #36)

by Ramon Alonso-Sanz

This book addresses two disciplines that have traditionally occupied completely different realms: quantum information and computation, and game theory. Helping readers connect these fields, it appeals to a wide audience, including computer scientists, engineers, mathematicians, physicists, biologists or economists. The book is richly illustrated and basic concepts are accessible to readers with basic training in science. As such it is useful for undergraduate students as well as established academicians and researchers. Further, the didactic and tutorial-like style makes it ideal supplementary reading for courses on quantum information and computation, game theory, cellular automata and simulation.

Quantum Generations: A History of Physics in the Twentieth Century

by Helge Kragh

At the end of the nineteenth century, some physicists believed that the basic principles underlying their subject were already known, and that physics in the future would only consist of filling in the details. They could hardly have been more wrong. The past century has seen the rise of quantum mechanics, relativity, cosmology, particle physics, and solid-state physics, among other fields. These subjects have fundamentally changed our understanding of space, time, and matter. They have also transformed daily life, inspiring a technological revolution that has included the development of radio, television, lasers, nuclear power, and computers. In Quantum Generations, Helge Kragh, one of the world's leading historians of physics, presents a sweeping account of these extraordinary achievements of the past one hundred years. The first comprehensive one-volume history of twentieth-century physics, the book takes us from the discovery of X rays in the mid-1890s to superstring theory in the 1990s. Unlike most previous histories of physics, written either from a scientific perspective or from a social and institutional perspective, Quantum Generations combines both approaches. Kragh writes about pure science with the expertise of a trained physicist, while keeping the content accessible to nonspecialists and paying careful attention to practical uses of science, ranging from compact disks to bombs. As a historian, Kragh skillfully outlines the social and economic contexts that have shaped the field in the twentieth century. He writes, for example, about the impact of the two world wars, the fate of physics under Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin, the role of military research, the emerging leadership of the United States, and the backlash against science that began in the 1960s. He also shows how the revolutionary discoveries of scientists ranging from Einstein, Planck, and Bohr to Stephen Hawking have been built on the great traditions of earlier centuries. Combining a mastery of detail with a sure sense of the broad contours of historical change, Kragh has written a fitting tribute to the scientists who have played such a decisive role in the making of the modern world.

Quantum Geochemistry (Springer Geochemistry)

by Giulio Armando Ottonello

This book summarizes recent impressive improvements in the application of Quantum Mechanics, coupled with the significant increase in both speed and storage capabilities of modern computers, that allow to depict the energy and reactive properties of chemically complex materials through first principles and destroy the dogmatic assumption that the natural complexity cannot be modeled. It presents methods of Quantum Chemistry applied to various fields of geoscience. The book aims to convey to the audience, methods and procedures apt to obtain sound thermodynamic and thermo-physical data for earth’s materials under various aggregation states. The attention of this book focusses on the applicative aspects of the various procedures, with reference to the underlying theory.

Quantum Gravity

by Carlo Rovelli

Quantum gravity is perhaps the most important open problem in fundamental physics. It is the problem of merging quantum mechanics and general relativity, the two great conceptual revolutions in the physics of the twentieth century. The loop and spinfoam approach, presented in this 2004 book, is one of the leading research programs in the field. The first part of the book discusses the reformulation of the basis of classical and quantum Hamiltonian physics required by general relativity. The second part covers the basic technical research directions. Appendices include a detailed history of the subject of quantum gravity, hard-to-find mathematical material, and a discussion of some philosophical issues raised by the subject. This fascinating text is ideal for graduate students entering the field, as well as researchers already working in quantum gravity. It will also appeal to philosophers and other scholars interested in the nature of space and time.

Quantum Gravity and Quantum Cosmology

by Gianluca Calcagni Lefteris Papantonopoulos George Siopsis Nikos Tsamis

Quantum gravity has developed into a fast-growing subject in physics and it is expected that probing the high-energy and high-curvature regimes of gravitating systems will shed some light on how to eventually achieve an ultraviolet complete quantum theory of gravity. Such a theory would provide the much needed information about fundamental problems of classical gravity, such as the initial big-bang singularity, the cosmological constant problem, Planck scale physics and the early-time inflationary evolution of our Universe. While in the first part of this book concepts of quantum gravity are introduced and approached from different angles, the second part discusses these theories in connection with cosmological models and observations, thereby exploring which types of signatures of modern and mathematically rigorous frameworks can be detected by experiments. The third and final part briefly reviews the observational status of dark matter and dark energy, and introduces alternative cosmological models. Edited and authored by leading researchers in the field and cast into the form of a multi-author textbook at postgraduate level, this volume will be of benefit to all postgraduate students and newcomers from neighboring disciplines wishing to find a comprehensive guide for their future research.

Quantum Groups in Three-Dimensional Integrability (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics)

by Atsuo Kuniba

Quantum groups have been studied intensively in mathematics and have found many valuable applications in theoretical and mathematical physics since their discovery in the mid-1980s. Roughly speaking, there are two prototype examples of quantum groups, denoted by Uq and Aq. The former is a deformation of the universal enveloping algebra of a Kac–Moody Lie algebra, whereas the latter is a deformation of the coordinate ring of a Lie group. Although they are dual to each other in principle, most of the applications so far are based on Uq, and the main targets are solvable lattice models in 2-dimensions or quantum field theories in 1+1 dimensions. This book aims to present a unique approach to 3-dimensional integrability based on Aq. It starts from the tetrahedron equation, a 3-dimensional analogue of the Yang–Baxter equation, and its solution due to work by Kapranov–Voevodsky (1994). Then, it guides readers to its variety of generalizations, relations to quantum groups, and applications. They include a connection to the Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt basis of a unipotent part of Uq, reductions to the solutions of the Yang–Baxter equation, reflection equation, G2 reflection equation, matrix product constructions of quantum R matrices and reflection K matrices, stationary measures of multi-species simple-exclusion processes, etc. These contents of the book are quite distinct from conventional approaches and will stimulate and enrich the theories of quantum groups and integrable systems.

Quantum Hamilton-Jacobi Formalism (SpringerBriefs in Physics)

by A. K. Kapoor Prasanta K. Panigrahi S. Sree Ranjani

This book describes the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism of quantum mechanics, which allowscomputation of eigenvalues of quantum mechanical potential problems without solving for thewave function. The examples presented include exotic potentials such as quasi-exactly solvablemodels and Lame an dassociated Lame potentials. A careful application of boundary conditionsoffers an insight into the nature of solutions of several potential models. Advancedundergraduates having knowledge of complex variables and quantum mechanics will find thisas an interesting method to obtain the eigenvalues and eigen-functions. The discussion oncomplex zeros of the wave function gives intriguing new results which are relevant foradvanced students and young researchers. Moreover, a few open problems in research arediscussed as well, which pose a challenge to the mathematically oriented readers.

The Quantum Handshake

by John G. Cramer

This book shines bright light into the dim recesses of quantum theory, where the mysteries of entanglement, nonlocality, and wave collapse have motivated some to conjure up multiple universes, and others to adopt a "shut up and calculate" mentality. After an extensive and accessible introduction to quantum mechanics and its history, the author turns attention to his transactional model. Using a quantum handshake between normal and time-reversed waves, this model provides a clear visual picture explaining the baffling experimental results that flow daily from the quantum physics laboratories of the world. To demonstrate its powerful simplicity, the transactional model is applied to a collection of counter-intuitive experiments and conceptual problems.

Quantum Hybrid Electronics and Materials (Quantum Science and Technology)

by Yoshiro Hirayama Kazuhiko Hirakawa Hiroshi Yamaguchi

This book highlights recent advances in quantum control technologies with regard to hybrid quantum systems. It addresses the following topics: phonon engineering based on phononic crystals, carbon-based nano materials like graphene and nanotubes, Terahertz light technology for single-molecule and quantum dots, nuclear-spin-based metrology for semiconductor quantum systems, quantum anomalous Hall effect in magnetic topological insulators, chiral three-dimensional photonic crystals, and bio-inspired magnonic systems. Each topic, as a component in the framework of hybrid quantum systems, is concisely presented by experts at the forefront of the field. Accordingly, the book offers a valuable asset, and will help readers find advanced technologies and materials suitable for their purposes.

Quantum Impurity Problems in the Framework of Natural Orbitals: A Comprehensive Study (Springer Theses)

by Maxime Debertolis

This book presents a complete study of natural orbitals in quantum impurity problems, revealing a certain simplicity in these interacting many-body problems. These systems consist of a few localized degrees of freedom that undergo strong interactions and hybridize with a larger system of free particles; they are central in the study of strongly correlated systems. In a first step, the standard non-perturbative numerical renormalization group method is employed to demonstrate the hierarchical structure of correlations unveiled by natural orbitals. This simplification brought new insights for simulating quantum impurity problems, and a new algorithm is developed to generate an optimized subset of natural orbitals independently of existing methods, going beyond their usual limitations. This algorithm is presented in detail in the book, and a careful benchmark on known results is carried out to guarantee the validity of the method. It is then used to study spatial entanglement structures under various conditions that were not accessible with previous methods, such as representing the electron bath by a realistic 2D square lattice or taking account of static disorder in the metallic host. In the last chapter, the non-interacting problem in the presence of disorder is studied through random matrix theory, reproducing some of the results presented in the previous chapters. The main original result of this chapter lies in the analytical calculation of the joint distribution of one-particle orbitals energies and amplitudes of the impurity, which makes it possible to calculate any disordered averaged local correlation functions. Starting from this result, calculations in the large-N limit are compared with numerical simulations.

Quantum Information: From Foundations to Quantum Technology Applications

by Dagmar Bruss Gerd Leuchs

This comprehensive textbook on the rapidly advancing field introduces readers to the fundamental concepts of information theory and quantum entanglement, taking into account the current state of research and development. It thus covers all current concepts in quantum computing, both theoretical and experimental, before moving on to the latest implementations of quantum computing and communication protocols. It contains problems and exercises and is therefore ideally suited for students and lecturers in physics and informatics, as well as experimental and theoretical physicists in academia and industry who work in the field of quantum information processing.The second edition incorporates important recent developments such as quantum metrology, quantum correlations beyond entanglement, and advances in quantum computing with solid state devices.

Quantum Information and Coherence

by Erika Andersson Patrik Öhberg

This book offers an introduction to ten key topics in quantum information science and quantum coherent phenomena, aimed at graduate-student level. The chapters cover some of the most recent developments in this dynamic research field where theoretical and experimental physics, combined with computer science, provide a fascinating arena for groundbreaking new concepts in information processing. The book addresses both the theoretical and experimental aspects of the subject, and clearly demonstrates how progress in experimental techniques has stimulated a great deal of theoretical effort and vice versa. Experiments are shifting from simply preparing and measuring quantum states to controlling and manipulating them, and the book outlines how the first real applications, notably quantum key distribution for secure communication, are starting to emerge. The chapters cover quantum retrodiction, ultracold quantum gases in optical lattices, optomechanics, quantum algorithms, quantum key distribution, quantum control based on measurement, orbital angular momentum of light, entanglement theory, trapped ions and quantum metrology, and open quantum systems subject to decoherence. The contributing authors have been chosen not just on the basis of their scientific expertise, but also because of their ability to offer pedagogical and well-written contributions which will be of interest to students and established researchers.

Quantum Information and Consciousness: A Gentle Introduction

by Danko D. Georgiev

"I loved the book! This book is not just interesting, it is exciting. I have probably read every significant book in the field, and this is the strongest and most convincing one yet. It is also one of the most comprehensive in its explanations. I shall most certainly recommend the book to colleagues."–Richard G. Petty, MD "a very good introduction to the basic theory of quantum systems…. Dr. Georgiev’s book aptly prepares the reader to confront whatever might be in store later." –from the Foreword by Prof. James F. Glazebrook, Eastern Illinois University This book addresses the fascinating cross-disciplinary field of quantum information theory applied to the study of brain function. It offers a self-study guide to probe the problems of consciousness, including a concise but rigorous introduction to classical and quantum information theory, theoretical neuroscience, and philosophy of the mind. It aims to address long-standing problems related to consciousness within the framework of modern theoretical physics in a comprehensible manner that elucidates the nature of the mind-body relationship. The reader also gains an overview of methods for constructing and testing quantum informational theories of consciousness.

Quantum Information and Quantum Optics with Superconducting Circuits

by Juan José García Ripoll

Superconducting quantum circuits are among the most promising solutions for the development of scalable quantum computers. Built with sizes that range from microns to tens of metres using superconducting fabrication techniques and microwave technology, superconducting circuits demonstrate distinctive quantum properties such as superposition and entanglement at cryogenic temperatures. This book provides a comprehensive and self-contained introduction to the world of superconducting quantum circuits, and how they are used in current quantum technology. Beginning with a description of their basic superconducting properties, the author then explores their use in quantum systems, showing how they can emulate individual photons and atoms, and ultimately behave as qubits within highly connected quantum systems. Particular attention is paid to cutting-edge applications of these superconducting circuits in quantum computing and quantum simulation. Written for graduate students and junior researchers, this accessible text includes numerous homework problems and worked examples.

Quantum Information, Computation and Communication

by Jonathan A. Jones Dieter Jaksch

Quantum physics allows entirely new forms of computation and cryptography, which could perform tasks currently impossible on classical devices, leading to an explosion of new algorithms, communications protocols and suggestions for physical implementations of all these ideas. As a result, quantum information has made the transition from an exotic research topic to part of mainstream undergraduate courses in physics. Based on years of teaching experience, this textbook builds from simple fundamental concepts to cover the essentials of the field. Aimed at physics undergraduate students with a basic background in quantum mechanics, it guides readers through theory and experiment, introducing all the central concepts without getting caught up in details. Worked examples and exercises make this useful as a self-study text for those who want a brief introduction before starting on more advanced books. Solutions are available online at www. cambridge. org/9781107014466.

Quantum Information, Computation and Cryptography

by Fabio Benatti Dimitri Petritis Mark Fannes Roberto Floreanini

This multi-authored textbook addresses graduate students with a background in physics, mathematics or computer science. No research experience is necessary. Consequently, rather than comprehensively reviewing the vast body of knowledge and literature gathered in the past twenty years, this book concentrates on a number of carefully selected aspects of quantum information theory and technology. Given the highly interdisciplinary nature of the subject, the multi-authored approach brings together different points of view from various renowned experts, providing a coherent picture of the subject matter. The book consists of ten chapters and includes examples, problems, and exercises. The first five present the mathematical tools required for a full comprehension of various aspects of quantum mechanics, classical information, and coding theory. Chapter 6 deals with the manipulation and transmission of information in the quantum realm. Chapters 7 and 8 discuss experimental implementations of quantum information ideas using photons and atoms. Finally, chapters 9 and 10 address ground-breaking applications in cryptography and computation.

Quantum Information in the Nanoelectronic World (Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Science, and Technology)

by David K. Ferry

This book provides a concise introduction to quantum information and quantum science. The author discusses in language accessible to a broad audience, the why and how, as well as implementation technologies. The discussion includes coverage of general computing (e.g., Turing ideas) for comparison, and ideas like entropy and minimum dissipation. Topics such as quantum communications and quantum sensing enhance the discussion of quantum computing. In addition, the manner in which entanglement is used in each of these sub-fields is addressed with applications and, for example, a discussion of the quantum Fourier transform.

Quantum Information Meets Quantum Matter: From Quantum Entanglement to Topological Phases of Many-Body Systems (Quantum Science and Technology)

by Bei Zeng Xie Chen Duan-Lu Zhou Xiao-Gang Wen

This book approaches condensed matter physics from the perspective of quantum information science, focusing on systems with strong interaction and unconventional order for which the usual condensed matter methods like the Landau paradigm or the free fermion framework break down. Concepts and tools in quantum information science such as entanglement, quantum circuits, and the tensor network representation prove to be highly useful in studying such systems. The goal of this book is to introduce these techniques and show how they lead to a new systematic way of characterizing and classifying quantum phases in condensed matter systems. The first part of the book introduces some basic concepts in quantum information theory which are then used to study the central topic explained in Part II: local Hamiltonians and their ground states. Part III focuses on one of the major new phenomena in strongly interacting systems, the topological order, and shows how it can essentially be defined and characterized in terms of entanglement. Part IV shows that the key entanglement structure of topological states can be captured using the tensor network representation, which provides a powerful tool in the classification of quantum phases. Finally, Part V discusses the exciting prospect at the intersection of quantum information and condensed matter physics – the unification of information and matter. Intended for graduate students and researchers in condensed matter physics, quantum information science and related fields, the book is self-contained and no prior knowledge of these topics is assumed.

Quantum Information Processing: Theory and Implementation (Graduate Texts in Physics)

by János A. Bergou Mark Hillery Mark Saffman

This new edition of a well-received textbook provides a concise introduction to both the theoretical and experimental aspects of quantum information at the graduate level. While the previous edition focused on theory, the book now incorporates discussions of experimental platforms. Several chapters on experimental implementations of quantum information protocols have been added: implementations using neutral atoms, trapped ions, optics, and solidstate systems are each presented in its own chapter. Previous chapters on entanglement, quantum measurements, quantum dynamics, quantum cryptography, and quantum algorithms have been thoroughly updated, and new additions include chapters on the stabilizer formalism and the Gottesman-Knill theorem as well as aspects of classical and quantum information theory. To facilitate learning, each chapter starts with a clear motivation to the topic and closes with exercises and a recommended reading list. Quantum Information Processing: Theory and Implementation will be essential to graduate students studying quantum information as well as and researchers in other areas of physics who wish to gain knowledge in the field.

Quantum Information Theory

by Masahito Hayashi

This graduate textbook provides a unified view of quantum information theory. Clearly explaining the necessary mathematical basis, it merges key topics from both information-theoretic and quantum- mechanical viewpoints and provides lucid explanations of the basic results. Thanks to this unified approach, it makes accessible such advanced topics in quantum communication as quantum teleportation, superdense coding, quantum state transmission (quantum error-correction) and quantum encryption. Since the publication of the preceding book Quantum Information: An Introduction, there have been tremendous strides in the field of quantum information. In particular, the following topics - all of which are addressed here - made seen major advances: quantum state discrimination, quantum channel capacity, bipartite and multipartite entanglement, security analysis on quantum communication, reverse Shannon theorem and uncertainty relation. With regard to the analysis of quantum security, the present book employs an improved method for the evaluation of leaked information and identifies a remarkable relation between quantum security and quantum coherence. Taken together, these two improvements allow a better analysis of quantum state transmission. In addition, various types of the newly discovered uncertainty relation are explained. Presenting a wealth of new developments, the book introduces readers to the latest advances and challenges in quantum information. To aid in understanding, each chapter is accompanied by a set of exercises and solutions.

Quantum Information Theory

by Mark M. Wilde

Finally, here is a modern, self-contained text on quantum information theory suitable for graduate-level courses. Developing the subject 'from the ground up' it covers classical results as well as major advances of the past decade. Beginning with an extensive overview of classical information theory suitable for the non-expert, the author then turns his attention to quantum mechanics for quantum information theory, and the important protocols of teleportation, super-dense coding and entanglement distribution. He develops all of the tools necessary for understanding important results in quantum information theory, including capacity theorems for classical, entanglement-assisted, private and quantum communication. The book also covers important recent developments such as superadditivity of private, coherent and Holevo information, and the superactivation of quantum capacity. This book will be warmly welcomed by the upcoming generation of quantum information theorists and the already established community of classical information theorists.

Quantum Integrable Systems (Chapman And Hall/crc Research Notes In Mathematics Ser. #Vol. 435)

by Asesh Roy Chowdhury Aninlya Ghose Choudhury

The study of integrable systems has opened new horizons in classical physics over the past few decades, particularly in the subatomic world. Yet despite the field now having reached a level of maturity, very few books provide an introduction to the field accessible to specialists and nonspecialists alike, and none offer a systematic survey of the m

Quantum Interaction

by Harald Atmanspacher Claudia Bergomi Thomas Filk Kirsty Kitto

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Quantum Interaction, QI 2014, held in Filzbach, Switzerland, in June/July 2014. The 19 papers together with 20 invited keynotes presented in this book were carefully selected from 22 submissions. Quantum Interaction has developed into an emerging interdisciplinary area of science combining research topics in fundamental issues, semantic and memory, decision making, games, politics and social aspects, non-locality and entanglement.

Quantum Interaction

by Harald Atmanspacher Thomas Filk Emmanuel Pothos

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereedpost-conference proceedings of the 9th International Conference on QuantumInteraction, QI 2015, held in Filzbach, Switzerland, in July 2015. The 20 papers together with 2 invited keynotes presentedin this book were carefully selected from 27 submissions. Quantum Interactionhas developed into an emerging interdisciplinary area of science combiningresearch topics in mathematics, physics, psychology, economics, cognitivescience, and computer science.

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