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Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Space Science and Communication: IconSpace 2023, 3–4 October, Penang, Malaysia (Springer Proceedings in Physics #303)
by Mohammad Tariqul Islam Norbahiah Misran Mandeep Jit SinghThis book presents peer-reviewed articles from the 8th International Conference on Space Science and Communication (IConSpace 2023), held at Penang in Malaysia. It addresses complications of ground-breaking initiatives and solutions for space science and communications research, telecommunications, and meteorology. With the theme Advanced Space Technology: Accelerating Global Agenda will provide valid information to understand trends, evaluate needs, and create global development policies and programs in the best interest of all. It brings together researchers, engineers, geospatialist, meteorologists, astronomers, and practitioners in order to present the latest applications in space science, telecommunications, meteorology, remote sensing, and related fields.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Sustainable Urban Development: ICSUD 2022, Binh Duong - Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (Advances in 21st Century Human Settlements)
by Hans-Joachim Linke Vien Thuc Ha Hieu Ngoc NguyenThis book includes peer-reviewed articles from the 8th International Conference on Sustainable Urban Development (ICSUD 2022), held at the Vietnamese-German University (VGU) in Vietnam. The theme of the conference is “innovative and inclusive growth models for sustainable urban development”. Articles in this book present major issues that cities and regions around the world are facing these days to adapt to new, unexpected, and profound challenges.Over past few years, the world has been observing meaningful reactions to crises. From the pandemic to war, energy, and food shortages, there are always opportunities for innovations. Some firms still thrived in the city lock-down; some groups stayed healthier with less income; and certain municipalities consumed less resources to attain higher outcomes. However, the rise of digital economy, the importance of proximity or near-shore supply chain, or the new contribution of different communities at different levels are generalized asnew growth models for changes.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Applications of Science and Mathematics: SCIEMATHIC 2022; 17—19 Oct; Malaysia (Springer Proceedings in Physics #294)
by Aida Mustapha Norzuria Ibrahim Hatijah Basri Mohd Saifullah Rusiman Syed Zuhaib Haider RizviThis book presents peer-reviewed articles and recent advances on the potential applications of Science and Mathematics for future technologies, from the 8th International Conference on the Applications of Science and Mathematics (SCIEMATHIC 2022), held in Malaysia. It provides an insight about the leading trends in sustainable Science and Technology. Topics included in this proceedings are in the areas of Mathematics and Statistics, including Natural Science, Engineering and Artificial Intelligence.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment: Proceedings of WRE2022 (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #341)
by Chih-Huang WengThis book presents select proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2022) which is held in Xi’an, China, November 1-4, 2022. The book covers a wide range of topics, including Hydraulics, Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Sustainability, Indoor Environments, Risk Analysis, Safety and Security, Ocean and Offshore Engineering; Ships and Floating Structures, Coastal Engineering. It will be useful for researchers and engineers working in water and environment related fields.
Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics Volume 1: Towards a Sustainable Geoenvironment (Environmental Science and Engineering)
by Liangtong Zhan Yunmin Chen Abdelmalek BouazzaThis book gathers selected papers presented at the 8th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics (ICEG), held on October 28 - November 1, 2018 in Hangzhou, China. The theme of the congress is “Towards a Sustainable Geoenvironment”, which means meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Under this theme, the congress covers a broad range of topics and provides an excellent opportunity for academics, engineers, scientists, government officials, regulators, and planners to present, discuss and exchange notes on the latest advances and developments in the research and application of environmental geotechnics.
Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics Volume 2: Towards a Sustainable Geoenvironment (Environmental Science and Engineering)
by Liangtong Zhan Yunmin Chen Abdelmalek BouazzaThis is the third volume of the proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics (ICEG 2018), held on October 28 - November 1, 2018 in Hangzhou, China. The theme of the congress is “Towards a Sustainable Geoenvironment”, which means meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Under this theme, the congress covers a broad range of topics and provides an excellent opportunity for academics, engineers, scientists, government officials, regulators, and planners to present, discuss and exchange notes on the latest advances and developments in the research and application of environmental geotechnics.
Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics Volume 3: Towards a Sustainable Geoenvironment (Environmental Science and Engineering)
by Liangtong Zhan Yunmin Chen Abdelmalek BouazzaThis book gathers selected papers presented at the 8th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics (ICEG), held on October 28 - November 1, 2018 in Hangzhou, China. The theme of the congress is “Towards a Sustainable Geoenvironment”, which means meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Under this theme, the congress covers a broad range of topics and provides an excellent opportunity for academics, engineers, scientists, government officials, regulators, and planners to present, discuss and exchange notes on the latest advances and developments in the research and application of environmental geotechnics.
Proceedings of the 8th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Optofluidics (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #531)
by Lei Xu Lei ZhouThis book is a compilation of selected papers from the 8th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Optofluidics (IMCO 2018) held in Shanghai on August 5-8, 2018, as well as papers from the IMCO 2019 held in Hong Kong on June 14-17, 2019. The work focuses on the current development in the fields of optofluidics, microfluidics, silicon photonics, optical metamaterials and other related areas. Readers from both academia and industry will benefit from the experts’ opinion and the lasted development in the multidisciplinary field of optofluidics.
Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium of Space Optical Instruments and Applications: ISSOIA 2023, 15–17 November, Beijing, China (Springer Proceedings in Physics #286)
by H. Paul Urbach Deren Li Dengyun YuThis proceedings volume contains selected and expanded contributions presented at the 8th International Symposium of Space Optical Instruments and Applications, held in Beijing, China on 15~17 November, 2023. The symposium was organized by the Sino-Holland Space Optical Instruments Joint Laboratory and supported by Beijing Institute and Space Mechanics and Electricity.In recent years, space optical payloads are advancing towards high spatial resolution, high temporal resolution, high radiometric resolution, and high spectral resolution and becoming more and more intelligent. Commercial remote sensing industry has made steady progress in terms of the scope of satellite systems and applications. Meanwhile, space optical remote sensing data has been extensively applied to monitoring of resources, meteorology, ocean, environment, disaster reduction, and many other fields.The symposium focused on key innovations of space-based optical instruments and applications, and the newest developments in theory, technology and applications in optics, in both China and Europe. It thus provided a platform for exchanges on the latest research and current and planned optical missions.The major topics covered in these conference proceedings include but are not limited to: 1) Advanced optical technology and new remote sensing technology for space applications; 2) Advanced optical material technology and space application; 3) Advanced photoelectric converter technology and space application; 4) Space optical instruments and applications for deep space exploration and astronomical observation;5) Ecological environment space optical instrument and its application; and6) Commercial space optical remote sensing technology and services.
Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Solid Mechanics: Mecsol 2022 (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering)
by Marco Bittencourt Josue LabakiThis book presents the proceedings of Mecsol 2022. The papers cover multidisciplinary topics, including Fatigue and Failure Analyses; Composite Materials and Structures; Elasticity, Plasticity, Damage and Fracture Mechanics; Viscoelasticity and Viscoplasticity; Impact Engineering; Structural Reliability Methods and Reliability-Based Design Optimization; Optimization of Materials, Fluids and Structures; Numerical Methods; Nonlinear Analyses; High-Performance Computing applied to Solid Mechanics; and Artificial Intelligence- and Neural Network-supported applications.
Proceedings of the 9th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, 27–30 November 2022, Utsunomiya, Japan: Asian Research in Thermal and Fluid Sciences (Springer Proceedings in Physics #396)
by Abhilash Suryan Minoru Yaga Han Seo Ko Zhang GuangThis book is a collection of the best peer-reviewed papers presented at the ninth Asian joint workshop on thermophysics and fluid science organized in Utsunomiya, Japan, in November 2022. The book is a valuable addition to the conference series started in the year 2006, with contents that include the research outputs from Asian countries—India, China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea. Some of the papers are collaborative efforts by academicians from these countries. The book provides an overview of recent research in the fields of fluid and thermal engineering. The chapters in the book deal with research problems on aerodynamics, propulsion, transonic and supersonic flows, aero-acoustics, fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, combustion, heat and mass transfer, and turbomachinery. Analytical, experimental, and numerical approaches are employed in the chapters. This volume will benefit academicians, researchers, and students working on research problems in thermal and fluid sciences.
Proceedings of the 9th IFToMM International Conference on Rotor Dynamics
by Paolo PennacchiThis book presents the proceedings of the 9th IFToMM International Conference on Rotor Dynamics. This conference is a premier global event that brings together specialists from the university and industry sectors worldwide in order to promote the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and information on the latest developments and applied technologies in the dynamics of rotating machinery. The coverage is wide ranging, including, for example, new ideas and trends in various aspects of bearing technologies, issues in the analysis of blade dynamic behavior, condition monitoring of different rotating machines, vibration control, electromechanical and fluid-structure interactions in rotating machinery, rotor dynamics of micro, nano and cryogenic machines, and applications of rotor dynamics in transportation engineering. Since its inception 32 years ago, the IFToMM International Conference on Rotor Dynamics has become an irreplaceable point of reference for those working in the field and this book reflects the high quality and diversity of content that the conference continues to guarantee.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Energy Engineering and Environmental Engineering (Environmental Science and Engineering)
by Zuoyu Sun Prodip DasThis book, the conference proceeding, contains invited articles and contributory papers from the 9th International Conference on Energy Engineering and Environmental Engineering, organized by Beijing Jiao Tong University in Sanya, China, on December 9–10, 2022. It includes contributions from researchers and practitioners working in the area of energy engineering, hydrogen, hydrogen carriers technology environmental engineering, climate change & global warming, and related fields. The articles cover the topics such as new energy production, storage, transmission, electrolysis, electrolyzes chemical, thermochemical, electrochemical hydrogen, energy environmental protection, and environmental sustainability. The content caters to research scholars, students, industry professionals, companies, government bodies, and policymakers, who work in the field of energy and environmental engineering.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Fracture, Fatigue and Wear: FFW 2021, August 2–3, Ghent University, Belgium (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering)
by Magd Abdel WahabThis proceedings gather a selection of peer-reviewed papers presented at the 9th International Conference on Fracture Fatigue and Wear (FFW 2021), held in the city of Ghent, Belgium on 2–3 August 2021. The contributions, prepared by international scientists and engineers, cover the latest advances in and innovative applications of fracture mechanics, fatigue of materials, tribology, and wear of materials. In addition, they discuss industrial applications and cover theoretical and analytical methods, numerical simulations and experimental techniques. The book is intended for academics, including graduate students and researchers, as well as industrial practitioners working in the areas of fracture fatigue and wear.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Physical and Mathematical Modelling of Earth and Environmental Processes (Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences)
by Vladimir KarevThis book presents short papers of participants of the 9th International Scientific Conference-School for Young Scientists «Physical and Mathematical Modeling of Earth and Environment Processes. A special focus is given to the extraction of hydrocarbon resources, including from unconventional sources. An alternative to the use of hydrocarbons as a main source of energy on the Planet in the coming decades is unlikely to be found. At the same time, the resource base of hydrocarbons is quickly depleted, in particularly, large and accessible oil and gas fields. The shale oil and gas, Arctic hydrocarbon stocks, gas hydrates, coal bed methane, oil and gas from deep horizons can become new sources. "Deep oil" may be the most promising source of expanding the resource base of hydrocarbons according to many experts. New technologies are required to their development. Efficient low-cost technologies can be created on the basis of geomechanical approach, i.e., through the use of a huge elastic energy stored in the rock massif due to rock pressure. The creation of new breakthrough approaches to the development of hydrocarbon fields is very important in today's geopolitical conditions and requires the involvement of young minds and strength. International activities, including the youth scientific schools, can become an effective tool for exchange of information and the organizing of interdisciplinary research of processes in geo-environment. The book presents the new results of the experimental and theoretical modeling of deformation, fracture, and filtration processes in the rocks in connection to issues of creating scientific fundamentals for new hydrocarbon production technologies. The investigations of the dependence of well stability and permeability of rocks on the stress-strain state in conditions of deep horizons and high rock pressure are also represented.
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Hydrogen Energy, Renewable Energy and Materials: HEREM23, October 13 –14, 2023, Bangkok, Thailand (Springer Proceedings in Physics #399)
by Mohan Lal Kolhe Qiangqiang LiaoSpringer Proceedings in Physics publishes the latest research from the 9th International Symposium on Hydrogen Energy, Renewable Energy and Materials. This comprehensive collection explores cutting-edge theory, modelling, experimentation, and practical applications in hydrogen energy, renewable sources, and advanced materials. Readers will be able to gain insights into critical areas like hydrogen production, storage, and utilization; solar, wind, bioenergy, and use of waste materials; and next-generation materials for fuel cells, batteries, and photovoltaics. This indispensable resource provides researchers, developers, and policymakers with the knowledge they need to accelerate the path to a sustainable future.
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Superalloy 718 & Derivatives: Energy, Aerospace, and Industrial Applications (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series)
by Chantal Sudbrack Daisuke Nagahama Max Kaplan Paul Jablonski Karl Heck Jon Groh Ian Dempster Kevin Bockenstedt Zhongnan Bi Joel Andersson Xingbo Liu Eric OttThis technical meeting will focus on Alloy 718 and Superalloys in this class relative to alloy and process development, production, product applications, trends and the development of advanced modeling tools. The symposium provides an opportunity for authors to present technical advancements relative to a broad spectrum of areas while assessing their impact on related fields associated with this critical alloy group. There are continuing innovations relative to these alloys as well as novel processing techniques which continue to extend applications in very challenging environments ranging from corrosion resistance in the deep sea to high-stressed space applications.
Proceedings of the 9th IRC Conference on Science, Engineering, and Technology: IRC-SET 2023; 19-August, Singapore
by Jiqiang Lu Huaqun Guo Ian McLoughlin Eyasu Getahun Chekole Umayal Lakshmanan Weizhi Meng Peng Cheng Wang Nicholas Heng Loong WongThis book highlights the contemporary state of research in multidisciplinary areas of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Data Science, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Biomedical Sciences, Life Sciences, Medicine, Healthcare, and Business Technology. The accepted submissions to the 9th IRC Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (IRC-SET 2023) presented on 19 August 2023 are published in this conference proceedings. The papers presented here were shortlisted after extensive rounds of rigorous reviews by a panel of esteemed individuals who are pioneers and experts in their respective domains.
Proceedings of the 9th Movement, Health and Exercise Conference: MoHE 2023, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia (Lecture Notes in Bioengineering)
by Mohd Hasnun Arif Hassan Ahmad Munir Che Muhamed D. Maryama Ag Daud Toby Mündel Narihiko KondoThis book gathers papers presented at the 9th International Conference of Movement, Health and Exercise (MoHE 2023) held at Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. The content covers the following topics: exercise science; human performance; physical activity & health; sports medicine; sports nutrition; management & sports studies; and sports engineering & technology. The articles published will be of interest to researchers and practitioners from the field of rehabilitation, exercise medicine and sports technology.
Proceedings of the American Solar Energy Society National Conference: ASES SOLAR 2022 (Springer Proceedings in Energy)
by Ashok Kumar Ghosh Carly RixhamThis book focuses on the complex topic of “Energy Transition with Economic Justice” and highlights research presented during the American Solar Energy Society’s National Solar Conference (ASES SOLAR 2022) held at the University of New Mexico. This conference brings together a broad base of solar and renewable energy professionals and thought leaders, including researchers, architects, engineers, entrepreneurs, installers, manufacturers, economists, finance professionals, and policy makers, and provides a platform for the exchange of ideas, information and business insights and unbiased perspectives on progress toward greater sustainability. The conference papers explore interests of shared values and identify contentious issues in the transition towards 100% renewable energy in the United States, especially on public lands, within tribal communities, and frontier areas.
Proceedings of the Annual Congress of the Asia-Pacific Society for Artificial Organs: APSAO: Making Breakthrough via Multidisciplinary Approach (Lecture Notes in Bioengineering)
by Mohd Jamil Mohamed Mokhtarudin Azam Ahmad Bakir Andrew Stephens Nadiah SulaimanThis book presents the proceedings of the Annual Congress of the Asia-Pacific Society for Artificial Organs (APSAO) 2023, which focuses on multidisciplinary advances and innovations in the cardiovascular, respiratory, and renal support systems. This collection of articles covers three main themes that are closely related to advances in artificial organs: (i) digital health and numerical simulation (ii) Design, development, evaluation and clinical translation and (iii) Biomaterials and tissue engineering. The conference showcased speakers from different countries in the Asia-Pacific region presenting their cutting-edge research on the designs, development, and evaluation of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and renal support systems. In addition, the readers are expected to gain an insightful view on the current needs for artificial organs research and development, as well as the steps needed for successful translation from concept into clinical practices. Specifically, the book willdeliberate the key challenges associated with the design and development of artificial organs, their clinical translation as well as patient management in the Asia-Pacific region, particularly in the low- and middle-income countries.
Proceedings of the Cambridge Unsteady Flow Symposium 2024
by James C. Tyacke Nagabhushana Rao VadlamaniThis book contains the proceedings of the Cambridge Unsteady Flow Symposium, held on 4–5 March 2024 at the University of Cambridge. The book brings together internationally leading experts in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and promotes discussions on numerical methods for unsteady flows. The book covers a wide range of topics related to CFD, including but not limited to, large-eddy simulations, unsteady flows in aerospace, high order methods, and mesh generation.
Proceedings of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering Annual Conference 2021: CSCE21 Structures Track Volume 2 (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #244)
by Scott Walbridge Mazdak Nik-Bakht Kelvin Tsun Wai Ng Manas Shome M. Shahria Alam Ashraf El Damatty Gordon LovegroveThis book comprises the proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering 2021. The contents of this volume focus on specialty conferences in construction, environmental, hydrotechnical, materials, structures, transportation engineering, etc. This volume will prove a valuable resource for those in academia and industry.
Proceedings of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering Annual Conference 2021: CSCE21 Materials Track (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #248)
by Scott Walbridge Mazdak Nik-Bakht Kelvin Tsun Wai Ng Manas Shome M. Shahria Alam Ashraf El Damatty Gordon LovegroveThis book comprises the proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering 2021. The contents of this volume focus on specialty conferences in construction, environmental, hydrotechnical, materials, structures, transportation engineering, etc. This volume will prove a valuable resource for those in academia and industry.
Proceedings of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering Annual Conference 2021: CSCE21 General Track Volume 2 (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #240)
by Scott Walbridge Mazdak Nik-Bakht Kelvin Tsun Wai Ng Manas Shome M. Shahria Alam Ashraf El Damatty Gordon LovegroveThis book comprises the proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering 2021. The contents of this volume focus on specialty conferences in construction, environmental, hydrotechnical, materials, structures, transportation engineering, etc. This volume will prove a valuable resource for those in academia and industry.