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Showing 61,701 through 61,725 of 79,824 results

Radiogenic Isotope Geology (3rd Edition)

by Alan P. Dickin

Modern isotope geochemistry is a rapidly expanding field that has a part to play in a broad range of earth and planetary sciences - from extra-solar system processes to environmental geoscience. this new edition of a popular textbook is completely updated and places more emphasis on the uses of radiogenic isotopes in environmental earth science. The author reviews the field of radiogenic isotope geology in a concise and visual manner to provide a comprehensive introduction to the subject and its wide variety of applications. For each technique, current ideas are presented in their historical context to allow the reader to understand the development of the theory. The latest ideas and methods, classic papers and case studies all come under scrutiny within this book. An accessible introduction for scientists from other disciplines and an important reference for students and researchers working in isotope geology.

Radiography in Veterinary Technology 4th Ed

by Lisa M. Lavin

Written by a veterinary technician for veterinary technicians, students, and veterinary practice application, this concise, step-by-step text will help users consistently produce excellent radiographic images. It covers the physics of radiography, the origin of film artifacts, and positioning and restraint of small, large, avian, and exotic animals. It discusses everything from patient preparation, handling, and positioning to technical evaluation of the finished product.

Radioisotope Power Systems: An Imperative for Maintaining U.S. Leadership in Space Exploration

by National Research Council of the National Academies

Spacecraft require electrical energy. This energy must be available in the outer reaches of the solar system where sunlight is very faint. It must be available through lunar nights that last for 14 days, through long periods of dark and cold at the higher latitudes on Mars, and in high-radiation fields such as those around Jupiter. Radioisotope power systems (RPSs) are the only available power source that can operate unconstrained in these environments for the long periods of time needed to accomplish many missions, and plutonium-238 (238Pu) is the only practical isotope for fueling them. Plutonium-238 does not occur in nature. The committee does not believe that there is any additional 238Pu (or any operational 238Pu production facilities) available anywhere in the world.The total amount of 238Pu available for NASA is fixed, and essentially all of it is already dedicated to support several pending missions--the Mars Science Laboratory, Discovery 12, the Outer Planets Flagship 1 (OPF 1), and (perhaps) a small number of additional missions with a very small demand for 238Pu. If the status quo persists, the United States will not be able to provide RPSs for any subsequent missions.

Radioisotopes in Weed Research

by Kassio Ferreira Mendes

Herbicides are of great importance in weed management and are one of the most widely used pesticide groups for weed control across the globe. Concerns around the residual effects of these intensively used chemicals are equally widespread. Offering a new direction for research that focuses on herbicide behavior and its impacts on the environment, this book covers the use of radioisotopes in weed research and the detoxification of herbicides. Applying technological advances in radiation detection, Radioisotopes in Weed Research explains how isotopic techniques can be used to identify degradation products and trace the fate of herbicides applied to crop plants. This book provides essential information on the historical use and recent advances of radioisotopes in weed research. It demonstrates the potential these methods offer the field of weed science in gaining a better understanding of the behavior of herbicides in plants and soil and working to ensure the continuous, effective, and safe use of herbicides, minimizing harmful impacts on ecosystems. Features: Explains the radiometric method with studies of radiolabelled herbicides and includes case studies as examples Describes radiometric methods to study the behavior of herbicides in soil from transport and transformation to retention Elucidates the absorption, translocation, and metabolism studies of herbicides in plants Authored by a team of leading scientists, this book is written for professors, researchers, extensionists, graduate and undergraduate students, rural producers, and other professionals involved in weed science.

Radiolarians in the Sedimentary Record

by P. De Wever P. Dumitrica J.P. Caulet C. Nigrini M. Caridroit

Radiolarians in the Sedimentary Record presents the current state of knowledge on fossil radiolarians. The author discusses the record, as well as new integrated taxonomic systems at the family level. The book provides comprehensive coverage of the fossil record of these unicellular organisms. It also discusses their important role in the history o

A Radiologic Atlas of Abuse, Torture, Terrorism, and Inflicted Trauma

by B. G. Brogdon Hermann Vogel John D. McDowell

The results of aggression against humans can be hideously obvious, but may also be entirely concealed from casual inspection. Often, only exploration of the hidden recesses of the mind via psychiatric evaluation, or radiologic exploration of the inner recesses of the body can reveal the evidence of such violence. This book focuses on the latter.<BR

Radiologic Science for Technologists: Physics, Biology and Protection (10th Edition)

by Stewart Carlyle Bushong

This textbook provides a solid presentation of radiologic science, including the fundamentals of radiologic physics, diagnostic imaging, radio biology, and radiation management.

Radiologic Technology Clinical Manual

by Robert J. Parelli

The Radiologic Technology Clinical Manual is designed to guide students through all aspects of clinical training in the area of radiological sciences. This practical workbook contains student self-evaluation forms, course outlines, instructional objectives, and all the procedures and work assignments necessary for training students in the clinical side of radiologic technology. It can be used as a supplement to any radiologic sciences program.When used as part of an occupational training course in radiologic technology, the Radiologic Technology Clinical Manual will help students qualify for examination by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). The book contains valuable record keeping materials for clinical experience hours, background on the profession as a whole, and evaluation forms for quarterly periods of clinical training. Time sheets, attendance forms, and clinical log forms are also included.

Radiological Anatomy for FRCR Part 1

by Abdul Rahman Alvi Philip Borg

The new FRCR part 1 Anatomy examination comprises 20 cases/images, with five questions about each. The cases are labelled 01 to 20 and the five questions are labelled (a) to (e). The authors have set out to emulate this format by gathering 200 cases which, from their experience, are representative of the cases on which candidates will be tested. The book consists of 10 tests with 20 cases each, and 5 stem questions each. The answers, along with an explanation and tips, accompany each test at the end of the chapter. This will help candidates to identify the level of anatomical knowledge expected by the Royal College of Radiologists. The aim of this book is not to replace the already available literature in radiological anatomy, but to complement it as a revision guide. Whereas radiological anatomy atlases and textbooks provide images with labels for every possible identifiable structure in an investigation, the cases in this book have only 5 labels, simulating the exam.

Radiological and Nuclear Terrorism: Their Science, Effects, Prevention, and Recovery (Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications)

by P. Andrew Karam

This book discusses multiple aspects of radiological and nuclear terrorism. Do you know what to do if there is a radiological or nuclear emergency in your city? These accidents are not common, but they have happened – and even though we have not seen an attack using these weapons, governments around the world are making plans for how to prevent them – and for how to respond if necessary. Whether you are an emergency responder, a medical caregiver, a public health official – even a member of the public wanting to know how to keep yourself and your loved ones safe – there is a need to understand how these weapons work, how radiation affects our health, how to stop an attack from taking place, how to respond appropriately in the event of an emergency, and much more.Unfortunately, the knowledge that is needed to accomplish all of this is lacking at all levels of society and government. In this book, Dr. Andrew Karam, an internationally respected expert in radiation safety and multiple aspects of radiological and nuclear emergencies, discusses how these weapons work and what they can do, how they can affect our health, how to keep yourself safe, and how to react appropriately whether you are a police officer investigating a suspect radiological weapon, a firefighter responding to a radiological or nuclear attack, a nurse or physician caring for potentially contaminated patients, or a governmental official trying to keep the public safe. To do this, he draws upon his extensive experience in the military, the several years he worked directly with emergency responders, his service on a number of advisory committees, and multiple trips overseas in the aftermath of the Fukushima accident and on behalf of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Interpol, and the Health Physics Society.

Radiological Imaging of the Kidney

by Emilio Quaia

This book provides a unique and comprehensive analysis of the normal anatomy and pathology of the kidney and upper urinary tract from the modern diagnostic imaging point of view. The first part is dedicated to the normal radiological anatomy of the kidney and normal anatomic variants. The second part presents in detail all of the imaging modalities which can be employed to assess the kidney and the upper urinary tract, with careful descriptions of patient preparation, investigation protocols, and principal fields of application of each imaging modality. The entire spectrum of kidney pathologies is then presented with the aid of a large set of images, many of which are in color. The latest innovations in interventional radiology, biopsy procedures, and parametric and molecular imaging are also described. This book should be of great interest to all radiologists, oncologists, and urologists who are involved in the management of kidney pathologies in their daily clinical practice.

Radiological Interventions in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

by John Reidy Nigel Hacking Bruce Mclucas

This book provides a state-of-the-art review of the technical and clinical aspects of the vascular interventional radiological (IR) procedures currently employed in obstetrics and gynaecology. A particular focus is on uterine artery embolisation for fibroid disease, which is contrasted with the main alternative uterus-conserving surgical approach of myomectomy, and with ablation therapy. Detailed consideration is also given to the role of embolisation in a variety of other less common conditions, including arteriovenous malformations, post-partum haemorrhage, abnormal placentation and pelvic congestion syndrome. IR procedures are examined from a critical gynaecological perspective and with regard to surgical alternatives. The authors include leading interventional radiologists and gynaecologists from the United Kingdom, Europe and North America.

Radiological Interventions in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Medical Radiology)

by John Reidy Nigel Hacking Bruce McLucas

This book provides a state-of-the-art review of the technical and clinical aspects of the vascular interventional radiological (IR) procedures currently employed in obstetrics and gynaecology. A particular focus is on uterine artery embolisation for fibroid disease, which is contrasted with the main alternative uterus-conserving surgical approach of myomectomy, and with ablation therapy. Detailed consideration is also given to the role of embolisation in a variety of other less common conditions, including arteriovenous malformations, post-partum haemorrhage, abnormal placentation and pelvic congestion syndrome. IR procedures are examined from a critical gynaecological perspective and with regard to surgical alternatives. The authors include leading interventional radiologists and gynaecologists from the United Kingdom, Europe and North America.

Radiologie: Techniek en onderzoek

by Jacques Hensen Karen Jaarsveld-Bolman Tom Dam José Dol-Jansen Sija Geers-van Gemeren

Radiologie maakt deel uit van de serie Medische Beeldvorming en Radiotherapie. De uitgave van deze boeken is een initiatief van het project Samenwerkingsverband Leermiddelen, in samenwerking met de redacties en auteurs uit het werkveld. Dit boek is een vervolg op en afgeleid van de boeken Techniek in de radiologie en Radiodiagnostisch onderzoek. Vanaf 2010 zijn deze twee boeken vervangen door drie delen, die sterk zijn uitgebreid en geactualiseerd:Computertomografie, Radiologie en Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Radiologie bevat een beschrijving van de r#65533;ntgentechniek en instelkunde, en daarnaast een overzicht van belangrijke ontwikkelingen op het gebied van digitalisering en kwaliteitsaspecten van het beroepsveld van de MBB'er (Medisch Beeldvormings- en Bestralingsdeskundige). Deel 1 Techniek beschrijft het basisprincipe van de radiologie en de toepassing hiervan in de praktijk. Nieuwe technische begrippen komen uitgebreid aan bod. Deel 2 gaat in op de strenge eisen op het gebied van kwaliteit en veiligheid die zowel aan de r#65533;ntgenapparatuur als aan de MBB'ers worden gesteld, waarbij ook de pati#65533;ntveiligheid aan bod komt. Deel 3 geeft een uitvoerige beschrijving van de instellingen voor het maken van standaardr#65533;ntgenopnamen met alle benodigde gegevens, ondersteund door fotomateriaal en illustraties. Hierbij is een onderverdeling gemaakt per tractus. Verder is er speciale aandacht voor mammografie, traumatologie en r#65533;ntgenonderzoek bij kinderen. Behalve voor MBB'ers in opleiding is Radiologie ook bij uitstek geschikt voor MBB'ers werkzaam in de radiologie, nucleaire geneeskunde en radiotherapie. Het boek is ook een goede introductie voor radiologen, al dan niet in opleiding, en een betrouwbaar naslagwerk voor artsen in opleiding.

Radiologie: Techniek en onderzoek (Medische beeldvorming en radiotherapie)

by Jacques Hensen John Peeters Tom Dam

Dit boek beschrijft de röntgentechniek en instelkunde, en geeft een overzicht van belangrijke ontwikkelingen op het gebied van digitalisering en kwaliteitsaspecten van het beroepsveld van de MBB’er (Medisch Beeldvormings- en Bestralingsdeskundige). Deel 1 gaat in op het basisprincipe van de radiologie en de toepassing hiervan in de praktijk. Nieuwe technische begrippen komen uitgebreid aan bod. Deel 2 benoemt de strenge eisen op het gebied van kwaliteit en veiligheid die aan de röntgenapparatuur en aan de MBB’ers worden gesteld, waarbij ook de patiëntveiligheid aan bod komt. Deel 3 beschrijft de instellingen voor het maken van standaardröntgenopnamen met alle benodigde gegevens, ondersteund door fotomateriaal en illustraties. Er is een onderverdeling gemaakt per tractus. Verder is er speciale aandacht voor mammografie, traumatologie en röntgenonderzoek bij kinderen. Deze volledig herziene editie is geactualiseerd en aangepast volgens de huidige maatstaven. De techniek is op sommige punten verder ontwikkeld, er zijn verschillende nieuwe onderzoeken bij gekomen en andere onderzoeken zijn obsoleet geworden of vervangen door andere technieken zoals MRI, CT of echografie.Online zijn de teksten en afbeeldingen van het boek ook te raadplegen. Bij dit boek hoort een website die het mogelijk maakt om altijd en overal te studeren of informatie op te zoeken. Ook zijn hier oefenvragen per hoofdstuk beschikbaar die het mogelijk maken om verworven competenties en kennis te toetsen. Radiologie – Techniek en onderzoek maakt deel uit van de serie Medische Beeldvorming en Radiotherapie. Behalve voor MBB’ers in opleiding is dit boek bij uitstek geschikt voor MBB’ers werkzaam in de radiologie, nucleaire geneeskunde en radiotherapie. Het boek is ook een goede introductie voor radiologen, al dan niet in opleiding, en een betrouwbaar naslagwerk voor artsen in opleiding. 

Radiology Education

by Kathryn M. Hibbert Rethy K. Chhem Teresa van Van Deven Shih-Chang Wang

This book reviews the philosophies, theories, and principles that underpin assessment and evaluation in radiology education, highlighting emerging practices and work done in the field. The sometimes conflicting assessment and evaluation needs of accreditation bodies, academic programs, trainees, and patients are carefully considered. The final section of the book examines assessment and evaluation in practice, through the development of rich case studies reflecting the implementation of a variety of approaches. This is the third book in a trilogy devoted to radiology education. The previous two books focused on the culture and the learning organizations in which our future radiologists are educated and on the application of educational principles in the education of radiologists. Here, the trilogy comes full circle: attending to the assessment and evaluation of the education of its members has much to offer back to the learning of the organization.

Radiology Fundamentals

by Harjit Singh Janet Neutze

Radiology Fundamentals is a concise introduction to the dynamic field of radiology for medical students, non-radiology house staff, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, radiology assistants, and other allied health professionals. The goal of the book is to provide readers with general examples and brief discussions of basic radiographic principles and to serve as a curriculum guide, supplementing a radiology education and providing a solid foundation for further learning. Introductory chapters provide readers with the fundamental scientific concepts underlying the medical use of imaging modalities and technology, including ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and nuclear medicine. The main scope of the book is to present concise chapters organized by anatomic region and radiology sub-specialty that highlight the radiologist's role in diagnosing and treating common diseases, disorders, and conditions. Highly illustrated with images and diagrams, each chapter in Radiology Fundamentals begins with learning objectives to aid readers in recognizing important points and connecting the basic radiology concepts that run throughout the text. It is the editors' hope that this valuable, up-to-date resource will foster and further stimulate self-directed radiology learning--the process at the heart of medical education.

Radiology Illustrated: Uroradiology

by Seung Hyup Kim

Uroradiology is an up-to-date, image-oriented reference in the style of a teaching file that has been designed specifically to be of value in clinical practice. All aspects of the imaging of urologic diseases are covered, and case studies illustrate the findings obtained with the relevant imaging modalities in both common and uncommon conditions. Most chapters focus on a particular clinical problem, but normal findings, congenital anomalies, and interventions are also discussed and illustrated. In this second edition, the range and quality of the illustrations have been enhanced, and many schematic drawings have been added to help readers memorize characteristic imaging findings through pattern recognition. The accompanying text is concise and informative. Besides serving as an outstanding aid to differential diagnosis, this book will provide a user-friendly review tool for certification or recertification in radiology.

Radiology Illustrated: Gynecologic Imaging

by Seung Hyup Kim

Radiology Illustrated: Gynecologic Imaging is an up-to-date, image-oriented reference in the style of a teaching file that has been designed specifically to be of value in clinical practice. Individual chapters focus on the various imaging techniques, normal variants and congenital anomalies, and the full range of pathology. Each chapter starts with a concise overview, and abundant examples of the imaging findings are then presented. In this second edition, the range and quality of the illustrations have been enhanced, and image quality is excellent throughout. Many schematic drawings have been added to help readers memorize characteristic imaging findings through pattern recognition. The organization of chapters by disease entity will enable readers quickly to find the information they seek. Besides serving as an outstanding aid to differential diagnosis, this book will provide a user-friendly review tool for certification or recertification in radiology.

Radiology Illustrated: Pattern Approach for Lung Imaging (Radiology Illustrated)

by Kyung Soo Lee Joungho Han Man Pyo Chung Yeon Joo Jeong

The purpose of this atlas is to illustrate how to achieve reliable diagnoses when confronted by the different abnormalities, or “disease patterns”, that may be visualized on CT scans of the chest. The task of pattern recognition has been greatly facilitated by the advent of high-technology CT such as helical and multidetector CT (MDCT) and dual-energy CT (DECT), and the focus of the book is very much on the role of state-of-the-art MDCT. A wide range of disease patterns and distributions are covered, with emphasis on the typical imaging characteristics of the various focal and diffuse lung diseases. In addition, clinical information relevant to differential diagnosis is provided and the underlying gross and microscopic pathology is depicted, permitting CT–pathology correlation. The entire information relevant to each disease pattern is also tabulated for ease of reference. This book will be an invaluable handy tool that will enable the reader to quickly and easily reach a diagnosis appropriate to the pattern of lung abnormality identified on CT scans. And in this second edition, some more signs and several new diseases and their pattern have been developed and updated. They will be provided with imaging, clinical relevance and CT-pathology correlation. Moreover, the chapters and disease patterns in their order of presentation shall be somewhat changed for readers’ easy legibility and understanding.

Radiology Illustrated: Nutcracker Phenomenon and Nutcracker Syndrome (Radiology Illustrated)

by Seung Hyup Kim

The nutcracker phenomenon (NCP) is an accentuated phenomenon of normal subtle compression of the left renal vein (LRV) between the abdominal aorta and superior mesenteric artery. The nutcracker syndrome (NCS) is a syndrome caused by NCP, resulting in hematuria, proteinuria, or left flank pain. The established diagnostic criterion of NCP is a pressure gradient more than 3 mmHG across the compression site, and NCS has been known to be rare, but probably is not rare and in fact quite common. The most important reason why NCS is known to be rare is that the diagnosis is difficult unless invasive venous catheterization and pressure measurement confirm the pressure gradient. Doppler ultrasound is useful in measuring the flow velocity of LRV. From the velocity measured by Doppler ultrasound, we may estimate the pressure gradient. Doppler ultrasound of LRV needs technical skills and experience. Computed tomography (CT) is a popular imaging technique for patients with hematuria, and we need to be familiar with the findings of the NCP at CT. There are variations of NCP associated with vascular anatomy and posture of the patients. This book will illustrate the concepts of NCP and NCS, findings at Doppler ultrasound and CT, and variations of NCP.

Radiology Illustrated: Spine (Radiology Illustrated)

by Joon Woo Lee Eugene Lee Heung Sik Kang

Radiology Illustrated: Spine is an up-to-date, superbly illustrated reference in the style of a teaching file that has been designed specifically to be of value in clinical practice. Common, critical, and rare but distinctive spinal disorders are described succinctly with the aid of images highlighting important features and informative schematic illustrations. The first part of the book, on common spinal disorders, is for radiology residents and other clinicians who are embarking on the interpretation of spinal images. A range of key disorders are then presented, including infectious spondylitis, cervical trauma, spinal cord disorders, spinal tumors, congenital disorders, uncommon degenerative disorders, inflammatory arthritides, and vascular malformations. The third part is devoted to rare but clinically significant spinal disorders with characteristic imaging features, and the book closes by presenting practical tips that will assist in the interpretation of confusing cases.The second edition is covering updated knowledge about spine imaging interpretation, such as disc nomenclature version 2.0, AO classification for spine trauma, neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders, covid-19 vaccine related spine disorders, etc. In addition, new edition show a lot of highly qualified spine imaging obtained by recently developed CT and MR machine of high-end technology. A lot of interesting cases representing characteristic imaging features is newly included in the third part.

Radiology in Forensic Medicine: From Identification to Post-mortem Imaging

by Giuseppe Lo Re Antonina Argo Massimo Midiri Cristina Cattaneo

This book offers a comprehensive overview of the forensic and radiological aspects of pathological findings, focusing on the most relevant medico-legal issues, such as virtual autopsy (virtopsy), anthropometric identification, post-mortem decomposition features and the latest radiological applications used in forensic investigations. Forensic medicine and radiology are becoming increasingly relevant in the international medical and legal field as they offer essential techniques for determining cause of death and for anthropometric identification. This is highly topical in light of public safety and economic concerns arising as a result of mass migration and international tensions. The book discusses the latest technologies applied in the forensic field, in particular computed tomography and magnetic resonance, which are continuously being updated. Radiological techniques are fundamental in rapidly providing a full description of the damage inflicted to add to witness and medical testimonies, and forensic/radiological anthropology supplies valuable evidence in cases of violence and abuse.Written by international experts, it is of interest to students and residents in forensic medicine and radiology. It also presents a new approach to forensic investigation for lawyers and police special corps as well as law enforcement agencies.

Radiology Life Support (RAD-LS): A Practical Approach

by William Bush Jr

'Radiology Life Support' focuses on the adverse effects and life-threatening emergencies caused by reactions to the contrast media used in every modern radiology department. Such reactions are relatively infrequent yet can be severe and are therefore difficult to identify and then handle safely without training. All radiologists will experience at least a few such reactions throughout their career. This book teaches proper recognition and treatment of adverse contrast reactions, proper use of sedation and analgesic agents, proper management of an airway in an emergency situation and principle concepts in basic and advanced life support (including early defibrilation). The text is based on the successful training course run by the editors and sponsored by the American Roentgen Ray Society. Adverse reactions to contrast agents are somewhat difficult for physicians without practice to identify and then handle effectively. This volume is a useful aid to the identification process.

Radiology of Orthopedic Implants

by Sanjeev Agarwal Gaurav Jyoti Bansal

There is an ever-expanding range of implants used in Orthopaedic Surgery. Nearly 200,000 joint replacement procedures are done in UK every year. The performance of these implants is assessed on radiographs. This is of interest to Orthopaedic surgeons and Radiologists alike. Information on interpretation of these radiographs is not readily available in an easily readable format. This book will assist both trainees and practicing orthopedic surgeons and radiologists in assessing the radiologic appearance of implants and their potential for future performance.

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