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Process and Plant Safety
by Ulrich HauptmannsAccidents in industrial installations are random events. Hence they cannot be totally avoided. Only the probability of their occurrence may be reduced and their consequences be mitigated. The book proceeds from hazards caused by materials and process conditions to indicating engineered and organizational measures for achieving the objectives of reduction and mitigation. Qualitative methods for identifying weaknesses of design and increasing safety as well as models for assessing accident consequences are presented. The quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of safety measures is explained. The treatment of uncertainties plays a role there. They stem from the random character of the accident and from lacks of knowledge of some of the phenomena to be addressed. The reader is acquainted with the simulation of accidents, with safety and risk analyses and learns how to judge the potential and limitations of mathematical modelling. Risk analysis is applied amongst others to “functional safety” and the determination of “appropriate distances” between industry and residential areas (land-use planning). This shows how it can be used as a basis for safety-relevant decisions. Numerous worked-out examples and case studies addressing real plants and situations deepen the understanding of the subjects treated and support self-study.
Process and Providence: The Evolution Question at Princeton, 1845-1929
by Bradley J. GundlachCharles Hodge, James McCosh, B. B. Warfield -- these leading professors at Princeton College and Seminary in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries are famous for their orthodox Protestant positions on the doctrine of evolution. In this book Bradley Gundlach explores the surprisingly positive embrace of developmental views by the whole community of thinkers at old Princeton, showing how they embraced the development not only of the cosmos and life-forms but also of Scripture and the history of doctrine, even as they defended their historic Christian creed.Decrying an intellectual world gone “evolution-mad,” the old Princetonians nevertheless welcomed evolution “properly limited and explained.” Rejecting historicism and Darwinism, they affirmed developmentalism and certain non-Darwinian evolutionary theories, finding process over time through the agency of second causes — God’s providential rule in the world -- both enlightening and polemically useful. They also took care to identify the pernicious causes and effects of antisupernatural evolutionisms. By the 1920s their nuanced distinctions, together with their advocacy of both biblical inerrancy and modern science, were overwhelmed by the brewing fundamentalist controversy.From the first American review of the pre-Darwinian Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation to the Scopes Trial and the forced reorganization of Princeton Seminary in 1929, Process and Providence reliably portrays the preeminent conservative Protestants in America as they defined, contested, and answered -- precisely and incisively -- the many facets of the evolution question.
Process Architecture in Biomanufacturing Facility Design
by Jeffery Odum Michael C. FlickingerEssential information for architects, designers, engineers, equipment suppliers, and other professionals who are working in or entering the biopharmaceutical manufacturing field Biomanufacturing facilities that are designed and built today are radically different than in the past. The vital information and knowledge needed to design and construct these increasingly sophisticated biopharmaceutical manufacturing facilities is difficult to find in published literature—and it’s rarely taught in architecture or design schools. This is the first book for architects and designers that fills this void. Process Architecture in Biomanufacturing Facility Design provides information on design principles of biopharmaceutical manufacturing facilities that support emerging innovative processes and technologies, use state-of-the-art equipment, are energy efficient and sustainable, and meet regulatory requirements. Relying on their many years of hands-on design and operations experience, the authors emphasize concepts and practical approaches toward design, construction, and operation of biomanufacturing facilities, including product-process-facility relationships, closed systems and single use equipment, aseptic manufacturing considerations, design of biocontainment facility and process based laboratory, and sustainability considerations, as well as an outlook on the facility of the future. Provides guidelines for meeting licensing and regulatory requirements for biomanufacturing facilities in the U.S.A and WHO—especially in emerging global markets in India, China, Latin America, and the Asia/Pacific regions Focuses on innovative design and equipment, to speed construction and time to market, increase energy efficiency, and reduce footprint, construction and operational costs, as well as the financial risks associated with construction of a new facility prior to the approval of the manufactured products by regulatory agencies Includes many diagrams that clarify the design approach Process Architecture in Biomanufacturing Facility Design is an ideal text for professionals involved in the design of facilities for manufacturing of biopharmaceuticals and vaccines, biotechnology, and life-science industry, including architects and designers of industrial facilities, construction, equipment vendors, and mechanical engineers. It is also recommended for university instructors, advanced undergraduates, and graduate students in architecture, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, industrial design, and industrial interior design.
Process Chemistry in the Pharmaceutical Industry
by Kumar G. GadamasettiProviding guidance for chemists and other scientists entering pharmaceutical discovery and development, this up-to-the-minute reference presents contributions from an international group of nearly 50 renowned researchers-offering a solid grounding in synthetic and physical organic chemistry, and clarifying the roles of various special
Process Chemistry in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Volume 2: Challenges in an Ever Changing Climate
by Kumar Gadamasetti Tamim BraishAs pharmaceutical companies strive to develop safer medicines at a lower cost, they must keep pace with the rapid growth of technology and research methodologies. Defying the misconception of process chemistry as mere scale-up work, Process Chemistry in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Vol. 2: Challenges in an Ever Changing Climate explor
Process Chemistry of Lubricant Base Stocks (Chemical Industries)
by Thomas R. LynchAdvances in processing methods are not only improving the quality and yield of lubricant base stocks, they are also reducing the dependence on more expensive crude oil starting materials. Process Chemistry of Lubricant Base Stocks provides a comprehensive understanding of the chemistry behind the processes involved in petroleum base stock p
Process Control
by Jean-Pierre CorriouThis reference book can be read at different levels, making it a powerful source of information. It presents most of the aspects of control that can help anyone to have a synthetic view of control theory and possible applications, especially concerning process engineering.
Process Control: A Practical Approach
by Myke KingSo why another book on process control? Process Control: A Practical Approach is a ground-breaking guide that provides everything needed to design and maintain process control applications. <P><P>The book follows the hierarchy from basic control, through advanced regulatory control, up to and including multivariable control. It addresses many process-specific applications including those on fired heaters, compressors and distillation columns. <P><P>Written with the practicing control engineer in mind, the book: Brings together proven design methods, many of which have never been published before Focuses on techniques that have an immediate practical application Minimizes the use of daunting mathematics - but for the more demanding reader, complex mathematical derivations are included at the end of each chapter Covers the use of all the algorithms, common to most distributed control systems This book raises the standard of what might be expected of even basic controls. In addition to the design methods it describes any shortcuts that can be taken and how to avoid common pitfalls. Proper application will result in significant improvements to process performance. Myke King's practical approach addresses the needs of the process industry, and will improve the working practices of many control engineers. "This book would be of value to process control engineers in any country." - Mr Andrew Ogden-Swift, Chairmain, Process Management and Control Subject Group, Institution of Chemical Engineers, UK "This book should take the process-control world by storm." - Edward Dilley, Lecturer in Process Control, ESD Simulation Training
Process Control: A Practical Approach
by Myke KingThis expanded new edition is specifically designed to meet the needs of the process industry, and closes the gap between theory and practice. Back-to-basics approach, with a focus on techniques that have an immediate practical application, and heavy maths relegated to the end of the book Written by an experienced practitioner, highly regarded by major corporations, with 25 years of teaching industry courses Supports the increasing expectations for Universities to teach more practical process control (supported by IChemE)
Process Control: A Practical Approach
by Myke KingSo why another book on process control? Process Control: A Practical Approach is a ground-breaking guide that provides everything needed to design and maintain process control applications. The book follows the hierarchy from basic control, through advanced regulatory control, up to and including multivariable control. It addresses many process-specific applications including those on fired heaters, compressors and distillation columns. Written with the practicing control engineer in mind, the book: Brings together proven design methods, many of which have never been published before Focuses on techniques that have an immediate practical application Minimizes the use of daunting mathematics – but for the more demanding reader, complex mathematical derivations are included at the end of each chapter Covers the use of all the algorithms, common to most distributed control systems This book raises the standard of what might be expected of even basic controls. In addition to the design methods it describes any shortcuts that can be taken and how to avoid common pitfalls. Proper application will result in significant improvements to process performance. Myke King’s practical approach addresses the needs of the process industry, and will improve the working practices of many control engineers. “This book would be of value to process control engineers in any country.” – Mr Andrew Ogden-Swift, Chairmain, Process Management and Control Subject Group, Institution of Chemical Engineers, UK “This book should take the process-control world by storm.” – Edward Dilley, Lecturer in Process Control, ESD Simulation Training
Process Control: Engineering Analyses and Best Practices (Advances in Industrial Control)
by Steve S. Niu Deyun XiaoProcess Control details the core knowledge and practical skills that a successful process control practitioner needs. It explains the essential technologies that are in use in current industrial practice or which may be wanting for the future. The book focuses on practical considerations, not only on those that make a control solution work, but also on those that prevent it from failing, especially for complex control loops and plant-wide control solutions.After discussing the indispensable role of control in modern process industries, the authors concentrate on the skills required for process analysis, control design, and troubleshooting. One of the first books to provide a systematic approach and structured methodology for process analysis and control design, Process Control illustrates that methodology with many practical examples that cover process control, equipment control, and control calculations derived from real projects and applications. The book uses 229 drawings and 83 tables to make the concepts it presents more intuitive and its methodology easy to follow.Process Control will help the practising control engineer to benefit from a wealth of practical experience and good ideas on how to make control work in the real world and students training to take up roles in process control are shown the applied relevance of control theory in the efficient functioning of industrial plant and the considerations needed to make it work.Advances in Industrial Control reports and encourages the transfer of technology in control engineering. The rapid development of control technology has an impact on all areas of the control discipline. The series offers an opportunity for researchers to present an extended exposition of new work in all aspects of industrial control.
Process Control Engineering
by A.Ramachandro. RaoProcess Control Engineering is a textbook for chemical, mechanical and electrical engineering students, providing the theoretic fundamentals of control systems, and highlighting modern control theory and practical aspects of industrial processes. The introductory nature of the text should appeal to undergraduate students, while later chapters on linear systems, optimal control, adaptive control and intelligent control are directed toward advanced students and practising engineers. The textbook has been extensively tested in both undergraduate and graduate courses at the University of Alberta.
Process Control for Pumps and Compressors (Advances in Industrial Control)
by Steve S. NiuThis book provides a summary of the essential knowledge and working processes involved with control of rotating equipment including:machine characteristics;overall control strategies;detailed design; andbest practices.Emphasis is placed on the role of pumps and compressors as part of the overall process flow rather than treating them in isolation as this tends to optimize energy efficiency.Readers are made aware of the critical roles of rotating equipment and are given a good understanding of their dynamic behaviors, including surge/choke. The author imparts the practical know-how and skills involved in the design and implementation of capacity and anti-surge control and safe-guarding logic. Furthermore, the book discusses real-time monitoring of solutions based on operational requirements, dynamic models for control of supply and demand, cause-and-effect relationships, the use of online and offline data, and collaboration with other engineering disciplines. The text facilitates support for the day-to-day operation of in-house open-platform compressor control applications, encouraging the growth of analytic skills in troubleshooting and fixing common problems; it also inculcates a basic understanding of the principles of third-party proprietary technologies and supports decision-making between in-house and third-party solutions.Process engineers working in the oil-and-gas, refining, petrochemical, and chemical industries who bear responsibility for designing control solutions involving pumps and compressors will find this book an invaluable source of practical advice. This book also helps engineers working on design and maintenance of rotating equipment to understand the perspectives and requirements of process control.
Process Control Fundamentals: Analysis, Design, Assessment, and Diagnosis
by Raghunathan Rengaswamy Babji Srinivasan Nirav Pravinbhai BhattThe field of process control has evolved gradually over the years, with emphasis on key aspects including designing and tuning of controllers. This textbook covers fundamental concepts of basic and multivariable process control, and important monitoring and diagnosis techniques. It discusses topics including state-space models, Laplace transform to convert state-space models to transfer function models, linearity and linearization, inversion formulae, conversion of output to time domain, stability analysis through partial fraction expansion, and stability analysis using Routh table and Nyquits plots. The text also covers basics of relative gain array, multivariable controller design and model predictive control. The text comprehensively covers minimum variable controller (MVC) and minimum variance benchmark with the help of solved examples for better understanding. Fundamentals of diagnosis of control loop problems are also explained and explanations are bolstered through solved examples. Pedagogical features including solved problems and unsolved exercises are interspersed throughout the text for better understanding. The textbook is primarily written for senior undergraduate and graduate students in the field of chemical engineering and biochemical engineering for a course on process control. The textbook will be accompanied by teaching resource such a collection of slides for the course material and a includsolution manual for the instructors.
Process Control, Intensification, and Digitalisation in Continuous Biomanufacturing
by Ganapathy SubramanianProcess Control, Intensification, and Digitalisation in Continuous Biomanufacturing Explore new trends in continuous biomanufacturing with contributions from leading practitioners in the field With the increasingly widespread acceptance and investment in the ??technology, the last decade has demonstrated the utility of continuous ??processing in the pharmaceutical industry. In Process Control, Intensification, and Digitalisation in Continuous Biomanufacturing, distinguished biotechnologist Dr. Ganapathy Subramanian delivers a comprehensive exploration of the potential of the continuous processing of biological products and discussions of future directions in advancing continuous processing to meet new challenges and demands in the manufacture of therapeutic products. A stand-alone follow-up to the editor’s Continuous Biomanufacturing: Innovative Technologies and Methods published in 2017, this new edited volume focuses on critical aspects of process intensification, process control, and the digital transformation of biopharmaceutical processes. In addition to topics like the use of multivariant data analysis, regulatory concerns, and automation processes, the book also includes: Thorough introductions to capacitance sensors to control feeding strategies and the continuous production of viral vaccines Comprehensive explorations of strategies for the continuous upstream processing of induced microbial systems Practical discussions of preparative hydrophobic interaction chromatography and the design of modern protein-A-resins for continuous biomanufacturing In-depth examinations of bioprocess intensification approaches and the benefits of single use for process intensification Perfect for biotechnologists, bioengineers, pharmaceutical engineers, and process engineers, Process Control, Intensification, and Digitalisation in Continuous Biomanufacturing is also an indispensable resource for chemical engineers seeking a one-stop reference on continuous biomanufacturing.
Process Cosmology: New Integrations in Science and Philosophy (Palgrave Perspectives on Process Philosophy)
by Andrew M. Davis Maria-Teresa Teixeira Wm. Andrew SchwartzThis book newly articulates the international and interdisciplinary reach of Whitehead’s organic process cosmology for a variety of topics across science and philosophy, and in dialogue with a variety historical and contemporary voices. Integrating Whitehead’s thought with the insights of Bergson, James, Pierce, Merleau-Ponty, Descola, Fuchs, Hofmann, Grof and many others, contributors from around the world reveal the relevance of process philosophy to physics, cosmology, astrobiology, ecology, metaphysics, aesthetics, psychedelics, and religion. A global collection, this book expresses multivocal possibilities for the development of process cosmology after Whitehead.
Process Design for Chemical and Environmental Engineering
by Ashok Kumar VermaThis book discusses the design methodology for chemical process equipment carrying out heat and mass transfer operations and various types of reactors. Process design is an important step before achieving a mechanical design of chemical process equipment. It requires comprehensive knowledge of thermodynamics, fluid flow, heat, and mass transfer operations, and chemical reaction engineering, which is covered by the various chapters in this book. It covers process design of (1) heat exchangers, condensers, and reboilers; (2) packed and stage columns for distillation and gas absorption in chapter; (3) liquid–liquid extractor and solid–liquid leaching systems; (4) cooling towers; and (5) four different types of catalytic reactors, packed bed, fluidized bed, slurry bubble column, and mechanically agitated slurry reactor. The book emphasizes using correlations and equations in place of design data available in graphical or tabular forms to make it suitable for solving problems using spreadsheets and other software. It includes new correlations if not available in the literature and references to data available on web resources. The book covers all major topics for the course Chemical Process Engineering for undergraduate students and is also helpful in carrying out process design calculations for undergraduate design projects.
Process Design Strategies for Biomass Conversion Systems
by Dominic C. Foo Denny K. Ng Mahmoud M. El-Halwagi Raymond R. TanThis book covers recent developments in process systems engineering (PSE) for efficient resource use in biomass conversion systems. It provides an overview of process development in biomass conversion systems with focus on biorefineries involving the production and coproduction of fuels, heating, cooling, and chemicals. The scope includes grassroots and retrofitting applications. In order to reach high levels of processing efficiency, it also covers techniques and applications of natural-resource (mass and energy) conservation. Technical, economic, environmental, and social aspects of biorefineries are discussed and reconciled. The assessment scales vary from unit- to process- and life-cycle or supply chain levels. The chapters are written by leading experts from around the world, and present an integrated set of contributions. Providing a comprehensive, multi-dimensional analysis of various aspects of bioenergy systems, the book is suitable for both academic researchers and energy professionals in industry.
Process Engineering and Design Using Visual Basic
by null Arun DattaSoftware tools are a great aid to process engineers, but too much dependence on such tools can often lead to inappropriate and suboptimal designs. Reliance on software is also a hindrance without a firm understanding of the principles underlying its operation, since users are still responsible for devising the design.In Process Engineering and Desi
Process Engineering and Industrial Management
by Jean-Pierre Dal PontProcess Engineering, the science and art of transforming raw materials and energy into a vast array of commercial materials, was conceived at the end of the 19th Century. Its history in the role of the Process Industries has been quite honorable, and techniques and products have contributed to improve health, welfare and quality of life. Today, industrial enterprises, which are still a major source of wealth, have to deal with new challenges in a global world. They need to reconsider their strategy taking into account environmental constraints, social requirements, profit, competition, and resource depletion."Systems thinking" is a prerequisite from process development at the lab level to good project management. New manufacturing concepts have to be considered, taking into account LCA, supply chain management, recycling, plant flexibility, continuous development, process intensification and innovation.This book combines experience from academia and industry in the field of industrialization, i.e. in all processes involved in the conversion of research into successful operations. Enterprises are facing major challenges in a world of fierce competition and globalization. Process engineering techniques provide Process Industries with the necessary tools to cope with these issues. The chapters of this book give a new approach to the management of technology, projects and manufacturing.ContentsPart 1: The Company as of Today1. The Industrial Company: its Purpose, History, Context, and its Tomorrow?, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont.2. The Two Modes of Operation of the Company - Operational and Entrepreneurial, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont.3. The Strategic Management of the Company: Industrial Aspects, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont.Part 2: Process Development and Industrialization4. Chemical Engineering and Process Engineering, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont.5. Foundations of Process Industrialization, Jean-François Joly.6. The Industrialization Process: Preliminary Projects, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont and Michel Royer.7. Lifecycle Analysis and Eco-Design: Innovation Tools for Sustainable Industrial Chemistry, Sylvain Caillol.8. Methods for Design and Evaluation of Sustainable Processes and Industrial Systems, Catherine Azzaro-Pantel.9. Project Management Techniques: Engineering, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont.Part 3: The Necessary Adaptation of the Company for the Future10. Japanese Methods, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont.11. Innovation in Chemical Engineering Industries, Oliver Potier and Mauricio Camargo.12. The Place of Intensified Processes in the Plant of the Future, Laurent Falk.13. Change Management, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont.14. The Plant of the Future, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont.
Process Engineering for a Small Planet
by Norman P. LiebermanMethods for more planet-friendly process engineeringOur earth is just one big, complex Process Facility with limited air, water, and mineral resources. It responds to a number of process variables--among them, humanity and the environmental effects of our carbon consumption. What can professionals in the Hydrocarbon Process Industry do to retard environmental degradation? Rather than looking to exotic technology for solutions, Process Engineering for a Small Planet details ready-at-hand methods that the process engineer can employ to help combat the environmental crisis.Drawing from the author's professional experience working with petroleum refineries petroleum refineries, petrochemical plants, and natural gas wells, this handbook explains how to operate and retrofit process facilities to:Reuse existing process equipmentSave energyReduce greenhouse gas emissionsExpand plant capacity without installing new equipmentReduce corrosion and equipment failuresCovering topics from expanding fractionator and compressor capacity and vacuum tower heater expansion to minimizing process water consumption and increasing centrifugal pump capacity, Process Engineering for a Small Planet offers big ideas for saving our small planet.
Process Engineering for Pollution Control and Waste Minimization (Environmental Science & Pollution)
by Donald L. WiseOffers up-to-date technical information on current and potential pollution control and waste minimization practices, providing industry-specific case studies, techniques and models.
Process Engineering Renewal 1: Background and Training
by Éric Schaer Jean-Claude AndréProcess engineering emerged at the beginning of the 20th Century and has become an essential scientific discipline for the matter and energy processing industries. Its success is incontrovertible, with the exponential increase in techniques and innovations. Rapid advances in new technologies such as artificial intelligence, as well as current societal needs – sustainable development, climate change, renewable energy, the environment – are developments that must be taken into account in industrial renewal. Process Engineering Renewal 1 – the first volume of three – focuses on training, demonstrating the need for innovation in order for the field to have a framework that is sustainable, in a highly changeable world.
Process Engineering Renewal 2: Research
by Eric Schaer Jean-Claude AndreThe chemical processes initially consisted of non-scientific extrapolation methods from the "laboratory". Coming from the oil industry, chemical engineering, now process engineering (material and energy transformation) has introduced scientific rationality in the development of more optimal processes both in financial terms and saving material and energy. At the end of the twentieth century, heavy trends force us to modify our ways of doing matter and/or energies: depletion of reserves, pollution, globalization, artificial intelligence, public perception of risks, etc. Commodities continue to be produced locally while higher value-added products can come from many countries around the world. These external pressures on training and research in the field require major breaks that are the subject of the book.
Process Engineering Renewal 3: Prospects
by Eric Schaer Jean-Claude AndreThe chemical processes initially consisted of non-scientific extrapolation methods from the "laboratory". Coming from the oil industry, chemical engineering, now process engineering (material and energy transformation) has introduced scientific rationality in the development of more optimal processes both in financial terms and saving material and energy. At the end of the twentieth century, heavy trends force us to modify our ways of doing matter and/or energies: depletion of reserves, pollution, globalization, artificial intelligence, public perception of risks, etc. Commodities continue to be produced locally while higher value-added products can come from many countries around the world. These external pressures on training and research in the field require major breaks that are the subject of the book.