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The Promise of Multispecies Justice

by Sophie Chao, Karin Bolender, and Eben Kirksey

What are the possibilities for multispecies justice? How do social justice struggles intersect with the lives of animals, plants, and other creatures? Leading thinkers in anthropology, geography, philosophy, speculative fiction, poetry, and contemporary art answer these questions from diverse grounded locations. In America, Indigenous peoples and prisoners are decolonizing multispecies relations in unceded territory and carceral landscapes. Small justices are emerging in Tanzanian markets, near banana plantations in the Philippines, and in abandoned buildings of Azerbaijan as people navigate relations with feral dogs, weeds, rats, and pesticides. Conflicts over rights of nature are intensifying in Colombia’s Amazon. Specters of justice are emerging in India, while children in Micronesia memorialize extinct bird species. Engaging with ideas about environmental justice, restorative justice, and other species of justice, The Promise of Multispecies Justice holds open the possibility of flourishing in multispecies worlds, present and to come.Contributors. Karin Bolender, Sophie Chao, M. L. Clark, Radhika Govindrajan, Zsuzsanna Dominika Ihar, Noriko Ishiyama, Eben Kirksey, Elizabeth Lara, Jia Hui Lee, Kristina Lyons, Michael Marder, Alyssa Paredes, Craig Santos Perez, Kim TallBear

The Promise of Nostalgia: Reminiscence, Longing and Hope in Contemporary American Culture (Routledge Research in Anticipation and Futures)

by Nicola Sayers

The Promise of Nostalgia analyses a range of texts – including The Virgin Suicides, both the novel by Jeffrey Eugenides’ and Sofia Coppola’s screen adaptation, photography of Detroit’s ‘abandoned spaces’, and blogger Tavi Gevinson's media output – to explore nostalgia as a prominent affect in contemporary American cultural production. Counter to the prevalent caricature of nostalgia as anti-future, the book proposes a more nuanced reading of its stakes and meanings. Instead of understanding it as evidence of the absence of utopia it contends that there is a masked utopian impulse in this nostalgia ‘mode’ and critical potential in what has typically been dismissed as ideological. This book will be of interest to scholars, graduate students and upper-level undergraduate students interested in contemporary culture, cultural theory, media studies, the Frankfurt School, utopian studies and American literature and culture.

The Promise of Sleep: A Pioneer in Sleep Medicine Explores the Vital Connection Between Health, Happiness, and a Good Night's Sleep

by William C. Dement Christopher Vaughan

Sleep better, live longer with the groundbreaking information and step-by-step program in this revolutionary book. Healthful sleep has been empirically proven to be the single most important factor in predicting longevity, more influential than diet, exercise, or heredity. And yet we are a sleep-sick society, ignorant of the facts of sleep--and the price of sleep deprivation. In this groundbreaking book, based on decades of study on the frontiers of sleep science, Dr. William Dement, founder and director of the Stanford University Sleep Research Center, explains what happens when we sleep, when we don't, and how we can reclaim the most powerful--and underrated--health miracle of all. Taking us on a fascinating tour of our sleeping body and mind, Dr. Dement reveals the price we have paid for ignoring sleep--an epidemic of heart disease, 33 percent of traffic-fatigue-related accidents, and immeasurable mental and psychological disadvantages. And he offers a hands-on prescription for vibrant good health and longevity, including... self-tests to determine how much sleep you really need... the role of prescription and over-the-counter sleeping aids... the latest research on how sleep affects the immune system... how to combat insomnia, snoring, and jet lag... plus information on sleep disorder clinics nationwide, Web sites, and more. Taking readers on a fascinating tour of our sleeping body and mind, Dr. William C. Dement reveals the price paid for ignoring sleep--an epidemic of heart disease, traffic-fatigue-related accidents (responsible for a full third of all traffic accidents), and immeasurable mental and psychological disadvantages. Offering a hands-on prescription for vibrant good health and longevity, THE PROMISE OF SLEEP includes self-tests to determine how much sleep you really need, full information on the role of prescription and over-the-counter sleeping aids, the latest research on how sleep affects the immune system, helpful methods for combating insomnia, snoring, and jet lag, plus information on sleep disorder clinics nationwide, sleep disorder Web sites, and more.

Promise or Peril: The Strategic Defense Initiative

by Zbigniew Brzezinski Richard Sincere Marin Stnnecki Peter Wehner

Thirty-five Essays by statesmen, scholars, and strategic analysts.

Promised the Moon: The Untold Story of the First Women in the Space Race

by Stephanie Nolen

A female world-record-setting pilot, Jerrie Cobb was recruited in 1959 to take the astronaut tests. She excelled, so the doctor who supervised the selection of NASA's Mercury astronauts recruited additional female pilots. Twelve performed exceptionally. Stephanie Nolen tracked down eleven of the surviving "Fellow Lady Astronaut Trainees" and learned the story of those early days of the space race and the disappointment when, in 1961, the women were grounded.

Promising Antimicrobials from Natural Products

by Mahendra Rai Ivan Kosalec

Given novel infectious diseases such as COVID-19 and antibiotic resistance new antimicrobial discovery is an important research area. Considering that nature is a vast source of bioactive molecules with antimicrobial activity, the main aim of this book is to present a comprehensive outlook of current research in the field of natural antimicrobials. It discusses the antimicrobial activity of medicinal plants, beehives, and mushrooms with a global coverage of antimicrobial agents from rich forests of Brazil (Amazon), North-Eastern forests of Peru, Argentina, Colombia, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Middle East, Turkey, Croatia, Greece, Germany and Russia.The book covers the results of the in vitro screening of antimicrobial activities of extracts and isolated compounds from natural origins. It is divided into three sections: i) Section I, includes natural antimicrobials from plants; ii) Section II incorporates antimicrobial agents/secondary metabolites from plants, and (iii) Section III focuses on antimicrobials from mushrooms, beehive and delivery systems for different types of antimicrobials.Promising Antimicrobials From Natural Products is immensely useful for post graduate students, researchers in plant science, microbiology, biotechnology, pharmacology, pharma companies and those who are interested in herbal, eco-friendly, cost-effective and sustainable antimicrobials

Promising Antiviral Herbal and Medicinal Plants (Exploring Medicinal Plants)

by Nadeem Akhtar Azamal Husen Vagish Dwibedi Santosh Kumar Rath

With the prevalence of viral diseases causing significant health challenges and the emergence of highly infectious and difficult-to-treat conditions, such as Ebola, HIV/AIDS, and Hepatitis B, there is a pressing need for effective antiviral treatments. Throughout history, viral infections have caused devastating pandemics, leading to widespread illness and mortality. Notable examples include the Black Death caused by Yersinia pestis and the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918. To address this ongoing threat, exploring the potential of herbal and medicinal plants as a source of antiviral compounds is crucial. Promising Antiviral Herbal and Medicinal Plants provides a comprehensive overview of the latest research in the field of antiviral properties of herbal and medicinal plants. Features: Compiles cutting-edge research on the antiviral properties of various plants, highlighting their potential therapeutic applications. Discusses various chemical components of the medicinal and herbal plants with the known bioactive constituents and their antiviral applications. Elaborates on medicinal and herbal plants' opportunities and future direction for drug synthesis against various viral diseases. A volume in the Exploring Medicinal Plants series, this book is an essential resource for researchers, healthcare professionals, and those interested in viral infections and their management.

Promising Practices for Strengthening the Regional STEM Workforce Development Ecosystem

by National Academies of Sciences Engineering Medicine

U.S. strength in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines has formed the basis of innovations, technologies, and industries that have spurred the nation’s economic growth throughout the last 150 years. Universities are essential to the creation and transfer of new knowledge that drives innovation. This knowledge moves out of the university and into broader society in several ways — through highly skilled graduates (i.e. human capital); academic publications; and the creation of new products, industries, and companies via the commercialization of scientific breakthroughs. Despite this, our understanding of how universities receive, interpret, and respond to industry signaling demands for STEM-trained workers is far from complete. Promising Practices for Strengthening the Regional STEM Workforce Development Ecosystem reviews the extent to which universities and employers in five metropolitan communities (Phoenix, Arizona; Cleveland, Ohio; Montgomery, Alabama; Los Angeles, California; and Fargo, North Dakota) collaborate successfully to align curricula, labs, and other undergraduate educational experiences with current and prospective regional STEM workforce needs. This report focuses on how to create the kind of university-industry collaboration that promotes higher quality college and university course offerings, lab activities, applied learning experiences, work-based learning programs, and other activities that enable students to acquire knowledge, skills, and attributes they need to be successful in the STEM workforce. The recommendations and findings presented will be most relevant to educators, policy makers, and industry leaders.

Promising the Earth

by Robert Lamb

This is a tale of our times. marking the 25th anniversary of Friends of the Earth, Promising the Earth locates the inside story of pioneering campaigns within a broader canvas. No single organization's record can expect to paraphrase the development of environmental consciousness and the growth of grassroots environmental movement, but experiences bear intimate witness to a story that is still unfolding.Enlivened by arresting illustrations and glimpses of colourful personalities that the issues of the day have brought to the fore, Promising the Earth takes stock of changing realities in, and attitudes to, environmental care over the past quarter-century. This eventful chronical acts as a platform from which to survey the future that lies beyond the threshold of the 21st century.

Promoter Associated RNA

by Sara Napoli

This volume is divided in four sections; covering genome wide approaches, techniques for characterize of paRNA structural features are described, selecting pa-RNA, and paRNA therapeutic potential. Chapters describe how siRNAsdirected against paRNAs can be applied in vivo to modulate transcription of important genes controlled by paRNAs. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Promoter Associated RNA: Methods and Protocols aims to demonstrate paRNAs as new class of regulatory molecules, to further investigate and value as tools for fine transcriptional tuning.

Promoting Chemical Laboratory Safety and Security in Developing Countries

by National Research Council of the National Academies

There is growing concern about the possible use of toxic industrial chemicals or other hazardous chemicals by those seeking to perpetrate acts of terrorism. The U.S. Chemical Security Engagement Program (CSP), funded by the U.S. Department of State and run by Sandia National Laboratories, seeks to develop and facilitate cooperative international activities that promote best practices in chemical security and safe management of toxic chemicals, including: Partnering with host governments, chemical professionals, and industry to assess and fill gaps in chemical security abroad. Providing technical expertise and training to improve best practices in security and safety among chemical professionals and industry. Increasing transparency and accountability for dangerous chemical materials, expertise, and technologies. Providing opportunities for collaboration with the international professional chemical community. The Department of State called on the National Academies to assist in the CSP's efforts to promote chemical safety and security in developing countries.

Promoting Competition in Innovation Through Merger Control in the ICT Sector: A Comparative and Interdisciplinary Study (Munich Studies on Innovation and Competition #10)

by Kalpana Tyagi

This book addresses the question of how competition authorities assess mergers in the Information Communication Technology (ICT) sector so as to promote competition in innovation. A closer look at the question reveals that it is far more complex and difficult to answer for the ICT, telecommunications and multi-sided platform (MSP) economy than for more traditional sectors of the economy. This has led many scholars to re-think and question whether the current merger control framework is suitable for the ICT sector, which is often also referred to as the new economy. The book pursues an interdisciplinary approach combining insights from law, economics and corporate strategy. Further, it has a comparative dimension, as it discusses the practices of the US, the EU and, wherever relevant, of other competition authorities from around the globe. Considering that the research was conducted in the EU, the practices of the European Commission remain a key aspect of the content.Considering its normative dimension, the book concentrates on the substantive aspects of merger control. To facilitate a better understanding of the most important points, the book also offers a brief overview of the procedural aspects of merger control in the EU, the US and the UK, and discusses recent amendments to Austrian and German law regarding the notification threshold. Given its scope, the book offers an invaluable guide for competition law scholars, practitioners in the field, and competition authorities worldwide.

Promoting Health: Intervention Strategies from Social and Behavioral Research

by Brian D. Smedley S. Leonard Syme

At the dawn of the twenty-first century, Americans enjoyed better overall health than at any other time in the nation’s history. Rapid advancements in medical technologies, breakthroughs in understanding the genetic underpinnings of health and ill health, improvements in the effectiveness and variety of pharmaceuticals, and other developments in biomedical research have helped develop cures for many illnesses and improve the lives of those with chronic diseases. By itself, however, biomedical research cannot address the most significant challenges to improving public health. Approximately half of all causes of mortality in the United States are linked to social and behavioral factors such as smoking, diet, alcohol use, sedentary lifestyle, and accidents. Yet less than five percent of the money spent annually on U.S. health care is devoted to reducing the risks of these preventable conditions. Behavioral and social interventions offer great promise, but as yet their potential has been relatively poorly tapped. Promoting Health identifies those promising areas of social science and behavioral research that may address public health needs. It includes 12 papers—commissioned from some of the nation’s leading experts—that review these issues in detail, and serves to assess whether the knowledge base of social and behavioral interventions has been useful, or could be useful, in the development of broader public health interventions.

Promoting Rental Housing Affordability in European Cities: Learning from the Cases of Milan and Vienna (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Marco Peverini

This book investigates policies for the promotion of housing affordability in the rental sector of attractive cities in Europe. Affordability links the housing situation to the economic situation of households, referring to conditions of access to housing and to the role of housing in determining poverty or wealth. The book examines the current affordability crisis and frames it in the ongoing process of urban restructuring and devolution of welfare. From the perspective of the Foundational Economy, the book calls for a proactive and effective role of public administrations in making the rental sector an affordable and stable alternative to housing financialization and commodification. By intertwining theory construction and real-world data collected through case studies in Milan and Vienna, the book provides an original framework for the analysis of public policies that promote rental affordability in a multi-level setting. Through the analysis, it highlights critical nodes of the different (housing, urban, and social) policy domains at stake in the promotion of rental affordability in attractive cities. The book proposes a shift from the currently dominant supply-side argument to an integrated, intersectoral and multi-scalar policy system for making cities more affordable.

Promoting Sustainability Through Water Management and Climate Change Adaptation (Advances in Geographical and Environmental Sciences)

by Anupama Dubey Subhash Anand Basavaraj Bagade

This book explores the concept and issues of sustainability and its symbiotic relationship with existing water resources, the surrounding climate and geospatial development. It covers many dimensions of sustainable water resources, climatic variability, change. It also includes case studies on the basis of specific problems and issues, providing sustainable solutions for the future of the earth. Over the past several decades, climate change has significantly impacted a number of components of the hydrological cycle and hydrological systems, including changes in precipitation patterns and intensity; widespread melting of snow and ice; increased atmospheric water vapour; increased evaporation; and changes in soil moisture and runoff. Excess runoff eventually reaches larger bodies of water such as lakes, estuaries and the ocean, contaminating the water supply and limiting human and environmental access to water. An improved understanding of how changing anthropogenic activities could affect water resources, and climate in various parts of the world is a necessary step towards sustainability. This awareness requires analyses of challenging interactive areas within the geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere and sociosphere, as resultant long-term sustainable strategies and measures are greatly needed.

Promoting the Sustainable Development Goals in North American Cities: Case Studies & Best Practices in the Science of Sustainability Indicators (Sustainable Development Goals Series)

by David B. Abraham Seema D. Iyer

This volume presents North American best practices and perspectives on developing, managing and monitoring indicators to track development progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in local communities and cities. In 4 main sections, the book presents and frames the many ways in which community indicator programs are either integrating or retooling to integrate the SDGs into their existing frameworks, or how they are developing new programs to track and report progress on the SDGs. This is the first volume that focuses on SDG adoption within the context of North Americans cities and communities, and the unique issues and opportunities prevalent in these settings. The chapters are developed by experienced academics and practitioners of community planning and sustainable development, and will add broad perspective on public policy, organizational management, information management and data visualization. This volume presents a case-study approach to chapters, offering lessons that can be used by three main audiences: 1) teachers and researchers in areas of urban, regional, and environmental planning, urban development, and public policy; 2) professional planners, decision-makers, and urban managers; and 3) sustainability activists and interested groups.

Proof: The Science of Booze

by Adam Rogers

A New York Times bestseller, science journalist Adam Rogers'sProof is a spirited narrative on the fascinating art and science of alcohol, sure to inspire cocktail party chats on making booze, tasting it, and its effects on our bodies and brains, from "one of the best science writers around" (National Geographic).Winner of Gourmand Award for Best Spirits BookAn IACP Cookbook Awards Winner Finalist for the PEN/E. O. Wilson Literary Science Writing AwardHumans have been perfecting alcohol production for ten thousand years, but scientists are just starting to distill the chemical reactions behind the perfect buzz. In a spirited tour across continents and cultures, Adam Rogers takes us from bourbon country to the world’s top gene-sequencing labs, introducing us to the bars, barflies, and evolving science at the heart of boozy technology. He chases the physics, biology, chemistry, and metallurgy that produce alcohol, and the psychology and neurobiology that make us want it. If you’ve ever wondered how your drink arrived in your glass, or what it will do to you, Proof makes an unparalleled drinking companion.“Lively...[Rogers’s] descriptions of the science behind familiar drinks exert a seductive pull.”—New York Times“Rogers’s book has much the same effect as a good drink. You get a warm sensation, you want to engage with the wider world, and you feel smarter than you probably are. Above all, it makes you understand how deeply human it is to take a drink.”—Wall Street Journal

Proof of God: The Shocking True Answer to the World's Most Important Question

by Ptolemy Tompkins Bernard Haisch

A Seeker, a Scientist, and the Stunning Answer to the World&’s Oldest Question Ptolemy Tompkins, collaborator on the New York Times bestselling Proof of Heaven and Proof of Angels, is at his lowest point, personally and professionally, when he meets with an astrophysicist with a message for the world: God is real, and science proves it.Proof of God is the unlikely story of how this serious scientist and this broken writer, in a series of conversations stretching over several months, come to understand that the universe—from the smallest sub-atomic particles that make up everything in existence to the farthest reaches of the universe—bears evidence of a creator. In short, God not only exists, but science gives us tools to know this. Proof of God shows how science and religion both point to the same stunning and world-changing truth: God is real.

Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife

by Eben Alexander

A scientist's case for the afterlife...Thousands of people have had near-death experiences, but scientists have argued that they are impossible. Dr. Eben Alexander was one of those scientists. A highly trained neurosurgeon, Alexander knew that NDEs feel real, but are simply fantasies produced by brains under extreme stress. Then, Dr. Alexander's own brain was attacked by a rare illness. The part of the brain that controls thought and emotion--and in essence makes us human--shut down completely. For seven days he lay in a coma. Then, as his doctors considered stopping treatment, Alexander's eyes popped open. He had come back. Alexander's recovery is a medical miracle. But the real miracle of his story lies elsewhere. While his body lay in coma, Alexander journeyed beyond this world and encountered an angelic being who guided him into the deepest realms of super-physical existence. There he met, and spoke with, the Divine source of the universe itself. Alexander's story is not a fantasy. Before he underwent his journey, he could not reconcile his knowledge of neuroscience with any belief in heaven, God, or the soul. Today Alexander is a doctor who believes that true health can be achieved only when we realize that God and the soul are real and that death is not the end of personal existence but only a transition. This story would be remarkable no matter who it happened to. That it happened to Dr. Alexander makes it revolutionary. No scientist or person of faith will be able to ignore it. Reading it will change your it. Reading it will change your life.

Proofs and Logical Arguments Supporting the Foundational Laws of Physics: A Handy Guide for Students and Scientists

by null Jules J. Berman

For scientists, students, and curious laypersons, this compilation, Proofs and Logical Arguments Supporting the Foundational Laws of Physics: A Handy Guide for Students and Scientists examines the most important laws and relationships taught in science courses, attaching a short and accessible proof or logical argument for each assertion.Every thoughtful person should seek to understand why we think we know what we say we know about the natural world. Otherwise, we may as well surrender ourselves to a world ruled by magic. In 136 essays, readers are provided with proofs and logical arguments supporting the laws and relationships that serve as the foundation of our rational understanding of reality. Among the essays included in this book, we will find proofs of Pauli’s exclusion principle, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, the principles of special relativity, the Schrodinger wave equation, Noether’s theorem, and many of the laws of physics and chemistry that no scientist should accept on blind faith alone.Laypersons will find that the ideas discussed in this volume are always thought-provoking and sometimes inspiring. For university undergraduates, the book will serve as an introduction to the core sciences. Graduate students may find this book to be a handy cross-disciplinary reference that explains how the tools of their own selected discipline have emerged from fundamental principles that unify all the sciences.Jules J. Berman received two baccalaureate degrees from MIT (from the Department of Mathematics, and from the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences). He holds a PhD from Temple University, and an MD, from the University of Miami. His postdoctoral studies were completed at the US National Institutes of Health, and his residency was completed at the George Washington University Medical Center in Washington, DC. Dr. Berman served as Chief of Anatomic Pathology, Surgical Pathology, and Cytopathology at the Veterans administration Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland, where he also held joint appointments at the University of Maryland Medical Center and at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions. In 1998, he transferred back to the US National Institutes of Health, as a Medical Officer, and as the Program Director for Pathology Informatics in the Cancer Diagnosis Program at the National Cancer Institute. Dr. Berman is a past president of the Association for Pathology Informatics, and is the 2011 recipient of the Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award. He has first-authored more than 100 journal articles and has written more than 20 single-author science books.

Propaganda: From Disinformation and Influence to Operations and Information Warfare

by Lukasz Olejnik

The book is a modern primer on propaganda—aspects like disinformation, trolls, bots, information influence, psychological operations, information operations, and information warfare. Propaganda: From Disinformation and Influence to Operations and Information Warfare offers a contemporary model for thinking about the subject.The first two decades of the 21st century have brought qualitative and quantitative technological and societal changes, and the subject of information influence needs to be re-ordered. Now is the time.The book explains the origins of the meaning and phenomenon of propaganda—where it came from and how it has changed over the centuries. The book also covers modern methods, including artificial intelligence (AI) and advertising technologies. Legal, political, diplomatic, and military considerations ensure that the material is covered in depth.The book is recommended for security and cybersecurity professionals (both technical and non-technical), government officials, politicians, corporate executives, academics, and students of technical and social sciences. Adepts with an interest in the subject will read it with interest.

Propagation and Genetic Manipulation of Plants

by Iram Siddique

Plant biotechnology has now become a key tool in improving crop productivity and enhancing commercial value of plant products. The book complies various methods of in vitro propagation and genetic manipulation of important aromatic and medicinal plants. It puts together latest techniques and innovations in the field of plant biotechnology such as effective protocols of genetic manipulation, isolation of secondary metabolites, use of somaclonal variation, stress management in plants. It also explores the role of various physiological and biochemical factors affecting the genetic stability of in-vitro cultured plants. These themes are of interest to both graduate and postgraduate students. Further this book will be useful for to researchers, academicians and industrialist to review latest progress and future prospects of these technologies.

Propagation of SLF/ELF Electromagnetic Waves

by Weiyan Pan Kai Li

This book deals with the SLF/ELF wave propagation, an important branch of electromagnetic theory. The SLF/ELF wave propagation theory is well applied in earthquake electromagnetic radiation, submarine communication, thunderstorm detection, and geophysical prospecting and diagnostics. The propagation of SLF/ELF electromagnetic waves is introduced in various media like the earth-ionospheric waveguide, ionospheric plasma, sea water, earth, and the boundary between two different media or the stratified media. Applications in the earthquake electromagnetic radiation and the submarine communications are also addressed. This book is intended for scientists and engineers in the fields of radio propagation and EM theory and applications. Prof. Pan is a professor at China Research Institute of Radiowave Propagation in Qingdao (China). Dr. Li is a professor at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou (China).

Propagation to Pharmacopeia: Modern Approaches in Medicinal Plants (Exploring Medicinal Plants)

by Manohar K. Abha Gopal Shukla Saikat Gantait A. P. Das Sumit Chakravarty

Medicinal herbs and trees are some of the most trusted sources of traditional cures for most common diseases, even in the present day. The onset of COVID- 19 has increased the popularity of medicinal and herbal plants as well as their products over modern medicines in several instances. There is a considerable gap between demand and supply as most of these plants are not conventionally cultivated and are collected from forests. Most of the knowledge of the identification and utilization of medicinal and herbal plants is orally passed on from one generation to another and only occasionally documented.Propagation to Pharmacopeia: Modern Approaches in Medicinal Plants explores various aspects of medicinal and herbal plants, including cultivation, biotechnological aspects, diversity, bioprospecting, sustainable utilization of medicinal plants, extension, ethnobotany/ modern and traditional uses, and conservation of medicinal plants. This book will serve the purpose of providing scientific information about medicinal plants and herbal plants, their uses, biotechnological aspects, chemical profiling, and conservation.Features: A systematic overview of trees and herbs with medicinal importance Outline of medicinal plants, formulations, and herbal medicines effective to treat SARS-CoV-2 Strategies for ameliorated production, extraction, and quantification of plant secondary metabolites Approaches for propagation, genetic transformation, and conservation of medicinal plant germplasms This book serves as a resource of helpful information for academicians, biotechnologists, foresters, agriculture practitioners, researchers, as well as those in industries manufacturing herbal drugs, nutraceuticals, and supplementary products. From this book, readers will gain extensive knowledge of widely used medicinal and herbal plants and a perspective on how they can be cultivated, commercialized, and sustainably utilized for the benefit of human health.

Propellants and Explosives

by Naminosuke Kubota

This third edition of the classic on the thermochemical aspects of the combustion of propellants and explosives is completely revised and updated and now includes a section on green propellants and offers an up-to-date view of the thermochemical aspects of combustion and corresponding applications. Clearly structured, the first half of the book presents an introduction to pyrodynamics, describing fundamental aspects of the combustion of energetic materials, while the second part highlights applications of energetic materials, such as propellants, explosives and pyrolants, with a focus on the phenomena occurring in rocket motors. Finally, an appendix gives a brief overview of the fundamentals of aerodynamics and heat transfer, which is a prerequisite for the study of pyrodynamics. A detailed reference for readers interested in rocketry or explosives technology.

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