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Proteomics of Peroxisomes: Identifying Novel Functions And Regulatory Networks (Subcellular Biochemistry #89)

by Luis A. del Río Michael Schrader

This new edited volume in the Springer Subcellular Biochemistry Series presents a comprehensive, state-of-the-art overview of the proteomics of peroxisomes derived from mammalian, Drosophila, fungal, and plant origin, and contains contributions from leading experts in the field. The development of sensitive proteomics and mass spectrometry technologies, combined with bioinformatics approaches now allow the identification of low-abundance and transient peroxisomal proteins and permits to identify the complete proteome of peroxisomes, with the consequent increase of our knowledge of the metabolic and regulatory networks of these important cellular organelles. The book lines-up with these developments and is organized in four sections including: (i) mass spectrometry-based organelle proteomics; (ii) prediction of peroxisomal proteomes; (iii) analysis of peroxisome proteome interaction networks; and (iv) peroxisomes in relation to other subcellular compartments. The editor Luis A. del Río is Professor ad honorem of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in the Group of Antioxidants, Free Radicals and Nitric Oxide in Biotechnology, Food and Agriculture, Department of Biochemistry and Cell & Molecular Biology of Plants, at the Estación Experimental del Zaidín, Granada, Spain. Del Río’s research group focuses on the metabolism of reactive oxygen species (ROS), reactive nitrogen species (RNS) and antioxidants in plant peroxisomes, and the ROS- and RNS-dependent role of peroxisomes in plant cell signalling. The editor Michael Schrader is Professor of Cell Biology & Cytopathology in the Department of Biosciences at the University of Exeter, UK. Using mammalian peroxisomes as model organelles, Prof. Schrader and his team aim to unravel the molecular machinery and signalling pathways that mediate and regulate the formation, dynamics and abundance of these medically relevant cellular compartments.

The Proteomics Protocols Handbook

by John M. Walker

Hands-on researchers describe in step-by-step detail 73 proven laboratory methods and bioinformatics tools essential for analysis of the proteome. These cutting-edge techniques address such important tasks as sample preparation, 2D-PAGE, gel staining, mass spectrometry, and post-translational modification. There are also readily reproducible methods for protein expression profiling, identifying protein-protein interactions, and protein chip technology, as well as a range of newly developed methodologies for determining the structure and function of a protein. The bioinformatics tools include those for analyzing 2D-GEL patterns, protein modeling, and protein identification. All laboratory-based protocols follow the successful Methods in Molecular BiologyTM series format, each offering step-by-step laboratory instructions, an introduction outlining the principle behind the technique, lists of the necessary equipment and reagents, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.

Proteomics Sample Preparation

by Jörg Von Hagen

This long-awaited first guide to sample preparation for proteomics studies overcomes a major bottleneck in this fast growing technique within the molecular life sciences. By addressing the topic from three different angles -- sample, method and aim of the study -- this practical reference has something for every proteomics researcher. Following an introduction to the field, the book looks at sample preparation for specific techniques and applications and finishes with a section on the preparation of sample types. For each method described, a summary of the pros and cons is given, as well as step-by-step protocols adaptable to any specific proteome analysis task.


by Rune Matthiesen

This volume highlights the role of proteostasis in human health and associated disease model systems, reflecting its rising importance which has led to the development of new technologies to obtain insight into underling protein mechanistic events. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Proteostasis: Methods and Protocols aims to become a reference book on proteostasis in human health.

Proteostasis and Chaperone Surveillance

by Laishram Rajendrakumar Singh Tanveer Ali Dar Parvaiz Ahmad

Proteostasis is central to the development of various human diseases caused due to excessive protein misfolding and the disregulation of the protein quality control system. In this book, respected researchers from many leading institutions contribute their insights on proteostasis maintenance. The coverage mainly focuses on the basics of maintaining proteostasis, the consequences of proteostatic system failure, and how chaperone systems constantly maintain proteostasis. In addition, the book presents in detail different treatment strategies for diseases caused by proteostatic system failure, as well as the inhibition of proteostatic failure using small molecule compounds. It examines advances in the modulation of proteopathies, providing a comprehensive source of key mechanistic insights on these diseases. As such, the book offers a valuable resource for beginners and more experienced investigators alike who are looking for detailed and reliable information on protein homeostasis, the diseases that can develop due to related imbalances and the essential role of molecular and chemical chaperones.

Proteostasis and Disease: From Basic Mechanisms to Clinics (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology #1233)

by Manuel S. Rodriguez Rosa Barrio James D. Sutherland

This book, written by members of the European network PROTEOSTASIS, provides an up-to-date review of the research regarding protein homeostasis in health and disease. With new discoveries contributing to the increasing complexity of this topic, the book offers a detailed overview of the pathways regulating protein homeostasis, including autophagy and the ubiquitin protein family. Following a basic introduction, it explains how defects in protein homeostasis contribute to numerous pathologies, including cancer, neurodegeneration, inflammation and a number of rare diseases. In addition, it discusses, the role of protein homeostasis in cellular development and physiology. Highlighting the latest research in the field of protein homeostasis and its implications for various clinically relevant diseases, the book appeals to researchers and clinicians, while also offering a reference guide for scholars who are new to the field.

Proteostasis and Proteolysis (Oxidative Stress and Disease #46)

by Niki Chondrogianni Elah Pick Anna Gioran

Proteostasis integrates biological pathways controlling biogenesis, trafficking, folding, and degradation of proteins. This book focuses on two protein breakdown/degradation processes (proteolysis), which are part of a normally functioning proteostatic system: the ubiquitin-proteasome system and autophagy.

Protestant Thought and Natural Science: A Historical Interpretation

by John Dillenberger

Protestant Thought and Natural Science presents a concise interpretation of the relations between natural scientists and Protestant theologians from the Reformation to the present day. The book penetrates behind the skirmishes to the underlying issues in a manner not achieved before. From the introduction: "This volume is not a history of the conflicts between theology and science nor of the harmony between the two. It is, however, an attempt to penetrate behind the concrete issues, of which we all are aware in some form or another, to the underlying problems which exercised the major parties in the debates." John Dillenberger’s firsthand knowledge of the source material has enabled him to break through the “science-and-religion” stereotype in an account at once complex and interesting.

The Proteus Effect

by Ann B. Parson

Stem cells could be the key that unlocks cures to scores of diseases and illnesses. Their story is at once compelling, controversial, and remarkable. Part detective story, part medical history, The Proteus Effect recounts the events leading up to the discovery of stem cells and their incredible potential for the future of medicine. What exactly are these biological wonders - these things called stem cells? They may be tiny, but their impact is earth shaking, generating excitement among medical researchers - and outright turmoil in political circles. They are reported to be nothing short of miraculous. But they have also incited fear and mistrust in many. Indeed, recent research on stem cells raises important questions as rapidly as it generates new discoveries. The power of stem cells rests in their unspecialized but marvelously flexible nature. They are the clay of life waiting for the cellular signal that will coax them into taking on the shape of the beating cells of the heart muscle or the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas. With a wave of our medical magic wand, it's possible that stem cells could be used to effectively treat (even cure) diseases such as Parkinson's disease, diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune disorders, and even baldness. But should scientists be allowed to pick apart four-day-old embryos in order to retrieve stem cells? And when stem cells whisper to us of immortality - they can divide and perpetuate new cells indefinitely - how do we respond? Stem cells are forcing us to not only reexamine how we define the beginning of life but how we come to terms with the end of life as well. Meticulously researched, artfully balanced, and engagingly told, Ann Parson chronicles a scientific discovery in progress, exploring the ethical debates, describing the current research, and hinting of a spectacular new era in medicine. The Proteus Effect is as timely as it is riveting.

Proteus mirabilis: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2021)

by Melanie M. Pearson

This detailed volume explores essential protocols for the study of Proteus mirabilis which, despite its genetic relatedness to species such as E. coli, often requires specialized handling techniques. This opportunistic bacterial pathogen, most often known as a causative agent of complicated urinary tract infection, is addressed in chapters from global experts in the field. Written for the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and practical, Proteus mirabilis: Methods and Protocols serves as an ideal guide for researchers intrigued by the renewed appreciation for the medical impact and environmental adaptability of this organism, coupled with continued fascination for its dynamic behavior.

Proto-Algorithmic War: How the Iraq War became a laboratory for algorithmic logics (Social and Cultural Studies of Robots and AI)

by Stefka Hristova

During the Iraq War, American soldiers were sent to both fight an enemy and to recover a “failed state” in pixelated camouflage uniforms, accompanied by robots, and armed with satellite maps and biometric hand-held scanners. The Iraq War, however, was no digital game: massive-scale physical death and destruction counter the vision of a clean replayable war. The military policy of the United States, and not the actual experience of war, has been rooted in the logic of digital, and nascent algorithmic technology. This logic attempted to reduce culture, society, as well as the physical body and environment into visual data that lacks cultural and historical context. This book details the emergence of a nascent algorithmic war culture in the context of the Iraq War (2003-2010) in relation to the data-driven early 20th century British Mandate for Iraq. Through a series of five inquiries into the ways in which the Iraq War attempted to and often failed to see population and territory as digital and further proto-algorithmic entities, it offers an insight into the digitization and further unmanned automaton of war. It does so through a comparative historical framework reaching back to the quantification techniques harnessed during the British Mandate for Iraq (1918-1932) in order to explicate the parallels and complicated the diversions between the numerical logics that have driven both military state-building enterprises.

Protobiology Physical Basis Of Biology

by K. Matsuno

Protobiology as a physics of becoming emphasizes the dynamics underlying conservation laws, whereas the physics of being emphasize the dynamics presupposing conservation laws. Protobiology thus concerns itself with a convoluted problem of how both the law of motion and its boundary conditions develop with time without forgetting that these two are inseparable, in contrasts to the physics of being that assumes separability.

Protocols for Adult Stem Cells

by Song Li Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff Irina M. Conboy David V. Schaffer

The study of adult stem cells has surged in recent years. Because they are responsible for the body's natural ability to fight diseases, heal and recover, or fail and succumb to various maladies, it has become increasingly important to adapt or devise new methods to identify and obtain these cells in quantity and purity for further study. In Protocols for Adult Stem Cells, expert researchers present a variety of methods for studying five types of clinically-relevant mammalian stems cells: mammary, nerve, skeletal muscle, endothelial and mesenchymal. Culture techniques have been optimized for managing the growth and differentiation of stem cells in vitro; as some stem cells are pluripotent, often the method is to guide the fate of such cells among the possible differentiation fates. Chapters include information that will assist researchers in obtaining, characterizing and studying these cells or adapting them to the stem cells of choice. Composed in the highly successful Methods in Molecular BiologyTM series format, each chapter contains a brief introduction, step-by-step methods, a list of necessary materials, and a Notes section which shares tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Critical and cutting edge, Protocols for Adult Stem Cells is an essential guide which provides groundbreaking and novel techniques certain to redefine the field of stem cell biology.

Protocols for Cyanobacteria Sampling and Detection of Cyanotoxin

by N. Thajuddin A. Sankara Narayanan D. Dhanasekaran

This protocol book provides detailed procedures for the isolation of cyanobacteria, extraction, quantification, and detection of cyanotoxins. It illustrates the sampling and processing of toxin-producing cyanobacteria in water and aquatic animal samples, detection of cyanotoxins from Anabaena, Anabaenopsis, Cylindrospermopsis, Microsystis, Microcystis, Nodularia, Nostoc, Schizotrix, Lyngbya, Raphidiopsis, Oscillatoria, Planktothrix in aquatic resources. It also covers toxicity analysis by various bioassay protocols, and in vitro and insilico analysis methods. The book also reviews the methods for cyanotoxin extraction, detection, and quantification by various tools including LC-MS/MS, HPLC, NMR, PCR, and HESI-MS/MS. A separate section is dedicated to the advanced methods in Cyanotoxin analysis including the Molecular Imprinting Method (MIM), Cellular signaling biosensor, Electrochemical sensor, Nanosensors, and screening of Polyketide synthase gene. The analysis of various toxin-producing genes like sxtA and mcy is also accounted for in this book. In a nutshell, the book gives comprehensive procedures about the basics and preliminary processes that are involved in sample collection to advanced methods incorporated into the well-explored and unexplored Cyanobacterial toxin. Consequently, this manual is useful for both beginners and advanced researchers, including postgraduate students, academicians, researchers, and scientists in the field of Cyanobacterial research. ​

Protocols for Cytogenetic Mapping of Arthropod Genomes

by Igor V. Sharakhov

Arthropods are important to worldwide agriculture, food safety, human health, and energy production. Besides their practical significance, various species represent excellent model systems for biological investigations of evolution, development, physiology, reproduction, and social interaction. For these reasons, arthropod genomics is receiving inc

Protocols for Gene Analysis

by Adrian J. Harwood

This volume provides a set of protocols for the analysis of cloned genes. A set of techniques is described for the basic manipulation and mutagenesis of the cloned sequences. The rest of the volume is organized into a collection of techniques appropriate to the analytical route to be investigated; these include genome structure, sequence variation, gene expression, and protein function. Finally, a number of methods are described to take the step from the first gene to those with which it interacts.

Protocols for In Vitro Cultures and Secondary Metabolite Analysis of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants

by Shri Mohan Jain Praveen K. Saxena

Given the vital and far-reaching applications of medicinal plant metabolites worldwide, the quality and consistency of the products as well as the very survival of various species are of the utmost importance. In Protocols for In Vitro Cultures and Secondary Metabolite Analysis of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants, expert researchers provide detailed, step-by-step protocols for the establishment of in vitro cultures of key medicinal plants, their mass multiplication in a controlled environment, and step-wise secondary metabolite analysis, genetic transformation, large-scale metabolite production in a bioreactor, and molecular markers. In addition, many of these protocols will provide a basis for much needed efforts of in vitro germplasm conservation or cryopreservation of medicinal plant species at the brink of extinction as well as efforts to protect them from the adverse impact of rapid climatic changes. As a volume in the Methods in Molecular BiologyTM series, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Comprehensive and authoritative, Protocols for In Vitro Cultures and Secondary Metabolite Analysis of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants is an ideal resource for scientists endeavoring to continue the research on this exciting natural branch of medicine.

Protocols for In Vitro Propagation of Ornamental Plants

by Shri Mohan Jain Sergio J. Ochatt

While ornamental plants are produced mainly for their aesthetic value, the propagation and improvement of quality attributes such as leaf types, flower colour and fragrance, longevity and form, plant shape and architecture, and the creation of novel variation are important economic goals for the expanding ornamental industry. In Protocols for In Vitro Propagation of Ornamental Plants, leading researchers in the field compile step-wise protocols for rapid plant multiplication and in vitro storage of major commercially viable ornamental plants. Divided into two sections, Section A contains chapters mainly on micropropagation of cut and pot flowers with detailed protocols involving in vitro culture-explants, medium preparation, detailed medium table, shoot initiation and proliferation, root induction, in vitro plant hardening, and field transfer, and Section B delves into reviews on topics such as in vitro production of sweet peas, the status of transgenics in ornamental plants, in vitro conservation, the status of floriculture in Europe, azalea phylogeny, and thin cell layers. As part of the highly successful Methods in Molecular BiologyTM series, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials, step-by-step laboratory protocols, and notes on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Comprehensive and clear, Protocols for In Vitro Propagation of Ornamental Plants presents key techniques that will be of great use to floriculturists, researchers, commercial companies, biotechnologists, and students dealing with ornamental plants.

Protocols for Macroalgae Research

by Bénédicte Charrier Thomas Wichard C.R.K. Reddy

This book presents a wide range of tested and proven protocols relevant to a number of fields within biotechnology used in laboratory experiments in everyday phycological (seaweed) research.

Protocols for Micropropagation of Selected Economically-Important Horticultural Plants

by Elif Aylin Ozudogru Maurizio Lambardi Shri Mohan Jain

Micropropagation is a reliable technology applied commercially worldwide for large-scale plant multiplication, germplasm conservation, pathogen elimination, genetic manipulations and supply of selected plants. In Protocols for Micropropagation of Selected Economically-Important Horticultural Plants, well recognised researchers in the field compile step-wise protocols for rapid plant multiplication of economically-important horticultural species. The book contains 35 chapters, divided into four major sections. The first three sections (Section A, B and C) contain 29 micropropagation protocols of selected fruit and nut species, indoor and outdoor ornamental plants, cut flowers, and vegetables. In addition to the detailed protocols of in vitro shoot initiation, proliferation, root induction and acclimatization, chapters also include detailed information on medium preparation, explant selection and preparation. The six chapters of Section D cover specific reviews on pivotal topics, such as in vitro rejuvenation, synthetic seed technology, thermotherapy and meristem culture in banana, genetic transformation of pineapple, flower color somaclonal variation in torenia, and cryotherapy of horticultural crops. Moreover, as a part of the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include introductions to the respective topic, lists of necessary materials, notes, and illustrative photos. Comprehensive and well-written, Protocols for Micropropagation of Selected Economically-Important Horticultural Plants offers a useful resource for horticulturists, researchers, commercial companies, plant propagators, biotechnologists and students interested in micropropagation.

Protocols for Neural Cell Culture

by Laurie C. Doering

Since the conception of this acclaimed series of volumes examining neural tissue culture, the expansion of neuroscience has continued to produce vital discoveries that utilize tissue culture methodologies. The expert contributors to the fourth edition of Protocols for Neural Cell Culture refine existing protocols and present the emerging new techniques and culture media formulations linked with the many advances in neuroscience. While highlighting updated experimental procedures for many of the classical neural tissue culture preps, the volume addresses topics such as regenerative medicine and the methods to grow and expand embryonic and adult neural stem cells. Essential techniques for the isolation, expansion, and cryopreservation of neural tissue from mouse, rat, and human sources are covered, as well as methods to assess aspects of cell function (calcium imaging) and cell death. With its detailed, step-by-step laboratory protocols, this volume provides the kind of detailed description and implementation advice that is crucial for getting optimal results. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Protocols for Neural Cell Culture, Fourth Edition continues the previous editions' tradition of exceptional quality and thorough coverage in tissue culture protocols for today's neuroscience in order to inspire researchers in the field to further explore this imperative area of study.

Protocols for Nucleic Acid Analysis by Nonradioactive Probes

by Elena Hilario John F. Mackay

Protocols for Nucleic Acid Analysis by Non-radioactive Probes, Second Edition provides a firm background on the basic preparative protocols required for the analysis of nucleic acids by nonradioactive methods. Presenting the methodologies using amazing new applications, this volume offers guide chapters on nucleic acid extractions, preparation of nucleic acid blots, and labeling of nucleic acids with nonradioactive haptens. New fluorescent techniques such as Real Time PCR and microarrays are also included, allowing users to get a nonradioactive protocol implemented in the laboratory with minimum adaptation required and fastest time to results. The protocols follow the successful Methods in Molecular BiologyTM series format, each offering step-by-step laboratory instructions, an introduction outlining the principles behind the technique, lists of the necessary equipment and reagents, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.

Protocols for Nucleic Acid Analysis by Nonradioactive Probes

by Peter G. Isaac

This book provides an exceptionally useful collection of tried and tested protocols for nucleic acid analysis that avoid the use of radioisotopes. Southern (i.e., DNA) and Northern (i.e., RNA) blotting protocols are covered in detail, from how to isolate good quality nucleic acids from plant and animal sources, to the use of the widest range of probe systems (involving digoxigenin, biotin, fluorescein, horseradish peroxidase labeling, and colorimetric and chemiluminescent detection). Other techniques treated in detail include hybridization in situ to chromosomes and transcribed RNA, newer and less conventional technologies, such as Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD), reverse dot blots, bacterial identification using magnetic bead and dipstick assays, and nucleic acid sequence-based amplification.

Protocols for Oligonucleotide Conjugates

by Sudhir Agrawal

You will easily synthesize and analyze oligonucleotide conjugates by following the step-by-step protocols presented in this volume. These techniques are widely used by all molecular biologists and antisense researchers and find special application by pharmacologists working in new drug development and quality assurance assay.

Protocols for Oligonucleotides and Analogs

by Sudhir Agrawal

Leading researchers summarize and describe their experience and techniques for synthesizing oligonucleotides and their analogs. The protocols presented cover all DNA analogs that have been studied to date and constitute the single most extensive source of knowledge about DNA chemistry available.

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