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Reframing Evaluation Through Appreciative Inquiry

by Hallie Preskill Anastasia Tessie Tzavaras Catsambas

Reframing Evaluation Through Appreciative Inquiry is the first book to introduce the application of Appreciative Inquiry (AI), an approach for organizational development and change, to the practice of evaluation. Authors Hallie Preskill and Tessie Tzavaras Catsambas lay out the theoretical foundation of AI and build a bridge between the theory and practice of applying AI to evaluation.

Reframing Human Endeavors: Design and Technology for Livability and Sustainability (Numanities - Arts and Humanities in Progress #25)

by Bagoes Wiryomartono

This ambitious text is a monograph about human experiences concerning the potentialities, capacities, and features of humankind from the wholeness of the collective mind body spirit. The purpose in reframing human endeavors is for enhanced alignment for livability and sustainability. This book departs from the concept and practice of “design and technology” and argues that most crises that endanger and destruct our ecological livability and sustainability come from our way of thinking and doing with “design and technology” based on the necessity for control. It is the control for overcoming the fear of scarcity, starvation, and the unknown. This book is rather an attempt to find alternate way of decision-making thru holistic methods. It appeals to researchers working in design, sustainability, architecture and urban studies.

Reframing Police Education and Freedom in America (Routledge Series on Practical and Evidence-Based Policing)

by Martin Alan Greenberg Beth Allen Easterling

This book untangles the components of police education and advocates a robust community-based training model with significant civilian oversight. The recommended approach recognizes that the citizenry needs to be included in the provision of basic police education, for it is they who must both support and be served by their police. The police must be role models for society, demonstrating that freedom and rights come with obligations, both to the community as a whole and to individuals in need within that community. Ultimately, the quality of police training and the public’s safety depend not only on the leadership of police executives as well as the quality of educational institutions and police candidates but also on the building of a community’s trust in its police.The issues of police recruitment, education, and retention have greater consequence in an era when protests and other signs of negativity surround law enforcement. Several incidents, including, most notably, George Floyd’s murder by police, have sparked new training initiatives regarding police de-escalation and community engagement. At the same time, the proliferation of gun violence and a contentious political climate have led some officers to refrain from undertaking proactive types of policing. In this context, reform of the police education system is urgent. This book examines police training at all levels of government—local, regional, state, and federal. In addition, citizen participation programs, including the role of the media and programs for furthering law-related education (LRE), are highlighted. The proposed police education model recognizes that ordinary members of the American public need to contribute to the provision of basic police education, for it is they who must both support and be served by their police. The focus is on teaching a "guardian style" of policing at the local level. Police education would combine higher education, necessary practical proficiencies, and intensive field experiences through a gradual level of greater responsibility—likely extending over a 2-plus-year period for trainees with less than a year of previous college credits.This book will be of interest to a wide range of audiences such as law enforcement professionals and trainers, including those in executive development programs in police departments; community leaders, scholars, and policy experts who specialize in policing; concerned citizens; and students of criminal justice, especially those interested in police organization and management, criminal justice policy, and the historical development of police.

Reframing Reproduction

by Meredith Nash

How do rapid social and technological changes shape reproductive realms today? This book considers the complex choices, anxieties and challenges that come alongside postmodern reproduction for women and men in the West. Topics include surrogacy, fatherhood, sperm banking, egg donation, contraception, breastfeeding, and postpartum body image.

Reframing Rights: Bioconstitutionalism in the Genetic Age (Basic Bioethics)

by Sheila Jasanoff

Investigations into the interplay of biological and legal conceptions of life, from government policies on cloning to DNA profiling by law enforcement.Legal texts have been with us since the dawn of human history. Beginning in 1953, life too became textual. The discovery of the structure of DNA made it possible to represent the basic matter of life with permutations and combinations of four letters of the alphabet, A, T, C, and G. Since then, the biological and legal conceptions of life have been in constant, mutually constitutive interplay—the former focusing on life's definition, the latter on life's entitlements. Reframing Rights argues that this period of transformative change in law and the life sciences should be considered “bioconstitutional.”Reframing Rights explores the evolving relationship of biology, biotechnology, and law through a series of national and cross-national case studies. Sheila Jasanoff maps out the conceptual territory in a substantive editorial introduction, after which the contributors offer “snapshots” of developments at the frontiers of biotechnology and the law. Chapters examine such topics as national cloning and xenotransplant policies; the politics of stem cell research in Britain, Germany, and Italy; DNA profiling and DNA databases in criminal law; clinical trials in India and the United States; the GM crop controversy in Britain; and precautionary policymaking in the European Union. These cases demonstrate changes of constitutional significance in the relations among human bodies, selves, science, and the state.

Reframing Rights

by Sheila Jasanoff

Legal texts have been with us since the dawn of human history. Beginning in 1953, life too became textual. The discovery of the structure of DNA made it possible to represent the basic matter of life with permutations and combinations of four letters of the alphabet, A, T, C, and G. Since then, the biological and legal conceptions of life have been in constant, mutually constitutive interplay--the former focusing on life's definition, the latter on life's entitlements. Reframing Rights argues that this period of transformative change in law and the life sciences should be considered "bioconstitutional. "Reframing Rights explores the evolving relationship of biology, biotechnology, and law through a series of national and cross-national case studies. Sheila Jasanoff maps out the conceptual territory in a substantive editorial introduction, after which the contributors offer "snapshots" of developments at the frontiers of biotechnology and the law. Chapters examine such topics as national cloning and xenotransplant policies; the politics of stem cell research in Britain, Germany, and Italy; DNA profiling and DNA databases in criminal law; clinical trials in India and the United States; the GM crop controversy in Britain; and precautionary policymaking in the European Union. These cases demonstrate changes of constitutional significance in the relations among human bodies, selves, science, and the state.

Reframing Science Teaching and Learning: Students and Educators Co-developing Science Practices In and Out of School (Teaching and Learning in Science Series)

by David Stroupe

Responding to recent reform efforts, such as the Next Generation Science Standards, which call for students to learn science practices, this book proposes a conceptual reframing of the roles of teachers and students in formal and informal science learning settings. Inviting the field to examine the state of "science practice," it provides concrete examples of how students, supported by the actions of educators, take on new roles, shifting from passive recipients of information to active participants in conceptual, social, epistemic, and material features of science work. Each chapter provides an examination of how and why science practice evolves in learning communities in which students and teachers negotiate disciplinary work; an analysis of how specific pedagogical and social actions taken by someone with authority (a teacher or other educator) provides opportunities for students to shape science practices; a set of concrete recommendations for working with young students in formal and informal learning settings; and a set of suggestions and questions to catalyze future research about and the evolving relationships between educators, students, and science practices in the field of science education. Showing how and why the conceptual ideas presented are important, and providing specific, actionable suggestions for teachers and other educators for their daily work, this book includes both elementary and secondary learning sites.

Reframing the Role of Public Open Space: The Case of Cape Town (PoliTO Springer Series)

by Miriam Bodino

This book explores the growing spatial inequality in contemporary cities, and the opportunity of reframing the role of public open space as a tool of inclusion in a context of an increasing economic gap between the urban poor and rich. The first part outlines the geographical and theoretical frames of reference, which are then tested in the analysis of a case study: Cape Town. This city in South Africa was selected since its spatial aspects of separation are particularly evident due to the legacy of both apartheid and modernism. The examination of the policies of the City of Cape Town confirms the rising attention to public space since the 1990s. This slow progress of desegregation is tested through a critical study of one of the most disadvantaged areas of the city, Khayelitsha. The book explores the relevance and impact of an urban-design project, and reframes the role of public open space not only as a tool for restructuring the apartheid city, but also for reinterpreting other fragmented contemporary cities.

Refrigeration Systems and Applications

by Mehmet Kanoglu Ibrahim Dincer

Refrigeration Systems and Applications, 2nd edition offers a comprehensive treatise that addresses real-life technical and operational problems, enabling the reader to gain an understanding of the fundamental principles and the practical applications of refrigeration technology. New and unique analysis techniques (including exergy as a potential tool), models, correlations, procedures and applications are covered, and recent developments in the field are included - many of which are taken from the author's own research activities in this area. The book also includes some discussion of global warming issues and its potential solutions.Enables the reader to gain an understanding of the fundamental principles and the practical applications of refrigeration technologies. Discusses crucial industrial technical and operational problems, as well as new performance improvement techniques and tools for better design and analysis. Includes fundamental aspects of thermodynamics, fluid flow, and heat transfer; refrigerants; refrigeration cycles and systems; advanced refrigeration cycles and systems, including some novel applications; heat pumps; heat pipes; and many more. Provides easy to follow explanations, numerous new chapter-end problems and worked-out examples as learning aids for students and instructors. Refrigeration is extensively used in a variety of thermal engineering applications ranging from the cooling of electronic devices to food cooling processes. Its wide-ranging implications and applications mean that this industry plays a key role in national and international economies, and it continues to be an area of active research and development. Refrigeration Systems and Applications, 2nd edition forms a useful reference source for graduate and postgraduate students and researchers in academia and as well as practicing engineers working in this important field who are interested in refrigeration systems and applications and the methods and analysis tools for their analysis, design and performance improvement.

Refrigerators, Heat Pumps and Reverse Cycle Engines: Principles, State of the Art and Trends

by Jocelyn Bonjour

In the context of global warming and the energy transition, two essential questions arise: how to cool environments without major environmental impact and how to produce heat efficiently without combustion. These questions reveal a reversal of the energy paradigm that has prevailed since the Industrial Revolution, when the challenge was to produce work from heat. Reverse cycle thermal machines (refrigeration systems, heat pumps and thermofridges), operating in reverse of the thermomechanical conversion motor cycle, have a major role to play in answering these questions, which are at the heart of the energy challenges that humanity will have to face in the coming decades. This book first presents a state of the art on these systems, whose operating principle is sometimes old, but whose performance analysis and optimization have sometimes been neglected. Emerging technologies, which will certainly find their place in the future energy panorama, are also discussed.

Regelungstechnik für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Erwin Hasenjäger

Auch Maschinen haben ihre Regeln Auch wenn der Name sehr geordnet klingt, ist Regelungstechnik bisweilen komplex. Damit Sie dennoch damit zurechtkommen, erklärt Erwin Hasenjäger Schritt für Schritt und mit zahlreichen Beispielen, was Sie über dieses Thema unbedingt wissen sollten. Sie erfahren, welche Reglertypen es gibt, weshalb Simulationen so wichtig sind, was es mit Schwingungen sowie Dynamik auf sich hat und vieles mehr. Natürlich kommen dabei auch die mathematischen Grundlagen und die passende Software nicht zu kurz. So ist Regelungstechnik für Dummies der perfekte Einstieg in dieses anspruchsvolle Thema. Sie erfahren Wie Sie digitale und andere Besonderheiten berücksichtigen Wie Sie die richtigen Reglereinstellungen wählen Was SISO und MIMO bedeuten Wie Sie Prozesse geschickt optimieren können

Regelungstopologie für R-744-Wärmepumpen in Kraftfahrzeugen (AutoUni – Schriftenreihe #155)

by Sven Twenhövel

Das Buch bietet eine Einführung in die Regelung von Kaltdampfprozessen am Beispiel von Kraftfahrzeugen. Das hergeleitete, generische Regelungskonzept kann auf eine große gesamte Klasse von Regelungsproblemen in Kältemittelkreislaufsystemen angewendet werden. Neben einer ausführlichen Streckenanalyse wird insbesondere Wert auf die Wiederverwendbarkeit und universelle Anwendung der erarbeiteten Regelkreise gelegt.

Regenerated Cellulose and Composites: Morphology-Property Relationship (Engineering Materials)

by Mohd Shabbir

This book highlights the morphology-property relationship of regenerated cellulose materials and composites, as morphology of materials is the key feature and corresponds to associated applications of/to the materials. It is highly essential to assimilate the literature on morphology-property relationship of cellulose materials. Being the most abundant natural polymer on earth and gateway to large number of applications, cellulose is expected to be researched for higher efficiencies. Various books and research articles have targeted the specific morphologies, the respective characteristics and application areas. This book presents literature on morphology-property relationship of cellulose materials and provides a direction to this relationship. ​

Regenerating Cities: Reviving Places and Planet (Cities and Nature)

by Maria Elena Zingoni de Baro

This book sets out the discussion on how cities can contribute solutions to some of the challenges the urbanised world is facing, such as the pressure of growing populations, mitigation of effects of, and adaptation to globally changing environmental, climate and public health conditions. Presenting a detailed explanation of the causes behind the current state of modern cities, the book advocates for a paradigm shift to improve the quality of life of ever-increasing urban inhabitants whilst nourishing the natural systems that sustain human and non-human life in the planet. Recognising the precious role that nature plays in the functioning of cities, it delves into the study of biophilic design and regenerative development. The book argues that these social-ecological design approaches can act as catalysts to develop conditions in urban settings that are beneficial for natural and human systems to thrive and flourish, both in ecosystem services and social-cultural systems. This is particularly relevant for the design of new quality precincts or the regeneration of degraded urban spaces to promote health, wellbeing and urban resilience. A framework is proposed to guide the process of thinking about, designing and building healthier, more liveable and resilient urban environments that raise the quality of life in cities. The method can be used by researchers, practitioners -urban designers, urban planners, architects and landscape architects- interested in developing their work within a social-ecological perspective. It can also be used by local governments and agencies to underpin policy making, and by educational institutions to prepare graduates with necessary skills to respond to current and future built environment challenges.

Regenerating Cultural Religious Heritage: Intercultural Dialogue on Places of Religion and Rituals

by Olimpia Niglio

This book introduces important reflections on understanding the meaning of cultural-religious heritage in an international context and their relationship with issues of sustainability at the local community level. Through a holistic approach, the book charts new courses in analyzing different cultural policies and methods for preserving and enhancing cultural heritage. Stemming from an intercultural seminar promoted by the International Scientific Committee Places of Religion and Ritual (ICOMOS PRERICO) under the theme of “Reuse and regenerations of cultural-religious heritage in the world: Comparison among cultures,” the book examines the scientific diplomacy and cultural strategies promoted by countries in dialogue with the UN 2030 Agenda, as well as Agenda 21 for Culture. The book seeks to reinforce the value of local cultural policies for supporting and enhancing cultural-religious heritage through specific programs and collaborations in dialogue with government policies. This collection is relevant to scholars working in areas relating to cultural heritage, religious heritage, architectural restoration, protection of the local inheritances, law, and management of the cultural sites.

Regenerating Romanticism: Botany, Sensibility, and Originality in British Literature, 1750–1830

by Melissa Bailes

Within key texts of Romantic-era aesthetics, William Wordsworth, S. T. Coleridge, and other writers and theorists pointed to the poet, naturalist, and physician Erasmus Darwin as exemplifying a lack of originality and sensibility in the period’s scientific literature--the very qualities that such literature had actually sought to achieve. The success of this strawman tactic in establishing Romantic-era principles resulted in the historical devaluation of numerous other, especially female, imaginative authors, creating misunderstandings about the aesthetic intentions of the period’s scientific literature that continue to hinder and mislead scholars even today. Regenerating Romanticism demonstrates that such strategies enabled some literary critics and arbiters of Romantic-era aesthetics to portray literature and science as locked in competition with one another while also establishing standards for the literary canon that mirrored developing ideas of scientific or biological sexism and racism. With this groundbreaking study, Melissa Bailes renovates understandings of sensibility and its importance to the late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century movement of scientific literature within genres such as poetry, novels, travel writing, children’s literature, and literary criticism that obviously and technically engage with the natural sciences.

Regenerating the Heart

by Glenn R. Gaudette Ira S. Cohen

Medical research made huge strides in treating heart disease in the 20th century, from drug-eluding stents to automatic internal defibrillators. Public awareness of the dangers of heart disease has never been more pervasive. Now, though, ten years into a new millennium, scientists are gearing up for the next great challenges in tackling this pervasive condition. Cell therapy is going to be a key weapon in the fight against heart disease. It has the potential to address many cardiovascular conditions. From heart failure to atrioventricular nodal dysfunction, the young but promising field of cell therapy is set to play a significant role in developing the cures that the upcoming decades of hard work will yield. Regenerating the Heart: Stem Cells and the Cardiovascular System organizes the field into a digestible body of knowledge. Its four sections cover mechanical regeneration, electrical regeneration, cardiac tissues and in vivo stem cell therapies. An array of talented researchers share the fruits of their labors, with chapters covering such crucial issues as the cardiogenic potential of varying stem cell types, the ways in which they might be used to tackle arrhythmias, their possible application to biological replacements for cardiac tissues such as valves, and the varying approaches used in the in vivo evaluation of stem cell therapies, including methods of delivering stem cells to the myocardium. This comprehensive survey of an area of research with such exciting potential is an invaluable resource both for veteran stem cell researchers who need to monitor fresh developments, and for newly minted investigators seeking inspirational examples.

The Regeneration of Nerves and Spinal Cord: About Mechanisms and Therapeutic Approaches

by Lars P. Klimaschewski

This non-fiction book provides information about the latest findings on research and therapy of nerve regeneration with catchy drawings and in understandable words. Why do nerves in the extremities regenerate, but the axons in the spinal cord do not? Can transplanted stem cells or biopolymers restore regeneration? Are bioprostheses able to functionally replace amputated arms or legs? Neuroscientist Lars Klimaschewski answers these questions and reports on exciting findings from anatomy, cell and molecular biology and neurotechnology. Find out, among other things, how a brain-computer interface processes signals from the brain in order to control the arm or leg muscles again via electrodes after a paraplegia.The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence. A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content.

Regeneration of the Built Environment from a Circular Economy Perspective (Research for Development)

by Stefano Della Torre Sara Cattaneo Camilla Lenzi Alessandra Zanelli

This open access book explores the strategic importance and advantages of adopting multidisciplinary and multiscalar approaches of inquiry and intervention with respect to the built environment, based on principles of sustainability and circular economy strategies. A series of key challenges are considered in depth from a multidisciplinary perspective, spanning engineering, architecture, and regional and urban economics. These challenges include strategies to relaunch socioeconomic development through regenerative processes, the regeneration of urban spaces from the perspective of resilience, the development and deployment of innovative products and processes in the construction sector in order to comply more fully with the principles of sustainability and circularity, and the development of multiscale approaches to enhance the performance of both the existing building stock and new buildings. The book offers a rich selection of conceptual, empirical, methodological, technical, and case study/project-based research. It will be of value for all who have an interest in regeneration of the built environment from a circular economy perspective.

Regenerative-Adaptive Design for Sustainable Development: A Pattern Language Approach (Sustainable Development Goals Series)

by Phillip B. Roös

In this book, the author tests a regenerative-adaptive pattern language theory towards investigating the possibilities of a holistic, integrated design and planning method for sustainable development that incorporates the principles of regenerative design, as well as an adaptive pattern language that re-establishes our wholeness with nature, and considers the vulnerabilities of a changing landscape. The book examines an integral approach to contemporary theories of planning and design that explores the human-nature relationship patterns in social and spatial interconnections, between people and their natural environments. The interconnectedness of human and natural systems is used to scaffold possible solutions to address key environmental and sustainability issues that specifically address the need for patterns of behaviour that acknowledge the duality of ‘man and nature’. In 12 chapters, the book presents a holistic, regenerative-adaptive pattern language that encapsulates how communities can better appreciate landscape change under future climate effects, and acknowledges the importance to adapt to patterns of change of place and the environment and therefore inform the communities’ responses for sustainable development. The application of the regenerative-adaptive pattern language was tested along the Great Ocean Road region of the Victorian coast in Australia. The concluding chapters argues that for human settlements and cities to be resilient and sustainable, we must understand the interconnected patterns of human-built environments and natural systems, and how we function in a social-spatial dimension with these. The book is intended for practitioners and academic scholars with interest in sustainable development, regenerative design, pattern languages, biophilia, settlement planning, and climate change adaptation.

Regenerative Agriculture: Translating Science to Action

by Amitava Rakshit Manoj Parihar Vijay Singh Meena Prakash Kumar Jha Deepranjan Sarkar Purushothaman Chirakkuzhyil Abhilash

This book aims to focus on the current state of knowledge and scientific advances about the complex and intertwined issues of regenerative farming as a transformative solution for offsetting the disastrous climate effects of burning fossil fuels and impairments of natural resource bases. Regenerative agriculture advocates no-till practices, planting cover crops, integrating livestock and crop production, improving animal welfare practices, improving the social and economic well-being of communities, sequestering carbon, improving soil health, and increasing yields and profit with a positive impact on food access or food safety regardless of farm size.This book examines the innovations that will equip agriculture to cope with the competing challenges of addressing food and nutrition security, improving livelihoods, combatting climate change, and sustainably managing natural resources. The scope of this book extends to agricultural scientists, students, consultants, site owners, industrial stakeholders, regulators, and policymakers.

Regenerative Agriculture for Sustainable Food Systems

by Sandeep Kumar Ram Swaroop Meena Parvender Sheoran Manoj Kumar Jhariya

This book aims to present a comprehensive collection of information that combines improved soil and crop productivity, climate-based stress management, enhanced research infrastructure, financial assistance for regenerative technologies, and government subsidies and economic incentives. Considering the importance of soil biodiversity, health, and ecological balance, this book primarily focuses on effective plans and policies for soil management and restoration in agricultural soils. The book covers key areas such as advancing communication strategies to ensure subsidies and incentives for carbon-sequestering farm practices and effectively publicizing the benefits of soil carbon, health, and regenerative practices. It also includes the declaration of rules and regulations to guide policies, programs, and investments in green technologies for soil restoration and ecosystem services, and forming a robust virtual network among farmers, land managers, and their associations to prepare action plans and seek available funding for regenerative farm practices and technologies. Additionally, it promotes research and developmental activities on carbonaceous practices and land-use decisions across various agro-ecological regions and soil types. The central theme emphasizes that maintaining the ecological balance of soil, plants, the environment, and health is crucial for a healthier life and serves as a powerful tool in combating climate change, food and nutritional insecurities, and other environmental concerns. This book is suitable for teachers, researchers, scientists, government planners, policymakers, and students of agricultural sciences. It will also interest national and international climate change scientists, extension workers, and capacity builders.

Regenerative Approaches in Dentistry: An Evidence-Based Perspective

by Sepanta Hosseinpour Laurence J. Walsh Keyvan Moharamzadeh

This book provides evidence-based information in the field of regenerative dentistry discussing the most recent advances, current clinical applications, limitations and future directions. The coverage encompasses the regeneration of alveolar bone, the dentine-pulp complex, enamel, the periodontium and other tissues associated with the oral cavity. A full description is provided of regenerative approaches in dentistry including regenerative endodontics and tooth repair, regenerative periodontics, regenerative assisted orthodontics, regenerative approaches in oral medicine, and dental tissue derived stem cells and their potential applications. The book is written by an international team of leading experts. It will be beneficial for students, practitioners and researchers in the fields of endodontics, periodontics and implantology.

Regenerative Biology of the Eye

by Alice Pébay

This text is a comprehensive look at the current knowledge on stem cell application for vision loss, showcasing different types of stem cells (adult, embryonic, iPSCs) for diseases of the front and the back of the eye. It also highlights data obtained in various models from fish to human, as well as from the bionic eye project for vision regeneration. This volume in the Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine series is essential reading for stem cell biologists, ophthalmologists, advanced and graduate students, in addition to academics and medical staff who work in these disciplines.

Regenerative Dialogues for Sustainable Futures: Integrating Science, Arts, Spirituality and Ancestral Knowledge for Planetary Wellbeing (Sustainable Development Goals Series)

by Fabio Scarano

This book is about sustainability in its broadest sense. It argues that the ongoing science-policy dialogue on sustainable development (as framed by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals) is insufficient to drive the planet to desired sustainable futures. This conversation, followed by transformative action, must be inclusive of other forms of interpretation of reality (arts, spirituality, and ancestral knowledge) and non-modern cosmovisions. This is more a book about dialogues than about the common dualism problem/solution, and such dialogues are approached as an essential trigger of regeneration. The book takes the reader from a historical perspective of the human-nature relationship through to a discussion on sustainable futures as utopias. The optimism conveyed by the book is justified by a plethora of global examples of such regenerative dialogues.

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