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Statistics, Testing, and Defense Acquisition: Background Papers

by Michael L. Cohen Duane L. Steffey John E. Rolph

The National Academies Press (NAP)--publisher for the National Academies--publishes more than 200 books a year offering the most authoritative views, definitive information, and groundbreaking recommendations on a wide range of topics in science, engineering, and health. Our books are unique in that they are authored by the nation's leading experts in every scientific field.

Statistics, Testing, and Defense Acquisition: New Approaches and Methodological Improvements

by Panel on Statistical Methods for Testing Evaluating Defense Systems

For every weapons system being developed, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) must make a critical decision: Should the system go forward to full-scale production? The answer to that question may involve not only tens of billions of dollars but also the nation's security and military capabilities. In the milestone process used by DOD to answer the basic acquisition question, one component near the end of the process is operational testing, to determine if a system meets the requirements for effectiveness and suitability in realistic battlefield settings. Problems discovered at this stage can cause significant production delays and can necessitate costly system redesign.This book examines the milestone process, as well as the DOD's entire approach to testing and evaluating defense systems. It brings to the topic of defense acquisition the application of scientific statistical principles and practices.

Statistik: Theorie und Praxis im Dialog

by Michael Messer Gaby Schneider

Dieses Lehrbuch ebnet Mathematik-Studierenden einen Weg in die Statistik, bei dem Theorie und Praxis statistischer Methoden gleichermaßen berücksichtigt werden: Anspruchsvolle mathematische Formulierungen werden konsequent dargestellt und im Rahmen von Beispielanalysen mit praktischen Anwendungen in Verbindung gebracht. Durch unterhaltsame und lehrreiche Dialoge zwischen theoretischen Statistikern und Anwendern (etwa Biologen) wird die Materie lebendig. Das Buch liefert zahlreiche Beispiele unterschiedlichen Detailgrads, bleibt aber trotz der theoretischen Tiefe übersichtlich und sprengt den Rahmen einer Einführung nicht.

Statistische Mechanik: Eine Einführung für Physiker, Chemiker und Materialwissenschaftler

by Reinhard Hentschke

Das Lehrbuch ist der optimale Einstieg in die aktuellen Fragen der Thermodynamik und Statistischer Physik. Dabei vollzieht es einen Br ckenschlag zwischen Physik, Chemie und den Materialwissenschaften. Didaktisch besonders ergiebig sind die zahlreichen Beispielaufgaben (mit L sungen), wobei den numerischen L sungen die entsprechenden MATHEMATICA-Programme beigef gt sind. Damit ist der Band zugleich auch eine Einf hrung in die rechnergest tzten Methoden der statistischen Physik. Neben den Grundlagen des Fachs widmet sich das Buch Themen wie Phasen berg ngen, Systemen ohne direkte Wechselwirkung, Fluktuationen sowie Anwendungen von Monte-Carlo-Simulationen. Ziemlich umfangreich sind auch die Ausf hrungen zur Physik der Weichen Materie. Dies entspricht dem enormen Bedeutungszuwachs, den der Bereich in den letzten Jahren erlebt hat. Bei der Darstellung dieses Grenzgebiets zwischen Physik, Physikalischer Chemie und den Materialwissenschaften steht sein interdisziplin rer Charakter im Vordergrund. Studenten wie Dozenten d rfte die jederzeit klare und jederzeit verst ndliche Darstellung berzeugen. Aufgabenstellungen und deren L sungen sind die gro e St rke des Buches. Didaktisch besonders wertvoll werden diese nicht zuletzt durch die Integration von MATHEMATICA in die numerischen L sungen. So dienen die Aufgaben nicht nur der Vertiefung des Gelernten, sondern bieten Studenten auch Gelegenheit, sich mit rechnergest tzten Methoden der statistischen Physik vertraut zu machen. Und wer seine Kenntnisse dar ber hinaus erg nzen und vertiefen m chte, wird im kommentierten Literaturverzeichnis f ndig.

The Statues that Walked

by Terry Hunt Carl Lipo

The monumental statues of Easter Island, both so magisterial and so forlorn, gazing out in their imposing rows over the island's barren landscape, have been the source of great mystery ever since the island was first discovered by Europeans on Easter Sunday 1722. How could the ancient people who inhabited this tiny speck of land, the most remote in the vast expanse of the Pacific islands, have built such monumental works? No such astonishing numbers of massive statues are found anywhere else in the Pacific. How could the islanders possibly have moved so many multi-ton monoliths from the quarry inland, where they were carved, to their posts along the coastline? And most intriguing and vexing of all, if the island once boasted a culture developed and sophisticated enough to have produced such marvelous edifices, what happened to that culture? Why was the island the Europeans encountered a sparsely populated wasteland? The prevailing accounts of the island's history tell a story of self-inflicted devastation: a glaring case of eco-suicide. The island was dominated by a powerful chiefdom that promulgated a cult of statue making, exercising a ruthless hold on the island's people and rapaciously destroying the environment, cutting down a lush palm forest that once blanketed the island in order to construct contraptions for moving more and more statues, which grew larger and larger. As the population swelled in order to sustain the statue cult, growing well beyond the island's agricultural capacity, a vicious cycle of warfare broke out between opposing groups, and the culture ultimately suffered a dramatic collapse. When Terry Hunt and Carl Lipo began carrying out archaeological studies on the island in 2001, they fully expected to find evidence supporting these accounts. Instead, revelation after revelation uncovered a very different truth. In this lively and fascinating account of Hunt and Lipo's definitive solution to the mystery of what really happened on the island, they introduce the striking series of archaeological discoveries they made, and the path-breaking findings of others, which led them to compelling new answers to the most perplexing questions about the history of the island. Far from irresponsible environmental destroyers, they show, the Easter Islanders were remarkably inventive environmental stewards, devising ingenious methods to enhance the island's agricultural capacity. They did not devastate the palm forest, and the culture did not descend into brutal violence. Perhaps most surprising of all, the making and moving of their enormous statutes did not require a bloated population or tax their precious resources; their statue building was actually integral to their ability to achieve a delicate balance of sustainability. The Easter Islanders, it turns out, offer us an impressive record of masterful environmental management rich with lessons for confronting the daunting environmental challenges of our own time. Shattering the conventional wisdom, Hunt and Lipo's ironclad case for a radically different understanding of the story of this most mysterious place is scientific discovery at its very best.

The Statues that Walked: Unraveling the Mystery of Easter Island

by Carl Lipo Terry Hunt

The monumental statues of Easter Island, both so magisterial and so forlorn, gazing out in their imposing rows over the island's barren landscape, have been the source of great mystery ever since the island was first discovered by Europeans on Easter Sunday 1722. How could the ancient people who inhabited this tiny speck of land, the most remote in the vast expanse of the Pacific islands, have built such monumental works? No such astonishing numbers of massive statues are found anywhere else in the Pacific. How could the islanders possibly have moved so many multi-ton monoliths from the quarry inland, where they were carved, to their posts along the coastline? And most intriguing and vexing of all, if the island once boasted a culture developed and sophisticated enough to have produced such marvelous edifices, what happened to that culture? Why was the island the Europeans encountered a sparsely populated wasteland? The prevailing accounts of the island's history tell a story of self-inflicted devastation: a glaring case of eco-suicide. The island was dominated by a powerful chiefdom that promulgated a cult of statue making, exercising a ruthless hold on the island's people and rapaciously destroying the environment, cutting down a lush palm forest that once blanketed the island in order to construct contraptions for moving more and more statues, which grew larger and larger. As the population swelled in order to sustain the statue cult, growing well beyond the island's agricultural capacity, a vicious cycle of warfare broke out between opposing groups, and the culture ultimately suffered a dramatic collapse. When Terry Hunt and Carl Lipo began carrying out archaeological studies on the island in 2001, they fully expected to find evidence supporting these accounts. Instead, revelation after revelation uncovered a very different truth. In this lively and fascinating account of Hunt and Lipo's definitive solution to the mystery of what really happened on the island, they introduce the striking series of archaeological discoveries they made, and the path-breaking findings of others, which led them to compelling new answers to the most perplexing questions about the history of the island. Far from irresponsible environmental destroyers, they show, the Easter Islanders were remarkably inventive environmental stewards, devising ingenious methods to enhance the island's agricultural capacity. They did not devastate the palm forest, and the culture did not descend into brutal violence. Perhaps most surprising of all, the making and moving of their enormous statutes did not require a bloated population or tax their precious resources; their statue building was actually integral to their ability to achieve a delicate balance of sustainability. The Easter Islanders, it turns out, offer us an impressive record of masterful environmental management rich with lessons for confronting the daunting environmental challenges of our own time. Shattering the conventional wisdom, Hunt and Lipo's ironclad case for a radically different understanding of the story of this most mysterious place is scientific discovery at its very best.

Status and Dynamics of Forests in Germany: Results of the National Forest Monitoring (Ecological Studies #237)

by Nicole Wellbrock Andreas Bolte

This book is an open access publication.Forest ecosystems in Central Europe are changing as a result of anthropogenic influences and changing climate conditions. As such, a large-scale monitoring programme was undertaken in order to understand the influence of site modification, deposition of air pollutants, and climate. This book presents the scientific findings of this study for Germany, including the major challenges with regard to the future preservation and management of forest ecosystems under environmental change. In addition, it addresses a number of central questions: what are the main factors affecting forest stands and soil integrity? How, and how rapidly, are forest ecosystems changing? How diverse are the changes across Germany? What will be the main risks in sustainable forest management in the future? And how can policy support the development and maintenance of adaptive and resilient forests that provide essential ecosystem services, today and in the future? Helping readers understand the importance of soils and related ecosystem processes for future sustainable forestry, and sharing essential findings on environmental change and related changes in forest status and dynamics, the book is a valuable resource for researchers and policymakers interested in science-based decisions.

Status and Future Challenges for Non-conventional Energy Sources Volume 1 (Clean Energy Production Technologies)

by Sanket J. Joshi Ramkrishna Sen Atul Sharma P. Abdul Salam

This book highlights recent advancements in such an important topic, through contribution from experts demonstrating different applications in ‘day-to-day’ life, both existing and newly emerging non-biological technologies, and thought provoking approaches from different parts of the world, potential future prospects associated with some frontier development in non-conventional energy sources. It covers different types of natural energy sources such as: Ocean, Tidal and Wave energy; Nuclear energy; Solar cells; Geothermal energy; Hydrogen Fuel; Photovoltaic modules; Gas hydrates; Hydrate-based Desalination Technology; and Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Kraft Lignin/ Lignocellulosic Biomass to Fuels and Chemicals. This book is a comprehensive and informative compilation for international readers, especially undergraduate and post graduate students and researchers.

Status and Future Challenges for Non-conventional Energy Sources Volume 2 (Clean Energy Production Technologies)

by P. Abdul Salam Atul Sharma Ramkrishna Sen Sanket J. Joshi

This book highlights recent advancements in such an important topic, through contribution from experts demonstrating different applications in ‘day-to-day’ life, both existing and newly emerging biological technologies, and thought provoking approaches from different parts of the world, potential future prospects associated with some frontier development in non-conventional energy sources. It covers different aspects of cellulosic and lignocellulosic biomass; Cellulosics Biorefinery; Algal Biofuels; Biodiesel; Bioethanol; Microbial Fuel Cells; Biofuel cells; and biohydrogen production. This book is a comprehensive and informative compilation for international readers, especially undergraduate, post graduate students and researchers.

Status of Climate Change Adaptation in Asia and the Pacific (Springer Climate)

by Mozaharul Alam Jeongho Lee Puja Sawhney

This volume provides an overview of the climate change adaptation objectives set, actions taken, and challenges faced by several countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The majority of the populations in this region struggle to make a living from subsistence agriculture, and livelihoods are highly dependent on natural ecosystem services which are likely to be severely affected by climate change. Cases discussed in this book highlight successes made by governments towards achieving adaptation objectives, and efforts required to overcome challenges. While significant economic advances have been made, the pace of growth has been slow to impact the lives of a majority of the people who live below the poverty line. The chapters highlight adaptation actions for protecting people and their livelihoods in priority sectors, maintaining food and water security, supporting socio-economic stability including poverty reduction, and climate risk management. This book also maximizes readers' insights into the knowledge gaps and limitations of stated adaptation goals, and the bottlenecks that hinder implementation in different regions.

Status of the Dosimetry for the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (DS86)

by Committee on Dosimetry for the Radiation Effects Research Foundation

The Committee on Dosimetry for the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF) was set up more than a decade ago at the request of the U.S. Department of Energy. It was charged with monitoring work and experimental results related to the Dosimetry System 1986 (DS86) used by RERF to reconstruct the radiation doses to the survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. At the time it was established, DS86 was believed to be the best available dosimetric system for RERF, but questions have persisted about some features, especially the estimates of neutrons resulting from the Hiroshima bomb. This book describes the current situation, the gamma-ray dosimetry, and such dosimetry issues as thermal-neutron discrepancies between measurement and calculation at various distances in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It recommends approaches to bring those issues to closure and sets the stage for the recently convened U.S. and Japan Working Groups that will develop a new dosimetry for RERF. The book outlines the changes relating to DS86 in the past 15 years, such as improved numbers that go into, and are part of, more sophisticated calculations for determining the radiations from bombs that reach certain distances in air, and encourages incorporation of the changes into a revised dosimetry system.

Staub: Natürliche Quellen und Mengen (essentials)

by Robert Trierweiler

​Dieses essential beinhaltet Informationen zu den natürlichen Staubquellen, den unterschiedlichen Entstehungsprozessen und den Mengen der natürlichen Staubemissionen. Die Bildungsmechanismen von Primärpartikeln und Sekundärpartikeln werden beschrieben und die wichtigsten Präkursoren werden genannt. Daneben werden Schätzwerte für die globalen Emissionswerte von Primärpartikeln und Sekundärpartikeln sowie von Präkursoren zusammengetragen.

Stay Curious!: A Brief History of Stephen Hawking

by Kathleen Krull Paul Brewer

A picture-book biography about science superstar Stephen Hawking, whose visionary mind revolutionized our concept of reality and whose struggle with ALS inspired millions. Perfect for parents and teachers looking to instill curiosity and a love for STEM.As a young boy, Stephen Hawking loved to read, stargaze, and figure out how things worked. He looked at the world and always asked, Why?He never lost that curiosity, which led him to make groundbreaking discoveries about the universe as a young man. Even being diagnosed with ALS didn't slow Stephen down. Those questions kept coming. As his body weakened, Stephen's mind expanded--allowing him to unlock secrets of the universe and become one of the most famous scientists of all time.Stephen always approached life with courage, a sense of humor, and endless curiosity. His story will encourage readers to look at the world around them with new eyes.

Stay Curious and Keep Exploring: 50 Amazing, Bubbly, and Creative Science Experiments to Do with the Whole Family

by Emily Calandrelli

From the host of Netflix's Emily's Wonder Lab and FOX's Xploration Outer Space comes a book featuring 50 experiments that introduce the wonders of science to the whole family. MIT engineer Emily Calandrelli shares the science behind each experiment while showing you where to find STEAM concepts in the world around you. You'll learn how to think like a scientist with Make a Hypothesis! and Try This! prompts, where you can experiment within the experiment. With Calandrelli's expert guidance, illustrations throughout, and easy-to-find grocery items, you can make: An alien hovercraft to learn how an air hockey table worksGlow in the dark paint to learn about ultraviolet lightDelicious ice cream to learn about supercoolingOobleck to learn why ketchup is so hard to get out of the bottle With chapters like Magic Tricks, Kitchen Science, and Fun with Physics, this book is packed with experiments that will delight little scientists and their lab assistants. Grab your goggles and a family member to get started on a journey to spark curiosity, critical thinking, and fun family times!

Stay Curious and Keep Exploring Next Level: 50 Bigger, Bolder Science Experiments to Do with the Whole Family

by Emily Calandrelli

The national-bestselling, must-have science experiment series is back! MIT engineer Emily Calandrelli, host of Netflix’s Emily’s Wonder Lab and FOX’s Xploration Outer Space, is taking curiosity to the next level with 50 big, bold, brand-new experiments that sparkle, bubble, and explode. <p><p> With this follow-up to the national bestseller Stay Curious and Keep Exploring, scientists of all ages will have a blast learning about STEAM concepts, playing, discovering spectacular Did You Know? facts, and being introduced to Who to Know, diverse biographies of rock stars in the science and technology world. <p><p> Using easy-to-find items you'll learn to think like a scientist and conduct jaw-dropping experiments, including: <p><p> Color-changing slimes to discover if dogs really do see the world in black and white <p>A glow-in-the-dark jellyfish to explore the science behind bioluminescence <p>An unpoppable bubble to learn about why toothpaste never dries out <p>Egg geodes to play with supersaturated liquids and crystallization <p>And more! <p><p>Get ready to explore subjects like Superhero Science, Kitchen Science Lab, and Science in Color. This latest installment of the Stay Curious and Keep Exploring series is sure to light sparks of curiosity and fuel a passion for science. <p> <b>New York Times Bestseller</b>

Staying Maasai?

by P. Trench Patti Kristjanson Katherine Homewood

The area of eastern Africa, which includes Tanzania and Kenya, is known for its savannas, wildlife and tribal peoples. Alongside these iconic images lie concerns about environmental degradation, declining wildlife populations, and about worsening poverty of pastoral peoples. East Africa presents in microcosm the paradox so widely seen across sub Saharan Africa, where the world's poorest and most vulnerable populations live alongside some of the world's most outstanding biodiversity resources. Over the last decade or so, community conservation has emerged as a way out of poverty and environmental problems for these rural populations, focusing on the sustainable use of wildlife to generate income that could underpin equally sustainable development. Given the enduring interest in East African wildlife, and the very large tourist income it generates, these communities and ecosystems seem a natural case for green development based on community conservation. This volume is focused on the livelihoods of the Maasai in two different countries - Kenya and Tanzania. This cross-border comparative analysis looks at what people do, why they choose to do it, with what success and with what implications for wildlife. The comparative approach makes it possible to unpack the interaction of conservation and development, to identify the main drivers of livelihoods change and the main outcomes of wildlife conservation or other land use policies, while controlling for confounding factors in these semi-arid and perennially variable systems. This synthesis draws out lessons about the successes and failures of community conservation-based approach to development in Maasailand under different national political and economic contexts and different local social and historical particularities.

Staying on Top in Academia: A Primer for (Self-)Mentoring Young Researchers in Natural and Life Sciences

by Arne Pommerening

The pace of change in academia is ever increasing, which makes it difficult for anyone to stay up to date with what may be the right long-term strategy, or even the next step in mastering a PhD or to secure a fruitful academic career. Academic mentoring has proved to be helpful to many young researchers in difficult situations and mentoring programmes have been launched at many universities. In its most basic meaning, mentoring is a goal-oriented off-line conversation between a more experienced (mentor) and a less experienced (mentee) person with the objective to empower the mentee to make important work-related decisions. The first chapter of the book offers an introduction to academic mentoring and provides an overview of what academic mentoring entails. In the following chapters, important topics are discussed that may come up in mentoring conversations. These include scientific thinking, doctoral studies, behaviour and disappointments, scientific storytelling, teaching, scientific presentations, early career years, research cooperation, job applications and basic data management. The discussions in each of these chapters were designed with a view to provide food for thought and to invite self-reflection as well as continued discussions with peers and mentors. The book is written in a highly accessible style whilst restricting each chapter to the most essential information so that reading them can be accommodated in any busy schedule. It is not limited to any particular university or geographic region, since the author has worked in a number of different countries and encountered many different academic cultures. The text is also a useful handbook and reference to go with mentoring programmes.

Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene

by Donna J. Haraway

In the midst of spiraling ecological devastation, multispecies feminist theorist Donna J. Haraway offers provocative new ways to reconfigure our relations to the earth and all its inhabitants. She eschews referring to our current epoch as the Anthropocene, preferring to conceptualize it as what she calls the Chthulucene, as it more aptly and fully describes our epoch as one in which the human and nonhuman are inextricably linked in tentacular practices. The Chthulucene, Haraway explains, requires sym-poiesis, or making-with, rather than auto-poiesis, or self-making. Learning to stay with the trouble of living and dying together on a damaged earth will prove more conducive to the kind of thinking that would provide the means to building more livable futures. Theoretically and methodologically driven by the signifier SF--string figures, science fact, science fiction, speculative feminism, speculative fabulation, so far--Staying with the Trouble further cements Haraway's reputation as one of the most daring and original thinkers of our time.

STC My Generation, Student Edition: Electricity, Waves, and Information Transfer

by The Smithsonian Institution

This student textbook contains lessons on Electricity, Waves, and Information Transfer.

Steady Glide Dynamics and Guidance of Hypersonic Vehicle

by Wanchun Chen Hao Zhou Wenbin Yu Liang Yang

This book presents the latest researches on hypersonic steady glide dynamics and guidance, including the concept of steady glide reentry trajectory and the stability of its regular perturbation solutions, trajectory damping control technique for hypersonic glide reentry, singular perturbation guidance of hypersonic glide reentry, trajectory optimization based on steady glide, linear pseudospectral generalized nominal effort miss distance guidance, analytical entry guidance and trajectory-shaping guidance with final speed and load factor constraints. They can be used to solve many new difficult problems in entry guidance. And many practical engineering cases are provided for the readers for better understanding. Researchers and students in the fields of flight vehicle design or flight dynamics, guidance and control could use the book as valuable reference.

Stealing Air

by Trent Reedy

You can't just ask for the chance to fly . . . When his dad announced they were moving to Iowa, Brian looked forward to making some new friends. But on his first day there he makes an enemy instead -- Frankie Heller, the meanest kid in town. Brian needs to hang out with someone cool to get back on track. . . . Alex has always been the coolest guy around, and good with money, just like his dad. But now the family is struggling, and he needs to make some cash to keep up appearances. Then an opportunity falls in his lap . . . . Max is a scientific genius, but his parents are always busy with their own work. Building an actual plane should get their attention -- if only he wasn't scared of heights . . . The answer to all three boys' problems starts with Max's secret flyer. But Frankie and the laws of popularity and physics stand in their way. Can they work together in time to get their plan AND their plane off the ground?

Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work

by Steven Kotler Jamie Wheal

It’s the biggest revolution you’ve never heard of, and it’s hiding in plain sight. Over the past decade, Silicon Valley executives like Eric Schmidt and Elon Musk, Special Operators like the Navy SEALs and the Green Berets, and maverick scientists like Sasha Shulgin and Amy Cuddy have turned everything we thought we knew about high performance upside down. Instead of grit, better habits, or 10,000 hours, these trailblazers have found a surprising short cut. They're harnessing rare and controversial states of consciousness to solve critical challenges and outperform the competition. New York Times bestselling author Steven Kotler and high performance expert Jamie Wheal spent four years investigating the leading edges of this revolution—from the home of SEAL Team Six to the Googleplex, the Burning Man festival, Richard Branson’s Necker Island, Red Bull’s training center, Nike’s innovation team, and the United Nations’ Headquarters. And what they learned was stunning: In their own ways, with differing languages, techniques, and applications, every one of these groups has been quietly seeking the same thing: the boost in information and inspiration that altered states provide. Today, this revolution is spreading to the mainstream, fueling a trillion dollar underground economy and forcing us to rethink how we can all lead richer, more productive, more satisfying lives. Driven by four accelerating forces—psychology, neurobiology, technology and pharmacology—we are gaining access to and insights about some of the most contested and misunderstood terrain in history. Stealing Fire is a provocative examination of what’s actually possible; a guidebook for anyone who wants to radically upgrade their life.

Stealing God's Thunder: Benjamin Franklin's Lightning Rod and the Invention of America

by Philip Dray

"Dray captures the genius and ingenuity of Franklin's scientific thinking and then does something even more fascinating: He shows how science shaped his diplomacy, politics, and Enlightenment philosophy." -Walter Isaacson, author of Benjamin Franklin: An American Life. Today we think of Benjamin Franklin as a founder of American independence who also dabbled in science.

Stealing Into Print: Fraud, Plagiarism, and Misconduct in Scientific Publishing

by Marcel C. LaFollette

False data published by a psychologist influence policies for treating the mentally retarded. A Nobel Prize-winning molecular biologist resigns the presidency of Rockefeller University in the wake of a scandal involving a co-author accused of fabricating data. A university investigating committee declares that almost half the published articles of a promising young radiologist are fraudulent.Incidents like these strike at the heart of the scientific enterprise and shake the confidence of a society accustomed to thinking of scientists as selfless seekers of truth. Marcel LaFollette's long-awaited book gives a penetrating examination of the world of scientific publishing in which such incidents of misconduct take place. Because influential scientific journals have been involved in the controversies, LaFollette focuses on the fragile "peer review" process—the editorial system of seeking pre-publication opinions from experts. She addresses the cultural glorification of science, which, combined with a scientist's thirst for achievement, can seem to make cheating worth the danger. She describes the great risks taken by the accusers—often scholars of less prestige and power than the accused—whom she calls "nemesis figures" for their relentless dedication to uncovering dishonesty.In sober warning, LaFollette notes that impatient calls from Congress, journalists, and taxpayers for greater accountability from scientists have important implications for the entire system of scientific research and communication.Provocative and learned, Stealing Into Print is certain to become the authoritative work on scientific fraud, invaluable to the scientific community, policy makers, and the general public.

Stealing Time: A Jonah Wiley Adventure

by Anne Dublin

Thrown back in time by a mysterious pocket watch, Jonah and his stepbrother, Toby, are forced to overcome their differences and work together to return to the present. Jonah Wiley is having a tough time. First, his parents divorced, and now his mom is going to a conference and leaving him with his dad and stepmother. But after Jonah steals an antique pocket watch, he and his stepbrother Toby are hurled back in time — to Egypt, China, France, and other places around the world. In order to save themselves and get back to the present, Jonah and Toby must overcome their personal issues and work together to solve the tough problems they encounter.

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