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Steve Jobs

by Walter Isaacson

La biografía definitiva de Steve Jobs, el fundador de Apple, escrita con su colaboración. La muerte de Steve Jobs ha conmocionado al mundo. Tras entrevistarlo en más de cuarenta ocasiones en los últimos dos años, además de a un centenar de personas de su entorno, familiares, amigos, adversarios y colegas, Walter Isaacson nos presenta la única biografía escrita con la colaboración de Jobs, el retrato definitivo de uno de los iconos indiscutibles de nuestro tiempo, la crónica de la agitada vida y abrasiva personalidad del genio cuya creatividad, energía y afán de perfeccionismo revolucionaron seis industrias: la informática, el cine de animación, la música, la telefonía, las tabletas y la edición digital. Consciente de que la mejor manera de crear valor en el siglo XXI es conectar la creatividad con la tecnología, Jobs fundó una empresa en la que impresionantes saltos de la imaginación van de la mano de asombrosos logros tecnológicos. Aunque Jobs colaboró en el libro, no pidió ningún control sobre el contenido, ni siquiera ejerció el derecho a leerlo antes de su publicación. No rehuyó ningún tema y animó a la gente que conocía a hablar con franqueza. «He hecho muchas cosas de las que no me siento orgulloso, como dejar a mi novia embarazada a los veintitrés años y cómo me comporté entonces, pero no hay ningún cadáver en mi armario que no pueda salir a la luz». Jobs habla con una sinceridad a veces brutal sobre la gente con la que ha trabajado y contra la que ha competido. De igual modo, sus amigos, rivales y colegas ofrecen una visión sin edulcorar de las pasiones, los demonios, el perfeccionismo, los deseos, el talento, los trucos y la obsesión por controlarlo todo que modelaron su visión empresarial y los innovadores productos que logró crear. Su historia, por tanto, está llena de enseñanzas sobre innovación, carácter, liderazgo y valores. La vida de un genio capaz de enfurecer y seducir a partes iguales. Reseña:«El fallecimiento de Steve Jobs ha precipitado un alud de libros sobre su figura. De todos ellos, la aproximación más completa e interesante al personaje es la de Isaacson.»La Vanguardia

Steve Jobs: Edicion en Español

by Walter Isaacson

La muerte de Steve Jobs ha conmocionado al mundo. Tras entrevistarlo en más de cuarenta ocasiones en los últimos dos años, además de a un centenar de personas de su entorno, familiares, amigos, adversarios y colegas, Walter Isaacson nos presenta la única biografía escrita con la colaboración de Jobs, el retrato definitivo de uno de los iconos indiscutibles de nuestro tiempo, cuya creatividad, energía y afán de perfeccionismo revolucionaron seis industrias: la informática, el cine de animación, la música, la telefonía, las tabletas y la edición digital. Consciente de que la mejor manera de crear valor en el siglo xxi es conectar la creatividad con la tecnología, fundó una empresa en la que impresionantes saltos de la imaginación van de la mano de asombrosos logros tecnológicos. Aunque Jobs colaboró con el libro, no pidió ningún control sobre el contenido, ni siquiera el derecho a leerlo antes de la publicación. No rehuyó ningún tema y animó a la gente que conocía a hablar con franqueza. Jobs habla con sinceridad a veces brutal sobre la gente con la que ha trabajado y contra la que ha competido. De igual modo, sus amigos, rivales y colegas ofrecen una visión sin edulcorar de las pasiones, los demonios, el perfeccionismo, los deseos, el talento, los trucos y la obsesión por controlarlo todo que modelaron su visión empresarial y los innovadores productos que logró crear. Su historia, por tanto, es el retrato de una fascinante vida: la de un genio capaz de enfurecer y seducir a partes iguales.

Steve Jobs: A Biographic Portrait

by Kevin Lynch

This is a stunning visual guide to the life and works of entrepreneur Steve Jobs. Easily one of the most influential innovators of the twenty-first century, Steve Jobs has fundamentally shaped the way in which we communicate and, even more broadly, live our lives. In this information-packed graphic biography, Steve Jobs&’ remarkable talent and genius are explored through bold design and original graphics. Kevin Lynch explores Jobs' journey from savvy salesman, to his rivalry and market competition with Bill Gates, and his shift towards radical innovations in later life. This technological innovator led a fascinating, astounding and ultimately too short life, that irreversibly impacted how we communicate. Steve Jobs is a visual celebration and comprehensive study of &‘The Maverick&’ and his work; and a must-have for any fan of Apple products.

Steve Jobs: American Genius

by Amanda Ziller

Steve Jobs revolutionized the way we work, listen to music, watch movies, and communicate. By pushing boundaries and always thinking one step ahead, Jobs became an icon, equally as famous for his advanced ideas and design aesthetic as his sleek black turtlenecks. What inspired him? How did he do his job? What made him the man he was? Here is Steve Jobs-the innovator, the rebel, the genius-in an incisive biography of a man who changed the world. Also includes quotes from and about Jobs, chronologies detailing Jobs's achievements, and source notes.

Steve Jobs (edició en català)

by Walter Isaacson

La biografia definitiva de Steve Jobs, creador d'Apple, escrita amb la seva total col·laboració. La mort de Steve Jobs ha commogut el món. Després de tenir-hi més de quaranta entrevistes en els darrers dos anys, i amb més d'un centenar de persones del seu entorn: familiars, amics, adversaris i col·legues, Walter Isaacson ens presenta l'única biografia escrita amb la col·laboració de Jobs, el retrat definitiu d'una de les icones indiscutibles del nostre temps, la crònica de l'agitada vida i la desgastant personalitat d'un geni que, amb la seva creativitat, energia i afany de perfeccionisme, va revolucionar sis indústries: la informàtica, el cine d'animació, la música, la telefonia, les tauletes i l'edició digital. Conscient que la millor manera de crear valor al segle XXI és connectar la creativitat amb la tecnologia, Jobs va fundar una empresa en la qual els impressionants salts de la imaginació van de bracet de sorprenents fitestecnològiques. Tot i que Jobs va col·laborar en el llibre, no va voler controlar el contingut, ni tan sols exercir el dret a llegir-lo abans de la publicació. No va defugir cap tema, i va encoratjar la gent que coneixia a parlar amb franquesa. «He fet moltes coses de les quals no em sento orgullós, com deixar la meva novia embarassada als vint-i-tres anys i la manera com em vaig comportar aleshores, però no hi ha cap cadàver al meu armari que no pugui sortir a la llum.» Jobs parla amb sinceritat, de vegades brutal, sobre la gent amb la qual ha treballat i contra la que ha competit. De la mateixa manera, els seus amics, rivals i col·legues ofereixen una visió gens ensucrada de les passions, els dimonis, el perfeccionisme, els desitjos, el talent, els trucs i l'obsessió per controlar-ho tot que varen modelar la seva visió empresarial i els innovadors productes que va aconseguir crear. La seva història, per tant, està plena d'ensenyaments sobre innovació, coratge, lideratge i valors. La vida d'un geni capaç d'enfurismar i de seduir a parts iguals.

Steward of the Land: Selected Writings of Nineteenth-Century Horticulturist Thomas Affleck (The Hill Collection: Holdings of the LSU Libraries)

by Lake Douglas Thomas Affleck

In the first collection of published writings of Thomas Affleck (1812--1868), Lake Douglas re-establishes the reputation of a tireless agricultural reformer, entrepreneur, and horticulturist. Affleck's wide range of interests -- animal husbandry, agriculture, scientific farming, ornamental horticulture, insects, and hydrology, among others -- should afford him a celebrated status in several disciplines; yet until now his immense contributions remained largely unheralded. Steward of the Land remedies this oversight with a broad, annotated selection of Affleck's works, rightfully placing him alongside his better-known contemporaries Andrew Jackson Downing and Frederick Law Olmsted.After immigrating to the United States from Scotland in 1832, Affleck witnessed the burgeoning American expansion and its major advances in agriculture and technology. He worked as a journalist for the influential Western Farmer and Gardener, covering Ohio, Kentucky, and the Mississippi River Valley. Affleck moved to Mississippi in 1842 to manage his new wife's failing plantation; there, he created one of the first commercial nurseries of the South while writing prolifically on numerous agrarian topics for regional periodicals and newspapers. From 1845 to 1865 he edited Affleck's Southern Rural Almanac and Plantation and Garden Calendar, published in New Orleans. Following a postwar move to Brenham, Texas, he published letters and essays about rebuilding that state's livestock herds and rejuvenating its agricultural labor forces.Steward of the Land includes excerpts from dozens of Affleck's articles on subjects ranging from bee keeping to gardening to orchard tending. This valuable single-volume resource reveals Affleck's astonishing breadth of horticultural knowledge and entrepreneurial sagacity, and his role in educating mid-nineteenth-century readers about agricultural products and practices, plant usage, and environmental stewardship. Never before collected or contextualized, Affleck's writings provide a firsthand account of the advancement of agricultural techniques and practices that created a new environmental awareness in America.

Stewarding Sustainability Transformations: An Emerging Theory and Practice of SDG Implementation

by Petra Kuenkel

In the context of the world’s pressing sustainability challenges this new Report to the Club of Rome presents a novel approach to navigating collaborative change in partnerships between governments, research institutions, corporations and civil society activists. With reference to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the Planetary Boundaries it introduces the theory and practice of Collective Stewardship as a management tool that respects the integrity of human and natural systems. Drawing on the work of transdisciplinary scientific scholars and seasoned sustainability practitioners, it shows how transformative change can be built on life’s inherent tendency to generate patterns of vitality and resilience. This ground-breaking monograph shows workable pathways to stewarding patterns of aliveness in social and ecological systems at all levels of the global society. As a highly regarded author and expert in collective leadership, Petra Kuenkel inspires academics and practitioners alike to explore new routes towards co-creating responsible futures in the era of the Anthropocene, where the human footprint has begun to change the course of planetary evolution. She invites decision-makers, researchers, planners and social activists to become stewards of systems patterns, enhance their collaborative competencies and guide life-enhancing socio-ecological interaction at scale. The conceptual architecture the author elaborates builds transformation literacy and boils down to a practical guidance for planning and implementing interventions across all sectors of society. It helps bring about change through a deliberate combination of enlivening narratives, empowering metrics, enabling processes, multi-level governance, guiding regulations, and life-supporting innovation. This comprehensive book sets a new direction in the field of sustainability transformations and will become a foundation for planning collective action and achieving impact at scale.

Stewarding the Sound: The Challenge of Managing Sensitive Coastal Ecosystems

Stewarding the Sound uses different perspectives to build awareness of the wealth and fragility of this ecosystem by balancing economic and social needs with conservation. This book, the first ever compilation of the ecological importance of the Sound, demonstrates the cumulative stresses that are now occurring within the Sound and the impact that these stresses are having on the ecosystem. This contributed volume will provide the means of reaching a wide audience to spread awareness of how ecologically important this region is and that it requires a sound management plan so that its ecosystem and the services that ecosystem provides are not compromised.

Stewards of Eden: What Scripture Says About the Environment and Why It Matters

by Sandra L. Richter

Sandra L. Richter cares about the Bible. She also cares about creation.

Stewards of the Grasslands: Canadian Ranchers in Their Own Words

by Dana Reiter

This book offers a series of interviews with Canadian ranchers that highlight the innovative and effective ways that they manage vast swaths of grassland for two complementary goals: commercial viability and sustainable habitats. The book’s author is an academic who grew up among ranchers in the grasslands of Canada, and the expertise and viewpoints she has distilled from these interviews complement the academic literature in accessible and surprising ways . As these productive landscapes face increasingly perilous threats such as development, economic pressures, and extreme weather events, it is the ranchers who live on and manage these native grasslands who are passionate about conserving them.This book is about them, their experiences and the realities of their lives, their view of the world, sharing their knowledge to assist younger ranchers, and their contributions to Canada’s species at risk conservation goals, food security and economy. The book offers practical advice for ranchers, but also reveals the depth of attachment and dedication these ranchers have for the grasslands. They are conservationists at heart, as they not only understand that their livelihood is dependent on the health of the ecosystem they manage, but they also have a deep connection to the land, nurtured oftentimes for many generations. Academics and ranchers have much to learn here, but the book – most of which is the words of the ranchers themselves - is written to give the general public an understanding of this vocation and its role in the conservation of our last remaining grasslands.

Stewardship of Future Drylands and Climate Change in the Global South: Challenges and Opportunities for the Agenda 2030 (Springer Climate)

by Simone Lucatello Elisabeth Huber-Sannwald Ileana Espejel Natalia Martínez-Tagüeña

This volume integrates a conceptual framework with participatory methodologies to understand the complexities of dryland socio-ecological systems, and to address challenges and opportunities for stewardship of future drylands and climate change in the global south. Through several case studies, the book offers a transdisciplinary and participatory approach to understand the complexity of socio-ecological systems, to co-produce accurate resource management plans for sustained stewardship, and to drive social learning and polycentric governance. This systemic framework permits the study of human-nature interrelationships through time and in particular contexts, with a focus on achieving progress in accordance with the 2030 United Nations Agenda for Sustainable Development. The book is divided into four main sections: 1) drylands and socio-ecological systems, 2) transdisciplinarity in drylands, 3) interculturality in drylands, and 4) the governance of drylands. Expert contributors address topics such as pastoralism and the characteristics of successful agricultural lands, the sustainable development goals and drylands, dryland modernization, and arid land governance with a focus on Mexico. The volume will be of interest to dryland researchers, sustainable development practitioners and policymakers.

Stewardship of the Built Environment

by Robert A Young

When we think of green building, we tend to picture new construction. But Robert A. Young argues that the greenest building is often the one that has already been built. In Stewardship of the Built Environment, he shows how retrofitting existing structures holds untapped potential for achieving sustainable communities. Stewardship of the Built Environment explores the social, environmental, and economic benefits of reuse-from the societal value of reusing existing buildings to financial incentives available for refurbishment. Readers will become familiar with essential terminology; sustainability and historic preservation metrics; government oversight processes; and opportunities for smart growth afforded by rehabilitation. This knowledge is key to preserving the past while building a sustainable future.

Stick and Rudder: An Explanation of the Art of Flying

by Wolfgang Langewiesche

In the early 1940's, Wolfgang Langewiesche wrote a series of articles in Air Facts analyzing the various aspects of piloting techniques. Based on these articles, Langewiesche's classic work on the art of flying was published in 1944. This book explains precisely what pilots do when they fly, just how they do it, and why. These basics are largely unchanging. The book applies to large airplanes and small, old airplanes and new, and is of interest not only to the learner but also to the accomplished pilot and instructor. Today, several excellent manuals offer the pilot accurate and valuable technical information. But Stick and Rudder remains the leading think-book on the art of flying.

The Stickler's Guide to Science in the Age of Misinformation: The Real Science Behind Hacky Headlines, Crappy Clickbait, and Suspect Sources

by R. Philip Bouchard

The Real Science Behind Hacky Headlines, Crappy Clickbait, and Suspect SourcesWe have more scientific information at our fingertips today than ever before. And more disinformation too. Online, on television, and in print, science is often communicated through shorthand analogies and phrases that obscure or omit important facts. &“Superfoods,&” &“right- and left-brained&” people, and &“global warming&” may be snappy and ear-catching but are they backed by scientific facts? Lifelong educator R. Philip Bouchard is a stickler for this kind of thing, and he is well-prepared to set the record straight.The Stickler&’s Guide to Science in the Age of Misinformation unpacks the many misuses of terms we see used every day, revealing how these popular &“scientific&” concepts fall short of real science. Find out why trees do not &“store&” carbon dioxide; a day is not actually 24 hours; DNA cannot provide a &“blueprint&” for a human being; and an absence of gravity is not the reason that astronauts float in space.With The Stickler&’s Guide to Science in the Age of Misinformation, Bouchard makes hard science go down easy, satisfying curiosity and sparking further inquiry that will keep you from getting fooled again.

Sticky Evidence: Burglar Caught on Tape (XBooks: Forensics)

by D. B. Beres

Was it the perfect crime?When Bob Moranes unlocks the door to his pharmacy, he gasps in shock. The store is in ruins, and the cash register is empty. But medicine and money aren't all that's missing; so are the burglar's fingerprints!High-interest topics, real stories, engaging design, and astonishing photos are the building blocks of the XBooks, a new series of books designed to engage and motivate reluctant and enthusiastic readers alike. How can DNA help a convicted person prove their innocence? How did a burglar steal from a store without leaving any fingerprints? Why was the tiny town in Hardin, Missouri, awash with skeletons after a huge flood? With topics based in science, these action-packed books will help students unlock the power and pleasure of reading... and always ask for more!

The Sticky Synapse

by Michael Hortsch Hisashi Umemori

This is a comprehensive book on how adhesive proteins contribute to synapse formation, function, and remodeling. Topics covered range from general synaptic processes to CAM-specific chapters and how these CAM families contribute to synaptic functionality.

Stiff: The Curious Lives Of Human Cadavers

by Mary Roach

"One of the funniest and most unusual books of the year....Gross, educational, and unexpectedly sidesplitting."--Entertainment Weekly Stiff is an oddly compelling, often hilarious exploration of the strange lives of our bodies postmortem. For two thousand years, cadavers--some willingly, some unwittingly--have been involved in science's boldest strides and weirdest undertakings. In this fascinating account, Mary Roach visits the good deeds of cadavers over the centuries and tells the engrossing story of our bodies when we are no longer with them.

The Stigma of Addiction: An Essential Guide

by Jonathan D. Avery Joseph J. Avery

This book explores the stigma of addiction and discusses ways to improve negative attitudes for better health outcomes. Written by experts in the field of addiction, the text takes a reader-friendly approach to the essentials of addiction stigma across settings and demographics. The authors reveal the challenges patients face in the spaces that should be the safest, including the home, the workplace, the justice system, and even the clinical community. The text aims to deliver tools to professionals who work with individuals with substance use disorders and lay persons seeking to combat stigma and promote recovery. The Stigma of Addiction is an excellent resource for psychiatrists, addiction medicine specialists, students across specialties, researchers, public health officials, and individuals with substance use disorders and their families.

Stikky Night Skies

by Laurence Holt

Stikky Night Skies uses a unique learning method to bring a fascinating topic to anyone with an hour to spare. We spent hundreds of hours with dozens of readers testing and refining it to be sure it will work for you. Includes a comprehensive Next Steps section with guides to the top 12 night sky objects, stargazing equipment, observatories, clubs, free star maps, space and astronomy websites, and more. For stargazers in the northern hemisphere.

Still As Bright: An Illuminating History of the Moon, from Antiquity to Tomorrow

by Christopher Cokinos

An immersive exploration of the nightly presence that has captured our imagination for the entirety of human history."When the Moon rises between buildings or over trees, it&’s not just a beautiful light: It&’s an archive of human longing, fear and adventure. The Moon is more than a rock. It&’s a story.&” In the luminously told Still s Bright, the story of the Moon traverses time and space, rendering a range of human experiences—from the beliefs of ancient cultures to the science of Galileo&’s telescopic discoveries, from the obsessions of colorful 19th century &“selenographers&” to the astronauts of Apollo and, now, Artemis. Still As Bright also traces Cokinos's own lunar pilgrimage. With his backyard telescope, he explores the surface of the Moon, while rooted in places both domestic and wild, and this award-winning poet and writer rediscovers feelings of solace, love and wonder in the midst of loss and change.Simultaneously steeped in rigorous cultural and scientific history, as well as memoir, Still As Bright is a thoughtful, deeply moving, evergreen natural history. It takes readers on a lyrical journey that spans the human understanding of our closest celestial neighbor, whose multi-faceted appeal has worked on witches, scientists, poets, engineers and even billionaires.Still As Bright is a must-read for anyone who has ever looked up into the night sky in awe and wonder. Readers will never look at the Moon the same way again.

Still the Same Hawk: Reflections on Nature and New York

by John Waldman

A groundbreaking new book, Still the Same Hawk: Reflections on Nature and New York brings into conversation diverse and intriguing perspectives on the relationship between nature and America’s most prominent city. The volume’s title derives from a telling observation in Robert Sullivan’s contribution that considers how a hawk in the city is perceived so much differently from a hawk in the countryside. Yet it’s still the same hawk. How can a hawk nesting above Fifth Avenue become a citywide phenomenon? Or a sudden butterfly migration at Coney Island energize the community? Why does the presence of a community garden or an empty lot ripple so differently through the surrounding neighborhood? Is the city an oasis or a desert for biodiversity? Why does nature even matter to New Yorkers, who choose to live in the concrete jungle? Still the Same Hawk examines these questions with a rich mix of creative nonfiction that ranges from analytical to anecdotal and humorous. John Waldman’s sharp, well-crafted introduction presenting dualism as the defining quality of urban nature is followed by compelling contributions from Besty McCully, Christopher Meier, Tony Hiss, Kelly McMasters, Dara Ross, William Kornblum, Phillip Lopate, David Rosane, Robert Sullivan, Anne Matthews, Devin Zuber, and Frederick Buell. Together these pieces capture a wide range of viewpoints, including the myriad and shifting ways New Yorkers experience and consider the outdoors, the historical role of nature in shaping New York’s development, what natural attributes contribute to New York’s regional identity, the many environmental tradeoffs made by urbanization, and even nature’s dark side where “urban legends” flourish. Still the Same Hawk intermingles elements of natural history, urban ecology, and environmental politics, providing fresh insights into nature and the urban environment on one of the world’s great stages for the clash of these seemingly disparate realms—New York City.

Still Waters: The Secret World Of Lakes

by Curt Stager

A fascinating exploration of lakes around the world, from Walden Pond to the Dead Sea. More than a century and a half have passed since Walden was first published, and the world is now a very different place. Lakes are changing rapidly, not because we are separate from nature but because we are so much a part of it. While many of our effects on the natural world today are new, from climate change to nuclear fallout, our connections to it are ancient, as core samples from lake beds reveal. In Still Waters, Curt Stager introduces us to the secret worlds hidden beneath the surfaces of our most remarkable lakes, leading us on a journey from the pristine waters of the Adirondack Mountains to the wilds of Siberia, from Thoreau’s cherished pond to the Sea of Galilee. Through decades of firsthand investigations, Stager examines the significance of our impacts on some of the world’s most iconic inland waters. Along the way he discovers the stories these lakes contain about us, including our loftiest philosophical ambitions and our deepest myths. For him, lakes are not only mirrors reflecting our place in the natural world but also windows into our history, culture, and the primal connections we share with all life. Beautifully observed and eloquently written, Stager’s narrative is filled with strange and enchanting details about these submerged worlds—diving insects chirping underwater like crickets, African crater lakes that explode, and the growing threats to some of our most precious bodies of water. Modern science has demonstrated that humanity is an integral part of nature on this planet, so intertwined with it that we have also become an increasingly powerful force of nature in our own right. Still Waters reminds us how beautiful, complex, and vulnerable our lakes are, and how, more than ever, it is essential to protect them.

Stimuli-Responsive Dewetting/Wetting Smart Surfaces and Interfaces (Biologically-Inspired Systems #11)

by Atsushi Hozumi Lei Jiang Haeshin Lee Masatsugu Shimomura

Superhydrophobic surfaces, artificially mimicking lotus leaves, have captured the attention of scientists and engineers over the past few decades. Recent trends have shifted from superhydrophobicity to superominipohobicity, or superamphiphobicity. In addition, dynamic rather than static surface wetting/dewetting properties, which can be triggered by various stimuli, including temperature, pH, magnetic/electric fields, solvents, light exposure etc, have been highly sought after for commercial applications. This book will focus on recent topics related to various stimuli-responsive wetting/dewetting surfaces, and give an overview of the knowledge and concepts of how to design and establish these smart artificial surfaces, which can be used for technical developments in a wide variety research fields.

A Sting in the Tale: My Adventures with Bumblebees

by Dave Goulson

FOLLOWING IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF GREAT NATURE WRITERS SUCH AS E.O. WILSON AND CHARMING MEMOIRS LIKE GERALD DURRELL'S MY FAMILY AND OTHER ANIMALS, THIS FASCINATING BOOK WILL ALTER THE WAY WE THINK ABOUT BUMBLEBEES.Dave Goulson became obsessed with wildlife as a small boy growing up in rural Shropshire, starting with an increasingly exotic menagerie of pets. When his interest turned to the anatomical, there were even some ill-fated experiments with taxidermy. But bees are where Goulson's true passion lies—the humble bumblebee in particular.Once commonly found in the marshes of Kent, the English short-haired bumblebee went extinct in the United Kingdom, but by a twist of fate still exists in the wilds of New Zealand, the descendants of a few pairs shipped over in the nineteenth century. Dave Goulson's passionate quest to reintroduce it to its native land is one of the highlights of a book that includes original research into the habits of these mysterious creatures, history's relationship with the bumblebee, and advice on how to protect the bumblebee for future generations.One of the United Kingdom's most respected conservationists and the founder of the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, Goulson combines lighthearted tales of a child's growing passion for nature with a deep insight into the crucial importance of the bumblebee. He details the minutiae of life in the nest, sharing fascinating research into the effects intensive farming has had on our bee population and the potential dangers if we are to continue down this path.

The Sting of the Wild

by Justin O. Schmidt

The "King of Sting" describes his adventures with insects and the pain scale that’s made him a scientific celebrity.Silver, Science (Adult Non-Fiction) Foreword INDIES Award 2017Entomologist Justin O. Schmidt is on a mission. Some say it’s a brave exploration, others shake their heads in disbelief. His goal? To compare the impacts of stinging insects on humans, mainly using himself as the test case.In The Sting of the Wild, the colorful Dr. Schmidt takes us on a journey inside the lives of stinging insects. He explains how and why they attack and reveals the powerful punch they can deliver with a small venom gland and a "sting," the name for the apparatus that delivers the venom. We learn which insects are the worst to encounter and why some are barely worth considering. The Sting of the Wild includes the complete Schmidt Sting Pain Index, published here for the first time. In addition to a numerical ranking of the agony of each of the eighty-three stings he’s sampled so far, Schmidt describes them in prose worthy of a professional wine critic: "Looks deceive. Rich and full-bodied in appearance, but flavorless" and "Pure, intense, brilliant pain. Like walking over flaming charcoal with a three-inch nail embedded in your heel."Schmidt explains that, for some insects, stinging is used for hunting: small wasps, for example, can paralyze huge caterpillars for long enough to lay eggs inside them, so that their larvae emerge within a living feast. Others are used to kill competing insects, even members of their own species. Humans usually experience stings as defensive maneuvers used by insects to protect their nest mates. With colorful descriptions of each venom’s sensation and a story that leaves you tingling with awe, The Sting of the Wild’s one-of-a-kind style will fire your imagination.

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