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Showing 67,326 through 67,350 of 76,118 results

Study of the Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Sector for the LHC

by Rafael Delgado López

In this dissertation, we revisit the prospects of a strongly interacting theory for the Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Sector of the Standard Model, after the discovery of a Higgs-like boson at 125GeV. As the LHC constrains new phenomena near the Higgs mass, it is natural to assume that the new scale is of order 1TeV. This mass gap might indicate strongly interacting new physics. This work is of quite general validity and model independence. With only a few parameters at the Lagrangian level, multiple channels (possibly with new physics resonances) are describable, and many BSM theories can be treated. It will be of interest to postgraduate students and researchers, and is accessible to newcomers in the field. Many calculations are given in full detail and there are ample graphical illustrations.

Study of the Inclusive Beauty Production at CMS and Construction and Commissioning of the CMS Pixel Barrel Detector

by Lea Caminada

This thesis describes one of the first measurements made at CERN's Large Hadron Collider, the world's largest and highest-energy particle collider. The method of analysis described in the first part is applied to the first CMS collision data collected after the LHC startup in 2010 and leads to the first experimental result for the inclusive b cross section using semileptonic decays at a center of mass energy of 7 TeV. The second part of the thesis describes the building and testing of the barrel pixel detector; the author herself played an important role in its construction, commissioning and first exploitation. The CMS collaboration Thesis Award Committee selected this work as the best thesis of the year 2010

A Study of the Isoscalar Giant Monopole Resonance: The Role of Symmetry Energy in Nuclear Incompressibility in the Open-Shell Nuclei (Springer Theses)

by Darshana Chandrakant Patel

This thesis reports on investigations of a specific collective mode of nuclear vibration, the isoscalar giant monopole resonance (ISGMR), the nuclear "breathing mode", the energy of which is directly related to a fundamental property of nuclei--the nuclear incompressibility. The alpha inelastic scattering experiments reported in this thesis have been critical to answering some fundamental questions about nuclear incompressibility and the symmetry energy, quantities that are crucial to our understanding of a number of phenomena in nuclear physics and astrophysics, including collective excitations in nuclei, radii of neutron stars, and the nature of stellar collapse and supernova explosions. The work described included three sets of experiments and subsequent sophisticated data analysis, both leading to results that have been welcomed by the community and recognised as important contributions to the field.

Study of the Peptide-Peptide and Peptide-Protein Interactions and Their Applications in Cell Imaging and Nanoparticle Surface Modification

by Jianpeng Wang

This thesis focuses on the study of interactions between protein and peptides and their potential applications in cell imaging and nanoparticle surface modification. Drawing inspiration from naturally occurring coiled-coil binding pairs, it proposes a novel covalent peptide tag and probe system, based on the concept of affinity guided covalent conjugation. This newly established methodology provides complementary resolution to protein labeling, imaging and trafficking. By systematically investigating the coordination interaction between protein and quantum dots using various engineered protein ligands, this thesis proposes a general rule for protein self-assembly on the surface of quantum dots and reports a revolutionized nanobelt protein in accordance with this rule. It is an extraordinary example of interdisciplinary research, providing answers to real-life biological problems from a chemistry perspective. "

The Study of Violent Crime: Its Correlates and Concerns

by Scott Mire Cliff Roberson

Violence is a complex subject that is rooted in a multitude of disciplines, including not only criminology but also psychology, sociology, biology, and other social science disciplines. It is only through understanding violence as a concept that we can hope to respond to it appropriately and to prevent it. The Study of Violent Crime: Its Correlates

A Study on Catalytic Conversion of Non-Food Biomass into Chemicals: Fusion of Chemical Sciences and Engineering (Springer Theses)

by Mizuho Yabushita

The topic of this thesis is catalytic conversion ofnon-food, abundant, and renewable biomass such as cellulose and chitin tochemicals. In biorefinery, chemical transformation of polymers to valuablecompounds has attracted worldwide interest for building sustainable societies. First, the current situation of this hot research area has been summarized wellin the general introduction of the thesis, which helps readers to becomefamiliar with this topic. Next, the author explains high-yielding production ofglucose from cellulose by using an alkali-activated carbon as a catalyst,resulting in a yield of glucose as high as 88%, which is one of the highestyields ever reported. The characterization of carbon materials has indicatedthat weak acid sites on the catalyst promote the reaction, which is markedlydifferent from reported catalytic systems that require strong acids. Inaddition, the first catalytic transformation of chitin with retention of N-acetyl groups has been developed. Thecombination of mechanocatalytic hydrolysis and thermal solvolysis enables theproduction of N-acetylated monomers ingood yields of up to 70%. The catalytic systems demonstrated in this thesis areunique in the fields of both chemistry and chemical engineering, and their highefficiencies can contribute to green and sustainable chemistry in the future. Meanwhile, mechanistic studies based on characterization, thermodynamics,kinetics, and model reactions have also been performed to reveal the roles ofcatalysts during the reactions. The results will be helpful for readers todesign and develop new catalysts and reaction systems.

Study on China’s Industrial Competitiveness

by Yanyun Zhao

This book builds an information platform on China's industrial competitiveness, providing scientific design and application case studies for integrated analysis and decision-making facilities and mechanisms for enterprises, industries, financial institutions and governments, which can make up for the lack of adequate information in China's market operations, especially the problems of duplicate construction and vicious competition aggravated by the lack of systematically processed industrial information. This book not only pursues innovation in technical methods and application theories but also pursues the collection, processing and collation of relevant domestic and international data and development and application so as to provide primary results for an industrial competitiveness database adapted to government management needs. The research is closely related to the actual problems in China and extensively uses statistical data to make various model analyses, which has a relatively sizeable academic value.

Study on Heterotrophic-Autotrophic Denitrification Permeable Reactive Barriers (HAD PRBs) for In Situ Groundwater Remediation

by Fei Liu Huade Guan Lingling Zhu Hongyan Hu Guoxin Huang Howard Fallowfield

"Heterotrophic-Autotrophic Denitrification Permeable Reactive Barriers (HAD PRBs) for Groundwater in Situ Remediation" is an unmatched reference work on PRBs for groundwater in situ remediation. It proposes a novel HAD PRB approach for nitrate-contaminated groundwater remediation, and provides a systematic and clear explanation of design concepts and denitrification mechanisms. The book consists of four chapters, each of which covers key aspects of HAD PRBs. It provides rich, easy-to-follow illustrations, tables and references. Unique as a comprehensive reference work on the subject, it will serve as a valuable resource for all engineers and scientists active in environmental science and engineering, groundwater science, engineering and molecular biology. Prof. Fei Liu works at China University of Geosciences (Beijing), China. Dr. Guoxin Huang works at Beijing Academy of Food Sciences, China. Both Prof. Howard Fallowfield and Prof. Huade Guan work at Flinders University, Australia. Assistant Engineer Lingling Zhu works at Geological Publishing House, China. Assistant Engineer Hongyan Hu works at Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology Prospecting Institute of Heilongjiang Province, China.

Study on Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence and Its Astrophysical Applications (Springer Theses)

by Siyao Xu

Turbulence and magnetic fields are ubiquitous in the Universe. Their importance to astronomy cannot be overestimated. The theoretical advancements in magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence achieved during the past two decades have significantly influenced many fields of astronomy. This book provides predictive theories of the magnetic field generation by turbulence and the dissipation of MHD turbulence.These fundamental non-linear problems were believed to be tractable only numerically. This book provides complete analytical descriptions in quantitative agreement with existing numerics, as well as theoretical predictions in physical regimes still unreachable by simulations, and explanations of various related observations. It also discusses and promotes the astrophysical applications of MHD turbulence theories, including (i) the particle acceleration and radiation in high-energy phenomena, e.g., Gamma-Ray Bursts, supernova remnants, cosmic rays; (ii) interstellar density fluctuations and the effect on observations, e.g., Faraday rotation, scattering measurements of Galactic and extragalactic radio sources; (iii) density and magnetic field structure in molecular clouds toward star formation. In closing, this book demonstrates the key role of MHD turbulence in connecting diverse astrophysical processes and unraveling long-standing astrophysical problems, as foreseen by Chandrasekhar, a founder of modern astrophysics.

Study on Microextrusion-based 3D Bioprinting and Bioink Crosslinking Mechanisms (Springer Theses)

by Liliang Ouyang

This book presents a comprehensive study on microextrusion-based 3D bioprinting technologies for bioinks with various crosslinking mechanisms, chiefly focusing on the bioprinting process and bioink properties to provide readers with a better understanding of this state-of-the-art technology. Further, it summarizes a number of general criteria and research routes for microextrusion-based 3D bioprinting using three experimental studies based on shear-thinning, thermo-sensitive and non-viscous hydrogel bioinks. The book also presents sample applications in the areas of stem cells and cell matrix interaction. The book highlights pioneering results in the development of bioprinting technologies and bioinks, which were published in high-quality journals such as Advanced Materials, Biofabrication and ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering. These include an in-situ crosslinking strategy that overcomes the viscosity limits for bioinks, which is virtually impossible using conventional strategies, and can be generalized for other bioink formulations.

Study on Quality of Life of Chinese Residents with Social Change

by Peigang Wang

This book makes a systematic empirical analysis of the quality of life of Chinese residents from the perspective of social change, expounds the connotation, theory, elements, and research methodology of the quality of life, and focuses on the diachronic dynamic analysis of the multidimensional elements of the quality of life from the perspective of life course and life cycle. According to the research content, the book is divided into three topics. The first topic, from the first chapter to the third chapter, mainly focuses on the quality of life research and theoretical evolution, providing theoretical guidance for the empirical analysis of the book and scientific significance for the study of the quality of life in social change. The second project, from Chapter 4 to Chapter 7, focuses on the influence factors of quality of life of a Chinese resident, structure composition, and the relationship between the related factors to conduct empirical research, the purpose is to more clearly understand the present status of life quality in the Chinese culture, for the further scientific research was related to quality of life to provide the basic framework. The third topic, from Chapter 8 to Chapter 13, focuses on empirical analysis of the changes and development of subjective and objective quality of life of Chinese residents.

Study on the Cellular Regulation and Function of Lysine Malonylation, Glutarylation and Crotonylation (Springer Theses)

by Xiucong Bao

This book presents pioneering findings on the characterization of cellular regulation and function for three recently identified protein posttranslational modifications (PTMs): lysine malonylation (Kmal), glutarylation (Kglu) and crotonylation (Kcr). It addresses three main topics: (i) Detecting Kmal substrates using a chemical reporter, which provides important information regarding the complex cellular networks modulated by Kmal; (ii) Identifying Kglu as a new histone PTM and assessing the direct impact of histone Kglu on chromatin structure and dynamics; and (iii) Revealing Sirt3’s value as a regulating enzyme for histone Kcr dynamics and gene transcription, which opens new avenues for examining the physiological significance of histone Kcr. Taken together, these studies provide information critical to understanding how these protein PTMs are associated with various human diseases, and to identifying therapeutic targets for the dysregulation of these novel protein markers in various human diseases.

Study Skills for Geography, Earth and Environmental Science Students

by Pauline E. Kneale

This guide will help you to survive and thrive during your degree and on into the workplace. Everything you do at university can be useful in your career. Packed with practical hints, study tips, short cuts, real-life examples and careers advice, the new expanded fourth edition of this book is an invaluable resource throughout your geography, earth science or environmental science studies. This book provides guidance for successful study on many topics including: Starting as a student Being an effective researcher Presenting information effectively in posters, presentations, essays and reports Time management, well-being and ethics Field and laboratory work Assessment and feedback Written in an accessible style, this guide also explains the role of the academic, and how it differs from that of a school teacher. It prepares you for the world of work by showing how the skills you learn at university today can be used in your career choice of tomorrow.

Studying Animal Languages Without Translation: An Insight from Ants

by Zhanna Reznikova

The Author of this new volume on ant communication demonstrates that information theory is a valuable tool for studying the natural communication of animals. To do so, she pursues a fundamentally new approach to studying animal communication and “linguistic” capacities on the basis of measuring the rate of information transmission and the complexity of transmitted messages.Animals’ communication systems and cognitive abilities have long-since been a topic of particular interest to biologists, psychologists, linguists, and many others, including researchers in the fields of robotics and artificial intelligence. The main difficulties in the analysis of animal language have to date been predominantly methodological in nature. Addressing this perennial problem, the elaborated experimental paradigm presented here has been applied to ants, and can be extended to other social species of animals that have the need to memorize and relay complex “messages”. Accordingly, the method opens exciting new dimensions in the study of natural communications in the wild.

Studying Atomic Dynamics with Coherent X-rays

by Michael Leitner

Diffusion in solids at moderate temperatures is a well-known phenomenon. However, direct experimental evidence about the responsible atomic-scale mechanisms has been scarce, due to difficulties in probing the relevant length- and time-scales. The present thesis deals with the application of X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (XPCS) for answering such questions. This is an established method for the study of slow dynamics on length-scales of a few nanometres. The scattered intensity in the diffuse regime, i.e. corresponding to atomic distances, is very low, however, and so it has so far been considered impossible to use XPCS for this problem. Threefold progress is reported in this work: It proposes a number of systems selected for high diffuse intensity, it optimizes the photon detection and data evaluation procedures, and it establishes theoretical models for interpretating the results. Together these advances allowed the first successful atomic-scale XPCS experiment, which elucidated the role of preferred configurations for atomic jumps in a copper-gold alloy. The growth in available coherent X-ray intensity together with next-generation X-ray sources will open up a wide field of application for this new method.

Studying Captive Animals

by Paul A. Rees

Studying Captive Animals outlines the methods that may be used to study the behaviour, welfare and ecology of animals living under the control of humans, including companion animals, feral populations, and those living on farms and in zoos. This book is a step-by-step guide to the whole process of conducting a scientific study: from designing the original project, formulating testable hypotheses, and collecting and analysing the data, to drawing conclusions from the work and writing it up as a scientific report or paper. It also illustrates how to write a formal research proposal - a crucial and often difficult element of the student project - and how to deal with the ethical review process. Sample data collection sheets are provided and the analysis and presentation of data are worked through in diagrammatic form. In addition, exercises are included that enable the reader to practice analysing different types of data and advice is provided on the selection of appropriate statistical tests. The text describes the different types of student projects that may be undertaken in the field, and explains where secondary data may be found for zoos. This is an insightful resource, particularly for those studying and working with zoo and farm animals. It is essential reading for students studying zoo biology and animal management; it is also suitable for students on courses in animal behaviour, animal welfare, zoology, biology, psychology, animal science, animal production, animal ecology, conservation biology, and veterinary science. This book is primarily intended for undergraduates but will also be of value to postgraduate students who have not previously engaged in field studies. Professionals working in institutions that are members of the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums, the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria and other regional and national zoo organisations will benefit from access to this practical guide.

Studying Cell Metabolism and Cell Interactions Using Microfluidic Devices Coupled with Mass Spectrometry

by Huibin Wei

This thesis describes a new approach for cell analysis by the rapid developing microfluidic technology. The nominee has made great contributions to develop a new analysis platform which combined microfluidic devices with mass spectrometry to determine the trace compounds secreted by cells. Based on this analysis platform, she studied the specific cell secreting behaviors under controlled microenvironment, of which the secretion compounds were qualified and semi-quantified by mass spectrometry. A novel cell sorting device integrated homogenous porous PDMS membrane was invented to classify cells from real samples based on the size difference. The nominee further studied the signal transmission between different cells, and the signal chemicals were qualitative and quantitative monitored by the analysis platform. This indicates the potential significant application of the new cell analysis platform in medicine screening and early diagnosis.

Studying Compact Star Equation of States with General Relativistic Initial Data Approach (Springer Theses)

by Enping Zhou

This book focuses on the equation of state (EoS) of compact stars, particularly the intriguing possibility of the “quark star model.” The EoS of compact stars is the subject of ongoing debates among astrophysicists and particle physicists, due to the non-perturbative property of strong interaction at low energy scales. The book investigates the tidal deformability and maximum mass of rotating quark stars and triaxially rotating quark stars, and compares them with those of neutron stars to reveal significant differences. Lastly, by combining the latest observations of GW170817, the book suggests potential ways to distinguish between the neutron star and quark star models.

Studying Complex Surface Dynamical Systems Using Helium-3 Spin-Echo Spectroscopy

by Barbara A. J. Lechner

Chemical reactions and growth processes on surfaces depend on the diffusion and re-orientation of the adsorbate molecules. A fundamental understanding of the forces guiding surface motion is thus of utmost importance for the advancement of many fields of science and technology. To date, our understanding of the principles underlying surface dynamics remains extremely limited, due to the difficulties involved in measuring these processes experimentally. The helium-3 spin-echo (HeSE) technique is uniquely capable of probing such surface dynamical phenomena. The present thesis extends the field of application of HeSE from atomic and small molecular systems to more complex systems. Improvements to the supersonic helium beam source, a key component of the spectrometer, as well as a detailed investigation of a range of five-membered aromatic adsorbate species are presented. The thesis provides a comprehensive description of many aspects of the HeSE method - instrumentation, measurement and data analysis - and as such offers a valuable introduction for newcomers to the field.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career

by Raymond B. Landis Dean Emeritus

Studying Engineering has been updated and expanded. Dated material has been updated and a wealth of relevant Internet sites has been added. Substantial new graphics have been added as well to improve readability. A new Prologue has been included to give students a clearer perspective on what this book has to offer and - more importantly - what steps they can take to get the most from it. New sections have been added on subjects such as fixed vs. growth mindset, reverse engineering, sustainability, life-long learning, study abroad, entrepreneurship, and teamwork and leadership. The Prologue, "What This Book Has to Offer and How to Get It," discusses the potential of this book to make a difference in students' lives, and provides guidance on how to realize that potential.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career

by Raymond B. Landis Jennifer Mott Steffen Peuker

Since Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career exploded onto the market in 1995, it has become the best selling Introduction to Engineering textbook of all time. Adopted by over 300 U.S. institutions, and reaching more than 150,000 students, the book has made major inroads into the "sink or swim" paradigm of engineering education. Armed with the book as a powerful tool for "student development," large numbers of engineering programs have implemented Introduction to Engineering courses to improve the academic performance and retention rates of their students.

Studying Human Behavior: How Scientists Investigate Aggression and Sexuality

by Helen E. Longino

In Studying Human Behavior, Helen E. Longino enters into the complexities of human behavioral research, a domain still dominated by the age-old debate of “nature versus nurture.” Rather than supporting one side or another or attempting to replace that dichotomy with a different framework for understanding behavior, Longino focuses on how scientists study it, specifically sexual behavior and aggression, and asks what can be known about human behavior through empirical investigation. She dissects five approaches to the study of behavior—quantitative behavioral genetics, molecular behavior genetics, developmental psychology, neurophysiology and anatomy, and social/environmental methods—highlighting the underlying assumptions of these disciplines, as well as the different questions and mechanisms each addresses. She also analyzes efforts to integrate different approaches. Longino concludes that there is no single “correct” approach but that each contributes to our overall understanding of human behavior. In addition, Longino reflects on the reception and transmission of this behavioral research in scientific, social, clinical, and political spheres. A highly significant and innovative study that bears on crucial scientific questions, Studying Human Behavior will be essential reading not only for scientists and philosophers but also for science journalists and anyone interested in the engrossing challenges of understanding human behavior.

Studying Kinetics with Neutrons

by Götz Eckold Helmut Schober Stephen E. Nagler

Neutrons are extremely versatile probes for investigating structure and dynamics in condensed matter. Due to their large penetration depth, they are ideal for in-situ measurements of samples situated in sophisticated and advanced environments. The advent of new high-intensity neutron sources and instruments, as well as the development of new real-time techniques, allows the tracking of transformation processes in condensed matter on a microscopic scale. The present volume provides a review of the state of the art of this new and exciting field of kinetics with neutrons.

Studying Primates: How to Design, Conduct and Report Primatological Research

by Joanna M. Setchell

Primatology draws on theory and methods from diverse fields, including anatomy, anthropology, biology, ecology, medicine, psychology, veterinary sciences and zoology. The more than 500 species of primate range from tiny mouse lemurs to huge gorillas, and primatologists collect data in a variety of environments including in the field, research facilities, museums, sanctuaries, zoos, and from the literature. The variability in research interests, study animals and research sites means that there are no standard protocols for how to study primates. Nevertheless, asking good questions and designing appropriate studies to answer them are vital to produce high quality science. This accessible guide for graduate students and post-doctoral researchers explains how to develop a research question, formulate testable hypotheses and predictions, design and conduct a project and report the results. The focus is on research integrity and ethics throughout, and the book provides practical advice on overcoming common difficulties researchers face.

Studying Sound: A Theory and Practice of Sound Design

by Karen Collins

An introduction to the concepts and principles of sound design practice, with more than 175 exercises that teach readers to put theory into practice.This book offers an introduction to the principles and concepts of sound design practice, from technical aspects of sound effects to the creative use of sound in storytelling. Most books on sound design focus on sound for the moving image. Studying Sound is unique in its exploration of sound on its own as a medium and rhetorical device. It includes more than 175 exercises that enable readers to put theory into practice as they progress through the chapters.

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