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Showing 72,426 through 72,450 of 82,315 results

Strategies in Regenerative Medicine

by Matteo Santin

This authoritative book offers a detailed overview of present and future tissue engineering approaches and their contribution to regenerative medicine. It combines comprehensive reviews of the biology and materials science underlying the development and regeneration of different types of tissues with descriptions of current and future strategies in regenerative medicine to meet clinical needs. Each chapter includes typical examples of methodologies and technical solutions as the basis for the most recent scientific findings and biomedical products, tables as mini-databases summarizing the most recent findings, and links to specific websites in the main body of the text to complement a traditional reference list. Strategies in Regenerative Medicine: Integrating Biology with Materials Design covers topics from basic biology and materials science to the link between biological processes in tissue regeneration and biomedical device/tissue engineering product performance. Key Features: (1) Provides a comprehensive overview of regenerative medicine in the framework of clinical and industrial needs; (2) Describes the use of biomaterials and tissue engineering constructs in clinical applications; (3) Presents the work of international experts according to consistent, well-defined editorial guidelines; (4) Reviews the underlying biology of tissue regeneration; (5) Includes student exercises, references to relevant websites, and perspectives on future research needs, making the book ideal for use as a teaching text.

The Strategies of Australia’s Universities: Revise & Resubmit

by Timothy Devinney Grahame Dowling

Over the last few decades universities in Australia and overseas have been criticized for not meeting the needs and expectations of the societies in which they operate. At the heart of this problem is their strategy. This book reviews the organizational-level strategies of some of Australia’s prominent universities. It is based on their public documents that boldly report how they see their role in society and how they intend to navigate the future. These strategic statements are written to proclaim relevance, showcase achievements, attract students, and help to gain the support of the communities in which they operate. Using a strategy framework taught in their business schools, this book suggests that most such statements are deficient. Grand aspirations substitute for realistic operations and outcomes. The analysis also suggests that many of Australia’s universities are poorly governed and have become too complex and bureaucratic. A greater focus on their core responsibilities would help alleviate their current funding predicament.

Strategies of Sustainable Development in China’s Wind Power Industry

by Jiachun Li Dexin He

This book reviews the status quo and visions for the future in the wind energy industry in China and around the globe, focusing on its roles in optimizing energy structure, alleviating environmental pollution, and coping with climate change. Providing a blueprint of wind power development till 2050, it suggests a series of further measures in the context of policies, regulations, laws, and marketing in order to overcome the existing bottlenecks. Moreover, it proposes a number of potential innovative technologies related to IT+ and advanced manufacturing, including integrated & distributed power and micro-grid systems, multi-energy complement, green and intelligent manufacturing, reliability design, blade design, manufacturing and maintenance, drive drain systems, and offshore wind farms. This book offers researchers and engineers insights into sustainable development in the wind power industry.

Strategies to Ameliorate Oxidative Stress During Assisted Reproduction

by Ashok Agarwal Damayanthi Durairajanayagam Gurpriya Virk Stefan S. Du Plessis

This book discusses the various antioxidants that are in use to overcome oxidative stress in an assisted reproduction setting. Antioxidant therapies may range from enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants, either alone or in combination. While no one antioxidant regime has been identified as effective in improving fertilization and pregnancy rates, antioxidant supplementation has been shown to defend sperm cells from lipid peroxidation and oxidative damage to DNA, and thus improve pregnancy rates. The prevention of oxidative stress and its consequent damage is imperative to ensure a successful outcome of the in vitro fertilization procedure and embryo transfer. Strategies that could be employed to minimize or prevent the detrimental effects of OS during assisted reproduction include supplementation with various types of antioxidants.

Strategies to Cope with Risks of Uncertain Water Supply in Spate Irrigation Systems: Case Study: Gash Agricultural Scheme in Sudan (IHE Delft PhD Thesis Series)

by Eiman Mohamed Fadul Bashir

Flood based irrigation in particular spate irrigation relies on variable flood scenarios occurring every year. Management of spate flood for spate irrigation must cope with the variability and uncertainty of water supply. Coping with water supply risks is often the only way to harness the opportunities for a productive use of water in arid environment. Integrating and strengthening community responses into irrigation policies and improvement plans could ensure sustainable and productive spate irrigated systems that can achieve food security for the poor population. This research analyses and evaluates risks and coping strategies developed by farming communities in the Gash spate irrigation system in Sudan, Eastern Africa. The research has synthesized different coping strategies developed by farmers, water user associations and water managers to cope with low, high and untimely flood risks. The research provide different frameworks that can assist with the identification of risk sources, pathways and propagation as well as evaluation of locally developed strategies at field, secondary and intake systems. The findings of this study contribute to scarce knowledge on spate irrigation system and provide scientifically sound and evidence-based insights to aid informed policy and decision making to improve productivity and sustainability of the spate irrigation systems.

Strategizing Agricultural Management for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

by Suhaib A. Bandh

This volume aims to raise awareness and stimulate research on how agricultural management could help to mitigate climate change impacts, and focuses on technical progressions and innovations in climate change mitigation and adaptation. It addresses new innovations in agricultural technology and management with the goal of balancing agricultural production and its associated climate effects in a sustainable manner. The major topics covered include crop and soil management, techniques and technologies for emission reduction, irrigation, land degradation, pest and disease management, farmers' perspectives, and climate-smart agriculture policy. The book is geared towards students, researchers, and professionals in the fields of environmental science, agriculture science, and climate change.

A Strategy for Active Remote Sensing Amid Increased Demand for Radio Spectrum

by Committee on a Survey of the Active Sensing Uses of the Radio Spectrum

Active remote sensing is the principal tool used to study and to predict short- and long-term changes in the environment of Earth - the atmosphere, the oceans and the land surfaces - as well as the near space environment of Earth. All of these measurements are essential to understanding terrestrial weather, climate change, space weather hazards, and threats from asteroids. Active remote sensing measurements are of inestimable benefit to society, as we pursue the development of a technological civilization that is economically viable, and seek to maintain the quality of our life. "A Strategy for Active Remote Sensing Amid Increased Demand for Spectrum" describes the threats, both current and future, to the effective use of the electromagnetic spectrum required for active remote sensing. This report offers specific recommendations for protecting and making effective use of the spectrum required for active remote sensing.

A Strategy for Research in Space Biology and Medicine in the New Century

by Committee on Space Biology Medicine

Construction of the international space station, scheduled to start in late 1998, ushers in a new era for laboratory sciences in space. This is especially true for space life sciences, which include not only the use of low gravity as an experimental parameter to study fundamental biological processes but also the study of the serious physiological changes that occur in astronauts as they remain in space for increasingly longer missions.This book addresses both of these aspects and provides a comprehensive review of ground-based and space research in eleven disciplines, ranging from bone physiology to plant biology. It also offers detailed, prioritized recommendations for research during the next decade, which are expected to have a considerable impact on the direction of NASA's research program. The volume is also a valuable reference tool for space and life scientists.

A Strategy for Using Multicriteria Analysis in Decision-Making: A Guide for Simple and Complex Environmental Projects

by Nolberto Munier

This book develops a whole strategy for decision-making, with the full participation of the decision-maker and utilizing continuous feedback. It introduces the use of the very well-known and proven methodology, linear programming, but specially adapted for this purpose. For this, it incorporates a method to include subjective concepts, as well as the possibility of working with many different and even contradictory objectives. The book is liberally populated with diverse case studies to illustrate the concepts. This practical guide will be of interest to anyone undertaking analysis and decision-making, on both simple and complex projects, and who is looking for a strategy to organize, classify, and evaluate the large amount of information required to make an informed decision. The strategy includes methods to analyze the results and extract conclusions from them.

The Strategy of the Genes (Routledge Library Editions: 20th Century Science)

by C.H. Waddington

First published in 1957, this essential classic work bridged the gap between analytical and theoretical biology, thus setting the insights of the former in a context which more sensitively reflects the ambiguities surrounding many of its core concepts and objectives. Specifically, these five essays are concerned with some of the major problems of classical biology: the precise character of biological organisation, the processes which generate it, and the specifics of evolution. With regard to these issues, some thinkers suggest that biological organisms are not merely distinguishable from inanimate ‘things’ in terms of complexity, but are in fact radically different qualitatively: they exemplify some constitutive principle which is not elsewhere manifested. It is the desire to bring such ideas into conformity with our understanding of analytical biology which unifies these essays. They explore the contours of a conceptual framework sufficiently wide to embrace all aspects of living systems.

STRATI 2013: First International Congress on Stratigraphy At the Cutting Edge of Stratigraphy (Springer Geology)

by João Pais Rogério Rocha José Carlos Kullberg Stanley Finney

The 1st International Congress on Stratigraphy (STRATI 2013), hold in Lisbon, 1–7 July 2013, follows the decision to internationalize the conferences previously organized by the French Committee of Stratigraphy (STRATI), the last one of which was held in Paris in 2010. Thus, the congress possesses both the momentum gained from an established conference event and the excitement of being the first International Congress on Stratigraphy. It is held under the auspices of the International Commission on Stratigraphy (IUGS) and it is envisaged that this first congress will lead to others being held in the future.This book includes all papers accepted for oral or poster presentation at the 1st International Congress on Stratigraphy. Papers include a short abstract, main text, figures, tables and references. Each paper has been reviewed by two internationally renowned scientists.

Stratigraphic Paleobiology: Understanding the Distribution of Fossil Taxa in Time and Space

by Patzkowsky Mark E. Steven M. Holland

Whether the fossil record should be read at face value or whether it presents a distorted view of the history of life is an argument seemingly as old as many fossils themselves. In the late 1700s, Georges Cuvier argued for a literal interpretation, but in the early 1800s, Charles Lyell's gradualist view of the earth's history required a more nuanced interpretation of that same record. To this day, the tension between literal and interpretive readings lies at the heart of paleontological research, influencing the way scientists view extinction patterns and their causes, ecosystem persistence and turnover, and the pattern of morphologic change and mode of speciation. With Stratigraphic Paleobiology, Mark E. Patzkowsky and Steven M. Holland present a critical framework for assessing the fossil record, one based on a modern understanding of the principles of sediment accumulation. Patzkowsky and Holland argue that the distribution of fossil taxa in time and space is controlled not only by processes of ecology, evolution, and environmental change, but also by the stratigraphic processes that govern where and when sediment that might contain fossils is deposited and preserved. The authors explore the exciting possibilities of stratigraphic paleobiology, and along the way demonstrate its great potential to answer some of the most critical questions about the history of life: How and why do environmental niches change over time? What is the tempo and mode of evolutionary change and what processes drive this change? How has the diversity of life changed through time, and what processes control this change? And, finally, what is the tempo and mode of change in ecosystems over time?

Stratigraphic Paleobiology: Understanding the Distribution of Fossil Taxa in Time and Space

by Mark E. Patzkowsky Steven M. Holland

Whether the fossil record should be read at face value or whether it presents a distorted view of the history of life is an argument seemingly as old as many fossils themselves. In the late 1700s, Georges Cuvier argued for a literal interpretation, but in the early 1800s, Charles Lyell’s gradualist view of the earth’s history required a more nuanced interpretation of that same record. To this day, the tension between literal and interpretive readings lies at the heart of paleontological research, influencing the way scientists view extinction patterns and their causes, ecosystem persistence and turnover, and the pattern of morphologic change and mode of speciation. With Stratigraphic Paleobiology, Mark E. Patzkowsky and Steven M. Holland present a critical framework for assessing the fossil record, one based on a modern understanding of the principles of sediment accumulation. Patzkowsky and Holland argue that the distribution of fossil taxa in time and space is controlled not only by processes of ecology, evolution, and environmental change, but also by the stratigraphic processes that govern where and when sediment that might contain fossils is deposited and preserved. The authors explore the exciting possibilities of stratigraphic paleobiology, and along the way demonstrate its great potential to answer some of the most critical questions about the history of life: How and why do environmental niches change over time? What is the tempo and mode of evolutionary change and what processes drive this change? How has the diversity of life changed through time, and what processes control this change? And, finally, what is the tempo and mode of change in ecosystems over time?

Stratigraphy Around the Permian–Triassic Boundary of South China (New Records of the Great Dying in South China)

by Wei-Hong He G. R. Shi Jian-Xin Yu Dao-Liang Chu Ke-Xin Zhang Hai-Shui Jiang Ting-Lu Yang Yi-Fan Xiao

This book timely provides high-quality records of 32 PTB sections across different depositional settings from terrestrial to marine facies in South China, including descriptions of lithologies, high-resolution correlation of key boundaries and fossil occurrences at each section. This book also analyzes the patterns and processes of the community and ecosystem evolution over space and through time in the lead to the end-Permian mass extinction, and critically analyzes the mostly debated hypothesis, anoxia and volcanism, which were considered as the causes of mass extinction, based on the data from the studied sections of South China, together with materials from other regions of the world.

Stratospheric Balloons: Science and Commerce at the Edge of Space (Springer Praxis Books)

by Manfred “Dutch” von Ehrenfried

Stratospheric balloons are powerful tools used to study the Earth and its atmosphere, as well as the greater cosmos beyond. This book describes the science and technology behind modern stratospheric ballooning, along with the surprising ways it has impacted our daily lives.The book takes you through every step of the process, starting with an in-depth introduction to basic balloon types and their uses before delving into balloon construction and mission planning. Along the way, you will learn about the novel technologies that have radically changed these balloons and their ability to launch, control and navigate them over specific ground targets. Next follows an exploration of their incredible applications, including research in atmospheric science, cosmology and astronomy, earth studies, meteorology, and aerobiology, and also commercial capabilities such as Internet networks and high-altitude tourism.The community of scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs involved in stratospheric ballooning is only ever growing. This book shows you how these national and international efforts have truly soared in recent years, and it will be an enjoyable read for anybody interested in learning more about how science and commerce are conducted in the stratosphere, at the edge of space.

Stratospheric Ozone and Man: Volume II

by Frank A. Bower

The book, as originally conceived, was to be limited to technical considerations, but the scientific course of event has been so interwoven with non-scientific, but nevertheless related events, the authors felt necessary to include an account of this situation. Accordingly, the book is divided into five sections entitled: � Stratospheric ozone � Atmospheric processes influencing stratospheric ozone � Does man influence stratospheric ozone � Effects and research � Public policy

Stratospheric Ozone and Man: Volume I

by Frank A. Bower

The book, as originally conceived, was to be limited to technical considerations, but the scientific course of event has been so interwoven with non-scientific, but nevertheless related events, the authors felt necessary to include an account of this situation. Accordingly, the book is divided into five sections entitled: � Stratospheric ozone � Atmospheric processes influencing stratospheric ozone � Does man influence stratospheric ozone � Effects and research � Public policy

Strawberries (Crop Production Science in Horticulture)

by James Hancock

This new and updated edition of a popular text provides a broad, balanced review of the scientific knowledge of strawberries and their cultivation. The worldwide strawberry industry has grown substantially since the original book was published, and methods of culture have undergone extensive modifications. This volume incorporates important changes to the taxonomy of strawberries and new understanding of how its ancestors evolved. It includes coverage of new disease and pest control methods and recent developments in genomic information. These advancements have greatly improved our understanding of how flowering and fruiting is regulated, and will revolutionize the breeding of strawberries. Drawing on extensive research and practical experience, the author presents an essential text that: Includes new content on genomic data, trait genetics, and marker-assisted strategies for varietal improvement. Provides a thorough review of the evolution of the strawberry and the history of strawberry cultivation. Contains an up-to-date comparison of the cultural systems employed across the world and the physiology behind these practices. Presented in full-colour throughout, this is a core guide for academic and professional researchers, breeders and growers, advisors, extension personnel and students of horticulture.

Strawberries: Production, Postharvest Management and Protection

by Radha Mohan Sharma Rakesh Yamdagni Anil Kumar Dubey Vikramaditya Pandey

This book provides unparalleled integration of fundamentals and most advanced management to make this strawberry crop highly remunerative besides enhancing per capita availability of fruit even in the non-traditional regions of the world.

Strawberry: Growth, Development and Diseases

by Ana Aguado Gianluca Baruzzi Jesús M Cantoral Nieves Capote María Carbú Nadia R Chalfoun Manuel Chamorro Berta De Santos Juan C. Ricci Atilla Eris Walther Faedi Marina Gambardella Carlos Garrido Victoria E González-Rodríguez Carlos. F Grellet-Bournonville Hatice Gulen Verónica Hael-Conrad Gustavo G Martos Francesca Massetani Yoh-Ichi Matsubara Juan J Medina-Mínguez Rudy Montenegro Marisa Perato Cristina Quispe Fernando Romero S Sánchez Guillermo Schmeda-Hirschmann Mario Simirgiotis Ursula Tonello Ece Turhan Ezequiel Viveros-Valdez Y Wen Xu Farooq A Zaki Gustavo Martínez Zamora

Methods of strawberry cultivation have undergone extensive modification and this book provides an up-to-date, broad and balanced scientific review of current research and emerging challenges. Subjects covered range from plant propagation, architecture, genetic resources, breeding, abiotic stresses and climate change, to evolving diseases and their control. These topics are examined in three sections: - Genetics, Breeding and Omics - covering genetic resources, breeding, metabolomics, transcriptomics, and genetic transformation of strawberry. - Cultivation Systems and Propagation - discusses plant architecture, replanting problems and plant propagation techniques. - Disease and Stress Management - deals with traditional and emerging fungal diseases, their diagnosis and modern biocontrol strategies, and biotechnological interventions for dealing with the challenges of climate change. Strawberry: Growth, Development and Diseases is written by an international team of specialists, using figures and tables to make the subject comprehensible and informative. It is an essential resource for academics and industry workers involved in strawberry research and development, and all those interested in the commercial cultivation of strawberries.

Stream and Watershed Restoration

by Tim Beechie Philip Roni

With $2 billion spent annually on stream restoration worldwide, there is a pressing need for guidance in this area, but until now, there was no comprehensive text on the subject. Filling that void, this unique text covers both new and existing information following a stepwise approach on theory, planning, implementation, and evaluation methods for the restoration of stream habitats. Comprehensively illustrated with case studies from around the world, Stream and Watershed Restoration provides a systematic approach to restoration programs suitable for graduate and upper-level undergraduate courses on stream or watershed restoration or as a reference for restoration practitioners and fisheries scientists.Part of the Advancing River Restoration and Management Series. Additional resources for this book can be found at:

Stream Ecology: Structure and Function of Running Waters

by J. David Allan María M. Castillo Krista A. Capps

Stream Ecology: Structure and Function of Running Waters is designed to serve as a textbook for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, and as a reference source for specialists in stream ecology and related fields. This Third Edition is thoroughly updated and expanded to incorporate significant advances in our understanding of environmental factors, biological interactions, and ecosystem processes, and how these vary with hydrological, geomorphological, and landscape setting.The broad diversity of running waters – from torrential mountain brooks, to large, lowland rivers, to great river systems whose basins occupy sub-continents – makes river ecosystems appear overwhelming complex. A central theme of this book is that although the settings are often unique, the processes at work in running waters are general and increasingly well understood.Even as our scientific understanding of stream ecosystems rapidly advances, the pressures arising from diverse human activities continue to threaten the health of rivers worldwide. This book presents vital new findings concerning human impacts, and the advances in pollution control, flow management, restoration, and conservation planning that point to practical solutions.Reviews of the first edition:".. an unusually lucid and judicious reassessment of the state of stream ecology" Science Magazine"..provides an excellent introduction to the area for advanced undergraduates and graduate students…" Limnology & Oceanography"… a valuable reference for all those interested in the ecology of running waters." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society Reviews of the second edition:"Overall, a must for the field centre and a good starter text in stream ecology." (TEN News, October, 2007)"Highly recommended. Upper-division undergraduates through faculty." (P. R. Pinet, CHOICE, Vol. 45 (7), 2008) "... a very good, fluidly readable book which contains the latest key scientific knowledge of the ecology of running waters." (Daniel Graeber, International Review of Hydrobiology, Vol. 94 (2), 2009)

Stream Ecology and Self Purification: An Introduction, Second Edition

by Frank R. Spellman Joanne Drinan

This new edition of a very successful standard reference is expanded and fully reworked. The book explains and quantifies the processes whereby streams cleanse themselves, reducing their pollutant load as a natural process. Mechanisms of purification in running waters have always been critical with regard to clearly identified pollution sources. Th

Stream Fish Community Dynamics: A Critical Synthesis

by William J. Matthews Edie Marsh-Matthews

The most comprehensive synthesis of stream fish community research ever produced.Winner of the CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title of the Choice ACRLEcologists have long struggled to understand community dynamics. In this groundbreaking book, leading fish ecologists William Matthews and Edie Marsh-Matthews apply long-term studies of stream fish communities to several enduring questions. This critical synthesis reaches to the heart of ecological theory, testing concepts against the four decades of data the authors have collected from numerous warm-water stream fish communities in the central and eastern United States.Stream Fish Community Dynamics draws together the work of a single research team to provide fresh analyses of the short- and long-term dynamics of numerous streams, each with multiple sampling sites. Conducting repeated surveys of fish communities at temporal scales from months to decades, the authors' research findings will fascinate anyone searching for a deeper understanding of community ecology. The study sites covered by this book range from small headwater creeks to large prairie rivers in Oklahoma and from Ozark and Ouachita mountain streams in Arkansas to the upland Roanoke River in Virginia. The book includes• A comparison of all global and local communities with respect to community composition at the species and family level, emergent community properties, and the relationship between those emergent properties and the environments of the study sites• Analyses of traits of individual species that are important to their distribution or success in harsh environments• A review of evidence for the importance of interactions—including competition and predation—in community dynamics of stream fishes• An assessment of disturbance effects in fish community dynamics• New analysis of the short- and long-term dynamics of variation in stream fish communities, illustrating the applicability and importance of the "loose equilibrium concept"• New analyses and comparisons of spatiotemporal variation in community dynamics and beta diversity partitioning• An overview of the effects of fish in ecosystems in the central and eastern United StatesThe book ends with a summary chapter that places the authors' findings in broader contexts and describes how the "loose equilibrium concept"—which may be the most appropriate default assumption for dynamics of stream fishes in the changing climate of the future—applies to many kinds of stream fish communities.

Stream-Tube Method: A Complex-Fluid Dynamics and Computational Approach

by Jean-Robert Clermont Amine Ammar

This book presents the stream-tube method (STM), a method offering computational means of dealing with the two- and three-dimensional properties of numerous incompressible materials in static and dynamic conditions. The authors show that the kinematics and stresses associated with the flow and deformation in such materials can be treated by breaking the system down into simple computational sub-domains in which streamlines are straight and parallel and using one or two mapping functions in steady-state and non-steady-state conditions.The STM is considered for various problems in non-Newtonian fluid mechanics with different geometries. The book makes use of examples and applications to illustrate the use of the STM. It explores the possibilities of computation on simple mapped rectangular domains and three-dimensional parallel-piped domains under different conditions. Complex materials with memory are considered simply without particle tracking problems.Readers, including researchers, engineers and graduate students, with a foundational knowledge of calculus, linear algebra, differential equations and fluid mechanics will benefit most greatly from this book.

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