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Stress Biology of Yeasts and Fungi
by Hiroshi Takagi Hiroshi KitagakiThis book describes cutting-edge science and technology of the characterization, breeding, and development of yeasts and fungi used worldwide in fermentation industries such as alcohol beverage brewing, bread making, and bioethanol production. The book also covers numerous topics and important areas the previous literature has missed, ranging widely from molecular mechanisms to biotechnological applications related to stress response/tolerance of yeasts and fungi. During fermentation processes, cells of yeast and fungus, mostly Saccharomyces and Aspergillus oryzae spp. , respectively, are exposed to a variety of fermentation "stresses". Such stresses lead to growth inhibition or cell death. Under severe stress conditions, their fermentation ability and enzyme productivity are rather limited. Therefore, in terms of industrial application, stress tolerance is the key characteristic for yeast and fungal cells. The first part of this book provides stress response/tolerance mechanisms of yeast used for the production of sake, beer, wine, bread, and bioethanol. The second part covers stress response/tolerance mechanisms of fungi during environmental changes and biological processes of industrial fermentation. Readers benefit nicely from the novel understandings and methodologies of these industrial microbes. The book is suitable for both academic scientists and graduate-level students specialized in applied microbiology and biochemistry and biotechnology and for industrial researchers and engineers who are involved in fermentation-based technologies. The fundamental studies described in this book can be applied to the breeding of useful microbes (yeasts, fungi), the production of valuable compounds (ethanol, CO2, amino acids, organic acids, and enzymes) and the development of promising processes to solve environmental issues (bioethanol, biorefinery).
Stress Concentration at Notches
by Mykhaylo P. Savruk Andrzej KazberukThis book compiles solutions of linear theory of elasticity problems for isotropic and anisotropic bodies with sharp and rounded notches. It contains an overview of established and recent achievements, and presents the authors' original solutions in the field considered with extensive discussion. The volume demonstrates through numerous, useful examples the effectiveness of singular integral equations for obtaining exact solutions of boundary problems of the theory of elasticity for bodies with cracks and notches. Incorporating analytical and numerical solutions of the problems of stress concentrations in solid bodies with crack-like defects, this volume is ideal for scientists and PhD students dealing with the problems of theory of elasticity and fracture mechanics.
Stress Concentrators in Continuous Deformable Bodies (Advanced Structured Materials #181)
by Vahram N. HakobyanThis book is devoted to the study of topical issues of the simultaneous interaction of various types of stress concentrators with massive homogeneous and composite deformable bodies. A wide class of new contact and mixed problems is considered, and their closed or effective solutions are constructed. The features of the dynamic mutual influence of various stress concentrators in some problems of forced vibrations of composite massive bodies are also studied.
Stress Corrosion Cracking of Pipelines
by Y. Frank ChengExplains why pipeline stress corrosion cracking happens and how it can be preventedPipelines sit at the heart of the global economy. When they are in good working order, they deliver fuel to meet the ever-growing demand for energy around the world. When they fail due to stress corrosion cracking, they can wreak environmental havoc.This book skillfully explains the fundamental science and engineering of pipeline stress corrosion cracking based on the latest research findings and actual case histories. The author explains how and why pipelines fall prey to stress corrosion cracking and then offers tested and proven strategies for preventing, detecting, and monitoring it in order to prevent pipeline failure.Stress Corrosion Cracking of Pipelines begins with a brief introduction and then explores general principals of stress corrosion cracking, including two detailed case studies of pipeline failure. Next, the author covers:Near-neutral pH stress corrosion cracking of pipelinesHigh pH stress corrosion cracking of pipelinesStress corrosion cracking of pipelines in acidic soil environmentsStress corrosion cracking at pipeline weldsStress corrosion cracking of high-strength pipeline steelsThe final chapter is dedicated to effective management and mitigation of pipeline stress corrosion cracking. Throughout the book, the author develops a number of theoretical models and concepts based on advanced microscopic electrochemical measurements to help readers better understand the occurrence of stress corrosion cracking.By examining all aspects of pipeline stress corrosion cracking--the causes, mechanisms, and management strategies--this book enables engineers to construct better pipelines and then maintain and monitor them to ensure safe, reliable energy supplies for the world.
Stress Ecology
by Christian E.W. SteinbergNot all stress is stressful; instead, it appears that stress in the environment, below the mutation threshold, is essential for many subtle manifestations of population structures and biodiversity, and has played a substantial role in the evolution of life. Intrigued by the behavior of laboratory animals that contradicted our current understanding of stress, the author and his group studied the beneficial effects of stress on animals and plants. The seemingly "crazy" animals demonstrated that several stress paradigms are outdated and have to be reconsidered. The book describes the general stress responses in microorganisms, plants, and animals to abiotic and biotic, to natural and anthropogenic stressors. These stress responses include the activation of oxygen, the biotransformation system, the stress proteins, and the metal-binding proteins. The potential of stress response lies in the transcription of genes, whereas the actual response is manifested by proteins and metabolites. Yet, not all stress responses are in the genes: micro-RNAs and epigenetics play central roles. Multiple stressors, such as environmental realism, do not always act additively; they may even diminish one another. Furthermore, one stressor often prepares the subject for the next one to come and may produce extended lifespans and increased offspring numbers, thus causing shifts in population structures. This book provides the first comprehensive analysis of the ecological and evolutionary effects of stress.
Stress Free for Good: 10 Scientifically Proven Life Skills for Health and Happiness
by Fred Luskin Kenneth R. PelletierPlan for creating a life with less stress that can lead to better physical and emotional health. These 10 suggested skills were developed over many years that the authors spent doing research at Stanford University's school of medicine.
Stress-Free Science: A Visual Guide to Acing Science in Grades 4-8
by Laurie E. WestphalEquipped with the #1 guide to help kids (and their parents) with science homework, students will be able to quickly find the definitions and illustrated examples that will enable them to solve many of the science challenges they face. Covering everything from "acceleration" to "zygote," Stress-Free Science:Is perfect for both kids and their parents looking for help with science homework and the tools to ace the class!Provides students in grades 4–8 with hundreds of science terms and kid-friendly definitions, full-color illustrations, and examples.Covers subjects like physical sciences, Earth sciences, life sciences, basic science equipment, and measurement and units.Helps students complete science tasks with confidence.Will help with any science assignment, project, or experiment.This well-organized and easy-to-follow quick reference guide includes illustrated, concise explanations of the most common terms used in general science classes. Packed with strategies to help students get better grades and master science concepts without any headaches, this science study guide also includes a handy reference section, complete with commonly used formulas, measurement conversions, charts detailing household chemicals and acids and bases, instructions for using science equipment safely, tips on following the scientific process, and information on graphing results and data.
Stress-Free Science: A Visual Guide to Acing Science in Grades 4-8
by Laurie E. WestphalEquipped with the #1 guide to help kids (and their parents) with science homework, students will be able to quickly find the definitions and illustrated examples that will enable them to solve many of the science challenges they face. Covering everything from "acceleration" to "zygote," Stress-Free Science: Is perfect for both kids and their parents looking for help with science homework and the tools to ace the class!Provides students in grades 4-8 with hundreds of science terms and kid-friendly definitions, full-color illustrations, and examples.Covers subjects like physical sciences, Earth sciences, life sciences, basic science equipment, and measurement and units.Helps students complete science tasks with confidence.Will help with any science assignment, project, or experiment.
Stress, Immunity, and Aging
by E. L. CooperThis book contains two personal reminiscences of historical importance to research on stress and infectious disease. It deals with perspectives on immunity, aging, and disease and the prospects for immunorestoration in the treatment of immunodeficiency arising from aging and stress.
Stress-Induced Mutagenesis
by David MittelmanThe discovery of stress-induced mutagenesis has changed ideas about mutation and evolution, and revealed mutagenic programs that differ from standard spontaneous mutagenesis in rapidly proliferating cells. The stress-induced mutations occur during growth-limiting stress, and can include adaptive mutations that allow growth in the otherwise growth-limiting environment. The stress responses increase mutagenesis specifically when cells are maladapted to their environments, i.e. are stressed, potentially accelerating evolution then. The mutation mechanism also includes temporary suspension of post-synthesis mismatch repair, resembling mutagenesis characteristic of some cancers. Stress-induced mutation mechanisms may provide important models for genome instability underlying some cancers and genetic diseases, resistance to chemotherapeutic and antibiotic drugs, pathogenicity of microbes, and many other important evolutionary processes. This book covers pathways of stress-induced mutagenesis in all systems. The principle focus is mammalian systems, but much of what is known of these pathways comes from non-mammalian systems.
Stress Less: 9 Habits from the Bible and Brain Science to Build Resilience and Reduce Anxiety • Biblically Sound • Research Informed
by Charles StoneWe&’re living in a stressed-out world. According to a poll from the American Psychological Association more than a quarter of U.S. adults say they&’re so stressed they can&’t function. But it&’s not just adults. Teenagers and children are also experiencing the negative effects of stress. Blending brain science, biblical truth, and best practices, Stress Less provides hope and healing. From his PhD research, pastor Charles Stone presents nine actionable insights for those battling stress or who have friends or family with fear and anxiety. Stone writes about biblical characters who successfully and unsuccessfully navigated stress and shares how he&’s responded to the stresses in his life, including a cancer diagnoses, heart issue, pre-diabetes diagnosis, and depression.Stone answers the questions: What is stress?What does stress do to the body and brain?How do we build resistance to stress? He shows how changes in thinking, feeling, sleep, spiritual practices, and relationships can help us thrive through life&’s stresses. Readers learn how gratitude and soaking your soul in Jesus can cultivate a life of greater well-being and joy. While we can&’t eliminate the stressors of life, we can learn to navigate them with courage and grace. This timely resource is a practical guide for anyone who feels the creep of stress, who desires freedom and peace, and who wants to Stress Less.
Stress Management and Prevention: Applications to Daily Life
by David D. ChenGain a critical understanding of the nature of stress from a positive psychology framework that allows you to look beyond a simple pathology of stress-related symptoms. This new edition of Stress Management and Prevention integrates Eastern and Western concepts of stress while emphasizing an experiential approach to learning through the use of exercises, activities, and self-reflection. This student-friendly text contains chapters on conflict resolution, mindfulness meditation, time management, prevention of health risks, and cognitive restructuring. Included throughout are an emphasis on mindfulness and the neuroscience behind it, more theories, and new techniques for stress reduction and time management. An updated companion website includes even more video-based activities so students can see techniques in practice.
Stress Physiology of Tea in the Face of Climate Change
by Wen-Yan Han Xin Li Golam Jalal AhammedThis book focuses on the existing knowledge regarding the effect of global climate change on tea plant physiology, biochemistry, and metabolism as well as economic and societal aspects of the tea industry. Specifically, this book synthesizes recent advances in the physiological and molecular mechanisms of the responses of tea plants to various abiotic and biotic stressors including high temperature, low temperature or freezing, drought, low light, UV radiation, elevated CO2, ozone, nutrient deficiency, insect herbivory, and pathogenic agents. This book also discusses challenges and potential management strategies for sustaining tea yield and quality in the face of climate change. Dr. Wen-Yan Han is a Professor and Dr. Xin Li is an Associate Professor at the Tea Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (TRI, CAAS), Hangzhou, PR China. Dr. Golam Jalal Ahammed is an Associate Professor at the Department of Horticulture, College of Forestry, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang, PR China.
Stress Physiology of Woody Plants
by Wenhao DaiThis book addresses the importance woody plants have in agriculture, forestry, and the environment and how various stresses affect their performance. It reviews physiological and molecular responses of woody plants to major environmental stresses and focuses on the mechanisms involved in imparting resistance to stress. Chapters cover basics of plant physiology including plant structure and plant growth, photosynthesis, respiration, plant growth regulation, abiotic and biotic plant stresses including drought, water logging, nutrient deficiency, salinity, chilling, freezing, heat, oxidative stress, and heavy metal toxicity.
Stress-Proof: The Scientific Solution to Protect Your Brain and Body--and Be More Resilient Every Day
by Mithu StoroniDiscover simple, science-based strategies for beating stress at its own game When’s the best time to exercise – and how much is too much? Which foods fortify the brain, and which do the opposite? How can we use music, movement, and motivation to boost our rational brain and keep our cool no matter what life throws our way? Short bursts of stress are an inevitable part of modern life. But how much is too much? Research is uncovering the delicate balance that can turn a brief stressful episode into systemic overload, eventually leading to inflammation, anxiety, depression, and other chronic health issues.This practical and groundbreaking guide reveals seven paths to fighting the effects of stress--to strengthen our natural defenses so that our minds remain sharp, and our bodies resilient, no matter what life throws at us.Each chapter examines a common stress agent—including inflammation, an out-of-sync body clock, cortisol levels, and emotional triggers—and presents simple ways to minimize its harmful effects with changes in diet, exercise, and other daily habits—including surprising hacks involving music, eye movements, body temperature, and more. Translating cutting-edge scientific findings into clear and simple advice, Stress-Proof is the ultimate user’s guide for body, mind and well-being.
Stress Proteins in Medicine
by Willem Van EdenProvides a thorough overview of current knowledge of stress proteins in both normal and disease physiology and evaluates the potential for developing novel diagnostic, prophylactic, and therapeutic approaches to control human disease based on the latest stress-protein research.
Stress Response
by Stephen M. KeyseIt is now understood that the response of mammalian cells to a wide variety of potentially toxic agents may be intimately linked with many human diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, ischemia, fever, infection, and cancer. In Stress Response: Methods and Protocols, Stephen Keyse has assembled a diverse collection of readily reproducible methods devoted to the study of these varied and powerful responses. Written by leading researchers expert in the techniques they describe, these detailed methods cover the detection and assay of stress-induced damage, the activation of a wide range of signal transduction pathways by cellular stress, stress-induced gene expression, and stress protein function. To ensure experimental success, step-by-step guidance is provided for each method, along with details of reagents, equipment, and other requirements. The methods include both well-established techniques and new technologies at the leading edge of research. Wide ranging and highly practical, Stress Response: Methods and Protocols provides a gold-standard bench manual for today's basic and clinical scientists working to understand how cells and tissues respond during physiological stress and in human disease.
Stress Response Mechanisms in Fungi: Theoretical and Practical Aspects
by Marek SkonecznyThis book covers both the molecular basics of fungal stress response strategies as well as biotechnological applications thereof. The complex regulatory mechanisms of stress response pathways are presented in a concise and well-readable manner. Also, light will be shed on the interconnection of pathways responding to different types of stress. Profound knowledge of stress responses in yeast and filamentous fungi is crucial for further optimization of industrial processes. Applications are manifold, for example in fungicide development, for improving the resistance of crop plants to fungal pathogens, but also in medicine to help curing fungal infections. The book targets researchers from academia and industry, as well as graduate students interested in microbiology, mycology and biomedicine.
Stress Responses
by Christine M. OslowskiThis volume focuses on detecting different cellular stresses, measuring pathological consequences within the cell, and investigating the role of cellular stresses in select diseases. In addition, this book reviews the crosstalk between different stress pathways, stress responses during ageing, and targeting stress for regenerative medicine. Written in the highly successful Methods of Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and key tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and instructive, Stress Responses: Methods and Protocols seeks to aid scientists to further study multiple stress pathways and outcomes triggered by such stresses. In depth knowledge of cellular stress will eventually lead to the development of novel therapeutics to prevent or treat related diseases.
Stress Responses in Plants
by Bhumi Nath Tripathi Maria MüllerThis collection discusses the variety of specific molecular reactions by means of which plants respond to physiological and toxic stress conditions. It focuses on the characterization of the molecular mechanisms that underlie the induction of toxicity and the triggered responses and resistances. The nine chapters, all written by prominent researchers, examine heavy metal toxicity, aluminum toxicity, arsenic toxicity, salt toxicity, drought stress, light stress, temperature stress, flood stress and UV-B stress. In addition, information on the fundamentals of stress responses and resistance mechanisms is provided. The book addresses researchers and students working in the fields of plant physiology and biochemistry.
Stress Responses of Foodborne Pathogens
by Tian Ding Xinyu Liao Jinsong FengFood-borne bacterial pathogens encounter a number of stressors during food processing and preservation. More and more pathogens are able to adapt their physiological properties and/or genetic expression to survive these stressors and pose a risk to food safety and public health. This book provides the reader with a comprehensive overview of common food processing-associated stressors (e.g., heat, cold, acid, osmosis, and oxidation) and deals with the molecular basis of the respective bacterial stress response mechanisms (e.g., viable but nonculturable state, biofilm formation, sporulation, and cross-protection response). Additionally, various chapters cover the response mechanisms of foodborne pathogens to emerging nonthermal sterilisation technologies such as ultrasound, high-pressure processing, pulsed electric fields, ultraviolet light, irradiation and phytochemicals. Through this book we also learn about future prospects for the efficient control of stress adaption in foodborne pathogens to ensure maximum consumer safety. This book offers a valuable resource for researchers, graduate students, food process engineers and product developers in the fields of food science and microbiology.
Stress Responses of Lactic Acid Bacteria
by Konstantinos Papadimitriou Effie TsakalidouBeginning with the basics of lactic acid bacteria and stress response, then working into specific fields of research and current developments, Stress Responses of Lactic Acid Bacteria will serve as an essential guidebook to researchers in the field, industry professionals, and advanced students in the area. The exploration of stress responses in lactic acid bacteria began in the early 90s and revealed the differences that exist between LAB and the classical model microorganisms. A considerable amount of work has been performed on the main genera / species of LAB regarding the genes implicated and their actual role and regulation, and the mechanisms of stress resistance have also been elucidated. Recent genome and transcriptome analyses complement the proteome and genetic information available today and shed a new light on the perception of and the responses to stress by lactic acid bacteria.
Stress-responsive Factors and Molecular Farming in Medicinal Plants
by Divya Singh Amit Kumar Mishra Akhileshwar Kumar SrivastavaThis contributed volume brings out a comprehensive collection of changes from cellular to molecular levels in medicinal plants under extreme environments. The focus of this book is to address the molecular changes in medicinal plants under different abiotic stresses. Medicinal plants are regarded as rich resources of components that can be used for drug development in the pharmaceutical industry. A few medicinal plants are considered vital sources of nutrients and solicited for their therapeutic properties. Therefore, it is essential to understand medicinal plants' interaction under abiotic stresses as compounds obtained from these plants play an important role in human health. This book is of interest to students, teachers, researchers, scientists, medicinal plant experts, and policymakers. Also, the book provides study material for undergraduate and graduate students of botany, environmental sciences, medicinal and aromatic plants, biochemistry, and biotechnology. National and international scientists working in the area of medicinal plants, drug development, and policymakers will also find this a useful read
Stress Signaling in Plants: Genomics and Proteomics Perspective, Volume 2
by Maryam Sarwat Altaf Ahmad M. Z. Abdin Mohamed M. IbrahimThis two-volume set takes an in-depth look at stress signaling in plants from a uniquely genomic and proteomic perspective and offers a comprehensive treatise that covers all of the signaling pathways and mechanisms that have been researched so far. Currently, plant diseases, extreme weather caused by climate change, drought and an increase in metals in soil are amongst the major limiting factors of crop production worldwide. They devastate not only the food supply but also the economy of a nation. With global food scarcity in mind, there is an urgent need to develop crop plants with increased stress tolerance so as to meet the global food demands and to preserve the quality of our planet. In order to do this, it is necessary to understand how plants react and adapt to stress from the genomic and proteomic perspective. Plants adapt to stress conditions by activating cascades of molecular mechanisms, which result in alterations in gene expression and synthesis of protective proteins. From the perception of the stimulus to the transduction of the signal, followed by an appropriate cellular response, the plants employ a complex network of primary and secondary messenger molecules. Cells exercise a large number of noticeably distinct signaling pathways to regulate their activity. In order to contend with different environmental adversities, plants have developed a series of mechanisms at the physiological, cellular and molecular levels that respond to stress. Each chapter in this volume provides an in-depth explanation of what we currently know of a particular aspect of stress signaling and where we are heading. Together with the highly successful first volume, Stress Signaling in Plants: Genomics and Proteomics Perspective, Volume 2 covers an important aspect of plant biology for both students and seasoned researchers.
Stress Signaling in Plants: Genomics and Proteomics Perspective, Volume 1
by Maryam Sarwat Altaf Ahmad Mz AbdinPlant diseases, extreme weather caused by climate change, drought and an increase in metals in soil are amongst the major limiting factors of crop production worldwide. They devastate not only food supply but also the economy of a nation. Keeping in view of the global food scarcity, there is, an urgent need to develop crop plants with increased stress tolerance so as to meet the global food demands and to preserve the quality of our planet. In order to do this, it is necessary to understand how plants react and adapt to stress from the genomic and proteomic perspective. Plants adapt to stress conditions by activation of cascades of molecular mechanisms, which result in alterations in gene expression and synthesis of protective proteins/compounds. From the perception of the stimulus to transduction of the signal, followed by an appropriate response, the plants employ a complex network of primary and secondary messenger molecules. Cell signaling is the component of a complex system of communication that directs basic cellular activities and synchronizes cell actions. Cells exercise a large number of noticeably distinct signaling pathways to regulate their activity. In order to contend with different environmental adversities plants have developed a series of mechanisms at the physiological, cellular and molecular level. This two volume set takes an in-depth look at the Stress Signaling in Plants from a uniquely genomic and proteomics perspective. Stress Signaling in Plants offers a comprehensive treatise on the Chapter, covering all of the signaling pathways and mechanisms that have been researched so far. Each chapter provides in-depth explanation of what we currently know of a particular aspect of stress signaling and where we are headed. All authors have currently agreed and abstracts have been complied for the first volume, due out midway through 2012. We aim to have the second volume out at the beginning of 2013.