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Showing 72,876 through 72,900 of 82,360 results

Studies on Pediatric Disorders

by Hirokazu Tsukahara Kazunari Kaneko

This volume examines the role of oxidative stress in the pathology of numerous pediatric disorders. It covers a wide range of topics including the chemistry and biology of reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide, molecular biology of the enzymes generating these species, clinically useful biomarkers for evaluating oxidative stress status in humans, and the pathophysiology, clinical course and management of a variety of pediatric disorders, among others. The book also describes current diagnostic tools, laboratory methods and technology for treatment and prevention of pediatric disorders It explores emerging technology and medical applications including discussions of biomarkers and antioxidants as therapeutic agents. Written by an international team of experts in both pediatrics and free radical and antioxidant research, Studies on Pediatric Disorders is an invaluable addition to the Oxidative Stress in Applied Basic Research and Clinical Practice series.

Studies on "Perfect" Hyperbranched Chains Free in Solution and Confined in a Cylindrical Pore

by Lianwei Li

Lianwei Li's Ph. D. thesis solves a long-standing problem in polymer physics: how does a hyperbranched chain pass through a cylindrical pore smaller than its size under an elongational flow field? The question was asked by the Nobel Laureate, the late Professor de Gennes in the 70s but has never been seriously addressed through real experiments. This thesis outlines how Lianwei Li developed a novel polymerization strategy using a seesaw-type macromonomer to prepare a set of "defect-free" hyperbranched chagins with different overall molar masses and controllable uniform subchain lengths. The author then unearthed how the critical (minimum) flow rate at which a hyperbranched chain can pass through the pore, is dependent on the overall molar mass and the subchain length. The experimental results give a unified description of polymer chains with different topologies passing through a small cylindrical pore, which enables us to separate chains by their topologies instead of their sizes in ultrafiltration. In addition, this research also reveals how the chain structure of amphiphilic hyperbranched block and graft copolymers affect their solution properties, including the establishments of several classic scaling laws that relate the chain size and the intrinsic viscosity to the overall molar mass and the subchain length, respectively. This work has led to numerous publications in high-impact peer-reviewed journals.

Studies on Porous Monolithic Materials Prepared via Sol–Gel Processes

by George Hasegawa

This thesis focuses on porous monolithic materials that are not in the forms of particles, fibers, or films. In particular, the synthetic strategy of porous monolithic materials via the sol-gel method accompanied by phase separation, which is characterized as the non-templating method for tailoring well-defined macropores, is described from the basics to actual synthesis. Porous materials are attracting more and more attention in various fields such as electronics, energy storage, catalysis, sensing, adsorbents, biomedical science, and separation science. To date, many efforts have been made to synthesize porous materials in various chemical compositions--organics, inorganics including metals, glasses and ceramics, and organic-inorganic hybrids. Also demonstrated in this thesis are the potential applications of synthesized porous monolithic materials to separation media as well as to electrodes for electric double-layer capacitors (EDLCs) and Li-ion batteries (LIBs). This work is ideal for graduate students in materials science and is also useful to engineers or scientists seeking basic knowledge of porous monolithic materials.

Studies on Renal Disorders

by Masaomi Nangaku Toshio Miyata Kai-Uwe Eckardt

Conditions such as oxidative stress and hypoxia, which have a generalized impact on the oxygen metabolism, have been implicated in the genesis of kidney disease. This means that deepening our understanding of the pathobiology of oxygen metabolism in such diseases could be a fruitful path towards tangible clinical benefits. Studies in Renal Disorder collects reviews from leading researchers and clinical scientists working in exactly this field, providing an overview of the latest advances. The causal role of impaired oxygen metabolism in kidney disease has numerous clinical implications. It affects our understanding of the therapeutic benefits accruing from anti-hypertensive agents; the way we control hyperglycemia/hyperinsulinemia and hyperlipidemia; and our use of dietary approaches to the correction of obesity. The defensive mechanisms against oxidative stress, such as the Nrf2-Keap1 system, and hypoxia, such as the PHD-HIF system, have recently been explored in various cells, including kidney cells. These mechanisms include intracellular sensors for oxidative stress and hypoxia. This means that novel approaches targeting these sensors may offer clinical benefits in kidney disease in which oxidative stress and/or hypoxia is a final, common pathway.

Studies on Respiratory Disorders

by Nirmal K. Ganguly Surinder K. Jindal Shyam Biswal Peter J. Barnes Ruby Pawankar

This volume covers data describing the role of free radicals and antioxidants in respiratory disorders, including the data that deal with clinical and pre-clinical trials. Chapters describe the relationship of oxidative stress to a number of respiratory and pulmonary conditions from a basic science and clinical perspective, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, acute lung injury, pulmonary hypertension, toxicity and fibrosis, cancer and asbestosis. The book also discusses the use of conventional biomarkers of oxidative stress and breath condensates as adjuncts to classical laboratory testing, the effect of antioxidants on cellular protection, as well as the development of novel antioxidant modalities.

Studies on Retinal and Choroidal Disorders

by Robert D. Stratton Thomas W. Gardner William W. Hauswirth

Studies on Retinal and Choroidal Disorders examines the role that oxidative and nitrosative stress plays in the complex physiology and pathophysiology of the retina and choroid. Both the basic science researcher and the clinical practitioner can use this book as a guide to the current understanding of retinal and choroidal cellular mechanisms involved in aging and disease. Beginning with a review of oxidative stress and inflammation in the pathoetiology of AMD and a review of the complement system in the retina, the book then takes a detailed look at oxidative stress in lipid metabolism and oxidized lipoproteins in the retina. It examines the anti-apoptotic activity of α-crystallins in the presence of glutathione, oxidative stress in the mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum, the role of iron in retinal disease, the mechanisms of pathological VEGF expression, NAPDH oxidase mechanisms, and Hepatocyte Growth Factor in oxidative stress in the retina. A detailed look at the Ccl2-/-/Cx3cr1-/- mouse model of AMD follows. Then a detailed examination of the systemic changes in AMD is followed by a discussion of cerium oxide nanoparticle reduction of oxidative stress. Two chapters discuss progenitor cells in the cause and treatment of retinal diseases including AMD and diabetic retinopathy. Natural compounds in the prevention and treatment of retinal diseases are exhaustively presented, followed by a chapter on serotonin 5-HT1A receptor agonists in oxidative stress of the retina. The current anti-VEGF treatment strategies of neovascular AMD are then given. The volume continues with a detailed look at nitric oxide and inducible nitric oxide synthase in retinal vascular disease, an explanation of an in vivo technique of studying the effect of lipid hydroperoxides on circulating leucocytes in the retina, an excellent review of oxidative stress in retinopathy of prematurity, and a look at VEGF induced oxidative stress in the retinal ganglion cell. The book ends with a detail examination of the role of carotenoids in retinal health and disease. These 31 chapters summarize what is known about oxidative stress in retinal and choroidal disorders. All those involved with degenerative diseases of the eye will find Studies on Retinal and Choroidal Disorders to be illuminating and comprehensive.

Studies on Veterinary Medicine

by Lester Mandelker Peter Vajdovich

This compendium of research material on the role of oxidative stress in animal disease and morbidity examines both the general and the specific. Sourced from scientists, veterinarians, and members of the medical community from around the world, it includes chapters on our wider understanding of the corrosive function of free radicals in cell biology as well as focusing on the interplay between oxidative stress and metabolism in a variety of animal species including dogs, ruminants and birds. Since biogerontologist Denham Harman first posited that free radicals arising from the metabolic activity of oxygen play a central role in aging and disease, a mass of evidence has accumulated linking oxidative stress and biological degradation. We now understand that living in an aerobic environment inevitably leads to the production of free radicals that go on to attack biological membranes and lipoproteins via oxidation in a process called lipid peroxidation. Reacting with carbon-based molecules such as polyunsaturated fatty acids, these free radicals cause oxidative stress and tissue damage. The purpose of Studies on Veterinary Medicine is to inform clinicians, students and others of the plethora of consequences that free radical damage (ROS) has on various cells, tissues, and organs, as well as in different species of animals. The chapters also analyze the effects of oxidative stress on aging and various morbidities such as diabetes, cognitive dysfunction and heart disease. Contributors variously present their interpretation of the role played by oxidative damage in disease and assess the benefits of antioxidant therapies.

Studies on Women's Health

by Ashok Agarwal Botros Rizk Nabil Aziz

This volume covers data describing the role of free radicals and antioxidants that deal with clinical and pre-clinical trials, as well as basic research in the area of women's health. There is increasing evidence that oxidative stress is a causative, or at least a supporting factor in female pathology and infertility. During advancing gestational age, oxidative stress biomakers rise. Oxidative stress plays a regulatory role in transcription, signal transduction, gene expression and membrane trafficking. A search on Pub Med shows 449 papers have been published to date related to women's health disorders and use of antioxidants in a variety of disease that are prevalent in women, such as hypertension and cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, obesity and restless leg syndrome.

Studies to Combat COVID-19 using Science and Engineering

by Dana Barry Hideyuki Kanematsu

This unique book provides excellent examples of ongoing, leading-edge research related to viruses, especially COVID-19. It is written from the viewpoint of various scientific fields including materials science. It introduces and describes viruses (submicroscopic infectious agents that replicate inside the living cells of an organism), various infections caused by viruses (human to human, human to other organisms to humans, humans to materials to humans, etc.), not only from the viewpoint of medical research but also from other scientific disciplines. A major focus of the book is the COVID-19 virus. Highlighted topics include the evolution of COVID-19, transmission of virus particles through the air, virus spread through various materials, detection of the virus by testing wastewater, the development and testing of vaccines and therapeutic drugs, and the preparation for future viruses and pandemics. This includes reform in funeral services to properly and safely accommodate very large numbers of bodies in a pandemic, like those seen in New York City when it was the epicenter for the virus in the United States. This book serves as an excellent and very informative guide (practical book) for engineers and researchers of various backgrounds and as a great academic textbook.

Study Guide and Solutions Manual for Organic Chemistry: Structure And Function

by Neil Schore

This manual includes chapter introductions that highlight new materials, chapter outlines, detailed comments for each chapter section, a glossary, and solutions to the problems, presented in a way that shows students how to reason their way to the answer.

Study Guide and Solutions Manual for Organic Chemistry (Third Edition)

by Joel Karty Taylor Mach Marie Melzer

The Study Guide and Solutions Manual provides students with fully worked solutions to all problems in the text. Each problem is stepped out using Joel Karty’s “Think and Solve” steps, and the guide includes solutions to all in-chapter Your Turn and Try It exercises, as well as all end-of-chapter problems. The Study Guide and Solutions Manual is available exclusively in ebook format. Access it here: The Study Guide and Solutions Manual (to accompany Joel Karty’s Organic Chemistry: Principles and Mechanisms) provides immediate feedback for students working problems from the text. Solutions to all Your Turn, Try It, and end-of-chapter problems are stepped out in Joel’s “Think-Solve” steps.

Study Guide B with Directed Readings Worksheets for Holt California Earth Science

by Holt Rinehart Winston

Study Guide B with Directed Reading Worksheets will guide you through each section and focus your attention on key elements in the text. Vocabulary and Section Summary B Worksheets help you review Vocabulary Words and provide you with a bulleted list of the main topics from each Section.


by Janet Kellogg Ray

It&’s time to address the elephant in the ark. In Baby Dinosaurs on the Ark? The Bible and Modern Science and the Trouble of Making It All Fit, Janet Kellogg Ray reached out to Christians who experience cognitive dissonance between their creationist commitments and modern science. With this new study guide, she returns to her argument with fresh perspective and an eye toward practical instruction. Ray approaches her topic with empathy for her readers while maintaining scientific rigor. This discussion guide is the perfect companion for students and nonexpert readers of her book, as it includes notes, discussion questions, and lists of external resources to supplement the original. Expanded treatments of each chapter&’s topics encourage thinking with and beyond the concepts introduced in the main text.

Study Guide for Campbell Biology

by Jane B. Reece Lisa A. Urry Michael L. Cain Steven A. Wasserman Peter V. Minorsky Robert B. Jackson Martha R. Taylor

This guide is designed for students to structure and organize their developing knowledge of biology and create their own personal understanding of the topics covered in the text, hence helping to streamline learning processes.

Study Guide for Campbell Biology in Focus

by Lisa A. Urry Michael L. Cain Steven A. Wasserman Peter V. Minorsky Robert B. Jackson Jane B. Reece Martha R. Taylor

This study guide helps students extract key ideas from the textbook and organize their knowledge of biology. Exercises include concept maps, chapter summaries, word roots, chapter tests, and a variety of interactive questions in various formats.

Study Guide for Chemistry: A Molecular Approach

by Nivaldo J. Tro Jennifer Shanoski

This Study Guide was written specifically to assist students using the third edition of Chemistry: A Molecular Approach . It presents the major concepts, theories, and applications discussed in the text in a comprehensive and accessible manner for students. It contains learning objectives, chapter summaries and outlines, as well as examples, self tests and concept questions.

Study Guide for Gould's Pathophysiology for the Health Professions (Fifth Edition)

by Karin C. Vanmeter Robert J. Hubert

The book is on the background and overview of Pathophysiology,and related topics like defence and protective mechanisms,factors contributing to Pathophysiology etc.

Study Guide For The Human Body In Health And Illness

by Barbara Herlihy

Learn the A&P you’ll really use in practice! The Human Body in Health and Illness, 6th Edition uses hundreds of illustrations, colorful cartoons, and an easy-to-read approach to simplify Anatomy & Physiology concepts. Organized by body system, this resource shows how each organ is designed to work by including clear, step-by-step explanations, clinical examples, and online animations. It also demonstrates what happens to the body when a system does not function properly. Written by well-known author and educator Barbara Herlihy, this resource makes it easier and more fun to learn A&P concepts — and gives you the basic background you need to begin a healthcare career.

Study Guide for Memmler's The Human Body in Health and Disease

by Kerry L. Hull Barbara Janson Cohen

The Study Guide for Memmler's The Human Body in Health and Disease, 12th edition, helps students learn foundational concepts in anatomy and physiology required for success in allied health occupations. It will be more effective when used in conjunction with the 12th edition of Memmler's The Human Body in Health and Disease. The Study Guide may also be used to supplement other textbooks on basic anatomy and physiology.

Study Guide for Memmler's The Human Body in Health and Disease (11th Edition)

by Barbara Janson Cohen Kerry L. Hull

Designed to accompany Memmler's The Human Body in Health and Disease, Eleventh Edition, this Study Guide provides students with additional self-study aids to help reinforce the material in the text. These self-study aids include chapter overviews, writing exercises, color atlas and labeling exercises, concept maps, practical applications, matching exercises and other question formats such as multiple choice, completion, true-false, and short essays.

Study Guide to Accompany Bob Garrett’s Brain & Behavior: An Introduction to Biological Psychology

by Bob Garrett

Revised by Gerald Hough to accompany the Fourth Edition of Bob Garrett’s best seller, Brain & Behavior: An Introduction to Biological Psychology, the fully updated Student Study Guide provides additional opportunities for student practice and self-testing. Featuring helpful practice exercises, short answer/essay questions, as well as post-test multiple choice questions, the guide helps students gain a complete understanding of the material presented in the main text. Save your students money! Bundle the guide with the main text. Use Bundle ISBN: 978-1-4833-1832-5. The main text, Brain & Behavior: An Introduction to Biological Psychology, Fourth Edition, showcases our rapidly increasing understanding of the biological foundations of behavior, engaging students immediately with easily accessible content. Bob Garrett uses colorful illustrations and thought-provoking facts while maintaining a “big-picture” approach that students will appreciate. Don’t be surprised when they reach their “eureka” moment and exclaim, “Now I understand what was going on with Uncle Edgar!”

Study Guide to Accompany Garrett & Hough's Brain & Behavior: An Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience

by Bob Garrett Gerald Hough

Completely revised to accompany the best-selling Brain & Behavior: An Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience, Fifth Edition, the Study Guide offers students even more opportunities to review, practice, and master course material. Featuring chapter outlines, learning objectives, summaries and guided reviews, short answer and essay questions, multiple choice post-test questions, and answer keys, the guide reflects important updates made to the content in the main text to enhance student understanding.

Study Guide to Accompany Garrett & Hough's Brain & Behavior: An Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience

by Bob Garrett Gerald Hough

Completely revised to accompany the best-selling Brain & Behavior: An Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience, Fifth Edition, the Study Guide offers students even more opportunities to review, practice, and master course material. Featuring chapter outlines, learning objectives, summaries and guided reviews, short answer and essay questions, multiple choice post-test questions, and answer keys, the guide reflects important updates made to the content in the main text to enhance student understanding.

Study of Bacteriorhodopsin in a Controlled Lipid Environment (Springer Theses)

by Vivien Yeh

This book focuses on the study of how the properties of nanodiscs, such as lipid composition and size, influence the function of the embedding integral membrane protein, bacteriorhodopsin. The author performed systematic studies to show that the lipid composition and the charge of the hydrophobic head and the structure of hydrophilic tails affect the photocycle pathway of bacteriorhodopsin, which is closely associated with its proton-pumping activity. Furthermore, the author demonstrated a highly efficient method for extracting membrane proteins directly from the biological membrane, preserving protein conformation, function and essential native lipids. This book demonstrates optimization and sample preparation, and presents practical methods of preparing membrane protein-embedded nanodisc samples for biophysical studies, which benefit structural and functional studies in the field of membrane protein characterization, both.

The Study of Behavior: Organization, Methods, and Principles

by Jerry A. Hogan

Behavior studies now span a variety of sub-disciplines, including behavioral ecology, neuroscience, cognitive psychology and evolutionary developmental biology. While the fields' rapid growth has led to startling new insights into animal behavior, it has brought increasingly fragmented approaches to the subject. Integrating ideas and findings from a range of disciplines, this book provides a common framework for understanding diverse issues in behavior studies. The framework is derived from classical ethology, incorporating concepts and data from research in experimental psychology, neurophysiology and evolutionary biology. Hogan outlines the origin and development of major ideas and issues in the field, drawing on examples throughout to highlight connections across sub-disciplines. Demonstrating how results in one area can directly inform work in others, the book ultimately proposes concepts to facilitate new discussions that will open the way for improved dialog between researchers across behavior studies.

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