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Showing 73,401 through 73,425 of 77,827 results

Turtles of the World: A Guide to Every Family

by Jeffrey E. Lovich Whit Gibbons

A lavishly illustrated guide to the world's turtles that covers every family and genusTurtles of the World reveals the extraordinary diversity of these amazing reptiles. Characterized by the bony shell that acts as a shield to protect the softer body within, turtles are survivors from the time of the dinosaurs and are even more ancient in evolutionary terms than snakes and crocodilians. Of more than 350 species known today, some are highly endangered. In this beautiful guide, turtle families, subfamilies, and genera are illustrated with hundreds of color photographs. Each genus profile includes a population distribution map, a table of information, and commentary that includes notable characteristics and discussion of related species.More than 250 beautiful color photosEach profile features a distribution map, table of information, and commentaryBroad coverage includes every family and genus

Tutorial Guide to X-ray and Gamma-ray Astronomy: Data Reduction and Analysis

by Cosimo Bambi

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy. The first part discusses the basic theoretical and observational topics related to black hole astrophysics; the optics and the detectors employed in X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy; and past, present, and future X-ray and gamma-ray missions. The second part then describes data reduction and analysis, the statistics used in X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy, and demonstrates how to write a successful proposal and a scientific paper. Data reduction in connection with specific X-ray and gamma-ray missions is covered in the appendices. Presenting the state of the art in X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy, this is both a valuable textbook for students and an important reference resource for researchers in the field.

A Tutorial on the WKB Approximation for Innovative Dirac Materials: Graphene and Beyond (Springer Tracts in Modern Physics #292)

by Andrii Iurov

This textbook serves to supplement existing quantum mechanics courses with the WKB (Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin) theory for recently discovered Dirac materials, such as graphene, a dice lattice, and alpha-T3 materials. This includes finding the semiclassical wave function, coordinate-dependent momentum, semiclassical action, the complete set of transport equations, and applicability conditions for the approximation. The discovery of graphene and its unique electronic behavior has transformed research in condensed matter physics over the last 10-15 years, but core curriculum in standard graduate-level physics courses still does not reflect these new developments and this book intends to close this gap. With a clear focus on various types of Dirac Hamiltonians, the multidimensional theory is only a small part of the book. The derivation of the WKB equations for novel Dirac materials and their applications to electron tunneling, turning points and classically forbidden regions, resonances and localized states, and many other crucial physical problems are methodically presented. This textbook aims to expand the existing approach to presenting the WKB approximation and covers recent developments in its applications. This book also includes many informative graphics, as well as problems and exercises with hints at the end of each chapter. Additional detailed mathematical derivations, as well as code in Mathematica, are added throughout the whole book. Ideal for graduate students and researchers in condensed matter physics, this textbook serves as a modern guide for learning the WKB theory.

Tutorials in Chemoinformatics

by Alexandre Varnek

30 tutorials and more than 100 exercises in chemoinformatics, supported by online software and data sets Chemoinformatics is widely used in both academic and industrial chemical and biochemical research worldwide. Yet, until this unique guide, there were no books offering practical exercises in chemoinformatics methods. Tutorials in Chemoinformatics contains more than 100 exercises in 30 tutorials exploring key topics and methods in the field. It takes an applied approach to the subject with a strong emphasis on problem-solving and computational methodologies. Each tutorial is self-contained and contains exercises for students to work through using a variety of software packages. The majority of the tutorials are divided into three sections devoted to theoretical background, algorithm description and software applications, respectively, with the latter section providing step-by-step software instructions. Throughout, three types of software tools are used: in-house programs developed by the authors, open-source programs and commercial programs which are available for free or at a modest cost to academics. The in-house software and data sets are available on a dedicated companion website. Key topics and methods covered in Tutorials in Chemoinformatics include: Data curation and standardization Development and use of chemical databases Structure encoding by molecular descriptors, text strings and binary fingerprints The design of diverse and focused libraries Chemical data analysis and visualization Structure-property/activity modeling (QSAR/QSPR) Ensemble modeling approaches, including bagging, boosting, stacking and random subspaces 3D pharmacophores modeling and pharmacological profiling using shape analysis Protein-ligand docking Implementation of algorithms in a high-level programming language Tutorials in Chemoinformatics is an ideal supplementary text for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in chemoinformatics, bioinformatics, computational chemistry, computational biology, medicinal chemistry and biochemistry. It is also a valuable working resource for medicinal chemists, academic researchers and industrial chemists looking to enhance their chemoinformatics skills.

Tutorials in Radiotherapy Physics: Advanced Topics with Problems and Solutions

by Patrick N. McDermott

The Topics Every Medical Physicist Should Know Tutorials in Radiotherapy Physics: Advanced Topics with Problems and Solutions covers selected advanced topics that are not thoroughly discussed in any of the standard medical physics texts. The book brings together material from a large variety of sources, avoiding the need for you to search through and digest the vast research literature. The topics are mathematically developed from first principles using consistent notation. Clear Derivations and In-Depth Explanations The book offers insight into the physics of electron acceleration in linear accelerators and presents an introduction to the study of proton therapy. It then describes the predominant method of clinical photon dose computation: convolution and superposition dose calculation algorithms. It also discusses the Boltzmann transport equation, a potentially fast and accurate method of dose calculation that is an alternative to the Monte Carlo method. This discussion considers Fermi–Eyges theory, which is widely used for electron dose calculations. The book concludes with a step-by-step mathematical development of tumor control and normal tissue complication probability models. Each chapter includes problems with solutions given in the back of the book. Prepares You to Explore Cutting-Edge Research This guide provides you with the foundation to read review articles on the topics. It can be used for self-study, in graduate medical physics and physics residency programs, or in vendor training for linacs and treatment planning systems.

Tutorium Elektrodynamik und Relativitätstheorie

by Björn Feuerbacher Kristin Riebe

Dieser Band des zweiteiligen Lehrbuches zur Elektrodynamik erleichtert mit einer studentennahen und lockeren Ansprache den Zugang zur Wellenausbreitung, Optik, den allgemeinen Lösungen der Maxwellgleichungen und der Speziellen Relativitätstheorie. In einem intuitiven und übersichtlichen Stil befasst sich der erfahrene Autor mit dem komplexen Thema, motiviert dabei anschaulich die physikalischen Ansätze und erklärt ausführlich die mathematischen Hilfsmittel. Dabei achtet er durchgängig auf eine korrekte mathematische Formulierung– und stellt trotzdem die Physik in den Vordergrund. Wenn Sie sich in der Elektrodynamik-Vorlesung schon oft gefragt haben „Wie rechne ich das aus?“ oder „Wie komme ich darauf?“, dann ist dieses Buch genau das richtige für Sie: 30 Beispiele und 61 Aufgaben mit ausführlichen Lösungen helfen dabei, ein Verständnis der Elektrodynamik und Relativitätstheorie zu entwickeln. Am Ende jedes Kapitels werden die wichtigsten Punkte durch übersichtliche Zusammenfassungen hervorgehoben. Das Buch wird mit einer ausführliche Herleitung und Besprechung des Lagrange- und Hamilton-Formalismus in der Elektrodynamik abgerundet. Tutorium Elektrodynamik und Relativitätstheorie ist ein Buch für alle, die die theoretische Elektrodynamik von Grund auf verstehen wollen!

Tutorium Genetik: eine (ausführliche) Einführung

by Jann Buttlar Carlo Klein Alexander Bruch Alexandra Fachinger Johanna Funk Harmen Hawer Aaron Kuijpers

Genetik geht jeden an, ob man für eine Prüfung lernt, oder einfach nur ein Lebewesen ist. Warum nicht ein wenig mehr darüber wissen?Dieses Buch gibt eine gute, leicht zu lesende und stellenweise sogar witzige Einführung in die Genetik und Molekularbiologie. Von den Grundlagen ausgehend erklärt es auch komplexere Zusammenhänge und konzentriert sich besonders auf die häufigsten Lern-Probleme von Studenten. Sowohl für Studierende der Biologie, medizinischer Fachgebiete oder interessierte Laien bietet dieses Buch daher einen hervorragenden Einstieg. Die Leser werden bei den chemischen Grundlagen abgeholt und über die Genexpression, die Genregulation und Mendels Erbsen bis hin zu den technischen Möglichkeiten der Genetik begleitet. Neben spannenden Exkursen bietet jedes Kapitel am Ende eine Kurzzusammenfassung, welche besonders für eine Wiederholung kurz vor der Prüfung geeignet ist.

Tutorium Mathe für Biologen: Von Studenten für Studenten

by Lorenz Adlung Christian Hopp Alexandra Köthe Niko Schnellbächer Oskar Staufer

Warum ein Mathebuch für Biologen von Studenten für Studenten?Wir wissen, was man an Mathe für Bio wirklich für die Prüfungen und die Bachelorarbeit braucht. Wir haben selbst Bio oder Mathe/Physik studiert und hautnah erlebt, wie unglaublich beliebt Mathe für Biologen ist. Neben einer „natürlichen Abneigung“ liegt es oft daran, dass die Lehre selten anwendungsbezogen ist. Wir haben uns bemüht, in einem Buch nur das aufzuführen, was man als Biologe wirklich benötigt und alles andere konsequent wegzulassen. Es gibt ständig Bezüge zu Publikationen aus den modernen Biowissenschaften. Solche relevanten Beispiele werden euch bestimmt hilfreich sein. Und das Beste: Das Buch ist garantiert häschenfrei! Wir rechnen nicht mit Hasenpopulationen sondern aktuellen Beispielen wie z.B. Signalwegen. Inhaltlich deckt das Buch den Stoff der ersten Mathevorlesungen für Biologen an den meisten Unis ab. Falls ihr mehr wissen möchtet, findet ihr uns auch auf Facebook unter „häschenfreie Mathe“.

Tutorium Mathematische Methoden der Elektrodynamik

by Björn Feuerbacher

Mit diesem Buch seid ihr als Physikstudierende für die Vorlesung zur Elektrodynamik bestens gewappnet: Wie berechne ich ein Linienintegral? Was ist ein Nabla-Operator? Was sagen die Green’schen Sätze? Der Autor legt großen Wert auf die physikalische Motivation und eine ausführliche Darstellung der mathematischen Methoden. Zum Rekapitulieren des Stoffes und schnellen Nachschlagen enthält jedes Kapitel Zusammenfassungen der wichtigsten Aussagen und Formeln. Über 100 ausführlich erklärte Aufgaben und Beispiele helfen dabei, die Rechenmethoden nachzuvollziehen und selbstständig anwenden zu können.

Tutorium Optik: Ein verständlicher Überblick für Physiker, Ingenieure und Techniker

by Christoph Gerhard

Dieses Lehrbuch bietet einen kompakten und einfachen Einstieg in die Optik und unterstützt Studierende der Physik, Technik und anderer angewandter Fächer beim Lernen und Verstehen der Grundlagen und Anwendungen. Der Autor liefert einen anschaulichen Überblick über die essenziellen Teilgebiete der Optik und behandelt die grundlegenden Mechanismen und Prinzipien der Entstehung und Eigenschaften des Lichts, der Lichtausbreitung, Licht-Materie-Wechselwirkungen sowie der optischen Abbildung und Abbildungsfehler. Die Beschreibung von optischen Materialien, Komponenten sowie Laserquellen und Laserstrahlung rundet den Inhalt des Tutoriums ab.Durch zahlreiche Verständnisfragen und Rechenaufgaben unterschiedlicher Schwierigkeitsgrade dient das Tutorium als wertvolle Lernhilfe zur Vertiefung der im Studium und in der Ausbildung vermittelten Lehrinhalte. Die übersichtliche Zusammenfassung der zentralen Erkenntnisse in jedem Teilkapitel und eine Formelsammlung der jeweils wichtigsten mathematisch-physikalischen Zusammenhänge helfen zusätzlich beim Lernen und bei der Prüfungsvorbereitung. Darüber hinaus tragen Beispiele von Alltagsphänomenen, die sich auch in den Übungsaufgaben wiederfinden, zur Veranschaulichung von grundlegenden optischen Gesetzmäßigkeiten und Effekten bei.Im Rahmen dieser überarbeiteten und aktualisierten 2. Auflage erhalten Leser des gedruckten Buches zusätzlich kostenlosen Zugang zu allen Verständnisfragen über die Springer Nature Flashcards-App. Mit Hilfe der digitalen Lernkarten samt ausführlichen Lösungen kann man jederzeit und überall das erlernte Wissen überprüfen.

Tutorium Quantenmechanik

by Jan-Markus Schwindt

Das vorliegende Tutorium richtet sich an alle, die endlich einmal von der Pike auf die Physik und Mathematik der Quantenmechanik verstehen wollen: Was genau ist eigentlich ein Hilbert-Raum? Was ist ein hermitescher Operator? Ein Tensorprodukt? Ein verschränkter Zustand? Inwiefern sind Wellenfunktionen Vektoren? Das Buch behandelt den Stoff der entsprechenden Kursvorlesung im Rahmen der theoretischen Physik einprägsam und auf eine gut verständliche Weise. Es konzentriert sich dabei auf die allgemeinen Postulate der Quantenmechanik und geht auch auf die Fragestellung hinsichtlich der Interpretation der Quantenmechanik ein. Jeder Schritt und jeder neue Begriff wird anhand von einfachen Beispielen erläutert. Der Autor legt dabei großen Wert auf die Klarheit der verwendeten Mathematik - etwas, das er und viele Studenten in anderen Lehrbüchern bislang oft vermissen mussten. Durch diesen Schwerpunkt ist das Buch auch sehr gut für Mathematiker geeignet, die sich mit dem Thema auseinandersetzen wollen. In der Prüfungsvorbereitung eignet sich das Buch besonders gut zur Klärung von Begriffen und Verständnisfragen. Die im Text eingestreuten ,,Fragen zum Selbstcheck" und Übungsaufgaben mit Lösungen unterstützen das Lernen zusätzlich. In der zweiten, überarbeiteten Auflage wurde u. a. das Kapitel ,,Quantenpandämonium" ergänzt. Hier werden verschiedene erstaunliche Quantenphänomene (beispielsweise Delayed-Choice Experiment, Wechselwirkungsfreie Messung, Quantenradierer) und das Kochen-Specker Theorem diskutiert.

Tutorium Reaktivität und Synthese

by Stefan Leisering Christoph A Schalley

Das vorliegende Buch richtet sich an Studierende der Chemie, die sich im Rahmen von Kursvorlesungen mit Synthesechemie und wichtigen Reaktionen der Organischen Chemie beschäftigen. Ein Ziel des Tutoriums ist es, die Aspekte „Reaktivität“ und „Synthese“ miteinander zu vernetzen. Dabei wird eine Vielzahl organisch-chemischer Reaktionen nach den grundlegenden Reaktionsmechanismen gegliedert und in Synthesen angewendet. Zu Beginn des Buches wird das Konzept der Retrosynthese als Werkzeug der Syntheseplanung vorgestellt. Anschließend werden unterschiedliche synthetisch wichtige Aspekte behandelt, darunter Radikalreaktionen, nukleophile Substitutionen, Addition und Eliminierung, Carbonylchemie und pericyclische Reaktionen. Zahlreiche Übungsaufgaben wurden in den Text eingestreut und jedes Kapitel endet mit Trainingsaufgaben zu mechanistischen und syntheseplanerischen Aspekten, die durch Online-Lösungshinweise ergänzt werden.

Tuxedo Park: A Wall Street Tycoon and the Secret Palace of Science That Changed the Course of World War II (Biography Ser.)

by Jennet Conant

A New York Times bestseller! The untold story of the eccentric Wall Street tycoon and the circle of scientific geniuses who helped build the atomic bomb and defeat the Nazis—changing the course of history.Legendary financier, philanthropist, and society figure Alfred Lee Loomis gathered the most visionary scientific minds of the twentieth century—Albert Einstein, Werner Heisenberg, Niels Bohr, Enrico Fermi, and others—at his state-of-the-art laboratory in Tuxedo Park, New York, in the late 1930s. He established a top-secret defense laboratory at MIT and personally bankrolled pioneering research into new, high-powered radar detection systems that helped defeat the German Air Force and U-boats. With Ernest Lawrence, the Nobel Prize–winning physicist, he pushed Franklin Delano Roosevelt to fund research in nuclear fission, which led to the development of the atomic bomb. Jennet Conant, the granddaughter of James Bryant Conant, one of the leading scientific advisers of World War II, enjoyed unprecedented access to Loomis’ papers, as well as to people intimately involved in his life and work. She pierces through Loomis’ obsessive secrecy and illuminates his role in assuring the Allied victory.

Tuzo: The Unlikely Revolutionary of Plate Tectonics

by Nick Eyles

Tuzo is the never-before-told story of one of Canada’s most influential scientists and the discovery of plate tectonics, a pivotal development that forever altered how we think of our planet. In 1961, a Canadian geologist named John "Jock" Tuzo Wilson (1908–1993) jettisoned decades of strongly held opposition to theories of moving continents and embraced the idea that they drift across the surface of the Earth. Tuzo tells the fascinating life story of Tuzo Wilson, from his early forays as a teenaged geological assistant working on the remote Canadian Shield in the 1920s to his experiences as a civilian-soldier in the Second World War to his ultimate role as the venerated father of plate tectonics. Illuminating how science is done, this book blends Tuzo’s life story with the development of the theory of plate tectonics, showing along the way how scientific theories are debated, rejected, and accepted. Gorgeously illustrated, Tuzo will appeal to anyone interested in the natural world around them.

Twelve Diseases that Changed Our World: Diseases That Changed Our World And The Lessons They Teach (ASM Books #60)

by Irwin Sherman

Covers the history of twelve important diseases and addresses public health responses and societal upheavals. Chronicles the ways disease outbreaks shaped traditions and institutions of Western civilization. Explains the effects, causes, and outcomes from past epidemics. Describes a dozen diseases to show how disease control either was achieved or failed. Makes clear the interrelationship between diseases and history. Presents material in a compelling, clear, and jargon-free prose for a wide audience. Provides a picture of the best practices for dealing with disease outbreaks.

Twelve Lectures on Structural Dynamics

by André Preumont

This text addresses the modeling of vibrating systems with the perspective of finding the model of minimum complexity which accounts for the physics of the phenomena at play. The first half of the book (Ch.1-6) deals with the dynamics of discrete and continuous mechanical systems; the classical approach emphasizes the use of Lagrange's equations. The second half of the book (Ch.7-12) deals with more advanced topics, rarely encountered in the existing literature: seismic excitation, random vibration (including fatigue), rotor dynamics, vibration isolation and dynamic vibration absorbers; the final chapter is an introduction to active control of vibrations. The first part of this text may be used as a one semester course for 3rd year students in Mechanical, Aerospace or Civil Engineering. The second part of the text is intended for graduate classes. A set of problems is provided at the end of every chapter. The author has a 35 years experience in various aspects of Structural dynamics, both in industry (nuclear and aerospace) and in academia; he was one of the pioneers in the field of active structures. He is the author of several books on random vibration, active structures and structural control.

Twentieth Interim Report of the Committee on Acute Exposure Guideline Levels: Part A

by Board on Environmental Studies Toxicology

Extremely hazardous substances (EHSs), as defined in the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986, can be released accidentally as a result of chemical spills, industrial explosions, fires, or accidents involving railroad cars or trucks used in transporting these substances, or intentionally through terrorist activities. It is also feasible that these substance can be released by improper storage and/or handling. Workers and residents in communities surrounding industrial facilities where EHSs are manufactured, used, or stored and in communities along the nation's railways and highways are potentially at risk of being exposed to airborne EHSs during accidental and intentional releases. This report provides technical guidance on establishing community Acute Exposure Guideline Levels (AEGLs) for certain hazardous chemicals. It reviews the scientific validity of AEGLs developed by the national Advisory Committee on Acute Exposure Guideline Levels for Hazardous Substances, identifies research priorities, and identifies guidance issues that may require modification or further development based on the toxicological database for the chemicals reviewed. This twelfth interim report offers recommendations for improving AEGLs for the following 15 chemicals: toluene, xylenes, ammonia, bromine, aniline, methyl ethyl ketone, hydrazine, iron pentacarbonyl, phosphine, chlorine, trifluoride, ethyleneimine, propyleneimine, allyl alcohol, ethylene oxide, and nickel carbonyl.

Twentieth Interim Report of the Committee on Acute Exposure Guideline Levels: Part A

by National Research Council of the National Academies

Extremely hazardous substances (EHSs), as defined in the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986, can be released accidentally as a result of chemical spills, industrial explosions, fires, or accidents involving railroad cars or trucks used in transporting these substances, or intentionally through terrorist activities. It is also feasible that these substance can be released by improper storage and/or handling. Workers and residents in communities surrounding industrial facilities where EHSs are manufactured, used, or stored and in communities along the nation's railways and highways are potentially at risk of being exposed to airborne EHSs during accidental and intentional releases. This report provides technical guidance on establishing community Acute Exposure Guideline Levels (AEGLs) for certain hazardous chemicals. It reviews the scientific validity of AEGLs developed by the national Advisory Committee on Acute Exposure Guideline Levels for Hazardous Substances, identifies research priorities, and identifies guidance issues that may require modification or further development based on the toxicological database for the chemicals reviewed. This twelfth interim report offers recommendations for improving AEGLs for the following 15 chemicals: toluene, xylenes, ammonia, bromine, aniline, methyl ethyl ketone, hydrazine, iron pentacarbonyl, phosphine, chlorine, trifluoride, ethyleneimine, propyleneimine, allyl alcohol, ethylene oxide, and nickel carbonyl.

The Twenty-First Century Commercial Space Imperative

by Anthony Young

Young addresses the impressive expansion across existing and developing commercial space business markets, with multiple private companies competing in the payload launch services sector. The author pinpoints the new markets, technologies, and players in the industry, as well as highlighting the overall reasons why it is important for us to develop space. NASA now relies on commercial partners to supply cargo and crew spacecraft and services to and from the International Space Station. The sizes of satellites are diminishing and their capabilities expanding, while costs to orbit are decreasing. Suborbital space tourism holds the potential of new industries and jobs. Commercial space exploration of the Moon and the planets also holds promise. All this activity is a catalyst for anyone interested in joining the developing space industry, from students and researchers to engineers and entrepreneurs. As more and more satellites and rockets are launched and the business of space is expanding at a significant pace, it is increasingly important for scientists and engineers of many disciplines to understand how the business evolved and where it is continuing to develop. The growing field is fully explored in this concise overview to the players in this changing landscape.

Twenty-First Century Ecosystems

by U.S. National Committee for DIVERSITAS Board on International Scientific Organizations National Research Council Committee for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: A Symposium Policy and Global Affairs

The two hundredth anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin, February 12, 2009, occurred at a critical time for the United States and the world. In honor of Darwin's birthday, the National Research Council appointed a committee under the auspices of the U.S. National Committee (USNC) for DIVERSITAS to plan a Symposium on Twenty-first Century Ecosystems. The purpose of the symposium was to capture some of the current excitement and recent progress in scientific understanding of ecosystems, from the microbial to the global level, while also highlighting how improved understanding can be applied to important policy issues that have broad biodiversity and ecosystem effects. The aim was to help inform new policy approaches that could satisfy human needs while also maintaining the integrity of the goods and services provided by biodiversity and ecosystems over both the short and the long terms. This report summarizes the views expressed by symposium participants; however, it does not provide a session-by-session summary of the presentations at the symposium. Instead, the symposium steering committee identified eight key themes that emerged from the lectures, which were addressed in different contexts by different speakers. The focus here is on general principles rather than specifics. These eight themes provide a sharp focus on a few concepts that enable scientists, environmental NGOs, and policy makers to engage more effectively around issues of central importance for biodiversity and ecosystem management.

Twenty-First Century Military Innovation: Technological, Organizational, and Strategic Change beyond Conventional War

by Marcus Schulzke

Contemporary war is as much a quest for decisive technological, organizational, and doctrinal superiority before the fighting starts as it is an effort to destroy enemy militaries during battle. Armed forces that are not actively fighting are instead actively reengineering themselves for success in the next fight and imagining what that next fight may look like. Twenty-First Century Military Innovation outlines the most theoretically important themes in contemporary warfare, especially as these appear in distinctive innovations that signal changes in states’ warfighting capacities and their political goals. Marcus Schulzke examines eight case studies that illustrate the overall direction of military innovation and important underlying themes. He devotes three chapters to new weapons technologies (drones, cyberweapons, and nonlethal weapons), two chapters to changes in the composition of state military forces (private military contractors and special operations forces), and three chapters to strategic and tactical changes (targeted killing, population-centric counterinsurgency, and degradation). Each case study includes an accessible introduction to the topic area, an overview of the ongoing scholarly debates surrounding that topic, and the most important theoretical implications. An engaging overview of the themes that emerge with military innovation, this book will also attract readers interested in particular topic areas.

Twenty-First Century Quantum Mechanics: Hilbert Space to Quantum Computers

by Guido Fano S M Blinder

This book is designed to make accessible to nonspecialists the still evolving concepts of quantum mechanics and the terminology in which these are expressed. The opening chapters summarize elementary concepts of twentieth century quantum mechanics and describe the mathematical methods employed in the field, with clear explanation of, for example, Hilbert space, complex variables, complex vector spaces and Dirac notation, and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. After detailed discussion of the Schr#65533;dinger equation, subsequent chapters focus on isotropic vectors, used to construct spinors, and on conceptual problems associated with measurement, superposition, and decoherence in quantum systems. Here, due attention is paid to Bell's inequality and the possible existence of hidden variables. Finally, progression toward quantum computation is examined in detail: if quantum computers can be made practicable, enormous enhancements in computing power, artificial intelligence, and secure communication will result. This book will be of interest to a wide readership seeking to understand modern quantum mechanics and its potential applications.

Twenty-Five Astronomical Observations That Changed the World: And How To Make Them Yourself

by Michael Marett-Crosby

"Twenty-Five Astronomical Observations That Changed the World" takes twenty-five journeys through space, back in time and into human history. We begin with the simplest sight of the Tycho Crater on the Moon, through a repeat of Galileo's observations of Jupiter's moons, and then move out towards the nebulae, stars, and galaxies. The astronomical observations repeat the original groundbreaking discoveries that have changed our understanding of science and ourselves. This title contains graded observing challenges from the straightforward to the more difficult (in chapter order). It offers clear observing tips and lots of practical help, presuming no prior in-depth knowledge of equipment. Binoculars and/or a small astronomical telescope are all that is required for most of the observations. Secondly, it explores for each observation the science of what is seen, adding to the knowledge and enjoyment of amateur astronomers and offering lots of reading for the cloudy nights when there is not a star in view. Thirdly, the book puts the amateur astronomers' observations into a wider perspective. "Twenty-Five Astronomical Observations That Changed the World" makes the observer part of that great story of discovery. Each chapter, each observing challenge, shows how to observe and then how to look with understanding. The projects begin with practicalities: where the object is, how best is it observed and with what appropriate equipment (usually a small-to-medium aperture amateur telescope, binoculars, even the naked eye). "Twenty-Five Astronomical Observations that Changed the World" guides even the inexperienced amateur astronomer - beginners can use the book - around a variety of night-sky objects, and reminds the more experienced how they can best be seen. These practical observations put us in contact with all the history and culture surrounding them: through scientific speculation and literature to those first fuzzy images made in 1959 by the Russian space probe Luna 3.

Twenty-one Mental Models That Can Change Policing: A Framework for Using Data and Research for Overcoming Cognitive Bias (Routledge Series on Practical and Evidence-Based Policing)

by Renée J. Mitchell

This book goes beyond other police leadership books to teach practitioners how to think about policing in a structured way that synthesizes criminological theory, statistics, research design, applied research, and what works and what doesn’t in policing into Mental Models. A Mental Model is a representation of how something works. Using a Mental Model framework to simplify complex concepts, readers will take away an in-depth understanding of how cognitive biases affect our ability to understand and interpret data, what empirical research says about effective police interventions, how statistical data should be structured for management meetings, and how to evaluate interventions for efficiency and effectiveness. While evidence-based practice is critical to advancing the police profession, it is limited in scope, and is only part of what is necessary to support sustainable change in policing. Policing requires a scientifically based framework to understand and interpret data in a way that minimizes cognitive bias to allow for better responses to complex problems. Data and research have advanced so rapidly in the last several decades that it is difficult for even the most ambitious of police leaders to keep pace. The Twenty-one Mental Models were synthesized to create a framework for any police, public, or community leader to better understand how cognitive bias contributes to misunderstanding data and gives the reader the tools to overcome those biases to better serve their communities. The book is intended for a wide range of audiences, including law enforcement and community leaders; scholars and policy experts who specialize in policing; students of criminal justice, organizations, and management; reporters and journalists; individuals who aspire to police careers; and citizen consumers of information about policing. Anyone who is going to make decisions about their communities based on data has a responsibility to be numerate and this book Twenty-one Mental Models That Can Change Policing: A Framework For Using Data and Research For Overcoming Cognitive Bias, will help you become just that.

Twenty-Second Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics

by National Research Council

Conference held August 9-14, 1998 in Washington, D.C. Organized jointly by the Office of Naval Research, The NRC and the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division. Promotes the technical exchange of naval research developments of common interest to all the countries of the world.

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