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The Ubiquitin System in Health and Disease
by Stefan Jentsch Bernhard HaendlerThe ubiquitin system plays an essential role in numerous cellular processes by controlling protein stability and function. A deregulation of this system has been reported in various pathologies including cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and immune disorders. Most of the enzymes involved in adding or removing ubiquitin chains have been identified, but often their direct substrate and the type of ubiquitylation remains to be clarified. A better understanding of the mechanisms governing these processes is likely to allow the identification of novel targets for pharmacological intervention and pave the way for improved therapies. The latest developments in this rapidly moving field are presented in this book.
Ubiquity: Why Catastrophes Happen
by Mark BuchananScientists have recently discovered a new law of nature. Its footprints are virtually everywhere - in the spread of forest fires, mass extinctions, traffic jams, earthquakes, stock-market fluctuations, the rise and fall of nations, and even trends in fashion, music and art. Wherever we look, the world is modelled on a simple template: like a steep pile of sand, it is poised on the brink of instability, with avalanches - in events, ideas or whatever - following a universal pattern of change. This remarkable discovery heralds what Mark Buchanan calls the new science of 'ubiquity', a science whose secret lies in the stuff of the everyday world. Combining literary flair with scientific rigour, this book documents the coming revolution by telling the story of the researchers' exploration of the law, their ingenious work and unexpected insights. Mark Buchanan reveals how the principle of ubiquity will help us to manage, control and predict the future. This book, the world's first on the topic, will change how we think about the world and our place in it.
Übungsaufgaben zur Strömungsmechanik 2: 112 Aufgaben mit vollständigen Musterlösungen
by Valentin SchröderDieses Buch bietet in zwei Bänden vielfältige Aufgaben aus der Strömungsmechanik mit ausführlich vorgerechneten Lösungen und ist damit auch eine wertvolle Hilfe bei der Klausurvorbereitung. Es ist als Übungsbuch konzipiert und zielt darauf ab, die Inhalte der Vorlesung Strömungsmechanik anhand zahlreicher Beispiele besser verständlich zu machen. Das Buch wendet sich vor allem an Studierende der Fachbereiche Maschinenbau, Verfahrens- und Umwelttechnik an Fachhochschulen und Universitäten.Auf der Basis der Grundlagenkenntnisse des Fachs erhält der Leser Aufgaben zur Bearbeitung in verschiedenen Schwierigkeitsgraden – von kurzen Rechenübungen bis hin zu komplexen, mehrteiligen Anwendungsaufgaben. Die Übungsbeispiele decken dabei wichtige Anwendungsfälle der Lehrveranstaltung ab. Es wird besonderer Wert auf eine klar formulierte Aufgabenstellung, die verständliche Beschreibung der Vorgehensweise und die schrittweise, vollständige Lösungsfindung gelegt. Prüfungsaufgaben verschiedener Hochschulen sind ebenfalls Bestandteil des Buchs.
Übungsbuch Anatomie und Physiologie für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Erin Odya Pat DuPreeAnatomie und Physiologie sind zwei sehr lernintensive Fächer, und der Schlüssel zum Erfolg heißt: Erst verstehen und dann üben, üben, üben. Nur durch das häufige Wiederholen des Lernstoffs wird das Wissen gefestigt. Erin Odya und Pat Dupree haben in diesem Buch grundlegende Erklärungen und zahlreiche Übungen und Abbildungen zusammengestellt. So erfahren Sie das Wichtigste über Zellen, Muskeln, Knochen, Organe, das Nahrungs- und Nervensystem sowie die Fortpflanzungsorgane. Mit Abbildungen zum Beschriften und Ausmalen sowie über 800 Aufgaben gerüstet, können Sie dann unbesorgt in die nächste Prüfung gehen.
Übungsbuch Chemie für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Peter J. Mikulecky Katherine Brutlag Michelle Rose Gilman Brian PetersonSich all die Formeln, Funktionen und Regeln der Chemie zu merken ist schon schwierig genug - und dann soll man sie auch noch richtig anwenden. Da hilft nur üben, üben, üben! Das "Übungsbuch Chemie für Dummies" enthält über 250 Übungen zu Einheitenumrechnung, Periodensystem, Stöchiometrie, Säuren und Basen, Thermodynamik, Redoxreaktionen, funktionelllen Gruppen und vielen anderen grundlegenden Fragestellungen der Chemie. Zudem finden Sie zu Beginn eines jeden Themas eine kurze Widerholung der Theorie, bevor es dann an die Praxis geht. Natürlich gibt es auch ausführliche Lösungen zu allen Aufgaben, so gewinnen Sie Sicherheit und können sich zielgerichtet auf die nächste Prüfung vorbereiten.
Übungsbuch Chemie für Mediziner
by Jürgen SchatzDieses Übungsbuch liefert GK-orientierte Inhalte und ist die perfekte Vorbereitung auf das Physikum. Das Konzept hat sich in der Praxis bewährt.
Übungsbuch EEG bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Atlas mit 370 Beispielen
by Gerhard Kurlemann Hubertus KursaweDieser Übungsatlas für Neuropädiater und Neurologen beinhaltet eine didaktisch aufgearbeitete Sammlung von EEG-Beispielen mit wissenschaftlichen Definitionen und knappen Fallbeschreibungen. Das breite Spektrum an Kurvenmaterial reicht vom Neugeborenen bis zum jungen Erwachsenenalter und hilft dem EEG-Lernenden, eigene Befunde zu erheben und zu bewerten.
Übungsbuch Klinisches EEG
by Hubertus Kursawe Isolde Flemming St. Karol KubickiDieser Übungsatlas beinhaltet eine didaktisch aufgearbeitete Sammlung von EEG-Beispielen mit wissenschaftlichen Definitionen und knappen Fallbeschreibungen. Die Inhalte sind unverzichtbarer Bestandteil der Weiterbildungen für Neurologen, Psychiater und Funktionsassistenten im Bereich der klinischen Enzephalographie. Ein breites Spektrum an Kurvenmaterial und wissenschaftlichen Kriterien ermöglicht dem EEG-Lernenden, eigene Befunde zu erheben und zu bewerten. Kurven aus drei Laboren zeigen, dass jeder Interpret eine eigene EEG-Handschrift haben kann: Beispiele mit Provokationsmethoden, epilepsietypischer Aktivität sowie Herden bzw. regionalen Funktionsstörungen helfen die Flexibilität in der Auswertung zu schulen.
Übungsbuch Organische Chemie für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Arthur WinterOrganik-Klausur? Können Sie nachts nicht mehr schlafen? Wer hätte gedacht, dass es der Kohlenstoff ist, aus dem die Träume sind. Aber Rettung naht: Mit diesem Buch können Sie noch einmal schnell die Grundlagen der Organischen Chemie wiederholen und dann üben, üben, üben. Mit Fragen und Antworten zur Lewis-Struktur, zu Alkanen über Alkene und Alkohole können Sie Ihr Können prüfen und nach und nach verbessern. Genauso können Sie auch Ihr Wissen über Stereochemie, Massenspektrometrie und Spektroskopie testen und somit der nächsten Prüfung gelassener entgegensehen.
Übungsbuch Physik für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Steven HolznerSie wollen ein einziges Buch, das Sie trotzdem perfekt für Ihre Prüfung vorbereitet? Kraft, kinetische Energie, Thermodynamik, Elektrizität sind nach diesem Buch keine Fremdwörter mehr. Im »Übungsbuch Physik für Dummies« finden Sie über 350 Aufgaben, Lösungen und Erklärungen zu den Kerngebieten der Physik. So können Sie Ihr Wissen festigen und die nötige Sicherheit gewinnen im Umgang mit dieser manchmal recht kniffligen Naturwissenschaft.
Übungsbuch Physik für Mediziner für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Oliver KleinSeien wir doch ehrlich: Es gibt Fächer, da lernt man stur auswendig. Andere hingegen muss man wirklich verstehen und da braucht es Übung. Physik zählt zu den letzteren. Das mag lästig sein, aber Hilfe naht: Die Übungen in diesem Buch helfen Ihnen beim Verständnis von Mechanik, Thermodynamik, Elektrizitätslehre, Schwingungen und Wellen, Optik und Atomphysik. Knappe Auffrischungsinformationen und zahlreiche Beispiele ermöglichen es Ihnen, passives Wissen wieder zu aktivieren, und so ist dieses Buch für Sie ein hilfreicher Trainer vor Ihrer Physikprüfung.
Übungsbuch Physik für Studierende der Biowissenschaften, Chemie und Medizin
by Gerhard RufaDieses Übungsbuch enthält zahlreiche Aufgaben zum Inhalt einer Einführungsvorlesung Physik. Mithilfe von ausführlichen Lösungen und Erklärungen lernen und üben Studierende die Anwendung physikalischer Rechenmethoden und die hierfür erforderliche Mathematik. Vor allem in Kombination mit dem Lehrbuch Physik für Studierende der Biowissenschaften, Chemie und Medizin bildet es eine ideale Basis für die Klausurvorbereitung und weiterführende Vorlesungen.Der erste Teil des Buches bietet Übungsserien mit Aufgaben, die entsprechend dem Inhalt typischer Physikvorlesungen strukturiert sind und dabei Themen von der klassischen Mechanik bis hin zur Atom- und Quantenphysik abdecken. Jede Übungsserie besteht aus einem Verständnisteil und einem Übungsteil, der durch anwendungsorientierte Aufgaben aus Biowissenschaften, Chemie und Medizin ergänzt wird.Das Gelernte kann dann anhand des zweiten Teils überprüft werden, der aus verschiedenen Testserien besteht: Hier sind gemischte Aufgaben aus den jeweiligen Inhalten der zwei Semester enthalten, wie sie auch in Physikklausuren zu finden sind.
Uchuva (Physalis peruviana L.) Reproductive Biology
by Fernando Ramírez Thomas Lee DavenportThis work reviews and explores various aspects of uchuva growth and development from seed germination, vegetative growth and phyllotaxy, floral development, pollination, and pollen morphology through fruit development, properties and health benefits. Other sections of the book cover uchuva genetic diversity, hybridization, chromosome number and morphological diversity. Uchuva is economically important in most South American counties, has been growing in popularity in Central America, and is marketed in North American and Europe as the golden berry. This is the first concise reference work that delves into the fascinating world of uchuva reproductive biology. It includes the latest scientific references, some of which have been contributed by the authors of the current book. The authors have observed the plant in the field and have produced a unique photographic record to help the reader see the actual morphological structures and developmental processes in action.
Udder Health and Communication
by H. Hogeveen T.J.G.M. LamIn dairy industries throughout the world there is a desire to optimize udder health. An improved udder health will lead to improved animal welfare, improved production efficiency and a reduction of the use of antibiotics. To improve udder health, first of all, technical knowledge on issues such as treatment, milking, infectious pressure and host resistance is important. However, over the years we learned that knowledge alone is not enough: knowledge has to be used. And for knowledge to be used, farmers have to be motivated. This requires knowledge about motivation and communication. In this book, recent knowledge on technical udder health issues is combined with knowledge on motivation and communication. A large number of descriptions of mastitis control programs that are being carried out worldwide is combined with more specific studies. These are aimed at effective advising, motivation and communication strategies, economics, and technical studies on mastitis control and prevention. Therefore, this book provides an applied source of information for all that are willing to improve udder health.
Ufology: A Very Short Introduction
by Mark DorioUfology: Presents a serious survey of the study of UFOs and related phenomena, providing a good first step toward understanding this topic.
UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies, and Realities
by John B. AlexanderA never-before-heard firsthand account of a government insider's experience on the cutting edge of UFO exploration; includes a new afterword"Forget everything you think you know about UFOs - this insider's account exposes the reality... Packed with top grade information, insightful analysis and fascinating anecdotes, Alexander's interesting and controversial book sets the gold standard for titles on this subject." –Nick Pope, author of Open Skies, Closed Minds"Changes the playing field for both true believers and skeptics alike. Alexander strongly warns, be careful what you wish for when asking for presidential intervention. Success could set the field of ufology back decades." --George Noory, host of Coast to Coast AMWhile still on active duty in the U.S. Army during the 1980s, Colonel John B. Alexander, Ph.D. created an interagency group to explore the controversial topic of UFOs. All members held Top Secret clearance. What they discovered was not at all what was expected. UFOs covers the numerous cases they saw, and answers questions like:• What was really in Hanger 18? • Did a UFO land at Holloman Air Force Base? • What happened at Roswell? • What is Majestic 12? • What is the Aviary? • What does the government know about UFOs? • What has happened with disclosure in other countries? • Has the U.S. reverse engineered a UFO? • Why don't presidents get access to UFO info? UFOs is at once a complete account of Alexander's findings, and a call to action. There are no conspiracy theories here—only hard facts—but they are merely the beginning. Foreword by Jacques F. ValleeIntroduction by Burt RutanCommentary by Tom Clancy
UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record
by Leslie KeanAn Air Force major is ordered to approach a brilliant UFO in his Phantom jet over Tehran. He repeatedly attempts to engage and fire on unusual objects heading right toward his aircraft, but his missile control is locked and disabled. Witnessed from the ground, this dogfight becomes the subject of a secret report by the U. S. Defense Intelligence Agency. In Belgium, an Air Force colonel investigates a series of widespread sightings of unidentified triangular objects, and he sends F-16s to attempt a cl...
UFOs: (a True Book: Space Exploration) (A True Book (Relaunch))
by Jenny MasonFrom the first time a person looked up at the sky and wondered "What's our there?" humans have dreamed about exploring the cosmos.This book is part of a series, A True Book: Space Exploration, that includes the titles Human Missions to Outer Space, Mars Rovers, The International Space Station, and UFO's. The series features the latest NASA imagery and lively text to bring the wonder of space exploration directly to readers.Over the years, there have been hundreds of reports of UFO (or unidentified flying object) sightings—which the U.S. government seemed to ignore. But a recently released Pentagon report tells a different story. For five years, a secret government agency was tracking and investigating these sightings. Now, in the pages of this book, the details of that report can be revealed! Share in the joy of exploration and discovery with UFO's.
UFOs: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena: Observations, Explanations and Speculations
by Karl SvozilUnidentified phenomena in space, in the Earth's atmosphere, and in waters are too important to leave their exploration to the military and scientific laypersons. Their proper scientific study is important for a variety of reasons; in particular, scientists and the public at large need to know the basic facts, to be informed about the way evidence is recorded, and to understand the difference been reliable evidence and fiction, as well as between plausible explanations and fantasy.With this objective, the book surveys the history of UFO observations, the variety of recorded phenomena, and recounts the efforts of investigative commissions and their published findings.Although wild rumors are demystified in the process, this is not an exercise in rumor-bashing. An open and at the same time critical mindset is the key. Many narratives and hypothesis appear implausible relative to our present state of knowledge; but this alone should not lead to their outright exclusion. Thus the author also pays attention to UFO sightings that have so far eluded explanation in terms of known physics or meteorology. Here the reader will encounter some of the more speculative but scientifically tenable proposals, for example, relating to sudden zigzag motion without apparent inertia or recognizable propulsion, yet always with a clear guide to their plausibility. Last but not least, the book outlines plans and suggestions for future research capable of revealing the existence and intentions of extraterrestrial intelligences, outer-space engineers, or technologies so far known only from science fiction.
UFOs and The White House: What Did Our Presidents Know and When Did They Know It?
by William J. Birnes Joel MartinThe author team that wrote the upcoming Skyhorse title Edison vs. Tesla, as well as The Haunting of the Presidents and other titles about the weird, the supernatural, and the unexplained, turn their attention to the oval office for a unique view of UFOs in America and more specifically, what America's presidents--from Washington to Obama--have witnessed and believed. <p><p> Most of us know that George Washington was heavily involved with the secret society the Freemasons. But how many of us know about George Washington's UFO sighting during the terrible winter at Valley Forge, and how the experience guided his future?Marilyn Monroe is rumored to have had UFO intel that she gained via pillow-talk from JFK. <p> Under Nixon's presidency we orbited and walked upon the surface the moon while almost at the same time the Air Force was exploiting the Air Force as scientific cover for its decision to terminate Project Blue Book. Jimmie Carter was visited by UFOs multiple times. UFOs and the White House is an oft-overlooked glimpse at history that will appeal to historians as well as advocates of the paranormal.
UFOs, Chemtrails, and Aliens: What Science Says
by Michael Shermer Timothy D. Callahan Donald R. ProtheroUFOs. Aliens. Strange crop circles. Giant figures scratched in the desert surface along the coast of Peru. The amazing alignment of the pyramids. Strange lines of clouds in the sky. The paranormal is alive and well in the American cultural landscape. In UFOs, Chemtrails, and Aliens, Donald R. Prothero and Tim Callahan explore why such demonstrably false beliefs thrive despite decades of education and scientific debunking. Employing the ground rules of science and the standards of scientific evidence, Prothero and Callahan discuss a wide range of topics including the reliability of eyewitness testimony, psychological research into why people want to believe in aliens and UFOs, and the role conspiratorial thinking plays in UFO culture. They examine a variety of UFO sightings and describe the standards of evidence used to determine whether UFOs are actual alien spacecraft. Finally, they consider our views of aliens and the strong cultural signals that provide the shapes and behaviors of these beings. While their approach is firmly based in science, Prothero and Callahan also share their personal experiences of Area 51, Roswell, and other legendary sites, creating a narrative that is sure to engross both skeptics and believers.
UFOs, Chemtrails, and Aliens: What Science Says
by Michael Shermer Donald R. Prothero Timothy D. CallahanUFOs. Aliens. Strange crop circles. Giant figures scratched in the desert surface along the coast of Peru. The amazing alignment of the pyramids. Strange lines of clouds in the sky. The paranormal is alive and well in the American cultural landscape. In UFOs, Chemtrails, and Aliens, Donald R. Prothero and Tim Callahan explore why such demonstrably false beliefs thrive despite decades of education and scientific debunking. Employing the ground rules of science and the standards of scientific evidence, Prothero and Callahan discuss a wide range of topics including the reliability of eyewitness testimony, psychological research into why people want to believe in aliens and UFOs, and the role conspiratorial thinking plays in UFO culture. They examine a variety of UFO sightings and describe the standards of evidence used to determine whether UFOs are actual alien spacecraft. Finally, they consider our views of aliens and the strong cultural signals that provide the shapes and behaviors of these beings. While their approach is firmly based in science, Prothero and Callahan also share their personal experiences of Area 51, Roswell, and other legendary sites, creating a narrative that is sure to engross both skeptics and believers.
UFOs Over Colorado: A True History of Extraterrestrial Encounters in the Centennial State
by Preston DennettColorado has been a UFO hotspot for more than 100 years. This is the first book to present a comprehensive history of extraterrestrial encounters in the Centennial State. Arranged by decade, read a dazzling array of sightings, landings, face-to-face encounters, onboard experiences, and UFO crash/retrievals. Colorado UFO cases have had a profound effect on UFO research. The 1967 mutilation of Lady the horse in Alamosa introduced the world to the animal mutilation phenomenon. The 1995 videotape footage by Tim Edwards of a UFO over Salida remains some of the best evidence ever recorded. The extraterrestrial experiences of Denver businessman Stan Romanek are among the best-verified in UFO history. The San Luis Valley in southern Colorado has produced hundreds of cases and is one of the most active areas on the planet. This book will explore these famous cases and many others never before published.
An Ugly Truth: Inside Facebook's Battle for Domination
by Sheera Frenkel Cecilia Kang'The ultimate takedown' New York Times'The problem of Facebook is Zuckerberg. And the question posed by this splendid book is: what are we going to do about him?' Observer'A comprehensive account . . . drawn from first-hand testimonies. Thoroughly engaging' The Times'What marks this book out is how it gets under the corporate bonnet . . . to build a picture of astounding corporate arrogance and irresponsibility' Sunday Times'An explosive new book' Daily Mail__________________________________________Award-winning New York Times reporters Sheera Frenkel and Cecilia Kang unveil the tech story of our times in a riveting, behind-the-scenes exposé that offers the definitive account of Facebook's fall from grace. Once one of Silicon Valley's greatest success stories, for the past five years, Facebook has been under constant fire, roiled by controversies and crises. It turns out that while the tech giant was connecting the world, they were also mishandling users' data, allowing the spread of fake news, and the amplification of dangerous, polarising hate speech. Critics framed the narrative as the irreconcilable conflict between the platform's lofty mission to advance society by bringing people together while also profiting off of them. The company, many said, had simply lost its way. But the truth is far more complex. Drawing on their unrivalled sources, Frenkel and Kang take readers inside the complex court politics, alliances and rivalries within the company, its growing political influence as well as its skirmishes with privacy groups and the FTC, to shine a light on the fatal cracks in the architecture of the tech behemoth. Their explosive, exclusive reporting led them to a shocking conclusion: The missteps of the last five years were not an anomaly but an inevitability - this is how the platform was built to perform. In a period of great upheaval, growth has remained the one constant under the leadership of Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg. Each has stood by as their technology is co-opted by hate-mongers, criminals and corrupt political regimes across the globe, with devastating consequences. In An Ugly Truth, they are at last held accountable.
An Ugly Truth: Inside Facebook's Battle for Domination (Language Acts and Worldmaking #29)
by Sheera Frenkel Cecilia Kang'The ultimate takedown' New York Times'The problem of Facebook is Zuckerberg. And the question posed by this splendid book is: what are we going to do about him?' Observer'A comprehensive account . . . drawn from first-hand testimonies. Thoroughly engaging' The Times'What marks this book out is how it gets under the corporate bonnet . . . to build a picture of astounding corporate arrogance and irresponsibility' Sunday Times'An explosive new book' Daily Mail__________________________________________Award-winning New York Times reporters Sheera Frenkel and Cecilia Kang unveil the tech story of our times in a riveting, behind-the-scenes exposé that offers the definitive account of Facebook's fall from grace. Once one of Silicon Valley's greatest success stories, for the past five years, Facebook has been under constant fire, roiled by controversies and crises. It turns out that while the tech giant was connecting the world, they were also mishandling users' data, allowing the spread of fake news, and the amplification of dangerous, polarising hate speech. Critics framed the narrative as the irreconcilable conflict between the platform's lofty mission to advance society by bringing people together while also profiting off of them. The company, many said, had simply lost its way. But the truth is far more complex. Drawing on their unrivalled sources, Frenkel and Kang take readers inside the complex court politics, alliances and rivalries within the company, its growing political influence as well as its skirmishes with privacy groups and the FTC, to shine a light on the fatal cracks in the architecture of the tech behemoth. Their explosive, exclusive reporting led them to a shocking conclusion: The missteps of the last five years were not an anomaly but an inevitability - this is how the platform was built to perform. In a period of great upheaval, growth has remained the one constant under the leadership of Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg. Each has stood by as their technology is co-opted by hate-mongers, criminals and corrupt political regimes across the globe, with devastating consequences. In An Ugly Truth, they are at last held accountable.