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Showing 73,601 through 73,625 of 76,179 results

Von der Uni ins wahre Leben: Zum Karrierestart für Naturwissenschaftler und Ingenieure

by Lukas von Hippel Thorsten Daubenfeld

Examen bestanden, Zeugnis in der Tasche, aber wie geht es weiter? Universitaten und Hochschulen bilden Naturwissenschaftler und Ingenieure in ihren jeweiligen Bereichen optimal aus - in Bezug auf Wissen und Fachkompetenz. Doch werden Akademiker oft nicht oder nur unzureichend auf andere Themen wie Teamfahigkeit, betriebswirtschaftliche und soziale Belange, Unternehmensstrukturen und Fuhrungsaufgaben vorbereitet, die fur den beruflichen Erfolg ebenfalls relevant sind. Was sollte man am ersten Tag am neuen Arbeitsplatz auf jeden Fall tun und was besser lassen? Wie verhalt man sich, wenn es im neuen Team nicht auf Anhieb klappt, und weshalb scheint es mit den Kunden standig Missverstandnisse zu geben? Welche betriebswirtschaftlichen Kenntnisse sind unerlasslich und welche kulturellen Fallstricke lauern in einer zunehmend globalisierten Arbeitswelt? Wo liegen uberhaupt die personlichen Starken, welche Zweige in einem Unternehmen passen zu den ganz eigenen Vorlieben und Fahigkeiten? In kompakter, vergnuglicher Form, anhand von zahlreichen Beispielen, vermittelt dieser Ratgeber die notwendigen Schlusselkompetenzen, mit denen Berufseinsteiger und Mitarbeiter, die aufsteigen wollen, ihren Weg ins und durchs Berufsleben finden.

Von einem, der auszog, das Staunen zu lernen: Große Figuren und großartige Meilensteine in der Geschichte der Wissenschaften

by Ernst Peter Fischer

„Wer sich nicht mehr wundern und nicht mehr staunen kann, der ist sozusagen tot und sein Auge erloschen“, hat Albert Einstein einmal geschrieben, und diese Worte haben einen Knaben ermutigt, sich in die Welt der Wissenschaft zu begeben, um hier das Staunen zu lernen. Er wollte und will mit den Wundern der Wissenschaft leben, die den Menschen das Dasein erleichtert und ihr Weltbild ausschmückt. Aus seinem Leben wird hier erzählt und wie er sich in diese faszinierende Sphäre des Geistes hineinträumt. Dabei entsteht ein Roman der Naturwissenschaften, der von den Überraschungen im Innersten der Dinge handelt, die dort zu erleben sind und sich auf die Bedingungen der menschlichen Existenz auswirken. Der Roman stellt in persönlichen Begegnungen und Gesprächen Akteure auf dem Feld der Forschung vor, die nicht nur den Atomen, sondern zum Beispiel auch dem Geheimnis des Lebens und dem Erwachen der Intelligenz auf die Spur gekommen sind und heute versuchen, Maschinen damit auszustatten. Man versteht die Gegenwart besser, wenn man die historischen Erfolge der Wissenschaften kennt, die den modernen Alltag mit digitalen Medien dominieren und auf Fragen zum Klimawandel und zur Energieversorgung antworten können. In diesem Buch kann man beginnen, das zum Verstehen führende Staunen zu lernen, mit dem die Menschheit ihren eingangs von Einstein befürchteten Tod vermeiden und die Welt erleben kann.Ernst Peter Fischer beleuchtet spannend und unterhaltsam die Geschichte der Naturwissenschaft und ihrer Akteure.

Von einem Traum getrieben: Wie der Physiker Rolf Widerøe den Teilchenbeschleuniger erfand

by Aashild Sørheim

Dieses Open-Access-Buch beschreibt das Leben und die Leistungen des norwegischen Ingenieurs und Physikers Rolf Widerøe. Zu seinen vielen bahnbrechenden Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der Beschleunigerphysik gehören unter anderem das Betatron und der Linearbeschleuniger, deren Konzepte er in seiner 27-seitigen Doktorarbeit veröffentlichte. Das Betatron revolutionierte die Bereiche der Krebsbehandlung durch Strahlentherapie und durch nicht-desktruktive Tests. Krankenhäuser auf der ganzen Welt setzen Widerøes Maschine ein, und auch die heutigen modernen Geräte zur Strahlenbehandlung basieren auf seinen Erfindungen. Die jüngste Renaissance des Linearbeschleunigers sorgt für beispiellose Röntgenintensitäten bei Freien-Elektronen-Laser-Anlagen, die weltweit in Betrieb sind. Widerøes Geschichte enthält eine gehörige Portion Dramatik, insbesondere während des Zweiten Weltkriegs, als sowohl die Deutschen als auch die Alliierten um seine Mitarbeit buhlten. Der Physiker hatte führende Positionen in multinationalen Industriekonzernen inne und war einer der Berater beim Bau des weltgrößten Kernforschungszentrums CERN in der Schweiz. Er erwarb über 200 Patente, erhielt mehrere Ehrendoktorwürden und eine Reihe internationaler Auszeichnungen. Die Autorin, Journalistin und Produzentin von Fernsehdokumentationen, erzählt in diesem Werk eine fesselnde Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Während ihrer Recherche hatte sie in mehreren Ländern Zugang zu bisher verschlossenen Archiven erhalten, die eine Fülle von neuem Material und Erkenntnissen, insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit den Kriegsjahren, lieferten. Das E-Book dieses Werks ist als Open-Access-Veröffentlichung auf erhältlich.

Von Kindern lernen: Wie uns kindliche Perspektiven gelassener, glücklicher und erfolgreicher machen

by Frank Behrendt Bertold Ulsamer

Warum sind wir oft hektisch, gestresst und in vielen Dingen eingefahren? Wo sind Unbeschwertheit, Neugier und die unbefangene Freude unserer Kindheit hin? Die gute Nachricht: All das ist immer noch in uns. Wir müssen es nur neu entfachen.Dieses Buch zeigt auf, wieso wir als Erwachsene so sind, wie wir sind, was Kinder anders machen und was wir von ihnen lernen können. In einer charmanten Kombination aus Geschichten rund um die achtjährige Impulsgeberin Holly, psychologischen Hintergründen und klugen Alltagstipps erklären die Autoren Frank Behrendt und Bertold Ulsamer, welche Denkmuster und Verhaltensweisen wir von Kindern übernehmen sollten, um im Leben wieder gelassener, glücklicher und dadurch auch beruflich erfolgreicher zu werden. Als Extra in der Springer Nature More Media App: Podcasts – Netzwerkexpertin, Autorin und Moderatorin Tijen Onaran im sehr persönlichen Gespräch mit den Autoren. Über ihre besondere Verbindung, Krisen, Wiederaufstehen und das Leben an sich.

Von künstlicher Biologie zu künstlicher Intelligenz - und dann?: Die Zukunft unserer Evolution

by Axel Lange

Hat uns die Evolution als intelligente Menschen ausreichend dafür gerüstet, unsere Zukunft für ein würdiges Leben unserer Kinder und Enkel und für den Erhalt der Erde zu steuern? Der Autor entwickelt Szenarien für die zukünftige Evolution des Menschen. Behandelt werden medizinische und gentechnische Entwicklungen wie Nanotechnologie, Organherstellung im 3D-Drucker, Gehirn-Computer-Schnittstellen, Strategien zur Vermeidung von Pandemien, CRISPR, genetische Verbesserungen, Unsterblichkeit und der Transhumanismus, einschließlich Superintelligenz. Künstliche Intelligenz ist immer im Spiel. Der Mensch nimmt Einfluss auf die Entwicklung alles Lebens, greift damit auch immer stärker in die eigene Evolution ein und überlagert damit die natürliche Selektion und Anpassung. Wir sind nicht mehr an die natürliche Umgebung angepasst, sondern an eine künstliche Welt, die wir selbst schaffen. Aber können wir uns vollständig von der natürlichen Selektion befreien?

Von Neumann, Morgenstern, and the Creation of Game Theory

by Robert Leonard

Drawing on a wealth of new archival material, including personal correspondence and diaries, Robert Leonard tells the fascinating story of the creation of game theory by Hungarian Jewish mathematician John von Neumann and Austrian economist Oskar Morgenstern. Game theory first emerged amid discussions of the psychology and mathematics of chess in Germany and fin-de-sicle Austro-Hungary. In the 1930s, on the cusp of anti-Semitism and political upheaval, it was developed by von Neumann into an ambitious theory of social organization. It was shaped still further by its use in combat analysis in World War II and during the Cold War. Interweaving accounts of the period's economics, science, and mathematics, and drawing sensitively on the private lives of von Neumann and Morgenstern, Robert Leonard provides a detailed reconstruction of a complex historical drama.

Voodoo Science: The Road From Foolishness To Fraud

by Robert L. Park

In a time of dazzling scientific progress, how can we separate genuine breakthroughs from the noisy gaggle of false claims? From Deepak Chopra's "quantum alternative to growing old" to unwarranted hype surrounding the International Space Station, Robert Park leads us down the back alleys of fringe science, through the gleaming corridors of Washington power and even into our evolutionary past to search out the origins of voodoo science. Along the way, he offers simple and engaging science lessons, proving that you don't have to be a scientist to spot the fraudulent science that swirls around us. While remaining highly humorous, this hard-hitting account also tallies the cost: the billions spent on worthless therapies, the tax dollars squandered on government projects that are doomed to fail, the investors bilked by schemes that violate the most fundamental laws of nature. But the greatest cost is human: fear of imaginary dangers, reliance on magical cures, and above all, a mistaken view of how the world works. To expose the forces that sustain voodoo science, Park examines the role of the media, the courts, bureaucrats and politicians, as well as the scientific community. Scientists argue that the cure is to raise general scientific literacy. But what exactly should a scientifically literate society know? Park argues that the public does not need a specific knowledge of science so much as a scientific world view--an understanding that we live in an orderly universe governed by natural laws that cannot be circumvented.

Voodoo Warriors: The Story of the McDonnell Voodoo Fast-Jets

by Nigel Walpole

The story of the supersonic fighter with &“interesting insight into the period of the 1950s and early 1960s, the Cold War and of course the war in Vietnam&” (Military Modelling). During the mid–1950s the United States Air Force was given its most powerful single-seat, two-engine fighter to date. The Voodoo would be deployed before the end of that decade in the tactical nuclear bomber and tactical reconnaissance roles worldwide, and in homeland defense with the two-seat, all-weather variant. In December 1957 it took the World Air Speed Record to Mach 1.6—over one and a half times faster than the sound barrier. This book looks at the evolution of the original design and its introduction into service. Chapters cover operations in Korea, Vietnam, the Cuban Crisis and in Europe during the Cold War years. Many first-hand accounts from pilots are included and the author&’s own experiences with the aircraft are given with fascinating insight. The Voodoo was an elegant, mean-looking fighting machine that epitomized fast flying in the fifties and sixties. It continues to be a revered airplane. &“Definitely a book that gives an in depth look at the Voodoo and the pilots who flew her.&”—

Voracious Science & Vulnerable Animals: A Primate Scientist's Ethical Journey (Animal Lives Ser.)

by John P. Gluck

The National Institute of Health recently announced its plan to retire the fifty remaining chimpanzees held in national research facilities and place them in sanctuaries. This significant decision comes after a lengthy process of examination and debate about the ethics of animal research. For decades, proponents of such research have argued that the discoveries and benefits for humans far outweigh the costs of the traumatic effects on the animals; but today, even the researchers themselves have come to question the practice. John P. Gluck has been one of the scientists at the forefront of the movement to end research on primates, and in Voracious Science and Vulnerable Animals he tells a vivid, heart-rending, personal story of how he became a vocal activist for animal protection. Gluck begins by taking us inside the laboratory of Harry F. Harlow at the University of Wisconsin, where Gluck worked as a graduate student in the 1960s. Harlow’s primate lab became famous for his behavioral experiments in maternal deprivation and social isolation of rhesus macaques. Though trained as a behavioral scientist, Gluck finds himself unable to overlook the intense psychological and physical damage these experiments wrought on the macaques. Gluck’s sobering and moving account reveals how in this and other labs, including his own, he came to grapple with the uncomfortable justifications that many researchers were offering for their work. As his sense of conflict grows, we’re right alongside him, developing a deep empathy for the often smart and always vulnerable animals used for these experiments. At a time of unprecedented recognition of the intellectual cognition and emotional intelligence of animals, Voracious Science and Vulnerable Animals is a powerful appeal for our respect and compassion for those creatures who have unwillingly dedicated their lives to science. Through the words of someone who has inflicted pain in the name of science and come to abhor it, it’s important to know what has led this far to progress and where further inroads in animal research ethics are needed.

Vorkurs Physik fürs MINT-Studium: Grundlagen und Insider-Tipps für Erstis

by Patrick Steglich Katja Heise

Dieses Lehrbuch hilft Ihnen, die typischen Einführungsvorlesungen zur Physik zu meistern. Denn Physik im Studium funktioniert anders als in der Schule. Die Formeln werden komplexer, das Tempo höher.Dieser Vorkurs liefert Ihnen verständlich aufbereitetes Physik-Grundwissen, das Sie für die ersten Semester brauchen. Schulstoff zu Themen aus der Mechanik, Thermodynamik, Elektrodynamik und der Optik wird wiederholt und vorsichtig vertieft. Mit mehr als 150 Beispielen und mehr als 50 Aufgaben inklusive Schritt-für-Schritt-Lösung plus Selbsttest „Fit fürs Studium?“ können Sie das Gelernte üben und überprüfen.Außerdem bereiten Sie Insider-Tipps vom erfahrenen Dozenten darauf vor, was an der Uni anders läuft, was Ihre Professor/-innen voraussetzen und wo Studierende häufig Fehler machen. Ein kleines Vokabelheft für typische Fachbegriffe schließt auch die letzte Verständnislücke.Für wen ist dieses Buch? Dieser Vorkurs passt zu Ihnen, wenn Sie sich optimal auf die Physikkurse im MINT-Studium vorbereiten wollen – egal, welche Vorbildung Sie mitbringen. Damit Sie alles verstehen, auch das, wofür im Studium die Zeit fehlt und was sich in der Vorlesung keiner zu fragen traut.

Vortex (The Insignia Novels #2)

by S. J. Kincaid

S. J. Kincaid has created a fascinating dystopian world for Insignia, her futuristic science-fiction adventure series perfect for fans of Ender's Game. Earth is in the middle of WWIII, a war to determine which governments and corporations will control the resources of the solar system.Teen Tom Raines grew up with nothing—some days without even a roof over his head. Then his exceptional gaming skills earned him a spot in the Intrasolar Forces, the country's elite military training program, and his life completely changed.Now in Vortex, the second book in the series, Tom discovers that the Pentagonal Spire, where he and his friends are being trained as superhuman weapons, is filled with corruption. He is asked to betray his friends—the first real friends he's ever had—for the sake of his country.Will he sacrifice his new life to do what he believes is right?

Vortex Formation in the Cardiovascular System

by Arash Kheradvar Gianni Pedrizzetti

Vortex Formation in the Cardiovascular System will recapitulate the current knowledge about the vortex formation in the cardiovascular system, from mechanics to cardiology. This can facilitate the interaction between basic scientists and clinicians on the topic of the circulatory system. The book begins with a synopsis of the fundamentals aspects of fluid mechanics to give the reader the essential background to address the proceeding chapters. Then the fundamental elements of vortex dynamics will be discussed, explaining the conditions for their formation and the rules governing their dynamics. The main equations are accompanied by mathematical models. Cardiovascular vortex formation is first analyzed in physiological, healthy conditions in the heart chambers and in the large arterial vessels. The analysis is initially presented with an intuitive appeal grounded on the physical phenomena and a focus on its clinical significance.In the proceeding chapters, the knowledge gained from either clinical or basic science literature will be discussed. The corresponding mathematical elements will finally be presented to ensure the adequate diligence. The proceeding chapters ensue to the analysis of pathological conditions, when the reader may have developed the ability to recognize normal from abnormal vortex formation phenomenon. Pathological vortex formation represents vortices that develop at sites where normally laminar flow should exist, e.g. stenosis and aneurisms. This analysis naturally leads to the interaction of vortices due to the surgical procedures with respect to prediction of changes in vortex formation. The existing techniques, from medical imaging to numerical simulations, to explore vortex flows in the cardiovascular systems will also be described. The presentations are accompanied by the mathematical definitions can that be understandable for reader without the advanced mathematical background, while an interested reader with more advanced knowledge in mathematics can be referred to references for further quantitative analyses. The book pursues the objective to transfer the fundamental vortex formation phenomena with application to the cardiovascular system to the reader. This book will be a valuable support for physicians in the evaluation of vortex influence on diagnosis and therapeutic choices. At the same time, the book will provide the rigorous information for research scientists, either from medicine and mechanics, working on the cardiovascular circulation incurring with the physics of vortex dynamics.

Vortex, Molecular Spin and Nanovorticity

by Percival Mccormack

The subject of this book is the physics of vortices. A detailed analysis of the dynamics of vortices will be presented. The important topics of vorticity and molecular spin will be dealt with, including the electromagnetic analogy and quantization in superfluids. The effect of molecular spin on the dynamics of molecular nano-confined fluids using the extended Navier-Stokes equations will also be covered -especially important to the theory and applicability of nanofluidics and associated devices. The nanoscale boundary layer and nanoscale vortex core are regions of intense vorticity (molecular spin). It will be shown, based on molecular kinetic theory and thermodynamics, that the macroscopic (solid body) rotation must be accompanied by internal rotation of the molecules. Electric polarization of the internal molecular rotations about the local rotation axis -the Barnett effect - occurs. In such a spin aligned system, major changes in the physical properties of the fluid result.

Vortex Ring Models (Mathematical Engineering)

by Ionut Danaila Felix Kaplanski Sergei S. Sazhin

This book offers a guide to understanding models of vortex rings, starting from classical ones (circular vortex filament, Hill and Norbury-Fraenkel inviscid models) to very recent models incorporating viscous effects and realistic shapes of the vortex core. Unconfined and confined viscous vortex rings are described by closed formulae for vorticity, stream function, translational velocity, energy, impulse and circulation. Models are applied to predict the formation number of optimal vortex rings and to describe two-phase vortex ring-like structures generated in internal combustion engines. The book provides a detailed presentation of analytical developments of models, backed up by illustrations and systematic comparisons with results of direct numerical simulations. The book is useful for graduate students in applied mathematics, engineering and physical sciences. It is a useful reference for researchers and practising engineers interested in modelling flows with vortex rings.

Vortex Rings and Jets

by Daniel T. H. New Simon C. M. Yu

In this book, recent developments in our understanding of fundamental vortex ring and jet dynamics will be discussed, with a view to shed light upon their near-field behaviour which underpins much of their far-field characteristics. The chapters provide up-to-date research findings by their respective experts and seek to link near-field flow physics of vortex ring and jet flows with end-applications in mind. Over the past decade, our knowledge on vortex ring and jet flows has grown by leaps and bounds, thanks to increasing use of high-fidelity, high-accuracy experimental techniques and numerical simulations. As such, we now have a much better appreciation and understanding on the initiation and near-field developments of vortex ring and jet flows under many varied initial and boundary conditions. Chapter 1 outlines the vortex ring pinch-off phenomenon and how it relates to the initial stages of jet formations and subsequent jet behaviour, while Chapter 2 takes a closer look at the behaviour resulting from vortex ring impingement upon solid boundaries and how the use of a porous surface alters the impingement process. Chapters 3 and 4 focus upon the formation of synthetic jets from vortex ring structures experimentally and numerically, the challenges in understanding the relationships between their generation parameters and how they can be utilized in flow separation control problems. Chapter 5 looks at the use of imposing selected nozzle trailing-edge modifications to effect changes upon the near-field dynamics associated with circular, noncircular and coaxial jets, with a view to control their mixing behaviour. And last but not least, Chapter 6 details the use of unique impinging jet configurations and how they may lend themselves towards greater understanding and operating efficacies in heat transfer problems. This book will be useful to postgraduate students and researchers alike who wish to get up to speed regarding the latest developments in vortex ring and jet flow behaviour and how their interesting flow dynamics may be put into good use in their intended applications.

Vortical Flows

by Jie-Zhi Wu Hui-Yang Ma Ming-De Zhou

This book is a comprehensive and intensive book for graduate students in fluid dynamics as well as scientists, engineers and applied mathematicians. Offering a systematic introduction to the physical theory of vortical flows at graduate level, it considers the theory of vortical flows as a branch of fluid dynamics focusing on shearing process in fluid motion, measured by vorticity. It studies vortical flows according to their natural evolution stages,from being generated to dissipated. As preparation, the first three chapters of the book provide background knowledge for entering vortical flows. The rest of the book deals with vortices and vortical flows, following their natural evolution stages. Of various vortices the primary form is layer-like vortices or shear layers, and secondary but stronger form is axial vortices mainly formed by the rolling up of shear layers. Problems are given at the end of each chapter and Appendix, some for helping understanding the basic theories, and some involving specific applications; but the emphasis of both is always on physical thinking.

Vortragen: in Naturwissenschaft, Technik und Medizin

by Hans F. Ebel Claus Bliefert

Ein guter Vortrag ist nicht nur eine Sache der pers nlichen Begabung oder Ausstrahlung des Redners. Dahinter steckt mindestens genauso viel harte Arbeit und das n tige Wissen. Dieses Wissen um die beste Vortragstechnik haben die Autoren in unterhaltsamer Form zusammengestellt und sch pfen dabei aus ihrem eigenen reichen Erfahrungsschatz als Redner vor verschiedenstem Publikum. Die dritte Auflage dieses Standardwerks zum wissenschaftlichen Vortragen wurde im Hinblick auf die modernen Bildbearbeitungs- und Projektionstechniken durchgehend aktualisiert und erg nzt. Die perfekte Vorbereitung f r den ersten ffentlichen Vortrag, aber auch "alte Hasen" werden hier noch viel Neues entdecken. "au ergew hnlich lehrreich und doch nicht belehrend; die lockere Art der Darstellung [macht] das Lesen zu einer wahren Freude" (Nahrung / Food) "eine u erst hilfreiche Anleitung zur Bew ltigung technischer Klippen bereits weit im Vorfeld des ffentlichen Ernstfalles" (Physik in unserer Zeit) "beschreibt mit bestechender Gr ndlichkeit und gro em didaktischen Geschick, was bei der Vorbereitung und Durchf hrung eines Vortrags alles falsch gemacht werden kann und daher zu beachten ist" (Arzneimittel-Forschung)

Vowel Inherent Spectral Change

by Geoffrey Stewart Morrison Peter F. Assmann

It has been traditional in phonetic research to characterize monophthongs using a set of static formant frequencies, i.e., formant frequencies taken from a single time-point in the vowel or averaged over the time-course of the vowel. However, over the last twenty years a growing body of research has demonstrated that, at least for a number of dialects of North American English, vowels which are traditionally described as monophthongs often have substantial spectral change. Vowel inherent spectral change has been observed in speakers' productions, and has also been found to have a substantial effect on listeners' perception. In terms of acoustics, the traditional categorical distinction between monophthongs and diphthongs can be replaced by a gradient description of dynamic spectral patterns. This book includes chapters addressing various aspects of vowel inherent spectral change (VISC), including theoretical and experimental studies of the perceptually relevant aspects of VISC, the relationship between articulation (vocal-tract trajectories) and VISC, historical changes related VISC, cross-dialect, cross-language, and cross-age-group comparisons of VISC, the effects of VISC on second-language speech learning, and the use of VISC in forensic voice comparison.

The Voyage of Sorcerer II: The Expedition That Unlocked the Secrets of the Ocean’s Microbiome

by J. Craig Venter David Ewing Duncan

“Will undoubtedly shape our understanding of the global ecosystem for decades to come.”—Siddhartha Mukherjee, author of The Emperor of All MaladiesA celebrated genome scientist sails around the world, collecting tens of millions of marine microbes and revolutionizing our understanding of the microbiome that sustains us.Upon completing his historic work on the Human Genome Project, J. Craig Venter declared that he would sequence the genetic code of all life on earth. Thus began a fifteen-year quest to collect DNA from the world’s oldest and most abundant form of life: microbes. Boarding the Sorcerer II, a 100-foot sailboat turned research vessel, Venter traveled over 65,000 miles around the globe to sample ocean water and the microscopic life within.In The Voyage of Sorcerer II, Venter and science writer David Ewing Duncan tell the remarkable story of these expeditions and of the momentous discoveries that ensued—of plant-like bacteria that get their energy from the sun, proteins that metabolize vast amounts of hydrogen, and microbes whose genes shield them from ultraviolet light. The result was a massive library of millions of unknown genes, thousands of unseen protein families, and new lineages of bacteria that revealed the unimaginable complexity of life on earth. Yet despite this exquisite diversity, Venter encountered sobering reminders of how human activity is disturbing the delicate microbial ecosystem that nurtures life on earth. In the face of unprecedented climate change, Venter and Duncan show how we can harness the microbial genome to develop alternative sources of energy, food, and medicine that might ultimately avert our destruction.A captivating story of exploration and discovery, The Voyage of Sorcerer II restores microbes to their rightful place as crucial partners in our evolutionary past and guides to our future.

The Voyage of the Beagle

by Charles Darwin

"The Voyage of the Beagle" is a title commonly given to the book written by Charles Darwin and published in 1839 as his "Journal and Remarks", bringing him considerable fame and respect. The title refers to the second survey expedition of the ship HMS Beagle, which set sail from Plymouth Sound on 27 December 1831 under the command of Captain Robert FitzRoy, R.N.. While the expedition was originally planned to last two years, it lasted almost five--the Beagle did not return until 2 October 1836. Darwin spent most of this time exploring on land (three years and three months on land; 18 months at sea). The book, also known as Darwin's "Journal of Researches", is a vivid and exciting travel memoir as well as a detailed scientific field journal covering biology, geology, and anthropology that demonstrates Darwin's keen powers of observation, written at a time when Western Europeans were exploring and charting the whole world. Although Darwin revisited some areas during the expedition, for clarity the chapters of the book are ordered by reference to places and locations rather than by date. Darwin's notes made during the voyage include comments illustrating his changing views at a time when he was developing his theory of evolution by natural selection and includes some suggestions of his ideas, particularly in the second edition of 1845.

The Voyage of the Beagle: Journal Of Researches Into The Natural History And Geology Of The Countries Visited During The Voyage Of H. M. S. Beagle Round The World

by Charles Darwin

The riveting firsthand account of the historic voyage that led to the theory of evolution When the HMS Beagle set sail in 1831, the science of biology was not far removed from the Dark Ages. When the ship returned to England nearly five years later, Charles Darwin had the makings of a theory that would revolutionize our understanding of the natural world. From volcanoes in the Galapagos to the coral reefs of Australia, The Voyage of the Beagle documents the young naturalist's encounters with some of the earth's most stunning features. Darwin's observations of the people, places, and events he experienced make for compelling reading and offer a fascinating window into the intellectual development of his ideas about natural selection. A brilliant travelogue and a revealing glimpse into the Victorian mindset, The Voyage of the Beagle is an indispensable companion volume to On the Origin of Species. This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices.

The Voyage of the Beagle

by Charles Darwin

When HMS Beagle sailed out of Devonport on 27 December 1831, Charles Darwin was twenty-two and setting off on the voyage of a lifetime. His journal, here reprinted in a shortened form, shows a naturalist making patient observations concerning geology, natural history, people, places and events. Volcanoes in the Galapagos, the Gossamer spider of Patagonia and the Australasian coral reefs – all are to be found in these extraordinary writings. The insights made here were to set in motion the intellectual currents that led to the most controversial book of the Victorian age: The Origin of Species.

The Voyage of the Beagle: Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries Visited During the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle Round the World (Modern Library Classics)

by Charles Darwin Steve Jones

In 1831, Charles Darwin embarked on an expedition that, in his own words, determined my whole career. The Voyage of the Beagle chronicles his five-year journey around the world and especially the coastal waters of South America as a naturalist on the H.M.S. Beagle. While traveling through these unexplored countries collecting specimens, Darwin began to formulate the theories of evolution and natural selection realized in his master work, The Origin of Species. Travel memoir and scientific primer alike, The Voyage of the Beagle is a lively and accessible introduction to the mind of one of history's most influential thinkers.From the Trade Paperback edition. Includes and introduction by Steve Jones.

The Voyage of the Beagle

by Charles Darwin David Quammen

When HMS Beagle sailed out of Devonport on 27 December 1831, Charles Darwin was twenty-two and setting off on the voyage of a lifetime. His journal, here reprinted in a shortened form, shows a naturalist making patient observations concerning geology, natural history, people, places and events. Volcanoes in the Galapagos, the Gossamer spider of Patagonia and the Australasian coral reefs - all are to be found in these extraordinary writings. The insights made here were to set in motion the intellectual currents that led to the most controversial book of the Victorian age: The Origin of Species. Includes introduction by David Quammen and notes.

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