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Understanding Audio
by Daniel M. Thompson(Berklee Guide). Understanding Audio explores the fundamentals of audio and acoustics that impact every stage of the music recording process. Whether you are a musician setting up your first Pro Tools project studio, or you are a seasoned recording engineer or producer eager to find a reference that fills in the gaps in your understanding of audio, this book is for you. Understanding Audio will enable you to develop a thorough understanding of the underlying principles of sound, and take some of the mystery and guesswork out of how equipment setup affects the quality of your recordings. Projects at the end of each chapter will assist you in applying these principles to your own recording environment. Learn about: * Basic and advanced audio theory * Cables and studio wiring * Recording studio and console signal flow * Digital and analog audio * Studio and listening room acoustics * Psychoacoustics * "In the Studio" insights, relating audio principles to real recording situations
Understanding Autism: From Basic Neuroscience to Treatment
by Steven O. Moldin John L.R. RubensteinTaking an all-inclusive look at the subject, Understanding Autism: From Basic Neuroscience to Treatment reviews state-of-the-art research on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of autism. The book addresses potential mechanisms that may underlie the development of autism and the neural systems that are likely to be affected by these molecular,
Understanding Batch Chemical Processes: Modelling and Case Studies
by Thokozani Majozi Esmael R. Seid Jui-Yuan LeeBatch chemical processes, so often employed in the pharmaceutical and agrochemical fields, differ significantly from standard continuous operations in the emphasis upon time as a critical factor in their synthesis and design. With this inclusive guide to batch chemical processes, the author introduces the reader to key aspects in mathematical modeling of batch processes and presents techniques to overcome the computational complexity in order to yield models that are solvable in near real-time. This book demonstrates how batch processes can be analyzed, synthesized, and designed optimally using proven mathematical formulations. The text effectively demonstrates how water and energy aspects can be incorporated within the scheduling framework that seeks to capture the essence of time. It presents real-life case studies where mathematical modeling of batch plants has been successfully applied.
Understanding Behaviorism: Behavior, Culture, and Evolution
by William M. BaumUnderstanding Behaviorism is a classic textbook that explains the basis of behavior analysis and its application to human problems in a scholarly but accessible manner. Now in its third edition, the text has been substantially updated to include the latest developments over the last decade in behaviour analysis, evolutionary theory, and cultural evolution theory The only book available that explains behavior analysis and applies it to philosophical and practical problems, written by one of today’s best-known and most highly respected behaviorists Explores ancient concepts such as purpose, language, knowledge, and thought, as well as applying behavioural thinking to contemporary social issues like freedom, democracy, and culture Part of the new evolutionary perspective for understanding individual behavior in general and culture in particular – culminates with practical approaches to improving the lives of all humanity
Understanding Bioanalytical Chemistry
by Victor A. Gault Neville H. Mcclenaghan"The title captures the ethos and content precisely. It brings basic chemistry into real life with examples that illustrate how chemical principals are inherent to bioanalytical procedures, making them accessible to readers with a background in life sciences." -Microbiology Today, July 2009"... a good overview of the basic strategies to tackle the complexity of analysis in biological environments and provides some illustrative examples for a better understanding of the theoretical concepts... provides a fundamental introduction to the tools adopted by life and health scientists in the evolving and exciting new age of "omics" specifically applied to the diagnosis, treatment, cure and prevention of disease..." -Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, October 2009Although chemistry is core to the life and health sciences, it is often viewed as a challenging subject.Conventional textbooks tend to present chemistry in a way that is not always easily accessible to students, particularly those coming from diverse educational backgrounds, who may not have formally studied chemistry before.This prompted the authors to write this particular textbook, taking a new, fresh and innovative approach to teaching and learning of chemistry, focusing on bioanalysis to set knowledge in context. This textbook is primarily targeted to undergraduate life and health science students, but may be a useful resource for practising scientists in a range of disciplines.In this textbook the authors have covered basic principles, terminology and core technologies, which include key modern experimental techniques and equipment used to analyse important biomolecules in diagnostic, industrial and research settings.Written by two authors with a wealth of experience in teaching, research and academic enterprise, this textbook represents an invaluable tool for students and instructors across the diverse range of biological and health science courses.Key Features:Innovative, stand alone teaching and learning resource to enhance delivery of undergraduate chemistry provision to life and health scientists. Develops student knowledge and understanding of core concepts with reference to relevant, real-life, examples. Clearly written and user-friendly, with numerous full colour illustrations, annotated images, diagrams and tables to enhance learning. Incorporates a modern approach to teaching and learning to motivate the reader and encourage student-centred learning. Dr Victor Gault has been named recipient of the Rising Star Award 2009 by the internationally acclaimed European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD).
Understanding Bioinformatics
by Jeremy O. Baum Marketa ZvelebilSuitable for advanced undergraduates and postgraduates, Understanding Bioinformatics provides a definitive guide to this vibrant and evolving discipline. The book takes a conceptual approach. It guides the reader from first principles through to an understanding of the computational techniques and the key algorithms. Understanding Bioinformatics is an invaluable companion for students from their first encounter with the subject through to more advanced studies. The book is divided into seven parts, with the opening part introducing the basics of nucleic acids, proteins and databases. Subsequent parts are divided into 'Applications' and 'Theory' Chapters, allowing readers to focus their attention effectively. In each section, the Applications Chapter provides a fast and straightforward route to understanding the main concepts and 'getting started'. Each of these is then followed by Theory Chapters which give greater detail and present the underlying mathematics. In Part 2, Sequence Alignments, the Applications Chapter shows the reader how to get started on producing and analyzing sequence alignments, and using sequences for database searching, while the next two chapters look closely at the more advanced techniques and the mathematical algorithms involved. Part 3 covers evolutionary processes and shows how bioinformatics can be used to help build phylogenetic trees. Part 4 looks at the characteristics of whole genomes. In Parts 5 and 6 the focus turns to secondary and tertiary structure – predicting structural conformation and analysing structure-function relationships. The last part surveys methods of analyzing data from a set of genes or proteins of an organism and is rounded off with an overview of systems biology.The writing style of Understanding Bioinformatics is notable for its clarity, while the extensive, full-color artwork has been designed to present the key concepts with simplicity and consistency. Each chapter uses mind-maps and flow diagrams to give an overview of the conceptual links within each topic.
Understanding Biological Emergencies: From Bioterrorism to Pandemics
by Paula Stamps DustonThis book investigates the links between the main sources of biological emergencies and presents a comprehensive policy framework that seeks to achieve the ultimate goal of biological security.The work offers a new interdisciplinary approach to analyse the linkages between the three main sources of biological emergencies: intentional attacks, natural zoonotic transmission, and lab accidents. In doing so, the text describes the history of using nature to create a weapon, focusing on dispersal methods. The most important Select Agents for monitoring are described, with a special focus on anthrax and smallpox. The case studies presented include the use of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) in Iraq and the 2001 anthrax attack in the US. The policies that created the emergency preparedness system are analysed, and the current system is described in terms of their effectiveness in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. The book concludes with some ideas and specific suggestions for moving from response to risk reduction and prevention.This book will be of much interest to students of biosecurity studies, public health, public policy, political science and international relations, and to professionals working in the fields of public health, public safety, medicine, nursing, and first responders as well as military personnel.
Understanding Biology
by Kenneth Mason Tod Duncan George Johnson Jonathan Losos Susan SingerA concise and engaging biology text for biology majors, Understanding Biology partnered with Connect emphasizes fundamentals concepts to help students better understand biology and focus on developing scientific skills. <p><p> Condensed chapters are centered on a learning path that serves to connect concepts within a chapter. The learning path begins with learning outcomes, which help students understand the core skills and concepts they should develop. Inquiry and Analysis cases help students build scientific skills, while scaffold end of chapter assessment ensures they not only grasp core concepts, but can also critically analyze and apply what they've learned. "Connecting the Concepts," a synthesis feature that ends every part, helps students understand the connections between biological concepts, thus helping them "see" the big picture.
Understanding Body Shapes of Animals: Shapes as mechanical constructions and Systems moving on minimal energy level
by Holger PreuschoftThis book discusses how and why animals evolved into particular shapes. The book identifies the physical laws which decide over the evolutionary (selective) value of body shape and morphological characters. Comparing the mechanical necessities with morphological details, the author attempts to understand how evolution works, and which sorts of limitations are set by selection.The book explains morphological traits in more biomechanical detail without getting lost in physics, or in methods. Most emphasis is placed on the proximate question, namely the identification of the mechanical stresses which must be sustained by the respective body parts, when they move the body or its parts against resistance.In the first part of the book the focus is on ‘primitive’ animals and later on the emphasis shifts to highly specialized mammals. Readers will learn more about living and fossil animals.A section of the book is dedicated to human evolution but not to produce another evolutionary tree, nor to refine a former one, but to contribute to answering the question: “WHY early humans have developed their particular body shape".
Understanding Bose-Einstein Condensation, Superfluidity, and High-Temperature Superconductivity
by Phil AttardBose-Einstein condensation, superfluidity, and superconductivity are quantum mechanics made visible. They mark the boundary between the classical and the quantum worlds, and they show the macroscopic role of quantum mechanics in condensed matter.This book presents these phenomena in terms of particles, their positions, and their momenta, giving a concrete visualisation and description that is not possible with traditional wave functions. A single approach that bridges the classical-quantum divide provides new insight into the role of particle interactions in condensation, the nature of collisions in superfluid flow, and the physical form of Cooper pairs in high-temperature superconductors.High-temperature superconductivity is explored with quantum statistical mechanics, which links it to Bose-Einstein condensation. Identifying a new mechanism for Cooper pairing, this explains the differences between the low- and high-temperature superconducting regimes and the role of the molecular structure of the conductor.The new perspective offered by this book on Bose-Einstein condensation, superfluidity, and high-temperature superconductivity gives particle-based explanations as well as mathematical and computational methods for these macroscopic quantum phenomena so that readers understand the role of particle interactions and structure in the physics of these phenomena.This book will appeal to undergraduate and graduate students, lecturers, academics, and scientific researchers in the fields of Bose-Einstein condensation and condensates, superfluidity, and superconductivity. It will also be of interest to those working with thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, statistical physics, quantum mechanics, molecular dynamics, materials science, condensed matter physics, and theoretical chemistry.Key Features:· Explores Bose-Einstein condensation with new evidence for multiple condensed states and novel Monte Carlo simulations for interacting bosons· Establishes the thermodynamic nature of condensed bosons from an analysis of fountain pressure measurements, including that they carry energy and entropy, and the thermodynamic principle of superfluid flow· Derives equations of motion for condensed bosons, and performs molecular dynamics simulations of the viscosity with molecular trajectories that give rise to superfluidity· Identifies the mechanism for electron pairing in high-temperature superconductivity
Understanding Brain Aging and Dementia: A Life Course Approach
by Lawrence WhalleyThe life course method compares an individual's long-life and late-life behaviors to gauge one's mental decay. Arguing the life course approach is the best and simplest model for tracking mental development, Lawrence J. Whalley unlocks the mysteries of brain functionality, illuminating the processes that affect the brain during aging, the causes behind these changes, and effective coping strategies. Whalley identifies the genetic factors that determine the pace of aging and the behaviors, starting in childhood, that influence how we age. Through vignettes, charts, and tables, he composes an accessible book for patients, family members, and caretakers struggling to make sense of a complex experience.
Understanding Cancer (Understanding Life)
by Robin Hesketh1 in 2 of us will develop cancer at some point in our lives and yet many of us don't understand how cancers arise. How many different kinds of cancer are there? What treatments are available? What does the future hold in terms of developing new therapies? This book demystifies cancer by explaining the underlying cell and molecular biology in a clear and accessible style. It answers the questions commonly asked about cancer such as what causes cancer and how cancer develops. It explains how DNA makes proteins and how mutations can corrupt those proteins. It also gives an overview of current therapies and how treatments may advance over the next decades, as well as explaining what actions we can take to help prevent cancer developing. Understanding Cancer is an accessible and engaging introduction to cancer biology for any interested reader.
Understanding Cancer: An Introduction to the Biology, Medicine, and Societal Implications of this Disease
by Richard Mcintosh/Mcd BiologyUnderstanding Cancer is a brand-new undergraduate textbook that uses simple language and well-chosen examples to explain the biological processes that underlie cancer and inform our methods for the diagnosis and treatment of this disease. The book has been carefully designed to provide key information relevant for students seeking a broad and accessible introduction to the cancer problem, even if they have no prior training in biology or chemistry.
Understanding Cancer Therapies
by Prakash Srinivasan Timiri ShanmugamThis book is an introduction to cancer treatment, the basics of radio- and chemotherapy, drug actions, the eradication of cancer cells, and the origins and persistence of pharmacological and toxicological effects of drugs. It further provides ideas for research based on knowledge of cancer metastasis, invasive and molecular pathways, and diagnosis and treatment. Many of the adaptive features of cancer biology, clinical features, pathology and treatment are reviewed. In addition to introducing the major themes and theories, the book also advances the current discussion by moving beyond explanations for clinical implementation. Key Selling Features: Reviews basic cancer treatments Summarizes chemotherapies Discusses radiotherapies Examines pharmacological and toxicological approaches to treatment Introduces oncological drug development
Understanding Chemistry through Cars
by null Geoffrey M. Bowers null Ruth A. BowersAs the car anticipates its dance around the racetrack, the engine growls and pops, and all senses become immersed in the smell of exhaust vapors and the sounds of raw speed and excitement. As it turns out, these also are the sights, sounds, and smells of chemistry! The car is a great example of an everyday device with an abundance of chemistry hidi
Understanding Civil-Military Interaction: Lessons Learned from the Norwegian Model (Military Strategy and Operational Art)
by Gunhild Hoogensen GjørvA novel examination of civil-military interaction in particular between militaries and humanitarian actors, in light of the so-called 'Norwegian model' that espouses a clear divide between political and humanitarian (or military and civilian - the model is in fact unclear) actors, while maintaining a tight coordination between them. The Norwegian government has significantly reduced their own military's capacity in the field of civil-military interaction, raising the question as to whether knowledge and skills in this field are necessary. Using a multi-actor security framework, this book examines whether or not the Norwegian government is correct in its assumptions (about both the model and civil-military knowledge amongst military personnel) and concludes that the Norwegian model is a well-meaning but inefficient and problematic model in reality. Although the case study focuses on Norway, the lessons learned are relevant to all nations engaged in civil-military operations.
Understanding Climate (Discover Meteorology)
by Megan Cooley PetersonSome climates are dry and some are wet. Some are cold and some are warm. But those words can describe weather too. Learn the difference between weather and climate. Find out how landforms and location can influence weather patterns.
Understanding Climate's Influence on Human Evolution
by National Research Council of the National AcademiesThe hominin fossil record documents a history of critical evolutionary events that have ultimately shaped and defined what it means to be human, including the origins of bipedalism; the emergence of our genus Homo; the first use of stone tools; increases in brain size; and the emergence of Homo sapiens, tools, and culture. The Earth's geological record suggests that some evolutionary events were coincident with substantial changes in African and Eurasian climate, raising the possibility that critical junctures in human evolution and behavioral development may have been affected by the environmental characteristics of the areas where hominins evolved. Understanding Climate's Change on Human Evolution explores the opportunities of using scientific research to improve our understanding of how climate may have helped shape our species. Improved climate records for specific regions will be required before it is possible to evaluate how critical resources for hominins, especially water and vegetation, would have been distributed on the landscape during key intervals of hominin history. Existing records contain substantial temporal gaps. The book's initiatives are presented in two major research themes: first, determining the impacts of climate change and climate variability on human evolution and dispersal; and second, integrating climate modeling, environmental records, and biotic responses. Understanding Climate's Change on Human Evolution suggests a new scientific program for international climate and human evolution studies that involve an exploration initiative to locate new fossil sites and to broaden the geographic and temporal sampling of the fossil and archeological record; a comprehensive and integrative scientific drilling program in lakes, lake bed outcrops, and ocean basins surrounding the regions where hominins evolved and a major investment in climate modeling experiments for key time intervals and regions that are critical to understanding human evolution.
Understanding Cloning
by Editors of Scientific AmericanDrawn from the pages of Scientific American and collected here for the first time, this work contains updated and condensed information, made accessible to a general popular science audience, on the subject of cloning.
Understanding Commanders' Information Needs for Influence Operations
by Forrest E. Morgan Richard E. Darilek Brian Nichiporuk Dalia Dassa Kaye Eric V. LarsonDocuments a study whose goals were to develop an understanding of commanders' information requirements for cultural and other "soft" factors in order to improve the effectiveness of combined arms operations, and to develop practical ways for commanders to integrate information and influence operations activities into combined arms planning/assessment in order to increase the usefulness to ground commanders of such operations.
Understanding Communications Networks – for Emerging Cybernetics Applications
by Kaveh PahlavanInformation networking has emerged as a multidisciplinary diversified area of research over the past few decades. From traditional wired telephony to cellular voice telephony and from wired access to wireless access to the Internet, information networks have profoundly impacted our lifestyles as they have undergone enormous growth. To understand this technology, students need to learn several disciplines and develop an intuitive feeling of how they interact with one another. To achieve this goal, the book describes important networking standards, classifying their underlying technologies in a logical manner and gives detailed examples of successful applications.The emergence of wireless access and dominance of the Ethernet in LAN technologies has shifted the innovations in networking towards the physical layer and characteristics of the medium. This book pays attention to the physical layer while we provide fundamentals of information networking technologies which are used in wired and wireless networks designed for local and wide area operations. The book provides a comprehensive treatment of the wired IEEE802.3 Ethernet, and Internet as well as ITU cellular 2G-6G wireless networks, IEEE 802.11 for Wi-Fi, and IEEE 802.15 for Bluetooth, ZigBee and ultra-wideband (UWB) technologies. The novelty of the book is that it places emphasis on physical communications issues related to formation and transmission of packets and characteristics of the medium for transmission in variety of networks.Material presented in the book will be beneficial for students of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Robotics Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, or other disciplines who are interested in integration of navigation into their multi-disciplinary projects. The book provides examples with supporting MATLAB codes and hands-on projects throughout to improve the ability of the readers to understand and implement variety of algorithms.
Understanding Communications Systems Principles—A Tutorial Approach
by Héctor J. SantosWireless communications and sensing systems are nowadays ubiquitous; cell phones and automotive radars typifying two of the most familiar examples. This book introduces the field by addressing its fundamental principles, proceeding from its very beginnings, up to today's emerging technologies related to the fifth-generation wireless systems (5G), Multi-Input Multiple Output (MIMO) connectivity, and Aerospace/Electronic Warfare Radar. The tone is tutorial. Problems are included at the end of each chapter to facilitate the understanding and assimilation of the material to electrical engineering undergraduate/graduate students and beginning and non-specialist professionals. Free temporary access to Keysight's SystemVue system simulation is provided to further enhance reader learning through hands-on tutorial exercises.Chapter 1 introduces wireless communications and sensing and in particular how curiosity-driven scientific research led to the foundation of the field. Chapter 2 presents a brief introduction to the building blocks that make up wireless systems. Chapter 3 focuses on developing an understanding of the performance parameters that characterize a wireless system. Chapter 4 deals with circuit topologies for modulation and detection. In chapter 5 we cover the fundamental transmitter and receiver systems architectures that enable the transmission of information at precise frequencies and their reception from among a rather large multitude of other signals present in space. Chapter 6 introduces 5G, its motivation, and its development and adoption challenges for providing unprecedented levels of highest speed wireless connectivity. Chapter 7 takes on the topic of MIMO, its justification and its various architectures. Chapter 8 addresses the topic of aerospace/electronic warfare radar and finally Chapter 9 presents three Tutorials utilizing the SystemVue simulation tool.
Understanding Conflicts about Wildlife: A Biosocial Approach (Studies of the Biosocial Society #9)
by Catherine M. Hill Amanda D. Webber Nancy E. C. PristonConflicts about wildlife are usually portrayed and understood as resulting from the negative impacts of wildlife on human livelihoods or property. However, a greater depth of analysis reveals that many instances of human-wildlife conflict are often better understood as people-people conflict, wherein there is a clash of values between different human groups. Understanding Conflicts About Wildlife unites academics and practitioners from across the globe to develop a holistic view of these interactions. It considers the political and social dimensions of 'human-wildlife conflicts' alongside effective methodological approaches, and will be of value to academics, conservationists and policy makers.
Understanding Coronavirus (Understanding Life)
by Raul RabadanSince the identification of the first cases of the coronavirus in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, there has been a significant amount of confusion regarding the origin and spread of the so-called 'coronavirus', officially named SARS-CoV-2, and the cause of the disease COVID-19. Conflicting messages from the media and officials across different countries and organizations, the abundance of disparate sources of information, unfounded conspiracy theories on the origins of the newly emerging virus and the inconsistent public health measures across different countries, have all served to increase the level of anxiety in the population. Where did the virus come from? How is it transmitted? How does it cause disease? Is it like flu? What is a pandemic? What can we do to stop its spread? Written by a leading expert, this concise and accessible introduction provides answers to the most common questions surrounding coronavirus for a general audience.
Understanding Coronaviruses: SARS, MERS, and the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Connie GoldsmithWhile many scientists believed influenza would cause the next great pandemic, no one was prepared for the new strain of coronavirus that appeared in 2019. SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, has infiltrated every country and put global public health and the economy at risk. Health-care systems have been pushed to the limit as protective gear, life-saving equipment, tests, and vaccines are scarce and in high demand. From the initial infection to the widespread impact on daily life, Understanding Coronaviruses examines the intricacies of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 and how they compare to previous viruses and pandemics.