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Showing 78,301 through 78,325 of 82,282 results

Unexpected Swimmers (Learn About)

by Claire Caprioli

Let's learn all about animals that can do some unexpected things!Can you believe that sloths can swim? What about elephants? With amazing photos and lively text, this book explores five different creatures that, unexpectedly, can swim! Get ready to learn why and how these surprising animals splash around!ABOUT THE SERIES:The natural world is filled with animals doing unexpected things! It is hard to believe, but orcas can talk, sloths can swim, some snakes can fly, and octopuses love to play. Each book in this vibrant new nonfiction series explores the unusual abilities of five different animals, along with their habitat, diet, and behavior. Packed with photographs and fun facts, readers will learn all about these talented creatures that can fly, play, swim, and talk!

Unexpected Talkers (Learn About)

by Jay Leslie

Let's learn all about animals that can do some unexpected things!Can you believe some cats can talk? What about dogs? With amazing photos and lively text, this book explores five different creatures that, unexpectedly, can talk! Get ready to learn why and how these surprising animals chat away!ABOUT THE SERIES: The natural world is filled with animals doing unexpected things! It is hard to believe, but orcas can talk, sloths can swim, some snakes can fly, and octopuses love to play. Each book in this vibrant new nonfiction series explores the unusual abilities of five different animals, along with their habitat, diet, and behavior. Packed with photographs and fun facts, readers will learn all about these talented creatures that can fly, play, swim, and talk!

The Unexpected Universe

by Loren C. Eiseley

Drawing from his long experience as a naturalist, the author responds to the unexpected and symbolic aspects of a wide spectrum of phenomena throughout the universe. Scrupulous scholarship and magical prose are brought to bear on such diverse topics as seeds, the hieroglyphs on shells, lost tombs, the goddess Circe, city dumps, and Neanderthal man.

The Unexpected Universe: A Library of America eBook Classic

by Loren Eiseley William Cronon

At the height of a distinguished career as a paleontologist, Loren Eiseley turned from fieldwork and scientific publication to the personal essay. Here, in The Unexpected Universe, he displays his far-reaching knowledge and searching curiosity about the natural world, and the qualities that led many to hail him as a "modern Thoreau." Fascinating accounts of the journeys of Odysseus, Captain Cook, and Charles Darwin frame Eiseley's more modest wanderings as a suburban naturalist, attentive to the lives of small creatures. Sometimes he travels no further than the local dump: and yet, like Homer's hero or these great explorers, he continually finds a universe "not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose."

Unexplained: Based on the 'world's spookiest podcast'

by Richard MacLean Smith

'A grisly treat' Financial Times on the podcast Based on the 'world's spookiest podcast' of the same name comes Unexplained: a book of ten real-life mysteries which might be best left unexplained. . . ******************************* What can a case of demonic possession in 1970's Germany teach us about free will?What might we learn about how we construct reality from the case of a poltergeist in the Fens?And what can a supposed instance of reincarnation in Middlesbrough tell us about how we develop a concept of the self? Taking incidents once thought of as supernatural or paranormal and questioning whether radical ideas in science might provide a new but equally extraordinary explanation, Unexplained asks what real-life unexplained events can reveal of our unique human experience. 'These mysteries are all the creepier for being true' Tatler

Unexplained: Based on the 'world's spookiest podcast'

by Richard MacLean Smith

Editor's Choice in The BooksellerBased on the 'world's spookiest podcast' of the same name comes Unexplained: a book of ten real-life mysteries which might be best left unexplained. . . Demonic possession in 1970's Germany.UFOs in Rendlesham forest.Reincarnation in Middlesbrough.Richard Maclean Smith delves into these mysteries and many more, with a supporting cast bringing to life the unexplained occurrences in this special immersive audio edition. Based on one of the most successful paranormal podcasts ever, with over 10 million streams and downloads to date, Unexplained consists of ten chapters focussing on a different paranormal event, from Australia to Germany, the UK to Zimbabwe, using the stories as gateways to a journey beyond the veil of the uncanny, exploring what they reveal of the human experience.This special immersive audio edition is narrated by Richard MacLean Smith and features full cast recreations of the unexplained events. Taking ideas once thought of as supernatural or paranormal and questioning whether radical ideas in science might provide a new but equally extraordinary explanation, Unexplained is The Examined Life meets The X Files.'A grisly treat' Financial Times on the podcast(P)2018 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

Unexplained Deaths: How one woman changed homicide investigation forever

by Bruce Goldfarb

For most of human history, sudden and unexpected deaths of a suspicious nature, when they were investigated at all, were examined by lay persons without any formal training. People often got away with murder. Modern forensic investigation originates with Frances Glessner Lee - a pivotal figure in police science.'Disturbing dioramas created by an American millionairess revolutionised the art of modern forensics.' DAILY TELEGRAPH Frances Glessner Lee (1878-1962), born a socialite to a wealthy and influential Chicago family, was never meant to have a career, let alone one steeped in death and depravity. Yet she became the mother of modern forensics and was instrumental in elevating homicide investigation to a scientific discipline.Frances Glessner Lee learned forensic science under the tutelage of pioneering medical examiner Magrath - he told her about his cases, gave her access to the autopsy room to observe post-mortems and taught her about poisons and patterns of injury. A voracious reader too, Lee acquired and read books on criminology and forensic science - eventually establishing the largest library of legal medicine. Lee went on to create The Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death - a series of dollhouse-sized crime scene dioramas depicting the facts of actual cases in exquisitely detailed miniature - and perhaps the thing she is most famous for. Celebrated by artists, miniaturists and scientists, the Nutshell Studies are a singularly unusual collection. They were first used as a teaching tool in homicide seminars at Harvard Medical School in the 1930s, and then in 1945 the homicide seminar for police detectives that is the longest-running and still the highest-regarded training of its kind in America. Both of which were established by the pioneering Lee.In Unexplained Deaths, Bruce Goldfarb weaves Lee's remarkable story with the advances in forensics made in her lifetime to tell the tale of the birth of modern forensics.This audiobook was originally published in 2020 under the title 18 Tiny Deaths. (p) 2020 Octopus Publishing Group

Unfälle durch Blitzschlag: Medizinische Aspekte

by Fred Zack

Das Buch stellt die relevanten medizinischen Aspekte bei einem Unfall durch Blitzschlag praxisnah und mit Fallbeispielen belegt dar: Arten der Energieübertragung, meteorologische und elektrotechnische Grundlagen, notfallmedizinische Erstversorgung sowie Überblick über die häufigsten, in der internationalen Literatur beschriebenen Folgeerkrankungen und deren Behandlung. Weitere Themen sind die Besonderheiten der ärztlichen Leichenschau bei Tod durch Blitzschlag, pathophysiologische Aspekte der Todesursache sowie Wissenswertes zur Epidemiologie. Es wendet sich an Ärzte und Ärztinnen aller Fachdisziplinen, die in die Akutversorgung oder Nachsorge von Personen nach Unfällen durch Blitzschlag eingebunden sind, z.B. aus der Notfallmedizin, Rechtsmedizin, Intensivmedizin und Allgemeinmedizin.

Unfälle durch Blitzschlag: Medizinische Aspekte

by Fred Zack

Das Buch stellt die relevanten medizinischen Aspekte bei einem Unfall durch Blitzschlag praxisnah und mit Fallbeispielen belegt dar: Arten der Energieübertragung, meteorologische und elektrotechnische Grundlagen, notfallmedizinische Erstversorgung sowie Überblick über die häufigsten, in der internationalen Literatur beschriebenen Folgeerkrankungen und deren Behandlung. Weitere Themen sind die Besonderheiten der ärztlichen Leichenschau bei Tod durch Blitzschlag, pathophysiologische Aspekte der Todesursache sowie Wissenswertes zur Epidemiologie. Es wendet sich an Ärzte und Ärztinnen aller Fachdisziplinen, die in die Akutversorgung oder Nachsorge von Personen nach Unfällen durch Blitzschlag eingebunden sind, z.B. aus der Notfallmedizin, Rechtsmedizin, Intensivmedizin und Allgemeinmedizin. Die 2. Auflage erscheint überarbeitet und aktualisiert.

The Unfinished Game: Pascal, Fermat, and the Seventeenth-Century Letter that Made the World Modern

by Keith Devlin

In the early seventeenth century, the outcome of something as simple as a dice roll was consigned to the realm of unknowable chance. Mathematicians largely agreed that it was impossible to predict the probability of an occurrence. Then, in 1654, Blaise Pascal wrote to Pierre de Fermat explaining that he had discovered how to calculate risk. The two collaborated to develop what is now known as probability theory?a concept that allows us to think rationally about decisions and events. In "The Unfinished Game," Keith Devlin masterfully chronicles Pascal and FermatOCOs mathematical breakthrough, connecting a centuries-old discovery with its remarkable impact on the modern world.

The Unfinished Mechanics of Giuseppe Moletti

by W. R. Laird

Mechanics has long been recognized as the pivotal science in the decline of Aristotelian natural philosophy and the rise of the new, mathematical physics of the Scientific Revolution. Less well known, however, is the earlier transformation of mechanics from a practical art into a theoretical and mathematical science. This transformation was occasioned by the recovery of the pseudo-Aristotelian Mechanical Problems and its assimilation in the course of the sixteenth century to the Aristotelian model of the subalternate or middle sciences, which deal with natural subject matter but draw their principles from geometry or arithmetic.In his Dialogue on Mechanics, Giuseppe Moletti made the most explicit and thoroughgoing attempt to determine the geometrical principles of Aristotelian mechanics, to establish its Euclidean foundations, and so to realize in fact the subalternation of mechanics to geometry. Having done this in the First Day, he then set out in the Second to extend mechanics generally to explain all motions through the analysis of their forces and resistances. In the process he anticipated Galileo in asserting that all heavy bodies, whatever their weights, fall with equal speeds, and he realized that the same resistance that makes a body hard to move also makes it hard to stop - which is almost the law of inertia.Written in dialogue form in Italian (rather than in Latin) for a courtly and practical audience, the Dialogue was left unfinished when Moletti quit the Gonzaga court at Mantua to take up the mathematics chair at the University of Padua. Never before published except for brief extracts, the full Italian text is edited from the manuscripts and printed here for the first time, together with a facing-page English translation. The extensive notes that accompany the text cite and quote from a number of Moletti's other, mostly unpublished, works and his numerous sources. In his introduction, W.R. Laird sets the Dialogue within the historical background of medieval and Renaissance mechanics, sketches the life and works of Moletti, and analyses the arguments and the geometrical theorems of the Dialogue.The Unfinished Mechanics of Giuseppe Moletti offers an unprecedented look at the transformation of Aristotelian mechanics into a mathematical science in the generation before Galileo.

Unfinished Nature: Particle Physics at CERN

by Arpita Roy

The discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012, the culmination of a decades-long search, is one of the singular triumphs of particle physics. Advanced experiments at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN (the Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire) near Geneva detected the long-hypothesized particle, resulting in the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics. Drawing on two and a half years of in-depth fieldwork spent among CERN’s research community during this critical period, Arpita Roy offers a rich analysis of science in the making.To what extent are scientific discoveries a matter of empirical findings? How do scientists at the farthest reach of abstraction understand their work? Unfinished Nature delves deep into this particle physics laboratory to distinguish the modes of reasoning that animate scientific discoveries and innovations. Demonstrating a deep knowledge of both contemporary physics and the methods of qualitative social science, Roy considers what scientists have to say about their commitments and concerns, the sources and vision guiding their experiments, and the questions they ask of themselves and others. In so doing, she argues that finding new facts in experimental physics turns on conceptual leaps, not necessarily empirical results. A sophisticated interdisciplinary ethnography of a scientific community, Unfinished Nature offers provocative insights into the nature and production of scientific knowledge.

The Unfolded Protein Response: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2378)

by Roberto Pérez-Torrado

This volume is divided in six section covering the most experimental approaches involved in the study of the unfolded protein response (UPR) pathway. Chapters detail determination of unfolded protein levels, methods to study UPR signal transmission, analysing the outcomes of the UPR pathway activation, UPR studies in mammalian models, UPR in alternative models, and UPR and disease. Written in the format of the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, each chapter includes an introduction to the topic, lists necessary materials and reagents, includes tips on troubleshooting and known pitfalls, and step-by-step, readily reproducible protocols. Authoritative and cutting-edge, The Unfolded Protein Response: Methods and Protocols aims to describe key methods and approaches used in the study of the UPR pathway and its complex cellular implications.Chapter 6 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

Unfolding the Future of the Long War: Motivations, Prospects, and Implications for the U. S. Army

by Brian Nichiporuk Dale Stahl Christopher G. Pernin Justin Beck Ricky Radaelli-Sanchez

The United States is currently engaged in a military effort that has been characterized as the "long war." This study explores the concept of long war and identifies ways in which it might unfold as well as the implications for the Army and the U.S. military more generally. This report uses the generation of either "trajectories" or alternative paths in which the long war might unfold to explore the implications for the U.S. military.

The Unforgotten Sisters

by Gabriella Bernardi

Takinginspiration from Siv Cedering's poem in the form of a fictional letter fromCaroline Herschel that refers to "my long, lost sisters, forgotten in the booksthat record our science", this book tells the lives of twenty-five femalescientists, with specific attention to astronomers and mathematicians. Each ofthe presented biographies is organized as a kind of "personal file"which sets the biographee's life in its historical context, documents her mainworks, highlights some curious facts, and records citations about her. Theselected figures are among the most representative of this neglected world,including such luminaries as Hypatia of Alexandra, Hildegard of Bingen,Elisabetha Hevelius, and Maria Gaetana Agnesi. They span a period of about 4000years, from En HeduAnna, the Akkadian princess, who was one of the firstrecognized female astronomers, to the dawn of the era of modern astronomy withCaroline Herschel and Mary Somerville. The book will be of interest to allwho wish to learn more about the women from antiquity to the nineteenth centurywho played such key roles in the history of astronomy and science despiteliving and working in largely male-dominated worlds.

Unfreezing the Arctic: Science, Colonialism, and the Transformation of Inuit Lands

by Andrew Stuhl

In recent years, journalists and environmentalists have pointed urgently to the melting Arctic as a leading indicator of the growing effects of climate change. While climate change has unleashed profound transformations in the region, most commentators distort these changes by calling them unprecedented. In reality, the landscapes of the North American Arctic--as well as relations among scientists, Inuit, and federal governments-- are products of the region's colonial past. And even as policy analysts, activists, and scholars alike clamor about the future of our world's northern rim, too few truly understand its history. In Unfreezing the Arctic, Andrew Stuhl brings a fresh perspective to this defining challenge of our time. With a compelling narrative voice, Stuhl weaves together a wealth of distinct episodes into a transnational history of the North American Arctic, proving that a richer understanding of its social and environmental transformation can come only from studying the region's past. Drawing on historical records and extensive ethnographic fieldwork, as well as time spent living in the Northwest Territories, he closely examines the long-running interplay of scientific exploration, colonial control, the testimony and experiences of Inuit residents, and multinational investments in natural resources. A rich and timely portrait, Unfreezing the Arctic offers a comprehensive look at scientific activity across the long twentieth century. It will be welcomed by anyone interested in political, economic, environmental, and social histories of transboundary regions the world over. The author intends to donate all royalties from this book to the Alaska Youth for Environmental Action (AYEA) and East Three School's On the Land Program.

Ungulate Management in Europe

by Marco Apollonio Rory Putman Reidar Andersen

This book considers a number of problems posed by ungulates and their management in Europe. Through a synthesis of the underlying biology and a comparison of the management techniques adopted in different countries, the book explores which management approaches seem effective - and in which circumstances. Experts in a number of different areas of applied wildlife biology review various management problems and alternative solutions, including the impact of large ungulates on agriculture, forestry and conservation habitats, the impact of disease and predation on ungulate populations and the involvement of ungulates in road traffic accidents and possible measures for mitigation. This book is directed at practising wildlife managers, those involved in research to improve methods of wildlife management, and policy-makers in local, regional and national administrations.

Ungulate Taxonomy

by Colin Groves Peter Grubb

A group of special interest to mammalogists, taxonomists, and systemicists, ungulates have proven difficult to classify. This comprehensive review of the taxonomic relationships of artiodactyls and perissodactyls brings forth new evidence in order to propose a theory of ungulate taxonomy.With this straightforward volume, Colin Groves and the late Peter Grubb cut through previous assumptions to define ungulate genera, species, and subspecies. The species-by-species accounts incorporate new molecular, cytogenetic, and morphological data, as well as the authors’ own observations and measurements. The authors include references and supporting arguments for new classifications.A starting point for further research, this book is sure to be discussed and hotly debated in the mammalogical community. A well-reasoned synthesis, Ungulate Taxonomy will be a defining volume for years to come.

The Unhappening of Genesis Lee

by Shallee Mcarthur

What would it feel like to never forget? Or to have a memory stolen?Seventeen-year-old Genesis Lee has never forgotten anything. As one of the Mementi-a small group of genetically enhanced humans-Gena remembers everything with the help of her Link bracelets, which preserve them perfectly. But Links can be stolen, and six people have already lost their lives to a memory thief, including Gena's best friend.Anyone could be next. That's why Gena is less than pleased to meet a strange but charming boy named Kalan who claims not only that they have met before, but also that Gena knows who the thief is.The problem is that Gena doesn't remember Kalan, she doesn't remember seeing the thief, and she doesn't know why she's forgetting things-or how much else she might forget. As growing tensions between Mementi and ordinary humans drive the city of Havendale into chaos, Gena and Kalan team up to search for the thief. And as Gena loses more memories, they realize they have to solve the mystery fast...because Gena's life is unhappening around her.

Uniaxial Pressure Study of Charge Density Waves in a High-T꜀ Cuprate Superconductor (Springer Theses)

by Hun-ho Kim

This book presents comprehensive studies of charge density waves (CDW) in a high-Tc cuprate superconductor using x-ray scattering techniques under uniaxial pressure. Specifically, the work addresses inelastic x-ray scattering studies under uniaxial pressure performed on the underdoped cuprate YBa2Cu3O6.67(p=0.12, Tc=65K) with incoming photon energy in the resonant (E=931.3 eV, Cu-L3 edge) and non-resonant conditions (E=17.794 keV). This is a completely new approach to the investigation of charge density waves. It revealed new features of charge density waves in cuprates, whose properties had previously been inaccessible..

Uniaxial Stress Technique and Investigations of Correlated Electron Systems (Springer Theses)

by Mark Edward Barber

This book reports on the development and application of a new uniaxial pressure apparatus that is currently generating considerable interest in the field of materials physics. The author provides practical guidelines for performing such experiments, backed up by finite element simulations. Subsequently, the book reports on two uses of the device. In the first, high pressures are used to tune to a Van Hove singularity in Sr2RuO4, while the effects on the unconventional superconductivity and the normal state properties are investigated. In the second experiment, precise and continuous strain control is used to probe symmetry breaking and novel phase formation in the vicinity of a quantum critical point in Sr3Ru2O7.

Unicornios (Seres míticos)

by Cari Meister

¡Escucha! ¿Oyes un ruido de cascos por el suelo del bosque? Un destello blanco sale de entre los árboles. Un cuerno largo brilla como una corona sobre la cabeza de este animal. ¡Es un unicornio! ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado qué poderes mágicos tiene el cuerno del unicornio? ¿Dónde viven los unicornios? ¿Qué comen? ¡Aquí encontrarás todas las respuestas! Con ilustraciones llamativas y un texto claro, vivirás una gran aventura y aprenderás todo sobre los unicornios.

A Unified Grand Tour of Theoretical Physics

by Ian D. Lawrie

A Unified Grand Tour of Theoretical Physics invites its readers to a guided exploration of the theoretical ideas that shape our contemporary understanding of the physical world at the fundamental level. Its central themes, comprising space-time geometry and the general relativistic account of gravity, quantum field theory and the gauge theories of

The Unified Neutral Theory of Biodiversity and Biogeography (Monographs in Population Biology #32)

by Stephen P. Hubbell

Despite its supreme importance and the threat of its global crash, biodiversity remains poorly understood both empirically and theoretically. This ambitious book presents a new, general neutral theory to explain the origin, maintenance, and loss of biodiversity in a biogeographic context. Until now biogeography (the study of the geographic distribution of species) and biodiversity (the study of species richness and relative species abundance) have had largely disjunct intellectual histories. In this book, Stephen Hubbell develops a formal mathematical theory that unifies these two fields. When a speciation process is incorporated into Robert H. MacArthur and Edward O. Wilson's now classical theory of island biogeography, the generalized theory predicts the existence of a universal, dimensionless biodiversity number. In the theory, this fundamental biodiversity number, together with the migration or dispersal rate, completely determines the steady-state distribution of species richness and relative species abundance on local to large geographic spatial scales and short-term to evolutionary time scales. Although neutral, Hubbell's theory is nevertheless able to generate many nonobvious, testable, and remarkably accurate quantitative predictions about biodiversity and biogeography. In many ways Hubbell's theory is the ecological analog to the neutral theory of genetic drift in genetics. The unified neutral theory of biogeography and biodiversity should stimulate research in new theoretical and empirical directions by ecologists, evolutionary biologists, and biogeographers.

Unified Vision for a Sustainable Future: A Multidisciplinary Approach Towards the Sustainable Development Goals

by Mir Sayed Shah Danish

Unified Vision for a Sustainable Future: A Multidisciplinary Approach Towards the Sustainable Development Goals focuses on energy and the environment, highlighting interdisciplinary research, innovative strategies, and global initiatives presented at the International Conference on Collaborative Endeavors for Global Sustainability (CEGS 2024). The book explores the various pillars of sustainability – environmental, social, institutional, technical, and economic – and provides readers with case studies, practical solutions, and models for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The book further examines the implications of these initiatives, analyzing their potential for long-lasting, sustainable impact.This book will appeal to a broad readership. Academics, researchers, policymakers, sustainability advocates, and anyone interested in global sustainability will find the book insightful.

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