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Unified Vision for a Sustainable Future: A Multidisciplinary Approach Towards the Sustainable Development Goals
by Mir Sayed Shah DanishUnified Vision for a Sustainable Future: A Multidisciplinary Approach Towards the Sustainable Development Goals focuses on energy and the environment, highlighting interdisciplinary research, innovative strategies, and global initiatives presented at the International Conference on Collaborative Endeavors for Global Sustainability (CEGS 2024). The book explores the various pillars of sustainability – environmental, social, institutional, technical, and economic – and provides readers with case studies, practical solutions, and models for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The book further examines the implications of these initiatives, analyzing their potential for long-lasting, sustainable impact.This book will appeal to a broad readership. Academics, researchers, policymakers, sustainability advocates, and anyone interested in global sustainability will find the book insightful.
Uniform Central Limit Theorems, Second Edition
by R. M. DudleyThis classic work on empirical processes has been considerably expanded and revised from the original edition. When samples become large, the probability laws of large numbers and central limit theorems are guaranteed to hold uniformly over wide domains. The author, an acknowledged expert, gives a thorough treatment of the subject, including the Fernique-Talagrand majorizing measure theorem for Gaussian processes, an extended treatment of Vapnik-Chervonenkis combinatorics, the Ossiander L2 bracketing central limit theorem, the Giné-Zinn bootstrap central limit theorem in probability, the Bronstein theorem on approximation of convex sets, and the Shor theorem on rates of convergence over lower layers. This new edition contains several proved theorems not included in the first edition, including the Bretagnolle-Massart theorem giving constants in the Komlos-Major-Tusnady rate of convergence for the classical empirical process, Massart's form of the Dvoretzky-Kiefer-Wolfowitz inequality with precise constant, Talagrand's generic chaining approach to boundedness of Gaussian processes, a characterization of uniform Glivenko-Cantelli classes of functions, Giné and Zinn's characterization of uniform Donsker classes (i.e., classing Donsker uniformly over all probability measures P), and the Bousquet-Koltchinskii-Panchenko theorem that the convex hull of a uniform Donsker class is uniform Donsker. The book will be an essential reference for mathematicians working in infinite-dimensional central limit theorems, mathematical statisticians, and computer scientists working in computer learning theory. Problems are included at the end of each chapter so the book can also be used as an advanced text.
Unifying Biology: The Evolutionary Synthesis and Evolutionary Biology
by Vassiliki Betty SmocovitisUnifying Biology offers a historical reconstruction of one of the most important yet elusive episodes in the history of modern science: the evolutionary synthesis of the 1930s and 1940s. For more than seventy years after Darwin proposed his theory of evolution, it was hotly debated by biological scientists. It was not until the 1930s that opposing theories were finally refuted and a unified Darwinian evolutionary theory came to be widely accepted by biologists. Using methods gleaned from a variety of disciplines, Vassiliki Betty Smocovitis argues that the evolutionary synthesis was part of the larger process of unifying the biological sciences. At the same time that scientists were working toward a synthesis between Darwinian selection theory and modern genetics, they were, according to the author, also working together to establish an autonomous community of evolutionists. Smocovitis suggests that the drive to unify the sciences of evolution and biology was part of a global philosophical movement toward unifying knowledge. In developing her argument, she pays close attention to the problems inherent in writing the history of evolutionary science by offering historiographical reflections on the practice of history and the practice of science. Drawing from some of the most exciting recent approaches in science studies and cultural studies, she argues that science is a culture, complete with language, rituals, texts, and practices. Unifying Biology offers not only its own new synthesis of the history of modern evolution, but also a new way of "doing history."
Unifying Geography: Common Heritage, Shared Future
by John A. Matthews David T. HerbertIt can be argued that the differences in content and approach between physical and human geography, and also within its sub-disciplines, are often overemphasised. The result is that geography is often seen as a diverse and dynamic subject, but also as a disorganised and fragmenting one, without a focus.Unifying Geography focuses on the plural and competing versions of unity that characterise the discipline, which give it cohesion and differentiate it from related fields of knowledge. Each of the chapters is co-authored by both a leading physical and a human geographer. Themes identified include those of the traditional core as well as new and developing topics that are based on subject matter, concepts, methodology, theory, techniques and applications.Through its identification of unifying themes, the book will provide students with a meaningful framework through which to understand the nature of the geographical discipline. Unifying Geography will give the discipline renewed strength and direction, thus improving its status both within and outside geography.
Unifying Microbial Mechanisms: Shared Strategies of Pathogenesis
by Michael ColeMicrobial pathogenesis is the study of the mechanisms by which microbes (bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and multicellular parasites) cause infectious disease and make their hosts (humans) ill. Bacterial infections we thought were easily treatable are again a huge cause for concern with the well-publicized rise of antibiotic resistance. There are very few effective antiviral drugs and we live with the threat of epidemics such as bird flu and the outbreaks of viruses such the recent (and ongoing) Ebola crisis. Parasitic diseases such as malaria continue to pose a heavy burden in the developing world and with climate change could spread into the developed world. There is therefore an urgent need to understand microbial mechanisms, with research programs and university courses dedicated to the subject.
Unifying Physics of Accelerators, Lasers and Plasma
by Andrei Seryi Elena SeraiaUnifying Physics of Accelerators, Lasers and Plasma introduces the physics of accelerators, lasers and plasma in tandem with the industrial methodology of inventiveness, a technique that teaches that similar problems and solutions appear again and again in seemingly dissimilar disciplines. This unique approach builds bridges and enhances connections between the three aforementioned areas of physics that are essential for developing the next generation of accelerators. A Breakthrough by Design approach, introduced in the book as an amalgam of TRIZ inventive principles and laws of technical system evolution with the art of back-of-the-envelope estimations, via numerous examples and exercises discussed in the solution manual, will make you destined to invent. Unifying Physics of Accelerators, Lasers and Plasma outlines a path from idea to practical implementation of scientific and technological innovation. This second edition has been updated throughout, with new content on superconducting technology, energy recovery, polarization, various topics of advanced technology, etc., making it relevant for the Electron-Ion Collider project, as well as for advanced lights sources, including Free Electron Lasers with energy recovery. The book is suitable for students at the senior undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as for scientists and engineers interested in enhancing their abilities to work successfully on the development of the next generation of facilities, devices and scientific instruments manufactured from the synergy of accelerators, lasers and plasma. Key Features: Introduces the physics of accelerators, lasers, and plasma in tandem with the industrial methodology of inventiveness. Outlines a path from idea to practical implementation of scientific and technological innovation. Contains more than 380 illustrations and numerous end-of-chapter exercises. Solutions manual is included into the book. The ebook is published in full colour. Boasting more than 380 illustrations, this highly visual text: Employs TRIZ to amalgamate and link different areas of science Avoids heavy mathematics, using back-of-the-envelope calculations to convey key principles Introduces the Innovation by Design approach based an amalgam of TRIZ inventive principles and laws of technical system evolution with the art of back-of-the-envelope estimations – developing and applying this methodology, you will be destined to invent Includes updated materials for all eleven chapters of the first edition, e.g., the FEL invention path analysis, etc. The second edition includes new chapters: Beam Cooling and Final Focusing, Beam Stability and Energy Recovery, Advanced Technologies The new chapters add topics such as superconducting magnets and accelerating cavities, polarized beams, energy recovery – themes relevant for new projects such as Electron-Ion Collider, or Free Electron Laser based on energy recovery for science or industry The second edition also includes a new chapter with illustrations of 40 inventive principles of TRIZ based on the areas of accelerator, laser and plasma technology Every chapter includes invention case studies, often making important connections to adjacent areas of technologies, illustrated by the case of EUV light generation invention for semiconductor lithography, etc. Includes end-of-chapter exercises focusing on physics and on applications of the inventiveness method, on reinventing technical systems and on practicing back-of-the-envelope estimations; and also includes mini-projects, suitable for exercises by teams of students Includes a detailed Guide to solutions of the exercises,
Unifying the Universe: The Physics of Heaven and Earth
by Hasan PadamseeUnifying the Universe: The Physics of Heaven and Earth presents a non-technical approach to physics for the lay-science enthusiast. This popular textbook, which evolved from a conceptual course at Cornell University, is intended for non-science undergraduate students taking their first physics module. This second edition maintains its unique approach in crossing boundaries between physics and humanities, with connections to art, poetry, history, and philosophy. It explores how the process of scientific thought is inextricably linked with cultural, creative, and aesthetic aspects of human endeavor, opening the readers up to new ways of looking at the world. The text has been fully updated throughout to address current and exciting new topics in the field, such as exo-planets, the accelerating Universe, dark matter, dark energy, gravitational waves, super-symmetry, string theory, big bang cosmology, and the Higgs boson. There is also an entirely new chapter on the Quantum World, which connects the fascinating topics of quantum entanglement and quantum computing. Key Features: Provides a solid, yet accessible, background to basic physics without complex mathematics Uses a human interest approach to show how science is significant for more than its technological consequences Discusses the arts and philosophies of historical periods that are pertinent to the subject.
Unifying Themes in Complex Systems IX: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Complex Systems (Springer Proceedings in Complexity)
by Alfredo J. Morales Carlos Gershenson Dan Braha Ali A. Minai Yaneer Bar-YamUnifying Themes in Complex Systems is a well-established series of carefully edited conference proceedings that serve to document and archive the progress made regarding cross-fertilization in this field. The International Conference on Complex Systems (ICCS) creates a unique atmosphere for scientists from all fields, engineers, physicians, executives, and a host of other professionals, allowing them to explore common themes and applications of complex systems science. With this new volume, Unifying Themes in Complex Systems continues to establish common ground between the wide-ranging domains of complex systems science.
Unilateral Neglect: Clinical And Experimental Studies (Brain, Behaviour and Cognition)
by Ian H. Robertson John C. MarshallUnilateral neglect is a fairly common disorder, usually associated with a stroke, which results in a neglect or lack of attention to one side of space usually, but not exclusively, the left. Theoretically, it is one of the most interesting and important areas in neuropsychology; practically, it is one of the greatest therapeutic problems facing therapists and rehabilitationists. This book covers all aspects of the disorder, from an historical survey of research to date, through the nature and anatomical bases of neglect, and on to review contemporary theories on the subject. The final section covers behavioural and physical remediation. A greater understanding of unilateral neglect will have important implications not just for this particular disorder but for the understanding of brain function as a whole.
Unimolecular and Supramolecular Electronics II
by Robert M. MetzgerMolecular Electronic Junction Transport: Some Pathways and Some Ideas, by Gemma C. Solomon, Carmen Herrmann and Mark A. Ratner Unimolecular Electronic Devices, by Robert M. Metzger and Daniell L. Mattern Active and Non-Active Large-Area Metal-Molecules-Metal Junctions, by Barbara Branchi, Felice C. Simeone and Maria A. Rampi Charge Transport in Single Molecular Junctions at the Solid/Liquid Interface, by Chen Li, Artem Mishchenko and Thomas Wandlowski Tunneling Spectroscopy of Organic Monolayers and Single Molecules, by K. W. Hipps Single Molecule Logical Devices, by Nicolas Renaud, Mohamed Hliwa and Christian Joachim
The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming
by David Wallace-WellsIt is worse, much worse, than you think. If your anxiety about global warming is dominated by fears of sea-level rise, you are barely scratching the surface of what terrors are possible. In California, wildfires now rage year-round, destroying thousands of homes. Across the US, “500-year” storms pummel communities month after month, and floods displace tens of millions annually. <p><p> This is only a preview of the changes to come. And they are coming fast. Without a revolution in how billions of humans conduct their lives, parts of the Earth could become close to uninhabitable, and other parts horrifically inhospitable, as soon as the end of this century. <p> In his travelogue of our near future, David Wallace-Wells brings into stark relief the climate troubles that await—food shortages, refugee emergencies, and other crises that will reshape the globe. But the world will be remade by warming in more profound ways as well, transforming our politics, our culture, our relationship to technology, and our sense of history. It will be all-encompassing, shaping and distorting nearly every aspect of human life as it is lived today. <p> Like An Inconvenient Truth and Silent Spring before it, The Uninhabitable Earth is both a meditation on the devastation we have brought upon ourselves and an impassioned call to action. For just as the world was brought to the brink of catastrophe within the span of a lifetime, the responsibility to avoid it now belongs to a single generation. <p><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>
Unique: The New Science of Human Individuality
by David LindenInspired by the abundance of unique personalities available on dating websites, a renowned neuroscientist examines the science of what makes you, you.David J. Linden has devoted his career to understanding the biology common to all humans. But a few years ago he found himself on OkCupid. Looking through that vast catalog of human diversity, he got to wondering: What makes us all so different? Unique is the riveting answer. Exploring everything from the roots of sexuality, gender, and intelligence to whether we like bitter beer, Linden shows how our individuality results not from a competition of nature versus nurture, but rather from a mélange of genes continually responding to our experiences in the world, beginning in the womb. And he shows why individuality matters, as it is our differences that enable us to live together in groups.Told with Linden's unusual combination of authority and openness, seriousness of purpose and wit, Unique is the story of how the factors that make us all human can change and interact to make each of us a singular person.
Unique Methods for Analyzing Failures and Catastrophic Events: A Practical Guide for Engineers
by Anthony SofronasA practical and accessible approach to machinery troubleshooting Unique Methods for Analyzing Failures and Catastrophic Events is designed to assist practicing engineers address design and fabrication problems in manufacturing equipment to support safe process operation. Throughout the book, a wealth of real-world case studies and easy-to-understand illustrated examples demonstrate how to use simplified failure analysis methods to produce insights for a wide range of engineering problems. Dr. Anthony Sofronas draws from his five decades of industry experience to help engineers better understand the science behind a particular problem, evaluate the failure analysis of an outside consultant, and recommend the best path forward to management. The author distills sophisticated engineering analysis approaches into compact, user-friendly methodologies that can be easily applied to the readers’ own situations to avoid costly failures. Each chapter includes a thorough summary of the topic, relatable technical examples, and a concluding section with key takeaways and expert tips and advice. This invaluable guide: Helps readers make better decisions while solving complex engineering problems Provides numerous illustrated examples from engineering and science that can be used to develop real-world solutions Features detailed descriptions of both basic and advanced engineering analysis techniques Covers essential technical subjects that facilitate safe facility design and effective troubleshootingUnique Methods for Analyzing Failures and Catastrophic Events: An Illustrated Guide for Engineers is a must-have for chemical, petroleum, and mechanical engineers, reliability managers and technicians, design contractors, and maintenance workers working in process industries.
The Unique U.S.-Russian Relationship in Biological Science and Biotechnology
by Development, Security, and Cooperation Russian Academy of Sciences Committee on U.S.-Russian Bioengagement National Research Council Policy and Global AffairsIn the fall of 2010, the U.S. National Academies (consisting of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine) and the Russian Academy of Sciences (in cooperation with the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences) initiated a joint study of U.S.-Russian bilateral engagement in the biological sciences and biotechnology (hereinafter collectively referred to as bioengagement). The U.S. Department of State and the Russian Academy of Sciences provided support for the study. The academies established a joint committee of 12 leading scientists from the two countries to assess bioengagement activities since 1996 and to provide recommendations as to collaborative efforts in the near future. The Unique U.S.-Russian Relationship in Biological Science and Biotechnology: Recent Experience and Future Directions summarizes the principal conclusions and recommendations of the study.
Unit Operations Handbook: Volume 1 (In Two Volumes)
by McKetta John J.Emphasizes the design, control and functioning of various unit operations - offering shortcut methods of calculation along with computer and nomographic solution techniques. Provides practical sections on conversion to and from SI units and cost indexes for quick updating of all cost information.;This book is designed for mechanical, chemical, process design, project, and materials engineers and continuing-education courses in these disciplines.
Unit Operations in Food Engineering (Food Preservation Technology)
by Albert Ibarz Gustavo V. Barbosa-CanovasIn order to successfully produce food products with maximum quality, each stage of processing must be well-designed. Unit Operations in Food Engineering systematically presents the basic information necessary to design food processes and the equipment needed to carry them out. It covers the most common food engineering unit operations in detail, in
Unit Operations in Winery, Brewery, and Distillery Design
by David E. Block Konrad V. MillerUnit Operations in Winery, Brewery, and Distillery Design focuses on process design for wineries, breweries, and distilleries; and fills the need for a title that focuses on the challenges inherent to specifying and building alcoholic beverage production facilities. This text walks through the process flow of grapes to wine, grain to beer, and wine and beer to distilled spirits, with an emphasis on the underlying engineering principles, the equipment involved in these processes, and the selection and design of said equipment. Outlines the process flow of alcoholic beverage production Reviews process engineering fundamentals (mass & energy balances, fluid flow, materials receiving & preparation, heat exchange, fermentation, downstream processing, distillation, ageing, packaging, utilities, control systems, and plant layout) and their application to beverage plants Describes the idea of sanitary design and its application to plant operation and design Covers critical equipment parameters for purchasing, operating, and maintaining systems Shows how winery/brewery/distillery can influence product "style" and how "style" can dictate design Features examples of calculations derived from wineries designed by the authors, end of chapter problems, and integrative in-text problems that describe real-world issues and extend understanding Written for both engineers in the alcohol industry and non-engineers looking to understand facility design, this textbook is aimed at students, winemakers, brewers, distillers, and process engineers.
Unit Operations of Particulate Solids: Theory and Practice
by Enrique Ortega-RivasSuitable for practicing engineers and engineers in training, this book covers the most important operations involving particulate solids. Through clear explanations of theoretical principles and practical laboratory exercises, the text provides an understanding of the behavior of powders and pulverized systems. It also helps readers develop skills for operating, optimizing, and innovating particle processing technologies and machinery in order to carry out industrial operations. The author explores common bulk solids processing operations, including milling, agglomeration, fluidization, mixing, and solid-fluid separation.
Unitary Analysis, Synthesis, and Classification of Flow Meters
by Horia Mihai MoțitThis book is the first to present flow measurement as an independent branch of the measurement techniques, according to a new global and unitary approach for the measurement of fluid flow field, starting from finding its unitary fundamental bases. Furthermore, it elaborates the method of unitary analysis/synthesis and classification of compound gauging structures (CGS): the UASC – CGS method. These methods ensure, in a systematic and predictable way, both the analysis of the types of flow meters made until present (i.e. CGS) and the synthesis of new types of flowmeters. The book outlines new contributions in this field, including separately, for flow meters, and CGS: structural schemes and their unitary, unitary classification, unitary logical matrix, method of unitary analysis/synthesis and classification.
The United Nations and Space Security: Conflicting Mandates between UNCOPUOS and the CD (Studies in Space Policy #21)
by Annette Froehlich Vincent SeffingaThis book provides a detailed analysis on the history and development of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNCOPUOS) and the Conference on Disarmament (CD) and the coordination and cooperation between these two fora. Furthermore, it discusses the future challenges that these fora will have to deal with and conclude in which way the current system can change to cope with the evolution of space matters. This is necessary for the proper discussion of space matters because these matters cannot simply be divided between military and non-military, but are interrelated.
The United Nations' Declaration on Peasants' Rights (Earthscan Food and Agriculture)
by Margherita Brunori Pier Filippo Giuggioli Mariagrazia Alabrese Adriana BessaThis is the first book to address and review the United Nations' Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (UNDROP), which was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in December 2018. Food security and sustainable agri-food systems, responsible governance of natural resources, and human rights are among the key themes of the new millennium. The Declaration is the first internationally negotiated instrument bridging these issues, calling for a radical paradigm change in the agricultural sector while giving voice to peasants and rural workers, recognised as the drivers of more equitable and resilient food systems. The book unfolds the impact of the Declaration in the wider realm of law and policy making, especially concerning the new human rights standards related to access and control of natural resources and the governance of food systems. The chapters in the book touch on a broad array of topics, including women’s rights, the role of and impact on indigenous peoples, food sovereignty, climate change, land tenure, and agrobiodiversity. Voices from outstanding scholars and practitioners are gathered together to inform and trigger a further debate on the negotiation process, the innovative and potentially disruptive contents, the relations with other fields of law, and the practical scope of the Declaration. The volume concludes with a collection of case studies that provide concrete examples to help us understand the potential impacts of the Declaration at regional, national, and local levels. This book is the first comprehensive tool to navigate the Declaration and is designed for students, researchers, and practitioners in the fields of food and agriculture law, peasant, agrarian and rural studies, human rights and environmental law, and international development and cooperation.
The United States and Europe: Beyond the Neo-Conservative Divide? (Contemporary Security Studies)
by Jon Roper John BaylisA penetrating new examination of the triangular political and cultural relationship between America, Britain, and continental Europe. This relationship is both fraught and dynamic. Post-war reconstruction of Europe brought integration. Creating a ‘United States of Europe’ was a goal shared by many Americans. Yet the contemporary 'War on Terror', has redefined relationships between America, Britain, 'old' and 'new' Europe. For Britain, the Channel seems wider than the Atlantic, although geopolitically it is part of Europe. This book brings together experts from Britain, Europe and America to explore the complexities of contemporary cultural and political relationships, considering the challenges that have been met and those that have to be faced.
United States Civil Space Policy: Summary Of A Workshop
by National Research Council of the National AcademiesIn 2004, the NRC released a workshop report about the future direction of the U.S. civil space program. At the same time, the Administration announced the Vision for Space Exploration, and in June 2004, it issued a report that articulated a balanced space program for human and robotic exploration and science. Subsequent NRC reports, however, have noted that NASA has not been given the resources to carry out this broad-based program. This challenge, along with others faced by the U.S. civil space program, stimulated the NRC to form an ad hoc committee to organize a second workshop, held in November 2007, to address the space program’s future directions. The workshop’s goal was to air a range of views and perspectives so as to inform discussions of these questions by policymakers and the public. This book presents a summary of the workshop.
United States Water Law: An Introduction
by John W. JohnsonA Vital Explanation of Water Law and PolicyBecause demand for and access to quality water far exceeds the current supply, it is increasingly critical to understand the state and federal laws and policies that govern water rights. From farming, fishing, and biology to manufacturing, mine operation, and public water supply, water regulation affects a
Uniting Electron Crystallography and Powder Diffraction
by Anatoly Avilov Kenneth Shankland Louisa Meshi Ute Kolb William I.F DavidThe polycrystalline and nanocrystalline states play an increasingly important role in exploiting the properties of materials, encompassing applications as diverse as pharmaceuticals, catalysts, solar cells and energy storage. A knowledge of the three-dimensional atomic and molecular structure of materials is essential for understanding and controlling their properties, yet traditional single-crystal X-ray diffraction methods lose their power when only polycrystalline and nanocrystalline samples are available. It is here that powder diffraction and single-crystal electron diffraction techniques take over, substantially extending the range of applicability of the crystallographic principles of structure determination. This volume, a collection of teaching contributions presented at the Crystallographic Course in Erice in 2011, clearly describes the fundamentals and the state-of-the-art of powder diffraction and electron diffraction methods in materials characterisation, encompassing a diverse range of disciplines and materials stretching from archeometry to zeolites. As such, it is a comprehensive and valuable resource for those wishing to gain an understanding of the broad applicability of these two rapidly developing fields.