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The Urban Rehabilitation of Post-Disaster Scapes (Disaster Resilience and Green Growth)

by Nerma Omićević Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci

This book provides the first extensive examination and analysis of the use of the urbanscape during the disaster process, by connecting its elements throughout disaster phases: the pre-disaster phase, consisting of reduction in form of prevention and mitigation; the disaster event phase, consisting of the disaster impact followed by the disaster effects; and the post-disaster phase, consisting of the post-disaster recovery. This work includes the analysis of 18 disaster case studies worldwide, of which 12 case studies are within the natural and 6 case studies within the man-made disaster category. The criteria for choosing these examples is based on the division into natural and man-made disaster subcategories and the period of their occurrence, from 1991 to 2021. The main purpose of this comparative analysis is to reveal the use of the urbanscape during the disaster process, through the role of its open public spaces during each disaster phase in both natural and man-made disaster categories. The book is a useful read for researchers and students of disaster management.

Urban Resilience, Livability, and Climate Adaptation: Health, Environmental Dynamics, and Societal Well-Being (Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation)

by Cristina Piselli Claudia Fabiani Hirushie Pramuditha Karunathilake Ilaria Pigliautile

This book explores urban environments and their impact on resilience, livability, climate adaptation, health, and societal well-being. It provides interdisciplinary insights for fostering resilient, livable, and sustainable cities prioritizing well-being and quality of life for all residents. The book covers various topics and discusses innovative approaches for incorporating nature into urban planning. It also examines the relationships between diet diversity, food environments, and transportation systems. Spatial analysis of noise contour maps based on traffic speed is conducted, along with an assessment of the impact of office environments on productivity. The book explores the influence of streetscapes on anxiety, envisions future cities from a youth perspective, and identifies critical factors affecting the design and use of elevated urban spaces. Daylighting performance in school expansions is evaluated, and the concept ofa livable city is examined. Community adaptive capacity for climate-resilient development is assessed through a case study analysis. The livability of street vendors in different urban contexts is compared, and alternative perspectives on restorative environments are presented. The book investigates the impact of urban refugees on cities and reevaluates scientific theories for human well-being-oriented built environments. It evaluates tourist satisfaction with urban railway systems and explores sport as a tool for healthy and sustainable cities.

Urban Resilience to the Climate Emergency: Unravelling the transformative potential of institutional and grassroots initiatives (The Urban Book Series)

by Isabel Ruiz-Mallén Hug March Mar Satorras

This volume sheds light on urban resilience strategies in times of climate emergency and social and economic crisis by reflecting on related social vulnerabilities and inequalities within cities and showing the potential of participatory governance approaches for socio-environmental transformation. The book compiles critical research documenting the articulation of urban resilience strategies dealing with climatic changes, as well as the understanding of the unexpected implications of top-down resilience plans to address the impacts of climate change in cities, especially on the most vulnerable urban populations, and the transformative capacities of bottom-up and socially innovative resilience strategies. The book especially focuses on co-produced and grassroots transformative processes that are concerned with social equity in urban planning for climate change. Although several publications cover the topic of urban resilience, this book provides a more nuanced exploration of urban climate governance and citizen engagement in urban climate resilience policies through the lenses of political ecology, environmental justice and co-production. In this regard, the volume moves beyond the approach of multilevel urban climate governance by critically addressing the unexpected impacts of top-down strategies of urban resilience with the goal of expanding the reflection on citizen engagement. The book also explores the emerging possibilities behind the co-production of urban resilience as well as the critical role of grassroots and citizens in promoting such alternative strategies. While the primary target audience is scholars from different disciplines (e.g. geography, urban studies, planning, political ecology, architecture, urban sociology, environmental studies) focusing on urban resilience, the editors also aim to reach urban resilience practitioners from local, national and international organisations as well as environmental grassroots and climate activists.

Urban Services to Ecosystems: Green Infrastructure Benefits from the Landscape to the Urban Scale (Future City #17)

by Chiara Catalano Maria Beatrice Andreucci Riccardo Guarino Francesca Bretzel Manfredi Leone Salvatore Pasta

The aim of this book is to bring together multidisciplinary research in the field of green infrastructure design, construction and ecology. The main core of the volume is constituted by contributions dealing with green infrastructure, vegetation science, nature-based solutions and sustainable urban development. The green infrastructure and its ecosystem services, indeed, are gaining space in both political agendas and academic research. However, the attention is focused on the services that nature is giving for free to and for human health and survival. What if we start to see things from another perspective? Our actions shall converge for instance to turn man-made environment like cities from heterotrophic to autotrophic ecosystems. From landscape ecology to urban and building design, like bricks of a wall, from the small scale to the bigger landscape scale via ecological networks and corridors, we should start answering these questions: what are the services that are we offering to Nature? What are we improving? How to implement our actions? This book contains three Open Access chapters, which are licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).

Urban Slums and Circular Economy Synergies in the Global South: Theoretical and Policy Imperatives for Sustainable Communities (Advances in 21st Century Human Settlements)

by Seth Asare Okyere Matthew Abunyewah Michael Odei Erdiaw-Kwasie Festival Godwin Boateng

This book takes a theoretical and empirical distance from urban slums/low-income settlements as a threat to environmental sustainability and recast them as places where environmentally rehabilitative and circular practices occur—drawing on the theoretical lens of the circular economy (CE). CE is defined as regenerative system that minimizes waste, emission, and energy leakage by slowing, closing, and narrowing material and energy loops. In principle, CE departs from the traditional linear model of take-make-use-dispose. As conceived in urban contexts, circular cities offer possibilities to regenerate natural systems, design out waste, and keep products in use. While the CE key principles of reduce, repair, and reuse are essential to the sustainable and inclusive interventions in urban slums, there is lack of case studies exploring the role of place and agency, especially the slum living-CE nexus in global south contexts. In inequitable urban transitions, a nuanced understanding of thesynergies between urban slums and the circular economy is not only theoretically relevant for reconceptualizing the slum in urban sustainability discourses but also exert policy and practice ramifications to decidedly figure out how the urban slum phenomenon can foster the sustainable and inclusive development of marginal areas through contextual and people-centered initiatives.

Urban Social Sustainability: Theory, Policy and Practice (Routledge Studies in Sustainability)

by M. Shirazi Ramin Keivani

This ground breaking volume raises radical critiques and proposes innovative solutions for social sustainability in the built environment. Urban Social Sustainability provides an in-depth insight into the discourse and argues that every urban intervention has a social sustainability dimension that needs to be taken into consideration, and incorporated into a comprehensive and cohesive ‘urban agenda’ that is built on three principles of recognition, integration, and monitoring. This should be achieved through a dialogical and reflexive process of decision-making. To achieve sustainable communities, social sustainability should form the basis of a constructive dialogue and be interlinked with other areas of sustainable development. This book underlines the urgency of approaching social sustainability as an urban agenda and goes on to make suggestions about its formulation. Urban Social Sustainability consists of original contributions from academics and experts within the field and explores the significance of social sustainability from different perspectives. Areas covered include urban policy, transportation and mobility, urban space and architectural form, housing, urban heritage, neighbourhood development, and urban governance. Drawing on case studies from a number of countries and world regions the book presents a multifaceted and interdisciplinary understanding from social sustainability in urban settings, and provides practitioners and policy makers with innovative recommendations to achieve more socially sustainable urban environment.

The Urban Soil Guide: A Field and Lab Manual

by Anna Paltseva

Delve into the fascinating world of soil science with "The Urban Soil Guide," a comprehensive manual designed for everyone from science beginners to seasoned horticulturists. Whether you're an introductory science student, a passionate gardener, a landscape designer, or a professional horticulturist, this guide is tailored for you. Packed with a variety of hands-on activities, this guide makes learning soil science both accessible and enjoyable. From simple experiments that can be performed in your kitchen to more advanced techniques, it offers a practical approach to understanding soil. Written by a soil scientist, this guide bridges the gap between professional knowledge and amateur enthusiasm. The Urban Soil Guide is versatile enough to serve as a textbook in botanical gardens and university classes, while also being an invaluable resource for amateurs. Choose activities that match your interest and level of expertise. Embark on your journey to becoming a soil expert with The Urban Soil Guide – your hands-on companion in the world of soil science.

Urban Soils (Advances in Soil Science)

by Rattan Lal B. A. Stewart

Globally, 30% of the world population lived in urban areas in 1950, 54% in 2016 and 66% projected by 2050. The most urbanized regions include North America, Latin America, and Europe. Urban encroachment depletes soil carbon and the aboveground biomass carbon pools, enhancing the flux of carbon from soil and vegetation into the atmosphere. Thus, urbanization has exacerbated ecological and environmental problems. Urban soils are composed of geological material that has been drastically disturbed by anthropogenic activities and compromised their role in the production of food, aesthetics of residential areas, and pollutant dynamics. Properties of urban soils are normally not favorable to plant growth—the soils are contaminated by heavy metals and are compacted and sealed. Therefore, the quality of urban soils must be restored to make use of this valuable resource for delivery of essential ecosystem services (e.g., food, water and air quality, carbon sequestration, temperature moderation, biodiversity). Part of the Advances in Soil Sciences Series, Urban Soils explains properties of urban soils; assesses the effects of urbanization on the cycling of carbon, nitrogen, and water and the impacts of management of urban soils, soil restoration, urban agriculture, and food security; evaluates ecosystem services provisioned by urban soils, and describes synthetic and artificial soils.

Urban Soils: Principles and Practice (Progress in Soil Science)

by Andrew W. Rate

This textbook addresses the increasing trend in urbanization of the world’s population and its relation with urban soils. Written by active practitioners of university level teaching and research, this book is designed primarily as an educational text, while it also provides readers with an authoritative gateway to the primary literature. It includes explicit coverage of spatial and statistical (multivariate) techniques and case studies to illustrate key concept, and to support practical guidance in issues such as data collection and analysis. The authors reflect current developments in research and urban trends. In China, for example, the proportion of the population living in cities increased from 13% in 1950 to 45% in 2010 (World Bank data). Australia is one of the world's top ten urbanised countries with population greater than ten million, with approximately 90% of its population living in cities, mainly along Australia's coast. The most rapidly urbanising populations are currently in nations of the African continent. Soils in urban areas have multiple functions which are becoming more valued by urban communities: soils supply water, nutrients and physical support for urban plant and animal communities (parks, reserves, gardens), and are becoming increasingly valued for growing food. Soils may be used for building foundations, or as building materials themselves. Urban hydrology relies on the existence of unsealed soils for aquifer protection and flood control. This volume presents the importance of urban ecosystems and the impacts of global change. It examines pedogenesis of urban soils: natural materials affected by urban phenomena, and natural processes acting on urban materials, including an examination of different climatic zones. There is a focus on soils formed on landfill, reclaimed land, dredge spoils as well as soil-related changes in urban geomorphology. There is plenty of discussion on urban soil as a source and sink as well as soil geochemistry and health. The book is intended primarily as a text for upper-level undergraduate, and postgraduate (Masters) students. It will also be invaluable as a resource for professionals such as researchers, environmental regulators, and environmental consultants.

Urban Stormwater and Flood Management: Enhancing the Liveability of Cities (Applied Environmental Science and Engineering for a Sustainable Future)

by Veeriah Jegatheesan Ashantha Goonetilleke John Van Leeuwen Jaya Kandasamy Doug Warner Baden Myers Muhammed Bhuiyan Kevin Spence Geoffrey Parker

This book brings together the experiences of engineers and scientists from Australia and the United Kingdom providing the current status on the management of stormwater and flooding in urban areas and suggesting ways forward. It forms a basis for the development of a framework for the implementation of integrated and optimised storm water management strategies and aims to mitigate the adverse impacts of the expanding urban water footprint. Among other topics it also features management styles of stormwater and flooding and describes biodiversity and ecosystem services in relation to the management of stormwater and the mitigation of floods. Furthermore, it places an emphasis on sustainable storm water management measures. Population growth, urbanisation and climate change will pose significant challenges to engineers, scientists, medical practitioners, policy makers and practitioners of several other disciplines. If we consider environmental and water engineers, they will have to face challenges in designing smart and efficient water systems which are robust and resilient to overcome shrinking green spaces, increased urban heat islands, damages to natural waterways due to flooding caused by increased stormwater flow. This work provides valuable information for practitioners and students at both senior undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Urban Sustainable Development in East Asia: Understanding and Evaluating Urban Sustainable Trends in China and Japan (Urban Sustainability)

by Xiaolong Zou

This book offers careful glimpse from the lenses of selected case studies of major counties in East Asia, namely China and Japan to obtain insights as well as lessons regarding their perspective sustainable cities development. Urban sustainability is the pillar domain for achieving overall sustainability. East Asia has the world most populous countries and cities; therefore, it is of great importance to understand, analyze, and assess the sustainable urban development trends and paradigms in an East Asia setting so as to better guide the future development of sustainable cities in the region. The outcomes of this book are policy-relevant consultations to key stakeholders from various walks of sustainability studies.

Urban Transformational Landscapes in the City-Hinterlands of Asia: Challenges and Approaches (Advances in 21st Century Human Settlements)

by Debnath Mookherjee George M. Pomeroy Le Thi Thu Huong

In the context of mounting challenges stemming from a rapid transformation of the urban-regional landscapes in many Asian countries, this book highlights a multifaceted array of issues that increasingly engage the academic and planning communities in search of viable solutions to complex problems facing us. Even though cities continue to dominate development studies, urbanization of Asia is evolving toward a hybrid urban-rural nexus beyond the cities. This volume considers these shifting dynamics of Asian urbanization, including urban spatial transformations and their ramifications in the context of sustainability and planning. Through the lens of a set of empirical studies across diverse disciplines, geographies and methodologies. yet with an overarching concern for sustainability in varied (but interconnected) areas such as climate change, land use planning, infrastructure and urban mobility, and quality of life, these studies examine a range of important topics (e.g., flooding, transportation, housing, open space/ green space, urban garden and such) in city/regional settings. Together, they add insights into varied transformational processes or patterns at work on the urban-regional landscapes in a number of Asian countries while offering innovative approaches or alternatives. The proposed volume fills a gap in urban/regional studies in context of South and Southeast Asia that will be of interest to all stakeholders (e.g., planners, administrators, academicians and the citizenry), particularly those interested in sustainability and planning paradigms. It should be a timely and valuable addition to the Asian urbanization literature.

Urban Transportation and Logistics: Health, Safety, and Security Concerns

by Eiichi Taniguchi Tien Fang Fwa Russell G. Thompson

Although society has become increasingly dependent on the timely operation of logistics systems, we still face many problems regarding efficiency, the environment, energy consumption, and safety in urban transport and logistics under normal cases and in disasters. As such, understanding how to address these challenges has become essential for creat

Urban Transportation Energy Supply Network: Research on the Negative Effects Assessment and Load Reduction Mechanism (Industrial Ecology and Environmental Management #5)

by Xianlong Ge

This book conducts research on the evaluation and reduction mechanism of the negative effects of urban Transportation Energy Supply Network (TESN). By analyzing the current supply and demand situation of urban transportation energy supply network, the concept of negative effects of urban transportation energy supply network is defined, and specific definitions and measurement methods of negative effects are proposed. A TESN negative effect reduction mechanism was constructed from three aspects: site layout optimization, site cooperation game, and replenishment vehicle scheduling. The simulation validation of the urban transportation energy supply network was conducted using AnyLogic simulation software.

Urban Villager

by Vandana Vasudevan

Urban Villager is a superbly etched and finely detailed representation of the life of an 'urban villager' in a modern satellite town of India. It describes how Delhi, as a city, is growing radially, stretching its way into the rural fringes of Haryana and Uttar Pradesh that border the city to form the National Capital Region. Through the microcosm of Greater Noida, a suburb of New Delhi, the author draws a portrait of life in a semi-urban town, where billion dollar homes and villages with no sewage system share the same pin code. Some farmers sell their land and try to cope with a new found prosperity; others refuse and break into agitations that make newspaper headlines. A builder destroys a wetland to make a township while the middle class in high rises frets about power and security. A few kilometres away, the Formula One event hosts international celebrities amidst bewildered villagers. Living here is being witness to the contradictions and ironies that occur when India is forced to co-exist with Bharat. The author frequently draws parallels with similar kinds of urbanisation on the outskirts of other Indian metros. Across the country, the city gobbles up more and more of what was once the countryside--whether it is Sriperumbudur in Chennai, Belapur in Mumbai, Yelahanka on the outskirts of Bengaluru or Rajarhat New Town in Kolkata. No matter where you live in India, the story of this book could be the story you see in your city.

Urban Wastelands: A Form of Urban Nature? (Cities and Nature)

by Francesca Di Pietro Amélie Robert

Faced with the growing demand for nature in cities, informal greenspaces are gaining the interest of various stakeholders - residents, associations, public authorities - as well as scientists. This book provides a cross-sectorial overview of the advantages and disadvantages of urban wastelands in meeting this social demand of urban nature, spanning from the social sciences and urban planning to ecology and soil sciences. It shows the potential of urban wastelands with respect to city dwellers’ well-being, environmental education, urban biodiversity and urban green networks as well as concerns regarding urban wastelands’ in relation to conflicts, and urban marketing. The authors provide a global insight through case studies in nine countries, mainly located in Europe, Asia and America, thus offering a broad perspective.

Urban Water Conflicts: UNESCO-IHP (Urban Water Series)

by Bernard Barraque

Urban water conflicts manifested first in Europe in the 19th century and are observed nowadays in various forms throughout the world; in particular, in developing countries. Main causes of these conflicts are characterized by complex socioeconomic and institutional issues related to urban water management. The debate about public water services ver

Urban Water Cycle Processes and Interactions: Urban Water Series - UNESCO-IHP (Urban Water Series)

by Jiri Marsalek

Urban Water Cycle Processes and Interactions represents the fruit of a project by UNESCO's International Hydrological Programme on this topic. The volume introduces the urban water cycle concept and the need for integrated or total management. It then explores in detail the manifold hydrological components of the cycle, the diverse elements of urban infrastructure and water services, and the various effects of urbanization on the environment - from the atmosphere and surface waters to wetlands, soils and groundwater, as well as biodiversity. A concluding series of recommendations for effective urban water management summarize the important findings set forth here.

Urban Water Demand Management: A Guidebook for ASEAN (SpringerBriefs on Case Studies of Sustainable Development)

by Corinne Ong Cecilia Tortajada Ojasvee Arora

This open access book highlights knowledge and expertise in Urban Water Demand Management (WDM) in ASEAN through comprehensive literature review and analysis, as well as stakeholder consultations. It documents urban WDM policies, initiatives, and practices that have demonstrated effective implementation outcomes across various contexts and which are expected to be relevant for cities in ASEAN. A WDM typology developed for this book identifies four key WDM measures, namely: water losses, economic instruments, non-price mechanisms, and alternative water reuse systems in the ASEAN context. Case illustrations of their effective implementation in different ASEAN cities are also included.

Urban Water Ecosystems in Africa and Asia: Challenges and Opportunities for Conservation and Restoration (Earthscan Studies in Water Resource Management)

by Shamik Chakraborty Amit Chatterjee Pankaj Kumar

This book examines urban water ecosystem management and restoration through selected case studies in Asia and Africa. Employing a socioecological approach, this volume presents insights on the interlinkages between water, humans, and environmental conservation in an urban context.Topics include human health risks, population displacement and migration, water pollution, water scarcity, flood management, water infrastructure, afforestation, and the effects of climate change. Case studies are drawn from a variety of countries in Africa and Asia, including China, Japan, India, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Kenya, Malawi, and Tunisia, which demonstrate a wide range of different challenges, and opportunities. Overall, this book argues that to better manage urban water resources, there needs to be a shift from urban water management to urban water ecosystem management. This shift needs to acknowledge the complex biophysical and socio-political dimensions of water ecosystems.This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of water resource management, ecosystem services, urban studies, environmental conservation and sustainable development.

Urban Water Resources

by Monzur Alam Imteaz

Ever increasing urbanization is impacting both the quantity and quality of urban water resources. These urban water resources and components of the water cycle are likely to be affected severely. To minimize the consequences on world water resources, the development of sustainable water resources management strategies is inevitable. An integrated urban water resources management strategy is the key to maintain sustainable water resources. A preliminary understanding of physio-chemical processes and analysis methodologies involved in each and every component of the urban water cycle is necessary. In the past these components have been investigated and published individually. With the view to aiding the development of integrated urban water resources management strategies, this book endeavors to present and explain the major urban water cycle components from a single holistic platform. The book presents the introduction, analysis and design methods of a wide range of urban water components i.e., rainfall, flood, drainage, water supply and waste water with the additions of sustainability practices in most of the components. Current "Hydrology" and "Hydraulics" books do not incorporate sustainability features and practices, while there are many books on general "Sustainability" without integrating sustainability concepts into typical engineering designs. The book starts with components and classifications of world water resources, then basic and detailed components of the hydrologic cycle, climate change and its impacts on hydrologic cycle, rainfall patterns and measurements, rainfall losses, derivations of design rainfalls, streamflow measurements, flood frequency analysis and probabilistic flood estimations, deterministic flood estimations, unit hydrograph, flood modelling, commercial modelling tools and use of Geographical Information System (GIS) for flood modelling, principles of open channel hydraulics, critical flow and flow classification indices, open channel flow profiles, uniform flow in open channel and open channel design, estimation of future population and domestic water demand, design of water supply systems, sustainable water supply system, water treatments, wastewater quantification, wastewater treatments, sustainable and decentralized wastewater treatment, stormwater drainage and urban drainage analysis, water footprint and water-energy nexus, features of water conservation, harvesting and recycling, components of sustainable urban design, stormwater treatment and integrated water management.

Urban Water Security: UNESCO-IHP

by Blanca Jimenez Cisneros Joan B. Rose

Understanding the impacts of urbanization on the urban water cycle and managing the associated health risks demand adequate strategies and measures. Health risks associated with urban water systems and services include the microbiological and chemical contamination of urban waters and outbreak of water-borne diseases, mainly due to poor water and s

Urban Water Supply and Governance in India

by Satyapriya Rout Ruth Kattumuri

This book investigates institutional dimensions of urban water supply in India, with a specific focus on institutional capabilities to provide drinking water to urban households in an efficient, equitable and sustainable manner. This book has been developed through empirical research within the context of growing urbanisation and increasing water needs of Indian cities, and the wider developmental goal of achieving universal and equitable access to safe and affordable water for all – as envisaged in goal 6 of the SDGs.This study revolves around three important aspects of urban water supply and governance. Firstly, it attempts to understand household water service delivery scenarios in urban India, drawing from case studies based on our household survey in four cities – Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Kochi and Hyderabad. Secondly, it examines the question of existing socio-economic inequality and access to water in an urban context in India. While dealing with the issue of inequality and access to water, it attempts to explore the question of whether access to water and water scarcity is socially neutral; whilst also analysing the mechanisms employed by the urban poor to manage their daily water needs. Thirdly, this book explores the role of institutions for efficient and effective delivery of water in urban India. The institutional analysis from a comparative perspective provides important insights to guide current reforms in domestic water supply in India, especially in a neo-liberal context. The book is a valuable resource for academicians, policy makers and practitioners involved in water governance in general and domestic (drinking) water supply in particular. Besides, it is of great interest to those working in the area of urban development, urban planning and household water management. The book is an outcome of a collaborative research project by the authors sponsored jointly by University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi and UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI).

Urban Watersheds: Geology, Contamination, Environmental Regulations, and Sustainability, Second Edition

by Daniel T. Rogers

Understanding that the natural world beneath our feet is the point at which civilization meets the natural world is critical to the success of restoration and prevention efforts to reduce contaminant impacts and improve the global environment because of one simple fact – contaminants do not respect country borders. Contaminants often begin their destructive journey immediately after being released and can affect the entire planet if the release is in just the right amount, at just the right location, and at just the right time. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, Urban Watersheds, Geology, Contamination, Environmental Regulations, and Sustainability, Second Edition presents more than 30 years of research and professional practice on urban watersheds from the fields of environmental geology, geochemistry, risk analysis, hydrology, and urban planning. The geological characteristics of urbanized watersheds along with the physical and chemical properties of their common contaminants are integrated to assess risk factors for soil, groundwater, and air. This new edition continues to examine the urban environment and the geology beneath urban areas, evaluates the contamination that affects watersheds in urban regions, and addresses redevelopment strategies. Features of the Second Edition: Examines contaminants and the successes of environmental regulation worldwide and highlights the areas that need improvement Describes several advances in investigation techniques in urban regions that now provide a huge leap forward in data collection, resolution, and accuracy Explains the importance of understanding the geological and hydrogeologic environments of urban and developed regions Provides new and enhanced methods presented as a sustainability model for assessing risks to human health and the environment from negative human-induced contaminant impacts Includes a new chapter that surveys how environmental regulations have been successful or have failed at protecting the air, water, and land in urban areas Suitable for use as a textbook and as a professional practice reference, the book includes case studies on successful and unsuccessful approaches to contaminant remediation as well as practical methods for environmental risk assessment. PowerPoint® presentations of selected portions of the book are available with qualifying course adoption. Daniel T. Rogers is currently the Director of Environmental Affairs at Amsted Industries Inc. in Chicago, Illinois. His writings address environmental geology, hydrogeology, geologic vulnerability and mapping, contaminant fate and transport, urban geology, environmental site investigations, contaminant risk, brownfield redevelopment, and sustainability. He has taught geology and environmental chemistry at Eastern Michigan University and the University of Michigan.

Urban Wetlands in Latin America: Protection, Conservation, Innovation, Restoration, and Community for Sustainable and Water Sensitive Cities (Sustainable Development Goals Series)

by Carolina Rojas Quezada

This book is about the contribution of urban wetlands in livable cities. Urban wetlands are very valuable blue-green infrastructure spaces for human settlements, yet they are disappearing as a result of urbanization. This phenomenon is worldwide, but is particularly intense in Latin America. Although international literature has made an effort to document the multiple ecosystem services provided by these ecosystems, such as water and air cleansing, flood mitigation and recreation, among others, we want to draw attention to the fact that the loss of urban wetlands affects the sustainability of cities and future generations. Therefore, and given the weakness of public policies implemented in the region for their protection, it is essential to highlight good practices, mechanisms and strategies aimed at Protection, Conservation, Innovation, Restoration, and work with the Community, all of this hand in hand with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The book offers a comprehensive coverage combining the need to protect and conserve urban wetlands from the pressures of urban growth, as well as highlighting successful experiences of regulation and of course applied research aimed at nature-based solution design for flood management and wastewater treatment, restoration areas, green infrastructure plans, as well as experiences of collective work with communities in contexts of political tensions for the defense of wetlands.

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