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Showing 78,726 through 78,750 of 82,282 results

The Urban Whale: North Atlantic Right Whales At The Crossroads

by Scott D. Kraus Rosalind M. Rolland

In 1980 a group of scientists censusing marine mammals in the Bay of Fundy was astonished at the sight of 25 right whales. It was, one scientist later recalled, "like finding a brontosaurus in the backyard." Until that time, scientists believed the North Atlantic right whale was extinct or nearly so. The sightings electrified the research community, spurring a quarter century of exploration, which is documented here. <p><p> The authors present our current knowledge about the biology and plight of right whales, including their reproduction, feeding, genetics, and endocrinology, as well as fatal run-ins with ships and fishing gear. Employing individual identifications, acoustics, and population models, Scott Kraus, Rosalind Rolland, and their colleagues present a vivid history of this animal, from a once commercially hunted commodity to today's life-threatening challenges of urban waters. <p> Hunted for nearly a millennium, right whales are now being killed by the ocean commerce that supports our modern way of life. This book offers hope for the eventual salvation of this great whale.

Urban Wildlife Management

by Clark E. Adams

Winner of the 2018 TWS Wildlife Publication Awards in the authored book category Urban development is one of the leading worldwide threats to conserving biodiversity. In the near future, wildlife management in urban landscapes will be a prominent issue for wildlife professionals. This new edition of Urban Wildlife Management continues the work of its predecessors by providing a comprehensive examination of the issues that increase the need for urban wildlife management, exploring the changing dynamics of the field while giving historical perspectives and looking at current trends and future directions. The book examines a range of topics on human interactions with wildlife in urbanized environments. It focuses not only on ecological matters but also on political, economic, and societal issues that must be addressed for successful management planning. This edition features an entirely new section on urban wildlife species, including chapters on urban communities, herpetofauna, birds, ungulates, mammals, carnivores, and feral and introduced species. The third edition features Five new chapters 12 updated chapters Four new case studies Seven new appendices and species profiles 90 new figures A comprehensive analysis of terrestrial vertebrate locations by state and urban observations Each chapter opens with a set of key concepts which are then examined in the following discussions. Suggested learning experiences to enhance knowledge conclude each chapter. The species profiles cover not only data about the animal concerned but also detail significant current management issues related to the species. An updated and expanded teaching tool, Urban Wildlife Management, Third Edition identifies the challenges and opportunities facing wildlife in urban communities as well as factors that promote or threaten their presence. It gives both students and professionals a solid grounding in the required fundamental ecological principles for understanding the effects of human-made environments on wildlife.

Urban Wind Environment: Integrated Climate Sensitive Planning And Design (Springerbriefs In Architectural Design And Technology Ser.)

by Chao Yuan

In the context of urbanization and compact urban living, conventional experience-based planning and design often cannot adequately address the serious environmental issues, such as thermal comfort and air quality. The ultimate goal of this book is to facilitate a paradigm shift from the conventional experience-based ways to a more scientific, evidence-based process of decision making in both urban planning and architectural design stage. This book introduces novel yet practical modelling and mapping methods, and provides scientific understandings of the urban typologies and wind environment from the urban to building scale through real examples and case studies. The tools provided in this book aid a systematic implementation of environmental information from urban planning to building design by making wind information more accessible to both urban planners and architects, and significantly increasing the impact of urban climate information on the practical urban planning and design. This book is a useful reference book to architectural postgraduates, design practitioners and planners, urban climate researchers, as well as policy makers for developing future livable and sustainable cities.

Urbanization and Sustainability

by Christopher G Boone Michail Fragkias

Case studies explore the Million Trees initiative in Los Angeles; the relationship of cap-and-trade policy, public health, greenhouse gas emissions and environmental justice in Southern California; Urbanization, vulnerability and environmental justice in the Brazilian cities of Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba and São Paulo, and in Antofagasta, Greater Concepción and Valparaiso in Chile; Sociospatial patterns of vulnerability in the American southwest; and Urban flood control and land use planning in Greater Taipei, Taiwan ROC.

Urbanization, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Challenges and Opportunities

by Thomas Elmqvist Michail Fragkias Julie Goodness Burak Güneralp Peter J. Marcotullio Robert I. Mcdonald Susan Parnell Maria Schewenius Marte Sendstad Karen C. Seto Cathy Wilkinson

Urbanization is a global phenomenon and the book emphasizes that this is not just a social-technological process. It is also a social-ecological process where cities are places for nature, and where cities also are dependent on, and have impacts on, the biosphere at different scales from local to global. The book is a global assessment and delivers four main conclusions: Urban areas are expanding faster than urban populations. Half the increase in urban land across the world over the next 20 years will occur in Asia, with the most extensive change expected to take place in India and China Urban areas modify their local and regional climate through the urban heat island effect and by altering precipitation patterns, which together will have significant impacts on net primary production, ecosystem health, and biodiversity Urban expansion will heavily draw on natural resources, including water, on a global scale, and will often consume prime agricultural land, with knock-on effects on biodiversity and ecosystem services elsewhere Future urban expansion will often occur in areas where the capacity for formal governance is restricted, which will constrain the protection of biodiversity and management of ecosystem services

Urbanization, Energy, And Air Pollution In China: The Challenges Ahead

by National Research Council Staff National Academy of Engineering Staff Zhongguo Ke Xue Yuan Staff Zhongguo Gong Cheng Yuan Staff Chinese Academy of Engineering Staff Chinese Academy of Sciences Staff

In October 2003, a group of experts met in Beijing under the auspices of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Engineering, and National Academy of Engineering (NAE)/National Research Council (NRC) of the National Academies to continue a dialogue and eventually chart a rational course of energy use in China. This collection of papers is intended to introduce the reader to the complicated problems of urban air pollution and energy choices in China.

Urbanization in China: The Path to Harmony and Prosperity (Research Series on the Chinese Dream and China’s Development Path)

by Houkai Wei

This book traces the history of urbanization in China and discusses major problems and challenges the country is facing as it undergoes a profound social transformation. The author argues that as China tries to build not just more but also better cities, i.e., cities that are not only economically competitive but also people- and environment-friendly, it should adopt urbanization strategies and policies that promote integrated development for both rural and urban areas, and coordination among otherwise disparate objectives – such as industrialization, ecological modernization, informatization and cultural heritage preservation – nationwide and at various scales.

Urbanization in Europe: Past Developments and Pathways to a Sustainable Future (Sustainable Urban Futures)

by David Evers Ivana Katurić Ries van der Wouden

This open access book comes at an opportune time, with ‘land take’ high on the EU policy agenda. It shows how over one million hectares in Europe became urbanized between 2000 and 2018, over eight times that which changed back to agriculture or nature. This book seeks to explain this development and offer suggestions on how to control it, drawing on the ESPON Sustainable Urbanization and land-use Practices in European Regions (SUPER) project. It presents up-to-date analyses on urbanization rates (land take) as well as densities and morphology (sprawl). It also discusses the impact of spatial planning instruments and other public-sector interventions. Finally, the book peers into the future by drawing up urbanization scenarios – compact, polycentric, and diffuse – for 2050, and reflects on their sustainability. It concludes with the encouraging message that policy can make a positive difference.

Urbanization, Policing, and Security: Global Perspectives (International Police Executive Symposium Co-Publications)

by Gary Cordner AnnMarie Cordner Dilip K. Das

In terms of raw numbers, the amount of world urban dwellers have increased four-fold, skyrocketing from 740 million in 1950 to almost 3.3 billion in 2007. This ongoing urbanization will continue to create major security challenges in most countries. Based on contributions from academics and practitioners from countries as diverse as Nigeria, Pakist

An Urchin in the Storm: Essays about Books and Ideas

by Stephen Jay Gould

"What pleasure to see the dishonest, the inept, and the misguided deftly given their due, while praise is lavished on the deserving--for reasons well and truly stated."--Kirkus Reviews<P><P> Ranging as far as the fox and as deep as the hedgehog (the urchin of his title), Stephen Jay Gould expands on geology, biological determinism, "cardboard Darwinism," and evolutionary theory in this sparkling collection.

Urea-SCR Technology for deNOx After Treatment of Diesel Exhausts

by Isabella Nova Enrico Tronconi

Urea-SCR Technology for deNOx After Treatment of Diesel Exhausts presents a complete overview of the selective catalytic reduction of NOx by ammonia/urea. The book starts with an illustration of the technology in the framework of the current context (legislation, market, system configurations), covers the fundamental aspects of the SCR process (catalysts, chemistry, mechanism, kinetics) and analyzes its application to useful topics such as modeling of full scale monolith catalysts, control aspects, ammonia injections systems and integration with other devices for combined removal of pollutants.

Urea Transporters

by Baoxue Yang Jeff M. Sands

The mechanisms and physiological functions of urea transporters across biological membranes are subjects of long-standing interests. Although urea represents roughly 40% of all urinary solutes in normal human urine, the handling of urea in the tissues has been largely neglected in the past and few clinical or experimental studies now report data on urea. Most recent physiological text books include chapters on water and electrolyte physiology but no chapter on urea. Our aim in writing this book is to stimulate further research in new directions by providing novel and provocative insights into the further mechanisms and physiological significance of urea metabolism and transport in mammals. This book offers a state-of-the-art report on recent discoveries concerning urea transport and where the field is going. It mainly focuses on advances made over the past 20 years on the biophysics, genetics, protein structure, molecular biology, physiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology of urea transport in mammalian cell membranes. It will help graduate students and researchers to get an overall picture of mammalian urea transporters and may also yield benefits for pharmaceutical companies with regard to drug discovery based on the urea transporter. Baoxue Yang is a professor and vice chairman of the Department of Pharmacology, Peking University. He is also an adjunct professor of Jilin University and a visiting professor of Northeast Normal University. Prof. Yang has been researching urea transporters for nearly 20 years and has published more than 70 original research articles in this field.

Ureteral Complications of Gynecological Surgery: Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment

by Jean-Bernard Dubuisson Jean Dubuisson Martina Martins Favre Gregory J. Wirth

This pictorial book focuses on ureter for gynaecologists. It is written by a multidisciplinary team of experts who share its experience on the study of the ureter in women, with specific attention to the injuries occurring during gynaecological surgery.Supported by a rich iconography, the authors evaluate the causes of injuries of the ureter, discuss their prevention, precise the diagnosis with the support of urological radiology. The urological management of the injury and its consequences are described in the last chapter, with many photos of laparoscopy included.This book is intended for gynaecologists, for all the surgeons specialized in the female pelvis, urologists, oncologists, general surgeons. It is also especially written for fellows, residents, and interns in University Hospitals with a limited experience of surgery of the pelvis.

The Urgent Need for Regulation of Satellite Mega-constellations in Outer Space (SpringerBriefs in Law)

by Scott Millwood

This book calls for the urgent regulation of satellite mega-constellations in outer space, proposing a new model of “international regulatory coordination”, in order to ensure the sustainable balance of science and advanced telecommunications. We are currently witnessing expansion of the Internet off our planet. The proliferation of new space-based internet connectivity has been accompanied by much discussion about the potential impact on astronomy. Scientists are increasingly concerned that mega-constellations proposed by SpaceX, OneWeb, Amazon and Facebook, might wreak havoc on scientific research and transform our view of the stars. These commercial operators plan to launch hundreds of thousands of satellites into Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) in the coming decade, representing a 1000% increase on objects currently in orbit. This book examines this new space race in the context of historical rivalries, for it is clear that mega-constellations are being actively pursued by a US administration determined to dominate LEO as tensions with China rise. This creates a risk of interference with earth-based scientific activities that use optical and radio frequency techniques to study the universe. This book examines these developments in the context of the Outer Space Treaty (OST), which provides all States with the freedom of scientific investigation, exploration and use of outer space, while balancing this with obligations to avoid interference with the space activities of other States. It draws upon interviews with some of Europe’s leading astronomers in order to highlight the extent to which the issue will require legal and regulatory reform of mega-constellation licensing processes, to ensure the integrity of astronomical science is preserved. The race to dominate LEO also comes at a time when the monopolistic power of Facebook, Amazon and other TechGiants, is under renewed scrutiny in western democracies. The author argues that a new governance framework for launch and operational licenses is urgently required, in which impact risk assessments, scale and proportionality, and stakeholder consultation processes should play important roles. It is now vital that the astronomical community – whose skill-set does not generally involve leading regulatory strategies – engage with those who can support its leadership in exerting a renewed influence. The diplomacy of science, which played a vital role during the Cold War and the establishment of global commons, must be reinvigorated for the New Space era.. It is now vital that the astronomical community – whose skill-set does not generally involve leading regulatory strategies – engage with those who can support its leadership in exerting a renewed influence. The diplomacy of science, which played a vital role during the Cold War and the establishment of global commons, must be reinvigorated for the New Space era.. It is now vital that the astronomical community – whose skill-set does not generally involve leading regulatory strategies – engage with those who can support its leadership in exerting a renewed influence. The diplomacy of science, which played a vital role during the Cold War and the establishment of global commons, must be reinvigorated for the New Space era.. It is now vital that the astronomical community – whose skill-set does not generally involve leading regulatory strategies – engage with those who can support its leadership in exerting a renewed influence. The diplomacy of science, which played a vital role during the Cold War and the establishment of global commons, must be reinvigorated for the New Space era.. It is now vital that the astronomical community – whose skill-set does not generally involve leading regulatory strategies – engage with those who can support its leadership in exerting a renewed influence. The diplomacy of science, which played a vital role during the Cold War and the establishment of global commons, must be reinvigorated for the New Space era.. It is now vital that the astronomical community – whose s

Urinalysis and Body Fluids (Fifth Edition)

by Susan King Strasinger Marjorie Schaub Di Lorenzo

This thoroughly updated 5th Edition provides you with concise and carefully structured full-color instruction in the handling and analysis of non-blood body fluids. You will learn how to handle and preserve the integrity of body fluid specimens and how to keep yourself and your laboratory safe from infectious agents! Practical, focused, and reader friendly, this popular text teaches the theoretical and practical knowledge every clinical laboratory scientist needs to handle and analyze non-blood body fluids, and to keep you and your laboratory safe from infectious agents. The 5th Edition has been completely updated to include all of the new information and new testing procedures that are important in this rapidly changing field. Case studies and clinical situations show how work in the classroom translates to work in the lab.

Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice

by Helen M Free

This book discusses urinalysis in clinical laboratory practice, including a historical overview, methods, future endeavours.

Urinary Biomarkers: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2292)

by Samanta Salvi Valentina Casadio

This volume describes important methods, protocols, and techniques used for studying urinary biomarkers. Chapters detail different alterations use to studied different types of cancers and physiological conditions. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Urinary Biomarkers: Methods and Protocols aims to be a useful practical guide to researches to help further their study in this field.

The Urinary Proteome

by Alex J. Rai

Urine is one of the most easily accessible biological samples, and it provides a treasure trove of molecules essential for clinical diagnostics. In The Urinary Proteome: Methods and Protocols, expert researchers review briefly the classical urine tests that are performed in the clinical laboratory and then delve into the state of the art methods for proteomic analysis using urine specimens. Featuring the most recent advances in sample preparation, data analysis, and methods and applications, the book contains a multitude of detailed methods, including procedural details for the identification and characterization of urine biomarkers, which hold great potential for the diagnosis and treatment of many different disease conditions. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular BiologyTM series format, chapters present brief introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and notes highlighting tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and systematic, The Urinary Proteome: Methods and Protocols is an ideal guide for scientific researchers, clinical laboratorians, clinical and translational scientists, and others interested in the vital study of proteomics and biomarker discovery.

Urinary Tract

by Karl-Erik Andersson Martin C. Michel

The basic anatomy and physiology of the urinary tract, the validity of animal models and other methodological considerations as well as a range of potential therapeutic targets are comprehensively reviewed by leading international experts, making this a unique reference source for basic scientists and research-minded clinicians alike

Urine: Promising Biomarker Source for Early Disease Detection (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology #Vol. 845)

by Youhe Gao

This book demonstrates the potential of urine as a biomarker resource for early disease detection, covering the related theory, strategies, tools and findings. Biomarkers are measurable changes associated with diseases. Blood, as a critical part of its internal environment, is closely monitored and controlled by the body to maintain homeostasis, especially in the early stages of diseases. In contrast, urine, as a form of waste excreted by the body, collects a variety of substance changes. Accordingly, urine can offer an ideal resource for early biomarker discovery. In addition, urine is more stable than blood in vitro, and is easy to store and analyze. The book discusses exciting preliminary applications of urine biomarkers for diseases affecting major biological systems. Its main goal is to make scientists, clinicians and medical companies aware of this important, exciting, undeveloped, and profitable field.

Urine Proteomics in Kidney Disease Biomarker Discovery

by Youhe Gao

This book systematically summarizes the ideas and technologies used in urine proteome analysis. It argues that change is the core of biomarker definition since the body uses its homeostatic mechanisms to correct changes in the blood. This means that urine is probably a better source of biomarkers than blood. A roadmap to the urinary biomarker era is proposed, and researchers are reminded of the potential opportunities and risks in their study design. Kidney diseases are emphasized as they produce the most significant changes in urine. This book tries to show researchers and graduate students, who are in or entering the field, "all things considered" rather than "the current affair".

Urknall im Labor

by Dieter B. Herrmann

Die Frage nach der Herkunft, Entwicklung und Zukunft des Universums zählt zu den großen wissenschaftlichen Themen der Gegenwart. Kernphysiker und Astrophysiker gehen dieser Frage heute mithilfe moderner Teilchenbeschleuniger nach, die kosmische Extremzustände förmlich nachahmen können. Sie hoffen, dadurch dem Verständnis der Lebensgeschichte des Universums ein großes Stück näher zu kommen. Allgemein verständlich und unterhaltsam beschreibt der Autor dieses große Abenteuer der Forschung, das vor 400 Jahren mit den ersten Fernrohren Galileis begann.

Urknall, Sterne, Schwarze Löcher: Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft des Universums

by Dominik Elsässer

Mit diesem Buch begeben Sie sich auf eine Reise vom Beginn des Universums in die ferne Zukunft: Was ist Zeit? Kann man den Urknall sehen? Wie funktioniert Inflation? Wie entstehen Sterne? Wie untersucht man Exoplaneten? Wie sieht die Zukunft des Universums aus? Kann die Zeit enden?Fünfzehn allgemeinverständliche Beiträge aus Spektrum der Wissenschaft und Sterne und Weltraum bieten dem Leser einen vielfältigen Blick auf unser Universum: der erste Teil der Beiträge beschäftigt sich mit dem frühen Universum, mit Zeit, Urknall, Inflation und Dunkler Materie. Der zweite Teil stellt die Gegenwart in den Vordergrund und beleuchtet unter anderem die ersten Sterne und ihre Entwicklung, Exoplaneten und supermassereiche Schwarze Löcher. Im abschließenden Teil widmen die Autoren sich den Fragen, welche Zukunft die Sterne im Universum haben und welche Rolle die Dunkle Energie für den Fortgang des Universums, in dem wir leben, spielt.


by Giancarlo Vignoli

This pocket guide is an easy-to-use, practically oriented resource that provides reliable information and advice on the technical aspects of urodynamic techniques, the interpretation of tracings, quality control, and the most common pitfalls. Individual sections focus on uroflowmetry, multichannel urodynamics, interpretation of pressure/flow tracings, urethral function studies, pelvic floor electromyography, videourodynamics, and urodynamics of the upper urinary tract. Despite recent criticisms, there is general agreement that urodynamic investigation represents a necessary step before any surgical approach to incontinence and obstruction. Nevertheless, recently published guidelines fail to provide specific directions on performance and interpretation of urodynamics, and knowledge of the basic rules and formal urodynamics training are too often lacking. Readers will find that this guide enables them to retrieve key information quickly and to feel more confident in their practice of urodynamics.

Urodynamics Illustrated

by Ranee Thakar Philip Toozs-Hobson Lucia Dolan

This book provides a practical guide for anyone performing or training to perform urodynamic studies. Details on how to set up urodynamic equipment and perform individual urodynamic techniques are discussed, ranging from basic tests such as uroflowmetry and subtracted cystometry through to the more complex videocystometry, ambulatory monitoring and urethral function tests. Many of the chapters include case studies to place the investigations within the context of a symptom complex. This book has a place in every urodynamics laboratory as an easy reference guide and is an essential illustrative text for teaching the fundamentals of good urodynamic practice.

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