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Wildlife and Recreationists: Coexistence Through Management And Research
by Joanna Burger Daniel J. Decker Richard L. Knight Kevin Gutzwiller H. Ken Cordell Paul KerlingerWildlife and Recreationists defines and clarifies the issues surrounding the conflict between outdoor recreation and the health and well-being of wildlife and ecosystems. Contributors to the volume consider both direct and indirect effects of widlife-recreationist interactions, including: *wildlife responses to disturbance, and the origins of these responses *how specific recreational activities affect diverse types of wildlife *the human dimensions of managing recreationists *the economic importance of outdoor recreation *how wildlife and recreationists might be able to coexist The book is a useful synthesis of what is known concerning wildlife and recreation. More important, it addresses both research needs and management options to minimize conflicts.
Wildlife Behavior and Conservation
by Richard H. YahnerBegins with in-depth coverage of wildlife behavior concepts as they relate to conservation problems. Topics will focus principally on discussion, critique, and development of behavioral concepts, with particular attention given to published studies on various topics in wildlife behavioral concepts as related to conservation and natural history. He will include an extensive list of references.
Wildlife Biodiversity Conservation: Multidisciplinary and Forensic Approaches
by Susan C. Underkoffler Hayley R. AdamsThis book addresses the multidisciplinary challenges in biodiversity conservation with a focus on wildlife crime and how forensic tools can be applied to protect species and preserve ecosystems. Illustrated by numerous case studies covering different geographical regions and species the book introduces to the fundamentals of biodiversity conflicts, outlines the unique challenges of wildlife crime scenes and reviews latest techniques in environmental forensics, such as DNA metagenomics. In addition, the volume explores the socio-economic perspective of biodiversity protection and provides an overview of national and international conservation laws. The field of conservation medicine stresses the importance of recognizing that human health, animal health, and ecosystem health are inextricably interdependent and the book serves as important contribution towards achieving the UN Sustainable Developmental Goals, in particular SDG 15, Life on Land. The book addresses graduate students, scientists and veterinary professionals working in wildlife research and conservation biology.
Wildlife California
by Jill BrubakerThe book is a nature guide focusing on the mammals, reptiles, and birds that are found in the wilderness areas of California.
Wildlife Conservation in a Changing Climate
by Jedediah F. Brodie, Eric Post, and Daniel F. DoakHuman-induced climate change is emerging as one of the gravest threats to biodiversity in history, and while a vast amount of literature on the ecological impact of climate change exists, very little has been dedicated to the management of wildlife populations and communities in the wake of unprecedented habitat changes. Wildlife Conservation in a Changing Climate is an essential resource, bringing together leaders in the fields of climate change ecology, wildlife population dynamics, and environmental policy to examine the impacts of climate change on populations of terrestrial vertebrates. Chapters assess the details of climate change ecology, including demographic implications for individual populations, evolutionary responses, impacts on movement patterns, alterations of species interactions, and predicting impacts across regions. The contributors also present a number of strategies by which conservationists and wildlife managers can counter or mitigate the impacts of climate change as well as increase the resilience of wildlife populations to such changes. A seminal contribution to the fields of ecology and conservation biology, Wildlife Conservation in a Changing Climate will serve as the spark that ignites a new direction of discussions about and action on the ecology and conservation of wildlife in a changing climate.
Wildlife Damage Management: Prevention, Problem Solving, and Conflict Resolution
by Russell F. Reidinger Jr. James E. MillerA complete guide to preventing and resolving problems associated with wildlife-human interactions.Whether you are a student in a wildlife degree program or a professional wildlife biologist, you will find all the up-to-date information on wildlife damage in the pages of this clear, comprehensive text. Wildlife Damage Management covers every imaginable topic including:• pertinent biological and ecological concepts• individual-, population-, and ecosystem-level effects• survey techniques• management methods• human dimensions• economic issues• legal and political aspects• damage management strategiesAuthors Russell F. Reidinger, Jr., and James E. Miller explain the evolution of wildlife damage management, differentiate facts from myths, and detail the principles and techniques a professional biologist needs to know. The book discusses native as well as exotic invasive species, zoonotic diseases, hazards to endangered or threatened fauna and flora, and damage to crops, livestock, and property. Reidinger and Miller argue that, in recent years, the rate of undesirable human-wildlife interactions has risen in many areas, owing in part to the expansion of residences into places formerly wild or agricultural, making wildlife damage management even more relevant.From suburban deer eating gardens and shrubs, to mountain lions threatening pets and people, to accidentally introduced species outcompeting native species, Reidinger and Miller show how proper management can reduce wildlife damage to an acceptable, cost-effective level. An extensive section on available resources, a glossary that explains terms and concepts, and detailed figures will aid both students and seasoned professionals. Instructors will find this text arranged perfectly for a semester-long course. The end-of-chapter questions will allow students to ponder the ways wildlife damage management concepts can be put into practice. For those already working in the field—biologists and managers with federal, state, or international agencies—Wildlife Damage Management will serve as an ideal reference book. Destined to set the tone of wildlife damage conversations for the next decade and beyond, Reidinger and Miller belongs on the shelf of all wildlife professionals.
Wildlife Disease and Health in Conservation (Wildlife Management And Conservation Ser.)
by David A. Jessup and Robin W. RadcliffeWildlife DNA Analysis
by Shanan Tobe Adrian LinacreClearly structured throughout, the introduction highlights the different types of crime where these techniques are regularly used. This chapter includes a discussion as to who performs forensic wildlife examinations, the standardisation and validation of methods, and the role of the expert witness in this type of alleged crime. This is followed by a detailed section on the science behind DNA typing including the problems in isolating DNA from trace material and subsequent genetic analysis are also covered. The book then undertakes a comprehensive review of species testing using DNA, including a step-by-step guide to sequence comparisons. A comparison of the different markers used in species testing highlights the criteria for a genetic marker. A full set of case histories illustrates the use of the different markers used. The book details the use of genetic markers to link two or more hairs/feather/leaves/needles to the same individual organism and the software used in population assignment. The problems and possibilities in isolating markers, along with the construction of allele databases are discussed in this chapter. The book concludes with evaluation and reporting of genetic evidence in wildlife forensic science illustrated by examples of witness statements.
Wildlife Ecology And Management
by Eric G. Bolen William Laughlin RobinsonThis exceptionally comprehensive, single-source introduction to the art, science, theories, practices, and issues of wildlife management is ideal for the novice in the subject. Features full-chapters on predators, urban wildlife, policy, water, soil, diseases, conservation biology. New, up-to-date issues covered include the removal of dams, global warming, emerging diseases among elk and deer, adaptive harvest management, animal rights groups, women hunters, population data, migratory animals and more. For anyone interested in an exceptionally comprehensive introduction to wildlife management and conservation.
Wildlife Ecology, Conservation, and Management (Wiley Desktop Editions Ser.)
by Graeme Caughley John M. Fryxell Anthony R. SinclairTo understand modern principles of sustainable management and the conservation of wildlife species requires intimate knowledge about demography, animal behavior, and ecosystem dynamics. With emphasis on practical application and quantitative skill development, this book weaves together these disparate elements in a single coherent textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate students. It reviews analytical techniques, explaining the mathematical and statistical principles behind them, and shows how these can be used to formulate realistic objectives within an ecological framework. This third edition is comprehensive and up-to-date, and includes: Brand new chapters that disseminate rapidly developing topics in the field: habitat use and selection; habitat fragmentation, movement, and corridors; population viability. analysis, the consequences of climate change; and evolutionary responses to disturbance A thorough updating of all chapters to present important areas of wildlife research and management with recent developments and examples. A new online study aid – a wide variety of downloadable computer programs in the freeware packages R and Mathcad, available through a companion website. Worked examples enable readers to practice calculations explained in the text and to develop a solid understanding of key statistical procedures and population models commonly used in wildlife ecology and management. The first half of the book provides a solid background in key ecological concepts. The second half uses these concepts to develop a deeper understanding of the principles underlying wildlife management and conservation. Global examples of real-life management situations provide a broad perspective on the international problems of conservation, and detailed case histories demonstrate concepts and quantitative analyses. This third edition is also valuable to professional wildlife managers, park rangers, biological resource managers, and those working in ecotourism.
Wildlife Ecotoxicology
by Christine A. Bishop John E. Elliott Christy MorrisseyMany books have now been published in the broad field of environmental toxicology. However, to date, none of have presented the often fascinating stories of the wildlife science, and the steps along the way from discovery of problems caused by environmental pollutants to the regulatory and non-regulatory efforts to address the problems. This book provides case by case examinations of how toxic chemical effects on wildlife have brought about policy and regulatory decisions, and positive changes in environmental conditions. Wild animal stories, whether they are about the disappearance of charismatic top predators, or of grossly deformed embryos or frogs, provide powerful symbols that can and have captured the public's imagination and have resulted in increased awareness by decision makers. It is the intent of this book to present factual and balanced overviews and summaries of the science and the subsequent regulatory processes that followed to effect change (or not). We cover a variety of chemicals and topics beginning with an update of the classic California coastal DDT story of eggshell thinning and avian reproduction to more recent cases, such as the veterinarian pharmaceutical that has brought three species of Asian vultures to the brink of extinction. Researchers, regulators, educators, NGOs and the general public will find valuable insights into the processes and mechanisms involved both in environmental scientific investigation and in efforts to effect positive change.
Wildlife Forensic Investigation: Principles and Practice
by John E. Cooper Margaret E. CooperProviding an in-depth introduction to the rapidly evolving field of wildlife forensics, this volume also chronicles aspects of the history of management, conservation, and environmental protection, with an emphasis on their global importance in the twenty-first century. The book examines the crucial role of wildlife forensic investigation with regard to live animals, dead animals, and samples and covers national, regional, and international legislation. The book discusses animal welfare as well as the damage that can be inflicted on humans and property by wildlife. The text is enhanced by case studies from experts who describe some of their own work.
Wildlife Forensics
by John R. Wallace Jane E. HuffmanWildlife Forensics: Methods and Applications provides an accessible and practical approach to the key areas involved in this developing subject. The book contains case studies throughout the text that take the reader from the field, to the lab analysis to the court room, giving a complete insight into the path of forensic evidence and demonstrating how current techniques can be applied to wildlife forensics.The book contains approaches that wildlife forensic investigators and laboratory technicians can employ in investigations and provides the direction and practical advice required by legal and police professionals seeking to gain the evidence needed to prosecute wildlife crimes.The book will bring together in one text various aspects of wildlife forensics, including statistics, toxicology, pathology, entomology, morphological identification, and DNA analysis.This book will be an invaluable reference and will provide investigators, laboratory technicians and students in forensic Science/conservation biology classes with practical guidance and best methods for criminal investigations applied to wildlife crime.Includes practical techniques that wildlife forensic investigators and laboratory technicians can employ in investigations. Includes case studies to illustrate various key methods and applications. Brings together diverse areas of forensic science and demonstrates their application specifically to the field of wildlife crime. Contains methodology boxes to lead readers through the processes of individual techniques. Takes an applied approach to the subject to appeal to both students of the subject and practitioners in the field. Includes a broad introduction to what is meant by 'wildlife crime', how to approach a crime scene and collect evidence and includes chapters dedicated to the key techniques utilized in wildlife investigations. Includes chapters on wildlife forensic pathology; zooanthropological techniques; biological trace evidence analysis; the importance of bitemark evidence; plant and wildlife forensics; best practices and law enforcement.
Wildlife Habitat Conservation: Concepts, Challenges, and Solutions (Wildlife Management and Conservation)
by Heather A. Mathewson and Michael L. MorrisonA book that emphasized the concept of wildlife habitat for a generation of students and professionals is now available to even more readers."Habitat" is probably the most common term in ecological research. Elementary school students are introduced to the term, college students study the concept in depth, hunters make their plans based on it, nature explorers chat about the different types, and land managers spend enormous time and money modifying and restoring habitats. Although a broad swath of people now have some notion of what habitat is, the scientific community has by and large failed to define it concretely, despite repeated attempts in the literature to come to meaningful conclusions regarding what habitat is and how we should study, manipulate, and ultimately conserve it.Wildlife Habitat Conservation presents an authoritative review of the habitat concept, provides a scientifically rigorous definition, and emphasizes how we must focus on those critical factors contained within what we call habitat. The result is a habitat concept that promises long-term persistence of animal populations. Key concepts and items in the book include:• Rigorous and standard conceptual definitions of wildlife and their habitat.• A discussion of the essential integration of population demographics and population persistence with the concept of habitat.• The importance of carryover and lag effects, behavioral processes, genetics, and species interactions to our understanding of habitat. • An examination of spatiotemporal heterogeneity, realized through fragmentation, disruption to eco-evolutionary processes, and alterations to plant and animal assemblages.• An explanation of how anthropogenic effects alter population size and distribution (isolation), genetic processes, and species diversity (including exotic plants and animals).• Advocacy of proactive management and conservation through predictive modeling, restoration, and monitoring.Each chapter is accessibly written in a style that will be welcomed by private landowners and public resource managers at local, state, and federal levels. Also ideal for undergraduate and graduate natural resource and conservation courses, the book is organized perfectly for a one-semester class.Published in association with The Wildlife Society.
Wildlife Habitat Management: Concepts and Applications in Forestry, Second Edition
by Brenda C. McCombShortlisted for the 2018 TWS Wildlife Publication Awards in the authored book categoryIn recent years, conflicts between ecological conservation and economic growth forced a reassessment of the motivations and goals of wildlife and forestry management. Focus shifted from game and commodity management to biodiversity conservation and ecological fore
Wildlife-Habitat Relationships: Concepts and Applications
by Michael L. Morrison William Mannan Bruce MarcotWildlife-Habitat Relationships goes beyond introductory wildlife biology texts to provide wildlife professionals and students with an understanding of the importance of habitat relationships in studying and managing wildlife. The book offers a unique synthesis and critical evaluation of data, methods, and studies, along with specific guidance on how to conduct rigorous studies. Now in its third edition, Wildlife-Habitat Relationships combines basic field zoology and natural history, evolutionary biology, ecological theory, and quantitative tools in explaining ecological processes and their influence on wildlife and habitats. Also included is a glossary of terms that every wildlife professional should know. Michael L. Morrison is professor and Caesar Kleberg Chair in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation in the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences at Texas A&M University in College Station. Bruce G. Marcot is wildlife ecologist with the USDA Forest Service in Portland, Oregon. R. William Mannan is professor of wildlife ecology at the University of Arizona in Tucson.
Wildlife in Airport Environments: Preventing Animal–Aircraft Collisions through Science-Based Management (Wildlife Management and Conservation)
by Travis L. DeVault Bradley F. Blackwell Jerrold L. BelantA comprehensive overview of wildlife issues facing airports and how to minimize conflicts.Winner of the NWRC Publication Award of the National Wildlife Research CenterThe pilot watches the instrument panel and prepares for touchdown—a routine landing until a burst of birds, a coyote, or a herd of deer crosses the runway! Every year, pilots experience this tension and many aircraft come into direct contact with birds and other wildlife, resulting in more than one billion dollars in damage annually. The United States Federal Aviation Administration has recorded a rise in these incidents over the past decade due to the combined effects of more reporting, rebounding wildlife populations, and an increased number of flights. Wildlife in Airport Environments tackles the issue of what to do about encounters with wildlife in and around airports—from rural, small-craft airparks to major international hubs. Whether the problem is birds or bats in the flight path or a moose on the runway, the authors provide a thorough overview of the science behind wildlife management at airports. This well-written, carefully documented volume presents a clear synthesis for researchers, wildlife managers, and airport professionals. The book belongs in the hands of all those charged with minimizing the risks that wildlife pose to air travel.Wildlife in Airport Environments is the first book in the series Wildlife Management and Conservation and is published in association with The Wildlife Society.ContributorsMichael L. Avery, U.S. Department of AgricultureJerrold L. Belant, Mississippi State UniversityKristin M. Biondi, Mississippi State UniversityBradley F. Blackwell, U.S. Department of AgricultureJonathon D. Cepek, U.S. Department of AgricultureLarry Clark, U.S. Department of AgricultureTara J. Conkling, Mississippi State UniversityScott R. Craven, University of Wisconsin–MadisonPaul D. Curtis, Cornell UniversityTravis L. DeVault, U.S. Department of AgricultureRichard A. Dolbeer, U.S. Department of AgricultureDavid Felstul, U.S. Department of the InteriorEsteban Fernández-Juricic, Purdue UniversityAlan B. Franklin, U.S. Department of AgricultureSidney A. Gauthreaux Jr., Clemson UniversityMichael Lavelle, U.S. Department of AgricultureJames A. Martin, Mississippi State UniversityRebecca Mihalco, U.S. Department of AgriculturePaige M. Schmidt, U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceThomas W. Seamans, U.S. Department of AgricultureKurt C. VerCauteren, U.S. Department of AgricultureBrian E. Washburn, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Wildlife in Your Garden: Planting and Landscaping to Create a Backyard Sanctuary
by Karen LanierImagine a thriving garden in your backyard, bursting with vibrantly colored blooms and lush green leaves, shaded by tall trees. Now imagine the same garden, alive with buzzing and flapping and chirping and croaking. Imagine the ecological impact of encouraging natural pollinators. Imagine the excitement of watching your garden become a hub of activity and learning about all of its different visitors. For those who relish observing nature in action, planning a garden to attract certain types of wildlife can bring daily enjoyment right into the backyard.Inside Wildlife in Your Garden:How to deal with and even appreciate the insects in your gardenReptile and amphibian backyard visitors and how they can contribute to a healthy ecosystem"Birdscaping"-planning and planting with birds in mindA special section on hummingbirds that includes an illustrated guide to twelve common typesUsing binoculars and field guides to identify birds by sight and by callsDifferent types of pollination and the plants and food crops that depend on itButterfly metamorphosis and gardening for the different life stagesHow bats and moths take over pollination duties at nightLearning to coexist with four-legged furry friends who like to dig and forageNatural ways to protect your garden from pests and discourage harmful wildlife
Wildlife Law: A Primer
by Eric T. Freyfogle Dale D. GobleWildlife Law is a comprehensive and readable primer that provides an overview of U.S. wildlife law for a broad audience, including professionals who work with wildlife or who manage wildlife habitat, students across the spectrum of natural resource courses, landowners, developers, hunters, guides, and those associated with the field of private game ranching. Authors Eric T. Freyfogle and Dale D. Goble are legal scholars who are experts in wildlife law. This book is the first ever to survey the entire field, covering state and federal law with a strong grounding in wildlife science. The writing style is lively and engaging, with descriptions of unusual and intriguing cases that illustrate key points and bring to life the importance and intricacies of the field. The book includes thirteen chapters on topics such as * what wildlife law is, what it covers, and what it seeks to achieve; * constitutional issues and key federal statutes; * wildlife liability issues, from spider bites to escaped zoo animals; * state game laws, hunting and fishing rights of Indian tribes; * and the Endangered Species Act. Wildlife Law fills a long-standing gap in the literature and introduces readers to the basics of wildlife law while exploring such current controversies as endangered species protection, tribal fishing rights, game ranches, and the challenges of constructing wildlife corridors. It is a much-needed addition to the bookshelf of everyone working with or concerned about wildlife in the United States.
Wildlife Management and Conservation: Contemporary Principles and Practices
by Paul R. Krausman And James W. Cain IIIThe definitive textbook for students of wildlife management, now updated to cover the latest techniques, tools, and topics.Wildlife Management and Conservation presents a clear overview of the management and conservation of animals, their habitats, and how people influence both. The relationship among these three components of wildlife management is explained in chapters written by leading experts and is designed to prepare students for careers in which they will be charged with maintaining healthy animal populations. To be successful wildlife professionals, they will need to find ways to restore depleted populations, reduce overabundant, introduced, or pest species, and manage relationships among various human stakeholders. This book gives them the basic knowledge necessary to accomplish these goals.This second edition, which is updated throughout, features several new and expanded topics, including communication in the wildlife profession, fire science, Indigenous models of management and conservation, plant–animal interactions, quantitative analysis of wildlife populations, and a detailed glossary. The book also covers:• Human dimensions of wildlife management• Animal behavior• Predator–prey relationships• Structured decision making• Issues of scale in wildlife management• Wildlife health• Historical context of wildlife management and conservation• Hunting and trapping• Nongame species• Nutrition ecology• Water management• Climate change• Conservation planningThe most widely used foundational text in the field, this is the perfect resource not only for students but also for early career professionals and those in related fields who need to understand the core tenets and tools of wildlife conservation and management.Contributors: C. Jane Anderson, Bart M. Ballard, Warren B. Ballard, John A. Bissonette, Clint Boal, Scott B. Boyle, Leonard A. Brennan, Robert D. Brown, James W. Cain III, Tyler A. Campbell, Michael J. Cherry, Michael R. Conover, Daniel J. Decker, Randall W. DeYoung, Jonathan B. Dinkins, W. Sue Fairbanks, Selma N. Glasscock, James B. Grand, Michael J. Haney, James R. Heffelfinger, Scott E. Henke, Fidel Hernandez, Davie G. Hewitt, C. L. Hoving, David A. Jessup, Heather E. Johnson, Winifred B. Kessler, John L. Koprowski, Paul R. Krausman, William P. Kuvlesky, Jr., Roel R. Lopez, R. W. Mannan, Scott Mills, Michael S. Mitchell, Michael L. Morrison, Anna M. Muñoz, John F. Organ, Katherine L. Parker, William F. Porter, Shawn J. Riley, Steven S. Rosenstock, Michael C. Runge, Susan P. Rupp, William F. Siemer, Robert J. Steidl, Kelley M. Stewart
Wildlife Management and Conservation: Contemporary Principles and Practices (Wildlife Management And Conservation Ser.)
by Paul R. Krausman James W. Cain IIIA definitive textbook for students of wildlife management.Wildlife Management and Conservation presents a clear overview of the management and conservation of animals, their habitats, and how people influence both. The relationship among these three components of wildlife management is explained in chapters written by leading experts and is designed to prepare wildlife students for careers in which they will be charged with maintaining healthy animal populations; finding ways to restore depleted populations while reducing overabundant, introduced, or pest species; and managing relationships among various human stakeholders.Topics covered in this book include• The definitions of wildlife and management• Human dimensions of wildlife management• Animal behavior• Predator–prey relationships • Structured decision making• Issues of scale in wildlife management• Wildlife health• Historical context of wildlife management and conservation• Hunting and trapping• Nongame species• Nutrition ecology• Water management• Climate change• Conservation planning
Wildlife Management and Landscapes: Principles and Applications (Wildlife Management and Conservation)
by William F. Porter, Chad J. Parent, Rosemary A. Stewart and David M. WilliamsWildlife management specialists and landscape ecologists offer a new perspective on the important intersection of these fields in the twenty-first century.It's been clear for decades that landscape-level patterns and processes, along with the tenets and tools of landscape ecology, are vitally important in understanding wildlife-habitat relationships and sustaining wildlife populations. Today, significant shifts in the spatial scale of extractive, agricultural, ranching, and urban land uses are upon us, making it more important than ever before to connect wildlife management and landscape ecology. Landscape ecologists must understand the constraints that wildlife managers face and be able to use that knowledge to translate their work into more practical applications. Wildlife managers, for their part, can benefit greatly from becoming comfortable with the vocabulary, conceptual processes, and perspectives of landscape ecologists.In Wildlife and Landscapes, the foremost landscape ecology experts and wildlife management specialists come together to discuss the emerging role of landscape concepts in habitat management. Their contributions• make the case that a landscape perspective is necessary to address management questions• translate concepts in landscape ecology to wildlife management• explain why studying some important habitat-wildlife relationships is still inherently difficult• explore the dynamic and heterogeneous structure of natural systems• reveal why factors such as soil, hydrology, fire, grazing, and timber harvest lead to uncertainty in management decisions• explain matching scale between population processes and management• discuss limitations to management across jurisdictional boundaries and balancing objectives of private landowners and management agencies• offer practical ideas for improving communication between professionals• outline the impediments that limit a full union of landscape ecology and wildlife managementUsing concrete examples of modern conservation challenges that range from oil and gas development to agriculture and urbanization, the volume posits that shifts in conservation funding from a hunter constituent base to other sources will bring a dramatic change in the way we manage wildlife. Explicating the foundational similarity of wildlife management and landscape ecology, Wildlife and Landscapes builds crucial bridges between theoretical and practical applications.Contributors: Jocelyn L. Aycrigg, Guillaume Bastille-Rousseau, Jon P. Beckmann, Joseph R. Bennett, William M. Block, Todd R. Bogenschutz, Teresa C. Cohn, John W. Connelly, Courtney J. Conway, Bridgett E. Costanzo, David D. Diamond, Karl A. Didier, Lee F. Elliott, Michael E. Estey, Lenore Fahrig, Cameron J. Fiss, Jacqueline L. Frair, Elsa M. Haubold, Fidel Hernández, Jodi A. Hilty, Joseph D. Holbrook, Cynthia A. Jacobson, Kevin M. Johnson, Jeffrey K. Keller, Jeffery L. Larkin, Kimberly A. Lisgo, Casey A. Lott, Amanda E. Martin, James A. Martin, Darin J. McNeil, Michael L. Morrison, Betsy E. Neely, Neal D. Niemuth, Chad J. Parent, Humberto L. Perotto-Baldivieso, Ronald D. Pritchert, Fiona K. A. Schmiegelow, Amanda L. Sesser, Gregory J. Soulliere, Leona K. Svancara, Stephen C. Torbit, Joseph A. Veech, Kerri T. Vierling, Greg Wathen, David M. Williams, Mark J. Witecha, John M. Yeiser
Wildlife Necropsy and Forensics
by P.K. SriramanThe book discusses various necropsy procedures for wild animals both for the disease investigation and forensic usage. The list of various wildlife crimes, the role of each member of wildlife crime team investigation in general and the role of pathologist in particular, (the forensic veterinary pathology)and the salient features of methodology of crime investigation is given. Information on the mistakes and omissions in forensic necropsy, negative necropsy, common errors committed by pathologist while performing forensic necropsy, postmortem appearances of common pathological conditions and estimation of age of some of the domestic animals and their foetuses is given for guidance. Various types of wounds, and the types of firearms and their terminology are also given for easy understanding about the wounds and fire arms.Note: T&F does not sell or distribute the Hardback in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
Wildlife of Mexico: The Game Birds and Mammals
by A. Starker LeopoldThis title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1959.
Wildlife of the Caribbean (Princeton Pocket Guides)
by Herbert Raffaele James WileyThis is the first comprehensive illustrated guide to the natural world of the Caribbean islands. It contains 600 vivid color images featuring 451 species of plants, birds, mammals, fish, seashells, and much more. While the guide primarily looks at the most conspicuous and widespread species among the islands, it also includes rarely seen creatures―such as the Rhinoceros Iguana and Cuban Solenodon―giving readers a special sense of the region's diverse wildlife. <p><p> Each species is represented by one or more color photos or illustrations; details regarding its identification, status, and distribution; and interesting aspects of its life history or relationship to humans. In addition, an introductory section focuses on the unique characteristics of the Caribbean’s fauna and flora, the threats faced by both, and some of the steps being taken to sustain the area’s extraordinary natural heritage.