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Showing 79,126 through 79,150 of 79,756 results

Working Knowledge

by Karl Hess

Working Knowledge: STEM Essentials for the 21st Century is designed to inspire a wide range of readers from high school and undergraduate students with an interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) to STEM teachers and those who wish to become teachers. Written by renowned scientist and teacher Dr. Karl Hess of the University of Illinois at Urbana, a member of both the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering, the book presents a critical collection of timeless STEM concepts and connects them with contemporary research advances in addition to the needs of our daily lives. With an engaging and accessible style not requiring a formal background in STEM, Dr. Hess takes the reader on a journey from Euclidean Geometry and Cartesian Coordinates up through 21st Century scientific topics like the global positioning system, nanotechnology, and super-efficient alternative energy systems. Working Knowledge: STEM Essentials for the 21st Century at once serves as an almanac on the fascinating physical, chemical, quantitative features of the natural world and built environment, as well as a need-to-know list of topics for students, teachers, and parents interested in STEM education.

Working Knowledge: Making The Human Sciences From Parsons To Kuhn

by Joel Isaac

Isaac explores how influential thinkers in the mid-twentieth century understood the relations among science, knowledge, and the empirical study of human affairs. He places special emphasis on the practical, local manifestations of their complex theoretical ideas, particularly the institutional milieu of Harvard University.

The Working Memory Advantage: Train Your Brain to Function Stronger, Smarter, Faster

by Ross Alloway Tracy Alloway

A bigger asset than IQ: The first book to introduce the newly discovered--and vitally important--mental skill known as working memory, showing how it is crucial to our success in work and life and how to strengthen it.Working memory--your ability to work with information--influences nearly everything you do. What if you could find a way to better handle a crazy schedule or expertly manage risks? What if you could gain an advantage in climbing the career ladder or in school or sports? What if there were a way to improve your outlook on life, to face each day with more optimism and confidence? Tracy and Ross Alloway, leading experts in the field, show how working memory is the key to all that and more. They present important recent findings, including research on how Facebook can help with working memory, how working memory can improve your kids' grades, how it changes as you age, and how working memory is linked with ADHD, autism, dyslexia, and Alzheimer's. The Alloways describe their Jungle Memory program, which Ross created to help children improve their working memories, and is rapidly being embraced by the education community. Most importantly, they share the best news: you can improve your memory! Their book provides three tests to find out how good your working memory is--and more than fifty targeted exercises designed to help readers both process and memorize the information to maximize effectiveness. The Working Memory Advantage offers unprecedented insight into one of the most important cognitive breakthroughs in recent years--a vital new approach to making your brain stronger, smarter, and faster.

The Working Memory Advantage

by Tracy Alloway Ross Alloway

As revolutionary as Emotional Intelligence, this is the first book to explore the tremendous importance of working memory--a stronger predictor of success in life than IQ--and provide a wealth of simple exercises for enhancing this crucial skill.Working memory--the ability to hold and process incoming information actively in one's mind--lies at the heart of most important life functions. Learning, decision-making, prioritization, time management, and multitasking all rely on working memory. Research has also shown that it is a key determinant of happiness; people with strong working memory are more optimistic and more hopeful about the future. Tracy Alloway and her husband Ross, leading experts on this subject, present not only their own findings, but all of the most important recent breakthroughs in the field, including studies that show that many children with learning problems and ADD have weak working memories. The good news is that working memory can be improved, and the authors offer a host of simple exercises that can help everyone make significant and lasting gains in brain function. Equal parts descriptive and prescriptive, The Working Memory Advantage offers unprecedented insight into one of the most important psychological breakthroughs of the past ten years--and a vital new approach to maximizing mental performance.

Working Memory and Clinical Developmental Disorders: Theories, Debates and Interventions

by Tracy Packiam Alloway

This comprehensive volume brings together international experts involved in applying and developing understanding of Working Memory in the context of a variety of neurodevelopmental disorders, neurocognitive disorders, and depressive disorders. Each chapter provides a description of the disorder and investigates the Working Memory and related Executive Function deficits. It goes on to provide a neurological profile, before exploring the impact of the disorder in daily functions, the current debates related to this disorder, and the potential effects of medication and intervention. Through combining coverage of theoretical understanding, methods of assessment, and different evidence-based intervention programs, the book supports clinical assessment and management of poor Working Memory. It is essential reading for students in neurodevelopmental disorders, atypical development and developmental psychopathology as well as allied health professionals, clinicians and those working with children in education and healthcare settings.

Working Memory and Neurodevelopmental Disorders

by Susan E. Gathercole Tracy Packiam Alloway

Short-term or working memory - the capacity to hold and manipulate information mentally over brief periods of time - plays an important role in supporting a wide range of everyday activities, particularly in childhood. Children with weak working memory skills often struggle in key areas of learning and, given its impact on cognitive abilities, the identification of working memory impairments is a priority for those who work with children with learning disabilities. Working Memory and Neurodevelopmental Disorders supports clinical assessment and management of working memory deficits by summarising the current theoretical understanding and methods of assessment of working memory. It outlines the working memory profiles of individuals with a range of neurodevelopmental disorders (including Down's syndrome, Williams syndrome, Specific Language Impairment, and ADHD), and identifies useful means of alleviating the anticipated learning difficulties of children with deficits of working memory. This comprehensive and informative text will appeal to academics and researchers in cognitive psychology, neuropsychology and developmental psychology, and will be useful reading for students in these areas. Educational psychologists will also find this a useful text, as it covers the role of working memory in learning difficulties specific to the classroom.

The Working Mind: Meaning and Mental Attention in Human Development

by Juan Pascual-Leone Janice M. Johnson

A general organismic-causal theory that explicates working memory and executive function developmentally, clarifying the nature of human intelligence.In The Working Mind, Juan Pascual-Leone and Janice M. Johnson propose a general organismic-causal theory that explicates working memory and executive function developmentally and by doing so clarifies the nature of human intelligence. Pascual-Leone and Johnson explain "from within" (that is, from a subject's own processing perspective) cognitive developmental stages of growth, describing key causal factors that can account for the emergence of the working mind as a functional totality. Among these factors is a maturationally growing mental attention.

Working One-to-one With Students: Supervising, Coaching, Mentoring, And Personal Tutoring

by Jane Clarke Kate Exley Gina Wisker Maria Antoniou Pauline Ridley

Working One-to-One with Studentsis written for Higher Education academics, adjuncts, teaching assistants and research students who are looking for guidance inside and outside the classroom. This book is a jargon-free, practical guide to improving one-to-one teaching, covering a wide range of teaching contexts, including mentoring students and staff, supervising dissertations and how to approach informal meetings outside of lectures. Written in an engaging, accessible style and grounded in experience, this book offers a combination of practical advice backed by relevant learning theory. Featuring a wealth of case studies and useful resources, the book covers areas including: Supporting students Encouraging independent learning Mentoring coaching and personal tutoring Developing peer groups and buddying programs Dealing with diversity, difficult students and ethical dilemmas supervising the undergraduate dissertation Supervising postgraduates in the arts, social sciences and sciences. This book is a short, snappy, practical guide that covers this key element of a lecturer's work. In the spirit of the series (KEY GUIDES FOR EFFECTIVE TEACHING in HIGHER EDUCATION) this book covers relevant theory that effectively informs practice.

Working Toward Solutions in Fluid Dynamics and Astrophysics: What the Equations Don’t Say (SpringerBriefs in History of Science and Technology)

by Lydia Patton Erik Curiel

This book focuses on continuing the long-standing productive dialogue between physical science and the philosophy of science. Researchers and readers who want to keep up to date on front-line scientific research in fluid mechanics and gravitational wave astrophysics will find timely and well-informed analyses of this scientific research and its philosophical significance. These exciting frontiers of research pose deep scientific problems, and raise key questions in the philosophy of science related to scientific explanation and understanding, theory change and assessment, measurement, interpretation, realism, and modeling. The audience of the book includes philosophers of science, philosophers of mathematics, scientists with philosophical interests, and students in philosophy, history, mathematics, and science. Anyone who is interested in the methods and philosophical questions behind the recent exciting work in physics discussed here will profit from reading this book.

Working with Ferns

by Maria Angeles Revilla Helena Fernández Ashwani Kumar

This timely volume brings a selection of chapters, each one composed by experts in their field. The chapters included cover a broad range from the knowledge of its biology and its contribution to understanding of plant development, useful protocols for propagation and conservation purposes, population genetics and environmental and theurapeutical applications. This wide spectrum of the contributions gives us a rapid idea of the enormous potential of this plant group.

Working with Map Projections: A Guide to their Selection

by Fritz Kessler Sarah Battersby

A map projection fundamentally impacts the mapmaking process. Working with Map Projections: A Guide to Their Selection explains why, for any given map, there isn’t a single "best" map projection. Selecting a projection is a matter of understanding the compromises and consequences of showing a 3-D space in two dimensions. The book presents a clear understanding of the processes necessary to make logical decisions on selecting an appropriate map projection for a given data set. The authors discuss the logic needed in the selection process, describe why certain decisions should be made, and explain the consequences of any inappropriate decision made during the selection process. This book also explains how the map projection will impact the map’s ability to fulfill its purpose, uses real-world data sets as the basis for the selection of an appropriate map projection, and provides illustrations of an appropriately and inappropriately selected map projection for a given data set. The authors take a novel approach to discussing map projections by avoiding an extensive inventory of mathematical formulae and using only the mathematics of map projections that matter for many mapping tasks. They also present information that is directly applicable to the process of selecting map projections and not tied to a specific software package. Written by two leading experts, this book is an invaluable resource for anyone studying or working with geospatial data, from students to experienced professionals, and will help readers successfully weigh the pros and cons of choosing one projection over another to suit a map’s intended purpose.

Working with Motors and Simple Machines, Student Guide

by National Science Resources Center Dane J. Toler Taina Litwak

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Working With Nature

by Jordan

First Published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Working with the Brain in Psychology: Considering Careers in Neuropsychology

by Lynn A. Schaefer Hilary C. Bertisch

Working with the Brain in Psychology: Considering Careers in Neuropsychology seeks to assist students in their career exploration, by introducing them early, in the contemplative stage of career planning, to the fascinating speciality of psychology known as neuropsychology. The text spends considerable time differentiating neuropsychology from alternative career paths, and provides personal accounts, contributions from neuropsychologists in various settings, and case examples of different patient populations to illustrate what it is like to train to become and work as a neuropsychologist. This text begins by describing what neuropsychology is, how it is situated within psychology, and for whom it could be a good fit. Suggestions are provided about how to engage in self-assessment in order to help choose a career. It goes on to review over a dozen similar and overlapping careers to illustrate how neuropsychology stands out. Quotes by professional neuropsychologists bring to life what "a day in the life" looks like in different settings, and the kinds of populations with whom neuropsychologists work are illustrated with case examples. This book then outlines how one becomes a neuropsychologist, including how to re-specialize from a different field. It also gives an honest appraisal of potential challenges that come with this career, and ends with anticipated future directions in the profession to look forward to. This book will be useful primarily for psychology-minded undergraduates and college graduates thinking of going on to graduate school for psychology, as well as for high school students interested in the brain and psychology. This book is further aimed at those considering a change of career from a related field into neuropsychology, as well as the guidance counselors and college career centers that assist with career planning.

Workload Measures

by Valerie Jane Gawron

This book was developed to help researchers and practitioners select measures to be used in the evaluation of human/machine systems. The book includes definitions of human workload and a review of measures. Each measure is described, along with its strengths and limitations, data requirements, threshold values, and sources of further information. To make this reference easier to use, extensive author and subject indices are provided. Features Offers readily accessible information on workload measures Presents general description of the measure Covers data collection, reduction, and analysis requirements Details the strengths and limitations or restrictions of each measure, including proprietary rights or restrictions Provides validity and reliability data as available

Workout mit Baby: Was gut tut und fit hält

by Josef Kessler Constanze Bast-Kessler Jana Krieger

Fit nach der Geburt und ein zufriedenes Baby - das wünschen sich Mütter, Väter und Großeltern. Keine Zeit für das Fitnessstudio, keine Geräte zuhause? Das Kind will geknuddelt, bewegt oder beruhigt werden? Lassen Sie sich ein auf Übungen, mit denen Sie selbst mobil und stark bleiben und die Sie zusammen mit dem Baby ganz einfach durchführen können.Das Buch bietet mithilfe von Illustrationen Anleitungen für kurze Trainingseinheiten, die Sie spielerisch in den Alltag einstreuen können. Inklusive Aufwärmübungen, Muskeltraining und Dehnungen. Nebenbei erklären der Neuropsychologe und die Psychologin, wie sich das Kind nach der Geburt geistig und körperlich entwickelt und wie Sie fit bleiben, gemeinsam mit dem Baby viel Spaß haben und gleichzeitig dessen Motorik und Sinne ansprechen.

Workplace Drug Testing

by Steven B. Karch

Extracted from the Drug Abuse Handbook, 2nd edition, to give you just the information you need at an affordable price.Using sample protocols from the transportation and nuclear power industries, Workplace Drug Testing reviews current federal regulations and mandatory guidelines for federal workplace testing programs and

Works in Progress

by Jenny Leigh Smith

This book is the first to investigate the gap between the plans and the reality of the Soviet Union’s mid-twentieth-century project to industrialize and modernize its agricultural system. Historians agree that the project failed badly: agriculture was inefficient, unpredictable, and environmentally devastating for the entire Soviet period. Yet assigning the blame exclusively to Soviet planners would be off the mark. The real story is much more complicated and interesting, Jenny Leigh Smith reveals in this deeply researched book. Using case studies from five Soviet regions, she acknowledges hubris and shortsightedness where it occurred but also gives fair consideration to the difficulties encountered and the successes#151;however modest#151;that were achieved.

The Works of Charles Darwin: The Power Of Movement In Plants (The Pickering Masters #17)

by Paul H Barrett

The fifth volume in a 29-volume set which contain all Charles Darwin's published works. Darwin was one of the most influential figures of the 19th century. His work remains a central subject of study in the history of ideas, the history of science, zoology, botany, geology and evolution.

The Works of Charles Darwin: The Power Of Movement In Plants (The Pickering Masters #17)

by Paul H Barrett

The third volume in a 29-volume set which contain all Charles Darwin's published works. Darwin was one of the most influential figures of the 19th century. His work remains a central subject of study in the history of ideas, the history of science, zoology, botany, geology and evolution.

The Works of Charles Darwin: The Power Of Movement In Plants (The Pickering Masters #17)

by Paul H Barrett

The sixth volume in a 29-volume set which contain all Charles Darwin's published works. Darwin was one of the most influential figures of the 19th century. His work remains a central subject of study in the history of ideas, the history of science, zoology, botany, geology and evolution.

The Works of Charles Darwin: The Power Of Movement In Plants (The Pickering Masters #17)

by Paul H Barrett

The fifteenth volume in a 29-volume set which contain all Charles Darwin's published works. Darwin was one of the most influential figures of the 19th century. His work remains a central subject of study in the history of ideas, the history of science, zoology, botany, geology and evolution.

The Works of Charles Darwin: The Power Of Movement In Plants (The Pickering Masters #17)

by Paul H Barrett

The 21st volume in a 29-volume set which contain all Charles Darwin's published works. Darwin was one of the most influential figures of the 19th century. His work remains a central subject of study in the history of ideas, the history of science, zoology, botany, geology and evolution.

The Works of Charles Darwin: The Power Of Movement In Plants (The Pickering Masters #17)

by Paul H Barrett

The tenth volume in a 29-volume set which contain all Charles Darwin's published works. Darwin was one of the most influential figures of the 19th century. His work remains a central subject of study in the history of ideas, the history of science, zoology, botany, geology and evolution.

The Works of Charles Darwin: The Power Of Movement In Plants (The Pickering Masters #17)

by Paul H Barrett

The sixteenth volume in a 29-volume set which contain all Charles Darwin's published works. Darwin was one of the most influential figures of the 19th century. His work remains a central subject of study in the history of ideas, the history of science, zoology, botany, geology and evolution.

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