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Wnt Signaling

by Quinn Barrett Lawrence Lum

Now poised to evaluate the potential in modulating Wnt signaling for therapeutic agendas in cancer, wound healing, and degenerative disease, this book collects protocols from an exciting area of study. The methodologies include using Wnt modulating chemicals in engineering tissues from induced pluripotent and embryonic stem cells, monitoring Wnt transcriptional responses in diverse tissues such as bone and skin, and using specific biochemical markers of Wnt signaling to either screen molecular libraries or evaluate novel reagents. These protocols also leverage unique experimental strengths from five different model organisms. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Practical and authoritative, Wnt Signaling: Methods and Protocols aims to support researchers in understanding Wnt signal transduction in any effort to improve outcomes in regenerative medicine and cancer management.

Wnt Signaling in Development and Disease

by Randall T. Moon Stefan P. Hoppler

Wnt signaling in Development and Disease: Molecular Mechanisms and Biological Functions reviews the core topics in Wnt signaling, from molecular pathway mechanisms to its role in embryogenesis, adult tissue homeostasis, and chronic disease. Written by a team of expert reviewers, the book provides clear and concise coverage of the core foundations of Wnt signaling before advancing to discussion of cutting-edge scientific research. Focused on the biological insights and current scientific questions of Wnt signaling, this book will be a comprehensive and definitive resource for a wide range of researchers and students in cell signaling, cell physiology, developmental biology, and biomedical engineering, as well as anyone interested in learning more about this important and complex protein network. * A definitive source of information on Wnt signaling and its role in development and disease, written by leaders in the field.* Explores the role of Wnt signaling in chronic disease such as melanoma, colorectal cancer, dementia, and psychiatric diseases* Reviews the complex processes of signal integration and regulation* Features broad discussion of Wnt signaling biology as well as detailed discussion of the pathway's role in diseases and potential clinical applications.

Wnt Signaling, Volume 1: Pathway Methods and Mammalian Models

by Elizabeth Vincan

Since their discovery, Wnt signaling molecules have been shown to control key events in embryogenesis, to maintain tissue homeostasis in the adult and, when aberrantly activated, to promote human degenerative diseases and cancer, thus making them a vital area of study. Wnt Signaling: Methods and Protocols examines both biochemical assays and vertebrate and invertebrate model systems to provide a point of reference to current molecular protocols and the diverse model systems employed to study this important signaling pathway. In Volume 1, Pathway Methods and Mammalian Models, assays to measure activation of the diverse Wnt signaling pathways are explored, along with a selection of models and strategies used to study mammalian Wnt/FZD fuction, from protein-protein interaction and simple cell line models to organoid cultures and mouse models. As a volume in the highly successful Methods in Molecular BiologyTM series, chapters contain readily reproducible laboratory protocols, complete with lists of necessary equipment and reagents and the Notes section, which reveals helpful troubleshooting tips.<P><P> Comprehensive and cutting-edge, Wnt Signaling: Methods and Protocols collects the expertise and knowledge of many leaders in the field to produce this invaluable two-volume resource.

Wnt Signaling, Volume 2, Pathway Models

by Elizabeth Vincan

Since their discovery, Wnt signaling molecules have been shown to control key events in embryogenesis, to maintain tissue homeostasis in the adult and, when aberrantly activated, to promote human degenerative diseases and cancer, thus making them a vital area of study. Wnt Signaling: Methods and Protocols examines both biochemical assays and vertebrate and invertebrate model systems to provide a point of reference to current molecular protocols and the diverse model systems employed to study this important signaling pathway. In Volume 2, Pathway Models, the diverse vertebrate and invertebrate models that have shaped the Wnt signaling field are described, presenting an overview of the unique properties of each organism, like asymmetric cell division in C. elegans and epithelial morphogenesis in Dictyostelium, with respect to studying Wnt/FZD function. As a volume in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology™ series, chapters contain readily reproducible laboratory protocols, complete with lists of necessary equipment and reagents and the Notes section, which reveals helpful troubleshooting tips.<P><P> Comprehensive and cutting-edge, Wnt Signaling: Methods and Protocols collects the expertise and knowledge of many leaders in the field to produce this invaluable two-volume resource.

Wo sind sie alle?: Fünfzig Lösungen für das Fermi-Paradoxon

by Stephen Webb

Allein in unserer Galaxie gibt es etwa eine Milliarde erdähnlicher Planeten. Im sichtbaren Universum finden sich etwa 200 Milliarden Galaxien. Liegt es daher nicht nahe, dass sich irgendwo da draußen eine Zivilisation entwickelt hat, die mindestens genauso fortgeschritten ist wie unsere eigene? Die schieren Zahlen verlangen fast danach. Aber: Wieso sind wir dann noch nicht auf Botschaften, Artefakte oder sonstige Hinweise auch nur einer einzigen außerirdischen Zivilisation gestoßen?In diesem Buch führt Stephen Webb durch fünfzig überzeugende und faszinierende Lösungen des berühmten Fermi-Paradoxons, die kurzweilig präsentiert zum Nachdenken und auch Schmunzeln anregen.

Wobbling Motion in Nuclei: Transverse, Longitudinal, and Chiral (Springer Theses)

by Nirupama Sensharma

This thesis presents significant new observations of nuclear wobbling, and thus expands our understanding of nuclear triaxiality and its prevalence in the nuclear chart. Triaxial nuclear shapes are a very rare phenomena and their experimental identification often relies on two unique signatures – nuclear wobbling motion and chiral rotation. While nuclear chirality is a well-studied phenomenon, experimental observations of wobbling nuclei are rather limited. With the identification of 135Pr and 187Au as wobblers, this work establishes triaxiality to be a general phenomenon present in different regions of the nuclear chart, irrespective of any particular spin or deformation. A major focus of this work is the detailed investigation of the different kinds of wobbling modes. Depending on the geometry of the nuclear system, wobbling can be classified into two types – longitudinal and transverse. This work has, for the first time, reported evidence of the possible coexistence of both forms of wobbling in a single nucleus. Another important result reported in this work is the very first observation of co-existing chiral and wobbling modes in the 135Pr nucleus. This thesis details the experimental methods that led to this breakthrough, along with pertinent theoretical interpretations.

Woher kommt Gewalt?: Erklärungen aus Neurowissenschaften, Psychologie, Soziologie & Co

by Bernhard Bogerts

Warum tun Menschen so etwas!? Dies ist oft die erste Frage, die sich aufdrängt, wenn wir in den Medien oder im echten Leben Zeugen von Gewalt werden. Dieses Buch gibt umfassende Antworten: Es erklärt die Ursachen von Gewalt nicht aus der eingeschränkten Sicht einer einzelnen Fachdisziplin, sondern verbindet die Erklärungsansätze aus Hirnforschung, Kriminologie, Soziologie, Psychologie, Psychiatrie, Genetik, Pädagogik, Geschichtswissenschaften und Justiz zu einem großen, spannenden und verständlichen Bild – auf unterhaltsame Weise und auf dem aktuellen Stand der Wissenschaft(en). Und immer nah an Fallbeispielen, die uns die erschreckende Vielfalt menschlicher Gewalt vor Augen führen: Gewalthandlungen einzelner Täter, Gewalt zwischen Gruppen, Randale und Krawalle durch Gangs und Hooligans, gewaltsame ethnische und religiöse Konflikte, Extremgewalt in Form von Amok und Terror bis hin zu kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen und Völkermord. Nicht zuletzt kann das Wissen aus diesem Buch dazu beitragen, eine andere große Frage zu beantworten: Wie kann Gewalt eingedämmt oder gar verhindert werden?

Wohin führt uns die Wissenschaft?: Und was wir tun können, um sie zu lenken

by Lars Jaeger Michel Dacorogna

In den letzten 60 Jahren hat sich die Welt radikal gewandelt, angetrieben von bahnbrechenden Fortschritten in Wissenschaft und Technologie. Von den 1960ern bis heute erlebten wir einen beispiellosen Anstieg unseres Wissens in Bereichen wie Physik, Chemie, Biologie, Medizin, Computerwissenschaften und virtuelle Realitäten. Dies führte zur Entwicklung von wegweisenden Technologien wie Personalcomputern, dem Internet, Multitasking-Handys und fortschrittlicher künstlicher Intelligenz. Die Wissenschaft wurde dezentralisiert, und globale Forschergruppen arbeiten an komplexen Problemen, die unser Leben exponentiell beeinflussen. Unsere Welt verändert sich nicht mehr durch Einzeltechnologien, sondern durch die gleichzeitige Entwicklung verschiedener Technologien innerhalb weniger Jahre. Trotz des Wohlstands brachten Wissenschaft und Technologie auch neue globale Risiken mit sich. Atomkraft für das Militär, aufkommende künstliche Intelligenz, genetische Veränderungen und die Kontrolle durch Technologieunternehmen sind Herausforderungen, die unsere Zukunft prägen. Insgesamt hat der Fortschritt der letzten 60 Jahre unsere Welt transformiert und uns vor Chancen und Herausforderungen gestellt, die eine sorgfältige und ethische Gestaltung unserer Zukunft erfordern.

Wöhlers Entdeckung - Eine andere Einführung in die Biochemie

by Dieter Neubauer

Nach Kekules Träume und Demokrit lässt grüßen entführt das neue Buch von Dieter Neubauer den interessierten Leser, Schüler oder Studenten in die faszinierende Wissenschaft der Biochemie. In sieben „Ausflügen“ taucht der Leser in die Welt verschiedener Biomoleküle ein, erfährt mehr über die Energiegewinnung in Zellen, die verschlüsselte Botschaft unserer Erbanlagen und vieles mehr. Auf unterhaltsame Art und Weise werden biochemische Zusammenhänge aus dem Alltag auch für einen Leser ohne besondere Vorkenntnisse leicht verständlich erklärt. Neben umfangreichem Sachwissen und einfach durchzuführenden Versuchen bietet das Buch dem Leser zusätzlich Merkregeln, Eselsbrücken, literarische Abstecher, geschichtliche Rückblicke und eine philosophische Safari – eben eine andere Einführung in die Biochemie.


by Stefanie Streck

Deutschland ist gebaut: Drei Viertel aller Wohngebäude sind über 30 Jahre alt und müssten dringend modernisiert werden. Das Werk bietet einen Überblick darüber, welche Kriterien bei einer umfassenden Modernisierung beachtet werden müssen, um eine wirtschaftlich tragfähige, sozialverträgliche und umweltgerechte Lösung zu finden. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf Mehrfamilienhäusern. Jedes Kapitel bietet umfangreiche Checklisten, mit deren Hilfe Modernisierungsaufgaben systematisch angegangen werden können.

Wolbachia: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2739)

by Ann M. Fallon

This book provides insight into the biology of Wolbachia with a particular focus on methodology. Chapters guide readers through reproductive phenotypes caused by Wolbachia, survival and replication of Wolbachia in insect cell lines, artificial introduction of Wolbachia into novel hosts, and analysis of Wolbachia gene functions. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and key tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.

WOLEDs and Organic Photovoltaics

by Vivian W. Yam

The search for renewable energy sources and the efficient utilization of energy have been the most important research areas in modern science and technology. The design and development of materials that can contribute to light-harvesting, solar energy conversion and photovoltaics are important areas of research. Also of great importance is the exploration of WOLEDs for solid state lighting that could lead to a more efficient utilization of energy. This monograph consists of a collection of contributions from prominent leading scientists in the area, initiated by the organization of the SRT Workshop on WOLEDs and Organic Photovoltaics at The University of Hong Kong in January 2009. This represents a unique and irresistibly attractive account and reference for researchers in the field of WOLEDs and organic photovoltaics both from academia and industry.

Wolf Conflicts: A Sociological Study (Interspecies Encounters #1)

by Ketil Skogen Olve Krange Helene Figari

Wolf populations have recently made a comeback in Northern Europe and North America. These large carnivores can cause predictable conflicts by preying on livestock, and competing with hunters for game. But their arrivals often become deeply embedded in more general societal tensions, which arise alongside processes of social change that put considerable pressure on rural communities and on the rural working class in particular. Based on research and case studies conducted in Norway, Wolf Conflicts discusses various aspects of this complex picture, including conflicts over land use and conservation, and more general patterns of hegemony and resistance in modern societies.

The Wolf Girls: An Unsolved Mystery from History

by Jane Yolen Heidi Elisabet Yolen Stemple

From the book jacket: In 1920 a missionary brought two young girls to an orphanage in India. The girls didn't know how to talk, walk, or eat from a plate. Some people thought the girls had been abandoned by their parents. Some people said the girls were brought up by wolves in the wild. Still others thought that the missionary who ran the orphanage made up the story about the girls. No one knows for sure. Become a detective as you read this true story study the clues, and try to figure out the fate of the wolf girls of Midnapore. The Unsolved Mystery from History series is written by acclaimed author Jane Yolen and former private investigator Heidi Elisabet Yolen Stemple. Read carefully and check your clues. You might be the first to solve a puzzle that has baffled people for years. Poet, novelist, storyteller, and picture-book author Jane Yolen has won four awards for her body of work in children's literature: the Regina Medal, the Kerlan Award, the Keene State Award, and the Boston Public Library's Literary Lights for Children Award. Her many books include Owl Moon, which won the Caldecott Medal, and Moon Ball. Her daughter, Heidi Elisabet Yolen Stemple, has worked as a parole officer and a private investigator and wrote Meet the Monsters with Jane Yolen. The two also collaborated on The Mary Celeste: An Unsolved Mystery from History. Jane lives in Hatfield, Massachusetts, and Heidi lives in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Roger Roth has illustrated several books for children, including The Mary Celeste: An Unsolved Mystery from History, Wishing for Methuselah, and The Sign Painter's Dream, a Reading Rainbow book. His work has been exhibited at the Society of Illustrators and has appeared in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. He lives in Springfield, Pennsylvania.

Wolfenden's Witnesses: Homosexuality in Postwar Britain (Genders and Sexualities in History)

by Brian Lewis

The Wolfenden Report of 1957 has long been recognized as a landmark in moves towards gay law reform. What is less well known is that the testimonials and written statements of the witnesses before the Wolfenden Committee provide by far the most complete and extensive array of perspectives we have on how homosexuality was understood in mid-twentieth century Britain. Those giving evidence, individually or through their professional associations, included a broad cross-section of official, professional and bureaucratic Britain: police chiefs, policemen, magistrates, judges, lawyers and Home Office civil servants; doctors, biologists (including Alfred Kinsey), psychiatrists, psychoanalysts and psychotherapists; prison governors, medical officers and probation officers; representatives of the churches, morality councils and progressive and ethical societies; approved school headteachers and youth organization leaders; representatives of the army, navy and air force; and a small handful of self-described but largely anonymous homosexuals. This volume presents an annotated selection of their voices.

Wolff-Parkinson-White and Other Preexcitation Syndromes: Simple to Complex Electrophysiology and Ablation of Accessory Pathways

by Ján Hluchý

This book presents the features of Wolff-Parkinson-White and other preexcitation syndromes with detailed discussion of the management and treatment of these patients. Catheter ablation has become a curative first-line treatment for circus movement tachycardias involving accessory pathway conduction. However, diagnostic and interventional challenges may be associated with anatomically and electrophysiologically complex single accessory pathway conduction, multiple accessory pathways, accessory pathways with other coexistent tachycardias, including atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia and atrial tachycardias, and accessory pathways with coexistent congenital heart disease. The complexity involved requires a thorough theoretical and practical knowledge for performing unequivocally conclusive/meaningful electrophysiological testing and successful catheter ablation. This book is based on the author’s personal long-term experience and contains over 700 illustrations of intracardiac recordings and fluoroscopic images, as well as clear and user-friendly descriptions of the electrophysiologic data, its analysis and interpretation. It therefore offers a comprehensive practical guide for mapping and catheter ablation. The systematic approach is also invaluable for accessory pathways coexistent with other arrhythmias or congenital heart diseases. Wolff-Parkinson-White and Other Preexcitation Syndromes presents the topic as a fascinating part of clinical cardiac electrophysiology and all types of corresponding accessory pathways, which are often associated with diagnostic and interventional challenges. It therefore provides an invaluable educational resource to further scientific and medical knowledge in the topic and will be essential reading for all electrocardiologists and any medical professional that manages these patients.

The Wolf's Tooth: Keystone Predators, Trophic Cascades, and Biodiversity

by Cristina Eisenberg

Animals such as wolves, sea otters, and sharks exert a disproportionate influence on their environment; dramatic ecological consequences can result when they are removed from--or returned to--an ecosystem. In The Wolf's Tooth, scientist and author Cristina Eisenberg explores the concept of "trophic cascades" and the role of top predators in regulating ecosystems. Her fascinating and wide-ranging work provides clear explanations of the science surrounding keystone predators and considers how this notion can help provide practical solutions for restoring ecosystem health and functioning. Eisenberg examines both general concepts and specific issues, sharing accounts from her own fieldwork to illustrate and bring to life the ideas she presents. She considers how resource managers can use knowledge about trophic cascades to guide recovery efforts, including how this science can be applied to move forward the bold vision of rewilding the North American continent. In the end, the author provides her own recommendations for local and landscape-scale applications of what has been learned about interactive food webs. At their most fundamental level, trophic cascades are powerful stories about ecosystem processes--of predators and their prey, of what it takes to survive in a landscape, of the flow of nutrients. The Wolf's Tooth is the first book to focus on the vital connection between trophic cascades and restoring biodiversity and habitats, and to do so in a way that is accessible to a diverse readership.

Wolfsnail: A Backyard Predator

by Sarah C. Campbell

A Theodor Seuss Geisel Honor BookPerfect for kids interested in animals, science, and the world of their backyard, this photographic story of a day in the life of a wolfsnail offers a dramatic introduction to a little-known predator and the impact it has on habitats where it does not belong.On a typical day, the wolfsnail hunts its prey: other snails. Big, strong, and fast (for a snail), the wolfsnail has a taste for meat, and in some areas, it is called the cannibal snail. On the prowl, the wolfsnail finds the slime trail of a smaller snail and follows the path toward its prey. When the chase ends and the dramatic feast is done, nothing remains of the smaller snail... except an empty shell. Slithering and suspenseful, this enlightening book also includes amazing facts about the wolfsnail and a glossary.

The Wolverine Way

by Douglas H. Chadwick

Glutton, demon of destruction, symbol of slaughter, mightiest of wilderness villains... The wolverine comes marked with a reputation based on myth and fancy. Yet this enigmatic animal is more complex than the legends that surround it. With a shrinking wilderness and global warming, the future of the wolverine is uncertain. The Wolverine Way reveals the natural history of this species and the forces that threaten its future, engagingly told by Douglas Chadwick, who volunteered with the Glacier Wolverine Project. This five-year study in Glacier National Park - which involved dealing with blizzards, grizzlies, sheer mountain walls, and other daily challenges to survival - uncovered key missing information about the wolverine's habitat, social structure and reproduction habits. Wolverines, according to Chadwick, are the land equivalent of polar bears in regard to the impacts of global warming. The plight of wolverines adds to the call for wildlife corridors that connect existing habitat that is proposed by the Freedom to Roam coalition.


by Gail Gibbons

They look like big dogs, but wolves live very differently than our pets. Read about the way wolves live on their own in the wild. Tales about wolves are included.

Wolves and Dogs: between Myth and Science (Fascinating Life Sciences)

by Friederike Range Sarah Marshall-Pescini

Various parallels have been drawn between wolves and humans from the perspective of their social organisation. Therefore, studying wolves may well shed light on the evolutionary origins of complex human cognition and, in particular, on the role that cooperation played in its development. Humans closely share their lives with millions of dogs – the domesticated form of wolves. Biologically, wolves and dogs can be considered to be the same species; yet only dogs are suitable living companions in human homes, highlighting the importance of cognitive and emotional differences between the two forms. The behaviour of wolves and dogs largely depends on the environment the animals grew up and live in. This book reviews more than 50 years of research on the differences and similarities of wolves and dogs. Beyond the socio-ecology, the work explores different theories about when and how the domestication of wolves might have started and which behaviours and cognitive abilities might have changed during this process. Readers will discover how these fascinating animals live with their conspecifics in their social groups, how they approach and solve problems in their daily lives and how they see and interact with their human partners.

Wolves, Bears, and Their Prey in Alaska: Biological and Social Challenges in Wildlife Management

by National Research Council

This book assesses Alaskan wolf and bear management programs from scientific and economic perspectives. Relevant factors that should be taken into account when evaluating the utility of such programs are identified. The assessment includes a review of current scientific knowledge about the dynamics and management of large mammalian predator-prey relationships and human harvest of wildlife in northern ecosystems, and an evaluation of the extent to which existing research and management data allow prediction of the outcome of wolf management or control programs and grizzly bear management programs. Included is an evaluation of available economic studies and methodologies for estimating the costs and benefits of predator control programs in Alaska.

Wolves in the Land of Salmon

by David Moskowitz

Long considered an icon of the wild, wolves capture our imagination and spark controversy. Humans are the adult wolf’s only true natural predator; its return to the old-growth forests and wild coastlines of the Pacific Northwest renews age-old questions about the value of wildlands and wildlife. As the vivid stories unfold in this riveting and timely book, wolves emerge as smart, complex players uniquely adapted to the vast interdependent ecosystem of this stunning region. Observing them at close range, David Moskowitz explores how they live, hunt, and communicate, tracing their biology and ecology through firsthand encounters in the wildlands of the Northwest. In the process he challenges assumptions about their role and the impact of even well-meaning human interventions.

Wolves (New & Updated Edition)

by Gail Gibbons

From the beloved science writer Gail Gibbons, rethink what you know about big bad wolves in this kid-friendly, illustrated guide with the latest facts from experts.While most people think of hungry fangs when they think of wolves, modern research has proven wolves are not the dangerous threat many thought them to be. This new edition, vetted by an expert, presents the latest scientific information on wolves in language accessible for young readers through vibrant, detailed illustrations and easy-to-read text. Kids will love seeing wolves roam the snowy, watercolor landscape while learning new, surprising facts about this often-misunderstood animal. Wolves tend to be shy and live peacefully among themselves in territories as large as 500 square miles. Pack leaders mate for life, and pack member hunt together, share food, and protect each other. See how wolves communicate with clearly labelled and expressive artwork. Read updated information on wolf hunting territories and the wolf pup development. Bonus pages include myths and legends about wolves, and a list of curious facts. Author of over 120 nonfiction books for kids, including the Gorillas and Migration, and with hundreds of thousands of books sold, Gail Gibbons continues to bring science to kids in this deep dive into the lives of wolves.

Wolves on the Hunt: The Behavior of Wolves Hunting Wild Prey

by Daniel R. Macnulty Douglas W. Smith L. David Mech

The interactions between apex predators and their prey are some of the most awesome and meaningful in nature--displays of strength, endurance, and a deep coevolutionary history. And there is perhaps no apex predator more impressive and important in its hunting--or more infamous, more misjudged--than the wolf. Because of wolves' habitat, speed, and general success at evading humans, researchers have faced great obstacles in studying their natural hunting behaviors. The first book to focus explicitly on wolf hunting of wild prey, Wolves on the Hunt seeks to fill these gaps in our knowledge and understanding. Combining behavioral data, thousands of hours of original field observations, research in the literature, a wealth of illustrations, and--in the e-book edition and online--video segments from cinematographer Robert K. Landis, the authors create a compelling and complex picture of these hunters. The wolf is indeed an adept killer, able to take down prey much larger than itself. While adapted to hunt primarily hoofed animals, a wolf--or especially a pack of wolves--can kill individuals of just about any species. But even as wolves help drive the underlying rhythms of the ecosystems they inhabit, their evolutionary prowess comes at a cost: wolves spend one-third of their time hunting--the most time consuming of all wolf activities--and success at the hunt only comes through traveling long distances, persisting in the face of regular failure, detecting and taking advantage of deficiencies in the physical condition of individual prey, and through ceaseless trial and error, all while risking injury or death. By describing and analyzing the behaviors wolves use to hunt and kill various wild prey--including deer, moose, caribou, elk, Dall sheep, mountain goats, bison, musk oxen, arctic hares, beavers, and others--Wolves on the Hunt provides a revelatory portrait of one of nature's greatest hunters.

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