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Yearbook of Astronomy, 2019

by Brian Jones

An inspiration to amateur and professional astronomers alike, the Yearbook of Astronomy warrants a place on the bookshelf of all sky watchers and stargazers. Maintaining its appealing style and presentation, the Yearbook of Astronomy 2019 contains an authoritative set of sky charts and comprehensive jargon-free monthly sky notes to enable backyard astronomers everywhere to plan their viewing of the years eclipses, comets, meteor showers and deep sky objects.In addition, a variety of entertaining and informative articles present the reader with information on a wide range of topics including, among others, The Cassini-Huygens Mission to the Saturn System; 100 Years of the International Astronomical Union; The First Micro-Quasar; Getting the Measure of Double Stars; Asaph Hall: Man of Mars; and Science Fiction and the Future of Astronomy.The Yearbook of Astronomy has been around for well over half a century and, as it heads towards its Diamond Jubilee edition in 2022, continues to be essential reading for anyone lured by the magic of astronomy and who wants to extend their knowledge of the Universe and the wonders it plays host to.

Yearbook of Astronomy 2020

by Brian Jones

The celebrated annual for sky-watchers and stargazers, including references and a variety of fascinating articles. The Yearbook of Astronomy series is known for its comprehensive jargon-free monthly sky notes and authoritative sky charts that enable backyard astronomers and sky-gazers everywhere to plan their viewing of the year&’s eclipses, comets, meteor showers, and minor planets, as well as detailing the phases of the moon and visibility and locations of the planets throughout the year. Every annual edition also includes a variety of entertaining and informative articles. Among the wide-ranging articles in this edition are: 200 Years of the Royal Astronomical SocietyThe Naming of StarsAstronomical SketchingDark Matter and GalaxiesEclipsing BinariesThe First Known Black HoleA Perspective on the Aboriginal View of the World, and more First appearing in 1962, shortly after the dawning of the Space Age, Yearbook of Astronomy continues to be essential reading for any sky-watcher or stargazer, amateur and professional alike, who wants to expand their knowledge of the universe and its wonders.

Yearbook of Astronomy 2020

by Brian Jones

The celebrated annual for sky-watchers and stargazers, including references and a variety of fascinating articles. The Yearbook of Astronomy series is known for its comprehensive jargon-free monthly sky notes and authoritative sky charts that enable backyard astronomers and sky-gazers everywhere to plan their viewing of the year&’s eclipses, comets, meteor showers, and minor planets, as well as detailing the phases of the moon and visibility and locations of the planets throughout the year. Every annual edition also includes a variety of entertaining and informative articles. Among the wide-ranging articles in this edition are: 200 Years of the Royal Astronomical SocietyThe Naming of StarsAstronomical SketchingDark Matter and GalaxiesEclipsing BinariesThe First Known Black HoleA Perspective on the Aboriginal View of the World, and more First appearing in 1962, shortly after the dawning of the Space Age, Yearbook of Astronomy continues to be essential reading for any sky-watcher or stargazer, amateur and professional alike, who wants to expand their knowledge of the universe and its wonders.

Yearbook of Astronomy 2021

by Brian Jones

The annual treasury for sky-watchers and stargazers, including references and a variety of fascinating articles.The Yearbook of Astronomy series is renowned for its comprehensive jargon-free monthly sky notes and authoritative sky charts that enable backyard astronomers and sky-gazers everywhere to plan their viewing of the year’s eclipses, comets, meteor showers, and minor planets, as well as detailing the phases of the moon and visibility and locations of the planets throughout the year. Every annual edition also includes a variety of entertaining and informative articles. Among the wide-ranging articles in this 2021 edition are:Male Family Mentors for Women in AstronomyHenrietta Swan Leavitt and Her WorkSolar ObservingObsolete ConstellationsLunar VolcanismPages From the Past: Collecting Vintage Astronomy BooksMaori Astronomy in Aotearoa-New Zealand, and moreIn addition you’ll find the first in a series entitled Mission to Mars: Countdown to Building a Brave New World, scheduled to appear in the Yearbook throughout the 2020s to keep you fully up to date with the ongoing investigations, research, and preparations that are already underway, as well as those in the planning phase, geared towards sending a manned mission to Mars around the end of the decade. We are at the start of what promises to be an exciting journey—and the Yearbook of Astronomy continues to be an essential companion.

Yearbook of Astronomy 2022

by Brian Jones

The Yearbook of Astronomy 2022 is the Diamond Jubilee edition of this iconic publication, the annual appearance of which has been eagerly anticipated by astronomers, both amateur and professional, ever since this invaluable book first appeared in 1962. As the preface to the 1962 edition informed its readers, the post-war years had seen a tremendous growth of interest in astronomy and space research. Doubtless fueled by the dawn of the Space Age, the launch of Sputnik 1 in October 1957 marked a significant change in the course of history. This epoch-making event, coupled with the subsequent flights of Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin (April 1961) and American astronaut Alan Shepard (May 1961), served to engender a public interest in astronomy and space that has continued to grow and expand to this day. Maintaining its appealing style and presentation, the Yearbook of Astronomy 2022 contains comprehensive jargon-free monthly sky notes and an authoritative set of sky charts to enable backyard astronomers and sky gazers everywhere to plan their viewing of the year’s eclipses, comets, meteor showers and minor planets as well as detailing the phases of the Moon and visibility and locations of the planets throughout the year. To supplement all this is a variety of entertaining and informative articles, a feature for which the Yearbook of Astronomy is known. In the 2022 edition, the reader is presented with articles covering a wide range of topics including "A History of the Amateur Astronomical Society: 1962 to 2022"; "Expanding Cosmic Horizons"; "Frank Drake and His Equation"; "Remote Telescopes"; "Skies Over Ancient America" and others. The Yearbook of Astronomy continues to be essential reading for anyone lured and fascinated by the magic of astronomy. It remains an inspiration to amateur and professional astronomers alike, and warrants a place on the bookshelf of all stargazers and watchers of the Universe.

Yearbook of Astronomy 2024

by Brian Jones

Maintaining its appealing style and presentation, the Yearbook of Astronomy 2024 contains comprehensive jargon-free monthly sky notes and an authoritative set of sky charts to enable backyard astronomers and sky gazers everywhere to plan their viewing of the year’s eclipses, comets, meteor showers and minor planets as well as detailing the phases of the Moon and visibility and locations of the planets throughout the year. To supplement all this is a variety of entertaining and informative articles, a feature for which the Yearbook of Astronomy is known. Presenting the reader with information on a wide range of topics, the articles for the 2024 edition include, among others, Recent Advances in Astronomy; Recent Advances in Solar System Exploration; Riccardo Giacconi: X-ray Astronomy Pioneer; Things Fall Apart – Chaos in the Solar System; Communicating From the Edge of the Solar System; Astronomy in Antarctica; Tracking Older Artificial Satellites; Inner Lives of Dead Stars; and A Triumvirate of Telescope Makers – Thomas Cooke, Howard Grubb and Alvan Clark. This iconic publication made its first appearance way back in 1962, shortly after the dawning of the Space Age. Now into its seventh decade of production, the Yearbook continues to be essential reading for anyone lured and fascinated by the magic of astronomy and who has a desire to extend their knowledge of the Universe and the wonders to which it plays host. The Yearbook of Astronomy is indeed an inspiration to amateur and professional astronomers alike, and warrants a place on the bookshelf of all stargazers and watchers of the skies.

Yearbook of Sustainable Smart Mining and Energy 2021: Technical, Economic and Legal Framework (Yearbook of Sustainable Smart Mining and Energy - Technical, Economic and Legal Framework #1)

by Walter Frenz Axel Preuße

This book is at the center of the UN goals of combining environment and economic development with new technologies.First, sustainability in mining is defined as a process of transformation. This is followed by an outlook on the aspects of safety, economy, environmental impact and digital transformation. The book includes a discussion of new aspects such as the problem of liability for mining damages regarding climate change in Peru. Specific technical issues in smart mining are covered as well, such as underground localization systems based on ultra-wide band radio and inertial navigation, or the use of thermal imaging for roof crack detection. In addition, the characterization of material flows, subsurface hydrogen-storage systems and the prediction of mining induced subsidence and uplift are dealt with.The Sustainable Smart Mining and Energy Yearbook is not only aimed at researchers professionals, but at all who want to get an overview of the important technical and legal topics in this field.​

Yearbook on Space Policy 2010/2011

by Peter Hulsroj Blandina Baranes Spyros Pagkratis

The Yearbook on Space Policy is the reference publication analysing space policy developments. Each year it presents issues and trends in space policy and the space sector as a whole. Its scope is global and its perspective is European. The Yearbook also links space policy with other policy areas. It highlights specific events and issues, and provides useful insights, data and information on space activities. The Yearbook on Space Policy is edited by the European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) based in Vienna, Austria. It combines in-house research and contributions of members of the European Space Policy Research and Academic Network (ESPRAN), coordinated by ESPI. The Yearbook is designed for government decision-makers and agencies, industry professionals, as well as the service sectors, researchers and scientists and the interested public.

Yearbook on Space Policy 2011/2012

by Arne Lahcen Peter Hulsroj Blandina Baranes Cenan Al-Ekabi

The Yearbook on Space Policy is the reference publication analyzing space policy developments. Each year it presents issues and trends in space policy and the space sector as a whole. Its scope is global and its perspective is European. The Yearbook also links space policy with other policy areas. It highlights specific events and issues, and provides useful insights, data and information on space activities. The Yearbook on Space Policy is edited by the European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) based in Vienna, Austria. It combines in-house research and contributions of members of the European Space Policy Research and Academic Network (ESPRAN), coordinated by ESPI. The Yearbook is designed for government decision-makers and agencies, industry professionals, as well as the service sectors, researchers and scientists and the interested public.

Yearbook on Space Policy 2014

by Cenan Al-Ekabi Blandina Baranes Peter Hulsroj Arne Lahcen

The Yearbook on Space Policy, edited by the European Space Policy Institute (ESPI), is the reference publication analysing space policy developments. Each year it presents issues and trends in space policy and the space sector as a whole. Its scope is global and its perspective is European. The Yearbook also links space policy with other policy areas. It highlights specific events and issues, and provides useful insights, data and information on space activities. The first part of the Yearbook sets out a comprehensive overview of the economic, political, technological and institutional trends that have affected space activities. The second part of the Yearbook offers a more analytical perspective on the yearly ESPI theme and consists of external contributions written by professionals with diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise. The third part of the Yearbook carries forward the character of the Yearbook as an archive of space activities. The Yearbook is designed for government decision-makers and agencies, industry professionals, as well as the service sectors, researchers and scientists and the interested public.

Yearbook on Space Policy 2016: Space For Sustainable Development (Yearbook On Space Policy Ser.)

by Stefano Ferretti Cenan Al-Ekabi

The Yearbook on Space Policy, edited by the European Space Policy Institute (ESPI), is the reference publication analysing space policy developments. Each year it presents issues and trends in space policy and the space sector as a whole. Its scope is global and its perspective is European. The Yearbook also links space policy with other policy areas. It highlights specific events and issues, and provides useful insights, data and information on space activities. The first part of the Yearbook sets out a comprehensive overview of the economic, political, technological and institutional trends that have affected space activities. The second part of the Yearbook offers a more analytical perspective on the yearly ESPI theme and consists of external contributions written by professionals with diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise. The third part of the Yearbook carries forward the character of the Yearbook as an archive of space activities. The Yearbook is designed for government decision-makers and agencies, industry professionals, as well as the service sectors, researchers and scientists and the interested public.

Yearbook on Space Policy 2017: Security in Outer Space: Rising Stakes for Civilian Space Programmes (Yearbook on Space Policy)

by Giulia Bordacchini Edward Burger

The book describes the recent trends in space policy and the space sector overall. While maintaining a global scope with a European perspective, it links space policy with other policy areas, highlights major events, and provides insights on the latest data. The Yearbook includes the proceedings of ESPI's 12th Autumn Conference, which discussed the growing importance of Security in Outer Space and the stakes for civilian space programmes in the public and private sectors. Bringing together satellite operators, SMEs, European and American institutions, and think tanks, the Autumn Conference served as platform for fresh insights on security in outer space and the potential of transatlantic relations to address its challenges. The Yearbook also includes executive summaries of ESPI's work in 2017 as well as ESPI's 2017 Executive Briefs, covering topics such as suborbital spaceflight, super heavy lift launch vehicles, collaboration with China, and the delimitation of outer space. All in all, the book gives a detailed review of space policy developments worldwide, contextualised with information about national-level space industries and activity and broader political and economic conditions. The readership is expected to include the staff of space agencies, the space industry, and the space law and policy research community.

Yeast: Molecular and Cell Biology

by Horst Feldmann

Finally, a stand-alone, all-inclusive textbook on yeast biology. Based on the feedback resulting from his highly successful monograph, Horst Feldmann has totally rewritten he contents to produce a comprehensive, student-friendly textbook on the topic. The scope has been widened, with almost double the content so as to include all aspects of yeast biology, from genetics via cell biology right up to biotechnology applications. The cell and molecular biology sections have been vastly expanded, while information on other yeast species has been added, with contributions from additional authors. Naturally, the illustrations are in full color throughout, and the book is backed by a complimentary website. The resulting textbook caters to the needs of an increasing number of students in biomedical research, cell and molecular biology, microbiology and biotechnology who end up using yeast as an important tool or model organism.

Yeast: Molecular and Cell Biology

by Horst Feldmann

Yeast is one of the oldest domesticated organisms and has both industrial and domestic applications. In addition, it is very widely used as a eukaryotic model organism in biological research and has offered valuable knowledge of genetics and basic cellular processes. In fact, studies in yeast have offered insight in mechanisms underlying ageing and diseases such as Alzheimers, Parkinsons and cancer. Yeast is also widely used in the lab as a tool for many technologies such as two-hybrid analysis, high throughput protein purification and localization and gene expression profiling. The broad range of uses and applications of this organism undoubtedly shows that it is invalubale in research, technology and industry. Written by one of the world's experts in yeast, this book offers insight in yeast biology and its use in studying cellular mechanisms.

Yeast Cell Envelopes Biochemistry Biophysics and Ultrastructure: Volume II

by Leo H Arnold

A comprehensive review of the yeast cell envelope has not appeared previously and therefore this book is timely. The title of this volume was chosen to reflect the three major areas of contribution to our current understanding of the cell envelope, but we have not attempted to group chapters into subdivisions. The approach was to describe phenomena, to review the literature and to illuminate outstanding problems. It was also attempted to generate working hypotheses which may stimulate further studies. The some of these ideas be of germinal value is of more concern to us than that all of the hypotheses should stand the test of further experimentation.

Yeast Cell Envelopes Biochemistry Biophysics and Ultrastructure: Volume I

by Leo H Arnold

A comprehensive review of the yeast cell envelope has not appeared previously and therefore this book is timely. The title of this volume was chosen to reflect the three major areas of contribution to our current understanding of the cell envelope, but we have not attempted to group chapters into subdivisions. The approach was to describe phenomena, to review the literature and to illuminate outstanding problems. It was also attempted to generate working hypotheses which may stimulate further studies. The some of these ideas be of germinal value is of more concern to us than that all of the hypotheses should stand the test of further experimentation.

Yeast Cytokinesis

by Alberto Sanchez-Diaz Pilar Perez

This volume presents protocols on yeast cytokinesis that will help Molecular and Cellular Biology researchers in the use of these microorganisms to approach the study of general or specific key questions in cytokinesis. Written for the Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and practical, Yeast Cytokinesis: Methods and Protocols provides practical and step-by-step detailed protocols useful for a wide audience ranging from experienced researchers to beginners in the use of yeasts.

Yeast Diversity in Human Welfare

by Tulasi Satyanarayana Gotthard Kunze

This book brings together and updates the latest information on the diversity of yeasts, their molecular features and their applications in the welfare of mankind. Yeasts are eukaryotic microfungi widely found in natural environments, including those with extreme conditions such as low temperatures, low oxygen levels and low water availability. To date, approximately 2,000 of the estimated 30,000 to 45,000 species of yeast on Earth, belonging to around 200 genera have been described. Although there are a few that are opportunistic human and animal pathogens, the vast majority of yeasts are beneficial, playing an important role in the food chain and in the carbon, nitrogen and sulphur cycles. In addition, yeasts such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Hansenula polymorpha and Pichia pastoris are used in expressing foreign genes to produce proteins of pharmaceutical interest. A landmark in biotechnology was reached in 1996 with the completion of sequencing of the entire S. cerevisiae genome, and it has now become a central player in the development of an entirely new approach to biological research and synthetic biology. The sequencing of genomes of several yeasts including Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neofromans has also recently been completed.

Yeast Functional Genomics: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2477)

by Frédéric Devaux

This second edition volume discusses the latest techniques and protocols used in the field that were not covered in the previous edition. The chapters in this book are organized into five parts. Part One looks at transcriptomic analyses and Part Two covers DNA replication and protein/DNA interactions. Part Three discusses translation dynamics, protein complexes, and proteomics. Part Four looks at genotypic screens and phenotypic profiling, and Part Five explores in silico integration of functional genomics data. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary material and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.Cutting edge and practical, Yeast Functional Genomics: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition is a valuable resource for all researchers interested in learning more about the evolving field of yeast.Chapters 1, 9, 16, 20, 22, 24, and 25 are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

Yeast Functional Genomics and Proteomics

by Igor Stagljar

Given the popularity and utility of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, yeast-based functional genomics and proteomics technologies, developed over the past decade, have contributed greatly to our understanding of bacterial, yeast, fly, worm and human gene functions. In Yeast Functional Genomics and Proteomics: Methods and Protocols, experts in the field contribute stand-alone protocols suitable for daily use in research laboratories. The volume examines methods from the most major and fundamental techniques to more cutting-edge, advanced concepts. As part of the highly successful Methods in Molecular BiologyTM series, the chapters are clearly formatted with introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and notes on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and easy to use, Yeast Functional Genomics and Proteomics: Methods and Protocols is an ideal reference for both yeast researchers and those who wish to use yeast as a model system for the further study of functional genomics and proteomics.

Yeast Genetic Networks

by Attila Becskei

Regulation of gene expression, a major determinant of gene activity, occupies a central place in molecular biology. Yeast Genetic Networks: Methods and Protocols covers approaches to the systems biological analysis of small-scale gene networks in yeast. Divided into four convenient sections, this detailed volume discusses the methods used to analyze gene expression quantitatively, presents a collection of mathematical and computational tools to analyze stochasticity, adaptation, sensitivity in signal transmission, and oscillations in gene expression, provides instructional methods on how to utilize the tools of quantitative genetics to identify genes that regulate stochasticity and oscillations in gene expression, and concludes with a section devoted to the analysis of conserved gene expression systems and networks in different fungal species. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular BiologyTM series format, chapters contain introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and notes on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and accessible, Yeast Genetic Networks: Methods and Protocols serves as an ideal and valuable resource for both novices and experienced researchers.

Yeast Genetics

by Jeffrey S. Smith Daniel J. Burke

Yeast Genetics: Methods and Protocols is a collection of methods to best study and manipulate Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a truly genetic powerhouse. The simple nature of a single cell eukaryotic organism, the relative ease of manipulating its genome and the ability to interchangeably exist in both haploid and diploid states have always made it an attractive model organism. Genes can be deleted, mutated, engineered and tagged at will. Saccharomyces cerevisiae has played a major role in the elucidation of multiple conserved cellular processes including MAP kinase signaling, splicing, transcription and many others. Written in the successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible protocols and notes on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and easily accessible, Yeast Genetics: Methods and Protocols will provide a balanced blend of classic and more modern genetic methods relevant to a wide range of research areas and should be widely used as a reference in yeast labs.

Yeast Membrane Transport

by Maik Kschischo Hana Sychrová José Ramos

This contributed volume reviews the recent progress in our understanding of membrane transport in yeast including both Saccharomyces cerevisiae and non-conventional yeasts. The articles provide a summary of the key transport processes and put these in a systems biology context of cellular regulation, signal reception and homeostasis. After a general introduction, readers will find review articles covering the mechanisms and regulation of transport for various substrates ranging from diverse nutrients to cations, water and protons. These articles are complemented by a chapter on extremophilic yeast, a chapter on the mathematical modelling of ion transport and two chapters on the role of transport in pathogenic yeasts and antifungal drug resistance. Each article provides both a general overview of the main transport characteristics of a specific substrate or group of substrates and the unique details that only an expert working in the field is able to transmit to the reader. Researchers and students of the topic will find this book to be a useful resource for membrane transport in yeast collecting information in one complete volume, which is otherwise scattered across many papers. This might also be interesting for scientists investigating other species in order to compare transport mechanisms with known functions in yeast with the cells on which they work.

Yeast Metabolic Engineering

by Valeria Mapelli

Yeast Metabolic Engineering: Methods and Protocols provides the widely established basic tools used in yeast metabolic engineering, while describing in deeper detail novel and innovative methods that have valuable potential to improve metabolic engineering strategies in industrial biotechnology applications. Beginning with an extensive section on molecular tools and technology for yeast engineering, this detailed volume is not limited to methods for Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but describes tools and protocols for engineering other yeasts of biotechnological interest, such as Pichia pastoris, Hansenula polymorpha and Zygosaccharomyces bailii. Tools and technologies for the investigation and determination of yeast metabolic features are described in detail as well as metabolic models and their application for yeast metabolic engineering, while a chapter describing patenting and regulations with a special glance at yeast biotechnology closes the volume Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, most chapters include an introduction to their respective topic, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Comprehensive and authoritative, Yeast Metabolic Engineering: Methods and Protocols aims to familiarize researchers with the current state of these vital and increasingly useful technologies.

Yeast Metabolic Engineering: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2513)

by Valeria Mapelli Maurizio Bettiga

This second edition volume expands on the previous edition with new and updated chapters on the latest developments in the study of yeast within the biotechnology field. The chapters in this book cover topics such as transformation protocols for genetic engineering of Saccaromyces cerevisiae and Komagataella spp.; an overview of selection markers, promoters, and strains used for metabolic engineering of S. cerevisiae, P. pastoris, and Z. bailii; the use of yeast in CRISPR/Cas9 technology; tools to study metabolic pathway in Yarrowia lypolitica; and a discussion on the “universal expression system” that is applied in a broad spectrum of fungal species. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.Cutting-edge and authoritative, Yeast Metabolic Engineering: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition is a valuable resource for researchers and scientists interested in learning more about this important and developing field.

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