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Zero Index Metamaterials: Trends and Applications
by Nishant Shankhwar Ravindra Kumar SinhaThis book presents the emerging regime of zero refractive index photonics, involving metamaterials that exhibit effectively zero refractive index. Metamaterials are artificial structures whose optical properties can be tailored at will. With metamaterials, intriguing and spellbinding phenomena like negative refraction and electromagnetic cloaking could be realized, which otherwise seem unnatural or straight out of science fiction. Zero index metamaterials are also seen as a means of boosting nonlinear properties and are believed to have strong prospects for being useful in nonlinear optical applications. In summary, this book highlights almost everything currently available on zero index metamaterials and is useful for professionally interested and motivated readers.
Zero Kelvin
by Richard NormanPresent-day astronomy, vast, complex, is looking through darkness to distant objects and times. Yet its discoveries aren't exclusively scientific: from the moons of Pluto to the Doppler effect, the night sky screens a place where math meets myth. Now, in Zero Kelvin, in scenes that shift from the mountains of Goma to the mountains of the moon, from galaxies that feast upon their neighbours to a solar sail unfurling above Earth's orbit, Richard Norman's poetry probes both newly glimpsed corners of the universe, and the myths which bring them into focus. Experiment. It is a human urge-to orbit backwards at great speed.Experimentally, you do itand then the crack of lightning, the open-ended snowflake, splits the sky. Just as the sculptor cut the fat off space,you going backwards renders time. Seconds drop like filings when a magnet is turned off.
Zero to Birth: How the Human Brain Is Built
by William A. HarrisA revelatory tale of how the human brain develops, from conception to birth and beyondBy the time a baby is born, its brain is equipped with billions of intricately crafted neurons wired together through trillions of interconnections to form a compact and breathtakingly efficient supercomputer. Zero to Birth takes you on an extraordinary journey to the very edge of creation, from the moment of an egg’s fertilization through each step of a human brain’s development in the womb—and even a little beyond.As pioneering experimental neurobiologist W. A. Harris guides you through the process of how the brain is built, he takes up the biggest questions that scientists have asked about the developing brain, describing many of the thrilling discoveries that were foundational to our current understanding. He weaves in a remarkable evolutionary story that begins billions of years ago in the Proterozoic eon, when multicellular animals first emerged from single-cell organisms, and reveals how the growth of a fetal brain over nine months reflects the brain’s evolution through the ages. Our brains have much in common with those of other animals, and Harris offers an illuminating look at how comparative animal studies have been crucial to understanding what makes a human brain human.An unforgettable chronicle of one of nature’s greatest achievements, Zero to Birth describes how the brain’s incredible feat of orchestrated growth ensures that every brain is unique, and how breakthroughs at the frontiers of science are helping us to decode many traits that only reveal themselves later in life.
Zero to Genetic Engineering Hero: The beginner's guide to programming bacteria at home, school, & in the makerspace
by Justin Pahara Julie LegaultZero to Genetic Engineering Hero is made to provide you with a first glimpse of the inner-workings of a cell. It further focuses on skill-building for genetic engineering and the Biology-as-a-Technology mindset (BAAT). This book is designed and written for hands-on learners who have little knowledge of biology or genetic engineering. This book focuses on the reader mastering the necessary skills of genetic engineering while learning about cells and how they function. The goal of this book is to take you from no prior biology and genetic engineering knowledge toward a basic understanding of how a cell functions, and how they are engineered, all while building the skills needed to do so.
Zero to Maker: A Beginner's Guide to the Skills, Tools, and Ideas of the Maker Movement
by David LangZero to Maker is part memoir and part how-to guidebook for anyone who is having thoughts like these:I feel like all I can do is write emails. I wish I had more hands-on skills even though I don't know what I would build...I have this one idea I've always wanted to make, but I don't know how to build it...I keep hearing about the "maker movement" but I'm not sure what that means or how I can join in...The book follows author David Lang's headfirst dive into the maker world and shows how he grew from an unskilled beginner to be a successful entrepreneur. You'll discover how to navigate this new community of makers, and find the best resources for learning the tools and skills you need to be a dynamic maker in your own right.The way we make things has changed. A new generation of tinkerers have emerged through online communities and powerful digital fabrication tools, and their creations are changing the world. This book follows the author's personal journey of transformation into a maker-entrepreneur. It is everyone's guide to combining inspiration and resources to effectively navigate this exciting new world.Lang reveals how he became a maker pro after losing his job and how the experience helped him start OpenROV, a DIY community and product line focused on underwater robotics. It all happened once he became an active member of the maker movement. Ready to take the plunge into the next Industrial Revolution? This guide provides a clear and inspiring roadmap.Take an eye-opening journey from unskilled observer to engaged makerLearn how to join this community, get access to tools and experts, and pick up new skillsUse a template for building a maker-based entrepreneurial lifestyle and prepare yourself for the careers of the futureThis book is for everyone who dreams of becoming a successful maker-entrepreneur. It not only satisfies the aspirational aspect but shows newcomers to the maker movement exactly how to join in.First published in 2013, this new edition features full-color photos and shares David's latest insights and experiences as he continues to grow as a maker entrepreneur and citizen scientist.
Zero Waste: Management Practices for Environmental Sustainability
by Ashok K. RathoureZero Waste: Management Practices for Environmental Sustainability presents approaches for resource management centered on reducing waste and reusing and recycling materials. It aims to save energy by reducing energy consumption associated with extracting, processing, and transporting raw materials and waste, and also to reduce and eventually eliminate the need for landfills and incinerators. This book presents the various principles, methods, and tools that can be used to address different issues in the areas of industrial waste reduction and sustainability. It examines how to eliminate waste at the source and at all points of a supply chain, and how to shift from the current one-way linear resource model to a sustainable "closed-loop" system. Proposes strategies for businesses to reduce and reuse waste with a goal of reaching a zero waste status. Focuses on how mitigating waste and promoting recycling can save vast amounts of energy. Explains how the zero waste approach would be a key measure to ensure environmental sustainability and help to offset global climate change.
Zero Waste Biorefinery (Energy, Environment, and Sustainability)
by Anita Singh Nitin K. Labhsetwar Yogalakshmi Kadapakkam Nandabalan Vinod Kumar GargThis book is a compilation of process, technologies and value added products such as high value biochemicals and biofuels produced from different waste biorefineries. The book is sectioned into four categories providing a comprehensive outlook about zero waste biorefinery and technologies associated with it. The emerging technologies that potentially put back the lignocellulosic waste, municipal solid waste and food waste into intrinsic recycling for production of high value biochemicals and bioenergy, along with associated challenges and opportunities are also included. The content also focuses on algal biorefineries leading to sustainable circular economy through production of broad spectrum of bioactive compounds, bioethanol, biobutanol, biohydrogen, biodiesel through integrated biorefinery approach. The volume also includes chapters on conversion technologies and mathematical models applied for process optimization. A sound foundation about the underlying principles of biorefineries and a up-to-date state-of-the-art based overview on the latest advances in terms of scientific knowledge, techno-economic developments and life cycle assessment methodologies of integrated waste biorefinery is provided. This volume will be of great interest to professionals, post-graduate students and policy makers involved in waste management, biorefineries, circular economy and sustainable development.
Zero Waste Engineering: A New Era of Sustainable Technology Development (Wiley-Scrivener #82)
by M. M. Khan M. R. IslamIs "zero waste engineering" possible? This book outlines how to achieve zero waste engineering, following natural pathways that are truly sustainable. Using methods that have been developed in various areas for sustainability purposes, such as new mathematical models, recyclable material selection, and renewable energy, the authors probe the principles of zero waste engineering and how it can be applied to construction, energy production, and many other areas of engineering. This groundbreaking new volume: Explores new scientific principles on which sustainability and zero waste engineering can be based Presents new models for energy efficiency, cooling processes, and natural chemical and material selection in industrial applications and business Explains how "green buildings" and "green homes" can be efficiently built and operated with zero waste Offers case histories and successful experiments in sustainability and zero-waste engineering Ideal for: Engineers and scientists of all industries, including the energy industry, construction, the process industries, and manufacturing. Chemical engineers, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, petroleum engineers, process engineers, civil engineers, and many other types of engineers would all benefit from reading this exciting new volume.
Zero Waste Management Technologies
by Rouf Ahmad Bhat Gowhar Hamid Dar Younis Ahmad HajamThis volume highlights cutting-edge research on Zero waste management and the associated effects of waste on the environment. Predominantly, it focuses on the challenges of dealing with the amassed production of waste and the cumulative impact of increasing waste on the biosphere. Different sections of this book focus on the comprehensive overview of the technological advancements driving the Zero Waste movement. Furthermore, it explores innovations in waste reduction, recycling, and repurposing, from a global perspective, examining the diverse cultural, social, and economic factors influencing the adoption of zero waste strategies worldwide. In addition, it discusses the challenges, and opportunities inherent in promoting a unified global effort toward sustainable resource management. Discover the latest breakthroughs in waste reduction, recycling, and resource optimization. This essential guide empowers you to implement practical, innovative solutions for a greener future. Whether abusiness owner, environmental enthusiast, or simply curious about sustainable living, this book is a roadmap to a cleaner and healthier planet.
Zero Waste Sustainable Apparel Industry (Textile Science and Clothing Technology)
by Subramanian Senthilkannan MuthuThis book offers a variety of cases offering insights into waste assessment and moving towards zero waste in the apparel industry. In an industry as large and widespread as apparel, efforts toward sustainability and waste reduction are critical. The chapters here cover a variety of topics related to apparel sustainability, including management approaches, circular economy methods, and case studies that academics, students, and professionals in this industry can use to continue to strive toward a sustainable future.
Zerspanung mit Eigenschmierstoff: Bearbeitung von Stahl mit geometrisch bestimmter Schneide optimieren (essentials)
by Egbert SchäpermeierDieses essentials behandelt einen neuen Ansatz zur effizienteren Zerspanung von Stählen: Bei der Spanbildung handelt es sich um einen Vorgang mit unvollkommener Ähnlichkeit. Die Ähnlichkeitsmechanik geht davon aus, dass sich nur vollkommene Vorgänge geschlossen analytisch darstellen lassen. Daher wird der wirtschaftlich interessante Bereich der Zerspanung abgegrenzt, welcher vollkommene Ähnlichkeit besitzt und für diesen Bereich erstmals die analytischen Grundlagen für Lehre, Studium, Forschung, Entwicklung und Fertigung zusammengestellt. Ergebnis ist eine Optimierung der Maschineneinstelldaten für eine wirtschaftlichere und ressourcenschonendere Produktion.
Zhang-Gradient Control
by Yunong Zhang Binbin Qiu Xiaodong LiThis book introduces readers to using the simple but effective Zhang-gradient (ZG) method to solve tracking-control problems concerning various nonlinear systems, while also highlighting the applications of the ZG method to tracking control for practical systems, e.g. an inverted-pendulum-on-a-cart (IPC) system and a two-wheeled mobile robot (showing its potential applications). In addition to detailed theoretical analyses of ZG controllers, the book presents a wealth of computer simulations to demonstrate the feasibility and efficacy of the controllers discussed (as well as the method itself). More importantly, the superiority of ZG controllers in overcoming the division-by-zero (DBZ) problem is also illustrated. Given its scope and format, the book is well suited for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as academic and industrial researchers in the fields of neural dynamics/neural networks, nonlinear control, computer mathematics, time-varying problem solving, modeling and simulation, analog hardware, and robotics.
Zic family: Evolution, Development and Disease (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology #1046)
by Jun ArugaIs the first comprehensive review of the Zic family-related studies in biology and medicine.<P><p> Presents the Zic genes for the nervous system appearance is utilized in the animal evolution.<P> Provides the cutting edge information for common genetic disorders, stem cell and cancer cell biology .<P> This book provides a comprehensive overview of ZIC-family research. <P>Part 1 summarizes the ZIC family in animal evolution and development and presents an overall picture of the ZIC family gene structure in eumetazoan animals, providing an evolutionary hypothesis and reviewing the studies on the role of ZIC family proteins in developmental processes for each animal model. Part 2 shows that the ZIC family are the causative genes for developmental disorders, and discusses the role of the ZIC family in stem cell biology. It also presents studies on the ZIC family in the medical biology field. This interdisciplinary book is a valuable resource not only for those people directly involved in ZIC-family-related research, but also researchers in diverse research fields who are interested in the latest advances in biology and medicine.
Zielkonflikte der Bioökonomie: Biobasiertes Wirtschaften im Spannungsfeld von Ökonomie und Ökologie (Energie in Naturwissenschaft, Technik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft)
by Daniela Perbandt Thomas Vogelpohl Katrin Beer Annette Elisabeth Töller Michael BöcherDas Buch vermittelt ein vertieftes Verständnis des Konzepts der Bioökonomie, seiner politischen Entwicklung sowie der mit ihr einhergehenden Ziele und Zielkonflikte. In Kapitel 1 wird den Fragen nachgegangen, was das Konzept Bioökonomie ausmacht, aus welchen Sektoren es besteht und welche Definitionen von Bioökonomie es gibt. Kapitel 2 führt anschließend in die großen gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen ein, vor deren Hintergrund die Bioökonomie eingeführt wurde und zeigt deren Entwicklung in Europa und weltweit auf. Kapitel 3 arbeitet die Ziele einer Bioökonomie heraus, wie sie in den verschiedenen europäischen und nationalen Strategiepapieren definiert sind. Daraus werden die wichtigsten Zielkonflikte abgeleitet, in dessen Spannungsfeld sich die Bioökonomie bewegt. Kapitel 4 fasst das Wesentliche kurz zusammen.
Zika: The Emerging Epidemic
by Donald G. Mcneil Jr.A gripping narrative about the origins and spread of the Zika virus by New York Times science reporter Donald G. McNeil Jr. Until recently, Zika--once considered a mild disease--was hardly a cause for global panic. But as early as August 2015, doctors in northeast Brazil began to notice a trend: many mothers who had recently experienced symptoms of the Zika virus were giving birth to babies with microcephaly, a serious disorder characterized by unusually small heads and brain damage. By early 2016, Zika was making headlines as evidence mounted--and eventually confirmed--that microcephaly is caused by the virus, which can be contracted through mosquito bites or sexually transmitted. The first death on American soil, in February 2016, was confirmed in Puerto Rico in April. The first case of microcephaly in Puerto Rico was confirmed on May 13, 2016. The virus has been known to be transmitted by the Aedes aegypti or Yellow Fever mosquito, but now Aedes albopictus, the Asian Tiger mosquito, has been found to carry it as well, which means it might affect regions as far north as New England and the Great Lakes. Right now, at least 298 million people in the Americas live in areas "conducive to Zika transmission," according to a recent study. Over the next year, more than 5 million babies will be born. In Zika: The Emerging Epidemic, Donald G. McNeil Jr. sets the facts straight in a fascinating exploration of Zika's origins, how it's spreading, the race for a cure, and what we can do to protect ourselves now.
Zika Virus and Diseases: From Molecular Biology to Epidemiology
by Suzane R. da Silva Fan Cheng Shou-Jiang GaoCompiles the most current information on the Zika virus and its associated diseases This comprehensive book provides the most up-to-date information for students, medical students, and scientists on Zika virus and its associated diseases. It includes all the information related to the Zika virus since its discovery in 1947; its epidemic outbreak in 2007-2014; how the epidemiology changed in America in 2015-2016; its mode of transmission; how to prevent and treat it; and associated diseases. Zika Virus and Diseases: From Molecular Biology to Epidemiology offers complete and up-to-date coverage in 10 chapters. It presents information from papers that attempted to associate the virus with diseases in Africa until the first animal experiment; discusses its association with Guillain-Barré syndrome and microcephaly; describes the basic mechanisms for Zika (ZIKV) replication, including important differences between Dengue (DENV), West-Nile virus (WNV), and ZIKV; explains the difference between the strains and discusses the pathogenesis of them; covers the papers that showed all the interferences that Zika can cause, and the pathways which can be modified; and more. The first book since 1947 to put together all the scientific information Compiles all the information received in the last year about Zika virus Clearly demonstrates the origin and discovery of the virus Zika Virus and Diseases: From Molecular Biology to Epidemiology will appeal to graduate students, medical students, basic researchers, clinicians in infectious disease, microbiology, and virology, as well as people in related disciplines interested in learning more about this topic.
Zinc: Early Development, Applications, and Emerging Trends
by Ethirajan Sukumar Krishnamurthy Vinoth Kumar Annamalai ManickavasaganZinc: Early Development, Applications, and Emerging Trends is a comprehensive book covering various aspects of the metallic element zinc that has a significant role in the growth and survival of humans. The United Nations Organization has aptly declared it as a ‘Life-Saving Material’ since it helps in overcoming infections and strengthening the immune system. Zinc is an essential element next to iron, aluminum, and copper with abundant presence in nature, and is worth billions of dollars commercially. Besides the metal, its compounds and nanoparticles have also become attractive to researchers due to their enormous applications. The industrial and agricultural uses of the metal and its compounds are widespread.An exclusive book covering all important aspects of zinc is yet to hit the market. This book, with contributions from experts in geology, chemistry, medicine (including dentistry and traditional systems), agriculture, veterinary science, biology, bioinformatics, and nanotechnology encompassing the latest developments in their fields related to zinc, fills this void. The uniqueness of the book is its interdisciplinary nature and potential use by researchers, students, and teachers of various specialties.Features: Contributes to a better understanding of the complexities of zinc’s role in various branches of science Contains basic and practical information for a wider audience and researchers of different fields besides those interested in zinc Provides detailed information on the usefulness of zinc in prophylaxis and treatment of diseases in modern medicine, dentistry, and traditional systems such as Ayurveda, Siddha, and Unani, as well as veterinary medicine Highlights zinc’s role in agriculture and food science with various crops and nutritive materials Includes chapters on fast-growing areas – nanotechnology and bioinformatics
Zinc-Air Batteries: Fundamentals, Key Materials and Application
by Shengjie PengThis book aims to discuss the cutting-edge materials and technologies for zinc-air batteries. From the perspective of basic research and engineering application, the principle innovation, research progress, and technical breakthrough of key materials such as positive and negative electrodes, electrolytes, and separators of zinc-air batteries are discussed systematically, which can be used to guide and promote the development of zinc-air battery technology. We do believe that our experiences and in-depth discussions would make this book useful for researchers at all levels in the energy area and provide them with a quick way of understanding the development of zinc-air batteries.
Zinc-Air Batteries: Introduction, Design Principles, and Emerging Technologies
by Zongping Shao Xiaomin XuZinc–Air Batteries Authoritative and comprehensive resource covering foundational knowledge of zinc–air batteries as well as their practical applications Zinc–Air Batteries provides a comprehensive understanding of the history and development of Zn–air batteries, with a systematic overview of components, design, and device innovation, along with recent advances in the field, especially with regards to the cathode catalyst design made by cutting-edge materials, engineering processes, and technologies. In particular, design principles regarding the key components of Zn–air batteries, ranging from air cathode, to zinc anode, and to electrolyte, are emphasized. Furthermore, industrial developments of Zn–air batteries are discussed and emerging new designs of Zn–air batteries are also introduced. The authors argue that designing advanced Zn–air battery technologies is important to the realization of efficient energy storage and conversion—and, going further, eventually holds the key to a sustainable energy future and a carbon-neutral goal. Edited and contributed to by leading professionals and researchers in the field, Zinc–Air Batteries also contains information regarding: Design of oxygen reduction catalysts in primary zinc–air batteries, including precious metals, single-atoms, carbons, and transition metal oxides Design of bifunctional oxygen catalysts in rechargeable zinc–air batteries, covering specific oxygen redox reactions and catalyst candidates Design of three-dimensional air cathode in zinc–air batteries, covering loading of carbon-based and transition metal catalysts, plus design of the three-phase interface Design of electrolyte for zinc–air batteries, including liquid electrolytes (e.g., alkaline) and gel polymer electrolytes (e.g., PVA hydrogel) For students, researchers, and instructors working in battery technologies, materials science, and electrochemistry, and for industry and government representatives for decision making associated with energy and transportation, Zinc–Air Batteries summarizes the research results on Zn–air batteries and thereby helps researchers and developers to implement the technology in practice.
Zinc Clinical and Biochemical Significance
by Stephen C. CunnaneIn keeping with the etiology theme, it also became apparent that the clinical aspects needed to be strictly separated from the animal aspects of zinc metabolism, a separation that has never previously been attempted. Although this division, like the separation of primary from secondary zinc depletion, may be somewhat arbitrary, it is the author‘s impression that current knowledge of the truly clinical aspects of zinc metabolism is too often confused with its effects in animals. The two will frequently be similar, but not always. In this book, therefore, animal studies are considered in part 2 (Biochemistry. Only a handful of references to animal studies has been included in part 1 (Clinical). The purpose of this separation is to clearly distinguish animal from human, experimental from clinical. Too many of the animal studies have involved severe and prolonged zinc deficiency or other exaggerated nutritional conditions that cannot be realistically applied in the clinical setting. Furthermore, animal studies are mainly or primary (dietary) zinc depletion, whereas in humans, secondary zinc depletion is more prevalent and has a more diverse etiology.
Zinc Enzyme Inhibitors
by Claudiu T. Supuran Clemente CapassoMedicinal chemistry is both science and art. The science of medicinal chemistry offers mankind one of its best hopes for improving the quality of life. The art of medicinal chemistry continues to challenge its practitioners with the need for both intuition and experience to discover new drugs. Hence sharing the experience of drug research is uniquely beneficial to the field of medicinal chemistry. Drug research requires interdisciplinary team-work at the interface between chemistry, biology and medicine. Therefore, the topic-related series Topics in Medicinal Chemistry covers all relevant aspects of drug research, e. g. pathobiochemistry of diseases, identification and validation of (emerging) drug targets, structural biology, drugability of targets, drug design approaches, chemogenomics, synthetic chemistry including combinatorial methods, bioorganic chemistry, natural compounds, high-throughput screening, pharmacological in vitro and in vivo investigations, drug-receptor interactions on the molecular level, structure-activity relationships, drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination, toxicology and pharmacogenomics. In general, special volumes are edited by well known guest editors.
Zinc Handbook: Properties, Processing, and Use In Design (Mechanical Engineering #Vol. 73)
by Frank C. PorterSummarizes information on all aspects of metallic zinc and gives references to additional source material, including major books and reviews. At the heart of the reference are 16 chapters that cover coatings and electrochemical protection of steel by zinc.
Zinc Metalloproteases In Health And Disease
by Nigel M. HooperThe zinc metalloproteases are a diverse group of enzymes which are becoming increasingly important in a variety of biological systems. Their major function is to break down proteins. This text presents recent research results on the biochemistry and molecular biology of these enzymes.
Zinc Signaling
by Toshiyuki Fukada Taiho KambeThis book, now in an extensively revised second edition, describes the crucial role of zinc signaling in biological processes on a molecular and physiological basis. Global leaders in the field review the latest knowledge, including the very significant advances in understanding that have been achieved since publication of the first edition. Detailed information is provided on all the essentials of zinc signaling, covering molecular aspects and the roles of zinc transporters, the zinc sensing receptor, and metallothioneins. Detection techniques for zinc signals, involving genetically encoded and chemical probes, are also described. The critical contributions of the zinc signal in maintaining health and the adverse consequences of any imbalance in the signal are then thoroughly addressed. Here, readers will find up-to-date information on the significance of the zinc signal in a wide range of conditions, including cardiovascular disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, inflammatory conditions, skin disease, osteoarthritis, and cancer. The book will be of value for researchers, clinicians, and advanced students.
Zinc Signals in Cellular Functions and Disorders
by Toshiyuki Fukada Taiho KambeThis book describes the crucial role of "zinc signals" in biological processes on a molecular and physiological basis, discussing future directions and questions underlying this unique phenomenon. To accomplish this, a group of worldwide leaders in the field, who have made outstanding contributions, overview zinc signals from a professional standpoint. Zinc plays an indispensable role in various cellular processes. It regulates a great number of protein functions including transcription factors, enzymes, adapters, and growth factors as a structural or catalytic factor or both. Recently, another function of zinc has received extensive interest and attention because of its potential importance as a signaling mediator. Zinc plays a dynamic role as an intracellular and extracellular signaling factor and thus regulates cellular signaling pathways, which enables communication between cells, conversion of extracellular stimuli to intracellular signals, and control of various intracellular events. These functions of zinc have become recognized as "zinc signals," which play critical roles in physiology, and therefore their imbalance can cause a variety of problems with regard to human health. Because the notion of zinc signals is quite new and no integrative review books focusing on them have yet been published, we believe this book will provide very timely information on the subject and thus should be of importance and interest to a wide range of readers.