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Zwicky: The Outcast Genius Who Unmasked the Universe

by John Johnson Jr.

Fritz Zwicky was one of the most inventive and iconoclastic scientists of the twentieth century. Among other accomplishments, he was the first to infer the existence of dark matter. He also clashed with better-known peers and became a pariah in the scientific community. John Johnson, Jr.,’s biography brings this tempestuous maverick alive.

Zwischen Tradition und Moderne: Eine Studie zu Studierenden der (Islamischen) Theologie und Religionspädagogik in Deutschland

by Veronika Zimmer Margit Stein

Die qualitative Studie zielt darauf ab, die Motivation und Haltung angehender Religionslehrkräfte verschiedener Glaubensrichtungen zu untersuchen. Das Forschungsteam führte insgesamt 83 vertiefende Einzelinterviews durch (34 Studierende der Islamischen Theologie mit Lehramtsoption und 19 Studierende ohne Lehramtsoption sowie 30 Studierende der Katholischen Theologie mit Lehramtsoption). Die Ergebnisse geben Einblicke in die Herausforderungen und Chancen des Religionsunterrichts in einer pluralistischen Gesellschaft. Darüber hinaus könnten sie wertvolle Impulse für die Gestaltung einer integrativen Bildungspolitik bieten, die auf Respekt und interreligiöser Verständigung basiert.


by Jeff Wilkesman Liliana Kurz

This detailed volume examines the latest techniques and protocols associated with zymography, the practice of detecting enzyme activity on electrophoretic gels. Sections cover subjects such as endopeptidase zymography, reverse zymography & in situ zymography, 2D zymography, as well as a variety of special cases. Written in the highly respected Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include brief introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Comprehensive and practical, Zymography: Methods and Protocols serves as an ideal aid for a broad array of researchers from the fields of biological and medicinal science, as well as scientists working in clinical and diagnostic medicine, medical genetics, agricultural entomology, genetic monitoring of environmental pollution, and forensic science.

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