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Catchpenny: A novel

by Charlie Huston

A thief who can travel through mirrors, a video game that threatens to spill out of the virtual world, a doomsday cult on a collision course with destiny, and a missing teenager at the center of it all. With the world on the brink of every kind of apocalypse, humanity needs a hero. What it gets is Sid Catchpenny."I absolutely loved it. Catchpenny is a brilliant book, full of heart and the language is pitch-perfect. If Elmore Leonard had ever written a fantasy novel, this would be it.&” —Stephen KingSidney Catchpenny has had a bad run. Laid low by a years-long bout of debilitating depression, he&’s all but squandered his reputation as one of the most uniquely talented thieves in LA. There aren&’t many who can do what Sid does. He&’s a sly, a special kind of crook with the uncanny ability to move through mirrors. And the spoils he&’s after are equally unusual. Forget jewels and cold cash—Sid steals curiosities—items imbued with powerful mojo, a magical essence gleaned from the accumulated emotion that seeps into interesting, though often banal objects. That spot on the carpet where your old dog used to lay at your feet? The passed-down family heirloom nobody wants but everybody refuses to throw away? These curiosities are full of mojo, which is both the currency of the criminal underground and the secret source of magic in the world.When a friend from Sid&’s past comes looking for his help with an important client, and the chance to pay off old debts presents itself, Sid seizes the opportunity … as best he can. But the case he stumbles into is more complicated than it seems, and it portends a seismic shift in the world, one that will leave no one untouched. As the fog of his depression begins to lift, Sid sees connections everywhere he looks, and the once disparate threads of the case—a missing teenage girl, an entire bedroom saturated with mojo, and Sid&’s own long-dead wife—begin to coalesce.

A Catedral

by Mois Benarroch Isabel Ruiz

La Catedral (A Catedral) A Catedral se desenvolve em uma metrópole real e futurista, construída ao redor de um centro comercial que inclui tudo, desde lojas até clínicas, restaurantes e livrarias. Os bairros se chamam “Pescoços” (Cuellos) e levam à cidade até o final da civilização, ali onde se acaba a cidade e começa a guerra. Sandoval e Sandra se veem perseguidos por tentar sair da Catedral sem fazer nenhuma compra; pecado penal em um mundo onde comprar é uma religião. “Comprem para seu futuro, o futuro é comprar” reza uma espécie de muezim1 desde os alto-falantes do centro comercial chamado “Catedral” que talvez tenha sido uma sinagoga no passado. Sandoval chega até o limite da cidade e ali vê os que tentam e não podem entrar nela, para que ele não possa mais ser aquele que foi e se refugiou nos escritos de seu pai que falam de outro passado, outro mundo. Entre a ficção científica e a crítica social, uma novela para o novo milênio.

La Catedral del Cielo

by Yéredi Fernández Lara Arshad Ahsanuddin

El Pacto Arcano: Libro 1.5 de 4 Hijo del Crepúsculo Venecia, Italia, 2039. Cuando Michael Danvers es testigo de un ataque vampírico, su habilidad latent de cambiar de forma se despierta. Revelado como un Centinela, el enemigo natural de los Caminantes Nocturnos, Michael de 13 años debe darle la espalda a su familia y a segura, predecible vida. Pero un campo de batalla sobrenatural no es lugar para un niño, ni siquiera para un genio como Michael. Traicionado por los suyos, deja la Tierra atrás, esperando encontrar un nuevo camino en el Gremio Espacial -- y las estrellas. Templado por la Luz de la Luna Trasladado a la Ciudadela, Michael rápidamente se hace de renombre en la Academia del Gremio Espacial. Pero cada avance significa menos para él que la Amistad que adquiere, de compañeros sus compañeros cadetes William y Ariel, incluso cuando Michael es promovido por sobre ellos. Forjado en la Luz de las Estrellas Todos tenían planes para el future de Michael: sus padres, los Centinelas, el Gremio--incluso su major amigo, Will. Pero Michael toma el control de su destino, y cuando es llamado a hacer una fatídica decision con incontables vidas pendiendo de un hilo, el único sentido del honor que importa es el suyo.

Catedral dos céus

by Arshad Ahsanuddin

Filho do crepusculo Veneza, na Itália, 2039Quando Michael Danvers testemunha um ataque de vampiro, sua capacidade latente de se transformar desperta. se revelando como um sentinela, inimigo número um dos sentinelas noturnos, ele tem que abandonar a sua família pela sua própria segurança. mas um lugar de batalhas sobrenaturais não é lugar para uma criança, nem mesmo um gênio como Michael. Traído pelo seu próprio povo, ele deixa a terra para trás, buscando conquistar seu lugar no espaço e nas estrelas. Temperado pelo luar Mudando-se para a Cidadela, Michael rapidamente faz um nome para si mesmo na Corporação espacial. Mas cada avanço significa menos para ele do que as amizades que ele adquire, dos colegas cadetes William e Ariel, mesmo quando Michael é promovido acima deles. Forjado na luz das estrelas Todos tinham planos para o futuro de Michael: seus pais, os Sentinelas, o Clã - até mesmo seu melhor amigo, Will. Mas Michael toma o controle de seu destino, e quando chamado para tomar uma decisão fatídica com incontáveis ​​vidas na balança, o único senso de honra que importa é o seu.

Category 7

by Bill Evans Marianna Jameson

A Category 4 hurricane, with winds of up to 155 miles per hour, tears roofs off buildings, smashes windows and doors, and can send floodwaters up to the second floor. Evacuation is suggested for up to six miles inland. Hurricane Katrina was a Category 4 when she made landfall. Hurricane Simone is a Category 7--the biggest, strongest storm in recorded history. When she hits New York City, skyscrapers will fall. Subways and tunnels will flood. Lower Manhattan and much of Queens and Brooklyn will disappear under more than thirty feet of water. All along the Eastern Seaboard, towns and cities are being evacuated as wind-driven rain lashes the coast and storm surges crash through seawalls. Roads are packed with fleeing motorists whose cars are jammed with every personal possession that can be crammed in, plus family members, friends, and beloved pets. A huge natural disaster is brewing in the Atlantic. Except that Simone isn't natural. She's the product of rogue weather science being wielded by billionaire Carter Thompson as part of a personal vendetta against US President Winslow Benson. Once Carter wanted to bring rain to the desert and feed the starving peoples of the planet. Now he wants to show Benson--and the rest of the world--just how powerful wind and water can be. If technology created Simone, perhaps technology can stop her. It's up to Kate Sherman, once a member of Carter's weather team; and Jake Baxter, a weatherman for the CIA, to try, using a secret US Navy weapon. The catch? It has to be deployed inside the hurricane.

Category Phoenix

by Boyd Ellanby

Man, it would appear, can adapt to any form of society ... but not one in which the knowledge of extending life becomes a passport to death!

The Caterpillar's Question

by Piers Anthony Philip Farmer

Tappy was thirteen, blind, crippled and mute. Jack was hired to drive her across the country to a place where they were supposed to help her, but Jack wondered. They said she could speak if she wanted to badly enough, that the condition was hysterical. As they drove, he found himself liking the young girl and becoming more and more intrigued with her behavior. Why did she want to stop and walk around in the middle of nowhere. Perhaps Jack would regret his wanting to know when they both disappeared somewhere ... else?

Catfang: Book 3 (Starstormers #3)

by Nicholas Fisk

Built to take the four children to join their parents on Epsilon Cool, Starstormer is showing dangerous signs of wear and tear - and the vehicle of their escape is now their prison. The Starstormers have been forced to leave Epsilon Cool to evade the Octopus Emperor's intention of employing them in his workforce, and the failings of their homemade spaceship contribute to the strained atmosphere on board. As tensions rise, distraction suddenly appears in the shape of a stowaway: a tousled, spiky, wet, filthy kitten. Cleaned up (and given a name), Fang, he entertains the children with his antics. But not for long! Starstormer is once again under attack - and Fang plays an amazing part in the great battle in space ...

Catfish Rolling

by Clara Kumagai

A debut young adult coming-of-age book with magic realism elements, Catfish Rolling is perfect for fans of Studio Ghibli films and Laura Ruby's Bone Gap.There's a catfish under Japan, and when it rolls, the land rises and falls. At least, that's what Sora was told after she lost her mother to an earthquake so powerful that it cracked time itself. Sora and her father are some of the few who still live near the most powerful of these "zones" — the places where time has been irrevocably sped up, or slowed down. When high school ends, and her best friend leaves for university, Sora finds herself stuck and increasingly alone. She begins secretly conducting her own research, tracking down a time expert in Tokyo. She also feels increasingly conflicted in her quasi-romantic feelings for her best friend — and for the time expert's assistant, a striking and confident girl named Maya, another hafu (half-Japanese, half-non) girl with whom Sora forms an instant bond. But when Sora's father disappears, she has no choice but to return home and venture deep into the abandoned time zones to find him, and perhaps the catfish itself . . .

The Cathedral Mall

by Mois Benarroch P Diane Schneider

Just what motivates a writer to write, anyway? Is it a need to expiate past experiences, an apprehension for the direction of the future, a need to slough off inner thoughts not aceptable to voice out loud? The Cathedral Mall plays out in a real-life futuristic city constructed around a mall which provides everything, including stores, clinics, restaurants and bookstores. The suburbs are called "passageways"and go from the city to the end of civilization, out where the city ends, and war begins. Sandoval and Sandra are hunted for trying to exit La Catedral Mall without making a purchase, a capital offense in a world where buying is a religión. "Buy for your future. Buying is our future." Chants a muezzin-type crier over the sound system of the mall named La Catedral which may have been a synagogue in the past. Sandoval gets to the city limits and there sees people who try unsuccessfully to enter, where he finds he can no longer be the person he was and seeks refuge in his father's writings which spoke of another past, another world. A meld of science fiction and social commentary. A novel for the new millennium.

Cathedral of Bones

by A. J. Steiger

A stunningly imagined world, page-turning thrills, and a pair of unlikely heroes on an epic quest make this unique and immersive dark fantasy—from acclaimed author A. J. Steiger—perfect for fans of Holly Black and Kelly Barnhill. Simon Frost lives in a curious place, where magic is used by the very best Animists to do wondrous things—like call upon imps, wraiths, and all manner of monsters to right wrongs, deliver justice, and accomplish feats no human could achieve. Simon Frost is not one of those Animists, though he’s been trying to become one for years. When a plea arrives from a distant hamlet, preyed upon by an abominable monster, Simon sees the opportunity to finally prove his worth. But upon arriving in the tiny village, Simon finds not just a monster but a key to his past—and a pathway into an unbelievable future.

The Cathedral of Known Things: Book Two (The Relic Guild)

by Edward Cox

Divided, hunted and short on resources, the surviving members of the Relic Guild are in real trouble. Their old enemy, the Genii, and their resurrected master have infiltrated Labrys Town and taken over the police force. So the Relic Guild must flee their home, and set off on a dangerous journey across the worlds of the Aelfir. One that will lead them to a weapon which might destroy the Genii. Or the whole universe...And forty years before all this, the war which led to the fall of the Genii continues. And what happens to the Relic Guild during that conflict will change the course of their desperate flight.

The Cathedral of Known Things: Book Two

by Edward Cox

Divided, hunted and short on resources, the surviving members of the Relic Guild are in real trouble. Their old enemy, the Genii, and their resurrected master have infiltrated Labrys Town and taken over the police force. So the Relic Guild must flee their home, and set off on a dangerous journey across the worlds of the Aelfir. One that will lead them to a weapon which might destroy the Genii. Or the whole universe...And forty years before all this, the war which led to the fall of the Genii continues. And what happens to the Relic Guild during that conflict will change the course of their desperate flight.

The Cathedral of Known Things: Book Two (The Relic Guild)

by Edward Cox

This audiobook features an exclusive interview with Edward Cox and Imogen Church.Also available, THE CHAMPION OF DEAD TIME, a prelude to THE CATHEDRAL OF KNOWN THINGS.Divided, hunted and short on resources, the surviving members of the Relic Guild are in real trouble. Their old enemy, the Genii, and their resurrected master have infiltrated Labrys Town and taken over the police force. So the Relic Guild must flee their home, and set off on a dangerous journey across the worlds of the Aelfir. One that will lead them to a weapon which might destroy the Genii. Or the whole universe...And forty years before all this, the war which led to the fall of the Genii continues. And what happens to the Relic Guild during that conflict will change the course of their desperate flight.Read by Imogen Church(p) 2015 Orion Publishing Group

A Cathedral of Myth and Bone: Stories

by Kat Howard

From the acclaimed author of Roses and Rot—a &“Brothers Grimm tale for the contemporary reader&” (School Library Journal, starred review)—Kat Howard&’s exquisite shorter works, nominated for the World Fantasy Award, and performed on WNYC&’s Selected Shorts—called &“brilliant&” (Library Journal, starred review). Kat Howard has already been called a &“remarkable writer&” by Neil Gaiman and her &“dark and enticing&” (Publishers Weekly) debut novel, Roses and Rot, was beloved by critics and fans alike.Now, you can experience her collected shorter works, including two new stories, in A Cathedral of Myth and Bone. In these stories, equally as beguiling and spellbinding as her novels, Howard expands into the enchanted territory of myths and saints, as well as an Arthurian novella set upon a college campus, &“Once, Future,&” which retells the story of King Arthur—through the women&’s eyes.Captivating and engrossing, and adorned in gorgeous prose, Kat Howard&’s stories are a fresh and stylish take on fantasy. &“Kat Howard seems to possess a magic of her own, of making characters come alive and scenery so vivid, you forget it exists only on the page&” (Anton Bogomazov, Politics and Prose).

Catherine House: The college that won't let you leave...

by Elisabeth Thomas

'A delicious, diverse, genre-bending gothic, as smart as it is spooky' Chloe Benjamin During your three years at Catherine House you will have no contact with those in the outside world.Each of our students has been selected as someone who belongs here. You will give to Catherine and Catherine will give to you.We will not let each other down.Catherine House is a university like no other. Into its celebrated world steps Ines, a young woman who welcomes the school's isolation rather than its illustrious past. As the gates close and Ines finds herself start to be inevitably seduced by its magnetic power, she begins to realise the question isn't why she chose to come to Catherine House; but why Catherine House chose her.'A brilliantly observed tale brimming with subtle malevolence' Irenosen Okojie'Echoes of The Secret History and Never Let Me Go' Daily Mail'Moody and evocative as a fever dream, CATHERINE HOUSE is the sort of book that wraps itself around your brain, drawing you closer with each hypnotic step' Washington Post

Catherine House: The college that won't let you leave...

by Elisabeth Thomas

A dark, claustrophobic and compulsive novel, in the vein of THE WATER CURE, NEVER LET ME GO and Ottessa Moshfegh. That was the Catherine experiment: give the house three years - three profound, total years - then become anything or anyone you want to be. Watch all your dreams come trueCatherine House is an American college with a difference. Only the most brilliant minds enter, and its graduates earn prestige, wealth and honour. But over the three years they attend the school, they remain within its black gates; they have no contact with their loved ones; no association with the outside world. Those who break these rules will find themselves facing time in the school's infamous tower.Ines enters Catherine House on the run from an incredibly dark secret, and welcomes the school's isolation. Sharing a room with the sweet, damaged Baby, she slowly begins to build the group of friends she never had outside its walls. One day, however, Baby is summoned to the tower - and never returns. Ines is heartbroken, left to uncover the secrets that Catherine House conceals while slowly becoming more and more seduced herself by its dark, magnetic power.Swirling with atmosphere and the subtle tingling of horror, CATHERINE HOUSE is a novel that will steal your heart and swallow you whole.(P) 2020 HarperCollins, Inc.

Catherine the Fashion Princess Fairy (Rainbow Magic Early Reader #16)

by Daisy Meadows

Catherine the Fashion Princess Fairy helps make sure princesses everywhere have the perfect outfits for their royal functions. But when Jack Frost and his goblins steal her magical objects, all sorts of things start to go wrong! Can Kirsty and Rachel help get them back before fashion disasters strike the human and fairy worlds?

Catherine the Fashion Princess Fairy: Special (Rainbow Magic #1)

by Daisy Meadows

Get ready for an exciting fairy adventure with the no. 1 bestselling series for girls aged 5 and up.Catherine the Fashion Princess Fairy helps make sure princesses everywhere have the perfect outfits for their royal functions. But when Jack Frost and his goblins steal her magical objects, all sorts of things start to go wrong! Can Kirsty and Rachel help get them back before fashion disasters strike the human and fairy worlds?'These stories are magic; they turn children into readers!' ReadingZone.comIf you like Rainbow Magic, check out Daisy Meadows' other series: Magic Animal Friends and Unicorn Magic!

Catholics: A Novel (Loyola Classics Ser.)

by Brian Moore Robert Ellsberg

A “near-masterpiece” about faith and doubt by the award-winning, international bestselling author (The New York Times). In Rome, surrendering to secular pressures, the Fourth Vatican Council is stirring a revolution with their official denial of the church’s core doctrines. They’ve abolished clerical dress and private confession; the Eucharist is recognized only as an outdated symbol; and they’re merging with the tenets of Buddhism. They’re also unsettled by the blind faith of devout pilgrims from around the world congregating on a remote island monastery in Ireland—the last spot on earth where Catholic traditions are defiantly alive. At the behest of the Vatican, Father James Kinsella has been dispatched to Muck Abbey with an ultimatum: Adhere to the new church or suffer the consequences. But in Abbot Tomás O’Malley, Kinsella finds less an adversary than a man of bewildering contradictions—unyieldingly bound to his vows, yet long-questioning his devotion to God. Now, between Kinsella and O’Malley comes an unexpected challenge that will reveal their truths, their purpose, their faith, and their doubt. “Told with . . . superb grace and wit,” Catholics was adapted by Brian Moore for the 1973 film starring Martin Sheen and Trevor Howard (The New Yorker).

Cativado por um Vampiro (Corações Imortais de São Francisco #2)

by Susam Griscom

Josh Barrett conhece suas prioridades - reportando as notícias durante o dia, bebendo-se em um estupor auto-ódio à noite. Suas tendências workaholic não podem mascarar completamente a noite horrível que mudou sua vida para sempre ... até que uma mulher bonita, sexy e misteriosa entra em sua vida e muda tudo. A recém-transformada vampira Chelle Masterson só quer encontrar o lugar dela. Seu amor não correspondido e devoção por seu criador, Lane, deixou Chelle quebrada, jurando nunca mais se apaixonar por outro homem. Ela está determinada a encontrar seu caminho no assustador mundo novo dos imortais e implora pela chance de se provar. Infelizmente, ela encontra problemas de frente com sua primeira vítima e acaba cara a cara com um estranho muito charmoso e bonito. Ele parece querer ajudar, mas a confiança pode vir com um preço.


by Holly Webb

The last thing Lottie wants is to spend the holidays with her boring uncle. But when she discovers his pet shop is full of magical animals, everything changes... There's only one thing that could make Lottie's summer even better--having magical problems of her own!


by Janet Deaver-Pack Martin H. Greenberg

Seventeen original stories about the ?city of cats? Set in a world that exists on the same plane as humans, yet is hidden from us, Catopolis introduces readers to an assortment of cats, ranging from a feline Seer who must take destiny into her own paws to defeat a dictatorial tomcat a black cat who can call upon the powers of the ?big cats? to wage a war against a cat who would be the ins and outs of cat politics and the perils of using mice as a cat burglar looking for a musical treasure for his ?boss.?


by Jeanette Baker

Kate Sutherland is visited by the mystical, ghostly Catriona, her deceased ancestor, who transports Kate into the passion and bloodshed of 15th-century Scotland. With ties in both the past and the present, Kate must now risk everything to right the wrongs of long ago, or lock the door on history to pursue her future love.

Cats Are Capable of Mind Control: And 1,000+ UberFacts You Never Knew You Needed to Know

by Kris Sanchez

From the creator of the popular Twitter sensation UberFacts comes this fun compilation quiz book, packed with entertaining infographics and surprising factoids, for fans of Schott’s Miscellany, What If? and Ripley’s Believe It or Not.Providing "the most unimportant things you’ll never need to know”—fun and surprising facts, statistics, and infographics on diverse subjects, from art and science to history and popular culture—UberFacts has become one of the most widely followed and successful accounts on Twitter, followed by nearly 12 million people.Based on the popular social media phenomenon and culled from an exhaustive variety of sources—science journals, books, media, and literary magazines—Cats are Capable of Mind Control is a fascinating collection of shocking, delightful, educational, and informative facts and figures that are entertaining, topical, and sometimes downright bizarre (the safest place to suffer sudden cardiac arrest in the U.S. is a casino).Did you know:The Pentagon was constructed so that no point in the building is more than a ten-minute walk from any other point?Vultures’ stomach acid is so corrosive they can digest anthrax?Farmers in India use Coca-Cola and Pepsi as cheap and effective pesticides?Discover all this and much, much more in this treasure trove of trivia for the social media age.

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