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Akiko and the Alpha Centauri 5000

by Mark Crilley

Akiko and her crew–Spuckler Boach, Mr. Beeba, Poog, and Gax–are competing in an intergalactic race from one side of the universe to the other. Along the way they have to make it through the narrow passages of the Labyrinth of Lulla-ma-Waygo, the notorious Almost Black Hole of Luzbert-7, and the deadly Jaws of McVluddapuck. All Akiko wants to do is make it back to Earth in one piece! But when Spuckler discovers that his old rival Bluggamin Streed is also in the race, winning becomes the most important thing. And Akiko quickly finds herself caught up in the competition. Who will go home with the celebrated Centauri Cup? From the Hardcover edition.

Akiko and the Alpha Centauri 5000

by Mark Crilley

Akiko and her crew-Spuckler Boach, Mr. Beeba, Poog, and Gax-are competing in an intergalactic race from one side of the universe to the other. Along the way they have to make it through the narrow passages of the Labyrinth of Lulla-ma-Waygo, the notorious Almost Black Hole of Luzbert-7, and the deadly Jaws of McVluddapuck. All Akiko wants to do is make it back to Earth in one piece!But when Spuckler discovers that his old rival Bluggamin Streed is also in the race, winning becomes the most important thing. And Akiko quickly finds herself caught up in the competition. Who will go home with the celebrated Centauri Cup?From the Hardcover edition.

Akiko and the Great Wall of Trudd

by Mark Crilley

Akiko's back! No longer simply a shy fourth-grade girl, she's become an intergalactic leader, taking her band of would-be heroes on a quest to find a kidnapped prince! Armed with a map showing the way to Alia Rellapor's castle, Akiko, Mr. Beeba, Spuckler, Gax, and Poog are nearing the end of their mission. But first they have to scale the Great Wall of Trudd. Like the Great Wall of China only bigger, the Great Wall of Trudd stretches across the landscape -- there's no way around it, under it, or through it. So Akiko and the gang will just have to find a way to go over it! But the Great Wall is just one of the many strange obstacles in their path that Akiko must overcome if she's finally to rescue Prince Froptoppit.

Akiko and the Journey to Toog

by Mark Crilley

“Poog’s in trouble. ” Just three simple words, but they’re enough to launch fifth-grade Akiko and the rest of her crew—Spuckler Boach, Mr. Beeba, and Gax—on their next mission. And it just might be their most important mission yet: To save the planet Toog, home of their good friend Poog. Someone’s out to destroy Toog, and only Akiko and the gang can stop them. But first they have to escape from a Toogolian jail cell, zoom through a barrage of exploding drobe mines, and enlist the help of Spuckler’s old friend Fluggly Ragstubble—who’s anything but helpful. The clock is ticking and every second counts. Will they win the race against time and save Poog’s home planet? From the Hardcover edition.

Akiko in the Castle of Alia Rellapor

by Mark Crilley

Akiko and her crew — Spuckler Boach, Mr. Beeba, Poog, and Gax — have faced dangers unimaginable to the average fourth-grade earthling. Now their mission is finally coming to an end. At last they’ve reached the castle of Alia Rellapor — but that doesn’t mean that things have gotten any easier. The castle is heavily guarded by robots and getting inside won’t be easy. If they do get in, they have to locate Prince Froptoppit, free him from captivity, and escape from the castle without alerting the guards or their leader, the half man — half machine Throck. Can a girl who’s too scared to be school safety leader pull it off? If anyone can, Akiko can!

Akiko in the Sprubly Islands

by Mark Crilley

In this companion novel toAkiko on the Planet Smoo, fourth-grade earthling Akiko and her odd team are on a journey to save the kidnapped Prince Froptoppit from the evil Alia Rellapor. Unfortunately, on their way to Alia Rellapor's castle, the group has gotten lost while sailing over the Moonguzzit Sea in their flying boat. With no maps available, the team's best hope is to find Queen Pwip of the Sprubly Islands, a clairvoyant, who will be able to point them in the right direction. But the Sprubly Islands aren't like Akiko's hometown, and when Spuckler and Mr. Beeba disappear one night, Akiko is left to decide how she is to survive in this strange new world.

Akiko on the Planet Smoo

by Mark Crilley

When this fourth-grader comes home from school one day, she finds an envelope waiting for her with no stamp and no return address. The message inside reads Dear Akiko: We are coming to get you. Meet us outside your bedroom window tonight at 8:00. Don't forget your toothbrush. <p><p>How could anyone meet her outside her window? She lives on the 17th floor, for goodness sake. But that evening, as Akiko is preparing to study for tomorrow's geography test, she finds a small spacecraft hovering outside her window with two odd little men inside. They have been sent to whisk Akiko off to the Planet Smoo where she will lead a team enlisted to find the King of Smoo's kidnapped son, Prince Froptoppit. <p><p>Akiko, the leader of a rescue mission? She's too timid to be on the school's safety patrol! So begins Akiko's adventure across the land of Smoo to find a prince and become a leader.

Akira's Choice: Byzantium (Byzantium #2)

by Vijaya Schartz

When bounty hunter Akira Karyudo accepted her assignment, something didn't add up. Why would the Galactic Trade Alliance want a young kidnapped orphan dead or alive? She will get to the truth once she finds the boy, and the no-good SOB who snatched him from a psychiatric hospital. With her cheetah, Freckles, a genetically enhanced feline retriever, Akira sets out to flush them out of the bowels of the Byzantium space station. But when she finds her fugitives, the kidnapper is not what she expects. Kazmo, a decorated Resistance fighter, stole his nephew from the authorities, who performed painful experiments on the boy. Stuck on Byzantium, he protects the child, but how can he shield him from the horribly dangerous conditions in the lawless sublevels of the space station? Akira faces the worst moral dilemma of her career. Law or justice, duty or love. She can't have it both ways.

Akorta the All-Seeing Ape: Series 25 Book 1 (Beast Quest #124)

by Adam Blade

Free the Beasts. Live the Adventure.Battle Beasts and fight Evil with Tom and Elenna in the bestselling adventure series for boys and girls aged 7 and up!In the prison kingdom of Vakunda, a wicked wizard has kidnapped Queen Aroha's nephew. Tom and Elenna must face four new and deadly Beasts as they battle to rescue the boy. In book one of this series they travel to a monstrous jungle and do battle with a ferocious orang-utan!There are FOUR thrilling adventures to collect in The Prison Kingdom series - don't miss out! Akorta the All-Seeing Ape; Lycaxa, Hunter of the Peaks; Glaki, Spear of the Depths and Diprox the Buzzing Terror. If you like Beast Quest, check out Adam Blade's other series: Team Hero, Sea Quest and Beast Quest: New Blood!

Akorta the All-Seeing Ape: Series 25 Book 1

by Adam Blade

Free the Beasts. Live the Adventure.Battle Beasts and fight Evil with Tom and Elenna in the bestselling adventure series for boys and girls aged 7 and up!In the prison kingdom of Vakunda, a wicked wizard has kidnapped Queen Aroha's nephew. Tom and Elenna must face four new and deadly Beasts as they battle to rescue the boy. In book one of this series they travel to a monstrous jungle and do battle with a ferocious orang-utan!There are FOUR thrilling adventures to collect in The Prison Kingdom series - don't miss out! Akorta the All-Seeing Ape; Lycaxa, Hunter of the Peaks; Glaki, Spear of the Depths and Diprox the Buzzing Terror. If you like Beast Quest, check out Adam Blade's other series: Team Hero, Sea Quest and Beast Quest: New Blood!

Akula: El viaje

by Pablo Di Fidio

Una fábula mística que describe el extraordinario viaje del alma. <P><P>LOS CUADERNOS PÓSTUMOS DE ABRAHAM BARUK Poco antes de morir, mi padre me confió nueve cuadernos escritos de su puño y letra con tinta de varios colores, principalmente violeta. <P><P>Eran nueve partes de un libro titulado Akula, el libro que le había empujadoa la locura. -Son las nueve llaves -me dijo-. Si aprendes a usarlas, podrás abrir con ellas las nueve puertas. «Sí, claro, lo que tú digas? ¡Nunca los leeré!», este fue el pensamiento que cruzó mi mente, incendiándola, mientras clavaba mis ojos adolescentes en una esquina de la habitación. <P>Estaba furioso. No aceptaba el hecho de que mi padre se hubiese vuelto loco. Y lo que más me irritaba, hasta sacarme de quicio, era que me entregase esos dichosos cuadernos en su lecho de muerte, como si de un maravilloso tesoro se tratara. <P>Metí los cuadernos en un cajón y no los saqué de allí hasta veintiocho años después. Solo ahora, que por fin los he leído, he comprendido lo que entonces no podía comprender. Mi padre no se había vuelto loco. Su aparente locura era, en realidad, la manifestación de un estado de conciencia que va más allá de la mente ordinaria. <P>Era un estado de iluminación mística. Los «locos de Dios» viven en un mundo que es incomprensible para la mente humana, porque en ese mundo la mente humana hasido trascendida. Y Akula es precisamente eso: una fábula mística que trasciende el tiempo y el espacio, un cuento imposible que describe el extraordinario viaje del alma. Por lo que él mismo dice en la carta que me escribió al final del prólogo, está claro que mi padre sabía que su libro no sería publicado hasta muchos años después. <P>Sin embargo, eso no parecía preocuparle en absoluto. Vivía en un estado de beatitud tan profunda que el ruido y la locura del mundo no le afectaban lo más mínimo. Hoy, sus cuadernos ven por fin la luz. Y yo siento la alegría del reencuentro, sabiendo que mi padre me ha perdonado por mi incomprensiónde entonces, esa incomprensión y ese resentimiento que han tenido encerrada en un cajón, durante veintiocho años, la maravillosa historia de Akula.

Al di là dei sogni

by Cyril Sagot

«Ci sono momenti che segnano per sempre la nostra vita. Non voglio parlare della morte di un parente, di una nascita tanto attesa, di un matrimonio tanto desiderato. No, penso piuttosto a quella possibilità che capita quando non te l’aspetti più, a quella persona che incontri in un determinato luogo e in circostanze curiose […] Queste situazioni, a volte senza senso agli occhi degli altri, ci toccano nel profondo […] È quello che mi è successo qualche mese fa, a marzo, durante il mio breve soggiorno nella capitale. Stavo finendo il master…» Sogni di incredibile realismo arrivano a sconvolgere le notti di Vincent Vermont. La sua vita di studente cambia completamente mentre si interroga sulla misteriosa Lilwen che tormenta i suoi pensieri. Chi è? Da dove viene? Perché sta scappando dalla polizia? E soprattutto esiste veramente? Quando quei sogni diventano incubi, Vincent è più che mai determinato a trovarla. Una ricerca che lo porterà a conoscere meglio se stesso. A capire perché, rispetto ai suoi compagni di classe, ha difficoltà ad adattarsi ai nuovi metodi di insegnamento. A capire a cosa servono i test sull’intelligenza che l’eccentrico professore Lassale faceva sostenere ai suoi studenti. Perché Vincent non lo sa, ma anche lui è un sinesteta.

Al di là del Tempo

by Manuel Tristante & Carlos Gran

Una storia piena di avventure e valori dalla mano di Carlos Gran e Manuel Tristante! Estratto dal romanzo: «Il tempo è il più saggio dei giudici: non emette immediatamente la sua sentenza, ma, alla fine, dà ragione a chi la possiede e concede a tutti ciò che meritano.» Si dice che il tempo cambi le cose. In verità, alle volte siamo noi stessi a doverle cambiare. Da tempo immemore, gli Erbani viaggiano per il mondo con una grande responsabilità sulle spalle: aiutarci a vedere le cose da una nuova prospettiva. Arthas, la Mastra Orologiaia, ha perfezionato il suo ultimo Megidonometro e Azim, il Guardiano, sarà incaricato di consegnarlo a Gary. Il tempo non può far sparire magicamente i suoi problemi, ma Gary sa di poterlo usare a proprio vantaggio. Ad Hy Tairngire, sull'Isola Promessa, troverà l’amicizia di Tim e scoprirà come dare una svolta alla sua vita. Cosa troverai? 1 Fiction, avventure, amicizia e valori. 2 Un universo parallelo, celeste e liberatorio. 3 Un viaggio nel tempo indimenticabile. 4 Due tempi antagonisti simultanei. Cosa dicono i lettori: "Un romanzo fantasy che permette di accompagnare il personaggio nella sua scoperta, nel suo passaggio alla tranquillità e all'apprezzamento della vita al di là di ciò che gli altri determinano", rivista Cuatro Bastardos. "È un libro che affascina con la sua magia, con la sua triste realtà e con il messaggio di speranza che trasmette", blog di Weaving in Klingon. "Se ti piace la fantasia, conoscere altre dimensioni e giocare con i viaggi spazio-temporali, questo è senza dubbio il tuo libro", Etérea Sanguez, GoodReads. «Leggi tra le righe e una volta finito il libro medita sulle frasi chiave e rifletti. Perché il Tempo che ci è stato concesso, ce n'è uno solo », Kike BlackArrow, lettore.

Al di là delle onde

by Nuno Morais

Duarte Menezes, ingegnere navale, creatore della nave NMP DEOS, ha tutto da perdere, ma anche molto da guadagnare, nel viaggio inaugurale che porta la sua nave in giro per i mari del mondo per mostrare le eccezionali potenzialità dell'imbarcazione a possibili clienti. Tuttavia, a metà del tragitto verso l'Australia, il destino interviane sottoforma di un forte sisma sottomarino che spinge la nave, insieme ai passeggeri e all'equipaggio DEOS, verso un'avventura che va molto oltre il mondo conosciuto.

Al escenario: Serie Magia del revés - Nº3 (Magia del revés #Volumen 3)

by Sarah Mlynowski

Siguen las aventuras en la Escuela de Magia. Cuidado...¡la magia está en el aire! Nory y sus amigos de la clase de Magia del Revés nunca permiten que nada los detenga. ¡Y menos ahora que se acerca el concurso de talentos de la escuela! Por eso, cuando Ellitott sospecha que una espía pretende desvelar los secretos de su actuación para perjudicarlos, el grupo unirá todas sus fuerzas para salir al escenario y llenarlo de magia.

Al filo de las sombras (El Ángel de la Noche #Volumen 2)

by Brent Weeks

El asesino perfecto no tiene un nombre, sino mil rostros... La segunda parte de «El Ángel de la Noche», la trilogía de fantasía épica que dio a conocer a un nuevo autor del género, Brent Weeks. La partida ha empezado. Todas las piezas han tomado posiciones e inician sus movimientos. Todas menos una. Tras la muerte de Durzo Blint, su maestro, y de Logan, su mejor amigo y el legítimo heredero al trono, Kylar Stern siente que ya nada le ata a Cenaria, un país sometido a los caprichos del invasor: el rey dios Garoth Ursuul. Mientras los incendios y el pillaje se adueñan de la metrópoli, mientras miles de refugiados emprenden la huida y los resistentes se disponen a luchar, Kylar decide renunciar a su antigua vida. Sin embargo, la noticia de que Logan está vivo, oculto en la peor de las prisiones, coloca a Kylar en una difícil encrucijada: su talento como asesino podría salvar a un amigo y a un país, pero... ¿a qué precio? «Diles que el Ángel de la Noche camina. Diles que la Justicia ha llegado.» Reseña:«Al filo de las sombras no te dejará descansar ni un momento. Si te apetece quedarte despierto hasta más tarde que nunca devorando un gran relato de asesinos, Al filo de las sombras te encantará. Sin duda, recomendado.»Only the Best Sci-fi

Al infinito

by Rita Black

Un romance espacial que hará las delicias de los lectores de Rita Black. Cuando la Tierra tiene las horas contadas, un planeta a millones de años luz es la esperanza para la supervivencia de la raza humana. La Tierra agoniza. A millones de años luz, en el nebuloso planeta Gab XT, parece haber una esperanza para la supervivencia de la humanidad, pero dos misiones de exploración no tripuladas han fallado de manera por demás misteriosa. Carin Marx, una temeraria y rebelde científica, se ofrece para ir en persona a ese recóndito planeta, y averiguar de una vez por todas si podría ser el siguiente hogar de los humanos, en contra de las órdenes (y los deseos personales) del jefe del programa, Jan Pitt. En ese lejano mundo, la chica no solo hará un descubrimiento increíble sobre la vida fuera de la Tierra: el inminente peligro de no poder regresar la obligará a admitir su cobardía para aceptar que ella y Pitt deben estar juntos.

Al Secondo Sguardo

by Bonnie Taylor

Al Secondo Sguardo ci porta in un mondo in cui romanticismo, mistero e folklore convivono in un intreccio avvincente. Il giovane sensitivo Thomas Lynch decide di trovare la sua strada lontano dal suo team di investigatori del paranormale per lavorare con la polizia locale ad un caso di scomparsa di una studentessa universitaria. Quando Thomas si trova invischiato in un conflitto che coinvolge misteriose entità, chiama al suo fianco gli amici David Dean e Jimmy Redbush. Mentre l'intreccio si sviluppa a ritmo vertiginoso, il nostro mondo entra in contatto con gli spiriti, la mitologia e un ritorno alle radici stesse della natura, in una spirale che ci dimostra con certezza come tutto nel nostro universo sia collegato, non sempre in armonia. Coerente con i temi già affrontati nella prima parte della saga, Al Secondo Sguardo si addentra nella travagliata interiorità di un giovane sensitivo in cerca di una strada per utilizzare i suoi poteri secondo il suo desiderio di fare del bene al suo prossimo.

Alabaster: Pale Horse (Alabaster)

by Caitlin R. Kiernan

An albino girl wanders the sun-scorched back roads of a south Georgia summer, following the bidding of an angel or perhaps only voices in her head, searching out and slaying ancient monsters who have hidden themselves away in the lonely places of the world. * Caitlín R. Kiernan is an International Horror Guild Award-winning author! * A complete collection of the Alabaster prose short stories. "Caitlín R. Kiernan is the poet and the bard of the wasted and the lost."--Neil Gaiman

Alabaster: The Good, the Bad, and the Bird

by Various

&“Caitlin R. Kiernan is the poet and the bard of the wasted and the lost.&” –Neil GaimanA year after her death in a burning barn, Dancy Flammarion now finds herself in a hell of her own creation. A new evil haunts the sun-scorched back roads and ghost towns of the American South: murderous twins who command a legion of ghouls. Once again, she must face down demons, both those who walk the world unchallenged and those in her own shattered mind. Collects the five-issue miniseries.

The Alabaster Staff (Forgotten Realms: Rogues #1)

by Edward Bolme

The first title in this Forgotten Realms series of stand-alone adventures.The Alabaster Staff is the first title in a Forgotten Realms series focusing specifically on the iconic character class of the rogue. Each novel in the series will be a stand-alone adventure, but the overall setting for all of the titles will be the Old Empires, an area of the Forgotten Realms world never before explored in the novels.

Alabaster Voume 2: Grimmer Tales (Alabaster)

by Caitlin R. Kiernan

Dancy Flammarion possesses a savvy awareness and a keen knife for the monsters that lurk in the shadows. She does the bidding of an unholy host, a legion of dark gods guiding her across America's southern wilds. And a blackbird's grim tales of her battles could be his only salvation from becoming dinner for a boxcar full of beastly hoboes. Collects Alabaster: Boxcar Tales #1–#13 from Dark Horse Presents. "Caitlín R. Kiernan is the poet and the bard of the wasted and the lost."—Neil Gaiman

Alabaster: Wolves (Alabaster)

by Caitlin R. Kiernan

Dancy Flammarion may look like a frail teenage girl, but her journey through the swamps and byways of the American South brings her into battle with werewolves, monsters, and grotesque secrets, armed only with a knife and a mission to destroy the deadly creatures that lurk in shadow. Collects the five-issue miniseries. "It's gentle and horrific and apocalyptic all at once. Good writing. Good pencil and ink work. Good colors. That's a good comic." —Comics Alliance

Aladdin: A New Translation

by Paulo Lemos Horta

A dynamic French-Syrian translator, lauded for her lively poetic voice, tackles the enchanted world of Aladdin in this sparkling new translation. Long defined by popular film adaptations that have reductively portrayed Aladdin as a simplistic rags-to-riches story for children, this work of dazzling imagination—and occasionally dark themes—finally comes to vibrant new life. “In the capital of one of China’s vast and wealthy kingdoms,” begins Shahrazad— the tale’s imperiled-yet-ingenious storyteller—there lived Aladdin, a rebellious fifteen-year-old who falls prey to a double-crossing sorcerer and is ultimately saved by the ruse of a princess. One of the best-loved folktales of all time, Aladdin has been capturing the imagination of readers, illustrators, and filmmakers since an eighteenth-century French publication first added the tale to The Arabian Nights. Yet, modern English translators have elided the story’s enchanting whimsy and mesmerizing rhythms. Now, translator Yasmine Seale and literary scholar Paulo Lemos Horta offer an elegant, eminently readable rendition of Aladdin in what is destined to be a classic for decades to come.

Aladdin and Other Favorite Arabian Nights Stories (Dover Children's Thrift Classics)

by Philip Smith

The group of stories known as The Arabian Nights or The Thousand and One Nights is believed to have originated in the East during the early Middle Ages. The tales first appeared in a Western translation in France in 1704. This selection of favorite Arabian Nights stories, with new illustrations by Thea Kliros, features a multitude of colorful characters -- devious magicians, monstrous giants, lovely princesses, and steadfast suitors -- caught up in exciting adventures that take them to faraway lands.The six classics included here are "Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp," "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves," "Abou Hassan, or, The Sleeper Awakened," "The Seven Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor," "Camaralzaman and Badoura," and "The Enchanted Horse." With this book as their guide, children can journey to the enchanted world of the Arabian Nights and enjoy the same time-honored tales that have enthralled readers and listeners for centuries.

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