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Almas condenadas (Trilogía Dhampyr #3)

by Karen Delorbe

Todo cazador de vampiros debe estar dispuesto a cumplir con su deber, sin importar cuánto cueste. Cuando el hermano de Natasha escapa de su prisión, ella decide llamar al más temible cazador de vampiros: su abuelo Pasco. Nat deberá sacrificar parte de sí misma y, para convertirse en una verdadera cazadora, tendrá que acceder a destruir aquello que más ama... sin piedad. Sin dudar. Sin temer. Y, sobre todo, sin sentir. ¿Será ella capaz de ir en contra de sus propios sentimientos, sin perder su corazón en el proceso? Para cazar a un asesino, hay que convertirse en uno.

Almas de agua y fuego

by Karen Delorbe

Una novela llena de acción, aventura y amor de mano de Karen Delorbe, autora de la trilogía «Dhampyr». Cuando ganar la propia libertad depende de renunciar al amor, solo existe una única alternativa. Soy Noah Rayne, un criminal condenado, capaz de hacer lo que sea para salvarme. A punto de ser ejecutado, un trato me libra de morir. Ansío mi libertad, por eso no me importan las consecuencias. Tengo una misión: hallar el laboratorio secreto de mi padre y el experimento que lo llevó a ser asesinado. Mi deber es entregar a las autoridades lo que allí encuentre, cuanto antes. Cumplir el trato debería ser sencillo, pero no cuento con que podría cometer un peligroso error: enamorarme de quien no debo.

Almas Diminutas

by Phoenix Grey

Si de repente perdieras a tu familia en un trágico accidente, ¿hasta dónde llegarías para recuperarla? Después de que una serie de una mala racha la dejara huérfana y sin hogar, Kara Andrews nunca esperó que se le acercara un ángel. Dios envió al ángel en busca de un alma pura para completar objetivos en otros mundos, y su mira se posó en ella. Merece la pena luchar por la recompensa. Siete mundos. Siete oportunidades de fracaso. Una oportunidad para traer a su familia de regreso a casa. Pero la aventura no se asemeja a nada de lo que ella esperaba... Pequeñas Almas es una fantasía de portales independiente (isekai) con matices religiosos, humor crudo y contenido adulto leve.

Almas Gemelas: Dean & Clifton

by Kyler Matthew Diego Alejandro Bustos

El unico respiro de Clifton de su trabajo diurno de mierda es pasar el rato en el club gay con su mejor amigo y observar al objeto de su lujuria Eric Hamilton. Desafortunadamente, Eric esta fuera de su liga y ni siquiera sabe que él existe. clifton esta convencido de que no existe un hombre mas atractivo en el mundo hasta que el hermano de Eric viene al pueblo de visita. Dean hamilton trabaja en un lujoso restaurante en Nueva York. Él intenta ignorar el hecho de que es un hombre lobo lo mejor posible. Es facil de hacer cuando vivis en una ciudad grande y no podes salir al bosque durante la luna llena. pero cuando él viaja a su pueblo natal y encuentra a su alma gemela en Clifton, se hace aparente para él que su naturaleza real se impone ante todo.

Las Almas Gemelas

by A. J. Mitar

Sinopsis: 2023 D.C, nos encontramos en una ciudad tranquila en el medio del valle del Po. Dos familias se preparan para pasar una velada juntas, una como muchas otras. Pero un destino impredecible les esperará a los dos grandes amigos, Alex Brugellis y Angelica Benassi; un encuentro cercano con un OVNI, arrancado de sus familias, serán catapultados a una aventura más allá de la imaginación; se verán obligados a vivir en un lugar surrealista donde se encontrarán cara a cara con misteriosas tecnologías y misterios perturbadores. Desde la búsqueda obsesiva de la verdad hasta la cohabitación forzada, los dos descubrirán una realidad mucho más elusiva de lo que podrían imaginar. Entre el picante transfondo y las complejas consecuencias, Angelica y Alex pasarán parte de sus vidas tratando de ser felices. Pero no estarán solos, una nutrida comunidad de alienígenas compartirá su destino. La vida en Reservythia comienza ...

Almas Perturbadas: VOLUME I (Almas Perturbadas #1)

by Filipa Seixas

ALMAS PERTURBADAS - VOLUME I Almas Perturbadas é uma série de histórias curtas que se desenrolam à volta de um grupo de amigos e uma casa com um passado sanguinário. O Volume I inclui duas das histórias desta série. A COISA SEGUE-ME Uma noite com vários amigos transforma-se numa festa de pijama infernal depois da Brooke Robertson se aperceber de que foi seguida por um espírito maligno. SETE MINUTOS NO INFERNO Um jogo entre amigos fica descontrolado quando o passado volta para assombrá-los.

Almas Quebradas

by Tori L. Wilson

Kristine Ann Smith é uma jovem fantasma que foi tragicamente assassinada há vários anos e agora vive na mesma casa em que foi morta, se recudando a deixar o passado de lado. Sua existência é mudada para sempre quando ela encontra o psíquico Alexander Damion, que se mudou para a casa de Kristine juntamente com seus pais e seus três amigos mortos. Alexander e Kristine são capazes de quebrar as barreiras da morte e do egoísmo para encontrar o amor verdadeiro, ou será tudo em vão?

Almas Rotas

by Tori L. Wilson

Kristine Ann Smith es una joven fantasma que fue asesinada trágicamente hace muchos años, y ahora vive en la misma casa en la que fue asesinada, negándose a abandonar su horrible pasado. Su existencia cambia para siempre cuando conoce al psíquico Alexander Damion, quien se mudó a la casa de Kristine junto con sus padres y sus tres amigos muertos. ¿Pueden Alexander y Kristine romper las ataduras de la muerte y el egoísmo para encontrar el amor verdadero, o todo se incendiará?

Almighty Conceited Sovereign: Volume 11 (Volume 11 #11)

by Wu YueChuBa

Fang Shao Bai was betrayed by a slave and framed and dropped into the abyss. Everyone thought he was dead. He didn't except that he fell on a huge snowdrop.This is a magical snowdrop. Not only defeating two huge monsters easily for him, it but slao helped Fang Shaobai strengthen his physique, which greatly improved his cultivation. Thinking getting this snow lotus was lucky enough, he did not expect that there would be more amazing adventures waiting for him in the future ...☆About the Author☆On the eighth of May, a well-known online novelist, he has authored many novels, of which Almighty Conceited Sovereign has received more attention, and most readers have given this book a high score.

Almighty Conceited Sovereign: Volume 4 (Volume 4 #4)

by Wu YueChuBa

Fang Shao Bai was betrayed by a slave and framed and dropped into the abyss. Everyone thought he was dead. He didn't except that he fell on a huge snowdrop.This is a magical snowdrop. Not only defeating two huge monsters easily for him, it but slao helped Fang Shaobai strengthen his physique, which greatly improved his cultivation. Thinking getting this snow lotus was lucky enough, he did not expect that there would be more amazing adventures waiting for him in the future ...☆About the Author☆On the eighth of May, a well-known online novelist, he has authored many novels, of which Almighty Conceited Sovereign has received more attention, and most readers have given this book a high score.

Almighty Conceited Sovereign: Volume 5 (Volume 5 #5)

by Wu YueChuBa

Fang Shao Bai was betrayed by a slave and framed and dropped into the abyss. Everyone thought he was dead. He didn't except that he fell on a huge snowdrop.This is a magical snowdrop. Not only defeating two huge monsters easily for him, it but slao helped Fang Shaobai strengthen his physique, which greatly improved his cultivation. Thinking getting this snow lotus was lucky enough, he did not expect that there would be more amazing adventures waiting for him in the future ...☆About the Author☆On the eighth of May, a well-known online novelist, he has authored many novels, of which Almighty Conceited Sovereign has received more attention, and most readers have given this book a high score.

Almighty Conceited Sovereign: Volume 12 (Volume 12 #12)

by Wu YueChuBa

Fang Shao Bai was betrayed by a slave and framed and dropped into the abyss. Everyone thought he was dead. He didn't except that he fell on a huge snowdrop.This is a magical snowdrop. Not only defeating two huge monsters easily for him, it but slao helped Fang Shaobai strengthen his physique, which greatly improved his cultivation. Thinking getting this snow lotus was lucky enough, he did not expect that there would be more amazing adventures waiting for him in the future ...☆About the Author☆On the eighth of May, a well-known online novelist, he has authored many novels, of which Almighty Conceited Sovereign has received more attention, and most readers have given this book a high score.

Almighty Conceited Sovereign: Volume 9 (Volume 9 #9)

by Wu YueChuBa

Fang Shao Bai was betrayed by a slave and framed and dropped into the abyss. Everyone thought he was dead. He didn't except that he fell on a huge snowdrop.This is a magical snowdrop. Not only defeating two huge monsters easily for him, it but slao helped Fang Shaobai strengthen his physique, which greatly improved his cultivation. Thinking getting this snow lotus was lucky enough, he did not expect that there would be more amazing adventures waiting for him in the future ...☆About the Author☆On the eighth of May, a well-known online novelist, he has authored many novels, of which Almighty Conceited Sovereign has received more attention, and most readers have given this book a high score.

Almighty Conceited Sovereign: Volume 10 (Volume 10 #10)

by Wu YueChuBa

Fang Shao Bai was betrayed by a slave and framed and dropped into the abyss. Everyone thought he was dead. He didn't except that he fell on a huge snowdrop.This is a magical snowdrop. Not only defeating two huge monsters easily for him, it but slao helped Fang Shaobai strengthen his physique, which greatly improved his cultivation. Thinking getting this snow lotus was lucky enough, he did not expect that there would be more amazing adventures waiting for him in the future ...☆About the Author☆On the eighth of May, a well-known online novelist, he has authored many novels, of which Almighty Conceited Sovereign has received more attention, and most readers have given this book a high score.

Almighty Conceited Sovereign: Volume 7 (Volume 7 #7)

by Wu YueChuBa

Fang Shao Bai was betrayed by a slave and framed and dropped into the abyss. Everyone thought he was dead. He didn't except that he fell on a huge snowdrop.This is a magical snowdrop. Not only defeating two huge monsters easily for him, it but slao helped Fang Shaobai strengthen his physique, which greatly improved his cultivation. Thinking getting this snow lotus was lucky enough, he did not expect that there would be more amazing adventures waiting for him in the future ...☆About the Author☆On the eighth of May, a well-known online novelist, he has authored many novels, of which Almighty Conceited Sovereign has received more attention, and most readers have given this book a high score.

Almighty Conceited Sovereign: Volume 8 (Volume 8 #8)

by Wu YueChuBa

Fang Shao Bai was betrayed by a slave and framed and dropped into the abyss. Everyone thought he was dead. He didn't except that he fell on a huge snowdrop.This is a magical snowdrop. Not only defeating two huge monsters easily for him, it but slao helped Fang Shaobai strengthen his physique, which greatly improved his cultivation. Thinking getting this snow lotus was lucky enough, he did not expect that there would be more amazing adventures waiting for him in the future ...☆About the Author☆On the eighth of May, a well-known online novelist, he has authored many novels, of which Almighty Conceited Sovereign has received more attention, and most readers have given this book a high score.

Almighty Conceited Sovereign: Volume 6 (Volume 6 #6)

by Wu YueChuBa

Fang Shao Bai was betrayed by a slave and framed and dropped into the abyss. Everyone thought he was dead. He didn't except that he fell on a huge snowdrop.This is a magical snowdrop. Not only defeating two huge monsters easily for him, it but slao helped Fang Shaobai strengthen his physique, which greatly improved his cultivation. Thinking getting this snow lotus was lucky enough, he did not expect that there would be more amazing adventures waiting for him in the future ...☆About the Author☆On the eighth of May, a well-known online novelist, he has authored many novels, of which Almighty Conceited Sovereign has received more attention, and most readers have given this book a high score.

Almighty Cultivating Fanatic: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Shui Zhujianghu

The universe was like a sleeve, moving at night. In the surging currents of history, Chen Yang was everywhere. He was once the great general who had pacified the world in ancient times, an extremely powerful subject! He used to be a Grand Scholar of the Shuangjie Painting Sect, but now he was branded as Wen Zheng! He used to be the true master of face-to-face ghost hunting, and his achievements were boundless!He had seen the vicissitudes of life, he had seen the alpine plains, and now that he had returned from the ninth reincarnation, he had merged into the body of a young man of modern times.

Almighty Cultivating Fanatic: Volume 2 (Volume 2 #2)

by Shui Zhujianghu

The universe was like a sleeve, moving at night. In the surging currents of history, Chen Yang was everywhere. He was once the great general who had pacified the world in ancient times, an extremely powerful subject! He used to be a Grand Scholar of the Shuangjie Painting Sect, but now he was branded as Wen Zheng! He used to be the true master of face-to-face ghost hunting, and his achievements were boundless!He had seen the vicissitudes of life, he had seen the alpine plains, and now that he had returned from the ninth reincarnation, he had merged into the body of a young man of modern times.

Almighty Cultivating Fanatic: Volume 3 (Volume 3 #3)

by Shui Zhujianghu

The universe was like a sleeve, moving at night. In the surging currents of history, Chen Yang was everywhere. He was once the great general who had pacified the world in ancient times, an extremely powerful subject! He used to be a Grand Scholar of the Shuangjie Painting Sect, but now he was branded as Wen Zheng! He used to be the true master of face-to-face ghost hunting, and his achievements were boundless!He had seen the vicissitudes of life, he had seen the alpine plains, and now that he had returned from the ninth reincarnation, he had merged into the body of a young man of modern times.

Almighty Cultivating Fanatic: Volume 5 (Volume 5 #5)

by Shui Zhujianghu

The universe was like a sleeve, moving at night. In the surging currents of history, Chen Yang was everywhere. He was once the great general who had pacified the world in ancient times, an extremely powerful subject! He used to be a Grand Scholar of the Shuangjie Painting Sect, but now he was branded as Wen Zheng! He used to be the true master of face-to-face ghost hunting, and his achievements were boundless!He had seen the vicissitudes of life, he had seen the alpine plains, and now that he had returned from the ninth reincarnation, he had merged into the body of a young man of modern times.

Almighty Cultivating Fanatic: Volume 4 (Volume 4 #4)

by Shui Zhujianghu

The universe was like a sleeve, moving at night. In the surging currents of history, Chen Yang was everywhere. He was once the great general who had pacified the world in ancient times, an extremely powerful subject! He used to be a Grand Scholar of the Shuangjie Painting Sect, but now he was branded as Wen Zheng! He used to be the true master of face-to-face ghost hunting, and his achievements were boundless!He had seen the vicissitudes of life, he had seen the alpine plains, and now that he had returned from the ninth reincarnation, he had merged into the body of a young man of modern times.

Almighty Cultivating Fanatic: Volume 6 (Volume 6 #6)

by Shui Zhujianghu

The universe was like a sleeve, moving at night. In the surging currents of history, Chen Yang was everywhere. He was once the great general who had pacified the world in ancient times, an extremely powerful subject! He used to be a Grand Scholar of the Shuangjie Painting Sect, but now he was branded as Wen Zheng! He used to be the true master of face-to-face ghost hunting, and his achievements were boundless!He had seen the vicissitudes of life, he had seen the alpine plains, and now that he had returned from the ninth reincarnation, he had merged into the body of a young man of modern times.

Almighty Power: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Zui ChunFeng

"No, no …" "I'll just agree to marry you, I definitely won't marry you …" "How can you be like this? "You said that you truly like me, but to do such a thing to me, you will definitely die..." "Liu Lin, I beg you, don't! I agree to marry you …"

The Almighty Winner On Campus: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Zhenyinfang

the king of total victory on campus

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