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I Remember You

by Cathleen Davitt Bell

For fans of THE FUTURE OF US comes an engrossing story of two teens, whose love for each other is tested by time and fate. Lucas and Juliet couldn't be more different from each other. But from the moment Lucas sees Juliet, he swears he remembers their first kiss. Their first dance. Their first fight. He even knows what's going to happen between them--not because he can predict the future, but because he claims to have already lived it. Juliet doesn't know whether to be afraid for herself or for Lucas. As Lucas's memories occur more frequently, they also grow more ominous. All Juliet wants is to keep Lucas safe with her. But how do you hold on to someone you love in the present when they've begun slipping away from you in the future?From the Hardcover edition.

I Residenti di Luna

by Daniele Cianfriglia David Estes

I Residenti di Luna di David Estes Dopo un terribile cataclisma che ha costretto il genere umano a rifugiarsi sotto terra, due adolescenti provenienti da ambienti molto diversi si ritrovano assieme nel bel mezzo di una rivoluzione. "Una delle 15 serie da leggere se vi è piaciuto Hunger Games" - Buzzfeed Nel disperato tentativo di scampare alla distruzione causata decenni prima, l'umanità si è rifugiata sotto la superficie terrestre, nelle profondità del pianeta, dove ha dato vita a una nuova società, il Tri-Reame. Dopo che i suoi genitori e sua sorella sono stati prelevati dagli Enforcer, la diciassettenne Adele, una Residente, come vengono detti gli abitanti dei tre stati sotterranei, del Reame Luna, viene ingiustamente condannata al carcere a vita per i presunti crimini dei suoi genitori, accusati di tradimento. Adele deve evadere a tutti i costi dalla Gabbia, il penitenziario minorile in cui è "ospitata", e trovare la sua famiglia. È braccata da Rivet, uno dei soldati scelti del Presidente, violento psicopatico che si comporta come una vera e propria macchina sanguinaria. Con lei altri due detenuti, Tawni e Cole. Entrambi nascondono segreti oscuri che non devono essere scoperti. Oltre ai suoi amici, Adele ha dalla sua un formidabile calcio rotante e due pugni poderosi, che ha imparato a usare al meglio grazie all'addestramento che le ha impartito suo padre. All'altra estremità dello spettro sociale c'è Tristan, il figlio del Presidente, un Residente del Reame Sole. Sua madre se n'è andata. Lui odia suo padre e con l'aiuto del suo servitore, nonché migliore amico, Roc, abbandona il suo stile di vita lussuoso nel Reame Sole, nel tentativo di mettere a miglior frutto la sua vita tormentata. Quando all'interno del Tri-Reame scoppia una guerra, Tristan si trova catapultato in mezzo a un conflitto che sembra seguire misteriosamente i movimenti di Adele, mentre la ragazza va in cerca della sua famiglia e scopre il

I, Robot

by Isaac Asimov

I, Robot is a fixup of science fiction short stories or essays by American writer Isaac Asimov.

I, Robot (The Robot Series #1)

by Isaac Asimov

I, Robot, the first and most widely read book in Asimov’s Robot series, forever changed the world’s perception of artificial intelligence. Here are stories of robots gone mad, of mind-reading robots, and robots with a sense of humor. Of robot politicians, and robots who secretly run the world—all told with the dramatic blend of science fact and science fiction that has become Asimov’s trademark. <p><p> The Three Laws of Robotics: 1) A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2) A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3) A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. <p><p> With these three, simple directives, Isaac Asimov formulated the laws governing robots’ behavior. In I, Robot, Asimov chronicles the development of the robot from its primitive origins in the present to its ultimate perfection in the not-so-distant future—a future in which humanity itself may be rendered obsolete.

I, Robot: To Protect

by Reichert Mary Zucker

2035: Susan Calvin is beginning her residency at a Manhattan teaching hospital, where a select group of patients is receiving the latest in diagnostic advancements: tiny nanobots, injected into the spinal fluid, that can unlock and map the human mind. Soon, Susan begins to notice an ominous chain of events surrounding the patients. When she tries to alert her superiors, she is ignored by those who want to keep the project far from any scrutiny for the sake of their own agenda. But what no one knows is that the very technology to which they have given life is now under the control of those who seek to spread only death. . .

I Say Your Name in the Dark Nights: A Story of Kagen the Damned (Kagen the Damned)

by Jonathan Maberry

I Say Your Name in the Dark Nights is Jonathan Maberry's never-before published adventure that blends swordplay, action, adventure and horror.Kagen Vale—disgraced former palace guard, damned by his own gods, on the run from bounty hunters and assassins—discovers that no matter where you try to hide, evil can find you. In this standalone short story, Kagen the Damned squares off against a clan of ferocious supernatural predators in service to the Witch-king."Fantasy readers will be spellbound by the intricate worldbuilding and the delightful cast."—Publishers Weekly

I Senza Tempo

by Craig Gaydas

Il Consorzio è stato distrutto. L'umanità è stata quasi sradicata e Caelum è vicino alla guerra civile. Con la galassia in disordine, gli Insorti non hanno più alleati né tempo. Nonostante l'assistenza dell'antico collettivo noto come I Dodici Senza Tempo, stanno fallendo. Ancora peggio, Nathan si sta spostando sempre più in profondità in un'oscurità che non aveva mai sperimentato prima. Perde un pezzettino di se stesso ogni volta che qualcuno vicino a lui muore. Riuscirà a diventare l'uomo che deve essere per salvare l'universo ... e se stesso?

I Shall Wear Midnight (Discworld #38)

by Terry Pratchett

The fourth in a series of Discworld novels starring the young witch Tiffany Aching. As the witch of the Chalk, Tiffany Aching performs the distinctly unglamorous work of caring for the needy. But someone--or something--is inciting fear, generating dark thoughts and angry murmurs against witches. Tiffany must find the source of unrest and defeat the evil at its root. Aided by the tiny-but-tough Wee Free Men, Tiffany faces a dire challenge, for if she falls, the whole Chalk falls with her. . . .

I Shot the Buddha

by Colin Cotterill

A fiendishly clever mystery in which Dr. Siri and his friends investigate three interlocking murders--and the ungodly motives behind themLaos, 1979: Retired coroner Siri Paiboun and his wife, Madame Daeng, have never been able to turn away a misfit. As a result, they share their small Vientiane house with an assortment of homeless people, mendicants, and oddballs. One of these oddballs is Noo, a Buddhist monk, who rides out on his bicycle one day and never comes back, leaving only a cryptic note in the refrigerator: a plea to help a fellow monk escape across the Mekhong River to Thailand.Naturally, Siri can't turn down the adventure, and soon he and his friends find themselves running afoul of Lao secret service officers and famous spiritualists. Buddhism is a powerful influence on both morals and politics in Southeast Asia. In order to exonerate an innocent man, they will have to figure out who is cloaking terrible misdeeds in religiosity.

I Shrank My Teacher (Sixth-Grade Alien #2)

by Bruce Coville

Pleskit and Tim&’s plan to prank a bully goes horribly awry in this second book of the hilarious, fast-paced, and accessible sci-fi series Sixth-Grade Alien from the bestselling author of Aliens Ate My Homework, Bruce Coville.All Pleskit Meenom wants to do is fit in on his new planet. But bullies like his classmate Jordan Lynch make it clear he never will. Not even taking a trip to the mall and getting some Earth-style clothing is enough to stop Jordan&’s teasing or blend in at school. After one dig too many from Pleskit&’s bully, Pleskit and his best friend Tim decide to teach Jordan a lesson.So they borrow a shrinking ray from the embassy. Shrinking rays are tricky machines, and this one turns out to be more than the boys can handle. Instead of cutting a mean kid down to size, they end up making Tim and their teacher Ms. Weintraub no bigger than a pair of pencils!If word gets out of this misuse of alien technology, it could ruin Pleskit&’s mission. But how can you hide the fact that you&’ve shrunk your teacher?

I Sing the Body Electric: And Other Stories (Bride Series)

by Ray Bradbury

In these eighteen stories, Bradbury conducts the reader on a tour through time and space--into the unbounded dimensions of the future, and through remapped patterns of the past--as he intermingles the bizarre with the familiar and brings tomorrow and yesterday closer to today. In Bradbury's world, mechanical grandmothers, fourth-dimensional babies, and humanoid national heroes co-exist with the Irish Republican Army, Texas chicken farmers, and "the only A-l first-class taxidermist on the Coast."And just as diverse is Bradbury's range of voices and styles. Here are stories of suspense, humor, life--as well as of fable, science fiction (the extraordinary novella, "The Lost City of Mars"), and the beautiful cantata for words, "Christus Apollo." All in all, a virtuoso performance from the Master.

I, Soddit

by A.R.R.R. Roberts

The hilarious autobiography of the legendary hero of THE SODDIT. Adam Roberts' THE SODDIT was a bestseller and sold 150,000 copies. But what happened to the Soddit after his adventures, and after his account of them was published. . .

I Speak for Earth

by John Brunner

'One citizen of your planet shall go to the capital of the Federation of Worlds. He shall live there for thirty days. If your representative can survive and demonstrate his ability to exist in a civilized society with creatures whose outward appearance and manner of thinking differ from his own, you will pass the test. You will be permitted to send your starships to other planets of the galaxy.'If he fails the test, if prejudice, fear, intolerance or stupidity trip him up, then you world will be sealed of from the stars for ever!'This was the ultimatum from space. The task before the world then was - who shall go? What man or woman could be found to take this frightening test for the whole of humanity and be certain not to fail?(First published 1961)

I Speak for Earth

by John Brunner

'one citizen of your planet shall go to the capital of the Federation of Worlds. He shall live there for thirty days. If your representative can survive and demonstrate his ability to exist in a civilized society with creatures whose outward appearance and manner of thinking differ from his own, you will pass the test. You will be permitted to send your starships to other planets of the galaxy. 'if he fails the test, if prejudice, fear, intolerance or stupidity trip him up, then you world will be sealed of from the stars for ever!' This was the ultimatum from space. The task before the world then was - who shall go? What man or woman could be found to take this frightening test for the whole of humanity and be certain not to fail? (First published 1961)

I Spy

by John Russell Fearn Vargo Statten

Television experimenter Curtis Drew sets out to combine the X-ray with television to aid surgery. However, he discovers instead 'pure' television-invisible 'Z-rays' which have the potential to receive and record any situation-anywhere. Nothing is private any more. The secrets of the warlords, the immoralities of the masses, the hidden crimes all be lie exposed before the merciless, penetrating power of the invisible Z-ray. The invention could benefit humanity, yet to Drew it opens up more lucrative possibilities. He becomes a scientific 'Peeping Tom' and blackmailer, but when murder results, Scotland Yard becomes interested...

I Spy

by John Russell Fearn Vargo Statten

When, in 1970, television has reached the peak of perfection, in that it it embodies colour and 3D, it seems that there is little more that can be done to improve it. Curtis Drew, a television engineer, is one of the new army of television "hams" - those amateurs who, as in the days of radio, spend a lot of spare time transmitting and receiving messages purely for the fun of it. He believes, however, that television can even yet be used for other purposes and be capable of many modifications. Prompted by his sister, whose work lies in a city hospital, he sets to work to combine the X-ray with television - calling it the Z-ray - his primary object being the study of a human being's interior for the benefit of surgery. His idea does not work out. Instead, an accident reveals something else and opens up the real, overwhelming possibilities of the Z-ray. In short, Curtis Drew discovers "pure" television, in that he can pick up any scene, anywhere, anytime. Nothing is private any more. Curtis Drew, his sister and her fiance stand on the brink of a new and amazing vista...

I Stole You: Stories from the Fae

by Kristen Ringman

In these wide-ranging stories told from the perspectives of a Thai ghost, an Irish fairy trapped in a dog's body, a crow fae, an Icelandic birch tree elf, a dream thief, and other shapeshifting creatures, Kristen Ringman examines whether these fae would love a human or kill them after a close look into their hearts.

I, Strahd: Memoirs of a Vampire (Ravenloft The Covenant #7)

by P. N. Elrod

A re-release of a haunting vampire tale from best-selling author P.N. Elrod. This striking new re-release of I, Strahd: Memoirs of a Vampire, a novel by well-known vampire author P.N. Elrod, features all new cover art and a new trade paperback size. This re-release is intended to introduce new readers to the author and showcase one of her early titles to her avid fans.P.N. "Pat" Elrod got her start in professional writing began at TSR doing gaming modules. A lifelong fan of vampire stories, gangster films, and pulp magazines, she combined all three into The Vampire Files, featuring the undead detective Jack Fleming. She also wrote the Jonathan Barrett: Gentleman Vampire series, edited Time of the Vampires with Martin H. Greenberg, and has contributed to several other anthologies. She collaborated with actor Nigel Bennett (LaCroix of TV's Forever Knight) on a series of vampire novels, beginning with Keeper of the King.

I Survived a Skeleton! (Pictureback(R))

by Christy Webster

Discover the skeleton—and learn to survive it—in this action-packed storybook based on Minecraft, the world's best-selling video game! Press-out skeleton figure included!Now younger Minecraft fans who are just starting to play the game can learn all about the skeleton in this new MOBS OF MINECRAFT storybook in which new player Sam encounters a skeleton for the first time. Within Sam&’s adventures readers can discover how to find (and sometimes avoid!) these pale and bony marauders, as well as the helpful items they drop! Featuring game play and crafting hints within an engaging story, this Minecraft storybook is perfect for children ages 4 to 7. And it's great gift idea for Halloween and all year round. A bonus press-out foldable Minecraft skeleton figure adds to the fun! Look for these other great Minecraft® titles:Mobs in the Overworld! (Minecraft) 9780593372708Survival Mode! (Minecraft) 9780593372678Beware the Creeper! (Mobs of Minecraft #1) 9780593431832 © 2022 Mojang AB. All Rights Reserved. Minecraft, the Minecraft logo and the Mojang Studios logo are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.

I Thirst for You

by Susan Sizemore

No one sets fire to the page like Susan Sizemore! In her sensual new vampire romance, an unsuspecting mortal is embraced in darkness and passion.... He appears out of the dark desert night -- a huge, dangerous stranger who sparks desire and fear in her like she's never known. Josephine Elliot knows only that her captor's name is Marcus Cage, and that he's on the run. But who is chasing him, and why? Is Marcus protecting her by taking her hostage...or is he planning to use her to buy his own freedom? And why, above all, is she so inexorably drawn to him, body and soul? Marcus is overwhelmed by his thirst for Josephine and instantly recognizes her as his soul mate. Desperate to evade enemies intent on destroying him and his kind, Marcus has no choice but to take Jo on the run. But when she unwittingly betrays him to his enemies, both are thrust into mortal danger. Can their newfound love survive her deceit and spare them a dark fate? Or will their insatiable desire burn for eternity?

I Thirst for You (Primes #2)

by Susan Sizemore

No one sets fire to the page like Susan Sizemore! In her sensual new vampire romance, an unsuspecting mortal is embraced in darkness and passion.... He appears out of the dark desert night -- a huge, dangerous stranger who sparks desire and fear in her like she's never known. Josephine Elliot knows only that her captor's name is Marcus Cage, and that he's on the run. But who is chasing him, and why? Is Marcus protecting her by taking her hostage...or is he planning to use her to buy his own freedom? And why, above all, is she so inexorably drawn to him, body and soul? Marcus is overwhelmed by his thirst for Josephine and instantly recognizes her as his soul mate. Desperate to evade enemies intent on destroying him and his kind, Marcus has no choice but to take Jo on the run. But when she unwittingly betrays him to his enemies, both are thrust into mortal danger. Can their newfound love survive her deceit and spare them a dark fate? Or will their insatiable desire burn for eternity?

I, Tituba: Black Witch of Salem

by Maryse Condé Richard Philcox

"Stunning... Maryse Conde's imaginative subversion of historical records forms a critique of contemporary American society and its ingrained racism and sexism." THE BOSTON SUNDAY GLOBE. At the age of seven, Tituba watched as her mother was hanged for daring to wound a plantation owner who tried to rape her. She was raised from then on by Mama Yaya, a gifted woman who shared with her the secrets of healing and magic. But it was Tituba's love of the slave John Indian that led her from safety into slavery, and the bitter, vengeful religion practiced by the good citizens of Salem, Massachusetts. Though protected by the spirits, Tituba could not escape the lies and accusations of that hysterical time. As history and fantasy merge, Maryse Conde, acclaimed author of TREE OF LIFE and SEGU, creates the richly imagined life of a fascinating woman.

I Travel by Night and Last Train from Perdition (I Travel by Night)

by Robert McCammon

Two short novels featuring the vampiric gunslinger who seeks vengeance and justice across the Old West, from the New York Times–bestselling master of horror. He was once a husband, father, lawyer, and Civil War soldier. Now he is a vampire struggling to hold onto his last thread of humanity—and to destroy the one who made him. In I Travel by Night, Trevor Lawson handles matters from his lair at the Hotel Sanctuaire in New Orleans. When a prominent lumber man comes to him for help—to find and free his kidnapped daughter—Trevor senses a trap, for the man who signed the ransom note is one he knows too well. Traveling towards a ghost town in the dark of the swamps, Trevor soon finds himself preparing for a final showdown against the purest form of evil in existence: the Dark Society and its bloodthirsty queen. With his new sidekick, Ann Kingsley, Trevor travels to Montana in Last Train from Perdition. When they try to free a young man from an outlaw gang, an innocent woman is caught in the crossfire. To save her life—and bring their captured fugitives to justice—Trevor and Ann take the train to Helena, never expecting the ambush that awaits them. For an army of the undead has gathered in the snowy darkness with a very special surprise for Ann: a reunion with her father and sister, who no longer resemble the humans she once loved. &“Perfect for Deadwood fans and those who enjoy the American Vampire graphic-novel series by Scott Snyder. Clear a couple of hours, you&’ll want to devour this in one sitting.&” —Booklist

I, Vampire: The Confessions of a Vampire - His Life, His Loves, His Strangest Desires ... (I, Vampire #1)

by Michael Romkey

From yesterday to a hundred years ago, he lives in the world and walks among us. He enjoys the finest things in life, including beautfiul women, well-aged wine, and the finest classical composers. He has no guilt -- he has no need of it. Neither good, nor bad, neither angel nor devil, he is a man, he is a vampire. And this is his story....From the Paperback edition.

I Vampiri Vichinghi

by Vianka Van Bokkem Lidia Pedìo

Quest'inverno nevica così tanto che non è facile trovare umani in giro. Non bevevo sangue da giorni e mi sentivo sempre più debole. Improvvisamente, ho sentito odore di sangue umano e ho visto due umani in lontananza. Uno di loro era ferito e il suo sangue fresco gocciolava lentamente sulla neve bianca. Forse avevano avuto un incidente e si erano persi. La mia vita immortale si è complicata quando Mikael, un bellissimo vampiro vichingo di diciannove anni, ha chiesto il mio aiuto per liberare la Norvegia dai vampiri inglesi. Durante la nostra traversata verso la Norvegia, ho cominciato ad essere attratta dal fratello diciottenne di Mikael, Noak. Il mio nome è Klara e sono un Vampiro Vichingo.

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