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Imp: A Novel of Horror

by Andrew Neiderman

Mary Oaks, a religious woman, marries a man who proves to be far less than she anticipated. After their first child, a daughter, is born, Mary retreats deeper into her religion and when her husband forces her to make love and she becomes pregnant, she decides this child must be evil. After her husband is killed in an accident, she gives birth to the baby in the house and keeps it in the basement. Five years later, he finds his way out and becomes something of a terror during his nocturnal trips. When he endangers the life of a five-year-old girl, the horror is exposed.


by Adam Baker

The world is overrun by an unimaginable horror. The few surviving humans are scattered in tiny outposts across the world, hoping for reprieve - or death. Waiting on the runway of the abandoned Las Vegas airport sits the B-52 bomber Liberty Bell, revving up for its last, desperate mission. On board - six crew members and one 10-kiloton nuclear payload. The target is a secret compound in the middle of the world's most inhospitable desert. All the crew have to do is drop the bomb and head to safety. But when the Liberty Bell crashes, the surviving crew are stranded in the most remote corner of Death Valley. They're alone in an alien environment, their only shelter the wreckage of their giant aircraft, with no hope of rescue. And death is creeping towards them from the place they sought to destroy - and may already reside beneath their feet in the burning desert sands. This is the fourth of Adam Baker's thrillers set in the post-apocalyptic world of OUTPOST, JUGGERNAUT and TERMINUS.


by Adam Baker

The world is overrun by an unimaginable horror. The few surviving humans are scattered in tiny outposts across the world, hoping for reprieve - or death. Waiting on the runway of the abandoned Las Vegas airport sits the B-52 bomber Liberty Bell, revving up for its last, desperate mission. On board - six crew members and one 10-kiloton nuclear payload. The target is a secret compound in the middle of the world's most inhospitable desert. All the crew have to do is drop the bomb and head to safety. But when the Liberty Bell crashes, the surviving crew are stranded in the most remote corner of Death Valley. They're alone in an alien environment, their only shelter the wreckage of their giant aircraft, with no hope of rescue. And death is creeping towards them from the place they sought to destroy - and may already reside beneath their feet in the burning desert sands. This is the fourth of Adam Baker's thrillers set in the post-apocalyptic world of OUTPOST, JUGGERNAUT and TERMINUS.

Impact (Outer Earth #3)

by Rob Boffard

Following Tracer and Zero-G comes Impact, the explosive conclusion to the Outer Earth trilogy - a heart-pounding thriller set in space where the hero moves like lightning and the consequences for failure are deadly. A signal has been picked up from Earth. The planet was supposed to be uninhabitable. But it seems there are survivors down there - with supplies, shelter and running water. Perhaps there could be a future for humanity on Earth after all. Riley Hale will find out soon enough. She's stuck on a spaceship with the group of terrorists that is planning to brave the planet's atmosphere and crash-land on the surface. But when the re-entry goes wrong, Riley ends up hundreds of miles from her companions Prakesh and Carver, alone in a barren wilderness. She'll have to use everything she knows to survive. And all of them are about to find out that nothing on Earth is what it seems . . .

Impact (Outer Earth)

by Rob Boffard

Following Tracer and Zero-G comes Impact, the explosive conclusion to the Outer Earth trilogy - a heart-pounding thriller set in space where the hero moves like lightning and the consequences for failure are deadly.A signal has been picked up from Earth.The planet was supposed to be uninhabitable. But it seems there are survivors down there - with supplies, shelter and running water. Perhaps there could be a future for humanity on Earth after all.Riley Hale will find out soon enough. She's stuck on a spaceship with the group of terrorists that is planning to brave the planet's atmosphere and crash-land on the surface.But when the re-entry goes wrong, Riley ends up hundreds of miles from her companions Prakesh and Carver, alone in a barren wilderness. She'll have to use everything she knows to survive. And all of them are about to find out that nothing on Earth is what it seems . . .

Impact (Outer Earth)

by Rob Boffard

Following Tracer and Zero-G comes Impact, the explosive conclusion to the Outer Earth trilogy - a heart-pounding thriller set in space where the hero moves like lightning and the consequences for failure are deadly.A signal has been picked up from Earth.The planet was supposed to be uninhabitable. But it seems there are survivors down there - with supplies, shelter and running water. Perhaps there could be a future for humanity on Earth after all.Riley Hale will find out soon enough. She's stuck on a spaceship with the group of terrorists that is planning to brave the planet's atmosphere and crash-land on the surface.But when the re-entry goes wrong, Riley ends up hundreds of miles from her companions Prakesh and Carver, alone in a barren wilderness. She'll have to use everything she knows to survive. And all of them are about to find out that nothing on Earth is what it seems . . .

Impact (Wyman Ford #3)

by Douglas Preston

Wyman Ford is tapped for a secret expedition to Cambodia... to locate the source of strangely beautiful gemstones that do not appear to be of this world. A brilliant meteor lights up the Maine coast... and two young women borrow a boat and set out for a distant island to find the impact crater. A scientist at the National Propulsion Facility discovers an inexplicable source of gamma rays in the outer Solar System. He is found decapitated, the data missing. High resolution NASA images reveal an unnatural feature hidden in the depths of a crater on Mars... and it appears to have been activated. Sixty hours and counting.

Impacto: Hard Science Fiction

by Brandon Q. Morris

Como evitar matar a Terra se você nem sabe quem mandou o assassino 250 anos atrás, a humanidade quase se destruiu na Grande Guerra. Logo antes, uma espaçonave cheia de pesquisadores e astronautas encontrara um novo lar na lua Titã de Saturno e sobreviveu tornando seus descendentes geneticamente adaptados ao ambiente hostil. Os titanianos, como se chamam, têm orgulho de sua sociedade cooperativa e pacífica, enquanto, sem seu conhecimento, a humanidade lentamente se recupera na Terra. Quando um pedaço de rocha de 30 quilômetros escapa do cinturão de asteroides e parece estar em rota de colisão com a Terra, os titanianos temem que pareça que eles lançaram o bombardeio mortal. Eles poderão prevenir o impacto e, assim, evitar uma guerra de outra forma inevitável com os terráqueos?

Impacto: Hard Science Fiction (Impacto #2)

by Brandon Q. Morris

2312: No primeiro programa de terraformação de todos, milhões de drones estão reparando o lar da humanidade, tornado praticamente inóspito pela Grande Guerra de 2299. A megacorporação Olimpo manufatura e controla os enxames de reparo autônomos e está construindo um sistema de mineração abrangente no cinturão principal do asteroide para colher os recursos urgentemente necessários para restaurar a Terra. Quando o centro de controle em Psique perde contato com uma estação de mineração automatizada no cinturão principal, a Olimpo reúne às pressas uma pequena equipe para resetar o programa errante. Assim que pousam no asteroide, Sara Renberg e seus dois colegas de equipe descobrem que estão nas garras de uma força misteriosa e poderosa, e que a Terra em si é o alvo de um ataque devastador!

Imparfait (Parfait #2)

by Jan Springer

Année 2104 - La contamination environnementale a rendu le monde invivable. Les malades sont plus nombreux que les personnes saines. Les hôpitaux sont débordés. Les économies s’effondrent. Les gouvernements s’entendent pour former une puissance mondiale unique appelée « Ordre de l’autorité » (OA). Pour sauver la race humaine, l’OA construit des « biosphères » — de grosses bulles enfermant des villes autonomes. Seules les personnes en bonne santé sont autorisées à l’intérieur. Tous les autres sont laissés de côté et meurent dans l’indifférence… Pour le contrôle de la population, chaque humain a une puce électronique, supprimant l’envie de s’accoupler. L’art de faire l’amour disparaît… Lorsque Michaela Long découvre qu’une amie connaît des expériences sexuelles illégales, Michaela est obligée de vivre les mêmes plaisirs interdits... Après avoir appris que son amie, Anica Maine, est engagée dans des relations sexuelles illégales avec les Rebelles, Michaela Long évite un effacement de l’esprit en se portant volontaire pour participer à une expérience sexuelle torride. Les docteurs Flynn Campbell et Bryce Davids sont immédiatement attirés par la jolie brune et offrent rapidement à Michaela un plaisir incroyable avec leurs ménages torrides. Facilement accro, Michaela est déterminée à garder le secret sur sa nouvelle jouissance et ses hommes sexy, même si cela signifie faire face à l’élimination s’ils sont attrapés.

Impassioned Sea

by Skylar Sinclair

Kelsey Baker has always believed that dreams are the magic of life and those dreams are about to come true for her.While walking in the surf on a crowded beach, she finds a breathtaking pendant inlaid with gemstones of every color in the rainbow, washing in with the tide. But, for some unexplainable reason, when she asks the people sunbathing on the beach, they do not see the beauty of the pendant, only a piece of junk worthy of a trashcan. What is going on here?In the magical underwater kingdom of Ametheysea, the mighty mer-shifter, King Seadale, in a fit of anger, casts out the one object that will lead and bind him to his mate, the Amulet To Ametheysea. Little does he know that someone has found it and this god's life is about to change and shift like the deep blue ocean he rules.Have you ever wondered how the creatures of the sea mate? Now you will find out in explicitly revealing details that will leave you craving the lapping licks of the sea for yourselves...

Impatto: Fantascienza hard (Impatto #2)

by Brandon Q. Morris

2312: Nel primo programma di terraformazione, milioni di droni stanno riparando la casa dell'umanità, che era stata resa praticamente inabitabile dalla Grande Guerra del 2299. La Megacorporation Olympus produce e controlla gli sciami di riparazione autonomi e sta costruendo un sistema minerario diffuso nella fascia principale dell'asteroide per raccogliere le risorse urgentemente necessarie per ripristinare la Terra. Quando il centro di controllo su Psiche perde il contatto con una stazione mineraria automatizzata nella cintura principale, Olympus riunisce frettolosamente una piccola squadra per riavviare il software errante. Non appena atterrano sull'asteroide, Sara Renberg e i suoi due compagni di squadra scoprono di essere nella morsa di una forza misteriosa e potente, e la Terra stessa è l'obiettivo di un attacco devastante!

Impatto: Titano

by Brandon Q. Morris

Come evitare di far fuori la Terra se non sai nemmeno chi ha mandato l'assassino 250 anni fa, l'umanità è stata quasi distrutta nella Grande Guerra. Poco prima, un'astronave piena di ricercatori e astronauti aveva trovato una nuova casa sulla luna di Saturno, Titano, e sopravvisse adattando geneticamente i propri discendenti all'ambiente ostile. I Titaniani, come si definiscono, sono orgogliosi della loro società cooperativa e pacifica, mentre, a loro insaputa, l'umanità si sta lentamente riprendendo sulla Terra. Quando un pezzo di roccia largo 20 miglia sfugge alla cintura di asteroidi e sembra essere in rotta di collisione con la Terra, i Titaniani temono che possa essere un bombardamento mortale. Riusciranno a prevenire l'impatto ed evitare così una guerra altrimenti inevitabile con i terrestri?

The Impeachment of Abraham Lincoln

by Stephen L. Carter

From the best-selling author of The Emperor of Ocean Park and New England White, a daring reimagining of one of the most tumultuous moments in our nation's past Stephen L. Carter's thrilling new novel takes as its starting point an alternate history: President Abraham Lincoln survives the assassination attempt at Ford's Theatre on April 14, 1865. Two years later he is charged with overstepping his constitutional authority, both during and after the Civil War, and faces an impeachment trial . . . Twenty-one-year-old Abigail Canner is a young black woman with a degree from Oberlin, a letter of employment from the law firm that has undertaken Lincoln's defense, and the iron-strong conviction, learned from her late mother, that "whatever limitations society might place on ordinary negroes, they would never apply to her." And so Abigail embarks on a life that defies the norms of every stratum of Washington society: working side by side with a white clerk, meeting the great and powerful of the nation, including the president himself. But when Lincoln's lead counsel is found brutally murdered on the eve of the trial, Abigail is plunged into a treacherous web of intrigue and conspiracy reaching the highest levels of the divided government. Here is a vividly imagined work of historical fiction that captures the emotional tenor of post-Civil War America, a brilliantly realized courtroom drama that explores the always contentious question of the nature of presidential authority, and a galvanizing story of political suspense.


by María Florencia Lavorato Alycia Linwood

Moira enfrenta nuevos desafíos al encontrarse en manos del enemigo. Determinada a escapar y a mantener a todos sus afectos a salvo, hace cosas que nunca soñó que sería capaz de hacer; incluyendo, confiar en el que la traicionó... Imperceptible es el segundo libro de la saga Elementos Corrompidos.

Imperfect: Un ménage romantico erotico distopico young adult (Perfect #2)

by Jan Springer

Edizione italiana Anno 2104 La contaminazione ambientale ha reso impossibile la vita sulla terra. Il numero dei malati supera di gran lunga quello delle persone sane. Gli ospedali sono sovraffollati. Le economie collassano. I governi si alleano per formare un unico potere mondiale chiamato “Ordine dell’Autorità”. (OA). Per salvare la razza umana l’OA crea le “Biosfere”, grandi bolle all’interno delle quali si sviluppano città energeticamente autonome. Solo le persone sane possono entrarvi. Tutti gli altri vengono lasciati morire… Per controllare la popolazione, ad ogni essere umano viene impiantato un microchip che inibisce il desiderio di accoppiarsi. L’arte di fare l’amore svanisce… Quando Michaela Long scopre che la sua amica è coinvolta in esperimenti illegali che riguardano il sesso, si vede costretta a sperimentare gli stessi piaceri proibiti… Dopo aver scoperto che Anica Maine è entrata a far parte dei ribelli che praticano sesso illegalmente, Michaela evita la cancellazione della memoria offrendosi volontaria per partecipare anche lei a questi stuzzicanti esperimenti erotici. I Dottori Flynn Campbell e Bryce Davis sono subito attratti dalla bella bruna e la introducono all’istante nel mondo di quell’incredibile piacere attraverso una serie di incontri roventi. Non riuscendo più a farne a meno, Michaela è determinata a mantenere segreto il piacere che ha appena scoperto e gli uomini che glielo hanno fatto scoprire, anche se consapevole che, nel caso fossero scoperti, dovrebbero affrontare l’Eliminazione.

Imperfect Sword (Lost Stars #3)

by Jack Campbell

President Gwen Iceni and General Artur Drakon have successfully liberated the Midway Star System--but the former rulers of the Syndicate Worlds won't surrender the region without a fight. The dictatorial regime has ordered the ex-Syndicate CEOs terminated with extreme prejudice and the system's citizens punished for their defiance. <P><P>Outnumbered and led by junior officers hastily promoted in the wake of the uprising, Midway's warships are no match for the fleet massing and preparing to strike. But the Syndicate isn't the only threat facing Iceni and Drakon. Another former CEO has taken control of the Ulindi Star System, the first calculated move toward establishing his own little empire. <P>With Drakon's ground forces dispatched to Ulindi, Midway erupts in violence as Syndicate agents and other, unknown enemies stoke a renewed revolt against Iceni's power--leaving both her and Drakon vulnerable to trusted officers just waiting for an opportune moment to betray them...

Imperfecto: Un nuevo ménage de romance erótico para adultos distópico (Perfecto #2)

by Jan Springer

Año 2104 La contaminación ambiental ha hecho que el mundo sea invivible. Los enfermos superan en número a los sanos. Los hospitales están abrumados. Las economías colapsan. Los gobiernos se combinan para formar una potencia mundial llamada "Orden de autoridad" (OA). Para salvar a la raza humana, la OA construye "biosferas": grandes burbujas que encierran ciudades autosostenibles. Solo los sanos pueden entrar. Todos los demás deben morir ... Para el control de la población, cada humano tiene un microchip incrustado que suprime la necesidad de aparearse. . El arte de hacer el amor se desvanece ... Cuando Michaela Long descubre que una amiga está involucrada en experimentos sexuales ilegales, Michaela se ve obligada a experimentar los mismos placeres prohibidos ... Después de enterarse de que su amiga, Anica Maine, está involucrada en relaciones sexuales ilegales con los rebeldes, Michaela Long evita borrarse la mente y se ofrece voluntaria para participar. en un ardiente experimento sexual. Los doctores Flynn Campbell y Bryce Davids se sienten inmediatamente atraídos por la linda morena y rápidamente le presentan a Michaela un placer increíble con sus ardientes ménages. Fácilmente adicta, Michaela está decidida a mantener en secreto su nuevo placer y sus hombres sexys, incluso si eso significa enfrentarse a la Eliminación si son atrapados.

Imperial Bounty (Sam McCade #2)

by William C. Dietz

The interstellar bounty hunter returns in this adventure by the New York Times–bestselling author of Galactic Bounty. Since her brother's absence, Princess Claudia has seized the throne and brought the Empire to the brink of war with the Il Ronn. Only the missing Prince Alexander can stop Claudia's plans--and Sam McCade has only three months to find him. But Princess Claudia controls the Imperial Fleet and will stop at nothing to keep McCade from bringing in his imperial bounty?

Imperial Concubine Punishes Bad Men: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Qu Huoshui

A day rob let two fairy bearing eternal curse in the earth eternal an emotional betrayal let her regardless of the cost through the past life this life only with the third party a competition the princess of the golden branches and jade leaves suddenly be true fight with man fight with heaven enemy but fight with own conscience won the surface scenery but lost the personality and dignity he and he are brothers political rivals and romantic rivals against ethics what do they get after all she and she several times struggle in the edge of life and death paid all the price only for man can conquer the day

Imperial Concubine Punishes Bad Men: Volume 2 (Volume 2 #2)

by Qu Huoshui

A day rob let two fairy bearing eternal curse in the earth eternal an emotional betrayal let her regardless of the cost through the past life this life only with the third party a competition the princess of the golden branches and jade leaves suddenly be true fight with man fight with heaven enemy but fight with own conscience won the surface scenery but lost the personality and dignity he and he are brothers political rivals and romantic rivals against ethics what do they get after all she and she several times struggle in the edge of life and death paid all the price only for man can conquer the day

Imperial Court: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Mu ZiYun

The world is a prison, the years are a lock, the great road is difficult, my heart goes in every direction, breaking through the four seas and the lands, controlling all living things.

Imperial Court: Volume 2 (Volume 2 #2)

by Mu ZiYun

The world is a prison, the years are a lock, the great road is difficult, my heart goes in every direction, breaking through the four seas and the lands, controlling all living things.

Imperial Court: Volume 3 (Volume 3 #3)

by Mu ZiYun

The world is a prison, the years are a lock, the great road is difficult, my heart goes in every direction, breaking through the four seas and the lands, controlling all living things.

Imperial Court: Volume 4 (Volume 4 #4)

by Mu ZiYun

The world is a prison, the years are a lock, the great road is difficult, my heart goes in every direction, breaking through the four seas and the lands, controlling all living things.

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