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Indiscretion: A Novel

by Charles Dubow

“Indiscretion richly delves into the complex permutations of love. Charles Dubow writes with nuanced precision, and his characters are captivatingly real. This is a fine, supple, riveting first novel.” — Kate Christenson, author of The Great Man and The Astral“Charles Dubow has pulled off something remarkable: a finely tuned, perfectly pitched literary novel with the urgency of a tensely plotted thriller. I couldn’t put it down.” — Chris Pavone, author of the New York Times bestseller The Expats“An epic novel of friendship, betrayal and undying love ... outstanding” — Kirkus Reviews“A smart, sensuous, and moving debut. … Delicious. ... The characters exude a Jazz Age glamour.” — O magazine“A cultural lament wrapped in a lesson about extramarital lust--a riveting read.” — Daily Beast“Dubow proves himself to be an elegant writer with a shrewd sense of how to shape his material for the broadest appeal. Glamourous settings, old money, and steamy sex all combine to make this one a totally addictive read.” — Booklist“Dubow’s first novel is a deliciously absorbing page-turner. His captivating characters jump off the page to pull the reader into their story.” — Library Journal (starred review)“Dubow has composed an addictive first novel that keeps the reader guessing with the turn of each page. . . . INDISCRETION transcends the love story archetype.” — BookPage“Charles Dubow’s greatest triumph is in the way that he reinvents and reinvigorates familiar themes in a mesmerizing new way.” — New World Review“An homage to Gatsby-right down to its Nick Carraway-ish narrator-this is a suspenseful, diverting debut.” — People“Dubow writes with a kind of urgency that grabs you by the pajamas and won’t let go. Indiscretion is a page-turner of high style.” — Washington Independent Review of Books


by John Kipling Lewis Ezio Cardozo

Indistintos é uma série de contos em estilo rápido e direto e poemas repletos de imagens surreais. Do policial que vai à mesma padaria todos os dias ao 'faxineiro' de uma espécie inusitada de estabelecimento o que vemos são figuras nas quais esbarramos todos os dias, às vezes sem saber o que se passa em suas mentes (quase sempre) doentias. Indistintos fala da realidade, da realidade que John K. Lewis criou com os filtros que tem na cabeça. Da realidade de um homem cuja realidade o perturba. Ou pelo menos é o que ele quer que você pense.


by Joss Sheldon

EL AUTOR DE BEST SELLERS # 1 HA REGRESADO CON UN CLÁSICO ORWELLIANO ... Descarga tu copia de la radical novela de Joss Sheldon hoy mismo. Estimado amigo, Es el año de 2084, y aquella famosa cita de Margaret Thatcher se ha convertido en una realidad: realmente no existe tal cosa como la sociedad. Nadie le habla a nadie más. Nadie mira a nadie más. Las personas no colaboran, solo compiten. Odio admitirlo, pero esto ha tenido consecuencias trágicas. Incapaz de satisfacer sus necesidades sociales, la población ha caído en un pozo de depresión y ansiedad. El suicidio se ha convertido en la norma. Todo suena bastante morboso, ¿no es así? Pero, por favor, no te desesperes, hay esperanza, y se presenta en la forma de nuestra heroína: Renee Ann Blanca. Deseando llenar el hueco con forma de sociedad en su vida, nuestra Renee hace lo impensable: ¡sale en busca de compañía humana! Es un acto radical y un desafío enorme. Pero eso, supongo, es la razón por la que vale la pena contar su historia. Es tan emocionante como conmovedora, y creo que te va a encantar. ... Tu narrador de confianza, PP Perfecto para los fanáticos de "1984" y "Un mundo feliz". No tan bueno para los neoliberales ... Elogios a las novelas de Sheldon: "Radical ... una obra magistral ... de primera clase ..." – The Canary "Más oscuro que el 1984 de George Orwell" - AXS "Magnífica" - Global Education Network "Una hazaña realmente notable" - BuzzFeed "Sincera e inquietante" - Free Tibet "Impresionante" - The Huffington Post "Picaresca" - Scottish Left Review "Imposible de dejar de leer" – The Avenger "Brillante" - Middle East Monitor "Extrañamente confortante" - The Tribune ¡¡¡DESCARGA UNA COPIA HOY MISMO!!!

Individutopia: A Novel Set In A Neoliberal Dystopia

by Joss Sheldon

Um romance ambientado em uma sombria distopia neoliberal em que as grandes corporações reinam absolutas, o individualismo extremo triunfou e o conceito de sociedade não existe.


by Joss Sheldon

L’auteur de best-sellers revient avec un classique orwellien… Obtenez sans plus attendre un exemplaire du roman radical de Joss Sheldon. Cher ami, Nous sommes en 2084 et la célèbre citation de Margaret Thatcher est devenue réalité : la société n’existe plus. Personne ne se parle. Personne ne se regarde. Les gens ne collaborent plus, ils rivalisent. Je déteste le reconnaître, mais les conséquences ont été tragiques. Incapable de satisfaire ses besoins sociaux, la population a sombré dans un gouffre de dépression et d’anxiété. Le suicide est devenu la norme. Tout cela vous paraît assez morbide, n’est-ce pas ? Mais je vous en prie, ne désespérez pas. Il y a de l’espoir, et celui-ci porte le nom de notre héroïne : Renée Ann Blanca. Souhaitant combler le vide affectif dans sa vie, notre Renée va faire l’impensable : se mettre en quête de compagnie humaine ! C’est un acte radical et un défi de taille. Mais c’est, j’imagine, pourquoi son histoire vaut la peine d’être narrée. Elle est aussi captivante que touchante, et je pense que vous allez l’adorer… Votre fidèle narrateur, PP Parfait pour les amateurs de 1984 et Le meilleur des mondes. Pas trop pour les néolibéraux… Critiques des romans de Sheldon : •« Radical… Iconique… Excellentissime… » - The Canary •« Plus sombre que 1984 de George Orwell » - AXS •« Fantastique » - Global Education Network •« Une prouesse assez remarquable » - BuzzFeed •« Sincère et inquiétant » - Free Tibet •« Époustouflant » - The Huffington Post •« Picaresque » - Scottish Left Review •« Impossible à lâcher » - The Avenger •« Génial » - Middle East Monitor •« Étrangement chaleureux » - The Tribune

Individutopie: So etwas wie die Gesellschaft gibt es nicht.

by Joss Sheldon

Wir schreiben das Jahr 2084 und Margaret Thatchers berühmtes Zitat ist Wirklichkeit geworden: So etwas wie die Gesellschaft gibt es nicht. Die Leute sprechen nicht mehr miteinander. Sie sehen sich nicht mehr gegenseitig an. Die Menschen arbeiten nicht mehr zusammen, sie konkurrieren bloß noch. Es schmerzt mich das zugeben zu müssen, aber dies hatte tragische Konsequenzen. Da die Bevölkerung nicht mehr dazu in der Lage war, ihre sozialen Bedürfnisse zu befriedigen, ist sie Depressionen und Beklemmungsgefühlen anheimgefallen. Selbstmord ist zur Norm geworden. Das alles klingt ziemlich morbide, nicht wahr? Aber verzagen Sie nicht, denn es gibt Hoffnung, die in Form unserer Heldin daher kommt: Renee Ann Blanca. Da sie etwas gegen den fehlenden sozialen Kontakt in ihrem Leben unternehmen will, tut sie das Undenkbare: Sie macht sich auf die Suche nach menschlicher Gesellschaft! Eine radikale Tat und eine enorme Herausforderung. Aber ich schätze, das ist der Grund, warum es sich lohnt ihre Geschichte zu erzählen. Sie ist packend und ergreifend zugleich und ich glaube, Sie werden sie lieben…

Indivisible, new edition (Semiotext(e) / Native Agents)

by Fanny Howe

The conclusion of a radically philosophical and personal series of Fanny Howe novels animated by questions of race, spirituality, childhood, transience, resistance, and poverty.First published by Semiotexte in 2001, Indivisible concludes a radically philosophical and personal series of Fanny Howe novels animated by questions of race, spirituality, childhood, transience, wonder, resistance, and poverty. Depicting the tempestuous multiracial world of artists and activists who lived in working-class Boston during the 1960s, Indivisible begins when its narrator, Henny, locks her husband in a closet so that she might better discuss things with God. On the verge of a religious conversion, Henny attempts to make peace with the dead by telling their stories.

Indo para Lama

by Kevin Killiany

 Lama é para perdedores. “Indo pra Lama é uma ficção científica para jovens adultos, com atitude, cheia de detalhes técnicos tão envolventes quanto os personagens. Fui imediatamente atraído para a história.” ~ Kevin J. Anderson, autor do best-seller do New York Times, Eternity's Mind É 2021, e a humanidade está no espaço há meio século. Estações espaciais gigantes são centros de pesquisa científica e industrial, colônias estão se espalhando pela Lua e Marte, e Mara Duval, de 16 anos, nascida e criada na Estação Tombaugh, está treinando para fazer parte da primeira missão da humanidade às luas de Júpiter. A vida é cheia de possibilidades - oportunidades são negadas aos considerados impróprios para a vida no espaço. Os não-inteligentes, os doentes, os mentalmente instáveis e os criminosos - todos que foram rejeitados pelo Serviço Espacial - estão condenados a viver suas vidas na  Lama , um planeta que todos conhecem, mas ninguém menciona. Todo do espaço tem parentes na  Lama , membros da família que não se qualificaram para o espaço. Alguns são lembrados, outros são esquecidos; mas todos são deixados para trás. Para horror de Mara, seus pais determinaram que ela entendesse seu passado antes que ela pudesse seguir seu futuro. Se ela quer seguir seu sonho até Júpiter, deve deixar a segurança do espaço e conhecer seu tio, tia e primo confinados à  Lama . Não tendo escolha, ela se submete a procedimentos médicos e intenso treinamento físico - preparando-se para sobreviver a semanas de exílio em meio a violência, doenças e perigos que ela nem pode imaginar. Mas nada poderia preparar Mara para o que ela descobre quando chega na  Lama. A EVOLVED PUBLISHING APRESENTA o primeiro volume deste livro aclamado pela crítica e atemporal ficção científica para jovens adultos que certamente o manterá fascinado. Livros por Kevin Kil

Indomável Coração Irlandês (Mystic Cove #1)

by Tricia O'Malley

A autora best-seller do New York Times e do USA Today, Tricia O'Malley, lança uma série de romances ambientada no escarpado litoral irlandês. Está na hora... Um livro antigo, um poder desconhecido e uma ânsia no coração, levam Keelin O’Brian da sua graduação em Boston até uma pequena vila litorânea no sul da Irlanda. Determinada a desvendar os segredos escondidos nas encantadas águas da enseada, Keelin tem pouco tempo para o irlandês intratável que a irrita durante o dia e assombra suas fantasias à noite. Inexplicavelmente atraído pela mulher que saiu de seus sonhos para a vida real, Flynn luta contra a crescente atração que sente por Keelin. Forças desconhecidas têm um plano para os dois. Somente os segredos da enseada podem mostrar a Keelin quem ela realmente é, a beleza do seu misterioso poder, e um amor capaz de romper os limites do que ela conhece. A série Mystic Cove: Livro 1: Indomável Coração Irlandês Livro 2: Selvagens Olhos Irlandeses Livro 3: Indomável Alma Irlandesa Livro 4: Irlandês Rebelde Livro 5: Indomáveis Raízes Irlandesas Livro 6: Indomável Bruxa Irlandesa Livro 7: Selvagem Bênção Irlandesa


by Terry Brooks

BONUS: This edition contains an excerpt from Terry Brooks's The Measure of the Magic.The time of the Shannara follows in the wake of an apocalypse that has destroyed the old world and very nearly annihilated its people as well. A thousand years of savagery and barbarism have concluded at the start the series with the emergence of a new civilization in which magic has replaced science as the dominant source of power. A Druid Council comprised of the most talented of the new races-Men, Dwarves, Trolls, Gnomes, and Elves, names taken from the old legends-has begun the arduous task of rebuilding the world and putting an end to the racial warfare that has consumed the survivors of the so-called Great Wars since their conclusion. But the wars continue, albeit in a different form. Magic, like science, is often mercurial, can be used for good or evil, and can have a positive or negative effect on those who come in contact with it. In The Sword of Shannara, a Druid subverted by his craving for magic' s power manipulated Trolls and Gnomes in his effort to gain mastery over the other races. He failed because of Shea Ohmsford, the last of an Elven family with the Shannara surname. Shea, with the help of his brother and a small band of companions, was able to wield the fabled Sword of Shannara to destroy the Dark Lord. Subsequently, in the Elfstones of the Shannara, his grandson Wil was faced with another sort of challenge, one that required the use of a magic contained in a set of Elfstones. But use of the Stones altered Wil's genetic makeup, so that his own children were born with magic in their blood. As a result, in the third book of the series, the Wishsong of Shannara, Brin and her brother Jair were recruited by the Druid Allanon to seek out and destroy the Ildatch, the book of dark magic that had subverted the Warlock Lord, and was now doing the same with the Mord wraiths. The story that follows takes place several years after the conclusion of The Wishsong and again features Jair Ohmsford, who must come to terms with his obsession with the past and his use of his magic that his sister has warned him not to trust Indomitable by Terry Brooks, appearing soon in the Legends II anthology. TERRY BROOKS adds an exciting epilogue to The Wishsong of Shannara in "Indomitable," the tale of Jair Ohmsford's desperate quest to complete the destruction of the evil Ildatch . . . armed only with the magic of illusion. PRAISE FOR TERRY BROOKS Ilse Witch "If Harry [Potter] has given you a thirst for fantasy and you have not discovered the magic of terry brooks, you are in for a treat. . . . The Voyage of the Jerle Shannara should help fill the void Harry Potter fans feel in the pits of their stomachs, and they might even find themselves waiting for the next Shannara novel with the same thirst they have for Harry." -Rocky Mountain News "This latest volume finds Mr. Brooks' power ascending . . . The action and creatures come fast and furious." -The Dallas Morning News "If you were delighted and entranced by Michael Ende's The Never Ending Story, you will definitely want to sample one or more of Terry Brooks's books." -Santa Cruz Sentinel "This lively new adventure, set a generation later, combines the familiar quest format used in The Sword of Shannara with an array of well-defined characters and malevolent beings. . . . Fans familiar with the Shannara series, and new readers as well, will enjoy this first Shannara tale in four years." -Publishers Weekly

Indomitable (The Push Chronicles)

by J. B. Garner

She was a scientist living an otherwise normal life, and that was enough for her. One fateful evening, though, Irene discovers a betrayal that undermines everything—one event that in the blink of an eye, changes not only her life but the future of the entire planet.Now the world is inhabited by people with powers and abilities far above those of mortal humans. The repercussions of superhuman battles on the Earth are great and terrible. Lives are shattered, communities destroyed, and mankind&’s destiny is plucked from its grasp. At the center of it all is Irene, who not only is one of two people on the planet who knows the cause of this unbelievable change, but she is one of the few people who may be able to stop it. The only problem is the only other person will do anything in his vast power to keep the world in its terrible altered state.Who dares to claim the right to choose humanity&’s fate? What price will Irene pay to be the hero she never wanted to be? In the end, will Earth return to the safety of the mundane … or will it remain in the chaos of the superhuman and the supernatural?

The Indulgence of Negu Mah

by Robert Arthur

Short story written science fiction author, Robert Arthur.

Industrial Magic (Women of the Otherworld, Book #4)

by Kelley Armstrong

Meet the Smart, Sexy-Supernatural-Women of the Otherworld. This is Not Your Mother's Coven. . . . Kelley Armstrong returns with the eagerly awaited follow-up to Dime Store Magic. Paige Winterbourne, a headstrong young woman haunted by a dark legacy, is now put to the ultimate test as she fights to save innocents from the most insidious evil of all. . . . In the aftermath of her mother's murder, Paige broke with the elite, ultraconservative American Coven of Witches. Now her goal is to start a new Coven for a new generation. But while Paige pitches her vision to uptight thirty-something witches in business suits, a more urgent matter commands her attention. Someone is murdering the teenage offspring of the underworld's most influential Cabals-a circle of families that makes the mob look like amateurs. And none is more powerful than the Cortez Cabal, a faction Paige is intimately acquainted with. Lucas Cortez, the rebel son and unwilling heir, is none other than her boyfriend. But love isn't blind, and Paige has her eyes wide open as she is drawn into a hunt for an unnatural-born killer. Pitted against shamans, demons, and goons, it's a battle chilling enough to make a wild young woman grow up in a hurry. If she gets the chance.

Industrial Magic: Book 4 in the Women of the Otherworld Series (Otherworld #4)

by Kelley Armstrong

'Breakneck action . . . intense sensuality and considerable humor.' - Publishers Weekly'Paranormal and show-business power struggles make for hard-to-put-down entertainment.' - BooklistAfter Paige Winterbourne is ousted as leader of the American Coven of Witches, all she wants to do is hide under her duvet for a few months. Let the supernatural world manage without her, see if she cares... But fate, of course, has other plans. A murderer is on the loose - someone with superhuman skills. When Paige learns that the killer is targeting children, she realises she has to get involved in the covert investigation. And so Paige - desperate to protect those she loves - is thrown into a world of arrogant Cabal leaders, drunken necromancers, sulky druid gods and pretentious leather-clad vampires. Luckily, she has a female werewolf and a certain renegade sorcerer on her side...Another fast-paced, wildly entertaining supernatural thriller from the author of Bitten, Stolen, and Dime Store Magic.Books by Kelley Armstrong: Women of the Otherworld series Bitten Stolen Dime Store Magic Industrial Magic Haunted Broken No Humans Involved Personal Demon Living with the Dead Frost Bitten Walking the Witch Spellbound Thirteen Nadia Stafford Exit Strategy Made to be Broken Wild JusticeRocktonCity of the LostA Darkness AbsoluteThis Fallen PreyWatcher in the WoodsAlone in the Wild Darkest Powers The Summoning The Awakening The Reckoning Otherworld Tales Men of the Otherworld Tales of the Otherworld Otherworld Nights Otherworld Secrets Otherworld Chills Darkness Rising The Gathering The Calling The Rising Cainsville Omens Visions Deceptions Betrayals Rituals

Industrial Magic: Book 4 in the Women of the Otherworld Series (Otherworld #4)

by Kelley Armstrong

'Breakneck action . . . intense sensuality and considerable humor.' - Publishers Weekly'Paranormal and show-business power struggles make for hard-to-put-down entertainment.' - BooklistAfter Paige Winterbourne is ousted as leader of the American Coven of Witches, all she wants to do is hide under her duvet for a few months. Let the supernatural world manage without her, see if she cares... But fate, of course, has other plans. A murderer is on the loose - someone with superhuman skills. When Paige learns that the killer is targeting children, she realises she has to get involved in the covert investigation. And so Paige - desperate to protect those she loves - is thrown into a world of arrogant Cabal leaders, drunken necromancers, sulky druid gods and pretentious leather-clad vampires. Luckily, she has a female werewolf and a certain renegade sorcerer on her side...Another fast-paced, wildly entertaining supernatural thriller from the author of Bitten, Stolen, and Dime Store Magic.Books by Kelley Armstrong:Women of the Otherworld seriesBittenStolenDime Store MagicIndustrial MagicHauntedBrokenNo Humans InvolvedPersonal DemonLiving with the DeadFrost BittenWalking the WitchSpellboundThirteenNadia StaffordExit StrategyMade to be BrokenWild JusticeRocktonCity of the LostA Darkness AbsoluteThis Fallen PreyWatcher in the WoodsAlone in the WildDarkest PowersThe SummoningThe AwakeningThe ReckoningOtherworld TalesMen of the OtherworldTales of the OtherworldOtherworld NightsOtherworld SecretsOtherworld ChillsDarkness RisingThe GatheringThe CallingThe RisingCainsvilleOmensVisionsDeceptionsBetrayalsRituals

Industrial Magic

by Kelley Armstrong

Meet the smart, sexy -- supernatural -- women of the otherworld. This is not your mother's coven...Kelley Armstrong returns with the eagerly awaited follow-up to Dime Store Magic. Paige Winterbourne, a headstrong young woman haunted by a dark legacy, is now put to the ultimate test as she fights to save innocents from the most insidious evil of all.. . .In the aftermath of her mother's murder, Paige broke with the elite, ultraconservative American Coven of Witches. Now her goal is to start a new Coven for a new generation. But while Paige pitches her vision to uptight thirty-something witches in business suits, a more urgent matter commands her attention.Someone is murdering the teenage offspring of the underworld's most influential Cabals -- a circle of families that makes the mob look like amateurs. And none is more powerful than the Cortez Cabal, a faction Paige is intimately acquainted with. Lucas Cortez, the rebel son and unwilling heir, is none other than her boyfriend. But love isn't blind, and Paige has her eyes wide open as she is drawn into a hunt for an unnatural-born killer. Pitted against shamans, demons, and goons, it's a battle chilling enough to make a wild young woman grow up in a hurry. If she gets the chance.From the Paperback edition.

Industrial Revolution

by Paol Anderson

Industrial Revolution is a great adventure of interstellar mining, intrigue, and the petty politics and rampant passions of man, which cannot be left behind when he ventures to make his fortune in deep space. Deftly accompanied by the illustrations of Leo Summers, Industrial Revolution gives us everything we came to love from the great 1960s SF adventures: brave men, beautiful women, strange worlds, and a little bit of the unexpected.

Industrial Revolution

by Poul William Anderson

Ever think how deadly a thing it is if a machine has amnesia--or how easily it can be arranged....

Industry of Magic & Light

by David Keenan

Industry of Magic & Light is a love letter to the counterculture of the 1960s and a requiem for its passing. The much-anticipated prequel to Keenan's cult classic debut, This is Memorial Device, Industry of Magic & Light is set in the same mythical Airdrie in the 1960s and early 70s and centres on a group of hippies running their own psychedelic light show. Told in two halves - the first in the form of an inventory of the contents of a caravan abandoned by one of the hippies, the second in the form of a tarot card reading - it is not so much a book about the 1960s as a direct channelling of the decade's energies, bringing to life how even the smallest and dreariest of working class towns felt so full of possibility in the wake of the psychedelic moment. Via artefacts from the time - everything from poetry chapbooks, record reviews and musical instruments through bubblegum wrappers, bicycle repair kits and mysterious cassette recordings - the book opens out into adventures along the hippy trail in Afghanistan and behind the Iron Curtain that leads a cast of new and returning characters - as well as the authorities - to believe that they are literally making magic. Simultaneously a forensics of the 1960s, a detective novel, an occult thriller, a vision quest, and the hallucinatory exposition of a moment where it felt like anything was possible, Industry of Magic & Life brings to life the streets of small working class towns as transformational sites of utopian joy.

The Indwelling: The Beast Takes Possession (Left Behind #7)

by Tim Lahaye Jerry B. Jenkins

The Indwelling, book number seven in the best-selling Left Behind series, marks the beginning of the second half of the seven year Tribulation period. The question of who killed Nicolae at the end of book number six, Assassins, will be answered. Readers will experience the horrors of God's judgment and the hope of salvation as they follow Rayford, Buck, Chloe, and the rest of the Tribulation Force in heart-stopping action.


by C. Sean McGee

“La Luz, como tal, es solo una corriente en el vasto océano de tiempo,” Bajo un cielo negro sin estrellas, una compañía teatral de fenómenos harapientos y actores – guiada por el perverso y enigmático Maestro de Ceremonias – se abre camino hacia un pueblo asediado por la muerte y la enfermedad, con la intención de curar la tristeza, sufrimiento y enfermedad de sus habitantes con Luz.

Inestimable (Les Dieux #1)

by M. A. Church Shini

Les Dieux, tome 1Des étincelles jaillissent quand Cupidon vise deux mortels à Las Vegas : Randy Jones, un homme ordinaire, en voyage d'affaires, croise le regard de Garrett Shiffler à une table de craps et le temps s'arrête alors. Rejetant tout ce en quoi il croit, Randy se lance dans une aventure torride de deux nuits avec lui, avant de paniquer en réalisant qu'il est tombé amoureux. Le milliardaire cynique Garrett Shiffler a tout ce que l'argent peut acheter, et la plupart des hommes avec qui il sort, n'arrivent pas à voir plus loin que son portefeuille. La vie lui a appris que l'innocence et l'amour ne sont que le fruit d'une imagination collective. Mais quand Randy disparaît, emportant avec lui des sentiments que Garrett n'imaginait même pas avoir, il s'engage dans la bataille la plus importante de sa vie pour gagner son amour. Mais cette fois-ci, il se bat avec son cœur, et non son compte en banque. Pendant ce temps, Cupidon se demande ce qui s'est passé. Ses flèches dorées ne ratent jamais leur cible habituellement, sauf quand le Destin intervient. Si Garrett veut récupérer Randy, il va devoir le faire seul, car le Destin a d'autres plans en réserve pour Cupidon.

Inexpressible Island (End of Forever Saga #3)

by Paullina Simons

The third and final novel in Paullina Simons’ unforgettable End of Forever saga concludes Julian and Josephine’s heartbreaking love story that has spanned lifetimes.They were ready for anything…except the end.Julian has lost everything he ever loved and is almost out of time. His life and death struggle against fate offers him one last chance to do the impossible and save the woman to whom he is inextricably bound.Together, Julian and Josephine wage war against a relentless dark force that threatens to destroy them. The fight will take everything they are and everything they have, as they try once more to give each other back their unfinished lives.As time runs out for the star-crossed lovers, Julian learns that fate has one cruel trick in store for them—and even a man who has lost everything……still has something left to lose.

Infamous: Number 3 in series (Chronicles of Nick #3)

by Sherrilyn Kenyon

The world has fallen in love with Nick Gautier and the Dark-Hunters. Now Nick's saga continues in the next eagerly anticipated volume . . .Go to school. Get good grades. Stay out of trouble. That's the mandate for most kids. But Nick Gautier isn't the average teenager. He's a boy with a destiny not even he fully understands. And his first mandate is to stay alive while everyone, even his own father, tries to kill him. He's learned to raise the dead, divination and clairvoyance, so why is learning to drive and keep a girlfriend so hard? But driving isn't the primary skill he has to master. Survival is. And in order to survive, his next lesson makes all the others pale in comparison. He is on the brink of becoming either the greatest hero mankind has ever known - or he'll be the one who ends the world. With enemies new and old gathering forces, he will have to call on every part of himself to fight or he'll lose everyone he cares about. Even himself.

Infancia e invención

by Carmen Boullosa

"Es difícil encontrar en la literatura mexicana contemporánea una personalidad tan brillante y compleja como la de Carmen Boullosa... " Christopher Domínguez Michael En los relatos de Infancia e invención, el primero de los volúmenes que compendia la obra novelística de Carmen Boullosa, el viaje a la niñez simboliza más que un retorno al origen. En Antes y Treinta años, tenemos el inquietante umbral hacia el mundo adulto en una mirada inocente, que en Mejor desaparece adquiere tintes de pesadilla. En La novela perfecta, Así pensó el niño y La milagrosa opera la noción mágica del mundo que es privilegio de la infancia. Y en Texas, la invención con rigor documental alienta la crítica impermeable a los dictados de la historia oficial. "Es difícil encontrar en la literatura mexicana contemporánea una personalidad tan brillante y compleja como la de Carmen Boullosa... El suyo es un mundo excéntrico y despiadado donde la imaginación funciona a través de reglas tan disparatadas como sutiles" Christopher Domínguez Michael

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