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Invader on My Back

by Philip E. High

In the far future, the world has fallen to chaos with the criminal elements controlling the cities and vast police forces ruling the unknown wilderness beyond.Only one man, unknowingly, holds the key to the state in which society finds itself - a man named Craig.Craig, however, is an outcast, a pariah, feared by organised crime and despised by the police who, despite themselves, are compelled to use him.This is the tale of how Craig fights back - against forces unknown - and of his attempts to reinstate himself into a society that has rejected him.

The Invaders

by Benjamin Ferris

Big Joe Merklos was the first of them. He appeared at the Wide Bend National Bank one day, cash in hand. The charm of him, his flashing smile, the easy strength in his big body, were persuasive recommendations. But the bank's appraisal scarcely got that far. Wasn't he the first buyer in fifteen years for that bone-yard of lonely dreams, Dark Valley?

The Invaders (Brotherband Chronicles #2)

by John Flanagan

From the author of the global phenomenon Ranger's Apprentice!<P> Hal and the Herons have done the impossible. This group of outsiders has beaten out the strongest, most skilled young warriors in all of Skandia to win the Brotherband competition. But their celebration comes to an abrupt end when the Skandians' most sacred artifact, the Andomal, is stolen--and the Herons are to blame. <P> To find redemption they must track down the thief Zavac and recover the Andomal. But that means traversing stormy seas, surviving a bitter winter, and battling a group of deadly pirates willing to protect their prize at all costs. Even Brotherband training and the help of Skandia's greatest warrior may not be enough to ensure that Hal and his friends return home with the Andomal--or their lives.<P> Perfect for fans of J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, T.H. White's The Sword in the Stone, Christopher Paolini's Eragon series, and George R. R. Martin's Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire series.

Invaders from Earth

by Robert Silverberg

How do you justify genocide?Kennedy had a job to do. It was as simple as that. He was paid to do a job, and he did it.His job was to convince the Earth's population that a hapless race of sapient creatures living peacefully on a distant planet must be destroyed as a menace to the Earth.(First published 1958)

Invaders From Rigel

by Fletcher Pratt

Invaders from the Infinite

by John W. Campbell

The famous scientific trio of Arcot, Wade and Morey, challenged by the most ruthless aliens in all the universes, blasted off on an intergalactic search for defenses against the invaders of Earth and all her allies. World after world was visited, secret after secret unleashed and turned to mighty weapons of intense force-and still the Thessian enemy seemed to grow in power and ferocity. Mighty battles between huge space armadas were but skirmishes in the galactic war, as the invincible aliens savagely advanced and the Earth team hurled bolt after bolt of pure ravening energy-until it appeared that the universe itself might end in one final flare of furious torrential power....

Invaders from the Infinite: Arcot, Wade and Morey Book 3 (ARCOT WADE MOREY)

by John W. Campbell

The alien spaceship was unthinkably huge, enormously powerful, apparently irresistible. It came from the void and settle on Earth, striking awe into the hearts of all who saw it. Its burden, however, was not conquest - but a call for the brilliant team of scientists, Arcot, Wade and Morey, explorers of the islands of space. And what they learned was an offer of an alliance against an invading foe so powerful that no known force could turn back.John W. Campbell's Invaders from the Infinite is a veritable odyssey of the universe, exploring world after world, and uncovering cosmic secret after cosmic secret. Here is a classic novel of super-science that may never be surpassed.

Invaders from the Infinite: Arcot, Wade and Morey Book 3

by John W. Campbell

The alien spaceship was unthinkably huge, enormously powerful, apparently irresistible. It came from the void and settle on Earth, striking awe into the hearts of all who saw it. Its burden, however, was not conquest - but a call for the brilliant team of scientists, Arcot, Wade and Morey, explorers of the islands of space. And what they learned was an offer of an alliance against an invading foe so powerful that no known force could turn back. John W. Campbell's Invaders from the Infinite is a veritable odyssey of the universe, exploring world after world, and uncovering cosmic secret after cosmic secret. Here is a classic novel of super-science that may never be surpassed.

Invaders of Space

by Murray Leinster

Things were quiet that night in the space port. Then the 'Theban' arrived without warning, bringing with it a surly crew, led by a blustering captain, Larson... The 'Theban' was old, propelled by a totally obsolescent interplanetary drive. The only way Larson could get it off the ground was to kidnap the young engineer, Horn, who he hoped could at least manage to keep the ship in flight until it reached its final rendezvous. Their destination was the spaceship 'Danae' - a ship loaded with millions in space credit notes. If Horn wanted to save the 'Danae' from the onslaughts of the Space Invaders, he had his work cut out for him...

Invaders of Space

by Murray Leinster

Things were quiet that night in the space port. Then the 'Theban' arrived without warning, bringing with it a surly crew, led by a blustering captain, Larson... The 'Theban' was old, propelled by a totally obsolescent interplanetary drive. The only way Larson could get it off the ground was to kidnap the young engineer, Horn, who he hoped could at least manage to keep the ship in flight until it reached its final rendezvous. Their destination was the spaceship 'Danae' - a ship loaded with millions in space credit notes. If Horn wanted to save the 'Danae' from the onslaughts of the Space Invaders, he had his work cut out for him...

The Invaders Plan (Mission Earth #1)

by L. Ron Hubbard

Riveting, superbly plotted intrigue. A new style of Science Fiction epic, rooted in the clandestine worlds of intelligence, drug smuggling and crime. With all of the suspense elements of the fast-paced spy/mystery thriller. Exotically spiced with a liberal dash of humor and a hint of sex. Volume 1 of the biggest Science Fiction dekology ever written -- Mission Earth. "A thriller packed with lust, laughs, adventure and murderous intrigue."--Literary Guild

Invaluable (Los dioses #1)

by M. A. Church Erick Olivier

Volumen 1 de la serie Los diosesEn la ciudad del pecado, Las Vegas, vuelan chispas cuando Cupido apunta con sus flechas a dos mortales: Randy Jones, un hombre corriente que está pasando unas vacaciones pagadas por la compañía donde trabaja, mira a Garrett a los ojos cuando este está jugando en la mesa de dados y, de repente, el tiempo se detiene. Echando a un lado todas sus creencias, Randy mantiene un tórrido romance de dos noches con Garrett, y después sale huyendo, muerto de miedo al darse cuenta de que se ha enamorado. El cínico multimillonario Garrett Shiffler tiene todo lo que el dinero puede comprar, y la mayoría de sus citas no ven más allá de eso. La vida le enseñó que la inocencia y el amor son un simple producto de la imaginación de la gente. Pero cuando Randy desaparece, despertando en Garrett sentimientos que jamás creyó conocer, este emprende la batalla más importante de su vida para conseguir ganarse el amor de Randy, pero esta vez tendrá que luchar usando su corazón y no su dinero. Mientras tanto, Cupido se pregunta qué fue lo que pasó. Sus flechas nunca fallan, a menos que las Moiras interfirieran. Si Garrett quiere ganarse a Randy nuevamente, tendrá que hacerlo por su cuenta, ya que las Moiras tienen otros planes para Cupido.


by William Meikle André Nardini

Eles vieram em milhares. Nós lutamos contra eles juntos. Tudo começou durante uma tempestade de inverno no litoral norte-oriental que trouxe consigo uma estranha chuva verde. Onde ela caiu, tudo desapareceu, morreu e foi consumido. Os moradores dos lugares remotos no Marítimo do Canadá escaparam do pior dos danos iniciais, mas essa foi uma benção disfarçada, pois eles tiveram que assistir primeiro a América do Norte, depois o mundo, sendo subsumidos no arrepiante tapete verde do terror. E isso foi apenas o começo.

A invasão Doppelganger

by Sarita Reis Juan Carlos Arjona Ollero

Segunda parte da trilogia. A Terra, 2018. Um ano depois de que nossos heróis acabaram com os Crono-Caçadores, tudo parecia haver voltado a normalidade ou, ao menos, a meia: Billy e Jessel permanecem desaparecidos desde o incidente do Continuum. Por sua parte, James, Mary e um renovado Louis se converteram na ponta da lança do projeto científico mais ambicioso da humandade: o projeto Hyperion, cujo principal obejetivo é criar uma porta dimensional qque facilita as viagens pelo espaço-tempo. No entanto, desde uma dimensão esquecida se aproxima uma ameaça maior: os Doppelgangers, estranhos seres mistícos ue ambicionam em apropriar de todo o Universo, posto seu posto de mira em nosso planeta. Impulsionando um dos enganos mais elaborados da história, romperam a barreira que os separa de nosso mundo. Abaixo deste preceito de anarquia, se uniram a batalha Rick Van Helsing e Rasputin, cujo feudo pessoal complicará ainda mais a grave situação que atravessa nosso mundo. Um choque predestinado entre os portadores do Infinito e o Caos que suportar muito mais que uma simples vingança. O mundo como o conhecemos está a ponto de adentrar-se em sua hora mais escura. Como acreditar em quem não confia? Como brigar contra quem alguma vez foi seu aliado? Esta vez não é um guerra, é uma invasão.

A invasão dos sombrios

by Mariana Baroni Jordi Villalobos

A invasão dos sombrios Um feitiço que pode mudar tudo, um romance inesperado, uma guerra inevitável, duas histórias entrelaçadas… Os sombrios estão à espreita! Eles querem conquistar toda a Frienia. Orcs e humanos, após muitos anos em guerra, devem se aliar para fazer frente ao novo inimigo comum. A forçada união entre Syriel, o príncipe humano, e Lirieth, a princesa orc, será o selo dessa aliança. Mas entre eles começa a surgir um verdadeiro romance que se vê abalado por uma suspeita de traição. Lirieth está escondendo algo obscuro de seu passado? A nova aliança e seus inimigos tentarão capturar dragões e outros poderosos aliados para reforçar suas fileiras. Conseguirão os príncipes reunir um exército robusto para poder combater os sombrios? Dois mil anos antes, um perverso mago chamado Mazorik, conhecedor do pior feitiço de magia negra que pode existir, Linderiun tesarien racem, planeja dominar todas as raças de Frienia: elfos, humanos, anões, metadílio, gigantes e sombrios. Alguém conseguirá acabar com seus planos? Duas histórias que se entrelaçam em meio a guerras, traições, romances, intrigas e aventuras, concluindo em um desenlace surpreendente.

The Invasion (Animorphs #1)

by K. A. Applegate

The Earth is being invaded, but no one knows about it. When Jake, Rachel, Tobias, Cassie, and Marco stumble upon a downed alien spaceship and its dying pilot, they're given an incredible power -- they can transform into any animal they touch. With it, they become Animorphs, the unlikely champions in a secret war for the planet. And the enemies they're fighting could be anyone, even the people closest to them. So begins K. A. Applegate's epic series about five normal kids with a limitless amount of forms and abilities.


by Robin Cook

La ciencia médica se ve desbordada por una enfermedad desconocida, una enfermedad cuyos orígenes no son de este planeta... El estudiante universitario Beau Stark fue el primero en recoger uno de los extraños discos negros que había por toda la ciudad. Al principio dolía como la picadura de una abeja. Más tarde tomó los síntomas de un resfriado común. Poco a poco fue convirtiéndose en una virulenta infección. Todo comenzó hace millones de años, mucho antes de la aparición del ser humano, con la visita de unos misteriosos extraterrestres. Ahora solo unos pocos hombres y mujeres serán capaces de investigar y comprender en toda su magnitud la pavorosa pesadilla que se cierne sobre el planeta. ¿Serán capaces de evitar sus nefastas consecuencias?


by Robin Cook

Lo que inicialmente parece un resfriado común es algo mucho más grave, tan grave que si no se consigue detener podría acabar con la civilización. Todo comenzó hace milones de años, mucho antes de la aparición del ser humano, con la visita de unos misteriosos extraterrestres. Ahora, sólo unos pocos hombres y mujeres serán capaces de investigar y comprender en toda su magnitud la pavorosa pesadilla que se cierne sobre el planeta. ¿Serán capaces también de evitar sus nefastas consecuencias?


by Robin Cook

Robin cook, the master of medical horror, presents: "Invasion!!" In this intergalactic thriller, a new virus starts out like a flue, but eventually changes people's personalities completely. A small group of virus survivors begin to suspect that aliens have brought the sickness and are trying to take over the world.


by Wes Henson

Beth Summers is a reporter for The Jasper Messenger, and she has just uncovered the biggest story since the creation of mankind: that aliens exist and they’re on Earth. <P> The aliens are here to conquer the planet and enslave mankind for their own twisted purpose. They are abducting humans, and the city of Jasper is infested with four-feet-tall, grey, skinny aliens, and ones who were cloned to look like humans. <P><P> On the outskirts of Jasper is Ruffs Dog Food factory, but instead of making “Chunks and Gravy” dog food, the aliens in the city hidden beneath the factory, are making a new recipe, “Humans and Gravy.” Before Beth can alert the world to the invaders’ twisted purpose, she is framed for murder by them. Now, Beth and her boyfriend must go deep into the hidden city, capture an alien, and prove to the world that aliens do exist.

Invasion (Magic Ser. #Vol. 1)

by J. Robert King

The Phyrexian nightmare begins. Dominaria faces its biggest threat—an invasion by its greatest enemy, an attack planned for eons by merciless foes. No one is exempt from their terror. No land is safe from their onslaught. In the shadow of the Phyrexian horde, Dominaria has but one hope—the Weatherlight and her crew. The time has come to defend hearth and home from invasion.

Invasion (The Secret World Chronicles #1)

by Mercedes Lackey Steve Libbey Cody Martin Dennis Lee

All world governments have been simultaneously attacked by soldiers in giant mecha robotic suits with the swastika symbol of the Third Reich on their metal arms. If these were Nazis, where had they been hiding since the end of World War II? And where had they gotten armour and weapons far in advance of anything on the planet?


by Jon Lewis

He didn't ask to be a hero, but now all that stands between us and chaos . . . is Colt.Colt McAlister was having the summer of his life. He spent his days surfing and his nights playing guitar on the beach with friends. He even met a girl and got his first car. But everything changes when his parents are killed in a freak accident.He's forced to leave his old life behind and move to Arizona with his grandfather. The only person he knows at the new high school is a childhood friend named Dani. And Oz, a guy he's sure he's never met but who is strangely familiar. But what if his parents' death wasn't an accident? His mother, an investigative reporter, was going to expose a secret mind-control program run by one of the world's largest companies. Before she could release the story, what if agents from Trident Biotech made sure she couldn't go public?Vowing to uncover truth, Colt is drawn into a secret world of aliens, shapeshifters, flying motorcycles, and invisible getaways. The invasion has begun.

Invasion: The Alternative History of the German Invasion of England, July 1940 (Greenhill Military Paperback Ser.)

by Kenneth Macksey

The WWII historian&’s bracingly accurate analysis of what might have happened if Hitler ordered Operation Sea Lion to breech the shores of England. In June 1940, German troops gathered just across the English Channel, poised for the invasion of Britain. With France defeated and Britain cowed, Hitler seemed ready for his greatest gamble. In this compelling alternative history, the Germans launch the invasion that, in reality, was never more than a plan. Landing between Dover and Hythe, German troops push inland supported by the Luftwaffe and the impregnable panzers, and strike out towards London. The British, desperate to defeat the invaders, rally and prepare for a crucial confrontation at Maidstone. Realistic, carefully researched and superbly written, Invasion is a classic of alternate history and a thought-provoking look at how Britain&’s war might have been.&“Macksey&’s blend of what actually happened and what might have been makes for a piece of writing comparable to Frederick Forsyth at his best.&” —Jack Higgins&“Convincingly described and excellently illustrated.&” —The Daily Telegraph, UK

La Invasión

by William Meikle María Florencia Zapata

Todo comenzó durante una tormenta de invierno que azotó la Costa Noreste de EEUU y que trajo consigo una extraña lluvia verde. Lo que mojaba se marchitaba, se consumía, moría. Los residentes de los puestos remotos en las Provincias Marítimas de Canadá lograron escapar de las primeras amenazas, sólo para observar a Norteamérica, en primer lugar, y luego al resto del mundo hundirse bajo el verde terror.

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