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L'Académie maudite Tome 1 - Le demi-vampire

by Diederich Marie-Violaine Belinda Laj

Ce livre va vous emmener dans un monde parallèle plein de mystères. Julian Laurent n'est pas comme les autres vampires : le Seigneur des immortels a refusé de le marquer. C'est la raison pour laquelle sa vie à l'Académie maudite va vite devenir un enfer : les autres immortels, vampires, anges, démons et mortels au sang mêlé, le considèrent comme un être inférieur. Comme si cela ne suffisait pas, il devra gérer le retour de Mia, son ex dont il n'a plus aucun souvenir. Julian pense que sa vie d'adolescent est compliquée mais il est loin d'imaginer ce qui l'attend derrière les murs de l'Académie. Bientôt, une bande de renégats va essayer d'avoir sa peau alors qu'un pouvoir dangereusement puissant ne cesse de croitre au fond de lui. Julian prend ses responsabilités et essaye de libérer les étudiants de l'emprise de la marque, mais un lien invisible le lie au Seigneur des immortels et l'empêche de mener à bien sa mission.La vérité dépasse ses pires cauchemars.

Lacarna's Flight

by Marc Baco E. S. Dempsey

Lacarna and her family are brave warriors fighting with the rebels against the servants of the Great Old Gods. But some devastating events cause the elf to question the value of their struggle. One day her son finds and shows her a dimensional gate leading to a different world. Lacarna is conflicted between her loyalty to the rebels and a future of peace together with her family. It seems there is a great opportunity for the rebels to turn the tide. But Lacarna's intuition warns against it. She has a difficult choice to make. This short volume is the prequel to The Wheel of Fortune series.

L'accueil d'un héros

by Jan Springer

Être blessé et retenu prisonnier n’était pas ce que l’astronaute Joe Héros avait en tête quand il a accepté d’explorer une planète récemment découverte pour la NASA. Mais seul un homme mort peut rester indifférent à la médecin sexy chargée de ses soins. Une nuit de passion enflammée dans les bras de l’étranger d’une autre planète est assez pour convaincre Annie que les hommes sont bien plus que ce qu’on lui avait enseigné. Qui est cet homme sexy et pourquoi a-t-elle envie de l’accueillir dans son lit à chaque occasion qu’elle a ?

The Lace Reader: A Novel

by Brunonia Barry

Every gift has a price . . . every piece of lace has a secret.Towner Whitney, the self-confessed unreliable narrator, hails from a family of Salem women who can read the future in the patterns in lace, and who have guarded a history of secrets going back generations. Now the disappearance of two women is bringing Towner back home to Salem—and is bringing to light the shocking truth about the death of her twin sister.

Lacey the Little Mermaid Fairy: A Rainbow Magic Book (The Fairy Tale Fairies #7)

by Daisy Meadows

Join the Fairy Tale Fairies as they make sure everyone's favorite fairy tale characters get their happily ever after! Happily Ever After? Once upon a time, Rachel and Kirsty were excited to attend the special Fairy Tale Festival at TipTop Castle. But when Jack Frost steals the Fairy Tale Fairies' magic items, stories everywhere get all jumbled up. Even worse, characters from inside the books are coming to life and finding their way into the human world! The girls only have one more magic item left to find. When Lacey's magic conch shell is returned to her, the Little Mermaid will be safely back where she belongs! Find the special fairy object in each book and help save the Fairy Tale Magic!

Lacey the Little Mermaid Fairy: The Fairytale Fairies Book 4 (Rainbow Magic #4)

by Daisy Meadows

Get ready for an exciting fairy adventure with the no. 1 bestselling series for girls aged 5 and up. Kirsty and Rachel are having a wonderful time at the Fairytale Festival. But Jack Frost has stolen Fairytale Fairies' magical objects, and now Fairytale characters are lost in the human world! Can Rachel and Kirsty help find them and keep fairytales everywhere magical? 'These stories are magic; they turn children into readers!' Read all four fairy adventures in the Fairytale Fairies set! Julia the Sleeping Beauty Fairy; Eleanor the Snow White Fairy; Faith the Cinderella Fairy; Lacey the Little Mermaid Fairy. If you like Rainbow Magic, check out Daisy Meadows' other series: Magic Animal Friends and Unicorn Magic!

Lacrime d'Angelo

by Valmore Daniels Fabrocini Barbara

Il mio nome è Serena Rogers. Dopo essere fuggita dal riformatorio, tutto quel che volevo era scappare da casa per mai più far ritorno. Ma tutto è cambiato quando ho scoperto l’oscuro segreto che ossessiona la mia famiglia ancora prima che io nascessi. Non sono la persona che credevo di essere. Quando mi imbatto in un’armata di rivoluzionari, verrò messa davanti ad una decisione impossibile da prendere: combatterli rischiando le vite delle persone che amo, o unirmi a loro e perdere la mia anima.

Lacrime di ossidiana

by Daniel D. Lamoreux Doug Lamoreux Elisabetta De Martino

La Madre Terra piange. Yellowstone sta morendo. Nuovi problemi si profilano all’orizzonte per il ranger capo Glenn Merrill; pare infatti che l’esistenza di Yellowstone sia minacciata da scosse telluriche e dall’imminente eruzione di un supervulcano. Ma non è tutto. Una serie di uccisioni raccapriccianti, che hanno coinvolto animali, turisti e un ranger, sta sconvolgendo il più antico parco nazionale del paese. Qualcosa di terribile sta prendendo possesso della terra. Questa volta il ranger capo, coraggiosamente impegnato a far cessare queste morti misteriose, potrebbe però andare incontro alla sua fine. Lacrime di ossidiana immerge Glenn, il suo amico Shoshone, una giovane e determinata sismologa e uno sciamano Arapaho nel mondo del misticismo indiano. Uomo e natura dovranno unire le forze o rischieranno di abbandonare tutta l’umanità a un male antico.

Lacrime d'oro

by Gayle Ramage

Brisingamen: una collana forgiata da quattro nani nell’antichità. Si dice che chi la indossa piange lacrime d’oro. Brisingamen: una collana conservata in una teca di vetro, su una mensola nel bagno di una casa di Edimburgo, appartenente a una donna di nome Hattie. Brisingamen: una collana che verrà rubata da una ladra che non sospetta niente. La serie… Giganti, folletti, sirene sono creature appartenenti al mondo delle fiabe. Ma cosa succederebbe se invece questi esseri fossero reali come lo siamo noi? Non sono facili da trovare, ma guardando attentamente potresti riuscirci. Grazie ai suoi occhi di colori diversi, Hattie, che abita a Edimburgo, può vedere il goblin che, seduto su una panchina nel parco, fa lo sgambetto ai passanti, o la salamandra che si rilassa in mezzo alle fiamme di un falò. Non ha intenzione di infastidire le creature, a meno che le creature non infastidiscano lei, ma se iniziano a combinare guai… sarà meglio che facciano attenzione. Questo libro è il secondo della saga fantasy “Creature di Edimburgo”.

Lacrime e Velluto Cremisi: Un racconto de L'Eredità della Maschera (Serie L'Eredità della Maschera #2)

by A L Butcher

Madame Giry si ritrova invischiata nella tragedia del Teatro dell'Opera; misteri e omicidi percorrono i corridoi e, si dice, un fantasma infesti quei luoghi. Giry conosce la verità, perché ricorda l'uomo in gabbia incontrato tanti anni prima. Questa è la sua storia, la loro storia. Quando omicidi e misteri iniziano a fare la loro comparsa al Teatro dell'Opera, una donna sa chi c'è dietro, e cosa si trovi davvero dietro la maschera. Segreti, bugie e tragedie cantano una canzone potente, in questa storia del 'sarebbe potuto essere'. .Una breve, tragica storia basata sui personaggi del Fantasma dell'Opera. Un racconto de L'Eredità della Maschera.

The Lad and the Lion

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

In THE LAD AND THE LION, Edgar Rice Burroughs has returned to a theme that catapulted his name to fame when he wrote "Tarzan of the Apes". For here is the story of a youth - actually a deposed king - whose life is preserved by a miracle and who grows up on a derelict ship in companion with a lion.Eventually the winds and currents deposit the strange pair on the coast of Africa, and the youth learns the lessons of the wild, helped by his closest friend and protector, the giant, black-maned lion.The book is filled with the loyalty and staunch friendship of beasts - and with the treachery of man. It has all the trills and adventure and suspense that have made fans of millions of Edgar Rice Burroughs readers.

The Ladder in the Sky: The Wrong End Of Time, The Ladder In The Sky, And The Productions Of Time

by John Brunner

"One of the most important science fiction authors. Brunner held a mirror up to reflect our foibles because he wanted to save us from ourselves."--SF SiteFor each generation, there is a writer meant to bend the rules of what we know. Hugo Award winner (Best Novel, STAND ON ZANZIBAR) and British science fiction master John Brunner remains one of the most influential and respected authors of all time, and now E-Reads is pleased to re-introduce many of his classic works. For readers familiar with his vision, it's a chance to re-examine his thoughtful worlds and words, while for new readers, Brunner's work proves itself the very definition of timeless.In THE LADDER IN THE SKY, a starving youth, trapped in poverty and with no hope of escape, is taken prisoner and offered up in an actual "deal with the devil,"--servitude for a year and a day in return for helping a resistance group free their imprisoned planetary leader. When he returns to consciousness, he is told that the devil has taken up residence inside him. At first, he thinks nothing is changed and he can take advantage of the situation but some upsetting surprises are in store for him. With an SF setting and a fantasy premise, this is one of Brunner's best hybrids of action, magic, technology and suspense.

The Ladder in the Sky

by John Brunner

The man in black picked up something which had been leaning beside him. A ring perhaps two feet wide . . . yet when the man in black laid it down on the floor it was as large as he was tall.The light went out. A bluish glow now emanated from the ring, revealing Bryda's face ghastly gray as she leaned forward, and Yarco's also, set and serious, and the conjurer's impassive.And within the ring, where moments before there had been the bare planks of the floor, a shape that moved, and opened eyes glowing like coals, and spoke.'What world is this?' the awful voice inquired.(First published 1962)

The Ladder in the Sky

by John Brunner

The man in black picked up something which had been leaning beside him. A ring perhaps two feet wide . . . yet when the man in black laid it down on the floor it was as large as he was tall.The light went out. A bluish glow now emanated from the ring, revealing Bryda's face ghastly gray as she leaned forward, and Yarco's also, set and serious, and the conjurer's impassive.And within the ring, where moments before there had been the bare planks of the floor, a shape that moved, and opened eyes glowing like coals, and spoke.'What world is this?' the awful voice inquired.(First published 1962)

Ladder to the Red Star

by Jael Wye

Once upon a ruined Earth 300 years in the future...Jacques Tallinn, biotech smuggler and thief, is after the cure for a brain disorder he's suffered since childhood-a disorder inflicted by a powerful tyrant. To get the cure, Jacques will need to climb the space elevator to the new Zenith space station hovering above Earth and go undercover in the lab where it's produced.Martian head tech Devi Chandra is immediately intrigued by her sexy new lab assistant. Though she insists on keeping things professional, she finds herself charmed by Jacques. Until he betrays her trust, kidnapping her and spiriting her off to Earth.All Jacques needed to do was steal the biotech and get back home. But when things go wrong, he can't bring himself to leave Devi behind. Now she's injured and a simple caper has become an intergalactic cause, endangering his life and the lives of millions of others. But the hardest part? Winning back Devi's trust.99,000 words

L'Addestramento della Regina: La Regina di Orano #1 (La Regina di Orano #1 #1)

by Noelle Riches

Non basta una donna qualsiasi per diventare regina. Prima di tutto, deve essere addestrata... Promessa al Re di Orano, Soriana deve sottoporsi a un anno di addestramento per imparare tutto ciò che ci si aspetta da lei prima delle nozze, ma quando il secondo in comando del re, un uomo irraggiungibile e segnato da cicatrici, prende in mano la sua formazione, viene finalmente scossa dalla passione necessaria a svolgere il suo nuovo ruolo di regina. Incapace di tenere il suo cuore lontano dall'uomo che non può avere, ma con la possibilità di poter finalmente cambiare la vita del suo popolo, e la sua rivale d'infanzia che fa di tutto per usurpare la sua posizione, Soriana deve decidere se è abbastanza forte da rinunciare all'amore che non avrebbe mai sperato di trovare per diventare la donna di cui il suo popolo ha così disperatamente bisogno.

Ladies from Hell

by Keith Roberts

Ladies from Hell contains five long stories. "The Shack at Great Cross Halt" describes a Britain dominated by motorways, juggernauts and a tyranny, in which the unfortunates of society eke out a miserable existence scavenging items that fall off lorries. "The Ministry of Children" shows comprehensive schools having become terrifying battlegrounds dominated by vicious gangs. "The Big Fans" concerns an experiment in wind-powered electricity which accidentally unleashes an apocalyptic storm of effects. "Our Lady of Destruction" ironically depicts a future in which a Stalinist British government taxes 'non-productive' people (i.e. artists) at over 100% and assigns them individual Overseers to regulate their work. "Missa Privata" shows an opera singer in a communist-dominated Britain making a defiant individual gesture which will bring about her own ruin. These are not stories of spaceships and alien worlds; rather they are studies of imminent social change, written out of passionate concern about the directions in which our society may be heading - stories, in fact, in the great Orwellian tradition. Most importantly, they are stories about people: believable, defiant individuals struggling against oppressive forces.

Ladies from Hell

by Keith Roberts

Ladies from Hell contains five long stories. "The Shack at Great Cross Halt" describes a Britain dominated by motorways, juggernauts and a tyranny, in which the unfortunates of society eke out a miserable existence scavenging items that fall off lorries. "The Ministry of Children" shows comprehensive schools having become terrifying battlegrounds dominated by vicious gangs. "The Big Fans" concerns an experiment in wind-powered electricity which accidentally unleashes an apocalyptic storm of effects. "Our Lady of Destruction" ironically depicts a future in which a Stalinist British government taxes 'non-productive' people (i.e. artists) at over 100% and assigns them individual Overseers to regulate their work. "Missa Privata" shows an opera singer in a communist-dominated Britain making a defiant individual gesture which will bring about her own ruin. These are not stories of spaceships and alien worlds; rather they are studies of imminent social change, written out of passionate concern about the directions in which our society may be heading - stories, in fact, in the great Orwellian tradition. Most importantly, they are stories about people: believable, defiant individuals struggling against oppressive forces.

The Ladies of Grace Adieu and Other Stories

by Susanna Clarke

Collection of fantasy short stories by the author of Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell.

The Ladies of Mandrigyn (Sun Wolf and Starhawk #1)

by Barbara Hambly

The City of Mandrigyn was conquered and its men enslaved by the Wizard King, Altiokis. The women of the city led by Sheera Galernas, hire the mercenary army Captain Sun Wolf to train and lead the ladies against Altriokis.

The Ladies of Mandrigyn (The Sun Wolf and Starhawk Series #1)

by Barbara Hambly

First in the series from a New York Times–bestselling author and &“fabulously talented writer&” featuring a brilliant mercenary and his fierce female partner (Charlaine Harris). Gifted with courage, strength, and the intelligence to know when to fight, Sun Wolf is the greatest mercenary in a land overrun by war. With his first lieutenant, Starhawk—a woman more deadly than any man—at his side, he has laid waste to countless cities, taking the best of their treasures for himself, and distributing the rest among his bloodthirsty crew. Then a woman comes to him, an emissary from the town of Mandrigyn, a lush port city recently sacked by a powerful, mad wizard of unmatched abilities. She offers Sun Wolf untold riches for the use of his army, but the captain is not fool enough to wage war against a magician. He refuses her offer, but that is not the end of it. The women of Mandrigyn can be very persuasive. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Barbara Hambly, including rare photos and never-before-seen documents from the author&’s personal collection.

The Ladies of the Secret Circus

by Constance Sayers

From the author of A Witch in Time comes a magical story set in Jazz Age Paris and modern-day America of family secrets and lost love set against the backdrop of an extraordinary circus.Paris, 1925: To enter the Secret Circus is to enter a world of wonder—a world where women weave illusions of magnificent beasts, carousels take you back in time, and trapeze artists float across the sky. Bound to her family's circus, it's the only world Cecile Cabot knows until she meets a charismatic young painter and embarks on a passionate affair that could cost her everything.Virginia, 2004:Lara Barnes is on top of the world, until her fiancé disappears on their wedding day. When her desperate search for answers unexpectedly leads to her great-grandmother&’s journals, Lara is swept into a story of a dark circus and ill-fated love.Soon secrets about Lara&’s family history begin to come to light, revealing a curse that has been claiming payment from the women in her family for generations. A curse that might be tied to her fiancé&’s mysterious disappearancePraise for The Ladies of the Secret Circus:"At times decadent and macabre, The Ladies of the Secret Circus is a mesmerizing tale of love, treachery, and depraved magic percolating through four generations of Cabot women." —Luanne G. Smith, author of The Vine Witch"Fans of Erin Morgenstern&’s The Night Circus will love this page-turning story of dark magic, star-crossed love, and familial sacrifice." —Publishers Weekly (starred review)"Ambitious and teeming with magic, Sayers creates a fascinating mix of art, The Belle Époque, and more than a little murder.&” —Erika Swyler, author of The Book of Speculation For more from Constance Sayers, check out A Witch in Time.

The Ladies of the Secret Circus: enter a world of wonder with this spellbinding novel

by Constance Sayers

'Romance, mystery, and a family curse - The Ladies of the Secret Circus has it all' PopsugarFrom the author of A Witch in Time comes a magical story spanning from Jazz Age Paris to modern-day America of family secrets, sacrifice, and lost love set against the backdrop of a mysterious circus. Perfect for fans of The Night Circus and The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue.The surest way to get a ticket to Le Cirque Secret is to wish for it . . .Paris, 1925: To enter the Secret Circus is to enter a world of wonder - a world where women weave illusions, carousels take you back in time, and trapeze artists float across the sky. Bound to her family's circus, it's the only world Cecile Cabot knows until she meets a charismatic young painter and embarks on a passionate affair that could cost her everything.Virginia, 2004: Lara Barnes is on top of the world, but when her fiancé disappears on their wedding day every plan she has for the future comes crashing down. Desperate, Lara's search for answers unexpectedly lead to her great-grandmother's journals.Swept into a story of a dark circus and ill-fated love, secrets about Lara's family history come to light and reveal a curse that has been claiming payment from the women in her family for generations. A curse that might be tied to her fiancé's mysterious fate . . .Why readers love The Ladies of the Secret Circus . . .'A spellbinding historical fantasy . . . Fans of Erin Morgenstern's The Night Circus will love this page-turning story of dark magic, star-crossed love, and familial sacrifice' Publishers Weekly (starred review)'At times decadent and macabre, The Ladies of the Secret Circus is a mesmerizing tale of love, treachery, and depraved magic percolating through four generations of Cabot women' Luanne G. Smith, author of The Vine Witch'Ambitious and teeming with magic, Sayers creates a fascinating mix of art, The Belle Époque, and more than a little murder' Erika Swyler, author of The Book of Speculation'The Ladies of the Secret Circus is a dazzling tale, laced with sinister magic, blood and beauty, love and loss. This is a book that will haunt you long after the last page is turned' Alyssa Palombo, author of The Spellbook of Katrina Van Tassel'Spellbinding. The Ladies Of The Secret Circus is a dazzling, high-wire feat of storytelling' Catherine Taylor, author of Beyond the Moon'The Ladies of the Secret Circus is a book to get lost in' BookPage

Ladies Prefer Rogues: Four Novellas of Time-Travel Passion

by Trish Jensen Sandra Hill Veronica Wolff Janet Chapman

Four national bestselling authors--Janet Chapman, Sandra Hill, Veronica Wolff, and Trish Jensen--present four tales of time travel and romance in this brand-new collection.

Ladivine: A novel

by Marie Ndiaye

From the hugely acclaimed author of Three Strong Women--"a masterpiece of narrative ingenuity and emotional extremes" (The New York Times)--here is a harrowing and subtly crafted novel of a woman captive to a secret shame. On the first Tuesday of every month, Clarisse Rivière leaves her husband and young daughter and secretly takes the train to Bordeaux to visit her mother, Ladivine. Just as Clarisse's husband and daughter know nothing of Ladivine, Clarisse herself has hidden nearly every aspect of her adult life from this woman, whom she dreads and despises but also pities. Long ago abandoned by Clarisse's father, Ladivine works as a housecleaner and has no one but her daughter, whom she knows as Malinka. After more than twenty-five years of this deception, the idyllic middle-class existence Clarisse has built from scratch can no longer survive inside the walls she's put up to protect it. Her untold anguish leaves her cold and guarded, her loved ones forever trapped outside, looking in. When her husband, Richard, finally leaves her, Clarisse finds comfort in the embrace of a volatile local man, Freddy Moliger. With Freddy, she finally feels reconciled to, or at least at ease with, her true self. But this peace comes at a terrible price. Clarisse will be brutally murdered, and it will be left to her now-grown daughter, who also bears the name Ladivine without knowing why, to work out who her mother was and what happened to her. A mesmerizing and heart-stopping psychological tale of a trauma that ensnares three generations of women, Ladivine proves Marie NDiaye to be one of Europe's great storytellers. Translated from the French by Jordan StumpFrom the Hardcover edition.

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