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Showing 39,251 through 39,275 of 79,430 results

Le toucher des neiges (Sang glacé #1)

by Anna Edwards

Sélène Harper ne sait pas qui elle est ou, en fait… ce qu’elle est. Lorsqu’elle touche quelqu’un, elle entend ses pensées intimes. Pas super quand on veut rencontrer. Pas super quand on s’apprête à être jeté dans le monde des méta-ours, méta-loups et méta-lions. Brayden Dillon est un métamorphe, un léopard des neiges, et l’assassin de la meute au Sang glacé. Le jour où il trouvera sa partenaire, il sera nommé sentinelle. Voilà le problème : son âme soeur est introuvable. Du moins, jusqu’à ce qu’il rende visite à sa mère et rencontre Sélène. Le toucher des neiges est le premier tome dans la série Sang glacé. Un premier livre paranormal de l’auteure Anna Edwards, qui raconte le voyage de découvertes autant pour Sélène que pour Brayden, alors qu’ils tentent de comprendre pourquoi ils sont ce qu’ils sont. Le monde de Sang glacé déborde d’intrigues, de suspense, avec une famille de rêve ainsi qu’un secret qui devra rester caché. La famille n’est pas toujours liée par le sang, elle regroupe les gens qui nous acceptent pour nous.

Le Tueur

by Sean Robins

Seul un vrai guerrier pouvait apprécier la beauté majestueuse du vaisseau amiral de la flotte ennemie. Un guerrier comme moi, pensa le général Maada, assis dans le cockpit de son chasseur spatial monoplace. Il éclipser tous les autres vaisseaux principaux de la galaxie, le vaisseau Akakie était une œuvre d'art. Une couche d'or galvanisée recouvrait sa coque ovale élégante et étirée. Les deux moteurs latéraux du navire propulsèrent l'engin vers l'avant, allumant une torche bleu vif derrière lui. Maada ne connaissait pas l'étendue exacte de ses capacités, mais il ne doutait pas que le navire ennemi pourrait facilement effacer une petite planète. Son vaisseau spatial semblait minuscule devant le sien. Sur un écran VR à l'intérieur du cockpit de Maada, le commandant de la flotte Akakie déclara: «Général, c'est inutile. Regardez la taille de notre armada et imaginez la puissance de feu de nos vaisseaux spatiaux. Votre flotte n'a que des vaisseaux spatiaux chétifs. Vous n’avez aucune chance contre nous. Faites simplement demi tour avec votre petit vaisseau et rentrez chez vous, et nous serons miséricordieux, nous vous laisserons partir. Je vous assure que l'envahissement de notre territoire équivaut à un suicide ». "Vous parlez trop", grogna le général. Le commandant Akakie avait raison. Leur technologie avait des années-lumière d'avance sur les Xortaags. Leurs navires n'étaient pas seulement beaucoup plus gros mais ils avaient des armements beaucoup plus puissants et des armures plus lourdes. Ce vaisseau doré a probablement plus de puissance de feu que l'ensemble de la flotte Xortaag combinée. La situation de Maada semblait désespérée. C'était exactement à quoi il voulait que cela ressemble. Vous, les sales insectes, n'avez aucune idée à qui vous avez affaire, pensa Maada. Il plongea dans la bataille, des éclairs laser sortit des canons de son chasseur spatial

Le Urla Degli Angeli

by Joseph Nassise Daniele Anselmo

Libro Due della serie bestseller "Le Cronache dei Templari"Ritorna nel mondo della serie bestseller urban fantasy per un'altra avventura piena di azione nel secondo libro de Le Cronache dei Templari!Cade Williams era solo un normale poliziotto fino alla notte in cui si è trovato faccia a faccia con un angelo caduto conosciuto come l'avversario e ha quasi perso la vita. Ora è al comando della Squadra Echo, una squadra speciale di moderni Cavalieri Templari, e le cose che cacciano sono ben più letali che un normale criminale.Il ritrovamento in mezzo al deserto di un prete Gesuita, il quale non fa latro che raccontare folli storie riguardanti una stazione di ricerca segreta e demoni assetati di sangue, mette la Squadra Echo in mezzo ad un'altra investigazione. Gli ordini - setacciare la struttura, capire cosa è veramente successo ed eliminare qualunque presenza infernale.Ma l'essere che incontreranno sotto le sabbie del deserto ha tovato il modo di spezzare le catene dell'inferno e non intende tornarci facilmente. Questa volta il nemico potrebbe essere troppo potente persino per Cade e la Squdra Echo...I fan del sovrannaturale, di Constantine e di Grimm impazziranno per questa avventura dark fantasy che mette i mdoerni Cavalieri Templari contro angeli caduti e altre entità sovrannaturali. Se vi piace il genere, condito con un tocco di horror, allora questa è la serie che fa per voi!Genere: Sci-Fi & FantasyGenere Secondario: Azione e AvventuraLingua: Italiano

Le Veggenti di Verde: La Leggenda si Avvera

by M. L. Williams

I predoni di un pianeta ribelle attaccano una nave coloniale terrestre obbligando le squadre di sbarco a dividersi in due gruppi nel disperato tentativo di fuga. Gli assalitori vengono uccisi, ma i coloni devono pagare un prezzo terribile. I loro mezzi di trasporti sono distrutti, lasciandoli così arenati senza tecnologia sui due lati di un'enorme catena montuosa sul pianeta Verde Grande. Le discendenti di una misteriosa Veggente proteggono la loro gente, ma diventano il tormento della società di cacciatori che vive dall'altra parte della montagna. Per due secoli, tutti i tentativi di scalare la montagna vengono ostacolati dalle potenti Veggenti, che vogliono preservare la loro religione e il loro stile di vita a qualsiasi costo. Un giorno, una squadra di cacciatori parte per scalare la montagna. Con grande sgomento, le Veggenti scoprono di non poter controllare una giovane donna irrangiungibile, la quale riesce a trovare il passaggio per raggiungere la loro valle protetta. La riunione dà il via ad un conflitto lungo decenni fra le Veggenti e i figli dei "perduti" - una battaglia che cambierà per sempre la gente di Verde Grande.

Lead Me Astray

by Sondi Warner

Welcome to Overlay City in New Orleans—a shadowy in-between where the paranormal and the real world meet. Its newest resident: Aurie Edison.A victim of a hit-and-run, Aurie now exists as a ghost in this mysterious realm. Convinced there is more to her death than what she remembers, Aurie sets out to uncover the truth. She soon finds herself in the company of Mys, a psychic empath, whose need to help others trumps all else, and Zyr, a werewolf detective able to work both the human and occult worlds.As they begin to piece together the events leading up to her death, Aurie can’t deny the deeper connection developing between them. Yet, with each new secret suggesting a more sinister danger at play, they realize they may not make it out (dead or) alive.Undeniably queer and devilishly sexy, Lead Me Astray will take you to the shadowy depths of New Orleans and never let you go.

Leader of the Pack: Tales of an Urban Werewolf

by Karen Macinerney

On the outside, Sophie Garou is living every woman's dream: she has beauty, brains, and a big-time position in Austin's most respected accounting firm (not to mention a very sexy, very successful new boyfriend). But there's one Sophie would rather keep under wraps: she is a werewolf. Sophie's life gets a little more hairy when her long-estranged father, Luc, arrives in the Live Music Capital to attend the werewolves' annual Howl and reconnect with his daughter. But Luc's plans fall apart after he's accused of murder and arrested by his archrival, Wolfgang, leader of the Houston pack (and one notoriously dirty dog). Wolfgang drools at the thought of Luc's impending execution, but Sophie won't let her father die without a fight. Determined to prove his innocence, she and her friends set out to find the real killer. Along the way, Sophie must deal with taboo attractions, Machiavellian intrigues, sinister agendas, and hair-raising betrayals.

The Leafless Forest

by Douglas Hill

In his magical stronghold at the heart of a petrified forest Lebarran Magister gathers the surviving loyal members of the Order of the Apotheosis and plans for his coming triumph over the free peoples. And in the Void, waiting hungrily for Lebarran's call, is the monstrous Unformed; malign, implacable. Unaware that the far-reaching eye of the evil sorcerer is resting on him, Red Cordell joins those allied to Prince Phaedran to face the shadow of Lebarran's ambition. Red's friend, the dwarf-giant Krost, travels to his homeland to enlist the strength of the giants; Aurilia gathers the Sisterhood of enchantresses; Vallawn marshals his fellow wizards; the militia are called to arms. Only the enigmatic healer, Hallifort, refuses to lend his powers. And so the army marches: towards a hopeless war; towards bloodshed and heartbreak; towards the growing evil that threatens the whole Continent from its fastness in the Leafless Forest...

The Leafless Forest

by Douglas Hill

In his magical stronghold at the heart of a petrified forest Lebarran Magister gathers the surviving loyal members of the Order of the Apotheosis and plans for his coming triumph over the free peoples.And in the Void, waiting hungrily for Lebarran's call, is the monstrous Unformed; malign, implacable.Unaware that the far-reaching eye of the evil sorcerer is resting on him, Red Cordell joins those allied to Prince Phaedran to face the shadow of Lebarran's ambition.Red's friend, the dwarf-giant Krost, travels to his homeland to enlist the strength of the giants; Aurilia gathers the Sisterhood of enchantresses; Vallawn marshals his fellow wizards; the militia are called to arms. Only the enigmatic healer, Hallifort, refuses to lend his powers.And so the army marches: towards a hopeless war; towards bloodshed and heartbreak; towards the growing evil that threatens the whole Continent from its fastness in the Leafless Forest...

Leafpool's Wish (Warriors)

by Erin Hunter

In this seventy-page digital novella from the world of Erin Hunter's #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series, discover the thrilling story behind Leafpool's greatest secret.Leafpool always knew medicine cats weren't meant for love . . . until she fell for the WindClan warrior Crowfeather. Now she's determined to keep their kits a secret. But to fool all of ThunderClan, she'll need help--from her sister Squirrelflight, and perhaps even from StarClan. . . . Warriors: Leafpool's Wish also includes teaser chapters of Warriors: Dovewing's Silence and Dawn of the Clans #1: The Sun Trail.

League of Beastly Dreadfuls #3: The Witch's Glass (League of Beastly Dreadfuls #3)

by Holly Grant

“Wonderfully witty.” —Chris Grabenstein, New York Times bestselling author of Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library and coauthor with James Patterson of the House of Robots and Treasure Hunters series Take one part Roald Dahl, a pinch of the Mysterious Benedict Society, and a dash of Lemony Snicket, then add a league of adventurous children, a little magic, and a centuries-old feud with witches, and you get this quirky and darkly hilarious middle-grade series! Long ago, the evil wizard Calixto Swift committed a terrible crime against twelve-year-old Anastasia’s family, a crime that began the Perpetual War between witches and the people of Nowhere Special. The witches have long since been banished, but deep in the darkest, most forbidden back alleys of Nowhere Special lies Calixto’s mysterious, unbreakable glass cabinet. And that cabinet holds the key to Anastasia’s missing grandfather . . . if Anastasia, Ollie, Quentin, and Gus (aka the League of Beastly Dreadfuls) can decipher the clues and figure out how to open it. Steel yourselves, dear Readers! As the feud between the witches and Anastasia’s family heats up in book 3 of the League of Beastly Dreadfuls series, our heroes’ wild sleuthing will put them far closer to WITCH MAGIC than proper children should ever be! Prepare for SHOCKING revelations about who Anastasia really is! It is safe to say that this may be the League’s Most Dangerous and Important Puzzle yet!

The League of Beastly Dreadfuls Book 1 (League of Beastly Dreadfuls #1)

by Holly Grant

A creepy Victorian house, secretive aunties, and a great escape combine in this debut that is part Mysterious Benedict Society, part Roald Dahl, and all quirky, smart, hilarious storytelling. Join the League. . . . Anastasia is a completely average almost-eleven-year-old. That is, UNTIL her parents die in a tragic vacuum-cleaner accident. UNTIL she&’s rescued by two long-lost great-aunties. And UNTIL she&’s taken to their delightful and, er, &“authentic&” Victorian home, St. Agony&’s Asylum for the Criminally Insane.But something strange is going on at the asylum. Anastasia soon begins to suspect that her aunties are not who they say they are. So when she meets Ollie and Quentin, two mysterious brothers, the three join together to plot their great escape!"Marvelously inventive and utterly demented, THE LEAGUE OF BEASTLY DREADFULS is nasty good fun from beginning to end!" -- Bruce Coville, My Teacher is an Alien"WONDERFULLY WITTY. It reminds me of Roald Dahl's The Twits only in an insane asylum."—Chris Grabenstein, Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library* &“A yummy debut.&”—Kirkus Reviews, starred review"Just the right mix of humor, magic, maliciousness, and suspense"—Booklist"Anastasia is anything but average, and her adventures are just beginning."—Publishers Weekly"Enough mystery and humor to keep readers wondering what will happen next. A solid debut reminiscent of Lemony Snicket's "A Series of Unfortunate Events."--School Library Journal"Abundant humor....Charmingly offbeat ...sure to entertain."--The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books

The League of Beastly Dreadfuls Book 2: The Dastardly Deed

by Holly Grant

Take one part Roald Dahl, add a pinch of Mysterious Benedict Society and a dash of Lemony Snicket. Mix with Holly Grant's unforgettable storytelling and a double helping of wit and humor, and you get this quirky and hilarious new middle-grade series! Join the League . . . After their narrow escape from a NEFARIOUS kidnapping ring, Anastasia, Ollie, and Quentin (a.k.a. The League of Beastly Dreadfuls!) are looking forward to a relaxing vacation from DANGER! INTRIGUE! CATASTROPHE! Sadly, they're not going to get one. Because Anastasia makes the SHOCKING discovery that her family is at the heart of a centuries-old scandal--a SCANDAL that began with THE DASTARDLY DEED. Before you can say "Bob's your uncle," the Dreadfuls have another MYSTERY to solve: the Case of the Missing Grandfather. Can our INTREPID LEAGUE track down Anastasia's Vanished Gramps? Gentle Reader, BEWARE! The trail of clues leads to spine-tingling surprises. (Catastrophe! Magic! Opera! Stinky cheese! Science fairs!) Read on if you DARE!

League of Dragons: A Novel of Temeraire (Temeraire #9)

by Naomi Novik

With the acclaimed Temeraire novels, New York Times bestselling author Naomi Novik has created a fantasy series like no other, combining the high-flying appeal of Anne McCaffrey’s Pern saga and the swashbuckling derring-do of Patrick O’Brian’s historical seafaring adventures. Now, with League of Dragons, Novik brings the imaginative tour de force that has captivated millions to an unforgettable finish. Napoleon’s invasion of Russia has been roundly thwarted. But even as Capt. William Laurence and the dragon Temeraire pursue the retreating enemy through an unforgiving winter, Napoleon is raising a new force, and he’ll soon have enough men and dragons to resume the offensive. While the emperor regroups, the allies have an opportunity to strike first and defeat him once and for all—if internal struggles and petty squabbles don’t tear them apart. Aware of his weakened position, Napoleon has promised the dragons of every country—and the ferals, loyal only to themselves—vast new rights and powers if they fight under his banner. It is an offer eagerly embraced from Asia to Africa—and even by England, whose dragons have long rankled at their disrespectful treatment. But Laurence and his faithful dragon soon discover that the wily Napoleon has one more gambit at the ready—one that that may win him the war, and the world.

The League of Gentlewomen Witches (Dangerous Damsels #2)

by India Holton

&“As much fun as the English language will permit.&”—New York Times Book Review on The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the teahouse. . . .Miss Charlotte Pettifer belongs to a secret league of women skilled in the subtle arts. That is to say—although it must never be said—witchcraft. The League of Gentlewomen Witches strives to improve the world in small ways. Using magic, they tidy, correct, and manipulate according to their notions of what is proper, entirely unlike those reprobates in the Wisteria Society. When the long lost amulet of Black Beryl is discovered, it is up to Charlotte, as the future leader of the League, to make sure the powerful talisman does not fall into the wrong hands. Therefore, it is most unfortunate when she crosses paths with Alex O&’Riley, a pirate who is no Mr. Darcy. With all the world scrambling after the amulet, Alex and Charlotte join forces to steal it together. If only they could keep their pickpocketing hands to themselves! If Alex&’s not careful, he might just steal something else—such as Charlotte&’s heart.

The League of Illusion: Prophecy

by Vivi Anna

Book two in the League of IllusionLondon, 1851With his brother Sebastian missing, illusionist Rhys Davenport is running out of time and leads. He knows only that Sebastian disappeared into Stonehenge and that an incomplete map is the key to finding him. And that the missing piece is in the possession of the unnervingly attractive psychic Corina Stratton.Corina has no intention of giving her part of the map to the haughty Rhys Davenport. In fact, she needs to steal his half so she can heal her mother's malevolent spirit. She heads to London, only to be chased by a revengeful sorcerer right into Rhys's arms. Although touched by Rhys's plight, she agrees to go on his crazy quest only to get an opportunity to take what she came for.With an airship full of fanatic elves after them, Rhys and Corina are forced into close quarters as they search for a portal. But to open it in time to find Sebastian, they must reconcile their differences and their growing feelings, or he'll be lost to them forever...38,000 words

The League of Illusion: Legacy

by Vivi Anna

London, 1851Former thief Jovan Davenport is the black sheep in a family of powerful sorcerers. But when his dying father-head of the League of Illusion-reaches out for help, Jovan has no choice but to accept. He must find his missing brother Sebastian and stop the power-hungry Hawthorne family from taking control of the council. If only they'd appointed someone other than Skylar Vanguard to help him in his quest.Skylar, a druid and accomplished tracker, has spent three years trying to forget her past, especially Jovan Davenport. Once in love, she left Jovan when she discovered his betrayal. She wants nothing to do with him or his family, but must obey the council's will by accompanying Jovan and reporting back on his progress.Forced to work alongside each other, neither of them expects their passion to return so quickly. But as the conspiracy deepens in a steam-powered world of dirigibles and mechanical golems, will their secrets stand in the way of their mission...and their love?45,000 words

The League of Illusion: Destiny

by Vivi Anna

The conclusion to the League of Illusion trilogyFive years ago, Sebastian Davenport tried to go back in time to reverse a fatal mistake, but found himself trapped in another reality. Unaware of the jeopardy facing his family and the League of Illusion, he gave up his magic for a quiet life as a blacksmith. Quiet, until a monstrous three-headed goddess of war called the morrigan comes to town...Seeing Sebastian poised to charge the goddess, healer Drea Blairwood has no choice but to hit him over the head to stop him. Nursing the mysterious outsider back to health afterward is just an added benefit. She knows he's hiding something about his past, but has no idea what kind of adventure awaits them both.Sebastian has no desire to risk the life of anyone else, let alone someone as enticing as Drea. But after militant elves kidnap Drea, Sebastian needs to find a way to reclaim his magic. The fate of the League-and the world-hangs in the balance.39,000 words

League of Legends: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Cang ShengFuTu

Meng Fan had traveled to another world and brought along the League of Legends' system. He discovered that he had become a hard worker. Carrying the mission of saving the Walland Continent, Meng Fan continued to raise his strength, breaking all the schemes of the various temples, and destroying all magical creatures. This was an extremely exciting heroic adventure, as well as an extremely exciting battle. All sorts of top-tier equipment were dropped to the point of being dazzling. A legendary set of equipment could instantly kill gods. This was the world of the League of Heroes, as well as a mysterious world of magic …

League of Legends: Volume 2 (Volume 2 #2)

by Cang ShengFuTu

Meng Fan had traveled to another world and brought along the League of Legends' system. He discovered that he had become a hard worker. Carrying the mission of saving the Walland Continent, Meng Fan continued to raise his strength, breaking all the schemes of the various temples, and destroying all magical creatures. This was an extremely exciting heroic adventure, as well as an extremely exciting battle. All sorts of top-tier equipment were dropped to the point of being dazzling. A legendary set of equipment could instantly kill gods. This was the world of the League of Heroes, as well as a mysterious world of magic …

League of Legends: Volume 3 (Volume 3 #3)

by Cang ShengFuTu

Meng Fan had traveled to another world and brought along the League of Legends' system. He discovered that he had become a hard worker. Carrying the mission of saving the Walland Continent, Meng Fan continued to raise his strength, breaking all the schemes of the various temples, and destroying all magical creatures. This was an extremely exciting heroic adventure, as well as an extremely exciting battle. All sorts of top-tier equipment were dropped to the point of being dazzling. A legendary set of equipment could instantly kill gods. This was the world of the League of Heroes, as well as a mysterious world of magic …

League of Legends: Realms of Runeterra (Official Companion)

by Riot Games

Unlock the mysteries and magic within League of Legends, one of the world's most popular video games, in this encyclopedic and collectible companion book that explores the game's epic lore. Embark on a journey through the realms of Runeterra in this first-ever collectible companion book, published to celebrate the game's tenth anniversary. Spanning the farthest reaches of this universe and venturing into uncharted territory, this encyclopedic compendium connects players to the rich storytelling that inspires all the action. Inside, you'll find:An expedition through eleven regions, chronicling conflicts, entrenched rivalries, and covert alliancesHundreds of illustrations, including never-before-seen maps and artworkInsights into the heroes, flora, fauna, architecture, politics, and technologies from all corners of this worldOriginal narratives that bring the cultures of Runeterra to lifeLeague of Legends is an online game played by millions of people around the world, offering endless engagement with an expanding roster of champions, frequent updates, and a thriving esports scene. This volume is an essential reference for fans everywhere.

League of Liars

by Astrid Scholte

In this fantasy thriller, four teens charged with murder and caught up with the illegal use of magic band together to devise the ultimate jailbreak. Perfect for fans of Six of Crows and How to Get Away with Murder.Ever since his mother was killed, seventeen-year-old Cayder Broduck has had one goal—to see illegal users of magic brought to justice. People who carelessly use extradimensional magic for their own self-interest, without a care to the damage it does to society or those around them, deserve to be punished as far as Cayder is concerned. Because magic always has a price. So when Cayder lands a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to apprentice under a premier public defender, he takes it. If he can learn all the tricks of public defense, the better he&’ll be able to dismantle defense arguments when he&’s a prosecutor. Then he&’ll finally be able to make sure justice is served. But when he meets the three criminals he&’s supposed to defend, it no longer seems so black and white. They&’re teenagers, like him, and their stories are . . . complicated, like his. Vardean, the prison where Cayder&’s new clients are incarcerated, also happens to be at the very heart of the horrible tear in the veil between their world and another dimension—where all magic comes from. League of Liars is a dark and twisty mystery set in a richly-drawn world where nothing is as it seems, rife with magic, villains and danger.

The League of Peoples: Books 1–3 (League of Peoples)

by James Alan Gardner

Three “riveting” novels of space adventure set in a dystopian future from a Hugo and Nebula Award–nominated author and “brilliant” voice (David Feintuch). In the twenty-fifth century, sentient races are ruled by the League of Peoples. War has been eliminated and killing is forbidden, but insidious secrets are concealed in the dark corners of this would-be utopia, in these three action-packed novels. Expendable: Festina Ramos serves in the Explorer Corps—better known as the Expendable Crew Members—whose mission is to risk their lives on potentially hostile unexplored planets. When the Admiralty finally sends her on a suicide mission, Festina is determined to escape certain death, but the consequences of defiance are beyond what she ever imagined. Commitment Hour: When citizens of Tober Cove—one of few settlements left on Earth since interstellar travel became possible—turn twenty, they make a permanent decision affecting the rest of their lives. As Fullin reaches the age of commitment and considers the ramifications of his choice, the village is shaken by the arrival of a Spark Lord—a being charged by the League with maintaining order on Earth—who has the unusual request to observe the Commitment Day ceremony. Vigilant: Humans and Ooloms—a race of flying squirrel–like humanoids—share the planet Demoth. When Faye Smallwood was a teenager, a plague almost wiped out the Oolom population before her father developed a cure. As an adult, Faye wants to make a difference on Demoth and joins the Vigil, a watchdog group that can link into government data. When she uncovers a conspiracy around long-abandoned alien technology, her life is endangered and she finds an unexpected ally in an outcast admiral.

The League of Regrettable Sidekicks: Heroic Helpers from Comic Book History! (Comic Book History #4)

by Jon Morris

A hilarious spotlight on the strangest second bananas in superhero comics, including junior partners, animal assistants, and even heinous henchmen (sidekicks of the villain world). Complete with vintage art and publication details.Batman has Robin. Captain America has Bucky. And Yankee Doodle had Dandy.Being a superhero is hard work, which is why so many comics characters rely on a sidekick for help. Someone who can watch the hero's back, help search for clues, or, if nothing else, give the hero someone to talk to. But just as not every superhero achieves the glory of Batman, not all sidekicks are as capable as the Boy Wonder. In The League of Regrettable Sidekicks, author Jon Morris discusses some of the strangest iterations of the sidekick phenomenon, and in the process explores how important these characters were to comic book storytelling. You'll meet plucky but forgotten helpers like Thunderfoot (explosive-soled assistant to the Human Bomb), heroic super-pets (like Frosting, polar bear pal of space hero Norge Benson), fan favorites (say hello to Rick Jones, sidekick to half of the Marvel Universe), and obscure partners of iconic heroes (Superman Junior's career barely got off the ground). Plus: pernicious profiles of regrettable henchmen and minions, the sidekicks of the supervillain world. Vintage art from the comics completes the experience.Drawing on the entire history of the medium, The League of Regrettable Sidekicks celebrates characters and stories that haven't seen the light of day in decades, pulling from defunct and long-forgotten comics publishers as well as DC and Marvel. In this third volume of his Regrettable series (The League of Regrettable Superheroes, The Legion of Regrettable Supervillains) Jon Morris provides insight and context, as well as his signature mockery of and affection for these overlooked treasures from comic book history.

The League of Regrettable Superheroes

by Jon Morris

You know about Batman, Superman, and Spiderman, but have you heard of Doll Man, Doctor Hormone, or Spider Queen? In The League of Regrettable Superheroes, you'll meet one hundred of the strangest superheroes ever to see print, complete with backstories, vintage art, and colorful commentary. So prepare yourself for such not-ready-for-prime-time heroes as Bee Man (Batman, but with bees), the Clown (circus-themed crimebuster), the Eye (a giant, floating eyeball; just accept it), and many other oddballs and oddities. Drawing on the entire history of the medium, The League of Regrettable Superheroes will appeal to die-hard comics fans, casual comics readers, and anyone who enjoys peering into the stranger corners of pop culture.

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