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Un legado impuro

by Cristina Pujadas

Siguiendo la estela de Sarah J. Maas y Jennifer Armentrout, Cristina Pujadas nos sumerge en un fascinante mundo de fantasía, intriga y romance. Jade es hija de los Halgboots, una de las estirpes de guerreros Marcados más importantes, descendientes de antiguos dioses que lucharon contra los demonios que intentaron dominar el mundo tras abrirse una Grieta al abismo. Sabe, desde niña, que su destino es convertirse en la esposa del futuro Rey y así asegurar el poder de su raza sobre todas las otras con las que están obligados a convivir. Pero Jade guarda un secreto que no puede desvelar y que podría torcer los planes de todos aquellos cuyo futuro está en que se ciña a su destino. Una mujer. Un linaje. Un secreto. Una guerra. Una fuerte atracción. A veces lo que nos condena puede también liberarnos. «La Gran Guerra. Una pesadilla que acechaba a los más temerosos, incluso si hacía milenios de aquella sangre derramada sobre la tierra de Ar-Umi. Solo quedaban los testimonios de sus antepasados, un legado que muchos atesoraban y respetaban por lo que supuso: un nuevo inicio. La creación del mundo tal y como lo conocían, con las nueve razas que cohabitaban y que provenían de esa raza única que antaño poblaba aquella tierra. Una guerra en la que sus antepasados tuvieron que aferrarse a todo lo que estuvo a su alcance con una única finalidad: sobrevivir.»

El legado infinito: Los Saberes Arcanos I

by Elaina J. Davidson

La oscuridad se avecina… Dos mundos en dos universos están al borde de la destrucción. Ambos arderán. Un pasado en común, un mágico hilo de luz y una rasgadura en la estructura del espacio los conecta y une sus destinos. Los separa una gran barrera de Caos que amenaza con invadirlos y destruir toda la vida. ¿Alguien allá afuera podrá detener la oscuridad eterna? Valaris se ve amenazada por la bruja Infinity mientras que, más allá de Ardosia, Margus, el Darak Or, busca la oportunidad perfecta para aniquilar al mundo y su gente. Ambos usarán el Caos como su arma de manipulación definitiva. Cuando Taranis de los Guardianes es llamado para presenciar lo que le sucederá a Valaris si Ardosia sucumbe y se somete a la barrera del Caos, comprende que los Guardianes necesitarán la intervención de un hechicero de extraordinario poder. Rayne del Manto, a su vez, viaja a Farinwood para encontrarse con el mago Aven y confirmar los rumores sobre la presencia de Infinity en Valaris. No está preparado para lo que encuentra: niños transformados y listos para asesinar, una sociedad secreta de Hechiceros, la misteriosa huérfana Averroes… y el Medallón Maghdim, una moneda mágica que crea un hilo de luz entre dos realidades. Rayne sueña con una niña de otro mundo pidiendo ayuda y no puede imaginar cómo es posible que esto suceda hasta que conoce a los Guardianes en el Gran Bosque de Valaris. Cuando le enseñan una rasgadura en el espacio, Rayne comprende que ha sido llamado para cumplir su destino… Y en Ardosia, una niña despierta de una pesadilla gritando “¡Todo arderá, papá!” Alguien más despierta: una figura legendaria de un pasado olvidado, creador del Medallón Maghdim, el verdadero gobernante de Valaris y Ardosia. Su momento ha llegado. La oscuridad se avecina.

El legado (Night School #Volumen 2)

by C.J. Daugherty

Night School, un mundo de misterio, peligro y romance del que no es fácil escapar. El último año, Allie tuvo que sobrevivir a tres detenciones, la muerte de una amiga y un grave conflicto familiar, mientras perdía la fe en el mundo. Pero el último año también ha traído algo positivo: su nueva vida en la Academia Cimmeria, el único sitio que ella siente como propio, un lugar al que pertenecer. Allí ha conocido nuevos amigos e incluso un nuevo amor. Pero las paredes de Cimmeria esconden un grave peligro, los alumnos y profesores están amenazados de muerte y la familia de Allie, desde su misteriosa abuela hasta su hermano desaparecido, es el centro de todo el misterio. Allie, esta vez, tendrá que defenderse por sí sola. Su vida se ha convertido en una arriesgada trama donde ya todo está en juego, incluso el amor. Y si no, ¿por qué siente todavía atracción por alguien que no lo merece?

Legado real (Sangre de dioses y reyes #1)

by Eleanor Herman

Acción, intriga, violencia, romances apasionados y traición se aúnan en esta nueva saga, una fantasía histórica basada en la vida del joven Alejandro Magno. Nació con la marca de los elegidos, la cicatriz del guerrero. Con trece años, Alejandro ya había sido instruido en las artes y las estrategias militares. Ahora, con dieciséis, bajo el título de príncipe regente, debe derrotar a su primer gran enemigo. Pero la espada no sirve allá donde se extiende el reino de la magia y la brujería. Alejandro, de dieciséis años de edad, está a punto de descubrir que su destino es conquistar el mundo conocido, al mismo tiempo que se siente profundamente fascinado por una recién llegada. Katerina debe navegar por los oscuros secretos de la vida de la corte mientras mantiene oculta su verdadera misión: matar a la reina. Y no es consciente de que ha encontrado su primer amor. Jacob empleará todas sus fuerzas enconseguir a Katerina, aunque para ella tenga que enfrentarse a Hefestión, el protegido del príncipe. Y al otro lado del mar, Zofia, una princesa persa y prometida contra su voluntad a Alejandro, quiere cambiar su destino mediante la búsqueda de los famosos y letales Devoradores de Espíritus. Tejiendo la fantasía con los verdaderos y fascinantes detalles de la historia real, Eleanor Herman, autora bestseller de The New York Times, reinventa al mayor emperador que el mundo haya conocido: Alejandro Magno, en el primer libro de la serie «Sangre de dioses y reyes», una nueva saga que avanza entre Rick Riordan y George R.R. Martin. Reseñas:«La escritura de Herman centellea en cada página.»The Boston Globe «Infinitamente más divertida que Dan Brown o Danielle Steel.»The Washington Post

Legal Drug Omnibus


Kudo Kazehaya&’s name evokes the wind, which is given to warn him that one day he, too, might disappear. He almost thought his time had come—until he was rescued by the dark, handsome, and equally mysterious Himura Rikuo. Now they both reside where Rikuo works, the Green Drugstore, a place that dispenses not only medicine but the secret powers of both Rikuo and Kazehaya, as the pair embark on missions into the paranormal at the bidding of its strange proprietor, Kakei. * Get the sequel, Drug & Drop, in 2015 from Dark Horse!

Legal Wolf's Mate

by Eve Langlais

In Eve Langlais's Legal Wolf's Mate--previously published in the anthology Growl-- taking on a pro bono murder case isn't a problem for a lawyer who enjoys a challenge. Discovering his new client is his mate? A tad more complicated. Gavin has no intention of settling down, especially not with a woman accused of murder. But the beautiful, fiery Megan has his blood boiling and his heart racing, and it doesn't take Gavin long to know that his fate is sealed...

Légalement mort-vivant

by Margo Bond Collins

Une chasseuse de vampires réticente qui erre à travers la ville de New York comme seule une mariée bafouée peut le faire. Elle Dupree a sa vie déjà toute tracée : son mariage, puis son diplôme. Ensuite, elle organiserait des dégustations de vin et fromage où elle présenterait aux gens son mari, l’avocat. Mais ces plans sont tombés à l’eau quand elle a trouvé un vampire en train de sucer le sang de son fiancé, Greg. Horrifiée, elle s’est mise à hurler et à courir – pas dans la direction opposée au vampire, mais vers lui, en brandissant un coupe-papier en bois. Au moment où elle plonge son pieu improvisé dans le cœur du vampire, une troupe d’hommes vêtus de noirs a fait irruption dans l’appartement. Se tournant pour leur faire face, Elle réalise que le corps de Greg a disparu – et sa vie parfaite également.

Legalmente Morto-Vivo: Vampirarquia - Livro 1

by Margo Bond Collins

Após terminar um noivado, uma relutante caçadora persegue vampiros pela cidade de Nova Iorque. Elle Dupree tem a vida toda planejada: o casamento, o PhD e festas luxuosas do corpo docente regadas a vinho e queijo aonde apresentará os seus colegas de trabalho para o seu marido advogado. Mas esses planos se desintegram quando ela se depara com um vampiro drenando o sangue do seu noivo Greg. Horrorizada, ela grita e corre, mas não para longe do vampiro e sim na direção dele empunhando um abridor de cartas de madeira. Enquanto ela golpeia o coração do vampiro com a estaca improvisada, um bando de homens vestidos de preto invade o apartamento. Ao virar-se para encará-los, Elle percebe que nesse meio tempo o corpo do Greg havia desaparecido e a sua vida perfeita desmorona.

Legalmente Muertos Vivientes: Vampirarquía Libro Uno

by Margo Bond Collins

Una cazadora de vampiros reacia, que acecha la ciudad de Nueva York como solo una novia despreciada puede hacerlo. Elle Dupree tiene toda su vida resuelta: primero una boda, luego su doctorado, luego fiestas de la facultad ostentosas donde servirá vino y queso y presentaría a la gente a su esposo, el abogado. Pero esos planes se desintegran cuando se encuentra con un vampiro chupando la sangre de su prometido, Greg. Horrorizada, grita y corre, no lejos del vampiro, sino hacia él, blandiendo un abrecartas de madera. Mientras clava la estaca improvisada en el corazón del vampiro, un equipo de hombres vestidos de negro irrumpe en el apartamento. Volviéndose hacia ellos, Elle se da cuenta de que el cuerpo de Greg se ha ido, y su vida perfecta se desmorona.

Legalmente non morto

by Margo Bond Collins

Una riluttante cacciatrice di vampiri che pattuglia New York City come solo una sposa abbandonata può fare. Elle Dupree aveva ben chiara la sua vita: prima il matrimonio, poi il Ph.D., poi feste di lusso in facoltà in cui avrebbe servito vini e formaggio e presentato alla gente suo marito, l’avvocato. Ma quei piani si disintegrano quando si imbatte in un vampiro che sta bevendo il sangue del suo fidanzato, Greg. Inorridita, urla e corre… non lontana dal vampiro ma verso di esso, brandendo un tagliacarte di legno. Mentre conficca l’improvvisato paletto nel cuore del vampiro, una squadra di uomini vestiti di nero fa irruzione nell’appartamento. Quando si volta ad affrontarli, Elle scopre che il corpo di Greg è scomparso… e la sua vita perfetta va in frantumi.

Legame di Fiducia (Serie Scelta del cuore #2)

by Cornelia Grey Mary Calmes

Seguito di Scelta del CuoreSerie Scelta del cuore, Libro 2Jin Rayne sta facendo fatica ad adattarsi alla nuova vita che dovrebbe amare. Invece di adattarsi ad essere il compagno del capotribù Logan Church, Jin non riesce a superare il fatto che il suo amante era eterosessuale prima che si incontrassero. Ha scoperto la gioia di appartenere a Logan, ma teme che la sua nuova vita potrebbe svanire da un momento all'altro, nonostante Logan insista che staranno insieme per sempre, fine della storia. Jin vuole fidarsi di Logan, ma quel desiderio sarà messo alla prova sia da un capotribù rivale che da una sconvolgente rivelazione riguardo l'esistenza di Jin. In gioco c'è la vita di Jin, ed il suo posto nella tribù. Se vuole sopravvivere per rivedere Logan, dovrà lasciare andare la sua paura ed accettare liberamente il legame, perché solo allora potrà avere davvero fiducia.

Legami Spezzati: Prequel della serie La Mentalista

by Kenechi Udogu Sofia Bertino

"Non ci fu nulla di insolito la notte in cui cambiò tutto. Nessun bagliore accecante nel cielo, nessun fuoco bruciante nel mio stomaco; nessun indizio che potesse suggerire il cambiamento che stava per verificarsi...Nora Brice aveva uno strano effetto su di me. Un effetto terribile..." Paul Colt ha un problema, un problema che quasi nessun adolescente deve affrontare. Sì, gli piace una ragazza; una ragazza per la quale è sicuro farebbe follie, se gliene venisse data l'occasione. Ma non può stare con lei, o con nessun'altra. Questo, perché è un Averter. Costretto a rigare dritto per il bene comune, Paul sa quali regole si possano prendere alla leggera, e quali invece non dovrebbero mai essere infrante. La più importante? Non innamorarsi. Mai. Questa è la storia di come Paul infranga quella regola. Il seguente prequel può essere letto sia prima, che dopo Aversion, primo libro della serie The Mentalist.

Legati dalla luna di Natale

by Christina McKnight Enea C. Meschino

Silas Anson, Conte di Lichfield è ancorato agli errori del passato, per fortuna che sta sposando Lady Mallory Hughes, che vede il futuro. UN UOMO CHE CERCA DI FUGGIRE DAL PASSATO... Quando Silas Anson eredita la contea di Lichfield da un padre che non ha mai conosciuto, ha un obiettivo: proteggere i suoi fratelli. Per fare ciò, dovrà fare due cose: ricostituire le finanze impoverite della proprietà e ottenere il sostegno della sua potente famiglia, anche se tradirono sua madre anni prima. Un matrimonio combinato con la figlia del marchese di Blandford realizzerà entrambi questi obiettivi, dandogli la possibilità di vivere una vita normale e felice. HA BISOGNO DI UNA DONNA CHE POSSA VEDERE IL FUTURO. Tranne per il fatto che Lady Mallory Hughes non è la debuttante normale che si aspetta. Insieme a una grande dote, ha ereditato il dono della sua famiglia per predire il futuro. Per anni, la sua famiglia l'ha tenuta nascosta alla società, per paura che portiasse vergogna alla famiglia. Se potrà mai avere una possibilità per un'esistenza indipendente - e l'amore - dovrà passare attraverso questa settimana senza far scoprire a Silas delle sue visioni. Ma quando Mallory tocca Silas, lei vede la sua morte. Con la vita di Silas in pericolo, come può Mallory salvarlo senza rivelare il suo dono e rischiare la speranza di un futuro insieme?

The Legatus Mystery: A thrilling murder mystery with a chilling twist (A Libertus Mystery of Roman Britain #5)

by Rosemary Rowe

A deadly puzzle from the days of the Roman Empire... Libertus must uncover the sinister truth after a murdered body goes missing in The Legatus Mystery, the fifth thriller in Rosemary Rowe's gripping crime series. Perfect for fans of Simon Scarrow and Lindsey Davis.'Cunningly drawn and the very devil to fathom until the final pages' - Coventry Evening Telegraph The murdered body of a visiting ambassador from Rome is discovered in the temple of the Imperial cult and once again freedman and pavement-maker Libertus is called upon to investigate. Events take a bizarre and chilling turn when the body disappears, and then unearthly wails are heard coming from the temple and mysterious bloodstains start to appear from nowhere. But Libertus is sure there is a more human explanation for the murder and he is to uncover still more unsettling events before the truth is finally revealed.

Legend (Area 51 #9)

by Robert Doherty

FROM THE TEMPLE OF SOLOMON TO THE MISTS OF AVALON-THEY WERE THERE. NOW THEY ARE OUR ONLY HOPE. . . . <P><P>They were born on a planet in the spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. In a bloody revolution they became known as "godkillers"-two humans who led a revolt against the deathless race, the Airlia, and a plan to breed human foot soldiers for ceaseless intergalactic warfare. Now Donnchadh and Gwalcmai are on their way to a planet called Earth, where the Airlia have forged a foothold in the land of Atlantis. For a man and a woman who have lost everything but each other, an incredible journey through history is about to begin. <P><P>Spanning centuries and epochs, they will travel from the teeming streets of ancient Rome to Pharaoh's bloodied pyramids to the realm of King Arthur. Sustained by the mysterious technology of the Airlia, Donnchadh and Gwalcmai must safeguard one extraordinary golden grail, a heavy, bloodstained sword called Excalibur-and each other's lives. For while an unquenchable evil struggles to take hold of the planet, they are the watchers, waiting for the moment when humankind can wage its last battle for survival. . . .


by David Gemmell

Druss, Captain of the Axe, was the stuff of legends. But even as the stories grew in the telling, Druss himself grew older. He turned his back on his own legend and retreated to a mountain lair to await his old enemy, death. Meanwhile, barbarian hordes were on the march. Nothing could stand in their way. Druss reluctantly agreed to come out of retirement. But could even Druss live up to his own legends?

Legend (Drenai Saga #1)

by David Gemmell

Druss, Captain of the Axe, was the stuff of legends. But even as the stories grew in the telling, Druss himself grew older. He turned his back on his own legend and retreated to a mountain lair to await his old enemy, death. Meanwhile, barbarian hordes were on the march. Nothing could stand in their way. Druss reluctantly agreed to come out of retirement. But could even Druss live up to his own legends?

Legend: A Novel Of Druss The Legend (Drenai Saga Ser. #1)

by David Gemmell

'THE HARD-BITTEN CHAMPION OF BRITISH HEROIC FANTASY' - Joe Abercrombie 'HEROISM AND HEARTBREAK . . . GEMMELL IS ADRENALINE WITH SOUL' - Brent Weeks Legend is the classic Drenai novel from the British master of heroic fantasy, a powerful tale of courage and sacrifice in the face of overwhelming odds.His name is DrussThe stories of his life are told everywhere. But the grizzled Drenai veteran has spurned a life of fame and fortune and retreated to the solitude of his mountain lair. The fortress is Dros Delnoch And it is the only route through the mountains for the invading army of the Nadir. The fortress was once the Drenai's greatest stronghold - now it will be their final battleground. And Druss their last hope. Novels by David GemmellThe Drenai seriesLegend The King Beyond the GateWaylanderQuest For Lost Heroes Waylander II: In the Realm of the WolfThe First Chronicles of Druss the LegendJon Shannow seriesWolf in ShadowThe Last GuardianBloodstone Stones of Power Ghost KingLast Sword of Power Hawk Queen seriesIronhand's DaughterThe Hawk Eternal Ancient Greece novelsLion of MacedonDark Prince Other novelsKnights of Dark RenownMorningstar

Legend: A Page-turning Tale Of Warriors, War And Honour From The Master Of Heroic Fantasy (Drenai #7)

by David Gemmell

'THE HARD-BITTEN CHAMPION OF BRITISH HEROIC FANTASY' - Joe Abercrombie 'HEROISM AND HEARTBREAK . . . GEMMELL IS ADRENALINE WITH SOUL' - Brent Weeks Legend is the classic Drenai novel from the British master of heroic fantasy, a powerful tale of courage and sacrifice in the face of overwhelming odds.His name is DrussThe stories of his life are told everywhere. But the grizzled Drenai veteran has spurned a life of fame and fortune and retreated to the solitude of his mountain lair. The fortress is Dros Delnoch And it is the only route through the mountains for the invading army of the Nadir. The fortress was once the Drenai's greatest stronghold - now it will be their final battleground. And Druss their last hope. Novels by David GemmellThe Drenai seriesLegend The King Beyond the GateWaylanderQuest For Lost Heroes Waylander II: In the Realm of the WolfThe First Chronicles of Druss the LegendJon Shannow seriesWolf in ShadowThe Last GuardianBloodstone Stones of Power Ghost KingLast Sword of Power Hawk Queen seriesIronhand's DaughterThe Hawk Eternal Ancient Greece novelsLion of MacedonDark Prince Other novelsKnights of Dark RenownMorningstar

Legend (Drenai #7)

by David Gemmell

Legend is the classic Drenai novel from the British master of heroic fantasy, a powerful tale of courage and sacrifice in the face of overwhelming odds. <p><p>His name is Druss. The stories of his life are told everywhere. But the grizzled Drenai veteran has spurned a life of fame and fortune and retreated to the solitude of his mountain lair. The fortress is Dros Delnoch And it is the only route through the mountains for the invading army of the Nadir. The fortress was once the Drenai's greatest stronghold - now it will be their final battleground. And Druss their last hope.

Legend: An Event Group Thriller (Event Group Thrillers #2)

by David Lynn Golemon

Go down a river of no return, toward a fateful meeting with an animal that predates mankind's existence by ninety million years---after a treasure that has captured man's desires for centuries. This is what Legends are made of.The year 1533: Sent by Francisco Pizarro, Captain Hernando Padilla and his small Spanish expedition found the legend that men had only dared to whisper. In a lost valley deep in Brazil, he discovered what had driven men of greatness into sheer madness: El Dorado, the largest gold deposit in the world, hidden away from the march of time, preserved as the pristine Eden of wondrous sights and forgotten people. But what he found wasn't just gold.Instead, Padilla and his crew awakened a devil hidden in the lost valley, a beast of the Amazon who rises from the mother of all waters to viciously kill any who threaten the secret of the long-vanished Incas. But one soldier survives the bloody savagery and, before dying, shares his story with a lone priest in Peru. A secret the Vatican quickly buried away.The Present: Professor Helen Zachary is searching for a hidden legend, buried deep within the Amazon Basin---a great beast who has survived there since the dawn of time, a being ready to plunge modern science into a world of darkness. And into this darkness, Professor Zachary and her team vanish.Now a letter from a colleague of Zachary's sends the Event Group, led by Major Jack Collins, chasing down the professor's lost expedition and into the legendary darkness of the Amazon. Dedicated to discovering the truth behind the myths and legends propagated throughout world history, the Event Group---an agency within the U.S. government that officially doesn't exist---ensures that mistakes from the past are never repeated. They are a dedicated collection of the nation's most brilliant men and women of science, philosophy and the military. Using cutting-edge technology exclusively designed for the Event Group by the U.S. military, they travel from Brazil to the Little Bighorn, from Columbia to the hallowed grounds of Arlington National Cemetery. As they do, the Event Group faces mounting opposition from several different adversaries bent on either discovering the whereabouts of El Dorado . . . or trying to bury the legend forever.

Legend (Area 51 #10)

by Robert Doherty

FROM THE TEMPLE OF SOLOMON TO THE MISTS OF AVALON THEY WERE THERE. NOW THEY ARE OUR ONLY HOPE. They were born on a planet in the spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. In a bloody revolution they became known as godkillers two humans who led a revolt against the deathless race, the Airlia, and a plan to breed human foot; soldiers for ceaseless intergalactic warfare. Now Donnchadh and Gwalcmai are on their way to a planet called Earth, where the Airlia have forged a foothold in the land of Atlantis. For a man and a woman who have lost everything but each other, an incredible journey through history is about to begin. Spanning centuries and epochs, they will travel from the teeming streets of ancient Rome to Pharaohs bloodied pyramids to the realm of King Arthur. Sustained by the mysterious technology of the Airlia, Donnchadh and Gwalcmai must safeguard one extraordinary golden grail, a heavy, bloodstained sword called Excalibur and each others lives. For while an unquenchable evil struggles to take hold of the planet, they are the watchers, waiting for the moment when humankind can wage its last battle for survival.

Legend Has It (Pax Arcana #5)

by Elliott James

LEGEND HAS IT is the fifth novel in a series which gives a new twist to the Prince Charming tale. The first four novels are Charming, Daring, Fearless & In Shining Armor.

Legend Lands: Where Legends Go To Die

by Noah Barfield

Some Stories Pass Into LegendsThe cosmos stands on the precipice of something great, something grand; something terrible. In a secluded forest, a man garbed in black knows this, and does nothing; he does not care. Many find themselves there, in that place where legends go to die; they, like he, are alone. He, unlike they, has had everything ripped from him. In a dark and warm place, there is a woman with hair red as blood, who does nothing; she has no idea how to. She is like everyone else: unknown, in danger, and hopeless; merely another forgotten legend who doesn't even remember herself.This is the story of Mister E, of his triumphs and tribulations. This is the story of Scarlett, of her pain and her joy. This is a tale of dead legends, and of how they are not content to remain forgotten, on the edge of the existence. A great unraveling of the cosmos is about to begin, and these ghosts of myths and fables are about to be swept up in a scheme too large to fathom, but they will not submit peacefully.In "Legend Land," things are not black and white; there are no heroes and villains. It is a murky, grey mess where the lines between "good" and "evil" are thin and barely exist. Follow the story of several long forgotten legends as they rediscover what it means to be human, to feel, in a world where having a conscience or dropping your guard can earn you permanent erasure from the fabric of reality. Follow these characters as they decide when to become the hero, or embrace being a villain; as they decide where to draw the line, and when to obliterate it completely.

Legend of An Ardent Boy: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Xiong ZhiDeng

This is a story about a hot-blooded teenager. Let me share this feeling, thank you! Close]

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