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Lila and Myla the Twins Fairies: Special (Rainbow Magic #1)

by Daisy Meadows

Get ready for an exciting fairy adventure with the no. 1 bestselling series for girls aged 5 and up.Kirsty and Rachel are invited to a special birthday celebration organised for twins! At the party, the two friends meet Tilly the Twins Fairy but Jack Frost has stolen her magical items! Now the girls must help Tilly get them back, before Jack Frost creates his very own twin! Can the girls help their fairy friend to get her magical items back before it's too late? There's a heart necklace and a Gemini ring to find in this book.'These stories are magic; they turn children into readers!' ReadingZone.comIf you like Rainbow Magic, check out Daisy Meadows' other series: Magic Animal Friends and Unicorn Magic!

The Lilac Fairy Book

by Andrew Lang

The Shifty Lad -- The False Prince and the True -- The Jogi's Punishment -- The Heart of a Monkey -- The Fairy Nurse -- A Lost Paradise -- How Brave Walter Hunted Wolves -- The Ring of the Waterfalls -- A French Puck -- The Three Crowns -- The Story of a Very Bad Boy -- The Brown Bear of Norway -- Little Lasse -- 'Moti' -- The Enchanted Deer -- A Fish Story -- The Wonderful Tune -- The Rich Brother and the Poor Brother -- The One-Handed Girl -- The Bones of Djulung -- The Sea Ring's Gift -- The Raspberry Worm -- The Stones of Plouhinec -- The Castle of Kerglas -- The Battle of the Birds -- The Lady of the Fountain -- The Four Gifts -- The Groac'h of the Isle of Lok -- The Escape of the Mouse -- The Believing Husbands -- The Hoodie-Crow -- The Brownie of the Lake -- The Winning of Olwen.

L'île de Bishop

by Marie-M. Chartier Luke Shephard

L'île de Bishop La vie de gardienne de phare sur une petite île isolée d'Écosse n'est pas toujours la plus excitante. Particulièrement depuis qu'elle s'est séparée de son mari, Mark. Pourtant, Holly aime son travail, ses amis, et sa vie sur l'île de Bishop. Jusqu'au jour où d'étrange... choses s'échouent sur la plage. Des choses dangereuses qu'elles n'avaient jamais vues. Des choses effreyantes que personnes sur l'île ne peut expliquer. Holly doit maintenant surmonter un tourbillon de problèmes et utiliser son phare pour essayer d'envoyer un signal pour avoir de l'aide, et espérer contre vents et marées que quelqu'un voit son appel désespéré pour sauver l'île à temps...

L'Île des Loups-Garous

by K. Matthew

Dans le royaume de Fieldedge, les prisonniers condamnés à mort sont envoyés sur l'île des loups-garous, un endroit maudit où des bêtes géantes dévorent leurs proies humaines. Debout sur le rivage rocheux, regardant le navire naviguer plus loin hors de portée, Meera ne peut penser à rien d'autre qu'au désespoir de sa situation. Elle est en surpoids, lente et faible. Peu de gens prépareraient un repas plus facile pour les loups. Le gong du navire en fuite sonne comme une cloche de dîner, et tous les loups-garous de l'île sont alertés de la présence de Meera. Cependant, sa chance semble tourner lorsqu'elle est sauvée par un magnifique étranger. Mais ce héros est-il ce qu'il semble être, ou est-il vraiment un loup déguisé en humain à la recherche d'une autre sorte de chair ?

Liliana's Realms

by Adam Altman

Storms ravage the Guardian Realm, Greg is lost, Felip walks in uncharted territory, and the troupe of kids led by Liliana is in disarray. And worse still is that Liliana has little power to control any of it. How is she supposed to save the realm when she can barely save herself?

The Lilies

by Quinn Diacon-Furtado

One of Us Is Lying meets A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder in this don’t-dare-to-look-away dark academia thriller that explores how secrets can rot an institution—and the people who uphold it—from the inside out. Everyone wants to be a Lily. At Archwell Academy, it’s the ticket to a successful future. But like every secret society, there is something much darker beneath the surface … sometimes girls disappear.When four Archwell students find themselves trapped in a time loop, they must relive their worst memories, untangling the Lilies’ moldering roots and unraveling the secrets at the core of their school … before they destroy their futures forever.

Lilith: A Snake in the Grass (Four Lords of the Diamond #1)

by Jack L. Chalker

Somewhere from among the four human settled worlds of the Warden Diamond, hostile aliens were spying on Earth. But no agent could be sent to investigate and report back. All trips to the Warden worlds were one-way. There, a microscopic symbiont invaded all life forms, after which, life becomes impossible outside the Warden system. The same organism destroyed any form of machinery so no messages could be beamed back by normal means. That called for extraordinary means, of course. One agent was chosen, then four men were stripped of their own minds and personalities and his was imposed upon them. Hooked up properly, he could then receive their reports, without ever leaving safe territory. Each man was assigned one world to conquer. His mission was first to find the Overlord of that world and kill him, then to take over his link with the aliens. Of course, all this must be done with no help beyond his own naked ability. This first book of Jack Chalker's epic tetralogy deals with Cal Tremon, who was sent to Lilith, a planet that was a paradise--but a paradise designed in Hell!


by George Macdonald

In Lilith the aptly named protagonist Mr. Vane follows a specter through a mirror in his haunted library into a fantasy land of the past where he meets Lilith, Adam and Eve, and a host of others. He explores the nature of original sin and redemption. An epic fantasy adventure that shows us what it means to be human.


by George MacDonald

The classic fantasy about a young man who travels through a mystical reflecting glass into a hidden world Mr. Vane spots the mysterious old man while reading in his family’s expansive library. His interest piqued, he follows the man up to the attic, where he finds a tall and dusty mirror. In its rather unremarkable glass, the reflection of the world behind him slowly melts away to reveal a sweeping country of moors and hills framed by the tops of faraway mountains. Enchanted by the sight, Vane steps through the mirror and is transported to a dreamlike land where myriad perils and adventures await. With the old man, Mr. Raven, as his guide, Vane travels through the Evil Wood, where innocent children frolic in the day and dead men battle at night. He visits the ominous city Bulika, whose people live in silent fear of a menace roaming the streets. Each chapter building on the last, Lilith follows Vane to a final and universal truth in a stunning allegory of life, death, and redemption. This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices.

Lilith: A Romance

by George MacDonald

"Lilith is equal if not superior to the best of Poe," raved poet W. H. Auden about this classic Victorian novel. Known as the father of fantasy literature, George MacDonald was a Scottish minister who later turned to writing poetry and novels, gaining acclaim for his children's books and influencing J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis. Lilith is considered to be one of the most important visionary novels of the nineteenth century. Written in 1895, Lilith is a fantasy novel for adults that's rich with symbolism and suspense. A recent heir to his parents' English country manor, Mr. Vane has been troubled by visions of an elderly gentleman in his library. Curious, he follows the old man through a passageway and discovers a dusty mirror that leads him on a spiritual journey into another world. As he travels through time in scenes that range from the beautiful to the grotesque, he encounters a series of mysteries that reveal a deeper reality. Is Vane dreaming . . . or going mad? With classic themes of good and evil, identity and free will, suffering and salvation, Lilith is a thought-provoking, sometimes puzzling, allegory that will challenge your intellect and stay with you long after the last page is turned.

Lilith: Large Print (The Cullen Collection #35)

by George MacDonald

The 19th-century British author&’s fantastical masterpiece, &“the first text to employ the idea of going through a mirror into another world&” (The List, &“100 Best Scottish Books of All Time&”). Subtitled, a little oddly, &“A Romance,&” which assuredly it is not, eight distinct manuscript versions of Lilith exist, chronicling the book&’s fitful development under MacDonald&’s pen until its release in 1895. Some view Lilith as the otherworldly climax of MacDonald&’s literary career. As in Phantastes, with which Lilith is usually linked, the narrator finds himself embarking on a quest. But unlike the earlier journey into the land of faerie, that of Lilith is an inward journey that leads to the world of death, exploring what new self-awarenesses, even repentance, may be possible in that realm. Lilith is decidedly dark and difficult to grasp and is not for all readers. MacDonald himself felt that it had been inspired by God as his &“final message,&” though his wife Louisa was troubled by it and counseled her husband not to publish it. This edition for The Cullen Collection is unedited in any way. &“An extremely Freudian book, with sexualized old testament type lusty biblical images, and feelings, which is very surprising, as it was written in Victorian times, by a minister, as that was what MacDonald was . . . This is all spun out in an engrossing prose, with beautiful poetic descriptives, and with much passion and Art. The World of the book seems to me to be much more real, and more terrible, then Tolkien, and more anguished. The writing . . . is both extremely literate, and lavish.&”—Daily Kos

Lilith - Blood Ink (Lilith #2)

by Dana Fredsti

Death and Tattoos in the Big Easy!Having killed her last producer, stuntwoman Lee Striga's next film shoot takes her to the voodoo-soaked bayous and haunted back alleys of New Orleans, where sinister supernatural figures stalk the streets. In a dark corner of the French Quarter, an arcane tattoo artist is using his clients in rituals that will open an inter-dimensional gateway for a demon god from beyond the stars.

Lilith - Hollywood Monsters

by Dana Fredsti

"We've got intrigue, murder, and ghosts. Egos, images, revenge. It's Hollywood... in brilliant Dana Fredsti's hands" Josh Mallerman.Working in Hollywood is a living Hell. Quirky, fast-paced modern horror in the vein of Supernatural, Lucifer, True Blood, and Evil.Lee Striga is an actress, movie stuntwoman, and demon hunter. All In Hollywood, supernatural creatures get all the best jobs in Hollywood go to the supernaturals. For a stuntman, it helps to be able to fly. For a romantic lead, it&’s an advantage to be an incubus or succubus, and if you smell Sulphur in your agent&’s office, you&’ll know why.. Vampires, succubae, trolls, fallen angels, ghouls—anything that can take direction, be discreet, and not eat the extras. Lee Striga is an actress, movie stuntwoman, and demon hunter. Fresh from filming Voodoo Wars in New Orleans, Lee returns to Los Angeles. Back at the Katz Family stunt ranch she finds animals of all kinds taking refuge on the grounds, and the supernatural creatures who populate Hollywood on edge to the point of violence. People are vanishing without a trace, and clues lead to a legendary mansion famous for its horrible deaths—the location for Lee&’s next film job.

Lilith's Brood: The Complete Xenogenesis Trilogy (The Xenogenesis Trilogy #3)

by Octavia E. Butler

Butler's acclaimed Xenogenesis trilogy about humanity's struggle for survival after nuclear apocalypse, and the alien race that could save the world--or destroy it The newest stage in human evolution begins in outer space. Survivors of a cataclysmic nuclear war awake to find themselves being studied by the Oankali, tentacle-covered galactic travelers whose benevolent appearance hides their surprising plan for the future of mankind. <P><P>The Oankali arrive not just to save humanity, but to bond with it--crossbreeding to form a hybrid species that can survive in the place of its human forebears, who were so intent on self-destruction. Some people resist, forming pocket communities of purebred rebellion, but many realize they have no choice. The human species inevitably expands into something stranger, stronger, and undeniably alien. Butler's Lilith's Brood is both a thrilling, provocative meditation on the expansion of the human gene pool and an epic story of how it takes more than DNA to make someone human. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Octavia E. Butler including rare images from the author's estate.

Lilith's Children (Wild Women #2)

by Rachel Sullivan

Supernatural Wild Women join forces against a common enemy in this paranormal romantic thriller by the author of Freyja&’s Daughter.Though they were created by the goddess Freyja, the huldras of the world have kept their powers secret to avoid retaliation from the Hunter authority. But when those holy warriors pushed Faline too far, she gathered her kind and inspired them to reveal their true power. Now, as the Hunters double down their efforts, Faline's coterie is on the run. But war waits for no woman, especially not a fugitive...When succubi leader Marie calls in a favor, Faline has no choice but to answer. Drawn into Portland&’s secret underground, Faline suspects another of Marie&’s manipulations. But something darker lurks under the city. And his appetite is unlikely to be satiated by words alone. Between old enemies and potential new ones, danger lives in every shadow, threatening not only Faline, but everything she holds dear. And when their biggest allies in the war against the Hunters are captured, the Wild Women are left scrambling for support in the unlikeliest of places.

L'illa Fènix (Secret Academy #Volumen 1)

by Isaac Palmiola

El Lucas ha aconseguit entrar a la Secret Academy, una misteriosa escola situada a una illa de l'Atlàntic. Però un cop allà descobrirà que el lloc amaga nombrosos misteris i trampes... Una gran aventura està a punt de començar! Hi ha, enmig de l'oceà Atlàntic, una petita illa que no apareix a cap mapa. Allà és on es troben les instal·lacions de la Secret Academy, una misteriosa i exclusiva escola per a alumnes escollits a consciència. Ningú en coneix els mètodes d'ensenyament ni què hi aprenen exactament els nois i noies; només se'n sap que tenen prohibit parlar-ne amb ningú... El Lucas, l'Úrsula i la Rowling hi han estat admesos i, junts, hauran de descobrir quins enigmes amaga la Secret Academy i qui és qui en aquest món de professors que no ho expliquen tot, alumnes que rivalitzen entre ells i enemics de rostre desconegut.

Lilla the Accidental Witch

by Eleanor Crewes

Magic is tough. Family is tougher. Boys are a complete mystery. Follow Lilla as she stumbles her way through each of them in Eleanor Crewes's uniquely illustrated debut middle-grade graphic novel.Thirteen-year-old Lilla feels she is a bit different. She's quiet and shy and sometimes feels uncomfortable in the company of boys. She'd much rather spend time by herself drawing and daydreaming. This summer, while staying with her aunt in rural Italy, Lilla discovers a book of magic which reveals that she is a witch with special powers, the magic of 'Strega'. But unbeknownst to her, an ancient witch, Stregamama, threatens to ruin more than just her summer. Lilla is soon faced with a choice that could change her life forever.


by Sam Gayton

In a city full of giants, can one tiny girl find her way home?She is a girl three inches tall with eyes like drops of dew. Her clothes are cut from handkerchiefs and stitched with spider silk. For half her life, she has been suspended in a birdcage while Gulliver, her giant kidnapper, sits below her, writing in a leather-bound book the size of a house. Her name is Lily, and tonight she is planning her 35th escape attempt. She is going to find a way to get home. To Lilliput.Inspired by Gulliver's Travels, Lilliput is an exhilarating and imaginative adventure filled with cunning escape plans, evil clock makers, and talkative parrots. Join Lily as she travels through eighteenth-century London—over rooftops, down chimneys, and into chocolate shops—on a journey to find the one place in the world where she belongs...home.

Lilly and Fin: A Mermaid's Tale

by Cornelia Funke Inc. Latschlit

The beloved and bestselling author of Inkheart returns with a chapter book full of mischief, heart, and kid mermaids! These mermaid friends are fishing for trouble! Lilly and Fin are merpups—mermaid kids—who love to play and explore the caves outside the mermaid city. They aren’t really supposed to leave the city, but that’s what makes it so much fun! Surely all those stories about Two-Legs (you know, humans) and sea monsters are just made up to scare young merpups. Little do they know, a real live human couple is on the hunt for a mermaid to add to their collection of rare sea creatures. If Two-Legs exist, what about sea monsters? With fun full-color illustrations by the author herself, this adventure is sure to capture all two-legged chapter-book readers! “Cornelia Funke . . . has written her way into the hearts and imaginations of audiences worldwide.”—Clive Barker, Time magazine


by Xavier Axelson

When Pryor's daughter Lily is taken by a wolf, Pryor is convinced she has turned into the creature he sees lurking in his woods. He swears she promises to return to him. But is it his despair and desperation making him see things, or is there something more lurking in the shadows of the forest?When he meets Ned, a silversmith who helps him with a plan to bring his daughter back into his life, he begins to live again. But can his newfound love help ease the horror that may be waiting?Maybe the ultimate horror wasn’t when Lily was taken, because things get worse when she returns and Pryor realizes his nightmare has only just begun.

Lily: Una Novela en Espanol (La Búsqueda por la Razón #1)

by LM DeWalt

Lily es un vampiro, trágica y solitaria, que sin saberlo fue traída a su existencia por Ian, un fabricante egoísta, pero hermoso, que ha capturado su corazón desde hace décadas, a pesar de que él la dejó sin brújula para navegar su mundo nuevo y extraño. Cuando conoce a un aquelarre de vampiros que la aceptan y la tratan como familia, todo lo que ella pensaba que conocía es cuestionable. Las cosas se complican aún más cuando finalmente encuentra el amor -- Christian, un hombre humano. Justo cuando por fin encontró la felicidad, vuelve a aparecer Ian, que amenaza con destruir todo lo que Lily estima. Cuando le quita otra vez todas sus opciones, Lily se encuentra arrojada a un mundo donde los pecados constantes de Ian son imparables y su familia, y el amor recién descubierto, parecen perdidos para siempre.

Lily (The Quest For Reason Series #1)

by LM DeWalt

"An exciting vampire adventure that will make you fall in love with paranormal genre all over again." — Page Turners Lily is a tragic and lonely vampire, unwittingly brought into her existence by Ian, a selfish but beautiful maker who has captured her heart for decades, even though he left her with no compass on how to navigate her strange new world. When she meets a coven of vampires that takes her in and treats her like family, all she thought she knew is brought into question. Things are further complicated when she finally finds love – Christian, a human man. Just when she's finally found happiness, Ian reappears, threatening to destroy everything Lily holds dear. When he once again removes all her choices, Lily is thrown into a world where Ian's ongoing sins are unstoppable and her family and newfound love seem lost forever. Read all 3 books in The Quest For Reason series! Lily Datura Leilani

Lily: Book 1 (Lily #1)

by Holly Webb

In a world where magic is outlawed, Lily runs wild and neglected. Once rich and powerful magicians, now Lily's family hide away in their crumbling house, while her older sister, Georgie, is trained secretly in magic.But when Lily discovers her parents' dark plan to use Georgie in a terrible plot to restore the country to its magical glory, she knows she must rescue her sister - and flee...

Lily and the Night Creatures

by Nick Lake

A young girl sets out to defeat the evil spirits inhabiting her home in this &“thrilling…Coraline-like&” (Publishers Weekly, starred review) illustrated middle grade adventure perfect for fans of The Beast and the Bethany and Margaret Peterson Haddix&’s The Strangers.Lily is used to hospitals—she&’s spent more time in them than out of them thanks to her recent health issues. But when her mother goes into labor, her parents drop her off at her grandmother&’s house and rush to the hospital without her. Lily doesn&’t want the new baby to replace her, and she certainly doesn&’t want to be sick anymore. Most frustrating of all, she forgot to pack Willo, her favorite toy. Under her grandma&’s not-so-watchful supervision, Lily sneaks back home to get Willo. Expecting to find an empty house, she is surprised to find her parents there. But something isn&’t right... They look just like her mom and dad until she gets closer and sees their coal black eyes. And they refuse to let her in—it&’s their house now. With the help of some surprising new friends that she meets in her garden, Lily is determined to beat these shadowy replacements and be reunited with her real parents. But is she strong enough to triumph?

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