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MEG: Nightstalkers (MEG #5)

by Steve Alten

In this fifth installment of Steve Alten's New York Times bestselling MEG series--the basis for the feature film The Meg, starring Jason Statham as Jonas Taylor--Nighstalkers picks up where MEG: Hell's Aquarium left off. Bela and Lizzy, the dominant Megalodon siblings from Angel's brood, have escaped the Tanaka Institute to roam the Salish Sea in British Columbia. While Jonas Taylor and his friend Mac attempt to either recapture or kill the "sisters," Jonas's son, David, embarks on his own adventure, motivated by revenge. Having witnessed his girlfriend's gruesome death, David has joined a Dubai Prince's ocean expedition, tracking the 120-foot, hundred-ton Liopleurodon that escaped from the Panthalassa Sea. Haunted by night terrors, David repeatedly risks his life to lure the Lio and other prehistoric sea creatures into the fleet's nets, while battling his own suicidal demons.Steve Alten weaves these storylines together in a page-turning thriller that culminates in a final showdown between the most dangerous predators ever to inhabit the planet.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Mega Man 6: Breaking Point (Mega Man)

by Ian Flynn

Celebrate 25 years of Mega Man with this latest graphic novel installment of the Mega Man graphic novel series! Mega Man's adventures span the world over as our true blue hero battles a host of villains including Break Man, The Emerald Spears, and many more! Celebrate along with the blue bomber as he's awarded the key to the city--but will he survive the experience? Mega Man 6: Breaking Point collects issues #21-24 of the Mega Man comic book series, including "For the Bot Who Has Everything", a Mega Man birthday celebration which ties into the epic Sonic the Hedgehog/Mega Man: Worlds Collide crossover!

Mega Robo Bros

by Neill Cameron

A ridiculously fun, action-packed graphic novel about two robot brothers who take turns saving the world of the future... when they're not fighting each other or being grounded by their parents!London! The future!Alex and Freddy are just like any other brothers. They squabble. They drive their parents crazy. There's only one difference...They're the most powerful robots on Earth!But Alex and Freddy will soon discover that they're not the only super-powered robots around. For an evil robotic mind is making sinister plans, and their lives won't stay peaceful for much longer...

MegaBite (EDGE: I HERO: Megahero #5)

by Steve Skidmore Steve Barlow

Take on the role of a shape-shifting MEGAHERO in this fully interactive, wacky, choose-your-own-destiny adventure story.You and your mega-computer sidekick, PAL, must save the world from MegaBite - an ultra-skilled and not-very-nice computer hacker. The evil genius has built a web of scams online - can you possibly morph into the right shapes to unravel his coordinated cyber attacks?? Written by the award-winning duo Steve Barlow and Steve Skidmore (AKA the 2STEVES) and illustrated by the hilarious Pipi Sposito. Reading age from 6 to 8 years old. Interest range from 7 to 10 years old - suitable for reluctant readers and less confident older readers. Printed using a font approved by the British Dyslexia Association.Read and laugh along with the whole series!October 2020I HERO: MegaHero: Sushi Man - 9781445169477I HERO: MegaHero: Professor Weird - 9781445170039November 2020I HERO: MegaHero: DinoSaw - 9781445170084I HERO: MegaHero: Miss Take - 9781445170091December 2020I HERO: MegaHero: MegaBite - 9781445170121I HERO: MegaHero: Queen of Hearts - 9781445170152

¡Megafauna megaterror! (¡Arriba la Lectura! Level R #7)

by Cameron Macintosh Alina Tysoe

NIMAC-sourced textbook <p><p> Tim y su amigo Raff están de vacaciones ayudando a la mamá de Tim… en un yacimiento de fósiles. Raff dice que es aburridísimo, hasta que Tim encuentra una máquina extraña junto a la excavación. Parece una roca, pero tiene números. <p> De pronto, Tim y Raff se encuentran en una tierra desconocida, llena de criaturas que parecen dinosaurios. ¿Lograrán escapar los niños de esta megafauna y encontrar el camino de regreso?

The Megalith Union (Celtic Mythos #2)

by Igor Adasikov Brad A. Lamar

The fate of mankind teeters on the edge of the megalith union.Just as life was returning to normal for Brendan as a college freshman, the hands of fate intervene and adventure besets him again in the second installment of the best-selling Celtic Mythos series. Elathan, the golden god of Celtic lore, is reborn out of the ashes of a dead king and evil witch. Through Brendan and his family, Elathan maneuvers the tendrils of destiny, seeking to gain ultimate power at the expense of all humanity. Dogged by giants, alphyns, and ruas Brendan, Dorian, Lizzie, and a new cast of characters risk it all to unravel the mystery of the ultimate foe. With Corways under attack and Brendan's father captured by a forgotten enemy, can Brendan and his allies prevent the end of days? As the megalith union looms, Brendan and his friends must look to the past to prevent a future where Elathan reigns supreme. If you liked Percy Jackson and the Olympians or Fablehaven, you won't want to miss The Megalith Union!

Megan en el Carnaval: ¡Un guía espiritual, un tigre fantasma y una madre aterradora! (La serie de Megan #22)

by Owen Jones

Megan en el Carnaval ¡Un guía espiritual, un tigre fantasma y una madre aterradora! Megan en el carnaval Megan tiene un día extraño con amigos de la escuela en el recinto ferial de la Isla, donde algunos de ellos, incluida Jane, su mejor amiga, hacen cosas que los avergüenzan. Sin embargo, otra, Sarah, la invita a participar en el Carnaval local, y ella acepta. Megan se divierte mucho ayudando a diseñar y crear su carrosa, e incluso se convierte en un personaje mientras viaja por el centro de la ciudad. Los padres de Megan están muy orgullosos, y Megan tiene ideas sobre una posible carrera futura. Sin embargo, ella aprende una valiosa lección, cuando ve la reacción de sus padres a su nueva fama, y ​​Wacinhinshaw, su Guía Espiritual le da buenos consejos ".

Megan en Navidad: ¡Un guía espiritual, un tigre fantasma y una madre aterradora! (La serie de Megan #23)

by Owen Jones

Megan en Navidad ¡Un guía espiritual, un tigre fantasma y una madre aterradora! Es Navidad, y eso significa que las vacaciones escolares están cerca, ¡pero a Megan quiere terminar la escuela todavía! El último día del trimestre de Navidad es uno de sus favoritos del año escolar. Sin embargo, Megan piensa en cómo puede hacer que este año sea diferente a todos los demás, y así lo discute con su mejor amiga, Jane. Se les ocurre una gran idea para hacer que su Navidad sea especial y ayudar a algunas personas locales menos afortunadas al mismo tiempo. La Navidad va bien, pero Megan aprende mucho sobre cómo los demás tienen que experimentarla y descubre también algunas verdades de su Guía Espiritual, Wacinhinsha. En general, es una experiencia memorable e instructiva para ambas chicas.

Megan heeft Covid-19 opgelopen: Een spirituele gids, een spooktijger en een enge moeder (De paranormale Megan-reeks #24)

by Owen Jones

De paranormale Megan-serie bestaat uit vierentwintig novellen over het groeiende besef van een jong meisje dat ze dingen kan die niemand van haar familie kan. Megan is twaalf jaar oud in het eerste deel. Ze heeft twee schijnbaar onoverkomelijke problemen. Haar moeder is bang voor de latente capaciteiten van haar dochter en zal haar niet alleen niet helpen, maar ontmoedigt haar ook actief; en ze kan geen leraar vinden om haar te helpen haar bovennatuurlijke, paranormale krachten te ontwikkelen. Want ze wil niet alleen weten wat er mogelijk is en hoe het moet, maar waarvoor ze haar speciale vermogens moet gebruiken. Megan is een braaf meisje, dus het lijkt voor de hand te liggen dat ze de neiging zou hebben om haar krachten ten goede te gebruiken, maar het is niet altijd gemakkelijk om het juiste te doen, zelfs als je weet wat dat is. Deze verhalen over Megan zullen iedereen aanspreken die geïnteresseerd zijn in paranormale krachten, het bovennatuurlijke en het paranormale en tussen de tien en honderd jaar oud is. In Megan heeft Covid-19 worden Megan en haar school gewaarschuwd voor de nieuwe Covid 19-variant Omicron, die ook kinderen infecteert, en krijgen ze te horen dat er de volgende week een vaccinatieprogramma zou beginnen. Jane, de beste vriendin van Megan, is bang voor naalden en heeft geruchten opgevangen over een door de staat gesponsorde campagne om iedereen te injecteren met een tracker-bug. Megan gelooft de complottheorie niet. Wanneer Jane zich ziek begint te voelen, wordt ze door haar moeder verkeerd gediagnosticeerd en er heerst verwarring. Uiteindelijk brengt Wacinhinsa licht op de Covid-19-pandemie.

Megan no Carnaval: Um Guia Espiritual, um tigre fantasma e uma mãe assustadora (A série Megan #22)

by Owen Jones

Megan no Carnaval Um Guia Espiritual, um tigre fantasma e uma mãe assustadora Megan tem um dia estranho com os amigos da escola na feira da cidade, onde alguns deles, incluindo Jane, causam alguns constrangimentos ao grupo. Contudo, a outra amiga, Sarah, convida Megan a participar do Carnaval local. Megan envolve-se então no projeto e na criação do carro alegórico e ainda participa do desfile que atravessa toda a cidade,. Os pais da menina ficam muito orgulhosos dela o que a faz pensar em uma possível carreira no futuro. Porém ela aprende uma lição de grande valor, quando ela percebe a reação de seus pais em relação a sua breve fama, e Wacinhinsha, seu guia espiritual, a aconselha sobre isso.

Megan op het Carnaval: Een Spirituele Gids, Een Spooktijger en een Erg Angstaanjagende Moeder! (De Megan Reeks #22)

by Owen Jones

Megan op het Carnival Een Spirituele Gids, Een Geesttijger en Een Erg Angstaanjagende Moeder! Megan leert hoe ze haar verlegenheid moet overwinnen en deelnemen aan Carnaval Megan tijdens Carnaval Megan heeft een vreemde dag met vrienden van school  op de kermis op Het Eiland, waar sommigen van hen, met inbegrip van Jane, haar beste vriendin, zichzelf in verlegenheid brengen. Sarah, een andere vriendin, nodigt haar echter uit om deel te nemen aan het plaatselijke Carnaval, wat ze aanvaardt. Megan amuseert zich geweldig terwijl ze helpt om hun praalwagen te ontwerpen en te bouwen, en ze wordt er zelfs een personage op terwijl hij door het stadscentrum rijdt. Megan’s ouders zijn erg trots en Megan krijgt ideeën over een mogelijke toekomstige carrière. Ze leert echter een waardevolle les, wanneer ze de reactie van haar ouders ziet met betrekking tot haar nieuwe faam, en Wacinhinsha, haar Spirit Guide geeft haar wat goed advies.

Megan se Kersfees: 'n Geesgids, 'n Spooktier en Een Skrikwekkende Ma! (Die reeks van psigiese Megan #23)

by Owen Jones

Megan se Kersfees 'n Geesgids, 'n Spooktier en Een Skrikwekkende Ma! Megan en haar vriendin, Jane, is mal oor Kersfees, maar hierdie jaar wil hulle iets onvergeetliks doen. Dit is Kerstyd, en dit beteken skoolvakansie is naby, maar Megan is nog nie te gretig om skool klaar te maak nie! Die laaste dag van Kerskwartaal is een van haar gunstelinge van die skooljaar. Megan begin egter dink oor hoe sy hierdie jaar anders kan maak as al die ander, en so bespreek dit met haar beste vriendin, Jane. Hulle kom met 'n goeie idee vorendag om hul Kersfees spesiaal te maak en terselfdertyd 'n paar minder bevoorregte plaaslike mense te help. Kersfees gaan goed, maar Megan leer baie oor hoe ander dit moet ervaar, en vind ook 'n paar waarhede uit haar Geesgids, Wacinhinsha. Alles in aanmerking geneem, is dit 'n onvergeetlike en leersame ervaring vir albei meisies.

Megan's Kerstmis: Een Spirituele Gids, Een Spooktijger en een Erg Angstaanjagende Moeder! (De Megan Reeks #23)

by Owen Jones

Megan's Kerstmis Een Spirituele Gids, Een Geesttijger en Een Erg Angstaanjagende Moeder! Het is Kerst, en dat betekent dat de schoolvakanties in aantocht zijn, maar Megan is er voorlopig nog niet op uit om te stoppen met school! De laatste dag voor de Kerstperiode is één van haar favoriete van het schooljaar. Megan begint echter na te denken over hoe ze dit jaar anders kan maken dan alle andere, en daarom bespreekt ze het met haar beste vriendin, Jane. Ze bedenken een geweldig idee om hun Kerst speciaal te maken en tegelijkertijd een aantal minderbedeelde lokale mensen te helpen. Kerstmis gaat goed, maar Megan leert veel over hoe anderen het moeten ervaren, en komt ook een paar waarheden te weten in haar Spirituele Gids, Wacinhinsha. Al met al is het voor beide meisjes een gedenkwaardige en leerzame ervaring.

Megan's Mark

by Lora Leigh

In the first book of her erotic new series, Lora Leigh invites you to an intriguing world where genetically altered Breeds and the humans who created them commingle--and sometimes cross the boundaries of desire...Cursed with the extraordinary power to feel other peoples' emotions, Megan Fields has tucked herself away in a remote corner of New Mexico, working as a small-town sheriff's deputy. She finds solace in the silence and heat of the desert. But when Breeds begin dying on her watch, Megan realizes that the secrets from her past can't stay buried forever. Someone is out for blood--her blood.An arrogant Feline Breed, Braden Arness broods with feral intensity. His mission to solve the mysterious murders brings him to Megan, a woman who accosts his senses like no other. Only with him can she let down her guard--and surrender to the insatiable hunger that wracks her body. But as they team up to hunt the elusive killers, Braden and Megan find themselves becoming the prey...

Megan's Mark

by Lora Leigh

In the first book of her erotic new series, Lora Leigh invites you to an intriguing world where genetically altered Breeds and the humans who created them commingle--and sometimes cross the boundaries of desire... Cursed with the extraordinary power to feel other peoples' emotions, Megan Fields has tucked herself away in a remote corner of New Mexico, working as a small-town sheriff's deputy. She finds solace in the silence and heat of the desert. But when Breeds begin dying on her watch, Megan realizes that the secrets from her past can't stay buried forever. Someone is out for blood--her blood. An arrogant Feline Breed, Braden Arness broods with feral intensity. His mission to solve the mysterious murders brings him to Megan, a woman who accosts his senses like no other. Only with him can she let down her guard--and surrender to the insatiable hunger that wracks her body. But as they team up to hunt the elusive killers, Braden and Megan find themselves becoming the prey...

Meghan the Wedding Sparkle Fairy (Rainbow Magic #1)

by Daisy Meadows

Join best friends Rachel and Kirsty for a very magical Royal Wedding!Meghan's special magic looks after the magic of matrimony everywhere. But when naughty Jack Frost steals her magical triple-jewelled engagement ring (that she wears on a charm round her neck), he breaks the spell of love in both the fairy and human worlds! Couples and best friends everywhere keep falling out, and forgetting what it is they love about each other. Kirsty and Rachel must help Meghan get her ring back before the Fairyland royal wedding, and weddings everywhere, are ruined!'These stories are magic; they turn children into readers!' ReadingZone.comIf you like Rainbow Magic, check out Daisy Meadows' other series: Magic Animal Friends and Unicorn Magic!

Mei the Ruby Treasure Dragon (Dragon Girls #4)

by Maddy Mara

A super collectible series that celebrates the inner fire of everyday girls!Three new girls join the Dragon Girls!Mei, Aisha, and Quinn are Treasure Dragon Girls. They draw on the power of precious gems to transform into mighty dragons. Tasked with keeping the the Magic Forest safe from harm, the Treasure Dragon Grls must come together as a team, embrace their clawsome new abilities, and save the day.Mei must find the ancient and powerful Forest Book. Inside its pages is the entire history of the Magic Forest. Without its precious knowledge, things will start to go very wrong in this enchanted place!

Meia-Noite na Pousada Sátiro: Uma história curta da Maldição dos Sátiros

by Rebekah Lewis

Coisas estranhas estão acontecendo na Pousada Egeu. Rumores de música misteriosa de flauta e uma sombra com chifres capturados em câmera inspiram London a passar uma noite e ver se há verdade ou é só conversa. O que ela encontra não é um fantasma, mas algo muito mais erótico. Amaldiçoado para uma vida imortal, Jacen não está preparado quando London se hospeda na pousada que ele e seus companheiros sátiros estão administrando. Pela primeira vez em séculos, Jacen está disposto a quebrar as regras por uma mulher. London pode lidar com seu segredo, ou ela é uma ameaça à existência de todos os sátiros?


by Pedro Henrique Leal Tony Bertauski

Biomites são células tronco artificiais, capazes de substítuir qualquer célula em seu corpo. Chega de falências renais, espinhas lesadas ou doenças sanguíneas. Nada mais de câncer. Farmacêuticos se tornaram obsoletos. Com cada dose de biomites, nos tornamos mais fortes, ficamos mais inteligentes e mais bonitos. Ficamos melhores. Em que ponto deixamos de sermos humanos? Nix Richards quase morreu em um acidente de carro quando era pequeno. Biomites salvaram sua vida. Dez anos depois, ele não tem tanta sorte. As leis de meia-pele decretaram que alguém composto mais de 50% por biomites não é mais um ser humano. Meia-peles não tem direitos legais e terão seus biomites desligados. Não é considerado assassinato, só uma desativação. Cali Richards é a guardiã legal de Nix desde que seus pais morreram. Ela perdeu gente demais em sua vida pra deixar o governo levar Nix. Ela é uma engenheira nanobiométrica e vai descobrir como escondê-lo. Mas mesmo o brilhantismo pode sucumbir ante a pressão do sofrimento. E a tecnologia não é capaz de curar insanidade. Cali e Nix mantém uma ligação tênue com a realidade enquanto eludem um agente federal maníaco dedicado a salvar a humanidade do que ele chama de "A Praga dos Biomites".

Mein Monster – 4 Erstlesebücher – Plus Bonuswitze & Tipps für Eltern

by Kaz Campbell Beatrice

Mein Monster - 4 Erstlesebücher – enthält einfache Geschichten für Leseanfänger im Alter von 2 bis 5 Jahren. Folgen Sie den Abenteuern des Monsters am ersten Tag im Kindergarten, im Park und an Halloween, und lesen Sie mehr über die Monster-Geburtstagsparty. Alle Geschichten kommen mit Abbildungen, die Ihrem Kind helfen, die Geschichten zu verstehen und am Lesen Spaß zu haben. Zusätzlich finden Sie 2 Bonus-Abschnitte: Monsterwitze und einen Abschnitt, der erklärt, wie Sie die Lesefertigkeiten Ihres Kindes fördern können. Kaz Campbell ist eine erfahrene Grundschullehrerin. Diese Geschichten sind so konzipiert, dass sie Ihrem Kind beim Lesen lernen helfen. Alle Geschichten enthalten Wortwiederholungen, einfache Sätze und Hilfen zur Texterkennung. In allen 4 Geschichten finden Sie die beliebten Mein Monster Figuren und ihre Abbildungen.

Mel The Chosen: (A Graphic Novel)

by Rachele Aragno

In this magical middle-grade graphic novel, nothing is more dangerous than a wish come true. More than anything, Mel wants to be a grown-up, and to make her own decisions, instead of having her parents pick what she wears, where they live, what they have for dinner, and where she goes to school. Then Mel gets the chance to travel to a magical world, where she can make her own choices and return all grown up. But what happens when you get older without living your life along the way? Enchanting adventures and magical mishaps abound as Mel grapples with what it means to grow up. Rachele Aragno brings this enchanting story to life with a gorgeous watercolor style that feels both comfortingly classic and delightfully fresh! Anyone who has ever wished to grow up faster, or for just for a little bit of magic, will love Mel the Chosen.


by Matt Wildasin

From within the confines of the family shed, Sarah makes a decision that cannot be undone. Afterward, she awakens in a perilous world overrun with horrific monstrosities and grueling tribulations. Sarah must discover the reason why she was brought here and find a way home before she succumbs to her inner demons.

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (Haruhi Suzumiya #1)

by Nagaru Tanigawa

Haruhi holds the fate of the universe in her hands . . . lucky for you she doesn't know it! Meet Haruhi - a cute, determined girl, starting high school in a city where nothing exciting happens and absolutely no one understands her. Meet Kyon ­­- the sarcastic guy who sits behind Haruhi in homeroom and the only boy Haruhi has ever opened up to. His fate is now tied to hers. Meet the S.O.S. Brigade - an after-school club organized by Haruhi with a mission to seek out the extraordinary. Oh, and their second mission? Keeping Haruhi happy . . . because even though she doesn't know it, Haruhi has the power to destroy the universe. Seriously.The phenomenon that took Japan by storm - with more than 4.5 million copies sold - is now available in the first-ever English edition.

The Melancholy Of Mechagirl

by Catherynne M. Valente

Science fiction and fantasy stories about Japan by the multiple-award winning author and New York Times best seller Catherynne M. Valente. A collection of some of Catherynne Valente's most admired stories, including the Hugo Award-nominated novella Silently and Very Fast and the Locus Award finalist 13 Ways of Looking at Space/Time, with a brand-new long story to anchor the collection. (Note: the use of italics is often inconsistent in the print version.)

The Melancholy of Untold History: A Novel

by Minsoo Kang

A beautifully crafted, enriching saga inspired by East Asian mythology, The Melancholy of Untold History is Minsoo Kang’s debut novel, steeped in history like R.F. Kuang’s Babel, epic in scope like Anthony Doerr’s Cloud Cuckoo Land, and lyrically exciting like David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas, interweaving four complex yet entertaining stories as they shape and create a nation’s literary narrative through the themes of love and grief.A history professor mourning his wife. His young protégé’s search for a path forward. Four witty mountain gods with much to say and not enough time to listen. A gifted storyteller bringing a world into being out of thin air...Famous for his dispelling of the national myth, the Historian understands the power of narrative. He has inspired another young professor to search for her own truths, while trying to understand the way fiction creates fact and how sometimes the past can only be understood by filling in holes with a new narrative. Which is exactly what he needs when his wife passes away to parse meaning out of a world that no longer makes sense. Together the protégé and the Historian find comfort in each other. Yet they know their time together is fleeting, as time usually is. Only the gods have an abundance of time, and yet—the two discover—even that might not be so clear cut. Part of their homeland’s myth tells of four gods who squabbled and argued and destroyed and rebuilt time and again. Or did they?Because, of course, even the gods need mouthpieces on earth. And the one the Historian knows of—the elusive Storyteller—may have just been spinning tales for his own amusement and, ultimately, revenge. By fabricating the exploits of the gods, he could have set a course for certain events to unfold and a particular story to survive today. Spanning 3,000 years and multiple voices—with tales within tales woven expertly together—The Melancholy of Untold History reveals a people and its individuals who seek to confront the hardships of life through storytelling. Mixing the East Asian mythos with a postmodern approach to standard sci-fi/fantasy narrative tropes, Minsoo Kang has created a challenging, beautiful, sad, humorous, and ultimately unforgettable novel of love, grief, and myth-making.

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