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Nacidos del Aire: ¿Sueñas con volar?

by Timothy Trimble

"Deben ser los Decimos Octavos. Así es como operan. Podrían haber estado observando por años, buscando una rutina, esperando el momento perfecto. Sospecho que también estuvieron detrás de la abducción de sus padres.” “Entonces, busquémosla. Quitémosela. Ellos nos lo hicieron - ¡Podemos hacérselo!” “Si lo hacemos, será una guerra.” Georgeo se levantó y comenzó a pasearse alrededor de la mesa. “Si comenzamos una guerra contra ellos, nos expondremos. Es justo lo que quieren. Si nos exponemos, ellos pueden tomarnos uno por uno. ¡Vamos, Torre! Existen miles de millones de humanos "normales" y quizás, solo quizás, un par de cientos de Avitorianos.” Continuó caminando. “Eso conllevaría a nuestra extinción. No es tiempo de exponernos. La humanidad puede a duras penas llevarse bien consigo misma. ¿Cómo esperas que entiendan lo que somos y que nos acepten como parte de su sociedad si somos diferentes?”

El nacimiento de Ataecina

by Erick Carballo Antonio Almas

Un diálogo entre dos seres místicos, el amor elevado a la divinidad. De la interacción entre los personajes nació la creación del momento, día tras día, simulados en un escenario ensayado donde cada uno sabe su diálogo de memoria, porque son sus propios sentimientos los que se revelan en una ficción ilusoria. Quimera, utopía la simple magia de las palabras que no dejan de ser filosóficas ni mágicas, cuando todo parece culminar en un acto de existencia poética que llega ardiendo en los dedos y que en realidad desencadena movimientos telúricos en los cuerpos de los actores. Esta obra no es una representación teatral, sino mera ficción encarnada por los que la han visto, hombre y diosa, seres de otras dimensiones representados en una historia de ilusiones.

El nacimiento de un héroe

by Jin Yong

El mejor libro de fantasy y ficción histórica de todos los tiempos según la revista Time. Considerada El Señor de los Anillos de China. China, año 1200. El Imperio Song ha sido invadido por los yurchen. La mitad del territorio y su capital histórica yacen en manos enemigas; los campesinos trabajan arduamente, sometidos al tributo anual que exigen los vencedores. Entretanto, en la estepa mongola, una nación de guerreros está a punto de unirse al mando de un señor de la guerra cuyo nombre perdurará eternamente: Gengis Kan. Guo Jing, privilegiado, astuto y entrenado a la perfección en las artes marciales, ha crecido con el ejército de Gengis Kan y desde su nacimiento está destinado a enfrentarse un día a un oponente. Guo Jing debe regresar a China para cumplir con su destino, pero su valor y sus lealtades se verán puestos a prueba a cada paso en una tierra dividida por la guerra y la traición La crítica ha dicho...«La obra de Jin Yong, en el mundo de habla china, tiene más o menos la misma difusión cultural que Harry Potter y Star Wars juntos.»Nick Frisch, The New Yorker «Hace mucho que Jin Yong (Louis Cha) es una leyenda en China. [...] Un regalo único para los fans de la literatura fantástica.»Paul French «Los mundos fantásticos de Jin Yong rivalizan con los de J. R. R. Tolkien en creatividad, amplitud y profundidad.»Quartzy «La obra de Jin Yong ha pasado en Oriente de generación en generación, de modo que nutre lectores de todas las edades. Para los adultos son cuentos, mientras que para los niños son mitología. Cualquiera que añore la inocencia tras alcanzar la madurez debe leer sus novelas.»Yan Lianke «Jin Yong explora temas absolutamente atemporales: el bien frente al mal, el amor frente al sacrificio, la naturaleza frente a la educación, el honor frente alengaño.»Ian White, Starbust

Nada a Perder - As Aventuras do Capitão Nada

by Steve Vernon Rodrigo Piccini Knorr

Você acha que conhece tudo sobre super-heróis? Esses caras de capa e roupa apertada de lycra suavemente colada no corpo. Saltando de grandes edifícios e sempre conseguindo a garota no final. Você não conhece nada. Junte-se a Steve Vernon, o escritor de horror mais barra pesada de Nova Escócia, em uma jornada pelo mundo do incrível Capitão Nada. Um mundo sem esperança, um lugar frio e sombrio como o coração de um proprietário de imovéis, cujo aluguel está atrasado há três dias. Um mundo que deixaria o Batman rolando em sua cama com crises de pesadelos. NADA A PERDER é uma coletânea de histórias que irão mostrar o lado mais sombrio da bravura. Revelarão as trevas que habitam as profundezas do coração de um herói. Vá em frente. Te desafio a olhar mais de perto. Você não tem nada a perder. "Se Harlan Ellison, Richard Matheson e Robert Bloch fizessem sexo a três em uma banheira de hidromassagem, e então uma equipe de cientistas entrasse, filtrasse toda a água e misturasse as sobras de DNA em um tubo de ensaio, o resultado do experimento genético provavelmente seria Steve Vernon." – Bookgasm

Nada Por Baixo - As Aventuras do Capitão Nada, Volume 2

by Steve Vernon R. P. Knorr

Você acha que conhece tudo sobre super-heróis? Esses caras de capa e roupa apertada de lycra, suavemente colada no corpo. Saltando de grandes edifícios e sempre conseguindo a garota no final. Você não conhece nada. Junte-se a Steve Vernon, o escritor de horror mais barra pesada de Nova Escócia, em uma jornada pelo mundo do incrível Capitão Nada. Um mundo sem esperança, um lugar frio e sombrio como o coração de um proprietário de imovéis, cujo aluguel está atrasado há três dias. Um mundo que deixaria o Batman rolando em sua cama com crises de pesadelos. NADA POR BAIXO é uma coletânea de histórias que irá mostrar o lado mais sombrio da bravura. Revele as trevas que habitam as regiões mais profundas do coração de um herói. Vá em frente. Te desafio a olhar mais de perto. Você não tem nada a perder. "Se Harlan Ellison, Richard Matheson e Robert Bloch fizessem sexo a três em uma banheira de hidromassagem e, então, uma equipe de cientistas entrasse, filtrasse toda a água e misturasse as sobras de DNA em um tubo de ensaio, o resultado do experimento genético provavelmente seria Steve Vernon." – Bookgasm

NADA QUE PERDER Las aventuras del Capitán Nada

by Steve Vernon Gabriela Miranda González

Lo que la gente dice de Steve Vernon "Si Harlan Ellison, Richard Matheson y Robert Bloch hicieran un trio y tuvieran sexo salvaje en un jacuzzi, y luego un grupo de científicos fueran y filtraran esa agua y mezclaran el ADN restante en un tubo de ensayo, el experimento genético que resultaría seguramente crecería y se convertiría en Steve Vernon". – Bookgasm "Steve Vernon es como una anomalía en el mundo de la literatura de horror. Él es uno de los exponentes más recientes del género, a pesar de sus veinte años de trayectoria. Steve Vernon puede llevar a sus lectores a través de una gama completa de emociones al escribir con una arrogancia y confianza inusuales. Emociones que van desde el miedo absoluto y la repulsión hasta la compasión y la risa”. - Cemetery Dance "Armado con un extraño sentido del humor, una enorme cantidad de originalidad, el don para tomar riesgos y una gran comprensión para caracterizar a sus personajes, queda claro que Steve tiene talento”. - Dark Discoveries “Steve Vernon es un escritor muy difícil de catalogar. Y eso es muy bueno”. – Revista Dark Scribe. "Este género necesita sangre fresca y Steve Vernon es una tremenda transfusión". –Edward Lee, autor de Flesh Gothic y Ciudad Infernal. “Steve Vernon es uno de los mejores nuevos talentos en el horror y la ficción oscura" - Owl Goingback, autor de Crota. "Steve Vernon nació para escribir. Él es lo mejor y tenemos suerte de tenerlo". - Richard Chizmar


by Agustín De las Heras

Una novela de ficción y aventuras en la que un guerrero griego tendrá que descubrir por él mismo su historia, con la ayuda de diversos seres que le irán dando pistas, y a veces más dudas, sobre su identidad. Un relato apasionante que será devorado por los lectores. <P><P>He naufragado en una isla junto a un casco de bronce y una espada griega ¿Quién soy? ¿Qué hago aquí? Un guerrero griego naufraga en una playa. Entre el desconocimiento de su propia existencia sólo encuentra un casco y una espada que como él, yacen en la arena. Entre pensamientos difusos una dama se acerca a él e intenta ayudarle, pero debido al cansancio vuelve a caer desmayado. Al despertar se da cuenta que está solo. Empieza a adentrarse en aquellas tierras e intenta encontrar a la dama que le ayudó en la playa, mientras, se pregunta si habrá más habitantes en ese lugar. Desde ese momento, descubre seres que parecen recordarle un pasado. Ante él se cruzan duendes y ninfas, grayas y nereidas. <P><P>Los días y el caminar le llevan a tropezarse con otros seres mitológicos y deidades que a veces le dan pistas sobre quién es y otras le pierden en la duda de su propia existencia. Algunos momentos se convierten en instantes que como el resto de acontecimientos, quedan atrás o se desvanecen. <P><P>El tiempo transcurre y le enreda como una marioneta de los dioses, como jugaban con Ulises cuando volvía de Ilión. Y como humano que es, espera su final, aunque nunca los humanos tienen la certeza de cuándo acontecerá.


by Agustín De las Heras

Una novela de ficción y aventuras en la que un guerrero griego tendrá que descubrir por él mismo su historia, con la ayuda de diversos seres que le irán dando pistas, y a veces más dudas, sobre su identidad. Un relato apasionante que será devorado por los lectores. He naufragado en una isla junto a un casco de bronce y una espada griega <P><P>¿Quién soy? ¿Qué hago aquí? Un guerrero griego naufraga en una playa. Entre el desconocimiento de su propia existencia sólo encuentra un casco y una espada que como él, yacen en la arena. Entre pensamientos difusos una dama se acerca a él e intenta ayudarle, pero debido al cansancio vuelve a caer desmayado. Al despertar se da cuenta que está solo. Empieza a adentrarse en aquellas tierras e intenta encontrar a la dama que le ayudó en la playa, mientras, se pregunta si habrá más habitantes en ese lugar. <P><P>Desde ese momento, descubre seres que parecen recordarle un pasado. Ante él se cruzan duendes y ninfas, grayas y nereidas. Los días y el caminar le llevan a tropezarse con otros seres mitológicos y deidades que a veces le dan pistas sobre quién es y otras le pierden en la duda de su propia existencia. Algunos momentos se convierten en instantes que como el resto de acontecimientos, quedan atrás o se desvanecen. El tiempo transcurre y le enreda como una marioneta de los dioses, como jugaban con Ulises cuando volvía de Ilión. Y como humano que es, espera su final, aunque nunca los humanos tienen la certeza de cuándo acontecerá.

Nadya: The Werewolf Chronicles

by Pat Murphy

Growing up on the edge of the Missouri wilderness in the 1830s, Nadya knew she was not like other girls. But when she became a woman and the Change came, she discovered just how different she was. For Nadya was a shapechanger, a werewolf like her mother and father before her...

Nadya Skylung and the Cloudship Rescue

by Brett Helquist Jeff Seymour

From debut author Jeff Seymour and bestselling illustrator Brett Helquist (Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events) comes this breathtaking fantasy adventure, starring an extraordinary new heroine and set in an unforgettable world where ships can fly.It takes a very special crew to keep the cloudship Orion running, and no one knows that better than Nadya Skylung, who tends the cloud garden that keeps the ship afloat. When the unthinkable happens and pirates attack, Nadya and the other children aboard--all orphans taken in by the kindhearted Captain Nic--narrowly escape, but the rest of the crew is captured. Alone and far from help, only Nadya and her four brave and loyal friends can take back the Orion and rescue the crew. And she'll risk life and limb to save the only family she's ever known. But . . . this attack was no accident. What exactly are the pirates looking for? Could it be Nadya they've been after all along?"Nadya Skylung is one smart, sassy, spitfire heroine with gills. I love her!" --Liesl Shurtliff, New York Times bestselling author of Rump"A stunningly imaginative world unlike anything I've seen before. It is thrilling, it is emotional, and it is wholly original." --M. A. Larson, author of Pennyroyal Academy"A stunning debut filled with derring-do, surprises, and truly original world building." --J. A. White, author of The Thickety

Nadya Skylung and the Masked Kidnapper

by Jeff Seymour

In this middle-grade sequel to Nadya Skylung and the Cloudship Rescue, author Jeff Seymour and bestselling illustrator Brett Helquist deliver another breathtaking fantasy adventure, starring an extraordinary heroine and set in an unforgettable world where ships can fly.Nadya Skylung paid a high price when she defeated the pirates on the cloudship Remora: She lost her leg. But has she lost her nerve too? When Nadya and the rest of the crew of the cloudship Orion reach the port of Far Agondy, they have a lot to do, including a visit to Machinist Gossner's workshop to have a prosthetic made for Nadya. But though the pirates are far away across the Cloud Sea, Nadya and her friends are still not safe. A gang leader called Silvermask is kidnapping skylung and cloudling children in Far Agondy. When Nadya's friend Aaron is abducted, Nayda will stop at nothing to save him and the other missing kids, and put a stop to Silvermask once and for all."An entertaining and engaging fantasy adventure that deals sensitively with the topic of disability. Will appeal to late elementary and early middle school fans of Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson series and similar middle grade speculative fiction." --School Library Journal

The Nagasaki Vector (North American Confederacy #4)

by L. Neil Smith

The god that failed: To his bosses at the Ochskahrt Memorial Academy he was Captain Bernard M. Gruenblum, Temporal Division--just another time traveler. But to the aliens from Yamaguchi he was, literally, God. So, if Bernie was going to medieval Japan, they were too. Well, three of them. It was supposed to be a routine historical survey, but things livened up when a mutiny knocked Bernie off course. With disillusioned aliens for a crew and a brig ful of murderers, Bernie knew getting home would be tough--and that was before the time machine disappeared.

Nahia (Draconangelus #Volumen 3)

by K. Dilano

Mi nombre es Nahia y soy la heredera de un mundo ancestral. La formación de Angie vuelve a caer en manos del excelso maestro de dragones, Lao Shi Long, pero esta vez apartada de todo lo que conoce, incluido Igoli y su esposo, William. A su regreso, se verá obligada a tomar una decisión compleja que cambiará el curso de su nueva vida y de quienes la rodean. Sin embargo, el fruto obtenido será fundamental para la continuación del legado sagrado y eterno que sustenta la estirpe de los dragones metálicos, ayudándola a recorrer con ilusión, firmeza y pasión su etapa inicial como ser inmortal. Lo que establece, en su vida amorosa, unos singulares lazos de convivencia por los siglos de los siglos.

Naiade, La portatrice di vita

by Lorraine Cocó

Allison è una scrittrice di successo della letteratura romantica paranormale. La sua vita sembra il tipico sogno americano, fino a quando suo marito James muore in un incidente aereo. In seguito alla sua morte, scopre che il mondo che la circonda e il mondo della sua immaginazione non sono poi così diversi. Quando viene a sapere di essere incinta del suo defunto marito e che suo figlio è ambito e perseguitato, si dovrà adattare a un mondo pericoloso, con cui avrà a che fare molto più di quanto non creda e che diventerà la sua unica ancora di salvezza per lei e per il bambino. Ma su chi si può contare quando tutto il mondo vuole la creatura che porta in grembo?

The Nail and the Oracle: Volume XI: The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon (The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon #11)

by Harlan Ellison Paul Williams Theodore Sturgeon

This book contains ten major stories by the master of science fiction, fantasy, and horror written during the 1960s. The controversial "If All Men We re Brothers, Would You Let One Marry Your Sister?" shows the author's technique of "ask the next question" used in a way that shatters social conventions. "When You Care, When You Love" offers a prescient vision of the marriage of deep obsessive love and genetic manipulation, written long before actual cloning techniques existed. "Runesmith" constitutes a rare example of Sturgeon collaborating with a legendary colleague, Harlan Ellison. Included also are two other rarities: two detective stories and a Western that showcase Sturgeon's knack for characterization and action outside his usual genre. "Take Care of Joey" has been read as an allusion to the complex personal relationship between Sturgeon and Ellison, while "It Was Nothing, Really!" hilariously skewers the mores of the military-industrial complex. As always, these stories demonstrate not only Sturgeon's brilliant wordplay but also his timeliness, with "Brown-shoes" and "The Nail and the Oracle" standing out as powerful commentaries on the use and abuse of power that might have been written yesterday.

The Nail and the Oracle

by Theodore Sturgeon

This book contains ten major stories by the master of science fiction, fantasy, and horror written during the 1960s. The controversial "If All Men We re Brothers, Would You Let One Marry Your Sister?" shows the author's technique of "ask the next question" used in a way that shatters social conventions. "When You Care, When You Love" offers a prescient vision of the marriage of deep obsessive love and genetic manipulation, written long before actual cloning techniques existed. "Runesmith" constitutes a rare example of Sturgeon collaborating with a legendary colleague, Harlan Ellison. Included also are two other rarities: two detective stories and a Western that showcase Sturgeon's knack for characterization and action outside his usual genre. "Take Care of Joey" has been read as an allusion to the complex personal relationship between Sturgeon and Ellison, while "It Was Nothing, Really!" hilariously skewers the mores of the military-industrial complex. As always, these stories demonstrate not only Sturgeon's brilliant wordplay but also his timeliness, with "Brown-shoes" and "The Nail and the Oracle" standing out as powerful commentaries on the use and abuse of power that might have been written yesterday.

Nailah – A Feiticeira-Vampira do Egito

by Roberta Pisco Vianka Van Bokkem

Sinopse: Eu nasci em uma abastada família egípcia numa noite de tormenta. De acordo com meu pai, isso não era um bom sinal dos deuses. Os egípcios acreditavam em magia e quase todo homem, mulher e criança que tinha condição no Egito, usava um amuleto ou talismã. Assim que me tornei grande o suficiente, meus pais contrataram uma velha feiticeira famosa para me ensinar feitiços e poções mágicas. Fui transformada em vampira ao completar 19 anos de idade. Meu nome é Nailah e esta é a minha história.

Naked Dragon (Works Like Magick #1)

by Annette Blair

This national bestselling sensation has some new tricks up her sleeve... First in the Works like Magick series! The Works like Magick Employment Agency has a reputation for perfectly matching clients with magical temps. So when McKenna Greylock requests a handyman, the gorgeous Bastian Dragonelli arrives to repair her B&B- and fire up her bedroom.

Naked Empire (Sword of Truth, Book #8)

by Terry Goodkind

In this eighth book in the Sword of Truth series our hero and heroine are once more separated. The cast of characters is a little more interesting but there is still the burning question of when we will truly begin to make progress toward an end that will eventually come into sight.

The Naked Eye

by Yoko Tawada Susan Bernofsky

"Tawada's slender accounts of alienation achieve a remarkable potency."--Michael Porter, The New York Times A precocious Vietnamese high school student -- known as the pupil with "the iron blouse"--in Ho Chi Minh City is invited to an International Youth Conference in East Berlin. But, in East Berlin, as she is preparing to present her paper in Russian on "Vietnam as a Victim of American Imperialism," she is abruptly kidnapped and taken to a small town in West Germany. After a strange spell of domestic-sexual boredom with her lover-abductor--and though "the Berlin Wall was said to be more difficult to break through than the Great Wall of China" -- she escapes on a train to Moscow . . . but mistakenly arrives in Paris. Alone, broke, and in a completely foreign land, Anh (her false name) loses herself in the films of Catherine Deneuve as her real adventures begin. Dreamy, meditative, and filled with the gritty everyday perils of a person living somewhere without papers (at one point Anh is subjected to some vampire-like skin experiments), The Naked Eye is a novel that is as surprising as it is delightful--each of the thirteen chapters titled after and framed by one of Deneuve's films. "As far as I was concerned," the narrator says while watching Deneuve on the screen, "the only woman in the world was you, and so I did not exist." By the time 1989 comes along and the Iron Curtain falls, story and viewer have morphed into the dislocating beauty of both dancer and dance.

The Naked God: Book Three (The Night's Dawn #3)

by Peter F. Hamilton

The Confederation is starting to collapse politically and economically, allowing the `possessed' to infiltrate more worlds. Quinn Dexter is loose on Earth, destroying the giant arcologies one at a time. As Louise Kavanagh tries to track him down, she manages to acquire some strange and powerful allies whose goal doesn't quite match her own. The campaign to liberate Mortonridge from the possessed degenerates into a horrendous land battle, the kind which hasn't been seen by humankind for six hundred years; then some of the protagonists escape in a very unexpected direction. Joshua Calvert and Syrinx fly their starships on a mission to find the Sleeping God - which an alien race believes holds the key to overthrowing the possessed. THE NAKED GOD is the brilliant climax to Peter F. Hamilton's awe-inspiring Night's Dawn Trilogy.

Naked Mole Rat Saves the World

by Karen Rivers

Can Kit’s super-weird superpower save her world? Twelve-year-old kit-with-a-small-k likes shopping at the flea market with her best friend, Clem, roller-skating, climbing to the roof to look at the stars, and volunteering at an animal shelter. Until suddenly she has a really big, really strange secret that makes life more complicated than she’s prepared for: Sometimes, without warning, she turns into a tiny naked mole rat. It first happened as kit watched Clem fall and get hurt during a performance with her acrobatic-troupe family on TV. Since then, the transformations keep coming. Kit can’t tell Clem, because Clem hasn’t been herself after the accident. She’s mad and gloomy and keeping a secret of her own: the real reason she fell. Months later, kit and Clem still haven’t figured out how to deal with all the ways they have changed—both inside and out. Somehow, kit has to save the day. But she’s no hero, and turning into a naked mole rat isn’t a superpower. Or is it?

The Naked Prince and Other Tales from Fairyland

by Joe Cosentino

Cinder, a poor and beautiful young man who designs clothing, makeup, and hair for his stepmother and stepsisters, offers his clothing and slippers to a naked stranger in the woods, who turns out to be none other than Prince Charming. Follow Cinder and Prince Charming in this twist on the classic Cinderella tale as they discover their inner strengths and find their very own happily ever after. Enjoy The Naked Prince and three other reimagined tales from Fairyland, each with a unique spin on stories we all know and love, including The Golden Rule, where eighteen-year-old Gideon Golden, after being thrown out of his home in Fairyland by his homophobic parents, breaks into the cottage of three burly men on Bear Mountain. In Whatever Happened To...?, friction ensues between a celebrity with a growing appendage and a reporter who has a thing for giants. And in Ice Cold, young Gaelen must save his love, Kieran, after a handsome but evil prince freezes Kieran's heart and bewitches him into being the prince's slave.

The Naked Sun (The Robot Series #3)

by Isaac Asimov

A millennium into the future, two advancements have altered the course of human history: the colonization of the Galaxy and the creation of the positronic brain. On the beautiful Outer World planet of Solaria, a handful of human colonists lead a hermit-like existence, their every need attended to by their faithful robot servants. To this strange and provocative planet comes Detective Elijah Baley, sent from the streets of New York with his positronic partner, the robot R. Daneel Olivaw, to solve an incredible murder that has rocked Solaria to its foundations. The victim had been so reclusive that he appeared to his associates only through holographic projection. Yet someone had gotten close enough to bludgeon him to death while robots looked on. Now Baley and Olivaw are faced with two clear impossibilities: Either the Solarian was killed by one of his robots--unthinkable under the laws of Robotics--or he was killed by the woman who loved him so much that she never came into his presence!From the Paperback edition.

Naked Tails

by Eden Winters

Seth McDaniel wasn't raised among a shifter passel and has no idea what it's like to turn furry once a month. An orphan, torn from his father's family at an early age, he scarcely remembers Great-aunt Irene. Now her passing brings him back to Possum Kingdom, Georgia, to take up a legacy he doesn't understand and reconnect with a friend he's never forgotten. As Irene's second-in-command, Dustin Livingston has two choices: assume control of the passel or select another replacement. Unfortunately, the other candidates are either heartless or clueless. Dustin's best hope to dodge the responsibility is to deliver a crash course in leadership to his childhood pal Seth, a man he hasn't seen in twenty years. However, while Dustin&apos;s mind is set on his task, his heart is set on his old friend. Seth's quest for answers yields more questions instead. What's with the tiny gray hairs littering his aunt's house? Why do the townsfolk call each other "Jack" and "Jill"? Do Dustin's attentions come with ulterior motives? And why is Seth suddenly craving crickets? Winner in the 2013 Rainbow Awards. Fifth: Best Gay Paranormal Romance

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