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Nova Direção: Nova Direção

by Isaac Adai

Um romance social que descreve o conflito de questões contemporâneas e valores tradicionais em uma aldeia particular no continente da África chamado Yene, escrito de uma maneira cativante e perspicaz que torna a leitura do romance muito emocionante. Ele emociona o leitor com argumentos sobre as preferências familiares e consultas entre os moradores da aldeia, que trouxe uma nova direção e um esforço coletivo de proteção ambiental contra a destruição de seus recursos florestais e colocou sua aldeia no mapa do turismo de manejo florestal sustentável , atraindo turistas de todo o mundo durante todo o ano.

The Nova Incident: The Galactic Cold War Book III (Galactic Cold War)

by Dan Moren

Book III in the Galactic Cold War seriesWhen a bomb explodes in the bustling Commonwealth capital city of Salaam, responsibility is quickly claimed by an extremist independence movement. But after a former comrade, an ex-spy with his own agenda, is implicated in the attack, Simon Kovalic and his team of covert operatives are tasked with untangling the threads of a dangerous plot that could have implications on a galactic scale. And the deeper Kovalic digs, the more he'll uncover a maze of secrets, lies, and deception that may force even the most seasoned spy to question his own loyalties.File Under: Science Fiction [ Galactic Cold War | Friends close | Enemies closer | Nowhere to Run ]

Nova Shimmers (Forever Fairies)

by Maddy Mara

Join the four newest Sprout Wings on their adventures in the Magic Forest! These Forever Fairies will learn all there is to know about how fairies help save the day.Welcome back to the Magic Forest!Nova and her best fairy friends Lulu, Coco, and Zali are ready for their next fairy pod try-out, this time for the Shimmerbuds-who know all about fairy medicine. Nova isn't very speedy, but she loves helping the forest animals! When the forest trolls interrupt the challenge with more shenanigans, Nova has to think fast. Can she and the other Sprout Wings work together and mend the mess?

Nova Swing: A Novel (Kefahuchi Tract #2)

by M. John Harrison

Set in the unique world first featured in the award-winning Light, here is a story of love, murder, and intergalactic noir on the razor’s edge of the imagination, as envisioned by the incomparable M. John Harrison. Not far from Moneytown, in a neighborhood of underground clubs, body-modification chop shops, adolescent contract killers, and sexy streetwalking Monas, you’ll find the Saudade Event Site: a zone of strange geography, twisted physics, and frightening psychic onslaughts. Vic Serotonin is an illegal “travel agent” into and out of Saudade. His latest client is a woman as unpredictable as the site itself—and maybe as dangerous. She wants a tour inside Saudade just as a troubling new class of biological artifacts have started leaving—living algorithms that are transforming the “real” world in unsettling ways. Pursued by a detective intent on collaring him for his illegal tours, and hunted by a gangster convinced that the travel agent has infected him with a rogue artifact, Vic must make one final trip as the universe around him rapidly veers toward viral chaos.

Nova Swing

by M. John Harrison

It is some time after Ed Chianese's trip into the Kefahuchi Tract. A major industry of the Halo is now tourism. The Tract has begun to expand and change, but, more problematically, parts of it have also begun to fall to earth, piecemeal, on the Beach planets.We are in a city, perhaps on New Venusport or Motel Splendido: next to the city is the event site, the zone, from out of which pour new, inexplicable artefacts, organisms and escapes of living algorithm - the wrong physics loose in the universe. They can cause plague and change. An entire department of the local police, Site Crime, exists to stop them being imported into the city by adventurers, entradistas, and the men known as 'travel agents', profiteers who can manage - or think they can manage - the bad physics, skewed geographies and psychic onslaughts of the event site.But now a new class of semi-biological artefact is finding its way out of the site, and this may be more than anyone can handle.

Nova Swing: A Novel (Kefahuchi Tract Ser. #2)

by M. John Harrison

It is some time after Ed Chianese's trip into the Kefahuchi Tract. A major industry of the Halo is now tourism. The Tract has begun to expand and change, but, more problematically, parts of it have also begun to fall to earth, piecemeal, on the Beach planets.We are in a city, perhaps on New Venusport or Motel Splendido: next to the city is the event site, the zone, from out of which pour new, inexplicable artefacts, organisms and escapes of living algorithm - the wrong physics loose in the universe. They can cause plague and change. An entire department of the local police, Site Crime, exists to stop them being imported into the city by adventurers, entradistas, and the men known as 'travel agents', profiteers who can manage - or think they can manage - the bad physics, skewed geographies and psychic onslaughts of the event site.But now a new class of semi-biological artefact is finding its way out of the site, and this may be more than anyone can handle.

El Novae Terrae 1: La guerra de la sangre (El Novae Terrae #1)

by Bloodwitch Luz Oscuria

Imagínate un mundo en el que nada es en realidad lo que te habías imaginado hasta ahora. Descubre, desde los orígenes del mundo hasta nuestros días, la parte oculta que no podías ver. Partamos de viaje por toda la tierra al lado de una Vampira enigmática, y descubramos junto a ella los secretos que la historia tenía enterrados, secretos que ningún libro ha contado hasta ahora, y que Tomasz conocerá al mismo tiempo que tú. Porque el mundo tal y como lo conocías no es más que la cara de los secretos de la humanidad ocultados por una increíble Maga con poderes tan vastos como sorprendentes

El Novae Terrae 2: La guerra del poder (El Novae Terrae #2)

by Bloodwitch Luz Oscuria

Ahora ya sabemos que la intervención de la Maga ha tenido como efecto un gran cambio en el orden de las cosas del mundo terrenal, sobre todo para nosotros, los seres humanos. El Cazador de Vampiros de la Orden de los Eternos se encuentra ahora en apuros, y los Eternos no pueden ayudarlo, pues desconocen su situación. El futuro parece ir en favor de los vampiros ahora. Pero habrá que contar con la intervención de varios protagonistas que nadie se esperaba, y que contribuirán a modificar el porvenir del mundo a su favor. ¿Podrá cambiar el destino al que está ligado el planeta?

El Novae Terrae 3 - La guerra de los clanes (El Novae Terrae #3)

by Bloodwitch Luz Oscuria

El Cazador de Vampiros de la Orden de los Eternos se ha esfumado, así como también todos aquellos con los que intentó proteger el "Novae Terrae" frente a una horda de vampiros dirigidos por Eleonor y Aleksis, quienes asaltaron la fortaleza en la que se guarecían Tomasz, Mylena y los Eternos. Sin embargo, no está todo perdido, queda una esperanza en la persona de Sarah, quien proviene de un Cazador y de una Maga. Es un ser excepcional que promete muchas y variadas sorpresas para los vampiros. Los dos clanes esta vez estarán rodeados por nuevos aliados, y el desenlace de esta historia no está nada seguro.

The Novae Terrae, the trilogy (The Novae Terrae #4)

by Bloodwitch Luz Oscuria

At the beginning of time, the birth of Luisù Sazanùs, a being descended from the first Vampire in history, was about to bring the whole world into chaos. This threat had been solved by his mother, human but also one of the most powerful Witches that the Earth has borne, who created an artefact in which she concealed the most important of all powers, in order to prevent her offspring from using it against all of humanity. She also founded the Order of the Eternals to ensure the safety of this coveted object. They decided to entrust its protection to one, single being, a Hunter, who would also be responsible for fighting against the descendants of Luisù, determined to achieve the latter’s goals. But the shadow of another threat hangs in the air, made flesh by Eleonore, a creature who is not the kind to give up easily…

El Novae Terrae, La trilogía (El Novae Terrae #4)

by Bloodwitch Luz Oscuria

En los albores, el nacimiento de Luisú Sazanús, una criatura surgida del primer vampiro de la historia, estaba a punto de sumir el mundo entero en el caos. Esa amenaza movió a su madre, de naturaleza humana pero también una de las más poderosas magas que jamás hubiera habido sobre la faz de la tierra, a crear una reliquia en la que encerró el poder más insigne de todos, para evitar que su descendiente no lo usara contra la humanidad. Asimismo, fundó la Orden de los Eternos para velar por la seguridad de aquel objeto tan codiciado. Estos decidieron confiárselo a un ser único, un Cazador, quien también tendría que luchar contra los descendientes de Luisú, dispuestos a lograr sus objetivos. Pero planeaba otra amenaza: Eleonor, una criatura que no era de las que se rendían fácilmente...

The Novae Terrae, Volume 1: Blood War (The Novae Terrae #1)

by Bloodwitch Luz Oscuria

Imagine a world in which nothing is as you ever pictured it before. Discover, from the beginnings of time and up to the present day, the behind the scenes of the world that you could not behold. Let us travel across the globe alongside an enigmatic vampire and discover with her the deepest secrets of history, the ones that no book has told you until this day and that Tomasz will learn at the same time as you. Because the world as you know it is only the surface of mankind’s most concealed secrets, hidden away by an astonishing witch with powers as far-reaching as they are astounding.

The Novae Terrae, Volume 2: Power War (The Novae Terrae #2)

by Bloodwitch Luz Oscuria

As we now know, the Witch’s interference had produced a significant alteration in the order of things in this world, especially for us human beings. The Vampire Hunter of the Order of the Eternals is in dire straits now, and the Eternals cannot help him because they are unaware of his distress. The future seems to be in the Vampires’ favour now. But that is without taking into account the intervention of a few characters who nobody expected, and who will do everything to change the future of the world to their advantage. Will the fate to which the planet seems doomed change?

The Novae Terrae, Volume 3: Clans War (The Novae Terrae #3)

by Bloodwitch Luz Oscuria

The Vampire Hunter of the Order of the Eternals is gone, along with all those with whom he tried to protect the Novae Terrae when they faced an army of Vampires led by Eleonore and Aleksis who assaulted the citadel in which Tomasz, Mylena and the Eternals were lying in wait. But all is not lost. There is still hope in Sarah. Born from the union of a Hunter and a Witch, she is an exceptional being who still promises many surprises for the Vampires. The two clans will this time be surrounded by new allies of their own choice, and the outcome of this story is more than uncertain.

The Novel Habits of Happiness (Isabel Dalhousie Novels #10)

by Alexander McCall Smith

Isabel Dalhousie is one of Edinburgh's most generous (but discreet) philanthropists - but should she be more charitable? She wonders, sometimes, if she is too judgmental about her niece's amorous exploits, too sharp about her housekeeper's spiritual beliefs, too ready to bristle in battle against her enemies. As the editor of the Review of Applied Ethics, she doesn't, of course, allow herself actual enemies, but she does feel enmity - especially towards two academics who have just arrived in the city. Isabel feels they're a highly destabilizing influence; little tremors in the volcanic rock upon which an Enlightened Edinburgh perches. Equally troubling is the situation of the little boy who is convinced he had a previous life. When Isabel is called upon to help, she finds herself questioning her views on reincarnation. And the nature of grief. And - crucially - the positioning of lighthouses. The only questions Isabel doesn't have to address concern her personal life. With her young son and devoted husband her home life is blissfully content. Which is the best possible launching pad for the next issue of the Review - the Happiness issue. As Isabel is beginning to appreciate, happiness, for most people, is not quite what it seems . . .

Novel Ideas-Fantasy

by Brian Thomsen

Eight award-winning stories that served as the genesis for some of the most memorable novels and series in fantasy. Includes authors' introductions.

Novel Ideas-Fantasy

by Brian M. Thomsen Martin H. Greenberg

How do novels get their start? The answers to that question often prove as varied as the authors who create them. In Novel Ideas: Fantasy, seven of the genre's most talented tellers of tale are represented by eight masterful short works--many of them award winners--which laid the groundwork for some of the most acclaimed fantasy novels and series in the field.

A Novel Love Story

by Ashley Poston

A professor of literature finds herself caught up in a work of fiction…literally, from the New York Times bestselling author of The Seven Year Slip and The Dead Romantics. <P><P> Eileen Merriweather loves to get lost in a good happily-ever-after. The fictional kind, anyway. Because at least imaginary men don’t leave you at the altar. She feels safe in a book. At home. Which might be why she’s so set on going her annual book club retreat this year—she needs good friends, cheap wine, and grand romantic gestures—no matter what. <P><P> But when her car unexpectedly breaks down on the way, she finds herself stranded in a quaint town that feels like it’s right out of a novel… <P><P> Because it is. <P><P> This place can’t be real, and yet… she’s here, in Eloraton, the town of her favorite romance series, where the candy store’s honey taffy is always sweet, the local bar’s burgers are always a little burnt, and rain always comes in the afternoon. It feels like home. It’s perfect—and perfectly frozen, trapped in the late author’s last unfinished story. <P><P> Elsy is sure that’s why she must be here: to help bring the town to its storybook ending. <P><P> Except there is a character in Eloraton that she can’t place—a grumpy bookstore owner with mint-green eyes, an irritatingly sexy mouth and impeccable taste in novels. And he does not want her finishing this book. <P><P> Which is a problem because Elsy is beginning to think the town’s happily-ever-after might just be intertwined with her own. <p> <b>New York Times Bestseller</b>

Novela de Andrés Choz

by José María Merino

Andrés Choz siempre vivió por delante de su tiempo. A los 25 no disfrutaba de la juventud, pero se preparaba para los achaques de los 50. Cuando llega a la edad madura, llega también la mala noticia: a Andrés Choz le quedan solo seis meses de vida. ¿Cómo recuperar el tiempo? ¿Cómo realizar lo que tantas veces postergó? Andrés Choz se retira a un pueblo de la costa: seguramente en seis meses podrá completar esa novela de ciencia ficción que nunca se sentó a escribir. Enfrentado a una muerte segura, es la vida la que se interponerse en sus planes. ¿Será capaz Andrés Choz de aceptar la riqueza de lo cotidiano o, sin redención posible, seguirá ensimismado en su imposibilidad?

The Novelist: A Novel

by Jordan Castro

Brisk and shockingly witty, exuberantly scatological as well as deeply wise, The Novelist is a delight. Jordan Castro is a rare new talent: an author highly attuned to the traditions he is working within while also offering a refreshingly fun sendup of life beset by the endless scroll. —Mary South, author of You Will Never Be ForgottenIn Jordan Castro&’s inventive, funny, and surprisingly tender first novel, we follow a young man over the course of a single morning as he tries and fails to write an autobiographical novel, finding himself instead drawn into the infinite spaces of Twitter, quotidian rituals, and his own mind. The act of making coffee prompts a reflection on the limits of self-knowledge; an editor&’s embarrassing tweet sparks rage at the literary establishment; a meditation on first person versus third examines choice and action; an Instagram post about the ethics of having children triggers mimetic rivalry; the act of doing the dishes is at once ordinary and profound: one of the many small commitments that make up a life of stability. The Novelist: A Novel pays tribute to Nicholson Baker&’s The Mezzanine and Thomas Bernhard&’s Woodcutters, but in the end is a wholly original novel about language and consciousness, the internet and social media, and addiction and recovery.

Un novelista en el Museo del Prado (Antologia Literaria Ser.)

by Manuel Mujica Láinez

¿Quién no ha imaginado alguna vez la experiencia de ver animarse lasimágenes fijadas para siempre en un cuadro o una estatua y sentirlasingresar en el tiempo y el espacio cotidiano? ¿Quién no ha imaginado alguna vez la experiencia de ver animarse lasimágenes fijadas para siempre en un cuadro o una estatua y sentirlasingresar en el tiempo y el espacio cotidiano? Toda la fantasía, todo elsaber de Manuel Mujica Lainez se movilizan para hacer posible estaexperiencia, de la cual participa el lector con asombro y deleite. Denoche, en el Museo del Prado, los personajes de las pinturas y lasestatuas abandonan sus telas y sus pedestales e inician aventuras que,con risueña maravilla, reiteran las peripecias del vivir: alegrías,tristezas, exaltaciones.

Un novelista en el Museo del Prado y otros cuentos (Cuentos completos 2)

by Manuel Mujica Láinez

Segundo volumen de los cuentos completos de Mujica Lainez. En este segundo volumen de los cuentos completos de Manuel Mujica Láinez pueden encontrarse los relatos que componen sus libros Crónicas reales (1967), El brazalete y otros cuentos (1978) y Un novelista en el Museo del Prado (1984), además de veinte cuentos dispersos que completan su vasta producción de narrativa breve. Dejando al margen el estricto realismo, estos cuentos exploran universos fantásticos y despliegan una prosa satírica e irreverente con la que "Manucho" vuelve a mostrar sus dotes como creador de mundos maravillosos.

Novellina (Sangue e Acqua vol.3)

by Luisa Ercolano K. Matthew

Essere un vampiro alle prime armi è difficile, soprattutto quando vuoi mangiare ogni cosa che abbia un battito cardiaco. È arrivato il momento per Victoria di nutrirsi per la prima volta, e Harlow si è assunto la responsabilità di insegnarle ad essere un vampiro. Ma cosa può saperne un lupo mannaro, di che vuol dire essere un vampiro?

The Novels and Selected Works of Mary Shelley Vol 1

by Nora Crook Pamela Clemit Betty T Bennett

These eight volumes contain the works of Mary Shelley and include introductions and prefatory notes to each volume. Included in this edition are "Frankenstein" (1818), "Matilda" ((1819), "Valperga" (1823), "The Last Man" (1826), "Perkin Warbeck" (1830) and "Lodore" (1835).

The Novels of Gloria Naylor: Mama Day, Linden Hills, and Bailey's Cafe

by Gloria Naylor

Three lyrical and unforgettable novels from the National Book Award–winning author of The Women of Brewster Place. After winning both the National Book Award and the American Book Award for her now iconic debut novel, The Women of Brewster Place, which was later made into a TV miniseries starring Oprah Winfrey, Gloria Naylor continued to garner acclaim as one of the most original voices in twentieth-century American literature with novels such as Mama Day, Linden Hills, and Bailey’s Cafe. Mama Day: On Willow Springs, an island off the coast between Georgia and South Carolina, superstition is more potent than any trappings of the modern world. Here, the formidable Mama Day uses her powers to heal. But her great-niece, Cocoa, can’t wait to escape to New York City. When Cocoa returns to the island with her husband, George, darker forces challenge the couple—and their only hope may be the mystical matriarch. Steeped in the folklore of the South and inspired by Shakespeare, Mama Day is one of Naylor’s “richest and most complex” novels (Providence Journal). “[A] wonderful novel, full of spirit and sass and wisdom, and completely realized.” —The Washington Post Linden Hills: For its wealthy African American residents, the exclusive neighborhood of Linden Hills is a symbol of making it. But what happens when the dream of material success turns out to be an empty promise? Using Dante’s Inferno as a model, Naylor reveals the true cost of success for the lost souls of Linden Hills—a hell of their own making. “Every page contains a brilliant insight, a fine description, some petty and human, some grandiloquent.” —Chicago Tribune Bailey’s Cafe: This “moving and memorable” national bestseller is set in post–World War II Brooklyn, on a quiet backstreet, where Bailey’s Cafe serves as a crossroads for a broad range of patrons, a place of limbo for tortured souls before they move on—or check out (Boston Globe). “A virtuoso orchestration of survival, suffering, courage and humor.” —The New York Times Book Review

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