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Nuestros Mundos

by Rogério Macedo

¿Qué sucede cuando una persona de otro planeta termina en el centro de Río de Janeiro? Kris cae con su barco en medio de la bahía de Guanabara, y tendrá que dar la vuelta para sobrevivir no solo a sus perseguidores, sino también a la realidad de uno de los estados más violentos de Brasil. Encontrará que la vida en este lugar puede ser muy difícil, especialmente cuando se desconoce el dinero, la religión, el robo, la corrupción, la homofobia y el racismo. Procedente de una sociedad donde las personas aman a las personas, sin distinciones, sin divisiones sociales, sin mundos diferentes. Somos un negocio operado y de propiedad familiar. Nací (1976) y pasé parte de mi vida en Nova Iguaçu, en el suburbio de Río de Janeiro, vi mucha violencia y vi amigos de la infancia que iban por el camino equivocado. Mi refugio, de la violencia y el paisaje que me rodeaba estaba leyendo, me convertí en un lector de cómics y libros de ficción, he leído desde que tengo memoria.

Una Nueva Era

by Marina - de Puig - Smirnova Chris Red

24 de Junio del 2016. Un Apocalipsis ha sacudido la Tierra. El mundo tal como lo conocemos ha sido destruido. Sin embargo, la humanidad no ha sido aniquilada totalmente. Natán recorre el planeta, acompañado por su tío Yizrah, en busca de su hermano, Eyal, que ha perdido es éste famoso día. Su búsqueda les llevará a descubrir un nuevo mundo, a conocer a gente de diferentes orígenes y a vivir las aventuras más trepidantes que su antigua vidas no podía pretender ofrecerles. Ellos descubrirán que éste Apocalipsis representa una segunda oportunidad para la humanidad.

Nueva Esperanza (Crónicas de la Elegida #Volumen 3)

by Nora Roberts

Hace años, una pandemia arrebató la esperanza al mundo.Ahora, Fallon Swift va a devolvérsela.Pero, para cumplir con su destino, la Elegida necesitaráa todo un ejército a sus espaldas. Esta fascinante aventura desde las tinieblas hasta la luz es el perfecto desenlace de la explosiva trilogía «Crónicas de la Elegida», el último éxito de la autora superventas internacional. A pesar de no tener ni veinte años, el futuro de la humanidad recae sobre los hombros de Fallon Swift. Ella sabe que no puede fallar: debe ser implacable y utilizar toda su fuerza y su poder, aunque con ello siembre la destrucción a su alrededor, para que su gente sobreviva. Junto a Duncan, un joven soldado y un líder nato, Fallon ha conseguido salvar a incontables cambiantes, elfos y humanos. Sin embargo, ahora debe ayudarles a sanar y a despertar la luz y la esperanza que anida en su interior. Porque, para cumplir con su destino, la Elegida necesitará a todo un ejército a sus espaldas. Reseñas:«El apocalipsis imaginado por Nora Roberts.»The Washington Post «Me encanta Nora Roberts.»Stephen King «Magnífico... Encuentra el equilibrio perfecto entre magia, aventura, romance y una voluntad de hierro en la lucha entre el bien y el mal sin olvidar que, aunque la batalla puede salvarnos, es el calor del hogar y nuestra comunidad lo que nos mantiene en pie. Brillante e inspiradora.»Kirkus Reviews «Con la hábil creación de su propia marca de literatura mágica, Roberts vuelve a combinar personajes interesantes, una trama original y un ritmo vertiginoso al presentarnos la trepidante lectura que cierra sus mágicas"Crónicas de la Elegida".»Booklist «El último volumen de "Crónicas de la Elegida" (que sigue a Año Uno y a Sangre y hueso) es una nueva versión, postapocalíptica y llena de fantasía, de la más que demostrada destreza narrativa de Roberts. El círculo se cierra sin dejar ningún cabo suelto en esta trepidante y robusta historia.»Library Journal


by Marcelo Eckhardt

Silvio Astier, el personaje de El juguete rabioso de Roberto Arlt, recorre la Patagonia y descubre cosas que el pasado se encargóo de ocultar. A pie, a caballo, en su carretas y catraminas muy de la época, este testigo raro, especial, lleva adelante una especie de pesquisa en las que se advierten, con inadvertida calma, las huellas del futuro. Sí, la Patagonia tiene un carácter revelador que el más agudo de los personajes arltianos se apura en mex zclar con su propio destino. El resultado es esta prodigiosa narración que Eckart ofrece a los lectores para que descubran, también ellos, otra de las violentas pasiones que alimentan los mitos literarios argentinos. Fuera de serie.

Nueve armaduras de poder: El despertar del demonio

by Héctor J. González

Poder, fantasía, sangre y muerte. Nueve extraordinarios caballeros contra cinco aterradoras muertes. ¿Quién ganará? Nueve caballeros de poder luchan contra cinco muertes malditas, provocando un mundo donde las guerras humanas no podrán cesar. Un sangriento camino y personajes con poderes inimaginables te llevarán a un universo con magia y maldad sin límites. Prepárate, si teatreves, a vivir una aventura extraordinaria, a ser sorprendido, a adentrarte en lo que será tu nuevo mundo.

Nueve días en el jardín de Kiev

by Susana Vallejo

«Un canto a la vida, la muerte, la naturaleza y el amor en un ambiente mágico. Un texto delicioso que llega al corazón y se queda en la mente creando ecos sobre las grandes preguntas de la Humanidad. Una joya para releer y disfrutar. Imprescindible.»Elia Barceló. «Quizá haya tantas historias como personas, o puede que cada uno de nosotros escuche una historia distinta». El pequeño Sergei descubre por casualidad un misterioso jardín en medio de la ciudad. Allí entabla amistad con una niña como él, Tatiana, y con el guardián del jardín, que le relatarán un cuento cada día. Los cuentos del sabio guardián y Tatiana descubrirán a Sergei secretos sorprendentes y tesoros ocultos sobre el jardín, el mundo y sobre él mismo. Una fábula entrañable y optimista para todos los públicos ambientada en el jardín de Kiev, un mágico lugar rebosante de leyendas y personajes maravillosos.

El nuevo mundo (Almas perdidas #Volumen 2)

by Ariana Godoy

Ariana Godoy regresa al tenebroso universo de Almas perdidas con el segundo volumen de su nueva trilogía. Tras la Purificación, el mundo ha cambiado, y Morgan debe encontrar de nuevo su lugar en él. Ha descubierto la verdad sobre su nacimiento y su destino, aunque a un precio altísimo: sus amigos han desaparecido y lleva en sus entrañas al hijo de su enemigo. Ahora, dividida entre su amor por el Rey Insurgente y el dolor de su traición, deberá recomponer las piezas de su corazón roto y enfrentarse al desafío más complicadode su vida si quiere ser libre: destruir un reino y acabar con su soberano. «¿Quieres destruirme? Te invito a intentarlo». La autora best seller Ariana Godoy (trilogía Hermanos Hidalgo, saga Darks y Sigue mi voz) crea un universo tenebroso donde las criaturas de la noche reinan y los corazones puros están en clara desventaja.

Null-A Continuum

by John C. Wright

Continuing A.E. van Vogt's World of Null-AIn this heart-stopping sequel to A.E. van Vogt's World of Null-A, Gilbert Gosseyn, the superhuman amnesiac with a double brain, must pit his wits once more against the remorseless galactic dictator Enro the Red and the mysterious shadow-being known as The Follower. And he must do it while he is being hurled headlong through unimaginable distances in space, in time, and through alternate eternities to fend off the death and complete the rebirth of the Universe itself!At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

The Null Prophecy

by Michael Guillen

Space weather scientists in Northeast Canada have spotted holes opening in Earth's magnetosphere. Now a massive, deadly eruption of solar radiation is barreling toward the planet at one million miles per hour. <P><P>With only three days before impact, the president of the United States desperately turns to two unlikely heroes for help: inventor Calder Sinclair and physicist-turned-news-correspondent Allie Armendariz. <P><P> As they and the world focus on the looming disaster from space, someone is secretly plotting to wreak havoc globally on the ground. If successful, the fiendish plan will hurl modern civilization back to the Nineteenth Century. Guillen skillfully weaves heart-racing suspense with deeper questions about the profound consequences of scientific innovation, both intended and unintended. As his heroes search for answers, they run headlong into questions about human origins and the meaning and purpose of life and death. <P><P> Racing the clock, Calder and Allie battle personal demons (as well as each other), all the while inching closer to a staggering truth foretold in ancient literature that decisively spells out the world's future—the Null Prophecy.

Null Set: A Cas Russell Novel (Cas Russell #2)

by S. L. Huang

S. L. Huang's Null Set is the breakout sf thriller for fans of John Scalzi and Greg RuckaMath-genius mercenary Cas Russell has decided to Fight Crime(tm). After all, with her extraordinary mathematical ability, she can neuter bombs or out-shoot an army. And the recent outbreak of violence in the world’s cities is Cas’s fault—she’s the one who crushed the organization of telepaths keeping the world’s worst offenders under control.But Cas’s own power also has a history, one she can’t remember—or control. One that's creeping into her mind and fracturing her sanity...just when she’s gotten herself on the hit list of every crime lord on the West Coast. And her best, only, sociopathic friend. Cas won’t be able to save the world. She might not even be able to save herself.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Null States: A Novel

by Malka Older

"Kinetic and gripping" —NPR on InfomocracyNull States continues Campbell Award finalist Malka Older's Centenal Cycle, the near-future science fiction trilogy beginning with Infomocracy• The book The Huffington Post called "one of the greatest literary debuts in recent history"• Named one of the best books of the year by The Washington Post, The Verge, Flavorwire, Kirkus, and Book Riot• A Locus Award Finalist for Best First NovelThe future of democracy is about to implode.After the last controversial global election, the global infomocracy that has ensured thirty years of world peace is fraying at the edges. As the new Supermajority government struggles to establish its legitimacy, agents of Information across the globe strive to keep the peace and maintain the flows of data that feed the new world order. In the newly-incorporated DarFur, a governor dies in a fiery explosion. In Geneva, a superpower hatches plans to bring microdemocracy to its knees. In Central Asia, a sprawling war among archaic states threatens to explode into a global crisis. And across the world, a shadowy plot is growing, threatening to strangle Information with the reins of power.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Nulla da perdere: le avventure di Capitan Nulla. Volume 1

by Steve Vernon Giuseppe Raccosta

Allora, pensate di conoscere tutto a proposito di supereroi? Quei tipi con i mantelli e in costume di spandex leggermente inamidato che scalano alti edifici e si beccano sempre la ragazza. Non sapete nulla. Unitevi a Steve Vernon, lo scrittore horror più duro della Nuova Scozia, mentre vi porta nel mondo di Capitan Nulla. E' un mondo senza speranza, un mondo che è freddo e oscuro come il cuore di un proprietario terriero dopo la scadenza dell'affitto. E' un mondo che potrebbe dare a Batman un caso di cui agitarsi nelle paure notturne. NULLA DA PERDERE è una raccolta di racconti che ti mostrerà la parte più buia del coraggio. Ti mostrerà le ombre nel cuore di un eroe. Avanti, vi sfido a dare un'occhiata più da vicino. In fondo, non avete nulla da perdere.

Nulla in Basso

by Steve Vernon

Allora, pensate di conoscere tutto a proposito di supereroi? Quei tipi con i mantelli e in costume di spandex leggermente inamidato che scalano alti edifici e si beccano sempre la ragazza. Non sapete nulla. Unitevi a Steve Vernon, lo scrittore horror più duro della Nuova Scozia, mentre vi porta nel mondo di Capitan Nulla. E' un mondo senza speranza, un mondo che è freddo e oscuro come il cuore di un proprietario terriero dopo la scadenza dell'affitto. E' un mondo che potrebbe dare a Batman un caso di cui agitarsi nelle paure notturne. NULLA IN BASSO è una raccolta di racconti che vi mostrerà la parte più buia del coraggio. Vi mostrerà le ombre nel cuore di un eroe. Avanti, vi sfido a dare un'occhiata più da vicino. In fondo, non avete nulla da perdere.

Number 13

by Robert Love

Number 13, a young cybernetic amnesiac, wanders a postapocalyptic wasteland searching for a father he can't remember. He possesses powers coveted by irrational, feuding factions of the future, and he quickly becomes entangled in their deadly struggle for world dominance! A sci-fi adventure about one's search for identity in a grim, violent world! Collects Number 13 #0–#3. FROM THE ARTIST BEHIND ALPHA GIRL AND FIERCE! COWRITTEN BY DAVID WALKER (BADAZZ MOFO MAGAZINE)

Number 87

by Harrington Hext

A thrilling tale from the author who inspired Alfred Hitchcock!The Club of Friends may not have liked Alexander Skeat very much, but no one should meet his Maker so violently, so mysteriously...Though Skeat may have been the first, he wouldn't be the last. Found dead in London with no wounds but a small incision beneath his shoulder, Skeat's demise was written off by many at first. But when the gentlemen of the Club of Friends thought more about the account of the policeman who found him - of the black, winged creature hulking over Skeat's body - they realized there must be more to the crime than they'd imagined. It takes little time for panic to stretch across London, Europe, and the world as its attacks range wider and occur with greater frequency. Is it really "the Bat," as it becomes known, that obliterates the Albert Memorial? Common science seems helpless, but then, this is no common beast!om the United Kingdom from his early childhood forward. Known as a prolific young adult and mystery novelist, he penned about 250 works in his lifetime, including The Farmer's Wife, a comic play which Alfred Hitchcock later directed as a silent film. Later in his career, he explored his modern philosophy in a wealth of fantasy and early science-fiction novels.

Number 87

by Harrington Hext

A thrilling tale from the author who inspired Alfred Hitchcock!The Club of Friends may not have liked Alexander Skeat very much, but no one should meet his Maker so violently, so mysteriously....Though Skeat may have been the first, he wouldn't be the last. Found dead in London with no wounds but a small incision beneath his shoulder, Skeat's demise was written off by many at first. But when the gentlemen of the Club of Friends thought more about the account of the policeman who found him--of the black, winged creature hulking over Skeat's body--they realized there must be more to the crime than they'd imagined.It takes little time for panic to stretch across London, Europe, and the world as its attacks range wider and occur with greater frequency. Is it really "the Bat," as it becomes known, that obliterates the Alfred Memorial? Common science seems helpless, but then, this is no common beast!

Number 87

by Harrington Hext

A thrilling tale from the author who inspired Alfred Hitchcock! The Club of Friends may not have liked Alexander Skeat very much, but no one should meet his Maker so violently, so mysteriously. . . . Though Skeat may have been the first, he wouldn't be the last. Found dead in London with no wounds but a small incision beneath his shoulder, Skeat's demise was written off by many at first. But when the gentlemen of the Club of Friends thought more about the account of the policeman who found him--of the black, winged creature hulking over Skeat's body--they realized there must be more to the crime than they'd imagined. It takes little time for panic to stretch across London, Europe, and the world as its attacks range wider and occur with greater frequency. Is it really "the Bat," as it becomes known, that obliterates the Alfred Memorial? Common science seems helpless, but then, this is no common beast!

The Number of the Beast

by Robert A. Heinlein

When two male and two female supremely sensual, unspeakably cerebral humans find themselves under attack from aliens who want their awesome quantum breakthrough, they take to the skies -- and zoom into the cosmos on a rocket roller coaster ride of adventure and danger, ecstasy and peril.

Number9Dream: A Novel

by David Mitchell

By the New York Times bestselling author of The Bone Clocks and Cloud Atlas | Shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize“A novel as accomplished as anything being written.”—NewsweekNumber9Dream is the international literary sensation from a writer with astonishing range and imaginative energy—an intoxicating ride through Tokyo’s dark underworlds and the even more mysterious landscapes of our collective dreams. David Mitchell follows his eerily precocious, globe-striding first novel, Ghostwritten, with a work that is in its way even more ambitious. In outward form, Number9Dream is a Dickensian coming-of-age journey: Young dreamer Eiji Miyake, from remote rural Japan, thrust out on his own by his sister’s death and his mother’s breakdown, comes to Tokyo in pursuit of the father who abandoned him. Stumbling around this strange, awesome city, he trips over and crosses—through a hidden destiny or just monstrously bad luck—a number of its secret power centers. Suddenly, the riddle of his father’s identity becomes just one of the increasingly urgent questions Eiji must answer. Why is the line between the world of his experiences and the world of his dreams so blurry? Why do so many horrible things keep happening to him? What is it about the number 9? To answer these questions, and ultimately to come to terms with his inheritance, Eiji must somehow acquire an insight into the workings of history and fate that would be rare in anyone, much less in a boy from out of town with a price on his head and less than the cost of a Beatles disc to his name.Praise for Number9Dream “Delirious—a grand blur of overwhelming sensation.”—Entertainment Weekly “To call Mitchell’s book a simple quest novel . . is like calling Don DeLillo’s Underworld the story of a missing baseball.”—The New York Times Book Review “Number9Dream, with its propulsive energy, its Joycean eruption of language and playfulness, represents further confirmation that David Mitchell should be counted among the top young novelists working today.”—San Francisco Chronicle “Mitchell’s new novel has been described as a cross between Don DeLillo and William Gibson, and although that’s a perfectly serviceable cocktail-party formula, it doesn’t do justice to this odd, fitfully compelling work.”—The New Yorker “Leaping with ease from surrealist fables to a teenage coming-of-age story and then spinning back to Yakuza gangster battles and World War II–era kamikaze diaries, Mitchell is an aerial freestyle ski-jumper of fiction. Somehow, after performing feats of literary gymnastics, he manages to stick the landing.”—The Seattle Post-IntelligencerFrom the Hardcover edition.

Numbers: Book 1 (Numbers #1)

by Rachel Ward

Starred by PW and SLJ! Now in paperback, Rachel Ward's gripping debut psycho-thriller that pairs futuristic sci-fi with a tender, touchingly real love story. Includes a teaser to the sequel!Ever since the day her mother died, Jem has known about the numbers. Numbers that pop into her head when she looks into someone's eyes. They're dates, the numbers. Dates predicting with brute accuracy each person's death. Burdened by such horrible knowledge, Jem avoids relationships. Until she meets Spider, another outsider, and takes a chance. Maybe they can find happiness together, if only in the brief time that remains before his expiration date. But on a trip to London, Jem foresees a chilling chain of events: The city's a target. The clock's running out. The countdown is on to a blowup!

Numen! (Numen Yeye)

by Biola Olatunde

Ife is now married, and in the material world her status is elevated by Babatunde, her husband, now Kabiyesi, the Lion of his people. Ife's life and spiritual journey is still in a state of flux and uncertain. More than ever before she witnesses the corruption and vice of society, particularly among those who are supposed to represent the people. This complicates matters further. She is fully reconciled with being the incarnation of Numen, the ancient spirit entity, but Ife/Numen now needs to find purpose in this Nigerian landscape. There are also entities from the spirit realm who wish to undermine her... Enter the last chapter in this spiritual fantasy, interlaced with Biola Olatunde's unique idiom tied so closely to her beloved homeland. Numen! is a fitting end story to the trilogy and shows love and bonding, and most importantly, reveals much of Nigeria's internal challenges - with a ray of hope.

Numen Yeye (Numen Yeye)

by Biola Olatunde

Numen Yeye is about two worlds, inextricably interconnected. Numen Yeye is a princess in the Kingdom of Light, and her spirit is channeled through a young girl called Ife, who lives in a Nigerian village. Ife's awareness of her Light connection grows, but not as quickly as her dismay with the abuse of Nigeria's religious heritage in dark practices. And yet she recognizes what relevance her heritage has to her peoples', and her own, personal lives. Numen Yeye is a story about Ife's discovery of her meaning in life, despite her growing, special abilities. It resonates with each and every reader. It is universal in theme. Numen Yeye is also about the spiritual lives of the Nigerian peoples, including their village customs and rites. It is a revelation. Numen Yeye is not a typical contemporary fantasy novel. It was written in Nigerian English and the publisher has taken pains in retaining as much of the idiom and style as possible through its translation, while still enabling Western readers to fully appreciate what is a very different, fascinating world.

Numenera: The Night Clave

by Monte Cook Shanna Germain

Science fiction adventure in a decaying far future setting in the new tie-in novel from the popular Numenera tabletop and PC roleplaying games. In the far-future Ninth World, claves of Aeon Priests help their community understand and use the mysterious technologies of the past. But what happens when a group of these priests uses this knowledge and power to exploit the people who depend on them? In the region of Steremoss, a group of brave individuals are determined to resist this oppression from the shadows. They call themselves the Night Clave.File Under: Fantasy [ Protect the Clave | Devices & Designs | Death Walkers | World's End ]

Numenera - The Poison Eater

by Shanna Germain

<p>Poison never lies. <p>Tali was once one of the seven martyrs of the forgotten compass. <p>She barely escaped that life with her body and soul intact. <p>Now she has a new life as a poison eater in the city of Enthait. <p>Here she is hailed as one of the city's protectors. <p>No one knows her history. <p>No one has asked about her past. <p>She's been here so long that Enthait is her home now, these are her people. She loves them and they her.But in the Ninth World, the past is a living, breathing thing. And when it hunts you down, you can run. You can fight. Or you can die.

Nunca me abandones

by Kazuo Ishiguro

Hailsham aparenta ser un agradable internado inglés, lejos de las influencias de la gran ciudad. La escuela se ocupa bien de sus estudiantes, enseñándoles arte y literatura y todo lo necesario para que se conviertan en el tipo de persona que la sociedad espera. Pero, curiosamente, en Hailsham no se enseña nada sobre el mundo exterior, un mundo con el que casi todo contacto está prohibido. Dentro de Hailsham, Kathy y sus amigos Ruth y Tommy crecen indiferentes ante el resto del mundo, pero será solamente cuando finalmente dejen la seguridad de la escuela que se darán cuenta de lo que Hailsham en realidad esconde. Nunca me abandones rompe con los limites de la novela literaria. Es un misterio conmovedor, una hermosa historia de amor, una crítica mordaz de la arrogancia humana y también una investigación moral de cómo tratamos a la gente más vulnerable en nuestra sociedad. En su exploración del tema de la memoria y el impacto del pasado en un posible futuro, Ishiguro ha creado su libro más conmovedor hasta la fecha. From the Trade Paperback edition.

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