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O Viajante do Tempo

by Joe Corso Lucas Veloso

"Lucky Campo acorda com suas mãos e pés presos a uma cama, sem memória de como foi parar lá. Enquanto é interrogado, ele descobre que seus sequestradores receberam um relatório secreto roubado da CIA contendo informação de que ele é um viajante do tempo e estão determinados a descobrir se aquilo é verdade. Os pensamentos de Lucky o levam de volta a quando foi capturado durante um roubo, e como devido às suas extraordinárias habilidades como ladrão de jóias, a CIA lhe deu uma chance: juntar-se a eles ou ir para a cadeia. Sem alternativa, ele entra para a CIA, mas com a condição de que seu amigo Mickey venha também. Ele se recorda de como a explosão danificou seriamente seu cérebro e visão, e quase o matou. Ao se recuperar de seus ferimentos, ele descobre que sua visão comprometida lhe permitiu ver as cortinas de luz, portões que cortam um buraco negro no próprio tempo."

O Viajante do tempo e a Princesa

by Joe Corso Evelin Suzete Mongelli

Lucky Campo, o agente da CIA ainda não pode descansar.A viagem no tempo agora já pode ser acessível. Primeiramente, transformou Lucky num homem muito rico e agora pode favorecê-lo numa fuga para uma terra perigosa e cheia de aventura. Lucky está por sua conta e risco e mesmo armado com a tecnologia do século 21 o que poderá acontecer? A Rainha reza pelo retorno do Mago, porém, Lucky pode ter mordido mais do que pode mastigar . A história pode ser alterada e os resultados acabarem sendo devastadores. Uma princesa está à morte e um bilionário grego e louco tenta dominar o mundo, escolhendo líderes em países falidos para que o auxiliem no seu plano de dominação mundial. O que Lucky e seu amigo Mickey conseguirão fazer antes que do sol se pôr? Eles enfrentarão os males e as trevas mundiais, em séculos diferentes, mas só podem fazê-lo. . . Com o Portal do Tempo.

O Viajante do Tempo e Professor

by Antonio Kuntz Joe Corso

O presidente russo está atrás dos segredos de Lucky e do professor Lindstrom. Os árabes também. Vladimir Putin está determinado a garantir para seus país a invenção secreta que eliminará para sempre a necessidade de petróleo para qualquer tipo de transporte. Putin atribuiu essa tarefa ao seu chefe de segurança, Oleg Karpov. Caberá a Lucky proteger o professor cientista e seu "sistema de propulsão magnética", mas ele conseguirá enganar as legiões de agentes russos? Do quartel-general da KGB, em Moscou, até a cidade fantasma de Rhyolite, Lucky vai utilizar sua capacidade de viajar no tempo, realizar missões, erradicar assassinos e, além de tudo, aumentar sua fortuna ao mesmo tempo. Será que vai se sair bem desta vez? Lucky terá sorte? Afinal, nunca se sabe o que se esconde por trás de um... portal do tempo.

O Vigilante das Sombras

by Miranda Stork Patrícia Rocheta

Aodhan apertou inutilmente a sua cabeça, gemendo. Ele sabia que era inútil, porque a voz não estava dentro da sua cabeça. Ela seguia-o, deslizando através de prédios e terrenos. Ela tinha-o seguido desde que ele tinha dezasseis anos e ainda o seguia hoje em dia, como uma memória demasiado horrível para ser esquecida. Aodhan é um demónio das sombras, endurecido e frio depois de anos de estar sozinho, depois do seu amor, a sua Destinada, ter-lhe sido cruelmente tirada. Ele tinha fechado o seu coração ao mundo, e agora passa a sua vida a livrar o mundo de homens como aqueles que levaram a sua amada, um assassino profissional imortal... Arianwen Harris é uma jovem Inspetora-Chefe, trabalhando para a Polícia de York. Quando um criminoso conhecido é encontrado brutalmente morto, ela vê-se a perseguir um assassino profissional que parece ter conseguido escapar vezes sem conta... mas ela começa-se a sentir atraída pelos seus encantos sombrios e aparência marota... À medida que os seus dois mundos colidem, Aodhan e Arianwen dão por si a juntarem-se para fugir de um bem maior inimigo, um que ameaça construir um mundo bem pior do que o que eles vivem. À medida que lutam para conterem as forças que se aproximam, o destino tem outro plano; um para juntá-los e sarar os seus passados destruídos...

O Vínculo do Aventureiro: Livro 5 das Aventuras em Brad (Aventuras em Brad #5)

by Tao Wong

Uma nova Masmorra. Novos amigos. E mais perigo do que nunca. O grupo de aventureiros bem unidos de Daniel Chai cresceu com a adição de dois novos membros. O silencioso Ranger e o independente Feiticeiro trazem novas e interessantes dinâmicas — em um momento em que a equipe deve enfrentar seu maior desafio. Como uma das duas equipes a entrar na Masmorra recém-reaberta, a pressão para executar e limpar os andares da Masmorra aumentou. O Vínculo dos Aventureiros é o livro 5 das Aventuras em Brad, uma série de fantasia LitRPG para jovens adultos. Este livro inclui um curandeiro, uma Catkin, um Ranger conciso, um bárbaro barulhento, monstros, masmorras e telas de status.

O Xamã

by Guy Lozier

Os Devians estão conquistando todas as dimensões ... O xamã Auren, um xamã com poderes mágicos de um deus, deve enfrentar criaturas vil das dimensões inferiores infernais, empenhadas em destruir todas as realidades. À medida que os Devianos se movem para uma dimensão, eles assumem os corpos que se alimentam das próprias almas dos seres que estão conquistando. Auren os encontra nos tempos antigos, quando matam seu filho e mulher. Perseguindo-os no tempo, Auren os segue até os tempos modernos. Guy criou uma aventura épica que abrange muitas dimensões, apresentando personagens assustadores das trevas e sociedades alienígenas avançadas empenhadas na conquista universal. Leva o leitor das dimensões mais baixas da forma para as dimensões mais altas e além, para a atemporalidade. Abrange milhares de anos e aborda seres humanos avançados e altamente evoluídos do futuro. Criaturas da mitologia e criaturas nunca antes vistas tomam forma em sua história. Ninguém criou uma história tão vasta e abrangente nos tempos modernos ou antigos. Alguns chegaram ao ponto de dizer que as histórias de Guy são pura genialidade.


by Paul Theroux

"Remarkable... Powerful... Mesmerizing... Lyrical." Susan Cheever Welcome to the America of the 21st century. The O-Zone is a forbidding land of nuclear waste, mutants, and aliens. Except for one place that is a beautiful oasis amidst the destruction. When two aliens are shot that look suspiciously human, Hooper Allbright, disturbed by the memories of those he once loved, goes back down into the O-Zone to try to reach the people he lost, though they may be unreachable by now.... "Smart, witty, grotesque, and brutal." THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER

The Oak and the Ram (Gateway Essentials #448)

by Michael Moorcock

The seasons have turned from spring to summer across the quiet earth - yet the Fhoi Myore were hiding in mist, awaiting their chance to unleash their icy realm of death. To defeat the Cold Gods, Corum of the Silver Hand must restore the High King's power with legendary treasures - the Golden Oak and the Silver Ram - lost talismans that wield miraculous forces. Forces that Corum must now tame...

The Oak Apple: The Morland Dynasty, Book 4 (Morland Dynasty #4)

by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

1630: after long years of peace the reign of Charles I brings brutal civil war to England.The clash between King and Parliament is echoed at Morland Place when Richard brings home a Puritan bride while his brother, Kit, joins Prince Rupert and the Royalist cavalry, leaving their father Edmund desperately trying to steer a middle course between the fighting factions.As the war grinds on, bitterness and disillusion replace the early fervour, and the schisms between husband and wife, father and son, grow deeper. Edmund struggles grimly through it all in an attempt to keep the Morland fortune intact, but he is thwarted by the estrangement between his sons and then alienated from his beloved wife, Mary.

The Oak Apple: The Morland Dynasty, Book 4 (Morland Dynasty #4)

by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

1630: after long years of peace the reign of Charles I brings brutal civil war to England.The clash between King and Parliament is echoed at Morland Place when Richard brings home a Puritan bride while his brother, Kit, joins Prince Rupert and the Royalist cavalry, leaving their father Edmund desperately trying to steer a middle course between the fighting factions.As the war grinds on, bitterness and disillusion replace the early fervour, and the schisms between husband and wife, father and son, grow deeper. Edmund struggles grimly through it all in an attempt to keep the Morland fortune intact, but he is thwarted by the estrangement between his sons and then alienated from his beloved wife, Mary.

The Oak Rings

by E. T. Malinowski

Bran O'Rury is living a simple life in ancient Ireland until a lover's betrayal and a furious lynch mob force him into an ancient faerie ring. He wakes up in a strange world, in the care of a beautiful man who offers more questions than a simple peasant can answer. Their attraction is instant and magnetic, but their worlds are centuries apart. Will their romance be just a mystical memory, or is there a will and a purpose behind the fairy magic of the oak rings?

Oak Seer (The Fey Matter Novels #2)

by Craig Comer

&“A riveting tale of intrigue, magic, and romance in a steampunk-flavored Scotland packed with evil creatures, scheming politicians, and vicious bigots.&” —Wendy N. Wagner, Hugo Award winnerWith heinous cults and unruly mobs all around, how will Effie prevent Scotland from falling into ruin? Thrust into the public eye as the &“Green Lady,&” Effie of Glen Coe has become a living legend, the fey woman who saved Scotland from devastation. But can she do it again? Determined more than ever to forge a peace between fey and humans, Effie finds herself navigating a realm increasingly divided. The lords of London have other plans, and once again, Effie is pulled into a quagmire of politics and greed. She must stand against plots to remove her kind from the shores of the empire and madmen who murder fey without regard. With violent thugs and unruly mobs all around, wits and courage are not enough. Effie must become something more than herself, an Oak Seer, a fey mantle long lost. But can she survive long enough to claim it?&“A fantastic sequel, Oak Seer plunges you willingly into the fey underworld of Victorian Scotland.&” —Garrett Calcaterra, author of Souldrifter and Dreamwielder&“Effie and Jack Canonbie are like a breath of fresh air in this novel with their cunning and brilliant personalities. One finds oneself rooting for Effie&’s success throughout this thought-provoking story.&” —InD&’tale

The Oakdale Affair

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

The beautiful young daughter of a wealthy family is robbed of her money and jewels, and she herself disappears soon after... A young man fleeing a band of murderous hobos becomes the target of a lynch mob... Frozen to silent rigidity, they sat straining every faculty to catch the minutest sound from the black void where the dead man lay. As they listened there came up to them, mingled with inexplicable footsteps, a hollow reverberation from the dank cellar - a hideous dragging of chains behind the nameless horror which had haunted them through the interminable eons of the ghastly night. Up, up it came toward the room at the head of the stairs where they huddled fearfully. They could now hear quite clearly what might have been the slow and ponderous footsteps of a heavy man dragging painfully across the rough floor. It stopped in front of their hideout and all was silent. Suddenly their rang out against the silence of the awful night a piercing shriek, and a great The Oakdale Affair force began to bend the flimsy door...

Oakwing: A Fairy's Tale

by E. J. Clarke

A twelve-year-old girl finds herself on an epic adventure of tiny proportions after she’s magically transformed into a fairy in this stunning debut novel from EJ Clarke.Rowan’s mother went missing seven years ago. On the anniversary of her disappearance, Rowan cries herself to sleep beneath their favorite tree in Hyde Park, in the very heart of London. When she wakes up she’s tiny…and has wings. She uncovers a hidden world of fairies and foxes, and sets out on a perilous journey to find the one person she misses more than any other. With new friends by her side and fierce enemies at her heels, she’ll discover powers she never imagined, and a courage she never knew she had.

Oasis: A Novel

by Katya de Becerra

In this young adult thriller for fans of Lost and The Twilight Zone, a group of teens are saved when they come across a mysterious oasis. But who will save them from the oasis?Alif had exciting summer plans: working on her father’s archeological dig site in the desert with four close friends ... and a very cute research assistant. Then the sandstorm hit.Their camp wiped away, Alif and the others find themselves lost on the sands, seemingly doomed ... until they find the oasis. It has everything they need: food, water, and shade—and mysterious ruins that hide a deadly secret. As reality begins to shift around them, they question what’s real and what’s a mirage. The answers turn Alif and her friends against each other, and they begin to wonder if they’ve truly been saved. And while it was easy to walk into the oasis, it may be impossible to leave ...An Imprint Book“Will stick to readers’ skin long after the final page is turned.” —Booklist (starred review)“de Becerra successfully builds a fraught tension throughout the book that mirrors the characters’ feelings as reality leaves them behind . . . well worth the payoff.” —The Bulletin

The Oasis: A Novel (Neversink)

by Vivian Gornick Mary Mccarthy

A vicious and brilliant satire of human vanity from the author of the classic bestseller The Group.Long out of print, Mary McCarthy's second novel is a bitingly funny satire set in the early years of the Cold War about a group of writers, editors, and intellectuals who retreat to rural New England to found a hilltop utopia. With this group loosely divided into two factions---purists, led by the libertarian editor Macdougal Macdermott, and the realists, skeptics led by the smug Will Taub---the situation is ripe not only for disaster but for comedy, as reality clashes with their dreams of a perfect society.Though written as a roman à clef, McCarthy barely disguised her characters, including using her former lover Philip Rahv, founder of Partisan Review, as the model for Will Taub. As a result, the novel caused an absolute explosion of outrage among the literary elite of the day, who clearly recognized themselves among her all-too-accurate portraits. Rahv threatened a lawsuit to stop publication. Diana Trilling, Lionel Trilling's wife, called McCarthy a "thug." McCarthy's friend Dwight McDonald (Macdougal Macdermott) called it "vicious, malicious, and nasty."Never one to shy away from controversy, McCarthy's portrait of her generation had indeed drawn blood. But the brilliance of the novel has outlasted its first detonation and can now be enjoyed for its aphoritic, fearless dissection of the vanities of human endeavor.In an added bonus, the renowned essayist Vivian Gornick details in a moving introduction the importance of McCarthy's intellectual and artistic bravery, and how she influenced a generation of young writers and thinkers.From the Trade Paperback edition.


by Catherine Hapka

Jack and Ty are opposites. So when they travel together in a caravan across the Great Desert, there are bound to be disagreements. And when a sandstorm separates the boys from the rest of their group, the arguments get worse. Then they stumble upon a legendary oasis where they find a lost colony of small dinosaurs called Saltopus. Somehow, Jack and Ty must put aside their differences long enough to befriend the shy dinosaurs--and figure out how to help them!

The Oath: The Druid Chronicles, Book One (The Druid Chronicles)

by A.M. Linden

When the last of members of a secretive Druid cult are forced to abandon their hidden sanctuary, they send the youngest of their remaining priests in search of Annwr, their chief priestess&’s sister, who was abducted by a Saxon war band fifteen years ago. With only a rudimentary grasp of English and the ambiguous guidance of an oracle&’s prophecy, Caelym manages to find Annwr living in a hut on the grounds of a Christian convent. Annwr has spent her years of captivity caring for the timid Aleswina, an orphaned Saxon princess who was consigned to the cloistered convent by her cousin, King Gilberth, after he assumed her father&’s throne. Just as Caelym and Annwr are about leave together, Aleswina learns that Gilberth, a tyrant known for his cruelty and vicious temper, means to take her out of the convent and marry her. Terrified, she flees with the two Druids—beginning a heart-pounding adventure that unfolds in ways none of them could have anticipated.

The Oath

by Frank E. Peretti

A TOWN WITH A DEADLY SECRET...Something sinister is at work in Hyde River, an isolated old mining town in the mountains of the Pacific Northwest. Something evil. Under the cover of darkness, it strikes without warning, taking life in the most chilling and savage fashion. The latest victim, nature photographer Cliff Benson, was brutally killed while camping in the mountains. The harder townsfolk are pressed for information, the more they close ranks, as if sworn to secrecy. The discovery of the old letters and diaries of the town's forefathers begin to peel away the layers of mystery surrounding Hyde River. What is discovered is a predator more terrifying than anything they had imagined and a town in the grip of unspeakable evil.

The Oath and the Measure (Dragonlance: Meetings #4)

by Michael Williams

Secrets of the past. Although Raistlin and Caramon urge him not to go, Sturm Brightblade attends an annual Solamnic ceremony that is interrupted by . . . A stranger, taunting challenge. Clues from the past. Death. Once he accepts a mysterious gauntlet, young Sturm must make a dangerous journey with some curious friends, rescue a fair if querulous maid, defeat a traitor knight, and learn the secret fate of his long-lost father. He must also learn the meaning of honor. The fourth installment in the popular Meetings Sextet tells the story of Sturm Brightblade, the noble Solamnic Knight, in the years before Sturm joined up with the other companions of the best-selling Dragonlance series.

Oath Bound (Unbound #3)

by Rachel Vincent

New York Times–Bestselling Author: The conclusion to the trilogy set in a “paranormal universe full of interesting characters with awesome powers” (RT Book Reviews).The Tower Syndicate will fall . . . if they can survive.The secret daughter of the head of an infamous Skilled crime family, Sera Brandt has hidden her past, her potential, and especially her powers. But when a tragedy strikes her other family, Sera needs justice. And the only way to get it is to reveal her heritage—including a rare Skill—and take the reins of the Tower Syndicate from her cunning and malicious aunt.Kristopher Daniels might have the answer. He’s fought the syndicate to protect his sisters, but he’d never realized just how close to the new heir he needed to get.Neither is used to trusting. But there’s something between them that can’t be ignored. So Sera is on the run with a man she can’t figure out, a target on her back and the new knowledge of just how powerful she really is . . . Praise for the Unbound novels“Offers a little something for everyone: a convincing magical system for urban fantasy fans; for romance readers, a love that time and distance can’t break; and a twist-and-turn plot for mystery buffs. . . . A gritty, dangerous world of sorcerous bindings and forbidden love.” —Shelf Awareness“A world of syndicates, bindings, magic, and blood . . . the story builds to an action-packed conclusion.” —Publishers Weekly

Oath Breaker (Chronicles of Ancient Darkness #5)

by Michelle Paver

When he was outcast, Torak was the hunted one. The following spring, he becomes the hunter when he swears to avenge the killing of one of his closest friends. To fulfill his oath, he must brave the hidden valleys of the Deep Forest, where the clans have reverted to the savagery of an earlier time. Here, Torak finally learns why he is the Spirit Walker and discovers the true cost of revenge.

Oath Breaker: Book 5 from the bestselling author of Wolf Brother (Chronicles of Ancient Darkness #5)

by Michelle Paver

A boy. A wolf. A legend for all time. The fifth book in the internationally bestselling WOLF BROTHER (Chronicles of Ancient Darkness) series by the renowned author Michelle Paver.When he was outcast, Torak was the hunted one. The following spring, he becomes the hunter when he swears to avenge the killing of one of his closest friends. To fulfil his oath he must brave the hidden valleys of the Deep Forest, where the clans have reverted to the savagery of an earlier time. Here, Torak finally learns why he is the Sprit Walker and discovers the true cost of revenge. Audio edition also available, read by Sir Ian McKellen.

Oath Breaker: Book 5 from the bestselling author of Wolf Brother (Chronicles of Ancient Darkness #5)

by Michelle Paver

A boy. A wolf. A legend for all time. The fifth book in the internationally bestselling WOLF BROTHER (Chronicles of Ancient Darkness) series by the renowned author Michelle Paver. Audio edition read by Sir Ian McKellen.When he was outcast, Torak was the hunted one. The following spring, he becomes the hunter when he swears to avenge the killing of one of his closest friends.To fulfil his oath he must brave the hidden valleys of the Deep Forest, where the clans have reverted to the savagery of an earlier time. Here, Torak finally learns why he is the Sprit Walker and discovers the true cost of revenge.

Oath Breaker: Book 5 from the bestselling author of Wolf Brother (Chronicles of Ancient Darkness #5)

by Michelle Paver

A boy. A wolf. A legend for all time. The fifth book in the internationally bestselling WOLF BROTHER (Chronicles of Ancient Darkness) series by the renowned author Michelle Paver.When he was outcast, Torak was the hunted one. The following spring, he becomes the hunter when he swears to avenge the killing of one of his closest friends. To fulfil his oath he must brave the hidden valleys of the Deep Forest, where the clans have reverted to the savagery of an earlier time. Here, Torak finally learns why he is the Sprit Walker and discovers the true cost of revenge. Audio edition also available, read by Sir Ian McKellen.

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