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The Obsidian Tower (Rooks and Ruin #1)

by Melissa Caruso

One woman will either save an entire continent or completely destroy it in a captivating epic fantasy bursting with intrigue and ambition, questioned loyalties, and broken magic."Guard the tower, ward the stone. Find your answers writ in bone. Keep your trust through wits or war--nothing must unseal the door."Deep within Gloamingard Castle lies a black tower. Sealed by magic, it guards a dangerous secret that has been contained for thousands of years. As Warden, Ryxander knows the warning passed down through generations: nothing must unreal the Door. But one impetuous decision will leave her with blood on her hands--and unleash a threat that could doom the world to fall to darkness.Rooks and RuinThe Obsidian TowerFor more from Melissa Caruso, check out:Swords and FireThe Tethered MageThe Defiant HeirThe Unbound Empire

Obsidian Waste

by Rudolfo A Serna

Obsidian Waste is a psychedelic dark fantasy space odyssey born out of a mysterious technology transmitted from a universal mind that takes root and grows as the Earth is reseeded by the new technology. Growing and inhabiting all those receiving the message of Peace and Love as remnants of their mother world disappear in budding forests and fields, resisting the plagues and radiation that finished off what once was once under control of Earth' s tyrants and their governments. A poetic journey grounded in the harsh echoes of modern society, seeking hope, a utopia that could not exist without its reflection, as bodies are split and joined in the psi-tronic mixing boards of the seers. What was once called “ human” seeking eternity in the heart/mind of giant animal ships filled with biomechanical hybrids striving to survive without the anger that destroyed Earth' s dream.

Obsidio: The Illuminae Files_03 (The Illuminae Files #3)

by Jay Kristoff Amie Kaufman

From bestselling author duo Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff comes the exciting finale in the trilogy that broke the mold and has been called "stylistically mesmerizing" and "out-of-this-world-awesome."Kady, Ezra, Hanna, and Nik narrowly escaped with their lives from the attacks on Heimdall station and now find themselves crammed with 2,000 refugees on the container ship, Mao. With the jump station destroyed and their resources scarce, the only option is to return to Kerenza--but who knows what they'll find seven months after the invasion? Meanwhile, Kady's cousin, Asha, survived the initial BeiTech assault and has joined Kerenza's ragtag underground resistance. When Rhys--an old flame from Asha's past--reappears on Kerenza, the two find themselves on opposite sides of the conflict. With time running out, a final battle will be waged on land and in space, heros will fall, and hearts will be broken.

Obsidio - the Illuminae files part 3: The Illuminae Files_03 (The Illuminae Files #3)

by Jay Kristoff Amie Kaufman

Asha Grant came to Kerenza to escape her past. Too bad he just caught up with her.Asha survived BeiTech&’s initial assault and has been working undercover with the hopelessly outmatched resistance ever since. The last thing she expected to worry about was her ex-boyfriend, Rhys Lindstrom who just landed planetside. Is he her way out – or guarantee she never gets off this frozen rock alive?But Asha&’s not the only one with problems. Her cousin Kady&’s ragtag band of survivors are headed for Kerenza – without enough oxygen to last the journey. Oh, and there might be an insurrection brewing.With BeiTech hurrying to repair their damaged jump gate, and a mass extermination planned for the Kerenza civilians, only a miracle could save them now. And everyone knows that miracles are just statistical probabilities…right?BRIEFING NOTE: From bestselling author duo Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff – and select journal entries from Marie Lu – comes the heart-stopping, heartbreaking finale in the trilogy that broke the mould and has been called &“stylistically mesmerizing&” and &“out-of-this-world awesome.&”

The Obsoletes: A Novel

by Simeon Mills

The Obsoletes is a thought-provoking coming-of-age novel about two human-like teen robots navigating high school, basketball, and potentially life-threatening consequences if their true origins are discovered by the inhabitants of their intolerant 1980s Michigan hometown.Fraternal twin brothers Darryl and Kanga are just like any other teenagers trying to make it through high school. They have to deal with peer pressure, awkwardness, and family drama. But there’s one closely guarded secret that sets them apart: they are robots. So long as they keep their heads down, their robophobic neighbors won’t discover the truth about them and they just might make it through to graduation. But when Kanga becomes the star of the basketball team, there’s more at stake than typical sibling rivalry. Darryl—the worrywart of the pair—now has to work a million times harder to keep them both out of the spotlight. Though they look, sound, and act perfectly human, if anyone in their small, depressed Michigan town were to find out what they truly are, they’d likely be disassembled by an angry mob in the middle of their school gym. Heartwarming and thrilling, Simeon Mills’s charming debut novel is a funny, poignant look at brotherhood, xenophobia, and the limits of one’s programming.

An Obstrusive Giant

by Rafael Estrada

It’s a book that hides a giant with a toothache and a castle that hides a trap. Daniel took out his flashlight and focused on the dotted moss wall. Then he saw through the ivy, that the walls were not made with stones bonded with mortar, as usual in castles, but with the remains of broken toys: hundreds of thousands, millions of forgotten, abandoned, shattered and crushed toys. He looked at the giant's feet and observed that he didn't wear shoes, boots, or anything like that, instead he wore them with leather strips, dirty and poorly rolled up. He noticed the boy, he licked his mouth and walked towards him striding, grinding his teeth. His friends, a book that is not what it seems, a giant with toothache, some shameless toys and a castle that hides a trap inside the book. “It's a good option for children in the house to read a book with an adventure that will excite and entertain them. If you have to give a gift to a child, why don't you introduce this nosy giant who likes to eat bored children?”

El ocaso de los guardianes. Libro 1

by Erzengel Eds

Pudo sentir el fuego consumiendo su cuerpo durante un eterno segundo... Y luego, nada. Lo último que recordaba era una luz brillante y el mundo desvaneciéndose con un gemido lastimero. ¿Acaso era ella quien se desfragmentaba? En un pueblo perdido en las profundidades del bosque canadiense, Elis despierta tras haber estado varios meses en coma. Al descubrir que no le queda familia ni amigos, deberá confiar en Robin para regresar a su hogar, aunque el muchacho resulte un total misterio y parezca ocultar demasiadas cosas. No muy lejos, protegido por los frondosos árboles de la tundra, Liam lleva adelante un trabajo extraordinario: junto a su clan enfrenta diversos enemigos sin que los humanos descubran su secreto. Cuando poderosos guerreros comiencen a desaparecer en misteriosas circunstancias, todas las creencias se pondrán en duda. Elis y Robin se verán comprometidos en una causa que les parece ajena y nada volverá a sercomo antes.

El Ocaso de Próxima: Hard Science Fiction (Próxima #2)

by Brandon Q. Morris

Un robot inteligente y dos jóvenes exploran Próxima Centauri b, el planeta que orbita nuestra estrella más cercana, Próxima Centauri. Sus ideas sobre la misión pronto resultan demasiado ingenuas a medida que se aventuran en este planeta de extremos. ¿Dónde están los remitentes de la llamada de auxilio que los trajo hasta aquí? No encuentran a nadie ni pistas en el lado diurno, por lo que depositan sus esperanzas en una expedición al hielo eterno en el lado oscuro de Próxima b. No solo se enfrentan a la noche eterna sino que el equipo se encuentra con graves peligros. Una decisión fatídica cambiará al planeta para siempre.

Occam's Razor

by T. R. Ryden

When ancient artifacts discovered in the Great Pyramid of Giza shed new light on a DNA pattern identified by a world-renowned molecular biologist, venture capitalist, James Anderson, is thrust into an action-packed road of scientific exploration and discovery. An unlikely participant in the events that begin to unfold, Anderson and his team, pursued by those who don’t want this new information out, realize they have stumbled upon the greatest and most terrifying cover-up in the history of the human race.Occam’s Razor is a chilling speculative fiction thriller which ties together several well-known, and some not so famous controversial theories concerning alien visitation, human evolution, ancient legends, and the cosmos. The novel explains how it could be very plausible to imagine that the powers that be may already know about an impending disaster and caught between all this are the novel’s unfortunate characters as they struggle to figure out what to do in the face of unstoppable catastrophe.

Occasion... For Disaster

by Gordon Randall Garrett

A very small slip, at just the wrong place, can devastate any enterprise. One tiny transistor can go wrong ... and ruin a multi-million dollar missile. Which would be one way to stop the missiles.... (reprinted in 1963 as "Supermind".)

Occasional Views Volume 1: "More About Writing" and Other Essays

by Samuel R. Delany

Samuel R. Delany is an acclaimed writer of literary theory, queer literature, and fiction. His "prismatic output is among the most significant, immense and innovative in American letters," wrote novelist Jordy Rosenberg in the New York Times in 2019. This anthology of essays, lectures, and interviews addresses topics such as 9/11, race, the garden of Eden, the interplay of life and writing, and notes on other writers such as Theodore Sturgeon, Hart Crane, Ursula K. Le Guin, Hölderlin, and an introduction to—and a conversation with—Octavia E. Butler. The first of two volumes, this book gathers more than 30 pieces on films, poetry, and science fiction. These sharp, focused writings by a bestselling Black and gay author are filled with keen insights and observations on culture, language, and life.

Occasional Views, Volume 2: "The Gamble" and Other Essays

by Samuel R. Delany

Samuel R. Delany is an acclaimed writer of literary theory, queer literature, and fiction. His works have fundamentally altered the terrain of science fiction (SF) through their formally consummate and materially grounded explorations of difference. This anthology of essays, talks, and interviews addresses topics such as sex and sexuality, race, power, literature and genre, as well as Herman Melville, John Ashbery, Willa Cather, Junot Diaz, and others. The second of two volumes, this book gathers more than twenty-five pieces on films, poetry, and science fiction. This diverse collection displays the power of a towering literary intelligence. It is a rich trove of essays, as well as a map to the mind of one of the great writers of our time.

Occhi di Gufo (Il Gufo Nero #1)

by Pet Torres

PROLOGO Otto è un ragazzo che è stato cresciuto da suo zio Jefferson. Divenne orfano perdendo i genitori ad appena sette anni. Aveva numerose difficoltà in tutte le materie scolastiche e per questo motivo era stato minacciato di ripetere l’anno. Lo zio era un uomo piuttosto solitario e adorava spendere la maggior parte del suo tempo leggendo testi scientifici. Un giorno, fece una ricerca sui gufi. Scoprì che erano il simbolo della saggezza. I gufi, emerse fuori, erano saggi proprio come lo erano tutti i geni sulla terra. Dopo aver fatto questa scoperta, Jefferson decise di tentare un esperimento rischioso che avrebbe coinvolto un gufo e suo nipote, Otto.


by T. M. Bilderback Francesca Marrucci

Occhi vuoti di T. M. Bilderback Una minaccia sta sterminando l'umanità ed è un prodotto dell'uomo. Chi riuscirà a sopravvivere ai nuovi predatori? Paul Stiles sta passando il suo sabato mattina falciando il prato, quando il suo vicino di casa viene a morire in modo alquanto spettacolare e terrificante proprio di fronte alla sua falciatrice. Paul sa che qualcosa di terribile sta accadendo, ma non capisce subito che è l'inizio di una guerra per la sopravvivenza dell'umanità. Chi ha liberato quei mostri geneticamente mutati per il mondo, senza considerarne le conseguenze? In un mondo in cui l'uomo è ormai solo preda, ridotto a cibo o a incubatrice di nuove creature, che si manifestano quando è ormai troppo tardi, tramite la comparsa di occhi vuoti e bianchicci nel loro ospite, Paul guida un gruppo di sopravvissuti alla sua baita sulle montagne, nella speranza di sopravvivere e combattere, nella speranza di trovare una soluzione. Ma basterà per salvare il genere umano?

The Occultist Volume 2: At Deaths Door (The Occultist)

by Tim Seeley

The Occultist has been tricked into abusing his power over life and death, and now he must face the consequences. He must choose the right path--and decide who his real friends are--so he can confront agents from the realm of the dead that want to claim his soul! This volume collects The Occultist #1-#5 comics.

An Occupation of Angels

by Lavie Tidhar

A British secret agent is caught in a plot to assassinate archangels who settled Earth after WWII in this classic thriller from the World Fantasy Award winning author!“Sharp, brutal, cool--yet also stunningly imaginative and perfectly realised." —Michael Marshall, bestselling author of The Straw Men trilogyIn 1945, the Archangels materialised over the battlefields of Europe, ushering in a new Cold War. Fifty years later, they are being killed off… one by one.But who – or what – can kill an angel?Killarney is a shadow executive for the Bureau, British Intelligence’s most secret organisation. She is the best – and she always works alone. Sent on a desperate mission to locate a missing cryptographer who may prove the key to the murders, Killarney finds herself running for her life, from London to Paris to Moscow, leading to a confrontation with a very human evil in the frozen wastelands of Novosibirsk.Plagued by dreams of a different world, and haunted by a swastika adorned with angel wings, it could take all of Killarney’s resources to survive, when Heaven itself may be threatened, and God herself may be walking the earth…“Fast moving, powerfully phantasmagoric fantasy” – Adam Roberts“A novella of blistering, ballistic energy and ferocious cleverness” – James Lovegrove“A breathless adventure story, finely crafted and rammed home with the assured confidence of an author very much in his stride.” –

Occupied Earth

by Richard Brewer Gary Phillips

For years, writers and filmmakers have speculated about the possibility of the Earth being invaded by aliens from another planet. But what if the aliens have been watching us, infiltrating us via human collaborators, or even surgically altering themselves to look human? Occupied Earth i a groundbreaking anthology that explores the idea of what the world would look like years after its conquest. 20 years after a successful invasion by the Makh-Ra, humanity still exists, only they have become subservient to a new race of occupiers who now govern the devastated planet. But, as much at things continue with some sense of normalcy, something has happened in the Mahk-Ra's empire. Earth, once considered a strategic beachhead of major importance to the Empire, has been downgraded in its value. Things are starting to degrade. Our planet is the last place any self-respecting Mahk-Ra officer wants to be assigned. Yet, despite everything, life continues. These stories bring us face to face with annihilation -- and show how we can pull ourselves back from the brink. Featuring Rachel Howzell Hall, Lisa Morton, Matthew V. Clemens, Howard Hendrix, Nathan Walpow and more, OCCUPIED EARTH is coming. Stay safe. Stay strong. Survive at all costs.

Occupied Earth

by Richard Brewer Gary Phillips

RESISTANCE IS ALLFor years, writers and filmmakers have speculated about the possibility of the Earth being invaded by aliens from another planet. But what if the aliens have been watching us, infiltrating us via human collaborators, or even surgically altering themselves to look human?Occupied Earth is a groundbreaking anthology that explores the idea of what the world would look like years after its conquest. 20 years after a successful invasion by the Makh-Ra, humanity still exists, only it has become subservient to a race of occupiers who govern the devastated planet. But, as much at things continue with some sense of normalcy, something has happened in the Mahk-Ra's empire. Earth, once considered a strategic beachhead of major importance to the Empire, has been downgraded in its value. Things are starting to degrade. Our planet is the last place any self-respecting Mahk-Ra officer wants to be assigned. Yet, despite everything, life continues.These stories bring us face to face with annihilation - and show how we can pull ourselves back from the brink. Featuring Rachel Howzell Hall, Lisa Morton, Matthew V. Clemens, Howard Hendrix, Nathan Walpow and more, OCCUPIED EARTH is coming. Stay safe. Stay strong. Survive at all costs.

Occupy Me

by Tricia Sullivan

Tricia Sullivan returns to the genre with a page-turning, surreal high-concept science fiction that will define the conversation within the genre for years to come.Pearl is an angel. She works for the Resistance - an organization dedicated to improving the world by tiny, incremental acts of kindness. But Pearl also has wings. They blossom at moments of stress. And she is strong; an extraordinary, terrifying strength capable of breaking the fabric of reality. The Resistance can't account for that, nor for Pearl's mysterious origins. All anyone knows is that she appeared in a New York junkyard in the early 21st century. Truth is, Pearl doesn't really know what she is, let alone who she is. Now she is on a pell-mell chase across the world. In pursuit of a killer wearing another man's body. The killer carries a briefcase that is a ragged hole in the Universe. A global conspiracy revolves around it. The nature of reality is determined by it. Pearl's got to get the briefcase back - no matter how shocking its contents may turn out to be.

Occupy Me

by Tricia Sullivan

A woman with wings that exist in another dimension. A man trapped in his own body by a killer. A briefcase that is a door to hell. A conspiracy that reaches beyond our world. Breathtaking SF from a Clarke Award-winning author.Tricia Sullivan has written an extraordinary, genre defining novel that begins with the mystery of a woman who barely knows herself and ends with a discovery that transcends space and time. On the way we follow our heroine as she attempts to track down a killer in the body of another man, and the man who has been taken over, his will trapped inside the mind of the being that has taken him over. And at the centre of it all a briefcase that contains countless possible realities.Tricia Sullivan returns to the genre with a book that will define the conversation within the genre and will show what it is capable of for years to come. This is the best book yet from a writer of exceedingly rare talent who is much loved in the genre world.

Occupy Me

by Tricia Sullivan

A woman with wings that exist in another dimension. A man trapped in his own body by a killer. A briefcase that is a door to hell. A conspiracy that reaches beyond our world. Breathtaking SF from a Clarke Award-winning author.Tricia Sullivan has written an extraordinary, genre defining novel that begins with the mystery of a woman who barely knows herself and ends with a discovery that transcends space and time. On the way we follow our heroine as she attempts to track down a killer in the body of another man, and the man who has been taken over, his will trapped inside the mind of the being that has taken him over. And at the centre of it all a briefcase that contains countless possible realities.Tricia Sullivan returns to the genre with a book that will define the conversation within the genre and will show what it is capable of for years to come. This is the best book yet from a writer of exceedingly rare talent who is much loved in the genre world.

Occupy Me

by Tricia Sullivan

An Arthur C. Clarke Award-winning author, a search not for who you are but what you are, a stunning revelation about the Universe and our place in it.A woman with wings that exist in another dimension. A man trapped in his own body by a killer. A briefcase that is a door to hell. A conspiracy that reaches beyond our world. Breathtaking SF from a Clarke Award-winning author.Tricia Sullivan has written an extraordinary, genre defining novel that begins with the mystery of a woman who barely knows herself and ends with a discovery that transcends space and time. On the way we follow our heroine as she attempts to track down a killer in the body of another man, and the man who has been taken over, his will trapped inside the mind of the being that has taken him over. And at the centre of it all a briefcase that contains countless possible realities.Tricia Sullivan returns to the genre with a book that will define the conversation within the genre and will show what it is capable of for years to come. This is the best book yet from a writer of exceedingly rare talent who is much loved in the genre world.Read by Penelope Rawlins and Dugald Bruce-Lockhart(p) 2016 Orion Publishing Group


by Wesley King

From the author of Incredible Space Raiders from Space! comes a brand-new coming-of-age story about a boy whose life revolves around hiding his obsessive compulsive disorder--until he gets a mysterious note that changes everything.Daniel is the back-up punter for the Erie Hills Elephants. Which really means he's the water boy. He spends football practice perfectly arranging water cups--and hoping no one notices. Actually, he spends most of his time hoping no one notices his strange habits--he calls them Zaps: avoiding writing the number four, for example, or flipping a light switch on and off dozens of times over. He hopes no one notices that he's crazy, especially his best friend Max, and Raya, the prettiest girl in school. His life gets weirder when another girl at school, who is unkindly nicknamed Psycho Sara, notices him for the first time. She doesn't just notice him: she seems to peer through him. Then Daniel gets a note: "I need your help," it says, signed, Fellow Star child--whatever that means. And suddenly Daniel, a total no one at school, is swept up in a mystery that might change everything for him. With great voice and grand adventure, this book is about feeling different and finding those who understand.

Ocean: The Ocean Cycle Omnibus

by Brian Herbert Jan Herbert

From a New York Times–bestselling author, an ecological thriller about human animal hybrids battling to rescue the ocean from environmental impact. In 2024, Earth is consumed by a great War of Ocean Liberation: a military force of sea creatures attacks naval installations, shuts down shipping lanes and fishing operations, and destroys offshore oil-drilling rigs. Huge blue whales, sharks, dolphins, and even monstrous creatures thought to be extinct—all strike with ferocity and surprising strength. The marine armada is led by hybrid, transformed humans who call themselves Sea Warriors, ocean-rights zealots who can swim to the deepest regions of the sea and live off the bounty of the waters. Their commander, Kimo Pohaku, announces his startling intention: The complete liberation of the seas from human control. Finally, the ocean is fighting back, but it might be too late . . .

Ocean Alliance: Atlantis Quest 2 (EDGE: I HERO: Quests #10)

by Steve Barlow Steve Skidmore

YOUR quest is to defeat Triton, evil King of the Atlanteans. He is launching an attack from their lost underwater city. He wants to take over Earth! YOU and Shen must use the upgraded Barracuda super-sub to search for the Atlantean fleet and stop Triton's next attack wave...You are the hero of this book. Only you can decide your own destiny...

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