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Omega (Academy Series, Book #4)

by Jack Mcdevitt

Jack McDevitt's Academy series features Priscilla Hutchins, a starship captain, and Gregory Macallister, a cynical journalist, who are both involved with a space development agency whose funds are being cut as Earth's government struggles with the effects of long neglected environmental problems. The Academy's starships find that planets within reach are almost devoid of intelligent life. However, scientists discover a series of extinct civilizations in a pattern that suggests that a menace from the heart of the galaxy periodically sweeps through Earth's star region with deadly effects. The series consists, thus far, of six novels, several of which have been Nebula finalists. They are, in order, as follows: The Engines of God, Deepsix, Chindi, Omega, Odyssey, and Cauldron. From the book jacket: For a quarter of a century, mankind has known about the existence of the malignant omega clouds. Huge waves of deadly energy, they seem bent on destroying any civilization they come across. Now, Earth itself is in the line of fire--though not imminently. An omega is headed toward the planet, but it will not enter the solar system for nine hundred years. Though research continues into the origin of the omegas and various theoretical scenarios for destroying them are suggested, there is no sense of urgency--until a Space Academy ship on a routine mission sends word back to Earth that the cloud has diverted to a previously unexplored planetary system. It is now aimed at a living pre-technological alien society, only the third such ever discovered--and it will reach the planet in a matter of months. Suddenly, the need to turn theory into practice becomes vital, as a handful of brave humans, scientists and military alike, undertake the task of saving an entire world without revealing their existence."

Omega (Academy #4)

by Jack McDevitt

'No one writing today is better than McDevitt at combining galaxy-spanning adventure with the genuine novel of ideas' Washington Post Book WorldA civilization-destroying Omega cloud has switched direction, heading straight for a previously unexplored planetary system - and its alien society. A handful of brave humans must try to save an entire world ... without revealing their existence.'McDevitt handles the back story so adroitly that readers unfamiliar with earlier volumes in this series should have no trouble following the action' New York Times Book Review

Omega City

by Diana Peterfreund

The first middle grade novel in an exciting new series from acclaimed author Diana Peterfreund, perfect for fans of The Goonies and The City of Ember.Gillian Seagret doesn't listen to people who say her father's a crackpot. His conspiracy theories about the lost technology of Cold War-era rocket scientist Dr. Aloysius Underberg may have cost him his job and forced them to move to the middle of nowhere, but Gillian knows he's right and plans to prove it.When she discovers a missing page from Dr. Underberg's diary in her father's mess of an office, she thinks she's found a big piece of the puzzle--a space-themed riddle promising to lead to Dr. Underberg's greatest invention. Enlisting the help of her skeptical younger brother, Eric, her best friend, Savannah, and Howard, their NASA-obsessed schoolmate, Gillian sets off on a journey into the ruins of Omega City, a vast doomsday bunker deep inside the earth,.But they aren't alone inside its dark and flooded halls. For while Gillian wants to save her dad's reputation by bringing Dr. Underberg's secrets to light, there are others who will stop at nothing to make sure they stay buried . . . forever.

Omega City: The Forbidden Fortress

by Diana Peterfreund

Perfect for fans of The Goonies and Rick Riordan, The Forbidden Fortress is the thrilling sequel to Omega City, from acclaimed author Diana Peterfreund.Gillian Seagret is not having a great summer. Her mother’s come back with plans to move Gillian and her brother across the country, and her father is away promoting his new book on Omega City—without her! Though Gillian and her friends were the ones to find the lost doomsday bunker, no one seems to care about their thoughts on the whereabouts of its creator, Dr. Underberg, or learning the truth about the Shepherds, a mysterious group that will stop at nothing to keep Underberg—and Omega City—a secret.All that changes when Gillian and her friends are invited to speak at a lecture series at Guidant Technology. Finally they’re being recognized for their adventures! The Guidant campus is full of wonders, from self-driving cars to robot waiters, and the future-focused employees seem like worth heirs to Dr. Underberg.But there are secrets here, too—a radio station that plays nothing but coded numbers, and an island that doesn’t appear on any map. And when Gillian and her friends uncover evidence that the Shepherd conspiracy goes deeper than anyone suspected, it’s up to them to infiltrate the Shepherds’ secret base and expose them . . . before it’s too late.

Omega City: Infinity Base

by Diana Peterfreund

Perfect for budding scientists and history buffs, as well as fans of The Goonies and Rick Riordan, Infinity Base is the thrilling finale to the Omega City series, from acclaimed author Diana Peterfreund.Gillian Seagret thought she knew everything about the secrets of Omega City, the mysteries of the rocket scientist Dr. Underberg, and the evil conspiracies of the organization called the Shepherds. But she’s about to learn that uncovering the truth is the easy part. You also have to fight for it.Now Gillian’s father has been taken captive, and she and her friends are trapped in the Shepherds’ hidden base. The only person who can help them is a rogue Shepherd, but she has plans of her own, and no one—least of all Gillian’s mother—is sure they can trust her.New clues to Underberg’s past lead them back into an utterly transformed Omega City and farther than they even imagined, into outer space. There, Gillian, Eric, Savannah, and Howard discover the Shepherds’ most precious secret, and they realize there’s more at stake than simply their family and Underberg’s legacy—they also have to save the world.Full of thrilling adventure, cliffhangers, and conspiracies, this epic conclusion to the Omega City series is not to be missed.

Omega Days

by John L. Campbell

When the end came, it came quickly. No one knew where the Omega Virus started or exactly when, but soon it was everywhere. And when the ones spreading it can't die, no one stands a chance of surviving. San Francisco, California. Father Xavier Church has spent his life ministering to unfortunate souls, but he has never witnessed horror like this. After he forsakes his vows in the most heartrending of ways, he watches helplessly as a zombie nun takes a bite out of a fellow priest's face... University of California, Berkeley. Skye Dennison is moving into her college dorm for the first time, simultaneously excited to be leaving the nest and terrified to be on her own. When her mother and father are eaten alive in front of her, she realizes the terror has just begun... Alameda, California. Angie West made millions off of her family's reality gun show on the History Channel. But after she is cornered by the swarming undead, her knowledge of heavy artillery is called into play like never before... Within weeks, the world is overrun by the walking dead. Only the quick and the smart, the strong and the determined will survive--for now.

Omega, está frio lá fora

by Coyote Starr

O amor entre eles pode salvá-los de uma vida fria... Um Omega em fuga Em toda sua vida, o Omega meio-lince Noah Kimbrough soube seu papel: ele teria os filhos do Alpha que controlava o bando de Nova York. Mas quando chegou a hora de cumprir essa obrigação, Noah não conseguiu lidar com a ideia de ter uma vida sem amor. Então, ele fugiu. Agora, ele está foragido, e todo o bando de Nova York está atrás dele, seguindo-o até a Pennsylvania. Noah sabe que eles vão alcançá-lo — e quando conseguirem, a punição será severa. Mas então, ele acaba chegando em uma cidadezinha, e admiravelmente, seu bando passa direto. Dois Alfas precisando de um Terceiro Os Alfas Kord Harmon e Elijah Baker amam suas vidas juntos — mas ambos concordam que poderia ser ainda melhor com um terceiro, e que tivessem a chance de ter uma família. Então, quando Noah chega de supetão em suas vidas, eles abocanham a chance de ajudá-lo a escapar de seu antigo bando. Com eles, Noah finalmente tem a chance de sair do frio de sua vida infeliz e aproveitar o calor do amor verdadeiro. Mas a vida de Noah até ali havia sido traumática, e Kord e Elijah não têm certeza de que têm o que precisam para ajudá-lo a superar seu passado. Juntos, todos terão que aprender se o amor de dois bons Alphas — e a magia de uma pequena cidade — podem curar as feridas de Noah… e se eles jamais serão capazes de construir a família que todos sempre quiseram. “Omega, está frio lá fora” é um romance de transfiguração HHH com gravidez masculina, apresentando dois Alphas maravilhosos que sabem esquentar as coisas, um Omega que precisa do amor que seus Alphas devem fornecer, e um presente surpresa que aquecerá seu coração! 

Omega, Fuori fa Freddo

by Coyote Starr

Il loro amore lo salverà dal freddo… Un Omega in fuga Da tutta la vita, il mutaforma lince omega Noah Kimbrough sa quale sia il suo ruolo: essere ingravidato dall'alfa dominante che controlla il branco di New York. Ma quando giunge il momento di adempiere il suo obbligo, Noah non riesce a sopportare il pensiero di una vita senza amore. Perciò scappa. Ora è in fuga e l'intero branco di New York è sulle sue tracce, l'ha seguito fino in Pennsylvania. Noah sa che lo cattureranno — e quando lo faranno, la sua punizione sarà severa. Ma poi capita per caso in una cittadina e, meraviglia delle meraviglie, il suo vecchio branco la evita e passa oltre. Due Alfa che hanno bisogno di un Terzo Gli alfa Kord Harmon ed Elijah Baker amano la loro vita insieme — ma entrambi pensano che sarebbe ancora meglio con un terzo, e l'opportunità di costruire una famiglia. Perciò, quando Noah piomba nelle loro vite, colgono al balzo l'occasione di aiutarlo a fuggire dal suo vecchio branco. Con loro, Noah ha finalmente la possibilità di rifarsi dal gelo della sua vita infelice e di godersi il calore del vero amore. Ma la vita di Noah è stata traumatica, e Kord ed Elijah non sono affatto sicuri di avere quel che ci vuole a fargli superare il passato. Insieme, dovranno capire se l'amore di due alfa buoni — e la magia di una piccola cittadina — possano guarire le ferite di Naoh... e se riusciranno mai a costruire la famiglia che tanto desiderano. Omega, Fuori fa Freddo è un romance MMM Mpreg con due affascinanti alfa che sanno come rendere un nodo incandescente, un omega che ha bisogno dell'amore che i suoi alfa hanno da dargli, e un dono a sorpresa che ti scalderà il cuore!

Omega Games

by Viehl S. L.

Dr. Cherijo Torin faces a different kind of epidemic-a mysterious black crystal spreading like cancer throughout the galaxy. The hunt for information leads Cherijo to the planet Trellus, whose inhabitants exhibit excessive paranoia and anger, taking out their frustrations in the Omega Dome in simulated combat against battle drones. But someone is killing victims outside the arena, and Cherijo believes the black crystal infection is responsible for this horror. . .

Omega, Hace Frío Afuera

by Coyote Starr

Su amor puede salvarlo de una vida fría ... Un Omega en fuga Toda su vida, el gato montés omega Noah Kimbrough conocía su papel: engendrar para el alfa dominante que controlaba la manada de Nueva York. Pero cuando llegó el momento de cumplir con esa obligación, Noah no podía soportar la idea de una vida sin amor. Entonces huyó. Ahora está huyendo, y toda la manada de Nueva York lo está rastreando, hasta Pensilvania. Noah sabe que lo atraparán, y cuando lo hagan, su castigo será severo. Pero luego se tropieza con un pequeño pueblo, y maravillado por este, su vieja manada lo pasa de largo. Dos alfas que necesitan un tercero Los alphas Kord Harmon y Elijah Baker aman su vida juntos, pero ambos están de acuerdo en que podría ser aún mejor con un tercero y con la oportunidad de construir una familia. Entonces, cuando Noah cae en sus vidas, aprovechan la oportunidad para ayudarlo a escapar de su vieja manada. Con ellos, Noah finalmente tiene la oportunidad de salir del frío de su infeliz vida y disfrutar del calor del verdadero amor. Pero la vida de Noah hasta ahora ha sido traumática, y Kord y Elijah no están del todo seguros de tener lo que se necesita para ayudarlo a superar su pasado. Juntos, todos tendrán que aprender si el amor de dos buenos alfas, y la magia de un pequeño pueblo, puede curar las heridas de Noah...y si alguna vez podrán construir la familia que todos anhelan. Omega, Hace frío está ubicado en Vale Valley, un pequeño pueblo abierto a todos los que necesitan amor y un hogar. Es un romance de HHH Mpreg con dos magníficosalfas, un omega que necesita el amor que sus alfas tienen para dar, y un regalo sorpresa que calentará tu corazón, todo en el místico, mágico y lleno de amor Valle Vale.

Omega Marked: A Romantic Fantasy Comedy (Legend of the Sibyl #1)

by Nathan Squiers Rebecca Hamilton

She’ll need magical help to do the right thing—if she can remember what that is.When Ana walked into the Ceremony Hall, she expected to be named the next leader of her people—even if she didn’t want the job. She didn’t expect to end the day carrying the mark of an evil power that whispers dark thoughts of death and destruction to her at every moment. And she certainly never thought she’d be banished from the Sybii, her people.Now, if she wants to overcome the dark magic she carries, she’ll need the help of a young mage who can banish curses and the sibyl boy who’s loved her for years.If only they can keep from destroying this world—and others—in the process.Scroll Up and One Click to start this dark but playful series today!

Omega Morales and the Curse of El Cucuy (Omega Morales #2)

by Laekan Zea Kemp

Fans of The Girl Who Drank the Moon and Paola Santiago and the River of Tears will root for Omega Morales, in the second installment of the Omega Morales series, as she learns to trust her newfound powers when she comes face-to-face with the Mexican legend El Cucuy. After Omega discovers she has the unique ability to influence the emotions of supernatural creatures, she&’s certain she&’s strong enough to handle the feelings of others on Día de Muertos. But when darkness overwhelms her, it&’s a sign that she&’s still vulnerable—and even worse, there may be a new malicious presence in her hometown of Noche Buena. When a child goes missing at the cemetery, panic ensues, prompting the new sheriff to open an investigation. But then another child is taken. And another. Soon, with the help of Carlitos, Clau, and a magical emotional support animal, Omega uncovers that El Cucuy—the boogeyman—is responsible for the disappearances. And it doesn&’t take long for Omega to realize that, just like with La Lechuza, she may be the only one who can stop him. But at what cost? This goose bump–raising sequel to Omega Morales and the Legend of La Lechuza is packed with magic, myth, and a brave heroine who must confront her own fears to save her family.…After all, what&’s scarier than El Cucuy?

Omega Morales and the Legend of La Lechuza (Omega Morales #1)

by Laekan Zea Kemp

Fans of The Girl Who Drank the Moon, Paola Santiago and the River of Tears, and Disney's Encanto will be captivated by this fantastical novel about a girl who must learn to trust her ancestral powers when she comes face-to-face with the Mexican legend La Lechuza. Omega Morales&’s family has been practicing magic for centuries in Noche Buena. But over the years, the town's reputation for the supernatural is no longer one the people carry with pride. So Omega&’s family keeps to themselves, and in private, they&’re Empaths: diviners who can read and manipulate the emotions of people and objects around them. But Omega&’s powers don&’t quite work, and it leaves her feeling like an outsider in her own family. When a witch with the power to transform herself into an owl—known in Mexican folklore as La Lechuza—shows up unannounced, Omega, her best friend Clau (who happens to be a ghost), and her cousin Carlitos must conduct a séance under a full moon in order to unravel the mystery of the legend. Suddenly Omega&’s magic begins to change, and the key to understanding her powers is more complicated than she thought. Omega will have to decide what&’s more important—trusting the instincts of others or learning to trust in herself. This spooky middle-grade debut is full of magic, adventure, friendship, and a captivating heroine who isn&’t afraid of the monsters lurking around every corner—even the dangerous La Lechuza!

The Omega Point Trilogy: Ashes and Stars, The Omega Point, and Mirror of Minds

by George Zebrowski

6599 A.D. The war between the Earth Federation and the Herculean Empire had been over for more than three centuries. The planet in the Hercules Globular Cluster was a cinder; the few descendants of the surviving Herculeans lived on Myraa's World, half a galaxy away, in what seemed to be a religious commune. But on an unnamed planet, deep within the Hercules Cluster, two survivors, father and son, gather their resources and plan a reign of terror against Federation worlds. But the woman Myraa has a different vision--one which excludes empires and warring armies. Subtly, she strives to shape events toward a different end. Rising to one of the most unusual climaxes in recent fantastic literature, this novel of chase and vengeance depicts a colorful, poetic future which is struggling to overcome its past. Filled with striking twists and vivid ideas, this is space opera at its most modern.

The Omega Point Trilogy

by George Zebrowski

from the back cover 6599 A.D. The war between the Earth Federation and the Herculean Empire has been over for more than three centuries. The planet in the Hercules Globular Cluster was a cinder; the few descendants of the surviving Herculeans lived on Myraa's World, half a galaxy away, in what seemed to be a religious commune. But on an unnamed planet, deep within the Hercules Cluster, two survivors, father and son, gather their resources and plan a reign of terror against Federation worlds. But the woman Myraa has a different vision-one which excludes empires and warring armies. Subtly, she strives to shape events toward a different end. Rising to one of the most unusual climaxes in recent fantastic literature, this novel of chase and vengeance depicts a colorful, poetic future struggling to overcome its past. Filled with striking twists and vivid ideas, this is space opera at its most modern.

Omega Sol

by Scott Mackay

A “hard-hitting apocalyptic thriller” from award-winning author Scott Mackay in which mankind discovers that it is not alone in the universe—and that it is far from the highest form of life…(Booklist)At a lunar research station on Earth’s moon, scientists are stunned to witness the sudden appearance of a massive silver sphere that leaves destruction in its wake. Seemingly indifferent to the human beings it has devastated with its arrival, the sphere takes up residence in a crater. From there, it unleashes dozens of strange tower-like structures that surround the moon. Little can be uncovered about the object, except that it has travelled millions of light years, and is in communication with a distant galaxy.But its ominous purpose soon becomes clear when it manipulates the sun into an accelerated life cycle, hurtling it toward its Earth-destroying red dwarf end-stage.Only scientist Dr. Cameron Conrad divines the intelligent design operating behind this solar manipulation. He knows that to those controlling the sphere, humans seem like little more than insects. He is the only one who at last understands their truly alien nature enough to tell them, through the startling hyper-dimensionality in which they, exist that their science experiment with the sun may annihilate all humankind…“Mackay’s clearly working with some ideas and concepts that are way outside the norm, and it makes for a gripping story. His aliens are, well, properly alien, existing on levels far beyond our normal range of understanding…” —SF SITE

Omega, the Man

by Lowell Howard Morrow

Lowell Howard Morrow, probably best known for his science fiction story "Omega, the Man", was a noted American author.

The Omegas

by Annie Nicholas

The Vanguards, #1 Only a vampire is man enough to teach werewolves how to fight. Pretty librarian Sugar wants her life to stay quiet. That's hard enough when friends and neighbors turn into furry werewolves every full moon. But when a hot vampire gets involved, life's bound to get complicated. The Omegas have always been the pansies of the paranormal. Now Chicago's top werewolf pack has issued them a life or death challenge. Their only option: hire a vampire warrior to teach them the moves. Daedalus has been a powerful vampire for ages. Intrigued by the chance to train the geeks of the underworld, he wasn't bargaining on losing his heart to a human. Can he make the Omegas a success, fit into Sugar's quiet life, and avoid being ripped to shreds in the process?25,000 Words

Omegas in Love

by Annie Nicholas

The Vanguards, #4 Some things are best to forget. But what if the past won't be forgotten? Born in China of a pure shifter bloodline, Katrina was raised with only one purpose--to breed. Abused by her alpha, she runs away to America as soon as she can. With a new pack and her true mate, she thinks the nightmare is behind her, but when she is abducted on the streets of Chinatown, Katrina must face her past and fight for her freedom. It took Tyler a year to earn Katrina's love, another to build her confidence and pride, and only a moment to lose her. Broken-hearted, Tyler won't give up his search for Katrina. But he never trained as a warrior like the other shifters. What chance does a real estate agent have in the fight for his mate? WARNING: Explicit shifter sex, heartbroken torment, and an unstoppable shifter in love.72,000 Words

Omen: Star Wars Legends (Fate of the Jedi)

by Christie Golden

The Jedi Order is in crisis. The late Jacen Solo's shocking transformation into murderous Sith Lord Darth Caedus has cast a damning pall over those who wield the Force for good: Two Jedi Knights have succumbed to an inexplicable and dangerous psychosis, criminal charges have driven Luke Skywalker into self-imposed exile, and power-hungry Chief of State Natasi Daala is exploiting anti-Jedi sentiment to undermine the Order' s influence within the Galactic Alliance. Forbidden to intervene in Jedi affairs, Luke is on a desperate mission to uncover the truth behind Jacen's fall to the dark side-and to learn what's turning peaceful Jedi into raving lunatics. But finding answers will mean venturing into the mind-bending space of the Kathol Rift and bargaining with an alien species as likely to destroy outsiders as deal with them. Still, there is no other choice and no time to lose, as the catastrophic events on Coruscant continue to escalate. Stricken by the same violent dementia that infected her brother, Valin, Jedi Knight Jysella Horn faces an equally grim fate after her capture by Natasi Daala' s police. And when Han and Leia Solo narrowly foil another deranged Jedi bent on deadly destruction, even acting Jedi Grand Master Kenth Hamner appears willing to bow to Daala's iron will-at the expense of the Jedi Order. But an even greater threat is looming. Millennia in the past, a Sith starship crashed on an unknown low-tech planet, leaving the survivors stranded. Over the generations, their numbers have grown, the ways of the dark side have been nurtured, and the time is fast approaching when this lost tribe of Sith will once more take to the stars to reclaim their legendary destiny as rulers of the galaxy. Only one thing stands in their way, a name whispered to them through the Force: Skywalker. Features a bonus section following the novel that includes a primer on the Star Wars expanded universe, and over half a dozen excerpts from some of the most popular Star Wars books of the last thirty years!

The Omen

by Lavinia Vi

The irrational has never been part of the everyday life of 28-year-old Áine O’Quinn: the only puzzles she is aware of concern her family and the mysteries of the books she reads – in that order – but it seems that St. Patrick’s Day is ready to bring her a brand new one. Forced to return to the small town where she was born and from which she fled to escape her parent’s oppression, Áine will come across strange phenomena to which she cannot give a name, but which she is determined to investigate until the end. Could she maybe unravel the secrets of the Irish moor, even finding a new love?

The Omen Machine: A Richard and Kahlan Novel (Sword of Truth, Book #12)

by Terry Goodkind

From the beginning, with Wizard's First Rule, Terry Goodkind set a new standard for epic storytelling. Now he returns with a powerful new tale from Richard and Kahlan's world. An accident leads to the discovery of a mysterious machine that has rested hidden deep underground for countless millennia. The machine awakens to begin issuing a series of increasingly alarming, if minor, omens. The omens turn out to be astonishingly accurate, and ever more ominous. As Zedd tries to figure out how to destroy the sinister device, the machine issues a cataclysmic omen involving Richard and Kahlan, foretelling an impending event beyond anyone's ability to stop. As catastrophe approaches, the machine then reveals that it is within its power to withdraw the omen . . . In exchange for an impossible demand.From the Hardcover edition.

Omens: A Cainsville Novel (A Cainsville Novel #1)

by Kelley Armstrong

In Omens, Olivia Taylor-Jones is shattered to learn that she's adopted. Her biological parents? Notorious serial killers. <P><P>On a quest to learn more about her past, Olivia lands in the small town of Cainsville, Illinois. As she draws on long-hidden abilities, Olivia begins to realize that there are dark secrets in Cainsville--and powers lurking in the shadows. er, Gabriel Walsh, Olivia focuses on the Larsens' last crime, the one her birth mother swears will prove their innocence. But as she and Gabriel start investigating the case, Olivia finds herself drawing on abilities that have remained hidden since her childhood, gifts that make her both a valuable addition to Cainsville and deeply vulnerable to unknown enemies. Because there are darker secrets behind her new home and powers lurking in the shadows that have their own plans for her.

Omens (The Dark in You #6)

by Suzanne Wright

She's the one thing he can't control . . . .Since Keenan's traumatic childhood he's made sure he's always in control. Of himself, and of the world around him. But Khloe drives him crazy. She's an imp, so getting under people's skin is basically her job description, but Khloe makes him - and his body - respond in ways he's never known.Keenan is the mistake Khloe knows she shouldn't make. As an incubus, he's got an inside track into everything that makes her tick, and even though she's immune to his supernatural sex appeal, that doesn't stop her body - and her demon - craving him.After a bet escalates the simmering tension between them it's finally game on . . . and then the game turns deadly serious. When a danger appears that could threaten the whole lair, Keenan's desperate to protect Khloe any way he can - but will she accept his claim, and can he accept the power she has over him?What readers are saying about Suzanne:'The chemistry sizzles off the page' Netgalley review'Hot as hell . . . explosive' Netgalley review'It's been two minutes since my last fix and I need Suzanne Wright to give me more' Edgy Reviews'No words to describe how much I ADORE this extraordinary and magical read!!!' Gi's Spot Reviews on Burn'Sarcastic banter, a sexy alpha demon and his smart-mouthed heroine, an intense, highly passionate romance . . . I devoured this book from start to finish!' The Escapist Book Blog on Burn'Unique, original and very entertaining' Ramblings from this ChickIf you love this book, make sure you check out the rest of THE DARK IN YOU series - find out how the sizzling story began . . .BURNBLAZEASHESEMBERSSHADOWS


by Suzanne Wright

She's the one thing he can't control . . . .Since Keenan's traumatic childhood he's made sure he's always in control. Of himself, and of the world around him. But Khloe drives him crazy. She's an imp, so getting under people's skin is basically her job description, but Khloe makes him - and his body - respond in ways he's never known.Keenan is the mistake Khloe knows she shouldn't make. As an incubus, he's got an inside track into everything that makes her tick, and even though she's immune to his supernatural sex appeal, that doesn't stop her body - and her demon - craving him.After a bet escalates the simmering tension between them it's finally game on . . . and then the game turns deadly serious. When a danger appears that could threaten the whole lair, Keenan's desperate to protect Khloe any way he can - but will she accept his claim, and can he accept the power she has over him?What readers are saying about Suzanne:'The chemistry sizzles off the page' Netgalley review'Hot as hell . . . explosive' Netgalley review'It's been two minutes since my last fix and I need Suzanne Wright to give me more' Edgy Reviews'No words to describe how much I ADORE this extraordinary and magical read!!!' Gi's Spot Reviews on Burn'Sarcastic banter, a sexy alpha demon and his smart-mouthed heroine, an intense, highly passionate romance . . . I devoured this book from start to finish!' The Escapist Book Blog on Burn'Unique, original and very entertaining' Ramblings from this ChickIf you love this book, make sure you check out the rest of THE DARK IN YOU series - find out how the sizzling story began . . .BURNBLAZEASHESEMBERSSHADOWS

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