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Onde Ånder i Calle Goya: En Fortelling om Gode Hensikter og Onde Gjerninger

by Owen Jones

Onde Ånder i Calle Goya En Fortelling om Gode Hensikter og Onde Gjerninger Når Frank, en traust, middelaldrene ungkar tar sin thailandske diplomat hustru til Costa Del Sol på bryllupsreisen hun alltid har drømt om, er de i himmelen – inntil demoner fra en hemmelig skandinavisk forening terroriserer den unge bruden til det punkt hun vil helst dø for å slippe unna. Onde Ånder i Calle Goya er en forvirrende fortelling om hvordan de lykkeligste omstendigheter kan ødelegges av onde gjerninger å ende i galskap. Basert på en sann historie.

Onde Zumbis Andam: [LIVRO 1] (Jornada de Kendra #1)

by Eileen Sheehan

A vida vem dura e rapidamente para Kendra e sua família em um mundo distópico que está lutando para se recuperar de uma guerra nuclear e agora está sob o domínio de um governo alienígena. Desconhecendo a iminente invasão alienígena, um grupo de cientistas - que incluía os pais de Kendra - recebeu a ordem de criar um vírus zumbi e soltá-lo na Rússia. A intenção era subjugar a Rússia e depois liberar a cura, mas o ataque alienígena os pegou de surpresa e os cientistas e sua cura desapareceram, deixando o vírus correndo solto. Tendo sido inoculada contra o vírus, a tia de Kendra é uma dessas cientistas que manteve sua identidade em segredo por medo de ser escravizada pelo governo alienígena. Quando uma aldeia que está ligada às pessoas que se mudaram para a sobrevivência sequestra Kendra na esperança de que eles possam colher memórias de seus pais discutindo a cura enquanto ela era uma mera criança com o uso de uma máquina experimental, sua tia deve decidir sobre vir adiante com sua identidade. Enquanto isso, Além de lidar com a crescente população de zumbis, o regime alienígena - que considera os humanos uma iguaria para sua mesa de jantar - se propõe a corrigir e purificar a raça humana daqueles que sofreram mutações de alguma forma pelas explosões nucleares. Rex é um desses humanos. Ele também é amante de Kendra. “Onde os Zumbis Andam” é o Livro Um da Jornada de Kendra em um mundo que oferece romance fumegante, perigo de morder as unhas e emoções, e um santuário paradisíaco dentro de seu núcleo. Tudo o que ela tem que fazer é ir até lá.

Onder Een Donkere Hemel

by Johan M. Dahlgren

Op rebellenplaneet Elysium wordt een man geëxecuteerd op live video gestreamd door religieuze extremisten. Niets erg origineels tot dusver voor Elysium. Alleen deze keer sterft de man niet. Wanneer veiligheidsexpert Asher Perez erop uit wordt gestuurd om hem te vinden, worden duistere geheimen over de rebellenkolonie onthuld. Er beweegt iets donker in de schaduw. Iets dat sinds het begin van de geschiedenis naar de mensheid kijkt.

Onder Vuur Liggen: Dit is boek 5 in de Bestselling Series, The Chronicles of Kerrigan, de Kronieken van Kerrigan.

by W. J. May

Het langverwachte vijfde boek in de Kronieken van Kerrigan. Nu het geheim bekend is, is Rae Kerrigan vastbesloten om haar moeder te vinden. Geen enkele overtuigingskracht van Devon, of de Kroonraad, zal haar doen geloven dat haar moeder niet in leven is. Door met Devon en Luke samen te werken tegen de wens van de Kroonraad in, zal Rae er alles aan doen om haar te vinden. Verscheurd tussen vriendschap en loyaliteit, moet Rae ook kiezen tussen Luke en Devon. Ze kan niet langer ontkennen, of zichzelf voor de gek houden. Het hart wil wat het hart wil. Als de Kroonraad haar motieven begint te betwijfelen en haar elke beweging onder de loep neemt, ligt ze al gauw onder vuur. Degenen die ze vertrouwt worden onbetrouwbaar. Degenen die ze vertrouwt kunnen geen geheim bewaren. Degenen die ze liefheeft, kunnen haar hart breken. Zal er een dag komen waarop ze zich eindelijk vrij kan voelen om zichzelf te zijn - ongeacht de gevolgen? ONDER VUUR LIGGEN is boek 5 in de Bestselling Series, The Chronicles of Kerrigan.


by Emma Raveling Elisa Pardini

"Non mi dovrei immischiare." Ribelle e testarda, la sedicenne Kendra Irisavie non ha molto rispetto per l'autorità. È un'ondina con il potente dono della Virtù, che usa il proprio atteggiamento e la magia dell'Empatia per farsi strada attraverso il college e per tenere lontani gli altri. Perché essere un'ondina vuol dire dover mantenere dei segreti. Kendra e sua madre sono elementali dell'acqua Solitarie, coinvolte loro malgrado in un'antica guerra. Si nascondono tra gli umani e la loro sopravvivenza è costantemente minacciata dai mostruosi demoni Aquidi. Oltre ad aver istituito un rigoroso regime di addestramento per plasmare Kendra in una guerriera letale, sua madre ha imposto quattro regole per tenerla al sicuro. Non fidarti di nessuno. Le relazioni diventano debolezze. I legami affettivi sono pericolosi. Sii responsabile solo di te stessa. Ma quando Kendra vede un compagno di classe nei guai, decide di intervenire, e il suo infrangere le regole comporterà un prezzo da pagare. A volte gli umani possono essere più pericolosi dei demoni. Ondina è un breve prequel della serie fantasy per ragazzi La Saga delle Ondine. La serie è adatta ai giovani adulti e a lettori più grandi.


by Richard Bach

Under the spell of quantum physics, Bach and his wife Leslie are catapulted into an alternate world, one in which they exist simultaneously in many different incarnations. First they encounter themselves as they were 16 years ago on the day they first met. In this version of their lives, they do not marry, and never achieve the happiness Bach assures us that their real union has produced. Bach once again displays an inventive imagination and inspirational zeal that will have readers examining their own lives.

The One: A Novel

by John Marrs

Now on Netflix!The USA Today bestsellerA Wall Street Journal Best Science Fiction Book of 2018&“Just try to put this gripping thriller down once you pick it up.&” —AARP&“A shock on every other page.&” —Wall Street JournalHow far would you go to find The One?A simple DNA test is all it takes. Just a quick mouth swab and soon you&’ll be matched with your perfect partner—the one you&’re genetically made for.That&’s the promise made by Match Your DNA. A decade ago, the company announced that they had found the gene that pairs each of us with our soul mate. Since then, millions of people around the world have been matched. But the discovery has its downsides: test results have led to the breakup of countless relationships and upended the traditional ideas of dating, romance and love.Now five very different people have received the notification that they&’ve been &“Matched.&” They&’re each about to meet their one true love. But &“happily ever after&” isn&’t guaranteed for everyone. Because even soul mates have secrets. And some are more shocking than others…A word-of-mouth hit in the United Kingdom, The One is a fascinating novel that shows how even the simplest discoveries can have complicated consequences.Don't miss other suspenseful reads from John Marrs (you'll never see the twists coming!): The Marriage Act The Vacation The Family Experiment (coming soon!)

One Against the Legion

by Jack Williamson

"I am omnipotent and omniscient. I want every man on every planet to shudder and grow pale when he thinks of Me. For I have suffered gross injuries that must be avenged..."This sinister message - and a loathsome serpent-like trademark - were the only clues the Legion of Space had to the identity of Mankind's most evasive and horrible enemy. But meanwhile, He or IT - had meticulously begun to destroy the world...The Legion of Space was well accustomed to facing mortal peril in the black depths of outer space in order to defend humanity against its unearthly foes. But even they were to find their courage and ingenuity tested to the utmost limits in their fight against the vile phantom that called itself God and shrouded the Universe in an incredible web of terror...

One Against the Moon

by Donald A. Wollheim

That morning began like all the preceding mornings of the past two years with the tinny jangling of the little alarm clock on Robin Carew's bureau. Opening his black eyes, he struggled into a sitting position on the narrow bed, reached out his hand and turned off the alarm. He yawned, swung his feet to the floor, rubbed his eyes. It was half past seven again of another workday morning.

The One and Only Crystal Druid (The Guild Codex: Unveiled #Book One)

by Annette Marie

I'm not your average girl. <p><p>My best friend is my switchblade. My favorite hobby is using it on the cruel, the abusive, and anyone who gets on my bad side. I'm a convicted murderer with a chip on my shoulder and a dangerous lack of restraint. <p><p>And then there's Zak. <p><p>His rap sheet makes mine look tame. The bounty on his head is worth more money than I'll ever make, and the deadly fae that shadow his every step wield more power than I'll ever know. <p><p>He's the Crystal Druid, and his first mistake was setting foot on my turf. His second was saving my life. <p><p>And his final mistake will be failing to realize that however dark, however ruthless, however broken he is… <p><p>I'm worse. <p><p>From the author of the best-selling Guild Codex books comes a new series that delves into the dark, dangerous world of druids and fae alongside two ravaged souls who may be exactly what the other needs…if they don't destroy each other first. <p><p>Unveiled can be read as a standalone series or in conjunction with other Guild Codex series. For the full reading order, visit Annette Marie's website.

The One and the Many

by Stephen Marlowe

Stephen Marlowe (born Milton Lesser) was an American author of science fiction, mystery novels, and fictional autobiographies of Christopher Columbus, Miguel de Cervantes, and Edgar Allan Poe. This is one of those stories.

One and Wonder: Piers Anthony's Remembered Stories

by Theodore Sturgeon James Gunn Jack Williamson Walter Miller Jr. Isaac Asimov William Tenn Rog Phillips Peter Phillips Gary Jennings

Piers Anthony presents a compendium of the Golden Age science fiction classics that inspired his astonishing career—timeless tales by Isaac Asimov, Jack Williamson, Walter M. Miller Jr., and other early SF masters When Piers Anthony was thirteen years old, he picked up a copy of Astounding Science Fiction magazine, and his life changed forever. These breathtaking stories of space exploration and remarkable technologies, of alien cultures and future dystopias blew his mind and set his imagination free. Now, after nearly two hundred novels and many New York Times bestsellers, one of the most creative minds in contemporary science fiction and fantasy returns to his roots, presenting the amazing tales that made him the writer he is today. In One and Wonder, Anthony invites readers to experience the same amazing tales that moved him in his youth, beginning with the first science fiction story he ever read: Jack Williamson&’s &“The Equalizer,&” in which the members of a space mission return to Earth after twenty years only to discover that the world they left is gone forever. Anthony continues on to Theodore Sturgeon&’s disturbing tale of an alien virus that literally turns people inside out, Isaac Asimov&’s fable of a dangerous automaton hiding among masses of seemingly identical but more-benign machines, and seven more prime examples of Golden Age speculative and fantasy fiction, as breathtakingly inventive and unforgettable today as when they first mesmerized a young Piers Anthony.

The One-Armed Queen: Sister Light, Sister Dark; White Jenna; And The One-armed Queen (The Great Alta Saga #3)

by Jane Yolen

Internal jealousy, obstinacy, and treachery threaten the royal house of a great queen and the future of her matriarchal land in the concluding volume of the acclaimed Great Alta high fantasy series Decades have passed since White Jenna fulfilled the ancient prophecy, becoming queen of the Dales after defeating the king of Garun and driving the cruel occupiers back to their homeland. Since then, a fragile peace has been maintained through an exchange of royal hostages. Jenna's eldest son, Jemson, travels across the ocean to live with the enemy while the queen, in the way of the Dales, prepares her adopted daughter, Scillia, to eventually rule. A frail, one-armed child discovered abandoned on the battlefield, Scillia is thirteen now. She is confused and conflicted, resentful of her mother's teachings and the pressures of ascendance. But even more troubling is her brother's resentment. Jemson was corrupted in his thinking by his time among the patriarchal Garunians and is now determined to rule. The dangerous storms brewing in the royal house of Queen Jenna and the dying King Carum could have devastating consequences for all the people of the Dales: A powerful enemy over the waters is watching for any sign of weakness and instability, eager to reignite the terrible fires of the Gender Wars. Multiple award-winning fantasist Jane Yolen brings her acclaimed saga to a breathtaking conclusion with The One-Armed Queen, ingeniously blending story, myth, poetry, and song to create a truly unforgettable culture and fantasy world.

One Awake in All the World

by Robert T. Jeschonek Ben Baldwin

The bigger the bug, the bigger the gun! Exterminators Pass Candle and Nona Stiletto keep space safe for humanity by mowing down hostile alien lifeforms. Cyborg implants and badass attitudes make these warriors unstoppable, but a distress call lands them in the battle of a lifetime on a postapocalyptic alien world. Stalked by hordes of unimaginably savage creatures, Pass and Nona fight a war for survival against impossible odds. Their only hope: an abandoned alien child who might be the last of her species left alive, and the only key to a terrible secret that might end the carnage...if she can stay awake long enough to figure it out. Don't miss this exciting tale by award-winning Star Trek and Doctor Who author Robert T. Jeschonek, acclaimed as a "Standout selection..." in a Publishers Weekly starred review.

One Beastly Beast

by Garth Nix Brian Biggs

One beastly beast that's more than meets the eye. Two aliens with slimy tentacles and too many eyes fixed on adopting a human son. Three inventors and a sea serpent, a princess, an orphanage, and two ships full of pirates. Four fantastic tales by renowned fantasy author Garth Nix.

One Bite Per Night

by Brooklyn Ann

Praise for Bite Me, Your Grace: "Charming and engaging...readers will sink their teeth into Ann's tale." -RT Book ReviewsHe wanted her off his hands...Vincent Tremayne, the reclusive "Devil Earl," has been manipulated into taking rambunctious Lydia Price as his ward. As Lord Vampire of Cornwall, Vincent has better things to do than bring out an unruly debutante.Now he'll do anything to hold on foreverAmerican-born Lydia Price doesn't care for the stuffy strictures of the ton, and is unimpressed with her foppish suitors. She dreams of studying with the talented but scandalous British portrait painter, Sir Thomas Lawrence. But just when it seems her dreams will come true, Lydia is plunged into Vincent's dark world and finds herself caught between the life she's known and a future she never could have imagined. "Breezy and entertaining." -Publishers Weekly "Unique...a delightful way to spend an afternoon." -Long and Short Reviews

One Blood Ruby

by Melissa Marr

In this gripping follow-up to Melissa Marr’s lush Seven Black Diamonds, Lily and her friends are forced to reckon with the truth of their own lineage and to protect one of their own, no matter what—or who—comes between them.Now that Lilywhite Abernathy is the heir to the Hidden Lands, everything is about to change.The Queen of Blood and Rage wants Lily to help broker peace with the human world, but Lily knows that harmony won’t come easily. After decades of waging war on the humans, who cost the queen her firstborn daughter, the fae are struggling to accept Lily, a half-human monarch. And the humans, while no match against faery affinities, will hardly agree to the queen’s détente without resistance.Lily wants to be a fair ruler but fears having to abandon the life she’s known. Now that she and Creed are more than just fellow Black Diamonds—operatives for the queen—her priorities have shifted. But her worries about assuming the throne are derailed when it becomes clear that someone—or some fae—is masterminding violent attacks to discourage peace. Who can end the war between humans and fae?

One Bucket List to Rule Them All: 250 Ideas for Tolkien Fans to Celebrate Their Favorite Books, TV Shows, Movies, and More

by Tom Grimm

Celebrate Middle-earth, LOTR, The Hobbit, The Rings of Power, and all things Tolkien with an adventure-heavy book filled with thrilling things to do and experiences every fantasy lover will rejoice in.The fantastic realms created by J. R. R. Tolkien keep readers enchanted all over the world. The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit are among the most famous and popular tales ever written. Now you can take your love for Middle-earth even further with a Tolkien-themed bucket list! This book offers a great selection of 250 ideas and projects every committed Tolkien follower should check off before headed to The Halls of Waiting, including: Explore real hobbit caves Learn to speak the Elvish tongue Try a slice of lembas bread And more exciting and fun ideas! One Bucket List to Rule Them All brings fantasy into the real world and is the perfect gift for any devoted fantasy and adventure fan.

One by One (Fiction Without Frontiers)

by D.W. Gillespie

The Easton family has just moved into their new fixer-upper, a beautiful old house that they bought at a steal, and Alice, the youngest of the family, is excited to explore the strange, new place. Her excitement turns to growing dread as she discovers a picture hidden under the old wallpaper, a child&’s drawing of a family just like hers. Soon after, members of the family begin to disappear, each victim marked on the child&’s drawing with a dark black X. It&’s up to her to unlock the grim mystery of the house before she becomes the next victim.FLAME TREE PRESS is the new fiction imprint of Flame Tree Publishing. Launched in 2018 the list brings together brilliant new authors and the more established; the award winners, and exciting, original voices.

One Constant (One Constant and Right on Time)

by Dawn Kimberly Johnson

Two weeks from his thirtieth birthday in the year 2020, Temporal Agent Charleston Meeks Jr. is assigned to work for his father on a special project. The government's Restore Point Program sends small teams back in time to save the life of one person, just once, but Charleston's father wants to explore what would happen if the RPP intervened in the life of one person repeatedly. Charleston is tasked with saving the same child, Barnaby Rosenthal, from a series of events from birth through his teens. When Charleston approaches his terminal step--the last temporal trip an agent can make before possibly suffering permanent damage--his father forbids any further contact, but Charleston has too much invested in Barnaby to give up.

One Cursed Rose (Grimm Bargains #1)

by Rebecca Zanetti

For fans of Scarlett St Clair and Sarah J Maas, New York Times bestselling author Rebecca Zanetti explores the forbidden and the taboo in this modern twist on Beauty and the Beast – the first in a seductive new dark romance series set in a world where information is power, and those who control the flow of information live like gods… &“Sexy and utterly engrossing!&” —bestselling author J.T. Geissinger They christened me Alana—and while the name means beauty, beneath that surface is a depth I allow very few to see. I&’m sole heir to Aquarius Social, a media giant about to succumb to an unseen enemy. My father&’s solution is to marry me off to the son of a competing family. My reaction? Not a chance. Now I have just a week before the wedding to change my fate. Who knew the unforeseen twist would be an assassination attempt on me and an unwanted rescue by Thorn Beathach, the head of the rival social media empire driving Aquarius under? The richest, most ruthless of them all, the Beast protects his realm with an iron rule: no one sees his face. When he shows himself to me, I know he&’ll never let me go. Thorn may think he can lock me in his enchanted castle forever, but I&’m not the docile Beauty he expects. If the Beast wants to tie me up, I&’m going to take pleasure from every minute of it . . .and we&’ll just see who ends up shackled.

One Dark Throne (Three Dark Crowns #2)

by Kendare Blake

<P>The battle for the crown has begun, but which of the three sisters will prevail? With the unforgettable events of the Quickening behind them and the Ascension Year underway, all bets are off. <P>Katharine, once the weak and feeble sister, is stronger than ever before. Arsinoe, after discovering the truth about her powers, must figure out how to make her secret talent work in her favor without anyone finding out. And Mirabella, once thought to be the strongest sister of all and the certain Queen Crowned, faces attacks like never before—ones that put those around her in danger she can’t seem to prevent. <P>In this enthralling sequel to Kendare Blake’s New York Times bestselling Three Dark Crowns, Fennbirn’s deadliest queens must face the one thing standing in their way of the crown: each other. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

One Dark Window (The Shepherd King)

by Rachel Gillig

'An evocative tale of romance, mystery and alluring monsters, told in beautifully lush prose' Lyndall Clipstone, author of LakesedgeELSPETH NEEDS A MONSTER. THE MONSTER MIGHT BE HER.An ancient, mercurial spirit is trapped inside Elspeth Spindle's head - she calls him the Nightmare. He protects her. He keeps her secrets. But nothing comes for free, especially magic.When Elspeth meets a mysterious highwayman on the forest road, she is thrust into a world of shadow and deception. Together, they embark on a dangerous quest to cure the town of Blunder from the dark magic infecting it. As the stakes heighten and their undeniable attraction intensifies, Elspeth is forced to face her darkest secret yet: the Nightmare is slowly, darkly, taking over her mind. And she might not be able to stop him.For fans of Uprooted and For the Wolf comes a gothic fantasy romance about a maiden who must unleash the monster within to save her kingdom.Praise for One Dark Window:'An enchanting tale with sharp claws and teeth - Gillig's prose will pull you in and won't let you sleep. Pulse-pounding, darkly whimsical and aglow with treacherous magic, One Dark Window is everything I love in fantasy and more' Allison Saft, author of A Far Wilder Magic'The steamy romance that emerges between Elspeth and Ravyn delights' Publishers Weekly'A beautifully dark fairy tale of blood, rage and bitter choice, that whisked me away to mist-wreathed woods ripe with romance and menace' Davinia Evans, author of Notorious Sorcerer

One Dark Window (The Shepherd King #1)

by Rachel Gillig

THE FANTASY BOOKTOK SENSATION! For fans of Uprooted and For the Wolf comes a dark, lushly gothic fantasy about a maiden who must unleash the monster within to save her kingdom—but the monster in her head isn't the only threat lurking. Elspeth needs a monster. The monster might be her. Elspeth Spindle needs more than luck to stay safe in the eerie, mist-locked kingdom she calls home—she needs a monster. She calls him the Nightmare, an ancient, mercurial spirit trapped in her head. He protects her. He keeps her secrets. But nothing comes for free, especially magic. When Elspeth meets a mysterious highwayman on the forest road, her life takes a drastic turn. Thrust into a world of shadow and deception, she joins a dangerous quest to cure the kingdom of the dark magic infecting it. Except the highwayman just so happens to be the King&’s own nephew, Captain of the Destriers…and guilty of high treason. He and Elspeth have until Solstice to gather twelve Providence Cards—the keys to the cure. But as the stakes heighten and their undeniable attraction intensifies, Elspeth is forced to face her darkest secret yet: the Nightmare is slowly, darkly, taking over her mind. And she might not be able to stop him.

One Dark Window: the gothic and spellbinding fantasy romance sensation (The Shepherd King)

by Rachel Gillig

'Thick fog, shifting alliances and clever magic make the perfect backdrop for a sweeping romance - One Dark Window is enthralling from beginning to shocking end' Hannah Whitten, bestselling author of For the WolfELSPETH NEEDS A MONSTER. THE MONSTER MIGHT BE HER.An ancient, mercurial spirit is trapped inside Elspeth Spindle's head - she calls him the Nightmare. He protects her. He keeps her secrets. But nothing comes for free, especially magic.When Elspeth meets a mysterious highwayman on the forest road, she is thrust into a world of shadow and deception. Together, they embark on a dangerous quest to cure the town of Blunder from the dark magic infecting it. As the stakes heighten and their undeniable attraction intensifies, Elspeth is forced to face her darkest secret yet: the Nightmare is slowly, darkly, taking over her mind. And she might not be able to stop him.For fans of Uprooted and For the Wolf comes a gothic fantasy romance about a maiden who must unleash the monster within to save her kingdom.Praise for One Dark Window:'An enchanting tale with sharp claws and teeth - Gillig's prose will pull you in and won't let you sleep. Pulse-pounding, darkly whimsical and aglow with treacherous magic, One Dark Window is everything I love in fantasy and more' Allison Saft, author of A Far Wilder Magic'An evocative tale of romance, mystery and alluring monsters, told in beautifully lush prose' Lyndall Clipstone, author of Lakesedge'The steamy romance that emerges between Elspeth and Ravyn delights' Publishers Weekly'A beautifully dark fairy tale of blood, rage and bitter choice, that whisked me away to mist-wreathed woods ripe with romance and menace' Davinia Evans, author of Notorious Sorcerer

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